The Times from Hammond, Indiana • 1
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- The Timesi
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- Hammond, Indiana
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-House advocates are driving today toward the vote which is certain to approve payment of veterans' adjusted service certificates by inflation, bonds, new taxes, or a lottery. Congress will bonus bill on President Roosevelt's lave desk. Its let form is undetermined. Hard times have given the soldiers' force unequaled since "President Harding vetoed the bonus in 1922. Mr.
Roosevelt will be the second president to face the bonus issue so directly. The bonus log reveals congress has been voting benefits to former soldiers since 1919, when a tax bill rider gave each service man $60 and to enlisted men their uniforms. If 10 hours allotted to general debate can be concluded today and other plans are disposed of, Representative Wright Patman, democrat, of Texas, will move to substitute his $2,000,000,000 inflation plan for the pending Vinson bill which does not specify how bonus funds shall be raised. There is to be a vote on the spread-the-cost Tydings Andrews compromise. It would pay veterans with negotiable bonds maturing in 1945 at face value their adjusted service compensation certificates.
The certificates also mature 10 years hence. The question before the house actually is whether to pay them now or then and how. The Vital Test The vital test is selection of the method upon which the house shall finally vote. House leaders have arranged for that test to be made without a record vote. When one of the proposals has been chosen for final consideration, the house can and probably will go on roll call record.
A big majority for the soldiers is assured. The 16-year-old history of veterans' benefits reveals the house uniformly generous, the senate less so and the White House least of all. Here is the compensation log from the peace year to the present: all around. 1920-House passes and senate finance committee kills first bonus bill. 1921-President Harding in special message pleads for bonus postponement to avert national financial disaster.
1922-Harding suggests a sales tax to defray bonus costs; house and senate pass bonus which is vetoed because it fails to provide revenue to pay costs. House overrides and senate sustains veto. 1923 -President Coolidge's annual message opposes bonus. 1924 Congress passes and repasses over Coolidge veto the adjusted service compensation legislation now on the statute books. 1924-1930 Comparatively good times weaken soldiers' argument and no major legislation passed.
Over Hoover Veto 1931-Congress enacts over President Hoover's veto first depression veterans' bill to permit borrowing up to 50 per cent face value of compensation certificates. 1932-House passes Patman currency inflation veterans' bill as bonus expeditionary force gathers. Senate defeats bill as bonusers parade in "death march" around Capitol plaza. Republican and democratic party platforms ignore bonus issue. Hoover speech opposes bonus; Roosevelt against unless there is a treasury surplus.
1933 -Senate rejects bonus two to one: house vote. 1934 no, House passes Patman bill but senate rejects. Congress overrides. economy Roosevelt act veto reduction on of relaxation veterans' benefits. President Roosevelt said last autumn he would veto a bonus bill.
New deal legislators are looking for a suitable compromise. It may be the Tydings-Andrews plan. BURNS CAUSE DEATH BROOKVILLE, March (U.P.) -Burns suffered by Mrs. Pearl Conn, 26, while kindling a fire at her farm home east of here, caused death last night. THE WEATHER Cloudy.
Probably showers Friand in southwest portion late tonight. Somewhat colder in extreme east portion tonight. Rising Friday. Sunrise, 5:52 6:03 p. m.
Moontemperature, rise, 7:54 p. m. today. TEMPERATURE FOR REGION Temperature today in Hammond was 50 degrees above zero at 7:30 a. degrees above zero at noon.
Weather fair at noon. PROTEST IS MADE ROME, March 21. (I.N.S.) Text of the Italian protest to Berlin Reich rearmament follows: "The Italian government has given many proofs recently of its desire for international collaboration and proposes to continue this same line, which answers the need the people and the requirements of European neighborliness. "But it feels a duty to declare that in the event of future negotiations, it could not simply accept as a de facto situation what has been determined by unilateral decisions which nullify engagements of an international character. "This procedure has been accepted in principle by the German government itself in its communication of February 14.
