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The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • 13

The Lincoln Stari
Lincoln, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE UNCOLIT DAILY STAR -FBIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1918. THIRTEEN South St Joseph LN Stock, (Special to Th Star.) BO. ST. JOSEPH, Nov, CATTLE Receipt. weak, 10f lower Steere.

cows end helfera. t.T6lt.OO; veal. t.00Ol-0. HOQS Becelpta, 5)00; steady to 10q lower; top (18.16; bulk Of ieles, 111600 Poll stid Her Pflls And 14 Felt Uk a MiIlion tioUars t0 Pa Copyright "IS. Newipeper reture lervle e.

By Cliff Sterrett 1 1 6HEEP Receipts, 1.000; Steady: lembS, yearlings. I11.00OH V. 111 AAAltAA.AWAA 11 10 1L. Sioux City Lhre Stock, BIOUX Cm. Not.

HOG 3 Receipts, 1,000 steady to lower; tlsht. UT.IOtJll.OOj mixed, l7.t6 17.60; heavy. IH.7Hll7.15l bulk Of MUM, tl rAV IT (A 1 1 r.ATVi.ic RloU. 100: tocker end feeder, lt.00OU.Mi feeding I I mpe 1 I 1 en "1 ueaHm Xj COW ana aeiiers, SHEEP Receipt. 1.000; steady.

New York MtaL NEW TORK, Not. urofl XTTTT PAPER Unchanged. STERLING Unchanged. Franc, de-mum S.47: cables, Guilders, de- 0 BIDDING Quotations The Day Ii the Bealm of Sport Edited By "Cy" Sherman UP YORK AMD LIU TO CLASH NOV.

8 nt.nd. 1: cables. 41tt. Urt) un changed, MEXICAN DOMJlRS-HUnchnL time LOANS Unchanged. CALL MONET Week high.

per cent: low. 4 per cent; ruling rate, per cent; cloetng bli, I per cent; ottered at iVi per oent; Ult loan, Itt Pr cent. Market AUSTRU'S FALL BRINGS SLUMP IN CORN PRICES SETBACK NOT OF RADICAL BOUT ALRIADY DISCOUNTED. Oatt React After Yield to Corn Influence The Hod Advance Line frovlilone. CHICAGO.

Nov. 1. CORN Lively eeUlnf due to tne ool-tapee-ol Auatria and to th aurrender of Turkey led to a tresh break In cora price today. The eetback, however, waa not of a radical tort, Inaarauch aa the majority of trader had expected auoh newa from abroad, and bad dlaoounted the altuatlon beforehand. Buying on the break wa of only a acattered nature, ana no alfma decided power to rally appeared.

Openlnf quoUtlona. which ranged from H11io lower with November J1.17HW I. 17H and December were followed by moderate further decilnea and then a allfht reoovery. Increaaed aelllnc later oaugfrt the market without aupport, and brought about a eharn decline. BrltUh crop eetlmatea were a factor.

The close waa unaettled, ltto net lower, with November II. 16H and December ll.llHfll-H-OATS Oata gave way with corn, but displayed batter capability to react. De- a hl.A fnm OS hntiwl. UlKUIt 11 1 ifc 7 After opening 14 off, with Decaeyber yesterday' a finish. PROVISIONS Advance! In tbe hog market lifted provision.

Bealdea. It waa announced that If neoeieary the railroad administration would assist In reatrlctlng excessive arrival of hogs, On account of grain weaknese, the advance waa not well sustained in tlj late -dealing. Chicane Ranna ef Prices. (Trom Anderson Johnson, liJ Ter minal MlMIUlIlg.P CHICAGO. Nov.

1. Ope fTigh" bOW Close iVstdy. Rye Nov. Deo. Corn Jan.

Nov. Dee. Oata Jan. Nov. Deo.

Pork Nov. Jan. Rlba Nov. Jan. Lard Nov.

