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Lincoln Journal Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • 9

Lincoln, Nebraska
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LINCOLN DAILY NEWS AUGUST 8. 3912. NIN3 iATHER" RENOVATING. believes the Lord "was reallvbehiri(l It all. RENOVATED by 2024 4tTeeJ Bell 134; Auto B-1674.

1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE A new 11-2 h. p. gasoline engine practically new; also hay baler, good as new. Auto 9356; Bell 62.

W. A. Woodward. CHINESE BOY STOLE MONEY FOR HOMELAND LOANS. FOR SALE-Good stock saddle, weight about 36 lbs.

Also riding bridle and set single harness. Auto 3487. 1601 C. LOANS on farm and city property at 6, 5H snd per cent; o-tlonal payments, mortgagee bought and sold. Lincoln Trust 126 No.

11th. A CLEVERLY MADE DESK. Good Housekeeping Maraxine. A room that 1 occupied in a summer boarding house had, instead of a- bureau, a table and a large waahstapd with two long and two drawers. The table was too unsteady to write upon, so I set the washatand In a good light, took out the upper drawer and ut It bark, bottom When It -was rawn half out.

I had an admirable desk, with the whole top of the stand for my papers. E. A. C. RENT YOUR ROOM to a state fair visitor or to one of the students coming in this fall.

A small ad in these columns should find you a renter. FOR SALE Nearly new Buitows combination blllard and pool table, standard slse with all equipment, a bargain. 1735 Euclid, phone F-25S6. to loan on city a-id farm property; no delay; optional payments. Union Loan Office.

1245 N. Admitted ThefU of Amount Touting $1,000 liad hiding Hues for It FOR SALE Cheap, sewing machine, iron bedstead, mattress and springs, chairs, sanitary couch, rockers, other things too numerous to mention. Auto 6788. Address 2233 St. WAST AD.

RATES FARM and city loans and privilege of payment befora due at 6 and 1-1 per cent Interest. Security Investment 148 So Uth St FARM and city mortgages, made without delay; lowest Interest and optional payments. The First Trust company, basement First National Bank. BARBER shop for rent on street. Address 94 Journal.

LOST. Tlx rate for tdrtnlslnf Is tira Tut Conns of toe MONDAY JOURNAL alone or tb. DAILY JOURNAL ana EVKNINQ p. WS Id combination. Isl noma word for earn insetrtloa advertisement -tempted forlorn than is cnu tb flrM InaerMoa or iOMOti ouch subsequent Insertion.

We so not mass chanae lese tba I cents, and therefore la enoiptitlac the east of aa ad. lake fTihsedd cams If 1 era count ittoeaialf 8r4onta. Tb rate, therefore. (Vw a want ad. ofl word! or leea up to 20 word! would a (ullowai FOR SALE-6 H.

P. motorcycle, frse engine, magneto; cost $286; will take tlOO this week. Auto L-8191. M. A.

Wilson, 1426 So. 14th. FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT room modern house, ltl Cherry street. 2-50 per month Auto 1,46: Bell 645. Key at Wl rlret Natl Bank Hldg.

LOST-Blank leather hand bag In Lincoln or on road to Havelock Tuesday afternoon. Universal Vulcanlxer care State Journal. FOR SAI.E-Burrey, range and dining table, 2137 St. Bell phone F-1811. I DAYS FOR RENT 7 room modern house, lawn, on paved street.

Call Auto B-3741. AGENTS WANTED I want twenty-five good live men to sell In excluslv. territory, tn. best and most ratable artioi. In tne market looay lor 'armra; agents are earning 'ib a week; met me at Lincoln hotel, Lincoln, Frida-, morning, August 9, at 10 clock, prepared wuik Immediately.

Don't tall to timet me as 1 lii omy be town one uay und you can't atiord tt ir.irs investigating 1ms proposition. A. Caul, oen. At. WORM I 1 FOR SALE 7 year old mare, sound and in good order; one rubber tire stanhope.