"The Italian government feels a duty to advance most complete reservations concerning the decision of the German government and probable developments. intended to associate the "The Italian, government always Reich, in collaboration in the systhe principal powers, which fully recognize the responsibility of the Reich as a sovereign state. "For this very reason the decision of the Reich becomes particularly grave, especially because of the conditions of uncertainty which it has caused in all countries." NOVAK GOES TO THE CHAIR AND DIES HARD CHICAGO, March Novak, 30-year-old killer, made good his boast that he would be "the toughest guy that ever burned in the chair" when he was electricuted early today at Cook county jail. His executioners gave the selfstyled "tough guy" the usual two jolts of electricity after he had marched, soldier to the chair. Witnesses assumed he was dead and prepared to leave.
But he wasn't dead, as the six doctors who examined him attested. For the first time in the history of the county jail death room, two more burning jolts of electricity were administered one of 1,900 volts, one of 900. At 12:12 a.m. 1 he was finally pronounced dead. Novak, convicted of murdering a robbery victim who was slow in raising his hands, ate a hearty meal last night and played pinochle with his guards until it was time to begin the death march.
He refused spiritual consolation to the last. Novak's principal hope of escaping the chair collapsed yesterday when Gov. Henry Horner refused to intervene. THE SITUATION IN EUROPE NEWS The European arms crisis neared a showdown today as France and litaly protested to Berlin over reich rearmament and Germany countered with a vigorous rejoinder, accusing the former Allies of violating their peace pact and disarmament pledges. Developments in leading capitals: PARIS--France cited Germany before the League of Nations and sent a strong protest to Berlin, charging the reich with disturbing the peace of Europe by alleged unilateral violation of the Versailles Treaty.
ROME--The Italian government dispatches a similar note, insisting German rearmament must be achieved by international consent. BERLIN- -The reich government flatly rejected both protests, staging a sensational counter-march by accusing the Allies of violating the Versailles a Treaty long a before Germany decided to restore military conscription. FEAR LONG; NOW RACE TO PASS MEASURE Senate Hopes to Forestall Any Further Delays in Passing Relief Bill By H. O. THOMPSON (United Press Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON, March 21.
-Senate action on the 880,000,000 work-relief bill today developed into a race to pass the measure before Huey Long returns from Louisiana. The senate has made such progress this week, with Long absent, that its leaders hope to forestall any further delays by getting the bill through before he has a chance to renew his attacks upon it. Majority Leader Joseph T. Robinson. had point hoped of to passage bring today, the But bill he now believes another day of two will be necessary.
One report was that Long would be back in Washington tomorrow. At his office, however, it was said he would not return until Sunday. If the works bill can be passed tomorrow the senate will be held in session Saturday. Robinson goes to New York night for a speech in which, according to advance notices, he will attack the Townsend and Long remedies. for speech the may depression.
reopen the whole bitter field of controversy which Gen Hugh S. Johnson brought into public focus with his speech on the "Pied and Father Charles E. Coughlin. If Long were in the senate tomorrow he undoubtedly would reply, thus putting additional obstacles in the already heavily cluttered path of the work-relief bill. As the senate resumed discus.
sion of the measure today the proposed amendment by Sen. Robert M. La Follette, progressive, Wisconsin, boosting the total appropriation to $9,880,000,000, was the pending order of business. La Follette believes the government has not undertaken a sufficiently large public works program to stimulate recovery. KLEN PROMISES TO REVIVE HIS ONE ACT Whiting Legislator Says His Pet Bill Will Have Better Sailing TO THE WHITING, March 21.
State Joseph E. Klen, one-house Representatives legislature bill was "lost" in the last session of the general assembly, announced today that he will introduce the resolution again in the forthcoming special session. He predicted he will receive more consideration in the special session than in the last regular session, inasmuch as "a lot of the boys" are ready to forget party lines now because of the pressure which the administration exerted behind the new liquor law. "The liquor statute," Mr. Klen explained, "is thoroughly unpopular with the majority of senators and representatives from the urban centers of the state.
Unless the administration sanctions amendments in the forthcoming special session to abolish the Sunday closing and other undesirable features of the law. a wholesale revolt will materialize." Mr. Klen added that his onehouse legislature bill was virtually killed in the last session because of his persistent fight against administration-sponsored measures. "They sent my bill to a committee," Klen said, "and there it died the natural death of all laws which the administration seeks to keep off the floors of the two houses. "But a different will prevail in the special session.
