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Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • 11

Lincoln, Nebraska
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Tovle. lK) St FOR RENT-J rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. 1416 O- Auto 3908.. Suitable Gifts at the P.MIEW1BJ.-ABSTR..CT Sll-Rlch-1 ards prorupt attention to orders. SAYS BRITISH EXPERT LONDON, April Crawley.

FOR RENT Two furalstted rooms for lia. Q- i lo-mirR WAKTElVWt employ 150 operators and rail une at all limes competent girls of good character; splendid chances for advancement; salary paid while- learning. Apply Trafllo Nebraska Telephone Co. Big Gift Store FOR SALE FARMS. FOR RENT One fulte of 1 rooms; one suite of rooms: unfurnished; steam Ajuto feT.

ai 12th, R. a widely known authority on the game, writing in the Pall Mall Gaset-te. declares that- Billy the American title holder, is prohably the nvin i jSac.v. iJc in- fart will fin, fimtflhlrt nfta for FOR REN 0 USES. i -11 1 a i best tennis player In the world.

I WANTED-Olrl for general house work, after April 24th. Mrs. J. Seacrsst. SSd and Sumner.

Hell 304. Auto 9137. FOtt 8ALE-B0 acres good land. Thsver rxwntv. Nebrankai 1, yt mlles-Alexan-dn; most all oulllvateil; no buildings; price could use cheap western Nebraska land, balance cash or part cash.

1. Brlnegar, Little Lincoln. Auto 3512. Crawley says of Larned work: "Ijarned's ground play is English; FOR RENT room, strictly modern home; line shade; laigs oak. wood work; paved street.

Inquire Dr. So. 29th. his game has no peculiarities and no weaknesses. Few men have had mors WANTED I'lgh school girl to assist aroun- house after school hours.

Call 1614 So. 26th. experience or possess finer records and no one Is a better general." FOR SALE By owner. acres irrigated land, near KcottsblutT. or will trade for City property.

1941 Cherry. Auto 6343. every meniDer oi ine iamuy. Our stock of Jewelry is unusually well selected. TheVeat variety and many novelties will make a pleasing gift to every jhember of the family, whether pld or young, and will make your shopping here easy WANTED Girls for light, easy shop work.

Laurenttde Mica R13 St. FOR Second floor list, si rooms and bath at 2641 'W partly modern; very attractive, $13.00. Johnson. Auto 643S. DEORO WINS HANDICAP 4 WANTED Housekeeper, general work.

Call at CO Richards Blk. FOR RENT Part furnished room house to man and wife. Auto 4201 MAJHFR0M SMITH NEW TORKAnrlLJS. Alfred WAN'iED A girl for second work. 10:0 I street OKLAHOMA FARMS.

L. W. Tarkenton ReaTty Owners, Waurijka, Oklahoma; 159 acre. IIS under cultivation, all smooth land, small house, good well. All fenced and crosa fenced.

Four miles east of YOU CAM Oro -today bas a stronger gVln than FOR RENT Furnished house for months or rooms and' bath; full basement gas and electric light; good garden spot; no children. 1736 ever on the pool hav LACE curtains laundered with care, at 2126 8t. Bell A-2493 ing come through his 400-300 match with Alec Smith with fifty points to Comanche. Oklahoma. Price $42.50 per WANTED Kelster's Ladles Tailoring college, O.

Call or write for booklet the good. In the final block last night the title holder led by 134 to ninety- ui itj; mou, DRiaiico easy lernis, i per cent 320 acres, all tlllnble land: MO ar-rea nndar FOR KENT House, S4 No: lsth; room bungalow; new. Auto 7H3S. 1 three. cullivstlotL All dark sandy loam, Three miles from good railroad town.

Price LACE curtains laundered by Mrs. Oldt, 419 So. list Auto liiU WANT AD. RATES FOR RENT Acreage, Jlne 7 room house. hen house, barn, fenced, pasture, some fruit: cheap, Call L-SS15.

or 2215 street. COUNT YOUR. CH ICKENS BEFORE THEY ARE HATCHED jwr acre; 1-1 casn, balance easy at per cent. Sixty acres choice wild land. Threa mllaa WANTED AGENTS.

Tti rate for ad vertlalns Is the Want fMnmnanrtt of Oomaiiche, Oklahoma; pi-Ice FOR HER Sterling Purse Diamond Ring-Plain Ring Birthstone Ring Bracelet Gold Watch Vanity Box -Gold Handled-Umbrella String of Gold Beads Gold Locket -Gold Chain FOR HIM Gold Headed Cane Sterling Umbrella Scarf Pin Pair Cuff- Buttons Silver Pocket-Picture Frame Gold Foh Sterling Cigarette Cace Gold Tio Holder WANTED Agents, red hot proposition, 204 Bo. 12th. SUNDAY JOURNAL alone, or tti DAILY JorJS NAL and EVIUSINU NEWS in ODmblTilon. I. FOR RENT A flat.