Auto B-2389. fc 1. MM 40 an Ho TO FOR RENT Nicely furnished modern rooms. No children. 2J01 Sumner Auto B-1604.

bote 11 LEFT On Capital Beach car, Thurs-day evening, package containing 2 table i cloths. Finder please phone Auto B4461. LOST In Miller tt Palne's cafe, Monday noon, a cameo broach or pin. Please return to room 203 Richard's-block and receive liberal reward. OMAHA.

Nb, Aug. An amaxing series of theft covering a. period of three years and reaching total of to light Wednesday afternoon 'when Chow Hoey, fifteen-year-old Omaha Chinese boy, admitted to Probation Officer Bernstein that he had been systematically pilfering the cash, box of a local Chinese restaurant for the benefit of the Chinese repub lie Complaint wit made to the probation officer by the boy'a father. Bern-ateln went to the restaurant, and After a few moments' cross-examination Chow Hoev told him that he had been taking money. He said he wanted it to sendto his mother In China, for the use of the Chinese revolutionaries.

Blandly beckonih? Bernstein to follow. Chow then led the way to his room and showed htm where he had cut a steel plate from the celling and hidden his fund. Two $100 bills were produced and turned over to the officer. Chow has held the position of cashier In the restaurant for three years. He said that he managed to aa FOR BALK Three six-foot floor show cases; also one four-foot floor cigar case: pratlcally new.

Baker's Pharmacy. Havelock. Ml to 1 1 09 TO to no; FOR RENT-1410 18th. Modern I room, 4 bed rooms. Yul.

Bros. 1 10 JO so 10 20 SO to a ro aoi Ml Ml Ml 40 hk 40 so 40 1 0011 IS 70 70 78 FOR RENT room bouse. ITU St U. 17 IF In need of flrat-elaas Bafe, or VAULT-KHONT don't fall to get my prices. Flak, agent.

Savoy Hotel. I 0,1 I It 1 itlfcrtK Is money In health and accident nibursnca. our agents make big in-reiue; liberal pollens; new features, highest commissions; insurance unnecessary, writ, to Ureal Wanton, Des Moines, la. LOST Type shuttle for late model Hammond. A.

G. Chapman, Hammond Typewriter Asency, 146 Bo. 13th. 1 II 1 i iiiia a I Mi 1 (HI HO 14. FOR BALE Queen fruit jars in all sUes at special prices.

Wittman'a Hardware, 140 No. 10th. MACHINERY SUPPLIES. 1 i WANTED ROOMS. A1 Irrer'iar day iassrtloui to ooatatod i Orst loMrtlon.

FOR KENT New 6 room cottage, bath, water, k. hard wood floors, cement basement, idy for furnace, cement walks; mar new high school and Antelope park; 2 blooks from car line, 937 Ko. 27th; small payment down, balanc. monthly. Ledwlth, Bankers' Life Bldg.

WANTED At once, nice furnished room RECEIVER'S BALE. The Farmers A Merchants bulldlns; and the adjoining building, located at the southeast corner of 15th and streets, wll' be offered for sale st publlo auction at the of.ce of the receiver in the Farmers Merchants building, at two o'clock p. in. Saturday, Auguat 10. 1312.

The property has a frontage of 60 feet on street and 142 feet on 15th street, Here Is a splendid opportunity for the Investor to acquire one of the moat dealrable pieces of business properly In Lincoln. A full a lenient of the Income from said property can be had by applying to the receiver any time prior to the aale, The aale will be for cash to the highest bidder subject to the confirmation of the court. The rtcht to reject any bid la reserved. For additional information apply to, CHAS. T.

KNAPP Receiver of Farmers Merchants insurance Farmers A Merchants building. Lin-coin Nebraska, CARD OF THANKS. HEADQUARTERS for shafting, pulleys and bolting; largest stock; lowest prices. R. L.

Smith. 243 Bo. 9th St FOR SALE-Lawn swings at reduced prices. Wlttman's Hardware, 140 No. 10th.

tor two who are employed; ooara tor one; close to Prescott school. Address 107 Journal. MEDICAL. MR. and Mrs.