Ian, 111 lit-' 113 120 HlVi 161 HI 11SH15 111 lit HIM HI 11 114S 117 1118 ill U2H II 17 61 118HH 11115. 116 IIH '68 '4 18 lll-Ift 117- HVi ei 1 S7H1 II 7 8H 8H6i lH I47S 3490 3450 40 8430. 3140 4000 2140 2606 3210 2236 3940 2117 40U0 2617 2490 3960 1140 1600 00 2800 2470 2200 1200 2461 9110 2110 2110 111S KANSAS CITT. Nov. 1.

(From Shannon Grain 808 Flrat Na-' tlonal Bank Bldg.) Open High Low Cloae JTstdy. SAUERS VS. ZER5EN Wrestling Promoter Anxious to Pit Lincoln Boy Against Gresham Phenom. Th challenge of Pete Saner, light heavyweight wrestling wh laser of lis coin, to Ben Zeraen, the Tork Bounty phenom, pobllahed Jn The Star daya ago, has been g1vn an e. It.

by Cnaxles H. Bead, represtnting tne. Tork County Commercial olub, who haa informed Jhe titer that he will present the Bauere proposition te the club and urge that organisation to get behind the project and promote the match. The Tork 'County Commercial eiub made a big success ef th Zereen- Kotionaros bout overs! weeks, ago, pulling an audience which packed the Tork opera house to the doom, Ser sen wa th victor, after a thrilling, gruelling contest which lasted over an hour, and the result pumped the Tork fane so full of cnthuslra that they now rate tern aa being unbeatable tn the llght-heavywelght brigade, Zer en comes from Bohemian atoox, in which regard he la lined alongside Joe Stecher and John Pesek, Nebras na heavyweights of nation-wide re nown. The Tork county pneuorn wrestles merely aa a side line, as he a a farmer who actually farms, mak ing his home near Qresham, In Bauere, the Tork county athlete will meet an adversary worthy of his mettle.

Although Bauer learned most of hla wrestling eklll in Llpooln gym naslums, he has been making his liv ing tor ths past year or more on a Ineaster county farm, In the employ of John Dwyer, near Cheney. Pete kept out of professional clrolsa until few months ago. When ne tourea the middle west with a circus, meet ing and defeating all comers In hli cla. Chrl Jordan, once world champion of tho middleweight, was Pete's training partner, and inns asserts that Sauera haa all the skill and musoular prowess of a top-aotohsr and hns predicted victory for tne Lin coln boy In a Zereen match. Tuesdays Star tnentlonetl tha poail- Mllt that "Bullv' Brlr.n, former football eaptsln at Lincoln high, might line up with this yr's Kansas Aggie foot-hall team.

Subsequent developments are io the effeot that Brian, who enterea the gasoline engine aohool at Kansas Agricultural college In ft: smber, haa been transferred to an officer training at War. Texa. THE THE MAN, HOUR To tr- "-ell-dressed man who knewi that I 0 appearance count RIGHT Silt -ml for right looks. SHOM which distinguish without attract ing tha wrong kind of attention, rail Shoe with smart and springy tsp of youth in all their lines are ready for the man who knows and shows that he knows. Dark, rich ma-h agony calf boot, snappy black styles and other features of the hour for the man of th hour.

Ihe frootery 1230 Street OF GRAIN Contenders for State Title Dated to Get Together on Nebraska Field. Trovldlng th Jnfluena quarantine raised by the end of ths coming week. Tork and Llnootn high school, contenders for tha atata tnterscho-lastlo football ehamplonehlp, will compete Friday afternoon Nor. on the tate university athUtlo field in Lin-eoln. Negotiation looking forward to th redntlng of th York-Lincoln game, which scheduled for Oct 26 end then called off on aocount of the "flu," have been In ptvgrea for several day.