618 80. 17th modern In every way; deslrablo home. P. Kennard. 1645 i Bt.

cant a word for each Inaertloo: no advrtinnt iiV ANT KD-Two llveenergetic solicitors uri viti j-i vaau, usmnce essy terms, nt 6 per cent. "-tlCtFORStTir COMrXNY; 1307 St Both Thones. eeptad for less Uian to cents Uie flret luaaiHou, of 10 rauta each aubaaqueat Insertloo. Wa do not make Changs lew loan oenta, and therefor In computing to ooel of an wa taka tu can uh laniioia, wnraii hoik; proposition on road; expenses advanced. 2331 8t on tneoao oeoin hi or soeniR.ana muni soMits if or 4 cants.

Tba rale, therefore, for a want ad, of 10 words or less up to 20 words would as follows i'Xlt SALE Well improved grain and atiir-lr farm- a 11 FOR RENT Five room cottage, 17th and Vine streetsr 1bo- seven room house. See' H. Wlggontost. 1 FOR RENT 1103 Rose street, 5 rooms, all modern. Lltclitehstlgvr, 201 So.

10th, Bell 622; Auto 660L -r FOR RENT room house, $16 pet month. Inquire 6fe.No. Htli. 11. Hous-child.

Gage cotmty; Neb.i must be sold to 'settle estate; possession at onoe; also farm DAYS ARE CERTAal WITH THE fuutey, AUIO 4IDV. WORDS WANTED Sales agents for.torblne blowers, feed water regulators, ventilating fans, pumps, guaranteed territory, large commission. Wlug, toti Plymouth Chicago. MEN and worsen agenta if you earn less. than $56 a send for our latest proposition.

Particulars free, The Henry Novelty Longford, Kaa, IS. 11 MAUEL BOTHKRS, 227 Little Cor. 11th and for HOMES ON THE FARM. -1 Come to the house of a thousand gifts. i a 4) i to 3o om 0 40 te oe soto torn tO 40 ti ss SO 70 0 20 Si 0 70 1 00 10 SS tO 40 78 1 S5 60 Qh SO 1 10 SO IN III 20 IS 66 IN IN tO 40 tS 7S III 1U S) 40 40 7S 111 lit tO 40 60 10 1 00 111 lt clas SIFIED 14....

M- It WANTED Agents. $5 to $25 dally selllna FOR. 8ALE Bargains In land-In Sheri man, Buffalo and Custer counties. Write the First National Bank, Litchfield, Neb. FOR RENT 4 room all modem lower fiat at 427 So.

1st east front; nice porch: $25.: Call-1730 St, or phone" 3782. FOR RENT- Modern house 1232 street. Inquire, of Mrs. Lewis Gregory 1230 street. in, jcwcici our automobile specialty: send for free particulars today.

Tne u. s. supply Box 76C, Emporia, Kaa. K- FOR SALE LANDS. All Irmrular dar Inaertlona ta ha cooatad WANTED Agents to Introduce article which helps to reduce household ex LOST gold ring with soroll work and garnet sot.

Finder return to Lincoln hotel and receive liberal reward. FOR RENT Small--modem unfurnished April" 15. Auto 8933. flntlnaarUona. V- FOR -KXCHANGE-Owner wishes to exchange for olty residence, an Improved tOO: acre farm In Otoe county.

Fulk, Furnisher and Hatter, 1X13 O. FOR SALE 160 acres, I blocks of $40,000 nnrmut nt i t. penses. Particulars free. Write today.

o. o. ijaean, upucian i .1123 0 St. Yellow Front Fine Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing and Manufacturing. CARD OF: THANKS.

MACHINE WORK. tjoveiace's aepunmeni store, t. N. Dak. FOR RENT Nearly noy 6 room modern house, 1205 Washington stfeet.

Call next door south for key. Auto 2760. line of 60 miles west of Lincoln; CARD OP THANKS We wish to extend i.iii (' aurn; pan couiu he platted. our lieurtv thanks to the many friends nv, ourger, owner. AGENTS Five to fifteen dollars a day.

Call. 1120 St. P. O. Box 475, FOR J5XCH ANGE Well Improved 120 acres, 6 miles from Vnlpsralso; will tak cltv property or stock of merchandtss; per acre $no.

HerrL-k fe Spencer, 218-218 t'unuo Block, Lincoln. and especially to the A. U. and FOR RENT Whetv you tlnd a house; call up for a Star padded van; moving boxes loaned free. Auto Rcil 213.

the I. of M. for their sympathy and MILLET THAT IS ONLY SIXTY DATS SCHAMP Marhlne 311 So. 11th. General niurhlne works, automobiles, motorcycle and bicycle repairing propnit-ly and properly attended to; work called for and delivered.

Second hand automobiles a- 1 motorcycles Bought and sold. help nnd for the beautiful floral offerings during the sickness and death of our be WANTED No experience necessary to make 85 to sis anity, wmi tne most I OLD Is now four feet tall. Onlv one titan $3.50 Remedy Free For Weak Kidneys FOR RENT 7 room modern house; laundry and attic; fine location; exci-llunt repair; cheap rent. ---Inquire Auto 93N0. loved husband, father ana brother.

Mrs, Emily Martin and Family, H. Martin, Mis. llollie Garrard. MACHINE SUPPLIES. useful article on the market.

Write today. The Onaga Special Onega, Kas, 1 FOR EXCHAN'JE-Two nice business 'lots in good townAlahoma; one nice nearly new rubber tired buggy and ah for deslrshle 6 or room rottnge, not above t2.i must be a bargain and right Addrers 889 Journal. you can say that about at this season of the year. That Is the CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank FOR RENT Suite of rvuins for rent; gas, heat and private batii, 1829 $16, Call Auto $737 or HEADUUA 'ITERS for shafting, pulleys and txattng, largest stork, lowest prices. It L.

