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San Antonio Express from San Antonio, Texas • Page 8

San Antonio, Texas
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THE ANTONIO DAILY EXPBESS: WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 30. 1901. CONTBABAND CHINAMEN flUMtttd Immlarrauts ence They of the Are XeedeA Captain Biebrecht, UWled Btatw nirilial. has ed from San Francisco after malc- 4 a hurrlrd trip to Hie latter jwrt, haviae Jn custody Chlna- BUA ordered for vlola- Aon of the excluiion laws.

There sre at the present tlaia five Chttia- men In confinement at Kagle Paes and EJ Paso awfiitUg deportation. ftiteresllriE feature in ond Js'ew State. Mora Otr.amcn cn- tw the United Statcu at two psttilB than the mnalnflsr of lhe ceviiLry. It car, howtvtr, be at smuggling of Arcr 4 ito from lleilco s. J-rgs extent with ftfiat wus EBV- 4 ago.

Tlie vlgUence ot r. te tier has broujlit 4 atom this rfault. 4 of his uxaey to the coast rfn ftebTMhl arid: "My trip to Sf.n Traixisco waa a inerttd or.e ar.d I de- Itarted frem tl Pmsb to take In custody apgrehtinde4 at Los Angelas Jsmped bond for appta ranee aft, S3 From the former place I took him through, to 8an Francisco ipLssti be was ptecel: on beard ship and retuipisd to hbi eowf.try. are aot," cor.tlnued Mr. brtebi, "so nuuxy CfilnamGfi coming into TlBM from Xvxioo as ncveral years TL Jisnssi that hAS turned toward the marshal of Northern New TQrk JM a raaa oontlnuously on tSe In chanto of balcics of Celoa- tttfcresi ftrf deportation to Cfcliia.

Tfcsre Our ret many as thirty end Costs' In bunch to itnri huic to lite KTasdocj, A portlori of (he ex- low fcaw violators arc ho a of the Sues car-al, but Ihe majority I I should ny, are taken to Ban away of thesa Is aa expenslre item, aim I find thai It ants lAicle Bun about J150 to of each ont. Chinese Btnunled Into the United fftatat! an all ir.ecab«rK of some 'tons' or eoBBjtaay. There arc about six of engaged la (mOe. As a ffvaeral thJnsr the carried In bond to Moxlco and after for a time the rfeom- i the char.cea of bringing tee United Slates. Chinese labor hns TaJosJbia to the reopic of Caiifnr- In the frail growing bust MM.

they foilow thai oc Is but lima said. fcowtver, a stronsr current dtefaror ssafnae In Wine of Cardai is the best guardian of a woman's health during every period from youth to old age. At no time in her life can she afford to be without this simple vegetable medicine, which is now used throughout the civilized world. The young girl who Wine of Cardui when she is 13 years old, avoids the shocks and distresses of coming womanhood. With the aid of this great cmmenagogoe, 1 she developes into a healthy, beautiful woman and avoids the pain so common to her sex.

It helps her safely into womanhood. As a young wife and mother it sustains her during the trials of the new relation into which she has entered. It has brought the laughter of happy children to thousands of barren homes. The mother who uses this pure Wine keeps her health and makes herself a blessing to her family. Later it gently leads her through the dangerous period known as the change of This pure harmless Wine is the best medicine a woman can take at any trying crisis.

It is not a strong medicine, but may be taken every day in the year by any woman with benefit. It does not force results, but it corrects all derangements of the menstrual organs. It strengthens the nervous system, gives tone to the bodily functions, acts directly on the genital organs, and is the finest tonic for women known to the science of inedil cine. It is Nature's provision for regulating the menstrual function. Cincaoo, Much J8, 1801.

hare mtU fire bottles your Wine of Cardnl and many pioiagea Toed- torrl'a Bluet-Draught ind can ssj I hare found grew rellel for my I hare greatly recommeaded it to all my Irfenda. Your in grail demim! at tin neighborhood drug blore. Mn. TVZLLLLSl VOLL5JEH. Mount, May 18, 1801.