Prlnetpel-Coach Jones of Tork finally arranged for th canoel. Intion of the Tork-Fa trb wry game at Falrbury, dated for Saturday, Nov. and Infonntd th Lincoln management Thursday evening that he cou'd bring tha Tork team to the capital clt? late next wesk. Ha expressed a preference for a Friday data, stating that at least 200 Tork excursionists oduld ao-company ths Tork team to Lincoln on thitt date, whereas the Tork party probably would etay at horn If the gam wera scheduled for ths follow ing day. Wishing to accommodate 'he Tork rooters, the Lincoln manage.

ment agreed to the arrangement for a Friday game. The suggestion published by a Lin coln morning newspaper that tha Lin coln management was considering a postponement of the LJneoln-Norfolk came to Monday of next week, has been knocked in the head by Sen Beck, coach of tha Lincoln squad, "We shall go to Norfolk Saturday morning or not at alt," said Coat Reck today. "It would be taking a big risk to postpone the Norfolk gams to Monday and then play Tork the following Friday. Lin ool Is In line for tha state championship and the Red and Black team must prime for tha Tork game and be at Its very rest between th Norfolk and Tork so we shall need at least a week's rt bstween th Norfolk and Tork games. There Is nothing to th Hug-geation that we shall consider a postponement of the Norfolk game We shall leave for Norfolk Saturday memlng and play the game that day or not play at all" As exclusively announced in the Wednesday Star, Lincoln and Cambridge will play at Cambridge on Thanksgiving day in accordance with the original schedule.

Official announcement has reached the Llnooln management, the word coming from Bupt C. Llttel of the Cambridge school, that Cambridge will increase the guarantee to 1400. Jams A. Oilmore. former Federa league magnate, has entered the motor transportation corps of the United State! army and expects to leave for Franca within a month, OHmor despite hi 41 years, Is quit husky and, aa he says himself, I quit able to "lick halt a doxen uermsns before tbreakfat." Two heights in a smart rollfrontstylej COLLARS have xclu.fvcr-a CI0.9.I9C fcCCMakart.TIOY.

M.Y. FEEDERS BEEF STEADY FOR THE DAY AND HIGHER FOR WEEK TOf Of I1M0 IB MADE ON THB BEST WESTERNS. Hog it rnm H7.00 SIT.tO, With atr ana pawn i 4, these Continue Btrans (Special toh Star.) SOUTH OMAHA. Nor. 1 CATTLE Receipt, 1,000.

Prioea were lUady and were 764 te IL00 higher both native, and western for tha week. A too of 1HW was mada on western. CJnm, demand tor butchere' atock was limited but tully atsady. Medium ana light feedert were euu eno wr. Quotatlone on ttle: Beef ateera, 110.10 aTVak.

v.u nwA fat heifers, 6.50fll.00; veal eaive. M.b0l00) bull. $7.3609.00) leeaing BI.OO helfera.; wiWea H.50 S.00) feeder. 7.009.CO.

'Wyoming salt AT 116 K0l HOOS-Recelpta, 1,000. It wag an active market, with a wide range from $17.0017.0. with a top of 118.00. Poorer grade were aa low aa $18.21. mar- Re'Dresentatfve1 Ml" Of hog on th market today were a follows: To.

Av. Dk. Price No. Av. Dk.

Price 77 61 60 67 79 67 225 $17.00 341 120 17.11 141 11710 281 1X0 17.10 283 150 241 343 130 803 170 229 40 181 1715 17.11 ir.46 17.61 17.11 17.10 18t 170 17.10 17.40 17.10 17.10 17.76 17.86 18.00 140 10 til 174 10 78 87 80 251 10 284 17.10 II 231 Bturirp naoalnts BOO. The mnvkot stronger, with fat lambs up to Kot lambs are 40050c higher for the week, and feder 1535o higher, quotable toduy at $14.0014.75. Quotatlone on sheep arid lamna: irat Umb. fed. cull.

110.00; na- uvea, iiti.vv; lat ewes, native, fat wethers, fed, fat yearling, Nebraska, ll.2i; fat goat, ted. $6.00. Chicago Live Stock. CO. 8.

Bureau of Markets.) CHICAGO. 111., Nov. 1. HOaa Receipt, 1,300: market fairly active, steadv to 15o higher thnn yesterday butchers, light, $17.50 18' 16; packing. throwouts, $16 004l6.75; pigs, good tO OhOlCO, CATTLE Receipts, nothing in choice ateers hare; all other claesea ol beef and butcher atocks, dull, and barring a few ateady early aales, unevenly lower; calves, steadv: beef cattle, good, choice nil nrlme 115.65018.75: common and me dium butcher stock, cowl and helfera.

cannera and out-tara. 15.7501.75: docker and feedr, good, eholo and fancy, Inferior, oommon and nudlum. 17.60010.25; veal calve, good and choice. $iloo 16.50; western range beef ateera, 17.50; cow and helfera, $8.7612.75. HF.KP-i-ReeaInts.

