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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • 1

Springfield, Missouri
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i TV AV .1 VJ- fit ma field rjj tiiriAr si tmw trnct IN Ihe NEWS CITY FINAL Attociatud Pfu United Pros. In fernational NJwi Service AP. Wirephoto VOL; 67 NO. 204 SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI, MONDAY NOVEMBER 4, 1957 TEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS I 1 It II si I 11 Doq AyOdirc Lis ETT3 a I Re a akes Kide Uuie'ov, lixl 'Moon Whips Along Vestern Bases Expsris Doulit Oudgais Can Be Kelt! fo Limi's 1939 Goal Estimated At $2 Billion Low; '57 Figure Climbing By STKRL1NQ, F. CRKEN "tN rrax Man Wrilaf WASHINGTON, Nov.

3 The government will over-shoot its 70-biU budget target for fiscal 1959 by at two billion dollars for spending, and possibly more, informed government and congressional experts predicted today. They Judge that the new budget, now being prepared for President Eisenhower to send Congress in January, will match or exceed I $4 fowdi i 1 How Outdated, rV- 1 'Khrush' Says 4 1 WOO Miles in Space Staccato Beeps Picked Up; Russians Hint That Animal To Be Parachuted to Earth By ROY ESSOYAN uclif4 Pntu null Wrttr MOSCOW, Monday, Nov. 4 Sputnik II, the Soviet Union's new half-ton earth satellite, and its little dog passenger circled the globe for the 12th t'me early, to i 4.S.$.. f. 7 Soviet Party Chief Doesn't See Danger Of War Imminent Br Ike AiMeUtHi Frng LONDON, 3 Mos cow radio broadcast a warning by Ntyita Khrushchev today that Western military bases ringing the Soviet day and whirled on in an orbit reaching more than 1,000 miles out in space.

Reports radioed back indicated the female- dog named Curly the world's first space traveler was i taking the trip quietly and normally. "Preliminary data shows that the, see the satellite "for periods rang- Union had been outdated by Russia's intercontinental missiles. But he said he did not think there -was imminent danger of war. AukIiW Prcw WlrrpkoM Tais is Malyshka. meaning Tiny in English, one of the dogs the Rus animal behaved calmly during theling from 7 to 12 minutes." Sputnik to 6 sians say has made repealed nights in rocteis is nrignis iw hours of flight, the Ainscow hns been viewed from Mil, The broadcast said the Soviet mifrs and has descended safely by parachute.

Russia announced radio said, "and its general con- minutes. this year's 'ace-time record spending which itself may go hitter. yA "i And If tax eoHeeiMHiS suffer from the predicted business lag as Secretary of Commerce Weeks admits they may prospective buduct surpluses will shrink and tax cuts may be deferred again. Some White House officials are knows to be unhappy that Budget pirector Percival F. Brundage announced the 70-billion-d 1 1 a economy target in September.

They consider it Is bound to embarrass Eisenhower when the figure winds up higher. Brundage himself said -he didn't "exactly to meet the goal, and the pentagon already has done some back-pedaling. Last week it announced a rise of 400 million dollars from the 19 billion "Mling" on military outlays for 1056 dition was satisfactory. rne auheuce ot aesenpuve ae- pany ooss the tauBchlnf pf a tpM passengered by a the warning in a recent exchange A top Soviet scientist hinted the ai's on new satellite raised withJetcr Dempsoo of the 'am' I chief dog eventually would be para-: nere uiai may chuted back to earth alive. (different In shape than the smaller Toronto Telegram.

Dempson, of the Telegram's Ottawa Bureau, 'Kudryavka' Faces Long, Lonesome Journey: Th rnninp nonce oioneer Is 'PutniK I. made the contact through the So Soviet scientists have announced viet Embassy In Ottawa. "Khrushchev noted tliut military bases on the territories of other Lafka, a Russian breed resem- (Additional Stories eencernlog the new Russian satellite may be found oa page 6 r- This is an artist's conception af Sputnik with its new companion in globe-circling spare. Sputnik II, -which whirls in a higher orbit. Sputnik I makes it around the' earth once in 96.2 minutes while Sputnik II takes 101.7 minutes.