I raed Wine ot Cardul and it haa glyon me relief. I to suffer with mj monthly periodi, but now, since ire have using Wine oJ Cardui I aaver i pain. I married, ud, liace using your medicine I hire had a Em baby girl. Mn. EMilA JAMBS.

1 Over 1,000,000 women, besides Mrs. Vollmer and Mrs. James have taken Wine of Cardai, and Tseldom, if ever, without benefit, Too can get the same relief as they secured, if you pursue the same course. Try the of Cardui treatment. K.U*.

WINE-CAMWJI' OF THE BIG CLOSE TOHIGHT a tfforti I r-Ettn to pa pm forth tojruluta more stringent lWa re- the of thcso peoplt. In jeany riots of California the Chinese arc not wanted at At! and there era whert they cannot MI foot As fruit growers and servants they been chiefly employed. This raca i not mitrly eo thick it]}' WAI In Ban Frandoco ami the ChJneM in that city hss almost ta or what It wai Hverl years Trr B. B- Thomas, Houilon SL for watcbu ar.d So.

TjUWITY. BAYLOR, OcL 3L-lSpeclBL)-lho UrtTertttT football team fcfeattd Baylor today, 23 to- 0. Baylor IrhKky but was by tha In wtlght ar.d tclenco. CONTINUED FROM PAOB 0KB. tain.

Thin Is simply fratiirfc of Ihe Stale'fairs year and li made obligatory on all winners who compete. It Is the occMlon on which vlsUori he enabled to ste the belt and only the Wat grouped tojelher. Nona will deny a It Ii a commendable work. Perfection to tha highest iltlned In Texas was rpprraenied In tho parade yesterday, and was (ood enoach for TCXM or any State. What Suie wants is rr.ori of them.

The work of loading out the thia afternoon at o'clock a ad (oncurxow aftftrnoon the and will be empty. Tho breeders pleawd with the omlnok for trade and there an waats which cannot be aupplted In certaii claMo-i. The lteris thli year will be bacic again nwt without the. lo-a ot MIUTARY ORDBRS. The program for the military ex and tcmuetltlvf drill at Ihe Fair today Is OA atiracUvt one.

Major Jamea O. Kewlon. who in command, haa issued tha tailoring order for the dsyi rrovlnional Comxand for Military Day, Sin Antonio. Oct. All comparJes vhich i to parilcipate In tin exercises on Wednesday.

Oct. M. M. ai I a i hair. CWM BrilUc Haiv, Itcbiig tad ill icalp trtwables.

Fully to cure or yoni money te Your ffoirf I Coke Shampoo Toilet Soapj' CUREt) BT WHITE RIBBON REMEDT. ot Wster, Tea or ill on Alamo m. Tht line of march for very the cores We BiaByT'Ti caw the Remedy was ilnn g- tftify. I chte-rfully recommend and I TVhtle Ribbon Remedy- nf our union are dellgMtd lo find asd treat me nl Qfljn our tempentTK Temperance of so many peopfa redeemed from MTM ef drtak by of Whit. AM ftisiity tbat I rcowest ffrt trie.

For by druy- or br maVtt. Trtal the whole oommand on street parade down Houston etreet to Main avenue to Mala Plain, cars will be boarded for the Fair grounds via. Sa: Acionlo li Araosni Pass depot. All cannpntea will be asiemhled Immediately after allghtlrig from tho IrJn and will be marched Into the rrowiJa by bit- ioon thsrvafisr as practl- caWft tha oon.peiii.Ye drlKa wflL'be completed.

First call for retreat irlll fce Kcunded at p. whin all troops will partici- In i ho to be held In front of the graml stand. offlcera of companies strictly accour.Uble- for the conduct "of each member thrlr respective commandJ from the of departure from the borne armory uatll return to SB rat. By order of: 1AJOH JAMES O. NEWTON.