15.000: fat lamr opened steady; now weak to 25c lower; sheep steady; feeder trade quiet. Kanss City Live Stock. KANSAS CITY, Nov. 1. DAjiAlals 43 AlVt.

lninr A VT butcher. lights. pigs. $16.00 17 00. CATTLE Receipts.

lower; steers, western, $10.00 15.35; cows, 12.50; tockr. $8 00016.00: calves. 37.00fil3.. 8HFEP-RecelDts. 1.000: etesdv: Iambs.

yearllnga. wethers, ewes, $8.50010.00. TODAY IN RING ANNALS. 1307 Johnny Coulon defeated Young Fliirnr in ten rounds at Milwaukee. 1912 Kid Williams defeated Johnny Hughes in alx rounds at Philadelphia.

Packer MeParland'a Birthday. Mr. Patrick MeFarland, formerly known and admired as the well- known Chicago brewer and captain 01 industry, will be the recipient of oongrat ulatiens today on the occasion of his thirtieth birthday. Packey ts a nativo of Chicago, and was reared in the sec- lion Of the Windy City afterword made famous by Upton Sinclair. He left school at 11 and found hi first employment in a boiler shop owned by an uncle.

'He was atterwara empiota in a pacaing nouas, andXt wa at thia time that he waa winning his first laurel with the gloves. It just naturally followed that hla admirers wished th name of "Packey" on hiru. He took many bealings from hla old dad because of his puglilatlo proclivities, out hs waa game and stuck It out. Besides, these lickings were good training. His first public battle Was for $3, but hi) manager turned over to him only $1.10.

Packey waa "sore" buti undismayed. knew that bigger thinwere coming hl wy. At hi last puoiio appearance in th role of ring MeFarland gut away with 117, SCO a hi ahare of th swag, with an added $1,200 for the mov ing pictures. And he married an helres besides, so yon see Fackey Isn't worrying much these day wnotfter achoei Keeps or not. Osrts-Dsggett Battle.

On this date', way back In 1716. BUI Darts defeated "Bargeman" Doggett In a battle for tne cnampionship of Kngiand and a hundred guinea a aide. The Brit ish ring wee at Ita lowest ebb in those day, and Darts and hla Immediate pre- deceesore and aucceaaora aa champions are almost forgotten. Darts won the title early In I16I by whipping Tom Juchau, the nrst uerman to lay claim to a Dugll istlo championship. The battle between Darts, "the Dyer' nd Juchau was about th lxnoblest th ring has ever witnessed.

The German ignored all rules and re-pestedly struck foul blow. The enraged Dart retaliated tn kind and won Ut batile by a blow beneath the belt. Darts reigned as champion until 1769, when he waa whipped by Lyon. the waterman. The latter soon lost the "honors'" to Peter Corcoran, an Irishman, who In turn gav way to Herry Sellers and Dugg-y Feerns.

Then ceme Tom Johnson, during whose reign the glory 01 pugilism was revived. Samuel Shostak Pay Cash for Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Potatoes Phone B-20St 217 6t. MARKET GAINS ON WALL STREET AT THE OPENING WAR NEWS STIMULATES RENEWAL OP BROAD DEMAND. Mexican Petroleum Galna 7 Point 4hlp-plnge Up Along With Coppers, Meters and Investment Rail. NEW TORK, Not.

Excepting the war group and klndrtd tasuea, many substantial galna wera registered In today'a atock market, although these suffered general impairment in ttie Anal hour, Sales approximated 100,090 aba res, Buoyaacy charaoterlaed the active opening of today'a atock market, war newa atlmu'atlng a renewal of the recent broad demand. Mexioan Petroleum lod with an Initial gain of 7 point, ahlpplnga and some of the prominent specialties ad. vancing 3 to 3 polnta. Coppera, motore, fertilise and distilling tasuea, togetbor with some of the munition gained 1 to I polnta but United Statee made very slight improvement. Investment rails, -peclally the Pactflca.