Smith. 243 So. tth St Relieves Urinary and Kidney Troubles, WANTED Start a Mali Order. Business our friends and neighbors for their LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY, TEXAS, kindness and sympathy during the sick and prosper. Booklet, 10c, Particulars free.

Box 1615, New York. eacKacne, straining, swell ing, Etc. ness ana death of our beiovea motner; iURSERY STOCK. also for the beautiful floral offerings. FOR EXCHANGE Eight fin lots, value at two each and in cash to exchange for good honxe In Lincoln.

Derrick HpencctvJ218-21 Funke Blk. FOR' RENT 1728 So. 11th, 1 rooms, modern except heat. Inquire J. E.

Llch-tenstiger, 201 80. 10th," WANTED TO BUY. Steps Pain in the Bladder, Kidneys curtiB k. xoung and namuy. That enchanted and enchanting region i has proven a great place for the raising of liiilli-t and -everything else-Including children.

Go-down and see It Tucady, and Hack. WANTEDSITUATIONS. VvhNTED To buy second hand incuba tor, AUIO Bid. Wouldn't It ie nice within a' week, or FOR RENT Very desirable modern flat; 6 rooms and large alcove. Mrs.

Theo. Hurts, 1425 Auto 8997. THE HOME Nursery. Everything from a straw brry plant to the big shade trees can be found at the Home Nursery at University Place. Contracts taken for planting nd plans furnished for same.

Call, write or phone. Auto 8119. Bell' A 931.6. L. O.

Williams. WANTED Position to work for board. ni'ii. to, STANDARD LAND Bell plione A-Ziw. WANTEP--Ffesh young Holsteln or Jer-sov Mwf alan dozen chickens.

F907T, so to begin to say goodbye forever to the scalding, dribbling, straining or too frequent passage of urine; the forehead and- back-of-ihe-head aches: the stitches FOR EXCHANGE Clear quarter Holt Co. land only 4 miles from town. lf acres rood hay land, balnnoe grazing land. Will exchange for Lincoln resl-denca and pay rash difference, or for Jood automobile and each. Prloe M.

Bennett, 1730 ProsMict Lincoln, FOR RENl 6 room 304 So, Uth; modern except heat i 1210 Lincoln, Neb. Both Phones. WANTED Students want vacuum cleaning work during April WANTED Second-hand clothing bought A 1 ,1 ilnA nrltta aiid pains In the back: the growing PATENTS. 13 to 19. Call Auto 1609.

FOR RENT Modern, Ave room flat; In brick building at 115 So. 27th. 813. Towne, 2646 O. mm duiui yam.

van auiv 8824, and we wU' oall and buy. Tba London. 131 No. tta. muscie spots betore me eyes; yellow skin; sluggish bowels; swollen eyelids or ankles: leg cramps: unnatural WANTED MALE HELP.

WILLARD ELDY, em-olled solicitor la U. 8. patent office. 1'axton Omaha FOR SALE-Irrlgated and dry farms and ranches In Western, also some good relinquishments. The P.

have started, their extension from Northport to the west Now Is the time get In on the ground floor. A.T. Seybolt, short breath; sleeplessness and the WANTED To buy Junk, highest prices FOR EXCMANaE Elegant section Greeley county, Kansas, price Want good running stock mdse. for equity. 402 E.

13th, Place, Neb. POULTRY AND EGGS, i jif uponuHncy I have a remedy for these troubles that icpstem, Jilio Both phones. FOR 6 room house, gas and city water. Inquire at 114 14th. Both phones.

WANTED Elderly -c gentleman csslUer; night work; references." Address 896 Journal. Urldgopert, WANTlw One thousand pounds choice alfalfa' seed, western grown: send, sam WANTED Railway mall clerks. Aver FOR SALE Thirty acres Joining town, well Improved: ifl.000 cash. Fairmont FOR- BENT Two- modern houses: eight and ten rooms; close in. Telephone Auto.2924.-.---; FOR HA LK Buff.

Orpington eggs for hatching from laying strain high scoring girds. Set now for next winter's layers. My pullets commenced laying at seven months. 11. Humes, Route 4, Lincoln.

Hell A-2194; Auto 9687. age salary si.iw. Alternate weeks oft ple, state price and where grown, dry or irrigated. J. M.

uennett, Box 286, Lincoln, FOR EXCHANGE 120 acre farm, well Improved; house, barn, cattle shed, orchard, etc. Easy terms, P. Lownsend, Valparaiso, Neb. Land Fairmont Neb. with fun pay.

Prepsrntion free for com you can depend on, and If you want to make a QUICK RECOVERY you ought to write for some of It a doctor would charge you to.60 Just for writing a prescription, but I have the medicines themselves, and am now offering them entirely free of charge. How to obtain a tZM package of these medicines for weak kidneys free Just drop me a line like Neb. ing Lincoln examinations. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 1H7 Rochester, N.

x. FOR BALE LIVE 8TOCK. FOR RENT 732 J. street, modern except heat Auto phone 6046, room 419 Little Block. WANTED 2nd hand clothing bought, sold and exchanged, 141 No.