A. M. CHAPMAN. First UasKeaent and Adjutant Provisional Lecal and visUlnn cornpanlea will pa tlc.pau In the parade at 9 t- m. The Siaj-den RMlts wiil snatmblf.

at Araory at o'clock. 'The (ihlWtkn drUJ of the San Aartento bo rtvev at o'ejixlc, 'The will give exhlbSlk-na In Ite XDomsnff and aftenoox JBRS3T CALF AWABD. la the awards on catUe, tho clus Includlnt bo91 calf 1 Tear over rnoathY 1 waa lortunattly orailled. WK Ohn J. flrn, o.

Soi tecona, w. Bpann third. An Injustice alto dor.e J. J. Deck sub- some cf nrst premium for "uUith mftiellnf In 6-jtter." tilf gnj butter are troduets of' eon by lh nyi KW rlM producer.

hey wouM be on hsnd i sir. Dur- the final nattering at the Menffvr, aefrated Lut joy- -with the "prickly eat' and a few friends were arnund the festal they unantmcHJt- agreed that they bad part In contait hera tha i IYB been BailE torj" ar.d ire acceptable field than John DlocJtar in first ar.fl Tom O'Connor Ihe last could not a bcfn secured. They went to IOTIK paJni to Why thay cot aa fluah they hoped to Monday afterroon. After a bumper for nexi year, themselves as hartne ciul their lots In for a few at least. had A nutter of good among toys.

Tfatlr hfi'jfhtB would revert to San An- Onla wtth and they would "SJiiTld tbom bcit for the iha San Anto.ilo International Fair In Aboat the only of 'visit which was ur.avoldablr and naturally just a llttta wta tho dejc.Urit.y rf the- bpye from the cacU itnurk that had secured a promise from ttwtn to year It merely a fljiire of A reporter pawed them to an expression oc to their Intention or coir.Ir.g again uezt ytar, and this li what they scld: City XlcGonlgle: "Who said I wasn't Jeck Heard: "Have to tie all four of my reel to rr.e Joe Gardner: "Have to tie mine, too, but I won't "cm," Jim Hopkins: "If thsy tie me dowa I'll lei one foot out." Green Holland: "Jf they leave me Out 1n thQ hot sun, I'll break off at (he ankles and ba ready when my sUer Is out." P. Roger 'The- man who to al tho ou t. try Is join ave 1 trouble HIBI IK TEXAS. point of interest liiwe Is ahead of fair eTtr glvtn in Texas. There more here tft Interut one than I ever at tbe Dallas Tbe stock and poultry ire flne--can't be beat; the ropinf are novel, exdllns: and a whole show In themselves: the are rood run on the square and tha eie I hare hoard of bunco business here thtn at any filr I The strvke been T.

C. Andrews, Fort Worth--The Talr Ii ona of the belt and most successful ever tld In Texas, and It far abtad of Dallas fair Just cloced. The contests a. untrivre and Intereitlnf fsat-jrf, tha races faive been and exhibits generally bare been ar.d the cattle exhibit especially have been the belt I ever faw In TAZSB. J.

W. Manor. hate In thirty-one yt-arx And have visited all the fairs and-live etock shows as I interest In live stock and never miss an opportunity to look at rood stock. The live stock exhibit at the San Antonio Fair this ytar lh best I ever i4flci; I am delEchted witb it. Tha btood on exhibition can not bo beat; the swine exhibit rrjiimS ar.d the ahefp the saraa.

Ki only Is the live stock exhibit, good, bi every other feature of Uif Pair Is coo I am (lad 1 came and will so horn FOEMER FIGURIS ARE EXCEEDED i i ttft free trr wrluaf oc en M. TOWNBtSC (er ft T. TtOBrMt The 9an Anttxilo Fair fcas been nquallHcd sutcttt In evtry particular, hat a "fact. In point of In- erestlng exhibits it Is aJMad of any in UK Slste for seTernl -years, be live stock exhibit U4nK the beit ever i In Texas. In point of attendance fair has gone far ahead of any fair He' association has erer held.