Pennsylvania. nd coalers, advanced 1 to 1 point. The early advanoe halted temporarily on further selling of United: States Bteel which reached 1 polnta and weakness of Bethlehem Steel which broke I points. Other war eherea were atrong. especially Baldwin Locomotive and Crucible BteeL Rail, shippings, motors and metala eased slightly, but oil mad almost steady progree, Mexican Petroleum continuing the feature at an extreme advance of 10 points, with 5 for Royal Dutch and 4 for 3Va Cnmnnnv Tobacco, fertiliser and gaa aharea also responded to ateady buying.

Angle-French 6'a ro a fraction to thA vnr'i hlehest price. The market developed very Irregular tendenciea In the afternoon wnen seme war atock showed lossea of 1 to I polnta while aecondary ralla rose 1 to 1 polnta. Utilities also hardened, etpaolally traction and Aimresa aharea. Despite the drop in can money 10 1 per cent, stock broke sharply reacting tn active isauea extending from to 10 points. Tne Closing was irregular.

Final price on Liberty bonda today were: 8'a, 1st convertible 4. 97.40; aecond 4'a, 17.20; 1st convertlvle 4's, 97.41; 2nd convertible 4's, 97.21; 3rd convertible 4'a. 97.84. New York "Last Sale" Stock List. 'American Beet Sugar 6t American Can American Car Foundry 6 American Locomotive 64 American Linseed 40 American Smelting Refining 87 American Sugar 110 American Tel.

ft Tel ltt Anaconda Copper 70 Atchison Atlantic, Gulf ft West Indie 1074 Baldwin iocomouvo Baltimore ft Ohio II Bethlehem Bteel 14 Canadian Pacific 167 Central Leather 63 Cheiapeake Ohio 68 Chicago, MllwauKse Bt. raui du Chicago, R. I. A iJ7 China Copper 41 Colorado Fuel ft Iron 40 Corn Product 48 Crucible Steel 64 Cuba Cane Sugar II Erie 17 General Electrla 166 General Motore 117 Great Northern pfd 14 Great Northern Ore Ctra Illinois Central, bid Inspiration Copper Inter. Merc.

Marine Inter. Mrc. Marine pfd International Paper Kennecott Copper Louisville ft Nashville, Maxwell Motors Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper, Kx-Div. Mldvale Steel Missouri Paciflo New York Central Norfolk A Western Northern Paciflo Ohio Cltls Oa Pennsylvania Ex-Dlv. Ray Consolidated Copper Pittsburgh Coal Readln Rep.

Iron aV Steel Sinclair Oil A Refining Southern Pacific Southern Railway Studebaker Corporation Terlessee Copper Texae Co. Tobacco Products Union 'Paolflc United Cigar Store U. S. Inifustrial Alcohol 100 14 19 130 14 89 113 34 160 27 43 26 78 108 93 45 47 24 49 IB 79 7j 35 102 11 64 II 187 764 123 101 100 7 101 89 39 44 23 16 24 20 72 15 38 VnUed States Rubber United BUtes Steel Utah Copper Wabash pfd. Westlnghouse ectrlc Willys-Overland American Zinc, Lead and Sm Butte and Superior California Petroleum Montana Power, bid Shattuck Arlaona.

bid New Haven New York Produc. NEW YORK, NOV. 1. BUTTER Steady: unchanged. EGGS Firm; unchanged.

CHEESE Irregular; state whole milk flats, fresh specials, 32c; averag run, 81c POULTRY Alive, atrong; chicken, 28c; fowls, old roosters, 22c; turkeys, 3213c; dressed, unchanged. Chicago Produce. CHICAGO, UL. Nov. 1.

BUTTER Firm; creamery, 62 58c EGGS Unsettled; receipts, 1,901 cases; firsts, I566c; ordinary first, 62053c; at mark, cases Included. 5064c POTATOES Lower; recelpta, 10 care; Minnesota and Dakota bulk, IL60O1.70; sacks, Wisconsin bulk, 1.76; sacks. POULTRY Alive unsettled; fowla, 12 springs, 23c Ksnsss City Produce. KANSAS CITY, Mo Nov. 1.