It will enable me to force consideration of my bill on the floor of the house, (Continued on Page Thirteen) WILL HAVE NO MORE TROUBLES BEDFORD, March (U.P.) Stanley Jacobs, 23 found relief today from troubles that pursued him for several years. An automobile accident, in which he suffered a skull fracture, left Stanley with an impaired speech. A year later, during track practice at Bedford High school, he was struck in the head with a 16-pound shot. Last summer Stanley fell in a coal mine and injured his spine SO that he was unable to stand upright. Stanley shot and killed himself last night.
WHITING MAN IS KILLED ON BOULEVARD Fifth Fatality From Auto Accidents in Hammond This Year The fifth fatality from automobile accidents in Hammond this year caused Hammond police to double activities in curbing recklessness today. The latest person to succumb is George Halajcsik, 66, 2601 White Oak avenue, Whiting. Halajc3ik was almost instantly killed about 9:30 o'clock last night when he a attempted to cross Indianapolis boulevard near White Oak avenue in Robertsdale during a driving rain and was struck by two automobiles. The aged man was struck first by an automobile driven by Joseph Horvath, 30, 3516 Grand boulevard, and was then run over by a machine driven by Paul Petro, 27, 4108 Grand boulevard, both motorists being Indiana Harbor residents. Both motorists were arrested and held under $1,000 bonds each pending the outcome of the coroner's inquest.
They were able to furnish bail and were released from custody. Horvath told police that he failed to see Halajcsik until it was too late to avoid striking him. The aged man, Horvath said, walked into the path of his car which was headed north. Petro, who was following closely behind Horvath's car, said he felt the jar as his automobile struck something in the street. Stopping, he found Halajcsik lying on the pavement.
Petro told police that he loaded the man into his car and took him to Kosior's morgue, from where he was removed to St. Catherine's hospital, Indiana Harbor, in an bulance. At the hospital, it was said, the man was dead when he was brought in. Within a few hours after the accident two alleged drunken drivers were arrested, both of whom had been involved in accidents. J.
C. Trinosky, 57, Syracuse, a Western Union lineman, was taken into custody after his machine struck a telephone pole at 165th street and Summer boulevard. Trinosky suffered a cut over the left eye and injuries to his left arm. Floyd Jones, 29, 4141 Magoun avenue, East Chicago, was arrested at State street and Calumet avenue after his car crashed into 8 wooden pole which supports the traffic light cable. Thos.
Pemble, 25, 3013 Berry avenue, Whiting, was also taken into custody on an intoxication charge. He had allegedly been riding with Jones. CONTRACTS MAY BE LET ON FRIDAY Contracts for the six model homes which a land company will build in the Hollywood addition in Munster this year, may be let tomorrow morning, Henry Downey, declared today. He said all bids have been received and tabulated and are being studied at present to determine the best offers. Mr.
Downey expects to start construction on the six homes the forepart of next month. This will be the first of a series of homes which the firm will construct in the Hollywood addition in the future. Financing under the provisions of the federal housing act has been taken advantage of in order to add to the attractiveness of the dwellings as an investment for families desiring to purchase their own homes. DRAFT BILL TO REVAMP MANAGING OF COUNTY Commissioners to Drop Out of Picture and Many Townships to Merge A governmental economy measure, advocated by The Hammond Times and taxpayers' organizations ever since the depression became a realty, finally was incorporated in a bill which a special legislative committee, appointed by the 1935 general assembly, drafted today. The act will be presented either to the forthcoming special session of the Indiana legislature or to the 1937 regular assembly.
This bill completely revises the present and township form of government. It recommends abolition of county commissioners and reduction in the number of townships in many of the larger counties of the state. Auditor High Man The county auditor would be made the most important official under the reorganization act, but he would be subject to the legislative enactments and budgetary powers of the county council. The measure will be studied by the full legislative committee at its next meeting on May 3. In the meantime the committee will visit other states to study tax laws.
Part of the committee already has gone to Ohio to study the consumers' sales tax law in effect there. West Virginia, Kentucky and Michigan also will be visited. Enactment of the sales tax in Indiana will depend upon whether congress adopts a social security program which must be supplemented with state revenue producing legislation. In drafting county reorganization laws, the committee hopes to bring general reductions in township tax levies throughout the state, it was announced at Indianapolis today. This policy, the committee said, will more or less offset other taxraising measures required by the federal government's social security program.