Drawing by AP Staff-Artist John A. 1 Carlton. only the weight of the new satel-jlite and it is believed that rather ilian being a sphere, the new earth imoon may be rocket-shaped. Scientist Thinks Red Pupnik To Stay Aloft Several Months countries no longer had the signi i Tass agency and Moscow radio 1 an unending stream of bllng the sou or pomeraman. The breed, with Dointed noses and WASHINGTON.

Nov. cease orbiling a month or so i i i vei irum aoroau. jnese quoiea I thick fluffy hair, is related to n. Kudryavka, Russia's space-travel- after that. ling dog, has embarked on a long This would Indicate that Kud Attempt May Be Coming Reds Believe Moon this half-year.

Eisenhower followed up by telling a news conference there was nothing "sacronsanct" about thej 38-billlon-dollar figure previously i berian huskies but smaller ey '0f the globe. Sputnik II was taking 103.7 mm-, ficance that some overboastful generals and other aggresive-minded politicians had ascribed to them," the broadcast said. "The intercontinental rocket lias solved the problem of delivering hydrogen bomb warheads to any point of the globe. As for the military bases in Europe, Africa, and Asia, rockets have long since been available which could reach any point of these continents. and lonesome ride, one American ryavka is doomed to stay aloft for scientist said today.

at least four or five months since lutes for each circuit of the globe. Jt this satellite expected to remain I Data disclosed by the Russians! raoie inierrnpiea us up Just as long as the first xne. indicated it was blasted into space I rwilarly scheduled broadcasts. with frequent news bulletins about Landing Will Be Next The dog inside has been trained by a powerful new ballistic mis- sile at about 7:38 a.m. yesterday mrougnom me aay.

(11:38 p.m., Saturday EST). broadcast said the new. a- See SCIENTIST. Page 3 Unless the Russians have packed their second earth satellite with much more equipment than S. experts believe possible.

Kudryavka will have to stay with the satellite for a minimum of two or three or more months before it can be parachuted to earth. Dr. Joseph W. Siry, head of the iciiuvr was uuiih tu stay U(f lu lliv By ALTON L. BLAKESLEE One clue is that they talk about NEW YORK.

Nov. 3 tfft Next on lit at all. First announcements said the outer atmosphere longer than Sput satellite was in an orbit 923 miles nik I. Sputnik I Is still sailing "It is not secret, of course, that these rockets are now provided with atomic and hydrogen war set as a limit on military outlays for the whole of fiscal "58, which ends next June 30. For the full year, Eisenhower said, the Increase in defense outlays may come to something more than the 400 million.

He mentioned rising prices and a "necessary" military pay Increase. The President did not refer to the possible future spending Implications in the missiles field suggested by the challenge of Russia's earth-circling Sputnik. Russia's, space timetable, could! Sputnik the first was a stunning be a rocket landing on the moon, surprise. But the Russians can say A Russian scientist says they they gave plenty of advance no- rom me ranu. un and as of wa, later announcement by the Mos-i.

Dog Lovers Set Up Howl tlce. theory and analysis branch of But he added: "Conditions now I Vanmiard. America's bopa to do it. Typically, no date cow radio said the maximum dis- considerable in- Unce amotinied to 1.0d6 miles. 0f the weight of the scieu-.

Listening posts around the imon, through this last Repeatedly was given. But the time could be closer than the rest of the world prevail in the world which do noteartn satellite said that i vol ill unci ic yjuitiBiii. aaiu uiai summer, Moscow radio gave brief an earlv war tt mav b. thinks, kahtt miwih tuilljim uircui lull I OL'Kun llCMI inK me MaitOUl SSTS launched "sJon TbLrt th8t slm alning the dog is dropped loose NEW YORK Nov. W-The.

the new 8alcllite- 8PUTMK. Pag, Would ue iauncnea Soon. lnsil -n. anA that tlu. mmnl tln imcr rin inr Prcvcnlinni Wbutd be-lBuncned soon.