M. R. Fuller wish to extend their thanks to their friend for the klndnens and sympathy shown during their late bereavement. FOR RENT Half double house, rooms and bath; all modern, 1SJ0 II per month. i- OUTING policies, $1,00 a week for accl-dent, or sickness.

Death benefit oi', fine pocketbook, card, and tag thrown In. 1'iemlum for one year $5.00, See Flak, Agt Savoy Hotel. "knock down" from 5,0 cents to $3 each ny and that he had two boxes in Omaha safety deposit banks In addi WANTED 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms for housekeeping by man and wife In south Lincoln not further out than street or further down than Uth. Call Bell A-2M6 after 12 o'clock. WANTED SITUATION.

DR. E. R. TARRY cures piles. Fistula, and other rectal diseases, without surgical operation.

A cure guaranteed and no money to be paid until cured. Writs for book on rectal diseases. DR. TAKKY, Be Building, Omaha. FOR RENTrA 7 room house, modern, on car line, but In walking distance.

Call B-20S4 er at 113S street. tion to his cunningly devised treasure LADY with furniture for 2S rooms, woul 1 RIVAL Herb tablets for sal at SOS So. Itth BL liku to figure with som fraternity box in the ceiling. Chow Hoey only Wavered In his al WANTED Three or 4 heated unfurn-Inhed rooms south of O. Call Beli F-H40S.

FOR RENT rurnl'hed liouse, 6 rooms. modern; close to car lln. Auto B-4466. PA8TURAGE. leglance to the cause of the Chinese oroneiy.

Am a gooa housekeeper, aiu a fine cook, capoule of handling anv number. Would divide furniture Into two houses and rent same If desired. Address No. 110 Journal. patriots when overCom by the irre SQUAB PLANT Containing loo pairs of Homers.

Will sell whole outfit or let single mated pslrs go at 76c each. Wayside Pigeon Lofts. P. 0. Box 1198.

Lincoln. WANTED-HOUSES. GOOD alfalfa pasture, S4th and K. Aut 3899; shad. sistible temptation to.

buy a motor cycle, according to his story; LOST ALL NIGHT PATENTS. WANTED A position as chauffeur by young experienced man. Bell WANTED To rent by Beptember 1st, furnished 7 to 8 room, modern house, for the school vear by university professor. Auto B-904J. FOR RENT Six room modern housi, large sleepisiit porch; rl.iwn stairs bed room and batli: cemented basement: full lot.

On Randolph line within block of church, school and store, J'hone FOR RENT 8 room modern house; desirable location. 2727 O. Auto 6408. BEE the linen drawn work from Foo Chow, Chins, at the F. tent, assembly srounds.

W1LLARD EDDY, solicitor In U. 8. paU ent oldce. City National Bauk, bauU UPON MOUNTAIN PERSONAL. YOUNG man with experience want steady place on a dairy farm.

Call Bell F-1684. POSITION aJ bookkeeper or clerk experienced: references furnished. L. C. Fuqua, 812 Q.

Auto L-22M. FOR SALE Or rent, 20 room modem brick building suitable for rooming hous. or residence. Address 104 Journal. FOR SALE SUbIJrBAN PROPERTY FOR RENT Houses; all kinds; 110 up.

Phone Mrs. Courtney. WANTED To rent" a furnished modern residence for boarding bouse. Inquire at Savoy hotel. WANT to rent a house; close In from 10 to 18 rooms.

Call B-3572 or 130 No. Uth. WANTED TO BUY, FOR SALE 100,000 feet lumber, $12.60 to $20 per 60,000 brick; 60 loads brick bats; doors, windows, (furnaces, mantels; 300 perch stone; loo loads kindling; gas and water pipe. Trester Wrecking and Salvage Co. FOR SALE-One-half price, grocery and meat fixtures.

1701 Bt Lincoln Woman Hi Terrifying WANTED Position as cashier or book IF THE old soldier. G. A. who so gallantly gave an old woman a good chair whil. be sat on a poor one, coming In after seats In front were tilled at the Epworth asaembly of 1910 In Lake park auditorium, when asked why he did not occupy the better one replied, "I saved that for you," reads this 1 would Ilka to hear from him.