This la ot a home opinion, but It is sentt- r.tnt of from other parts of tbe lte. The kind words of a few of the vlsltots are tlren below: Hon. Oeorxe T. Jetier, CortlCAna--TlM 'air ti a credit to Antonla and to TexM and Jl will revuJt In benrttt Ihe SUla. Is bfr tUaf.

a educator and oos that will pod fruit The 11 lock exhibit IB I take treat Interest In stack and I to Uttt I never. a bettir exnlbll than there is at this fair. Southwest Texas cannot do without the San Antonio B. Edeas, hare ottend- the Da.las Fnir year irnks Is fliul- in; Filr Vlilton. Ac Mriitea.

lin his Is the nrsl Ban Antonio Fair I hare 1 do not to say tbat In ikat I have beeo benefited by my Yt. Htnry Cxall. Saa Ar.lonlo Fair been a irar.d success and tb exhibits, eipecrlally the live stock exhlhlti are ai cool aa I ever The public 1: satlsned with show; I know it. fo, 1 never heard s. complaint Comparlion: are not but this Fair has bee; as great a as the Dalldj Fal and T- lire In Dallas.

The manageraen of the Fair has been that could be aaked for and the Mr tuccras Is due 'Wiltlam Doherty, assistant general Mngfr of the Houston, Ea; Fair rlihL it is the vtneral expositio 1 hare erer seen in Tfxaa. an gre.ut pleased with the show and I am jlad came ovir to It. Ban Axlonlo ihouM make It permanent. K. live stock arer.t of the 'Missouri.

Kansas Jt Texaa--The Fair IT thq beat. I have ever In Texae- ami I have seen them all. Tie live Slock exhibit certainly the best lhat Texai haa ever put up In so far as my cx- extends. The Fair has bcei all 'round success and 15an Antonto oiigbt to be proud of It- Tom Mason, an old prMTego man--This Jl the Fair for nry bualneti I cvcc atter.ded In Texas. I don't want any bel- ter.

The crowds have jrood all the thrcmth acd been I have heard netMnx b'-it food words aaJ4 about the Fair; everybody appears to be BteaMi wltt It S. E. King, cattkaoan of Taylor--This Is my firEt day at tbs Saa.Antor.lo Fair; erack-a-Jaek. The live siock li rood SB I saw. I am Jin I from Kansas Ctly and tbe CAtlle nho there Ilioutht it was the best on 3 have the callle exhibit year, bat here and proud lo say that It 1 If you want Quality and Prlct, go to UEADER Our line of Fall and -Winter Hats is most complete; If' seeing ot beea anywlme IR B.

H. JeDklM, of the Tractloi Company--- Tfct Fair from tvery point of Mew MS been a btff laccen. freen street railroad business the at- )us been not than 33 1-S tsaii ever before, I not. heard from one wocd of plaint; ertryVody Mltsflei with show, However slight, at this time of year climate, it is ft forerunner of A disposrtion to yawn and an out feeling comes even before chill. in this Irilh Uw gam In Hi very first er cum it any irt pohom it porWr Mhml raacdy hmteu.

k)T H. U.WAGN ER FATR VOTES. A. B. Bijck it ortertns; for at a tftday hit is belteving, a call at cmr store atto a No.

1 a and will convince you. lilt ten Aftdto wh kit left ot trttnds The Ban Antonio Aransas Paas Fair rrourids trab.s had up to Monday even- r.E baulad a far greater number of than alter.iIM of the 1 Inrrner Fairs. The traffic on them has sieady with the probubla exceptlo of or Ihrea hours between and o'clock p. m. General Poasencor Acent lln of the road sakJ TueaOar afternoon: "Up to last cvenlnc we have about 130.WO This exceeds 1m year's record by'about 25.004 tha passengers In ll.C-X*.