12th. Bell FOR EXCHANGE New 10 roam mod- rn hnniuk and hrn In town near FOR SALE Good milk cow. Bell F-1007. WANTED $90 per month and expenses to men to travel, advertise and out out A 828.

A 1812. FOR BALK White Plymouth Rock eggs from excellent laying atraln, 60o per 16: $.1.00 per 100. Ball 806. Elsie Loder, Waverly, Meb. tms: ur.

a. jy. Komnson, Luck Building. Detroit. and I will send catalogues.

Rib mail order house. Silver- coin. Will for small residence In Lincoln or raw land. Address 871 Jonrnal. FOR RENT Houses and flats, $10.00 to $25,00.

Mrs. Courtnay, Both phones. FOR SALE Cheap, a dark bay horse. 4 venra r.l,T drlvpa and ton co. ists, cnicago.

WANTED Will pay cash- or trade other varieties, for all kinds of pigeons. Al free my plan by which -ou may ob-ain a full size 83.60 package of these medicines without a cent of expense to nriua 9oo pounds. Phone A-9521, Haveluck, WANTED $90 monthly to trustworthy so setting hens wanted, Fred S. Sea-crest, 33d and Sumner. Auto 9137.

Bell BU8INES3 CHANCE. FOR SAIJ5 Slnglo TJomb White Leg-horn eggs. $1.00 for 16. Joe Beacrest, and fciuniner. Bell $66; Auto 8137.

FOR RENT Modern. room house, in. quire 606 No. 14tti. you.

as you will see when you use them, 36. people to distribute samples and catalogues, at home; steady work: $15 expense allowance. S. Scheffer. Treas.

inese medicines contain only pure narm- FOR BALE The biggest and best pay FOR RENT-1227-80. lBth 8 room r-s remedies, out tnev nave exeat neni- WANTED HOU8E8. FOR SALE Good Jersey cow, giving Shout six nuarts, fresh In July; also month old, Jersey bull calf, B. 8. Ounn, 642 -o.

34th. house-, modern, gas, electricity, furnace. ng and paln-conauerlng Thev ing milk route in tne cuy. nox am, city, 296, Chicago. good laundry floors, large roomy, closets; east front; newly Auto-0)96.

will quickly show their power once you use them, so I think you had better see WANTED About 4 acres, shade, fruit, LEARN automobile business. Home les FOR worth of Lincoln Oss cottage, near street car, for,-. FOR BAT.E- 1 good work horse; l- new wide tired wagon. Hell A-2362. FOR RENT BUSINESS PROPERTY.

sons; $25 weekly job guaranteed, $10 weekly while learning. Auto School, 1935 Rochester. N. Y. what they are without delay, I am willing to send you the medicines free- you can use them and cure yourself at and Electric Lignt company nrst mnrt-gage bonds chenp: will net purchaser 7 per cent on Investment.

Moore Invest FOK HALE Eggs for Incubation ajid Ulng. Btnglu Comb Buft Orpington, Wm. (jirtik strain. Some npeolal mat-ings. Also Barred Rocks, Crystal White Orpington Click.

Also roving chicks. Inquire Homer U. Scott, 1736 St, Auto 6734, Bell 303. FOR SALE A practical helpful Illustrated monthly poultry paper, two years 86c, three years 60c: order now at this cut price. Address Poultry Toplos, Lincoln.

Neb. Jtr postaga charged olty subscribers. home. FOR RENT Modern store room, 11 So. ment 1421 O.

Auto 8492 and 2167. FOR SALE A.flne freRh milk gow; Vine St, ltn. i-oungo) Bell WANTEn Two Sst irday good Riihnlv fn. WANTED Trustworthy, competent man ADVERTISEMENT. FOR SALE Splendid location for gar- with 15,000 cash for permanent lucii HORSES AND MULES WANTED.

Will be at the following places to buy your horses and mules from 3 to 20 WANTED 2 good steady barbers, nt 209 Rge on main boulevard of Lincoln, seven FOR SALE For cash, all' first class, three mares and one horse. Bell phone -i 1' No. 9th. PILES CURED AT HOME BY store, both wholesale and retail. In well known staple line; $200 a month and all expenses and liberal share of profits.

Large, well known house, established manv years, offers excellent opening for WANTED First class blacksmith at blocks' P. two story buc. building, wlth--good front nd rtitrance; lot dimensions 46 by 80 This Is a good thing; investigate. Address -890 in NEW ABSORPTION METHOD once. Carter Transfer Storage Co.

FOR BALE Team of monies for delivery wagon or will trade for heavy horse. Trester Mercantile 869 No. 27th. STRAYED If you suffer from bleeding, itchlnar. years must be fat-Greenwood, Monday forenoon, AprlM7 Lincoln, Mondny afternoon, April 17, at Wright's barn, 10th and streets.

Bring In your horses and mules; horses witn speed, chunks, drafters, in fact any kind, I buy tbem nil. Remember the date. WANTED Man to take care hot water blind or protruding Plies, send me your address, and I will tell you how to cure steady, canablo man. Favorable Investment; high, class business-bright man should make $6,000 a year or better; large future prospects; references required. For FOR RENT Office and large sample plant for light firing.