Mflri and thai the current situa-U itu American Society -for amblguou-it could have meant fhp OutHt, to Ar.hnals today crtu-iMm. wnrlri But this problem almost, car- rQ fQU 20 tO.UD? tainly was on the agenda of the next day or. the next yar.ivailed Worid War cized me sending ot a oog Sovet had made the dog's compartment will nvere- T-t alt "Wo Ira tn! I ly set out on an earth-circling "But of course no one can say (orbit of its own, nji.v,ut kvuuu iiuwui another seven-league stride to satellite. jward conquest of mysterious outer How the Two Moons Differ Thursday enlarged meeting or the National Security Council, and may have come up again at Friday'! Cabinet Session. Some officials have indicated categorically that there will be i It may be possible, he said, that warren w.

nu-apauaen, Space when the atmospheric drag slows general manager, said a protest curley-Kudrvavka in Russian- IIa tk ZnmtlnA frnjnn Ka eatll t. Russians Claim Biggest Airliner down the satellite and brings tt'(" V1 union would oe sentjWM flampej an air-t-ondi- ear that this year's spending gh-tl no war. It is a matter of common knowledge that there are statesmen in some capitalist countries, statesmen holding important government posts, who advocate war. near the end ottts or.Pd Container in wnat me jw-T nr lha AucljU4 rrrta Here is a comparison of the So-' statement said: McSpadden's viet Announcement described asi "The ASPCA deplores the use tM.A thP oowerful viet Union's two satellites Sput- 'Can anyone vouch for mad MOSCOW. Nov.

3 Soviet of a dog or any other living, anl- rockct that shot tne satellite Into iilk I and Sputnik II: in these earth-launched sat-)gpace Sputnik I Sputuik II budget will come closer to 724 billion dollars than 72 billions, and would be pleased if the '59 budgetcovering the year starting next July 1 can be held to 72 billions Instead of the 70 billion dollar "target" figure. men? ellite experiments, whether by the) Moscow, radio said scientists Launthed-Oct. 4 Nov. 3 The Moscow broadcast said the government claimed today It has put into operation "the largest passenger aircraft In the world." powered by four prop-let engines Russlan government, reported in moniiorinl, satellite's signals the dog's compartment could be released. Even then, however, he said, it might be necessary for the compartment to be shot away from the satellite to head it toward earth.

Dr. Siry said the rocket which carrcid the original Soviet satellite aloft last Oct. 4 will probably come down to earth in a month or so and the satellite itself will interview was published in the So do it tomorrow. There's some speculation that perhaps these statements meant a test firing of Sputnik was imminent. Then If It didn't work, the Soviets wouldn't be committed even to saying there had been tp attempt that failed.

When Sputnik the first soared up. Russia said it had succeeded on the very first try, In a mighty difficult feat. A week ago Moscow radio said a dog would soon go into space. She's up there now, the loneliest dog in our known universe. So talk of a rocket to hit the man in the moon could mean an Imminent attempt.

Such a rocket could explode a Size 23 Inches in diameter Unstated Weight 184 pounds 1. 120.29 pounds viet magazine International Affairs. In other replies to the in twice as powerful as those of sim ilar type craft outside Russia. terviewer, Khrushchev: 1, On Disarmament denounced 'Altitude 560 miles 1.036 miles The announcement said the plane Is so big it must have two elevators, a telephone system and the work of the five-power United 17M0 m.p.h. m.p.h the press as already having taken reported the dog had survived the place, or by any other gov-shock of the mciiefg blast off and ernment.

her breathing, heartbeat and blood "Such use will, the ASPCA J-! pressure were all normal, lieves, result only in the unneces-i sary sacrifice of th animal, or aUached in great pain and suffering should mw bafk reports I that will tell whether man can "Moreover, sending a dog to- a craf, outer space cannot possibly ad- wej hg i ds vance human health and welfare. kJ wg al(jng al spoed 1 in k. I. Nations Disarmament subcommittee as "useless and absolutely a restaurant for 48 people. Missing Since Thursday The official news release on the fruitless." He said the, Soviet gov Time for One circuit 96.2 minutes Shape Round prop-Jet ship, called the TU1H.