BUTTER Creamery, I3c; nrete. 1C; eecondu, 49e; parking. 13c EGGS Firsts, Bto; seconds, 440. POULTRY Hena, 13c; rooster, lie; broilers. 18c LOCAL PRODUCE.

4 Th following price were paid producer by Samuel L. Shostak, 317 Bo. 9th, wholesnl pool try. butter and eggs: EOG3 Do. 46c.

BUTTER Table, 60c POULTRY Sprlnas. lb, hen, heavy, tSc; Itaht, lie; ducks, young fat. lo; geene, fat. lc; cox, 15C. turkej.

lb, ibc; pigeon, dot, $1.00. Nov. 136 128 131 121 127 Deo. 122 123 111 111 Jan. 127 137 122 122 Oata Nov.

16 17 16 86 Deo. 6 17 66 68 II Jan. 67 Itles banned most of October games 1 and th Influent eplderele baa eut Into the aohedulea for the flrat week In November, U-ni'H Hamilton ef the ath- 1 letie department at th University of Kansas in favor of not-sason foot ball and announce that the Jayhawktr may continue their aoa tot a week or more after Thanksgiving. The Jayhawker and the Kansas Aggies, who had arranged to collide Saturday at Lewrno, nrobably will poet-pone their contest until Monday of next week. The influent ban in XUssa wlU not lifted until Saturday night and th K.

U. management doe not ear to run counter to the deer of the State health authorities. Jack Dmpay, heavyweight puglllet sensation from Salt Lake City, won hi law ult with John Relsler. the Nw York barber. Relsler claimed that he signed Dempsey to a five-year eon-tract, the document giving the Nw Yorker the exclusive right to manage DempeVa affair.

A Judge at Milwaukee ha d. reed that Dempsey I not bound by th contract, a It slgntd bfor the Salt Lake husky had reaohtd majority, Th decision calls on Relsler to pay court cost to Dempsey amounting to $1,000. Jess Wlllard is th champion Ids-stopper of the flstto realm. Requested by the United War Work Campaign committee In New Tork to agree to a ring session with Dempeay, Fulton or some other heavyweight opponent at Madison Square Garden th receipt to go to th Unltd Wr Work fund, Wlllard ha wired that he cannot to en In New York. The Itan eowoey renr' sent that I pledged to angag thr op fnue eharltv honta down In Texa.

1 which means that he 11 pick his opponents, being snr9 to duck everybody but an easy mark. Danny Naedham. a famous welter weight boxer in the early 80s' who waa thought dead for eeverel yean, I In St. Paul. Minn.

Old friend are oaring (or the once great pugilist, who Is without funds and whose mentality seems doubtful. One of Needham'a greatest battle was fought In Minneapolis on February II, 1893. Tommy Ryan waa hla opponent. The contest went seventy-six round before Ryan won a knockout Ndhm never knew what it wal to take money for an easy fight went 100 rounds with Patsy Kerrigan at San Francisco, and hi snare of the purse waa what now la eonaidered a pittance. The martial note was predominant ID the recent Seine ewlra, the sport event of the year In Paris.

The hero of the race down the Seine through Paris, a tance of about 7 1-1 miles, was not but the man who finished last -hat waa Charles Nungoenor, the great Frenoh aviator, who eatered the race despite the faot that he waa atill aufterins tram wounds received in corneal, mis left leg. In fact, became uaeleaa early In the race, but he stuck It out and finished In three boura and forty-three mlnutea. receiving a more enthuslaatlo welcome from the thousand who lined the rivet bank than the winner. Frenchmen ere not usually regarded aa very keen for athletic, but thi race, or. ganlied every year, attracted thirty-one entries, or whom twenty-eight started.

Twenty-two finished, these being thirteen men end nine women. Among the men waa the veteran Oeorgea Paulua, aged 68, who waa the winner of this event In 1906. He came In elxth during the recent race. The winner this year waa Oeorgea Michel, a gunner In the heavy artillery, who time was three hours and three minute. Th Brit woman to arrive, Buiann Wurta, cam in sixteen minute later.