SPRING ARRIVES AT 7:18 BEHIND CLOUD OF DUST Balmy Weather Descends on Middle West as Heavy Rain Drenches Region Spring arrived at 7:18 a. m. today after traveling a contrasty route--first a dense rain and then a heavy dust storm. Heavy rains swept the region yesterday afternoon and evening, leaving the air washed but warm, only to be followed about midnight by an almost choking dust storm from the west. Recent drouths on the Kansas plains gave rise to the dust clouds, which swept the region late last night like a blanket of fog.
"The dust from the plains was carried high above the cloud levels over Kansas," according to J. H. Armington, U. S. weather forecaster at Indianapolis, "and the particles were swept over Indiana by air currents.
'There were no heavy formations of snow or rain clouds to impede the progress of the dust toward Indiana and the middle west. Under such conditions it is not unusual for dust clouds to travel thousands of miles." No particular damage was by the dust storm except irritation to respiratory systems of many people, the stoppage of painting jobs in some places and extra cleaning of the dust from interiors of homes and automobiles. At sunrise today, 5:52, the temperature in Hammond stood at 50 degrees. The mercury climbed several degrees as the day wore on, with a bright sun shining cloudless sky. Spring made a perfect debut.
The sun will set today at 6:03 and the moon will rise at 7:34 p. m. FAST TRAIN TO RUN FASTER CHICAGO, March -The fastest train on the American continent is going to run Officials even fasterine Chicago and Northwestern road announced that the "400," crack train between Chicago and St. PaulMinneapolis, will reduce its running time over the 408.6 miles to 6 hours, 30 minutes, a reduction of 30 minutes. Average speed for the run will be 63 miles an hour.
MAYOR MARTIN SAYS DOG RACES ARE TABOO HERE Syndicate Seeking to Begin Operations Meets With Shoulder There will be no dog racing in Hammond this year. This, briefly, is what Mayor Frank R. Martin informed representatives of a national syndicate seeking to begin operations on the tract of land between Calumet and Sheffield avenues on the north side of the city. Mayor Martin revealed today that he had been approached by representatives the syndicate, which operates dog tracks all over the country with their principal tracks Florida. The same group was also said to have been behind the dog track at Jeffersonville, last year.
One of the representatives, a "Mr. Healey," of Boston, and a Chicago man, sought out the mayor at the city hall recently, Mr. Martin revealed, to sound out the administration's attitude towards dog racing. The administration's "attitude" was not favorable, the mayor said. "I think the people of Hammond are opposed to dog racing," Mayor Martin said, "and if they are we are going to uphold the wishes of the people." Mayor Martin said his callers told him a "lot of things about horse betting" and the operations of race horse bookies.
"If what these men say about the crookedness of horse racing and bookies is true, then persons who play the ponies in handbooks are a lot of 'saps and suckers'," and he added, "with apologies to General Johnson for using his pet phrase." A dog racing syndicate has been seeking to establish, a track How- at Hammond for years. ever, last year activities became more pronounced and construction on a triple track for dog, horse and automobile races was started on the Sheffield avenue site. The W. G. Schroeter Construction company of Hammond started building operations last spring.
A grandstand and kennels were erected and most of the grading for the dog track was pleted. However, the Schonert administration turned "thumbs down" on dog racing and the promoters started court proceedings to operan injunction. For some ate reason under other the petition for the injunction was withdrawn and building operations ceased. This week building operations were resumed. A crane was filling in land around the track, apparently forming additional parking space.
HOLMAN TO ASK PERMISSION TO PAY 5 PER CENT Authority to pay a 5 per cent. dividend to depositors of the closed State Bank of Hammond will be sought by Frank C. Holman, liquidating agent, in Hammond Superior Court No. 5 at 9 o'clock tomorrow morningividend, if declared, will be the first which the bank has paid since it closed its doors almost four years ago. It will amount to $17,000 and will be distributed among 4,500 depositors and general creditors.
The court hearing tomorrow morning actually will be devoted to the first liquidating report which the bank has presented since it was closed. This report was requested by the state department of financial institutions, the supervising agency over the liquidating agent. A complete statement of the amount of receipts and disbursements recorded up to Dec. 21, 1934, will be submitted. The report also will contain a list of claims which have been allowed and separate list of claims which have been objected to or are disputed.