Address 108 Journal. FOR RENT Six room cottage. 1961 Fucllil; fine slindo. one of the prettiest streets In Llrcoln. Right price to reliable party vno wants a long' lease.

Apply J. C. fleacrest, Journal office. FOR SALE At bargain prices. foul College View lots; 1M) acres of land In Kltcarson county.

Colorado. T. A-Young, 1907 street. Experience While Climbing in Colorado. keeper; good education sjd am quick at figures.

Address 106 Journal. WANTED A good position along musical line, either piano or vocal, can give references. Address 100 Journal. WANTED To buy a 1st class Jersey cow. Auto 9356; Bell 682.

W. A. FOR SALE All the furniture of a IS room rooming house. Close In, south side. Excellent location.

Auto B1626. i FOR RENT Five room modern flat. 1S44 street. Auto B-2924. FOR SALE Two lots.

Northeast Lln-toln; $ioo down, balance monthly. Address 60 Journal. DR Wehner, strictly private licensed eon-flnsment home. 2618 Davenport Omaha, A dispatch from Boulder, to tho Denver News has the following re FOR SALE-Cheap large fire proof safes. 1245 N.

Auto Bell 1967. WANTED To buy second hand furniture; must be good and cheap: rug, dressers, etc. Address 111 YOUNG lady with some experience like office work: can operate typewriter. Auto B-9lol. FOR RENT Elegant comer.

6 room flat; modern, second floor; large porches: root, shady; four room flat. Inquire 1711 St. MAGNETIC PRACTITIONER gardlng an experience of a Lincoln FOR SALE-Improved acres; 10 minutes walk from car; very cheap for quick sale. 00 Duroc pigs and sows, sll eligible; pedigreed Scotch Collie pups; small ma re. Route 4, Box 107, Lincoln.

820 No. 20th. Mm. A Gates, B-44T1 Auts, woman: "BOULDER. Aug.

S. Lost all POU i. RY AND 1001 FOR SALE-Household goods, by owner, lesvlng city; kitchen cabinet, china closet, Tiuffet, stoves, etc, cheap. Call 1319 North 22d St. FOR RENT BU8INE83 PROPERTY.

night on the summit of Qreen moun WANTED Situation by an experienced traveling xalesman and collector or as grocery clerk; can give gilt edge references. Address 101 Journal. WANTED Men's castoff clothing and shoes. Auto L-84J1. BeU F-6m.

Man call. tain without food, water or wraps; Miss FOR BALL FARMS. $8.76 buys I mated pair of Homer pla-eosa, If taken at one. Call Auto 8ll of writ 881 Journal FOR RENT Two good oilic rooms. S.

cu'rlty investment 148 So. Uth. Holda Belser of this city, Mrs. K. w.

FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED LIVE STOCK. WANTED Situation, experienced girl would like position for general housework. Address 102s Bo. ith Bt Hedges of Lincoln, Burton Banks, .14, of Fordyce, and the Misses Sarah and Julia Graves.

11 and 17 years, of Marshall, Texas, were OFFICE rooms In Brownell block very low rental; steam heat, water, electricity; janitor and etevaior service free. See H. J. Hill. Brownell block.

EXCHANGE $900 equity In $1,600 lot In Franklin Heights for ood roadster automobile; must be In first class shape, E. A. Uehrke. L3 North 14th. WANT some calves from one day to months old.

Call Bell A-3I0J. LACE cur'xLis laundred by Mrs. Oldt, 4I So. 31st street. Auto, phone B-3SS1.

nearly famished when locatr-d today by WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. A PRACTICAL, helpful, Illustrate! monthly poultry paper, two years, i6oi three years 6oc; order now at this out price. Address Poultry Topics, Lincoln, Neb. Extra postage charged city auh-scrlbers. SINGLE Comb Whit Leghorns, old and young, tan give you good bargains and Just what you want.