ernment was ready to end nuclear said It can transport 120 passcn weapon tests as soon as the West GOP 'Brass' To See Ike 11m Awtic4 Tm WASHINGTON. Nov. 3 (-The Republican National Committee today was called to meet, here Dec. 6 lot off-the-record conferences with President Elsenhower and Vice President Nixon on the party's future. The President will make an informal talk to the 146 member group at a breakfast at the Hotel 103.7 minutes Unstated, but apparently rocket-shaped called off its tests.

If the Western gers from Moscow to New York in from 10 to 12 hours. It is said to be able to carry 220 persons bright flare to tell of its. arrival. I li fif I "I H.aiv mut's an iiuur. ocuiiiik LOCal Humane UttlCialjl.

lainched on Oct. 4. weighed 184 Or put a color marking on the Powers liquidated their military bases the Soviet Union would "Immediately take steps toward further disarmament." Mother of 8 Found Unhurt CASSVILLE. Nov. 3 (SDeclaP- Angle to equaior-r-65 north to south moon.

pounds and started circling Deplores Dog Trip on short flights of from 800 to 900 miles and 170 on medium-range flights. The Russians claim If a doggy satellite Is not a big 65 degrees, no direction given. enough surprise to mark Thursday's 40th anniversary of the Bol- The sending of a dog into space by the Russians as termed "a 2. On the Middle East "We are globe every 96.2 minutes, 560 miles out. Prof.

Boris V. I'karkin, deputy chairman of the Astronomical Council ot Ihe Soviet Academy of Sciencies, said Sputnik II will be shevik Revolution, the moon shot A mother of eieht children who i horrible thing" last night by Har Visibility naked eye and could be. very much grieved and worried by what Is happening in the Middle East area. When the Arab Statlcr. Nixon will talk to the committee members the samt day vanished from her farm homejold Nickel, who will be manager early last Thursday was found' of the new Greene County Humane Method un Technically, the Soviets might be at luncheon after a closed com close.

Society animal shelter at Galloway, easier to see even though It Is "From what I've heard that dog higher up than Sputnik I. He said alive and apparently unharmed after a search for her was resum- Their new satellite Is described mittee meeting Their remarks will be private except for what will be very lonesome." said 'in a Moscow radio broadcast Its I as a rocket housing the dog and but Russians sag eaier to see than Sputnik 1. Beeps at .3 second intervals. it can do this at costs comparable to rail travel. Prop-Jet propulsion, frequently called turboprop propulsion, consists of Jet-type engines powering propellers In contrast to pure Jet or propellerless propulsion.

It was announced some months ago that this plane, designed by A. N. Tupole Hke the TU1M which Is the only Jet passenger airliner In regular acheduled service In the world, was neartng instruments, with everything may coma out of news conferencesand member comments. larger size would make up for the greater distance from Ihe earth, i Radio-silent He added It would be possible to Nickel. "I wouldn't want my dog or any dog I know to make that sort of trip.

I don't approve of it." weighing 1,120 pounds. In announcing the committee The space used by the dog and rail. GOP Chairman Meade Al peoples fight against every form of political and economic enslavement the imperialists declare there is a threat of communism in these countries. This is the method nsed by the United States in preparing, through Turkey, an attack against Syria. The reason fof the prevailing tension in the Middle East therefore lies in Western, above all United States, interference in the domestic affairs, of the Arab nations." Instruments perhaps could be re ed today.

Barry County Sheriff Bill Hemphill said the woman, Mrs. Pauline Essary, 39. was taken to Hie Cass-vtlle Hospital for treatment, but doctors believed she would recover from several nights and days she evidently spent In the woods. Searchers had combed the region placed with another, smaller rock Tragedy Apparently Followed Argument With Wife: corn said: Although wa have a number of business matters to settle, the principal purpose of our et It might be fired off. from high altitude and speed, to try to reach National Committee meeting will operational statu.