Call at 60S South Uth. OR 8ALE BIRDS PET 8T0CK. STRAYED or stolon from 1727 white Scotclr terrlerr with collar, padlock and tax tag. Reward for hia return. at home, by the new- absorption room in tne press unig.

inquire Press Pub. 13th and Sts. Treatment: and will also send some of particulars address K95 journal. A NTED Experienced salesmen to sell this treatment free for trial, with references from your own locality If reauest- STEAMSHIPS. C.

it BAND. The Kansas City Horse Buyer. FOR SALE Fox terrier dogs, pedigree, registered and prise winning stock, cheap if taken at once. 8096 8 St, Maple Grove kennels. fruit, trucK ana anaiia land unaer tne famous Elenhant Butte Irrigation Dam FOR SALE Going out of business, will sell soda fountain, confectionery and FORRENT Store room, 926 mod-era front; cheap rent Call at.

the Guarantee Store, 1132 St. ed. Immediate, relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others lunch counter; has good trade; easy payments. Auto 160, ilavelock.

oi his offer, write today to Mrs. M. at Las Cruces, New Mexico, where the U. S. government is spending approximately In constructing this great dam.

Liberal commission. Write for full WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Bummers, tsox Notre Dame, Ind. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT Suite of two orflce rooms, modern, over HaHeV's drua In- ALLAN LINE Picturesque St.

Lawrence Route Weekly Sailings from MONTREAL to LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW LONDON And HAVRE, FRANCE. Splendid scenery, shortest passage, low rates. Ajiy Local Agent, or ft CO 17 Jacksun Bivit, Chicago, CONTRACT bids for painting my home hulldinss received Immediately. Auto Darticulars. Each purchaser protected by WANTED Vacuum cleaning by experienced workman: reasonable rate: first tjuire W.

L. McClay, 1106 St. a bond. Elephant Butte Land Trust 598 or call sanford's office, Richards class work, Auto 1546; Bell 471. EXTRA EASTER SPECIALS Extremely beautiful male ostrich feath.

TOR SALE-8llghtly used high grade steel, also- Detroit Jewel gas range; pajpnent $1.00 week if desired. Call or Auto ,6936. Las cruces, Alex. FOR, RENT BARNS. block, at home Sunday.

WANTED Cash paid for old gold and silver, jewelry. C. F. Spain 138 No. 12th St NOTICE TO BUSINESS MEN.

I am going, to build on the south slda and hand-knotted willow plumes In all colors, of lustrous beauty, rich and glossy fibre, and with full drooping heads TREES AND SHRUBS. FOR RENT Barn at 429 No, 13th, Auto 5425. VOR BALE furniture, cheap at I4 So. 10th. WANTED- At once a men to work by the day.

20 men to clean brick by the thousand. Come at once Leavitt Sugnr factory, north of Ames, Neb. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb.

of street, between 16th and 17th. Pros- sold direct from the -manufacturer at wholesale prices. i FOR SALE CITY WANTED The highest cash price paid for second hand furniture and stoves. Lane, 224 No. 10th.

peotive tenants are requested to call and sea me; the building on the property now for sale. Call at Hhader's Drug Store, FOR BALhl Gxiod assortment of fruit Shade aiul ornumental trees, shrubs, roses and sinuli fruits; muru than one hundred different sorts to sa- lect from. Come and see theni. 16th and Free delivery In city. Auto phone 49u.

M. Hi in ana u. FOR QUICK. SALE Five room modern cottage, 1402 Rose $2,600: owner leav FOR BALE A bargain, a genuine A. B.

Chose piano, In line mahogany cose, used scveni months. This Is one of the late 'art creations and Is sold at the one price of $465; will sell for $346. It's a duplicate of the one used by the Junior matinee musicale at the Temple; piuno Is nt WHlt's Music store, 1215 St. WANTED Second hand lumber and all kinds of building material. Buildings PHYSICIAN'S opportunity.

No competition. Fifteen hundred buys seven room ing city. Real estate dealers please list'. bought fer wrecking anywhere. Trestsr WANTED for U.

8. army, able bodied unmarried r.ien betwen ages of 18 and 36; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Re-cruitlng Officer. 13th and Douglas Omaha, Massachusetts Sioux City, 130 No. 10th Lincoln, dwelling, drug store and stock, Sacrifice.

Wrecking and salvage Lincoln, Neb. FOR SALE To write or colored people. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS. loLiitaru et uraces so. 2utn.

and Appia- Address Dr. J. iu. canenner, Tiieorora, Neb." 7 FOR RENT ROOMS. sireeis.

u. w. Myers, owner, 2037 No, 21st, umnlia', FOR SALE Four hole Majestic steel range in good condition. 3035 Vine St. AUTOMOBILE8.

110 U. ira tit, urana island, Neo. FOR RENT Large front room, nicely FOR SALE New modern, 1 room cottage; furnished, modern, ira u. Auto lm WHY I'AY MORE than 50 eents for typewriter ribbons? We furnish them for the Smith-Premier, Remington, New Century, Hammond and Underwood machines at this price. The "Perfection," the best ribbon on the market, 60 cents each.

Every ore guaranteed. Btate Journal Co. ATTTO livery, Joers 1226 cnoice locaiion; easy terms. Auto 9203. $100 MONTHLY AUTOINU.