MAYOR TOO HAS DREAM OF BUILDING HUGE GYM Martin Admits One Item on His Program Is a Recreation Center Mayor Frank R. Martin grudgingly admitted today that he is "seriously considering" a plan to obtain a $75,000 gymnasium and auditorium for Hammond with federal funds. When called by a reporter to discuss the matter, the mayor hesitated go into the proposition in detail toe because his plans still are of a purely tentative nature. "I wish to study this matter carefully before I commit myself to any public statement on it," he said. "I can only say now that a modern gymnasium and auditorium for Hammond is one of my fondest hopes and that I am wasting no time or effort in realizing it.
In fact, I am seriously considering the propostion from all angles." In Hammond Program Mayor Martin has incorporated the proposed structure in his 10- year, $17,000,000 program for Hammond. This program will be submitted to the federal government as soon as congress passes President Roosevelt's huge work-relief bill. The mayor hopes to obtain the money for the gymnasium, either as an outright grant or as a selfliquidating loan which will not add to the taxation burden on property owners. "It is necessary for us to supply the government with all details concerning each project in our program," Mayor Martin declared. "My administration is busy now collecting the information required.
As soon as it is prepared in understandable form, I will be in a better position to discuss the gymnasium proposal and all other projects contained in our program." Where the gymnasium and auditorium will be erected, if federal funds are forthcoming, the mayor could not say today. He indicated, however, it will be built, if possible, in a location that will attract the greatest, possible maximum revenue amount and pro- of convenience for all purposes to which it might be put. SHIPMENTS BY CARBIDE PLANT GROWING DAILY TO THE WHITING, March the new $10,000,000 plant of the Union Carbide and Carbon Chemicals corporation operating at near capacity here now, company officials announced this morning that shipments of products are increasing daily. Several dozen carloads of chemicals produced by the plant have been shipped to customers or warehouses in specially-designed tank cars since the unit was placed in operation almost a month ago. firm's pay roll approximately 300 men at present.
More will be added as soon as the remainder of the plant is finished. Workmen now are completing the last unit. When working at capacity, the factory will employ almost 400 persons on a full-time schedule of from 40 to 44 hours a week in accordance. with firm is the operating. codes under The Whiting unit, reputed to be one of the most modern in the world, manufacture alcohols, esters, solvents, and similar products from waste gases pumped into the plant by the Standard Oil refinery nearby.
It recently obtained a permit from the federal government to produce denatured alcohol for com- purposes. SMASHED WINDOW Richard Brunsell, 1722 Indianapolis reported to police at Robertsdale yesterday that vandals smashed window in his storeroom at 1734 Calumet avenue he is remodeling to open a tavern. Brunsell told police he suspects several persons of the deed. Damage the window was estimated at $100. UNDERSLUNG LANGUAGE CHICAGO, March -Gen.
Hugh Johnson maintained his reputation as a master of the stream-lined retort last night. "General," an unidentified wit shouted during an address, "what would the N. R. A. do if six-day bicycle racers demanded a five-day week Johnson paused in mid-phrase to answer.
"There you have me," he said, "but we might send them to the A. A. A. to be ploughed under." The former N. R.
A. administrator jabbed vigorously at Donald R. Richberg, his successor. "One newspaper recently contained 12 plain libels against me," he said, "but the only one I resent is a statement that I recommended Richberg to the president." $10,000 BILLS SCATTERED ON DEPOT PLATFORM Mrs. Isabel McHie Creates Scene at Battle Creek, Mich.
Station Yesterday TO THE BATTLE CREEK, March what is declared to have been a publicity stunt a woman who first gave her name as Mrs. Isabel McCoy of New York but later was identified as Mrs. Isabel McHie of New York, was removed from a Grand Trunk train where she had been acting strangely and taken to a hospital. On alighting at the depot platform, her handbag was dropped and from it showered ten thousand and thousand dollar bills in all amounting as police counted it to $173,505 in various denominations. Her tickets indicated that she had boarded the train at Chicago and was bound for Montreal.
On being taken to the hospital, she said she was the wife of Sidmon McHie, publisher of The Hammond Times, but refused to answer questions of the police as to why she was carrying SO large an amount of money, with her. She also had a jewel box with her containing a large amount of precious gems. It was learned that the HcHies have been estranged for years and Hammond dispatches say that she had filed several actions for financial accountings from her husband. She is seeking to have a receiver appointed and demands property settlements, according to court records. She has been residing in Hammond for two years and has been made defendant in a divorce action charging cruelty and an ungovernable temper.