Today's com the necessary speed of seven miles be to obtain a frank appraisal of Soh Held After Cecil Dameron munique that the plane is actually a second to escape the earth's in use was Issued as one of a gravity and race to the moon. around the Essary home 18 miles east of Cassvllle since Thursday, although the hunt was halted during the weekend until further Investigation was made to determine series of announcements claiming Soviet scientific triumphs In honor of the 40th anniversary of the ZhukoY Affair Lessens New Sputnik's Impact: Shot to Death in Stone County Bolshevik Revolution on Nov. 7 If she' bad left the county. Mrs. Already tt is carrying passen tricot nniir th orouino- nf hl nnrent IS-vear-old struck Dameron on the chin, rang- Essary, expeclng a ninth child In the status Of the Reublican party and its organisation." Alcorn also has called the 27-member Executive Committee of the GOP National Committee to aa afternoon session the day b-fore.

Pec. S. Reporters will be barred from this session too. "It Is our Intention in these meetings," said Alcorn, "to bring ourselves up to date following tne six regional conferences we held last spring. gers, luggage, mail and otner a few weeks, had left a note indicating suicide, the sheriff said, goods both on Internal and Inter Triumph Compromised By- Political failure national airlines," the announce Springfield boy shot and instantly killed his father at upJntT 'a their weekend7 home in Stone County late Saturday 'j'SS.

night, authorities said. Dead is Cecil Edgar Dameron, 52. of 1049 South Mll Mid Bi, Stewart, owner of the Dameron Sheet Metal Company, nothing to him, and he had said ment said. "The large capacity. long distance and high speed of the TU114 makes possible to 830 South Campbell.

1 jaothlng to his father. The man on short or was overruled reduce considerably the cost of traveling tn it and pouibly put It on a level with the cost of train and a number of sleeping tablets were, missing from her borne. The search mm resumed about I p.m. yesterday by half a hundred volunteers, including 25 men on horseback, after Hemphill made another telephone check with relatives In Kansas and California and learned Mrs. Essary hadn't, appeared there.

About 45 minutes Held at the Stme County lail.The narenfs and me ooys were ininuy. By JOHN M. IIIC.IITOWFR WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 science scored another great at nigner levels of tne govern Smith said the boy calmly led two separate bedrooms ment. The American response was travel.

mainly to congratulate the Soviets cold war triumph over the United his mother to the front porch, then See SHOOTING. Page 3 on their achievement, agree to a In Galena Is his son, Bobby Cecil. 15, against whom a detainer filed yesterday pending charges Authorities Indicated the youth would be charged with murder, awl his case referred by Juvenile officers to mag WEATHER MISOl1M Mnrttr rWwdr Mw)T "rl tk lKiiikmal rain lr.m piifJ.i oi1 n4 mm mm rnrtmn Mi(k MilJf MJ jwrtkww te Sim ptil4. KANSAS Vil ttf rln nut fit rMrl MmhUT. pclt i.rtwm kT vMilnf.

x-rtort tt m.m- meeting by President Eisenhower with British Prime Minister Mac- Bohhy told Smith he though he heard his father slap his mother, while they were in bed, and heard her say, "You'd better not hit me any more." Smith said Ihe boy got out of bed, ran through his parents' States today, but a compromised In advance by Russia's political failure in the Marshal Zhukov crisis. Thus there did not seem to be The Country Parson after the search began, shf was nilllan, issue the Elsenhower-Mac found huddled in a gutty half a mlllaa call for greater pooling of a "The T1114 a regards she and the number of passengers carried is tli largest passenger aircraft in the' world and also the speediest, with prop-jet engines." The statement did not give technical details on speed and weight to back up Its description of the craft as the largrst passenger aircraft In the mile southeast of her home. istrate court arraignment as much reason for Washington to fear the worldwide Impart of The slaving occurred about lliroom and went outdoors to the The sheriff said he believed the woman hadn't bed there during the earlier search lat week. p.m. at the farm a mile south of; family car.