Box 1198. Jo, Seacrest Auto 8137. Winners wherever shown. Look, up show record. WANTED MALE HELP.

DESK room In large light airy office for rent. Can hav. part of stenographers time; terms low, 227 Funke Bldg. Phone B-1040. a rescue party composed of Professor H.

K. Bobbins of the stato university, W. Anderson, a local leal estate man, and Lawrence Banks, a brother FOR EXCHANGE One 10 room house, 1st class condition; one 6 room house, 1st class condition, on the best street In Havelock, for Lincoln property. Autu 935S; Bell 682. W.

A. Woodward. ANOTHER consignment of HH. roods to ship to California. 'Carter Transfer and Storage.

WANTED Live wire to solicit insurance. on commission basis. Address 109 Journal. of the missing boy. "The party spent the nlght behind a FOR RENT In Press elegant of-flees, single or In suites.

WsM and sll modern In each room. Presa Publishing WANTED Concessions for three day carnival. Aug 14, 15, 16. Write Geo. Slote.

Litchfield. N.b. large cliff known as the "Fiatlron without any food, water or covering. FOR stock of ladles' and gents' furntshlns; goods. Want cheap western Nebraska land, 821 Brownell block.

I passenirer Bulck auto-will sell cheap or trade for lot or small house. 321 Brownell block. SALESMAN wanted to represent New York and Chicago 25c neckwear houso In Nebraska and Kancas. Take as sl'le line or srivo full time. Address 47J3 State Chicago.

Alt of the party are summer visitors except Miss Belser, and are guests at FOR RENT Three office rooms, 13th and O. Apply Dr. Hilton RUG MAKING CLEANING. PHONB or write for descriptive booklet of rugs made from carpets. Lincoln Rug Factory, Lincoln, Neb.

the Belser home. About 4 clock yes FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. terday afternoon the party set out to EXCHANGE Equity In quarter sectloa ascend the mountain under the guid WAKTEDr-Buyers for our "Prld. at 81 .85. Every sack gus.ra.n-teed.

grnllh-McCaln Co. WANTED Merry-go-round. Concessions and amusements of all kind. Fifth nii'ii picnic, Eagle. August 15, 1011 Ueo.

Trumkenbolx, Com. on Concessions. W. Yoko, Com, on Amunenvj'Uj. Eagle, Neb.

8TOLEN. 160 acres two miles from Green- wood 20 acres pasture, balance In cultivation, rolling eoough to drain well; new 8 room house, clsterni orchard, large barn and outbuildings In fair condition, la one of the best farms In Casa county. This has to be sold this month as the owner is sick snd has to leave. Price, $130 per acre. 80 acres one-half mile from a good town, Lancaster county) 11 acres alfalfa, 4 acres pasture, balance In cultivation.

4 alfalfa ho tight, very frood room house, with water -n the house, barn for 14 head, and good outbuilding-; gradual slop to the north, trice $12,000. 140 Seres Valley county, 30 acres alfalfa. UtO acres In cultivation, balance pasture: good barn and granary. Crops on this place are very good. This In a good opportunity for one to get started In (lie ranch business.

Price, $40 per acre. W. A. HARDING 201 First National Bank. FOR Brand new 6 room all modern bungalow.

3231 St. Iss than cost, leaving city; make offer. A Gehrke. 133 North 141th. anc of Miss Belser.

Expecting to return In time for supper, the party did not carry any lunches with them. They irrigated land ror gooa suiomooue. aox 146, lndlnaola. Neb. WILL exchange my II rat prise winning trotting stallion for good real estate or.

farm mares. H. Wlttmana. 140 Na. 10th.

HARDWARE talesman; wholesale hardware house in Des Moines, Iowa, wants reliable and experienced salesmen for road work. Must be thoroughly jiosted and well Informed on prices. None wanted except successful -men. Addrees In own hand writing, giving time of service previously rendered and for whom. rJtate age.

whether married or single and salary expected. Iowa territory. AddrtKi P. O. Box 936.