OF Former National League Player Gave Up His Life Fighting for His Country. NEW TORK. Nov. 1. The name of Eddie Grant will go down In base- ball annals as ths first major league i ball player to give his life for his country.

Grant was killed in action In the Argonne forest sector, northwest o' Verdun, by an exploding shell. Hs wr leading a unit which attacked th' Germans In the fight that resulted tho rescue of ths "lost battalion," which held out tor five days after being surrounded. Gran, did not wait to be drafter" when Uncle Samuel tossed his be into the big ring. He enlisted short ly after the United States entered th war and wen a captaincy within a year. He served as a private and also i as a dlspaloh bearsr previous to winning his first commission.

Grant started In baseball aa a player on the Harvard university team. Breaking; Into professional ranks- he saw eight years of b'g league service In the National league, his career ending In 1915. when he retired from the New Tork Giants to go Into business. Fall Hats $3 up Omaha Hat Factory 1-2-3-4 Oh I St, The Better Quality of lien's Wear FARQUHAR 1325 St. BASEBALL Elf 1 Is El mmimi "Flu" Ban Forces Nebraska to Postpone the Notre Dame Game to Turkey Day.

NOTRE DAME VS. HUBKfcRS IN THANKSGIVING GAME. Nebraska and Notre Dams will compete in football in a Thanks-giving day (jam in Lincoln on Nebraska field. Announcement te this effeot was mad Friday noon by Prof. R.

D. Soott aetino director ef ethlttio at 4h Corn-huiker Inrittution. When th gsm dated for Saturday, Nev. 2, waa called off by the Nebraska msnsgsmsnt, on the ad. vioe'of th ttity commission of Lincoln, Prof.

Scott wired ts Head Coaeh K. K. Reekns offering Netr Dam ths turkey day date in Lincoln. Rockne ha replied in wire which accept the Nebraska proposal. The Nebraska-Notre Dam footfall pame, originally scheduled for OotobeV 17 and then re-dated lor eaturaay, Nov.

3, has for a second time been postponed. The state quarantine is to Saturday, but the city cpmmlselon of Lincoln, in a apeclal session Thurs day afternoon, decided to keep tne lid clamped down on ail puDiio surrer-Ing in the capital city. Outdoor gatherings had not been nrnhihitAri in thA original city Quar antine order, but Mayor Miller stated Thursday night that, if complaint were mn fYnm ftnv lOlirCO. It Would le neoesaary to prohibit the football gam between the comnusKers anu Notre Dame. 8tat university authorities also advised against an attempt to play the Saturday rame, following wnicn r.

R. D. Scott, acting director of athletics at the unlveraity, wirea AnurmiF night to Head Coach Rockna of t' Dam Informing the latter thai fie nnrt had been Called Off. PfOf. Scott's offer of the Thanksgiving day date was accepted by Notre Damo, which Insures Cornhusker ronowera that Lincoln will have a big game on the holiday.

Huekers Clash With nntnoaii. Th Huekers and Pat Norrl' W- leyan university Methodists collided Thursday afternoon at the street field In, a brief scrimmage contest, th tate university warriors being hard presssd to trim the Norris aggregation, two touchdowns to none. The Wesleyan players, outweighed not less than twenty pounds' to the man. werk full of the scrapping spirit and gav the Huekere a genuine argumenL In truth, the Kllne-Schlss'er eleven waa put to a severe test In compiling Its twelve points in a tussle which lasted thirty minute. The first half was georeleaa, the Haskers twice rushing tha ball to Wesleyan's ten-yard line, where they were hold for down.

One touchdown was tossed away on punk generalship, the HuBker resorting to forward pass oa a third down when they hart but four yard to go. Wesleyan cotld not lug th ba'l In opposition to tho burly Husksr forwards, but ths Methodist linemen pe-slsted In sifting through and breaking up a string of Comhuaker plays. Using Hubka, Schellenberf, Ho-warth, Breatel and Swanaon ai the main battering rams, the Huskers ploughed down the field during the second half and peeled off two touchdowns, th finishing play In each score being a brllMantly executed forward raas from Howsrth to Bchel-Icnberg, who trapped the oval while rprlnting at top speed and planted It behind the Wesleyan goal. The Huskers, lacking time, did not at tempt a goal kick. Lineup and Summary.