V. 8. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAIIA7 LARGEST BEST: write for proof. FOR SALE-Nearly new $35.00 wheel: first tires still as good as new; will sell for $15.00 if taken at once.

330 No. 29lh St. St. Auto phone 3001; Hell F-794. FOR RENT Large front room, suitable for 2.

modern house: rent, reasonable. FOR SALE 7 room house. Call 3201 or phone A-1747. 927- St. FOR SALE Electric runabout cheap.

Pope Waverlv electric runabout, new FOR SALE household furniture in good condition, 844 No. 22d. Bell A-1419. batteries and tires; go anywhere; owner TYPEWRITERS. FOR SALE Or trade, six room modern full two story house, one block from WANTED I made $60,000 in five years with a small mail order business; began with $5.

Send for free booklet Tells how. Heacock, Lockport, N. Y. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, newly nanar-oA M.nn1 TJ Ut Willow Plumes. car, seven minute service.

Auto 1109. moved to country wnei-e electricity not available and will sell for $150, which Is less than the butteries cost one year ago, Marlon Automobile 2101 Far-nam, Omaha, Neb. Phone Douglas 2843. Mil Bt. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for ANY make, new or rebuilt Sold or rented anywhere.

B. F. 143 So, 13th, Established 1904., FOR SALE High grade steel range; also Detroit Jewel gas range; payments $1.00 a week If desired. Call 2023 or Auto P936. light housekeeping, on ground floor, FOR SALE-Close, high Jots, 11th -and 1834 P.

19 I 31 in. 20 In. 9.50 22 In. 12.30 28 In. long, 24 In, wide 119.50 80 in.

long, 26 in, wide 22.50 French Curl Plumes 17 in. 2.96 18 in. long 3.76 20 In. long, special 7.50 iztn on vine. Auto ow, j.

Stevenson. MISCELLANEOUS. 1117 H. FOR RENT Modern furnished room; AUTO livery at Sidles Motor Co. Wm, Weem, Auto 2647.

board if desired, 1220 L. WANTED Big money writing songs, thousands of dollars for anvone who can write successful words or music. Fust experience unnecessary. Send us your song poems, with or without music, or write for free particulars. Acceptance guaranteed if available.

Washington only place to secure copywright. H. Klrkus Dugdale Dept. 454, Washington, D. C.

FOR SALE Rnggy at Yates Lumber Co. and English saddle and nickel (liu-tlonery stand at 633 So. 17lh. FOR SALE A well -oullf modern, stuc CALL Carter Transfer Storage for. electric rug and.

carpet Marabou Stoles. Natural and Black FOR RENT-t-Rooms in modern houBe; CANCER SPECIALISTS. co house, near 2lst and A streets, $6,600,,, See Yates-Frcnch 122a O. St. 2V4 yards, 4 strands 6.00 2 Hi yards, 5 strands 7.50 single or en suite, 1428 y.

FOR SALE Two fire proof safes, 1 Mosler, 1 Halls, with inside comb, vault. H. W. Howe, Humboldt, Neb. Collarettes, Natural and Black DH.

T. O'CONNER, 1105 St. Cancers wU limit ti ail-tar Unlfaa tra. RAILROAD TIME TABLE Dally. tDally ex.

Sun. Sun. FOR SALE 'A new modern residence, wu V1 nuuvut a ay iui diivtjb. HO in. 5 strands 6.00 to in.

long, 6.50 two blocks south or capltol, $4,600. See Yates-French 1220 St FOR RENT One large room to gentleman only, all modern conveniences; sleeping porch: large press. N. E. Cor.

14th and G. Phone 1842 or call evenings Mixed Ostrich and Marabou- FEATHER RENOVATING. Leave Arrives BURLINGTON FOR SALE Furnished flat, a neat little profit made above rent; will sell cheap. Address 809 Journal. FREE Illustrated book tells about over 860,000 protected positions in IT.

8. service. More than 40,000 vacancies every year. There la a big chance here for Stole, 2 yards, 5 9.50 Collarette, 5 strands 7.50 or Sunday. FOR SALE Ideal building lot corner, all modern, 13th and Plum See owner.

Auto 1787. 7 RENOVATED by steum, 2024 street Bell 134, Auto 1674. Chicago via Chicago via KIvai vIa. you, sure jand generous pay, lifetime em and we will send any of the above FOR RENT A room, modern house, private family; board If desired. 834 No.

26th. liKOCEKS or butchers Northey cooler, 6 by 6, nearly new. Delavan Hotel, 119 So 10th. FOUNDRY WORK. Chi.

Llin. via ployment. Easy to get. Just ssk ior booklet 194. No obligation.

Earl Hopkins. Washington, D. FOB SALE Two lots, corner 33d and 88 feet front by 167 deep, east KJ. Lf. wilii privilege ui rc r.Artj, 1 NATION.

If not satisfactory return prtnria And WA.wlll return vnur 2Se'. OR LINCOLN LISTER MFG. CO. FOR RENT 4 room house with 2 lots, ft VtU nA Tl atrftnta TTntttAratitw PlaM. ironi, private auey.

ton tjonnor, owner, Beatrice, Nebr. 21st and M. Foundry, machine and pat send full amount ana i we will prepay charges and If not as represented we FOK SALE Whole or part of almost new furnishing for 9 room house. Call quick; leaving city. Auto 7610.