Des Moines, la. lost track of the time, and when they $50.00 reward, stolen from the farm of Frank Haaeew, 8 miles north of Lincoln on August 3, 1912, chestnut sorrel mare, weight 1,200 age 7, whit hind font full length wblte stripe In face; bridle without throat latch, and saddia, $fV0 will be paid tor the arrest and conviction of tne thief. Both phones. Gut A Hyers. Lincoln.

Nebraska. started to return they lost the trail. "As night came on the younger mem FOR SALE All modern house, six rooms, la rare closets and alcove room; full lot, southeast, 1700 cash. Address 111 Journal. WANTED Hammond typewriter; must pe latest model, Adcresa 628 Journal.

FOR BALE or trade, grocery stock and fixtures, at 1701 Bt bera became terrified, and Mrs. Hedges -was nearly exhausted. Then. Miss Bel. art decided that It would be foolhardy toiattempt to go further, and that the WANTED Second hand lumber and all kinds of building material.

Buildings bought Tor "Wrecking1 anywhere. Trester Wiecking'and Salvage Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Man to tend threshing' erator. Call Auto B-9484, FOR SALE Cottages. 6 rooms.

6 rooms, 4 rooms; each close In full lot, 3250 cash, balance monthly, Folsom Bro. Co. FOR EXCHANGE New flat, best location, will take smaller bouse, long time. 923 Journal. nest thing to do would be for the Bartv of huddle together and spend the night STOLEN Chestnut sorrel mare, eight years old, with saddle and bridle.

Wtute stocking right hind leg. Biased fac. Weight 1,200. $60 reward. Phone Black 6701..

August auisoaux. WANTED Young men for canvassing and advertising; work. Call H. Smith, Pelavan hotel, from 12 m. to 2 p.

m. FOR RENT ROOMS. the hills, assuring them that there FOR EXCHANGE Flno horse, buggy snd for equity In lot or Small house snd lot. Auto BiHt. would be no danger.

1 CAN YOU BEAT THIS? Eight room all modern home near Seventeenth and Garfield, fine lot, beautiful trees, cement walks, barn, full cellar, attic, asphalt paving paid out, FRED D. CORNELL 122 North Eleventh. ''The party arrived home at 4 o'clock this afternoon, accompanied oy the res FOR RENT Two furnished rooms in modern for light housekeeping. 1611 8 street. TYPEWRITER RIBBONS.

FOR TRADE 160 acres land, Furnas for acreage or for modern residence In Lincoln, Address 63 cuing party, little the worse for their WANTED Tew good husky Amerlcon laborers to handle lumber, In Lincoln. Car. work Wght to twelve hours a day If they desire. Wages twenty cnts per hour. Steady work for 60 days for good Woods, Investment Lincoln hotel.

WHY pay more than SO cents for tnsi writer ribbons furnish them fof ROOMS for rent tn modem hom reasonable; board If 1726 St thrilling experience." Mrs. Hedges Is- the. wife bf E. W. th.

Smlth-Pramier, tiemington, Oliver. Underwood and all up-to-date machln.s at this price. Our "Parfactlon" ribbons AUCTION. FOR SALE Practically new residence. I rooms, entirely modern oak finish, pol-lulnd floor, shade, fruit and aarage, on paved street.

B. A. George, owner. ifit Vine. Hedges; a railway mail clerk' of this FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms, first floor, modern house.

927 Bt. city. The Lincoln residence is 1127 giv Muiisvuou. uii swiur nosga sue postpaid; two color 15 postpaid. Stat Journal Co.

Plum street. FARMS at auction. Best way to seli a farm. Ask for book tailing how, G. 3.

Mauel auctioneer, Lincoln, Neb, WANTED Salesmen to call on. farmei In Iowa. Portrait work, expenses al vnnced to right party. 2223 Bell F-2145 OPPORTUNITIES For men of moderate means In southern snd western Minnesota are tinsur. passed.

rite for our list of rare bargains and arrange to so with us next Tuesday. Special daylight excursion. Fettermsn Brothers. Lincoln, Nebraska. FOR RENT Fine rooms, nicely furnished, modern, close in.