Nebraska Pos. Wesleyan Neumann le Hedge Krlemelmeyr Warren (c) W. Munn lg Verth M. MoCand'eaa Dana .1 rg Flack Lyman n.rt Swift Swanaon re W. Harper Hewarth qb Trombla Schellenberg Harper rtrestel rh Hubka (c) fb.

Relkman Substitutes: Nebraska Hartlev for Neumann; Armour for Dana. Wesleyan Alabaster for Van Verth? Hare for D. Harper. Touchdowns Schellenberf, i. Time of halves Fifteen minutes.

Sporling.Sqnibs The Cotner Bulldog and Wsnleyan Methodist will mix In a gridiron duel Saturday sifUrnoo on the Cotner field. Baaing the dope on comparative abow-Ings against. the Nebraska Comhuakera In practice workouta atage" tnie weex, Wesleyan apparently haa the edge. Cotner was trounced 19 to by the Huaker, while Wealeyan held the state university burllea to a count of 11 to 0. Missouri Valley Tn" eon-ferenr football tesrrf 'v con sidering th stslngy CASH GRAIN MARKETS.

(From Anderson A Johnson, 721 Terminal Building.) Chicago Csih drain. CHICAGO. 111.. Nov. 1.

WHEAT No. 1 red, No. 1 north-ern spring, I3.S6S3.27; No. I northern aprlng. $2.18.

CORN No. 8 mixed. 11.14: No. 1 yellow, 11.41; Na 3 yellow, 11.33 1.35; No. 4 yel-lew, 1.2S; No.

6 yellow, 11.20; No. 8 yellow, No. I white, 31.41; No. 4 white. 11.12; No.

5 white, 11.201.22. OATS No, 3 white, 170180; No 4 white. I7c; etaifllard, 69c St. Louis Cash Grain. ST.

LOUIS, Nov. 1. red, 2.212.22; No. 1 red. 18.19.

CORN Sample, No. 1 yellow, 11.4601.46; No. yel ow, No. 4 yellow, No. 6 yellow, No.

yellow, sample yellow, No. 4 white, No. 8 white. II 131.17. OATS No.

3 white, No. 4 white Sc; etandard, 69c. RYE None. Kansas City Cash Grain. KANSAS CITY, Nov.

1. report. No Omaha Cash Grain. OMAHA, Nov. 1.

WHEAT No. 2 hard, No. I hard, No. 6 hard, No. 1 northern spring, No.

northern iprlng. No. 1 mixed, No. I mixed. CORN No.

4 White, No. 6 white, No. 6 white, No. I yellow, No 4 yellow', 11.34; No. 6 yellow, 31.12; No.

yellow. 11.1191. 23; sample grade yellow. No, 4 mixed, No. I mixed.

earn-. pie grade mixed, OATS No. 2 86ic; No, I wh.te. Sc: No.

mixed. 6c; sample trade whiee, 66c RTE No. 1. tl.43; No. 3, $1.47.

Chicago. Cash Quotations. v. CHICAGO, LI, Nov. X.

RTB No. BIARLEY TIMOTHY $7.00010.00, CLOVER Nominal. 1 PORK Nominal. LARD $28.60. RIBS $23.

00Q 34.00, Minneapolis Ouettttena. PARLEY 86fl 94c. RYE $1.51.57. i BRAN $27.94. CORN $1.4201.46.

OATH 2e3c FLAX New Yerfc Metsl. NEW YORK. Nov. I.EAT Tnehanired; spot. $8.06.

Bt- Lo' "Pot 8,688. 1 a. New Yertt gugip. NEW YORK, Nov. STJUAR rnchanged.

I Dwlvith Linneed Close. It is our opinion all Feeders should arrange for their feeding requirements of grain and hay at as early a date as possible, through your local dealers. Cora and hay are especially scarce this year and those needing same will no doubt save money by arranging for it now. IE The Updilce Grain Company Omaha, Neb..

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