So far the transportation facilities splendidly and I do thlnX there Is fault to bo found at an joint. have had the co-operation of the itoa'o Traction and i ot Ine Fair Association and their ax i haa been of great value. Mr. Jen kins of the traction company has person I1y looked afier the details cf hand nor ist crowds and the work, has beta ad rr.irably carried out. 'Of the Aransas Pass Itself, I can onlj eiy that we have broucht more people Antonio than ever and could certainly have dono bettor had It no boon for scarcity of coaches.

We hav fit least i coaches lEed up In Ui Fnlr trAlni. Should we hav these coaches available Sap coul navo of more rliltorj I tr the city. The Fair haa been a mas- nUJceni succtia and is a taite of what Southwest Texris can CAR SERVICK MEETING. Housloa, Oct. uancrly rr.cetir.f of tho Texas Car lielil at the fflccB In building today, ilajor harlM n.

The resented reports shoeing the operations the for the four months the cuirent year as compared tho orrespondlnc period of last year, wbkh Mtistactory. principal discus- Ion was the maintenance cf parity on xport- business at Galveaton with Sew Orleans. A commlliee waa appointtd onslstlnp of Mr. J. H.

11113 of the Oal-' Houston Henderson. Mr- C. N'lxoa of the Gjulf. Colorado A SanU and Mr. C.

IL. Punlnp of the. 3outh- rn Pacific, to Invesllcate Ihe whArf iharrts ai-d car srrvke mlfs at.t)ie two ilaces add to report at r.cxc quarterly setting of thr. aMfxlalkin, which will hild at Fort Worth Dec. SUGAR CAN'E RATES CANCELLED.

AuAttn, Oct. Tallro.fJ Commission today an ordtrr effective Xov. A and cincaHr.f all ratfa Xerctofora adopted or approved by tbe Coramlraion for application on eucar cane. KOH ROND RKGISTrATION. Austin, Oct.

Sttdmtn today filed application with lh TUMroaJ CommLwJon reqitciUni the Issuance of AH order direct in the. tlon of We.UO of on twenty-three miles of the extension of the laterr.iloruJ Great Northern. Includlnc nlaclcen from and four south if BryajL The Commbtilfta'a will Inspect COTTON SKED Atstm, Oct. iul'3 meal, or mixed car- oads. from all stations on Ina lonal Great Northern Railroad, from Tean5e- and to all stations on said between San Antonio to Laredo.

The hove, apeclal low" tale ths result epreiencatloni to the Commission 1 hat on of the drouth In the Southwest thi cattle are without grass nd are starving to dsath. SHORT COUPLINGS. Jud G. Fry John P. Ftogcrman of he Baltimore Ohk) RouihwcMprn with ic ad quarters at Dallas were here Tuesday up buetr.exs and taking In he EMri 7ht Florodora, Opera Company arrlvca this morning shortly midnight from Paso, where the.

company played an Monday TVm. Daherty, af sis (Ant yenoral pas- of tha Houston. Eaat nr.A H. Mil3-r, commercial agent of the same roadj wtre thn viiltora here on Both llamen have thalr headquarters at Houston. The Brotherhood of Locomotive 'Enti- neers now has 6SO wfth a of over 37.WO.

The Prolher- howl was sLarlwt In 1SK. Tho annual meeting of tXe'CeritraJ Pa- cIMc TlRilroiiil Company which was railed, to be htl3 at Snk LaXe, Utah, wan adjourned until tomorrow, when It S3 supposed the- election of tho HKirhnan boanl will tafce place. J. TF. Johnson, a sent of the Santa Fo at Galveston, arrived In city mcrnlns.

Ho is accompanied bv his wife ar.d 13 registered at the Monger. Thi railroads will have a specially low rate on today to bring vliltors Into the city for the fair. 1 he raves are expected to attract many. Rear Alamo Bldg. tho COLO DUST do yew workl" If you knew how much GOLD OUST makes everything about the house than soap does, and how much less expense and work it requires, you would use it exclusively.

Try it on wash dayor when you clean house. THE K. E. FJUKBAHIE Oaco. E4.

Lads, few York. Boston. ut for a hill.

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