He took his father's Union Cllv and almut five miles! 30 06 deer rifle fmm the vehicle. the second satellite launching as there was In the first Sputnik achievement of Oct. 4. This tem because the coroner and others had notith of Clever, where the family a box of cartridges on the been at the spot. However, he said ARKANSAS fwwlrM talr and Tr- wi'h kifi OKLAHOMA llowtT "Wm.l ll.lx rM iink Tulr! hiM Umprlr wl f.

car, sent, and loaded the weapon, pering of the latest Soviet space usually spends weekends together, according to Stone County Deputy Clifford Smith, who questioned the boy and his mother at length See MOTHER. Page I The plane carries a flight crew of 10 persons. Muscovites may get ihelr first view of It Thursday in free world scientific resources, and arrange for the president to artent-ya NATO summit meeting af Paris' In December. Today this adds tip to talk, looking to future Western achievements In scirnce but no action that matches or trumps the Soviet Sputnik. The Impart of Sputnik I did serve to Jar loose the Defense Department secrecy on American sueresws In rocketry.

That produced a few news stories of auc- conquest aramaured oy in eluding a dog In the experiment- the airplane flypast of the trsdl was not due, however, to any direct countermeasures taken by Inrnl Ml kl tlonal Nov. 7 parade, li weather Smith was unable release tha the United States. Rather It was permits. he said. The father also got out of bed and walked towika the back door and 'his wife followed behind to see what the boy was doing, and his wife, followed behind him, the deputy related.

The youth crossed a rear screened porch and entered the kitchen as the father stood in the doorway between the living room and kit due to Russia's own showing of Y.ara IS ID ll. rnn irrrsnoN! aH from atanla fm. ft. tl Im ria Oil at 1,1 11 political Instability. Diplomatic officials who thought this country bad lost the trfck Ike Is Kept Informed On Russian Satellite WASHINGTON.

Nov. fa-Presldent Elsenhower was kept Informed today of Rusnla'e newest satellite but there was no Indication of any stepped-up activity at the White House. The President was Informed of Volcano-Energy Station Being Built by Soviets IHt Ho kM cMtful missile firing but nothing boy's name due to the state Juv. enile code, but his name was learned through other sources yesterday. Smith said the mother.

Mrs. Mary IOiilse Dameron. admitted he and her husband had argued I II I 'k i hi' when the first Ruislan latrllite that caught the Imagination In the msmicr of Ihe Soviet satellite. i i I began bombarding the world with I)NDON. Nov.

I (Jp The Soviet (' m. chen One official. commenting on Its short-wave heron Ut month Union hs started building a The bov said "his father stared We'd probably have fewer Russia's initial success, said wry- are still convinced that the best I "volcano energy" power station. all Tiartirda evening, and eontlnn- silently at him a minute, then his Sputnik II by telephone- In home breaking Bp If hatband rminlermove-would' have been toily. VYou can only launch the first t.

I I (L. A ika ajnnn m1A A I m. m. S' m. I 7 en, i fl.

M-1 m. I i ,7 m. 4 a I m. I m. 7 m.

m. I m. m. II m. ect meir awmne even ner,, g'nd wives weree't Be all fired JJ.

Moscow radio reported today, it will work from the hot vntrsnlr springs in the Kamchatka Penin- rush an American satellite Into satellite-owe." The repeat per-jlivlng quarters during tn .11 hai hu inatnH ina Ann Wheaton. assistant hee huxhaiHl. and inrir iwo vouna-; ureo arii. hit- nwn at determined eqt whe's te find nlar and tangible land" to some degree dUemmied Injwhiie secretary re-lest Sons. Jimmy tanee of 12 feet arcordlng ula of iMMtern Hihrla, the broad- 'Dotted.

I io caiiea Hunuy. went i The tk-r 'd..

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