The suit is still pending. She is estimated to have a fortune of $500,000. As much as $10,000 might have been thrown from the train yesterday by Mrs. McHie, before the train workers found her. She attempted to throw away another $173,000 while they were preparing to take her to a hospital from the train on which she was bound to Montreal from Chicago, officers said.
Police were summoned to the gan tossing bills in all directions. train when the crew reported a woman passenger was throwing $100 bills into the aisle and stuffing money through the Pullman ventilators. Search was started along the railroad route after the woman remarked while being taken to an ambulance: "You cannot get my money--I've thrown it all away." Papers in woman's possession indicate that she recently made huge sales of stock and bonds through the Fifth Avenue bank, New York, police reported. Police were at loss to explain why Mrs. McHie had been placed on the train at Chicago an unidentified man.
Her ticket called a a for passage to Montreal. Shortly after the train pulled out, Mrs. McHie began making remarks about carrying a great deal of money, the crew said. Then she seemed to grow agitated and It was reported at the Mee hotel where Mrs. McHie makes her residence when in Hammond that she had left for a few days on Monday but that her baggage was left behind.
SCALDED FATALLY SCALDED FATALLY INDIANAPOLIS, March 21. Smith was scalded fatally and Will Akins was burned seriously when a boiler at the Indianapolis Bleaching company plant exploded here today. The two men, employes, were trapped in a boiler room filled with scalding steam. They had been cleaning out boiler. Several other employes, who were near the doors, escaped from the room without being burned.
BEEN SENT AS YET TO GERMANY Roosevelt Directs State Department to Proceed With Extreme Caution By KINGSBURY SMITH CORRESPONDENT I. N. (Copyright, 1935, by I. SERVICE! WASHINGTON, March 21. -The state department has drafted a of protest to Germany against Chancellor Adolf Hitler's proclamation of rearmament in defiance of peace treaty obligations.
International News Service is able to reveal exclusively that the note, as now drafted, states this government "cannot conceal its regret" at Germany's rearmament, which it considers a "voidance" the separate American treaty of peace with Germany. Whether the note will be sent to Berlin has not yet been decided. President Roosevelt has directed the state department to proceed with extreme caution to avoid involving this country in the present European crisis. The president does not want to take any steps which might commit this government to take sides. The state department, therefore, is desirous of awaiting a tion of the European situation and it is possible that no decision will be reached concerning dispatch of the note pending the meeting early next week between Sir John Simon, the British foreign secretary, and Chancellor Hitler.
Violation of Treaty The view prevailed in some, authoritative quarters, however, that Germany eventually should be notified that this government considers its action a violation of the separate American treaty of peace. Under this treaty, signed in 1921, United States was granted all the "rights and advantages" of the military clauses of the Versailles treaty, which Germany has renounced. It is felt that it would be difficult to reconcile the representation which this government has made in the past to Japan against treaty violations unless Germany's attention is called to a similar breach of the sanctity to a treaty to which the United States is a party. Therefore, the state department is waiting for an opportune time to notify Germany that this government feels obliged to call to its attention the fact that its action constituted a violation of the American peace treaty. If the opportunity fails to present itself and the European situation becomes so complicated that any action by this country might be interpreted as committing itself in regard to future action, it is probable that the state department will withhold the protest.
Meanwhile, the note is ready. ESCAPE EFFORT OF CHRISTIAN IS FLOP IN CHICAGO Jail Turnkey Ducks Behind Desk Now He's at Crown Point George Christian, 23-year-old leader of a desperate bandit gang, made a bold attempt to shoot his way out of the Burnside district jail in Chicago about 3:30 a. m. yesterday, it was learned exclusively by The Hammond Times today. Christian, leader of 8 gang which terrorized Lake county motorists and storekeepers, in some manner had a .38 caliber pistol in his cell with which he sought to make his break for The young bandit freedomested a turnkey to obtain a of coffee for him.
The officer, seeing no harm in doing the prisoner a favor, brought the coffee. As he opened the cell door, Christian suddenly produced pistol. The turnkey made a leap for a desk which stood nearby and jumped behind it just as the bandit leader fired a shot over the top. The turnkey managed to push the desk around so that he could push an alarm button and other officers rushed to his rescue. Christian, it was learned, made (Continued on Page Thirteen).
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