1739 Bt. DR. COOK MAKES DEFENSE TYPEWRITERS. PEERLESS modern outside rooms. 229 No.

Uth. Mrs. J. T. Clark.

FOR SALE 8 room modern residence nesr 1.1th U. Full lot, good shadu. $1,000 down, balance easy payments or will accept south or southeast Lincoln residence lots. Owner. Address 106 Journal.

AT TEKAMAH CHAUTAUQUA ALL makes sold and rented vary-where. Supplies and repairs. Nebraska Typ. writer 186 Ho. 13th, Llaooln.

WANTED first class canvassers, for country work; expenses advanced to right party. Inquire forenoon, S03 Funke. WANTED Janitors at once, for block: good wages 10 right party. Address 96 Journal. TRKAMAH Aug.

Tester. FOR RENT One. two or three rooms on ground floor furnished for housekeeping, modern. Phone L-8945. 1637 St.

NEBRASKA'S GREATEST LAND -AUCTION. 6.000 ACRES, The most glgantlo auction sal. of high class corn, wheat and alfalfa lands ever held In America. 80 acre tracts, 120 acre tracts, 160 acre tracts, 240 acre tracts, 820 acre tracts, 640 acre traots. All Individual farms having their own Individual Improvements, consisting of house, barns snd outbuildings, all fenced.

To be sold on AUGUST 20 and day and today have' been the biggest 6f the Tekamah Chautauqua VETERINARY SCHOOLS. since it opened last Saturday. Yesterday nine thousand and over heard Dr. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished front rooms In strictly modern home, splendid location, breakfast and evening dinner it dt sired. Gentleman preferred.

Auto. B-1080. r. VETERINARY college begins Sept. 16; no profession offer equal oppor tunlty.

Catalogue fre. C. keen. Pra Market Bt. Ban Francisco.

Frederick A.Oook, of fame. LANCASTER COUNTY FARM BARGAINS SO acres. room house, good 'outbuildings engine, cross fenced, young orchard; five sores alfalfa, only $Sj pur acre. 120 acres near "Woodlawn, 6 room house, large barn and outbuildings. 600 bear.

in; fruit trees, fine farm, $14,000, 160 acres near Wavely, room house, fine Improvements, 80 acres alfalfa, 10 acre orchard, second bottom land. $17,000. 688 acres 12 miles from Lincoln, can be cultivated, good Improvements, big snap at $60 per acre, FRED D. CORNELL 122 North Eleventh recount his experiences In the frozen WANTED Men at 6tn and Randolph, at asphalt plant. Able Roberts.

LEARN to repair automobiles. We teach vulcanizing, lathe and drll! presa work; free catalogue. Lincoln Auto School. 2846 Lincoln. N.b.

AT AUCTION, at Havelock. Lancas north and tell of the polar controversy. He presented a strong defense and ex MISCELLANEOUS. FOR RENT I very desirable unfurnished rooms, newly papered and painted. All modern.

131 No. 18th, ploded tne Mt McKiniey story in an ter county. Neo. EASY TERMS. LONO TIME.

LOW RATE OF INTEREST. For further Information address FARMERS' LAND COMPANY, 417-18-19-30 First National Bank Lincoln, Neb. Col. S. Branson, Auctioneer.

K. K. Frants, Clerk. ana fascinating manner. Today Ex-Goveror Jos.

W. FoUt of Missouri Attracted a big crowd and l'stened to him' while he delivered nls FOR RENT Two modern furnished rooms. 433 So. Uth. WANTED Solicitors to work for prominent Lincoln retail Will pay $25.00 to I36.M per-week.

Address Journal 86. -v! present day speech on "Civic Rights I WILL hang wall paper through An gust tor 10 cents roll; painting. C. T. Bteften.

Bell F-3094. REMEMBER the nam "OJO tablets" tor dyspepsia, heartburn, aas on th stomach, flatulency, belching, pain before and after eating. By mall postpaid or at your druggist 60 cents. Instant re- lief. Writ us for a free sample.