1828 M. Chi. Exp. via lowa and Illinois t1 Omaha Flyer via Ashl'd Omaha Loo. via Ashl'd.

Omaha Loc. via Ashl'd. Denver Hasfga Flyer lianver Xr Kant'irs Fiver! tern worg to oroer. auio am. cheap to right party.

Phone A-1948, a o. win 01. FOR SALE-XGood modern lot near South and ith easy terms, $7uv. R. 1U Hlnpk Atltn Ui'jr.

Stall FINANCIAL. will refund your money cheerfully, PARIS FEATHER CO. 128 Delancey (Dept. New, York, WANTED Men, aged 18-36, for firemen monthly and brakfcmen $80 on railroads in Lincoln vicinity. Experience unnecessary no strike; positions guaranteed competsnt men; promotion.

Railroad employing headquarters over 400 mou sent to positions monthly, state age; send Railway Association, Dept. 136, 227 Monroe street, Brooklyn, N. Y. FOR RENT All modern room for rent at 221 So. 17th.

FOR SALE One Quick Meal coal range; one oak bed room stilt: one oak dining room table; one full hair cushion large Auto 9286. 186. C. H. McManigall.

Oxford llasfgs Exp. FOR SHORT time loans see Kelley ft Norrls, 129 So, 11th street. FOR SALli All modern cottage, including furnace: seven rooms on around k-W ray Sutton Fairfield Lo. llBStlngs-Kearney via SECURED OR FEE RETURNE MONEY to loan on city and farm prop. erty.

mortgages bought and Bold. Lin- FOR RENT A few of those beautiful rooms at the Delamar; nicely, newly furnished, with lavatory in each' room. Must call at once. 1228 P. FOR SALE Good violin; owner has two.

Phone Auto 1562; Bell 1263. PATENTS Kta rarjort aa to bater, aa to floor, besides girl's room and bath up stairs. Located at 1825 Prospect, finest ooln Safe Deposit and Trust 124 No. natentablllty. Guide Heattlo via Hill gr How-tieneca Lo Uth.

Wanted and Book, New list Inventions list Inventions WANTED A clean, successful meat cutter. Inquire J. K. Burleigh. 1020 P.

Bell 767; Auto 3072. 4: lOnm resiaence aisinci; paving an paid out. Inquire ot H- W. Hebbard, Journal oftice. Prises offered for Inventiona sent tree.

Patents advertised free. Grand Island Burweli Sargent localt Columbus via Germ't'nt FOR -RENT 4 beautiful furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all modern; fine location: half block from 8 car line 8001 FOR SALE lOO.coo tSet lumber, $12.50 to $20 per 1,000: 80,000 brick, fifty loads brick bats, doors, windows, furnaces, mantel, $00 perch atone, 100 loads kin. diing, gas and water pipe. Trester Wrecking Salvage Co. MONEY to loan on city property; reasonable rates, Chaa Hall, 118 No.

14th. wir I nilllO P. Pfl Washtngrto. WANTED FEMALE HELP. VIL.

J. OMWO tVi O. V. St. Louis K.

City Ex. lET" my figures on your new home. Have -many pleased Wm. N. 316 No.

83rd. Auto 7239. Columbia 8t. C. Lo.

FOR short time loans Lean 127 So. 12th. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; ground floor; private entrance. 1218 Q. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small fsmlly: no heavy work; good wages.

Call between 10, and 12, 1039 So. 11th. FOR SALE Alfalfa. F. Staata, S65S So, 9th.

Bell phone A 2623. Tobacco Habit Banished FOR SALE 6-room house, near 16th LOAN 8. and streets, und space 60x62 feet Table Kock local Nebraska City local. Sioux City local Beatrice Wymore Lot Beatrice afc WATCH KM ANT) CLOCKS DR. ELDERS' TOBACCO BOON BANISHES til 12:15 pm on paved street with paving walka and driveway Bath room, maple FARM and city loans, no delay, hade trees.jcement-l Repaired-Hanry-Ciislin, 114 South-litb.

Shadetrees.jcenient formi of Tobacco Bbl la 71 to 1 noun. A potl- FOR RENT Fnrnlshed rooms; rooms and suites.all strictly modern welLJlghted and ventilated; especially desirable for summer; special rates by Carter Flats, 134 So. Uth. Auto 2509. WA NTED Five experienced alteration help, on aklrts anddresses.

Apply at once. The Famous, 1118 St. Good wages, steady employment. Beatrice wym. iuu." u.

j. Wvmore Lo floors, furnace heat, soft water, aa wall yon SALE Josle Washburn's book. Ut, quick en pnuuil relief. Euy to taka. No eraTtng for Tobacco after tha flrst dou.

Ou an thraa boi for alt erdiaarj eaan. Wt nans' lean Savings bank. FARM and city loans at and I per cent and monthly ptv "ent plan. No 1145 St Beatrice AVymore Lot The Underworld Sewer," at Miller A Schuyler i anuo uv. to ninlta la (Tanr ai or refund money, gene for nl tn booklet slTlnf informatloa.

Palne'a and Herpolsheimer's. Price $1.60, FCR SALE Choice Elkhorn Valley nay on track dally. Lin. Feed Fuel Co. Arrtvaa FOR RENT Nicely furnished room; no other roomers, close in; gentlemen preferred, 4489.

WANTED Cooks, chambermaids, waitresses and silver girls. Sears Employment Bureau, 1012 O. as ctiy waiar, ueriieinet wuar ana laundry, screened rear porch, good light fixtures, nicely decorat-4. Possession given Immediately. No trades considered.

Communicate with owner. Office phones Auto 3412, Bell 96; residence phones Auto 6311. Bull 854. Kiaan' Banatarlam, Dast. 4 St.

Joaapa, Ma Leaves ROCK ISLAND Rocky Mountain Lmtd Chicago Limited Chicago-Neb. Colorado Kxpress KaBt FOR EXCHANGE. 2 SPECIAL RATES FOR EASTER. If you need monny for Easter clothes we will loan you all you want on your plain note. Call st our office and get our terms and easy payment plan.

LINCOLN LOAN Room 1 1234 St. Upstairs. WANTED Man nd wife for farm work; close to Lincoln. Auto 1304. on Malcolm exchange.

loom FOR RENT Close In, pleasant, modern, furnished large front rooms; lavatory; phone single or en suite; private home: reasonable. 1117 H. Auto 3899. GOOD HOMES SOME VERY 'EASY TERMS. ASK C.

H. 600-1 LITTLE BLDG. BOTH PHONES. 5:55 pm Kansas-Okia and FOR EXCHANGE First class new, 8 room modern House, Franklin Heights, Southeast finely price Omaha mum WANTED Good girl for general house work; no washing; wages $5.50, 1418 street EVERYBODY'S PLAYINGThat Melody Rag On Sale at The Racket, 1521 0 St. FOR BENT Strictly modern high class front i rooms; new brick 'flats; reasonable prices.

Mrs. Hunt, 1303 Q. 7 UNION PACIFIC I Leavesl Arrives owner would consider clear western Nebraska land up to $4,000. 894 Journal. FARM and city loans with privileges ot payment before due at 6 and 6 per cent interest.

Security Investment 148 So. 1-ih St TWO vacant lots, Franklin Heights; high and half block from car; snap for quick sale. Ask owner. Auto 9105 or C. H.

8 willow Auto 6178: Bell 130. WANTED Good girl for general housework; good wages; no washing. 1620 Manhattan and K. Omaha ,,...,.1.,. FOR EXCHANGE For smaller prop.

FOR RENT Rooms and suites; all with private bath rooms; monthly latea to permanent guestsf no Delavan at. I'lione i 1 1 LOST. erty (in any good town); modern home In fine East Lincoln Dean ia llt-atrlce-Llucoln motor. Tieatrice-Llncoln motor.t WANTED Lad to travel In. Nebraska hotel; J.atn Between ana o.

FOH SALE By owner; room, oak fin. -ish, moiem-noose; cheap; easy terms. Auto 1545 and 133:. Bell 646. U.

H. Wilson. owner, 843 Journal, Lincoln and Orand laid. good pay and tailor made suit in 90 days; experience unnecessary; reliable FOR RENT Furnished rooms: new L08T A bunch of keys at the ball park. Rewnrd for return to Lincoln Baseball Club, 823 Funks Bldg.

huildlng: new furniture: all modem MISSOURI PACIFIC) Leaves Arrives 1 firm. rue for particulars, juccraay ft conveniences. The Globe, 1328 St Auto cnicago. FOR EXCHANGE 240 acres, Nodaway, Iowa, $125. clear; will take good rental tor carry balance on land 12 years, 5 par-ceut.

)Alwv24 acres, near Shenandoah; lows. $109; $15,000 trade. Write J. FOR SALE Cheap; 18 room double house; part ball nee easy payments. Inquire LL Samuels.

1133 O.St. aau: ueu ko. LIBERAL reward for proof to convict parties who stole water and gas fixtures from 830 No. 17th St. H.

Wlggenjost WANTED Girl for general housework. Kansas City Omaha-Falls City Kansas City St. L.i.10:16pm BIGEL0W GAS LIGHT CO. Gasoline Gas Lighig Systems Call on or.addrase 122 North Fourteenth Street I Lincoln, Neb. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room at Mrs.

H. C. Young, 156 So. 23d. Both rsn Auto King.

Normal. phones. LOST Between corner 13th and and 12th slid-1 streets; small pearl broorh NORTHWESTERN I Leaves 1 Arrives Omaha-Ponesteel Lander FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for FOR SALE Close In, room cottage, -partly modern. Also 7 room house all modern, full lot $7,600 for quick sale. Auto .2435, Bell 2186..

Burlington blk. C. JJL IflcMaalgalL. FOR EXCHANGE Automobile In part payment on small acreage, near oar I nmaha-Oeadwood I with diamond center, jteturn to- Mrs. WANTED Competent for housework, or girl to sssist Auto H75.

Mrs. Richardson, 38th and South, Normal car, light nouneneeping. fhone 24.T5. C. 8.

Jw. A. Harding, 1647 Bo. 26th. Reward.

I yvahoo. Frcrn't, Albion. tl Joera Motor Co. AlcManigau, a ai uuriingion diock..

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