OJO Company. Friend. Neb. FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms, for housekeeping, at 610 So. 18th.

YOU REACH ALL CLASSES through the paper publishing both morning and evening editions. Most business men, professional men snd most men of means havn more time and Inclination to read real estate for sale ads in the morning. i They ars buyers of the better 1 class of homes and Investments. Their minds are concentrated on -business and they dually act at once on anything they see In their morning paper. Those who hae(p6 time to read before the day work commences or during working liours are rsached by the evening ar.d 8un- day editions a paper publishing a morning paper or ever.

Ing paper only cannot reach, sll classes et-fectually. If you want to reach and sell property of any klnu to any class, see that your ad is in The Morning Journal and Evening isews. All ads are Inserted In both the morn-, Ing and evening editions or inn one price. Rates One cent per word per os-y. eusness." He gave a lecture on the corrupt rule this country was under AUTOMOBILES.

FORTY acre school lease land near Havelock; all In cultivation; wants to sell lease and buildings on place; will consider some trade. Herflck i Spencer, 218-219 Funke Bd. Lincoln, Neb. and the fate sure to follow. Graft and FOR RENT Two furnished rooms; strictly modern; light housekeeping if desired, KB St.

WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Few weeks completes. Another rush for barbers this season. trade In existence today, Good money, light, clean Inside Work. Write for tree catalogue.

Moler Barber college Omaha, Is sstsm came in also for a grilling. FOR SALE One 6 passenger touring car nearly new, self starter, 4 doors, fully He paid it High tribute to the Nebraska statesman, William Jennings rfryan. equipped, cheap, Can be seen at Dahsen FOR RENT Housekeeping furnished or unfurnished. Call Bell F-J336 or 1301 St. who he said.

was more responsible for FliOltlDA giove, larm and truck lands in best district. C. tt. Bukey, lilt Lincoln, Neb. Fhone B4224.

Macnine itepair do. sin. this era of revolution than any other FOR BALE 4 cylinder 6 passenger ear man. Theodore Roosevelt also receiv WANTED I made 150,000 In five years with a small mall order business: began with Send for free bobklet. Tells how.

Heacock, -4028, Lockport, N. Y. ARE you trodbled with constipation or, a bad llverT Bend for a free sample of OJO liver and constipation pills. OJO Company, Friend. Neb.

"7 CEMENT works. JOth and P. a full line of cement blocks, on hand. Call and see us. H.

H. Corner. Auto $216. FOR RENT Two rooms furnished for housekeeping. 1416 O.

for sale, new, (or quica sale, x. Call Auto B-2126. ed praise for his refusal to bow to the rule of theft and corrupt The FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. ll'il y. FOR SALE or trade, 85 H.

P. Rambler FOR SALE Harga Ins in Und In Slier man, Buffalo and Custer Cuunties. Write First iMtli. Bank, Laiclifleiu, is0. FOR land on big Camts prairie Idaho, Just tapped py R.

Ian. I eub-irrlgateo, sure-1 advance; no crop failures. See 11, Hutton, 1517 assembly closes Sunday with two en tertalnments by Chapln, the imperso r.ator of Lincoln. roadster, 1228 P. TR1-CITY Barber college Learn barber trade, tools, furlilsned.

Wages paid. Big volume of trade; hydraulic chairs; electric massage, 1032 Lincoln, Neb. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms in modern home, close In. 1637 N. BICYCLES.

RAILROAD TIME TABLE. Dally. tDally ex. Bun. "Sun.

Only. An auto accident 'occurred north of Tekamah a mile at o'clock yesterday No. 29th. Phone B-2447. FOR SALE By owner, modern house at 2641 8 rooms, barn.

Shad, easy terms. Auto. T82S. 't WANTED Men and women for government positions; $0 month. Write for Urn I FOR 8ALE lver Johnson bicycle, sound condition, new tires.

$10. Nelson Shirt FOR KENT Rooms and suites, all with private bath rooms; monthly rales to permanent guests; dining room now Leaves FOR SALE LANDS. 1421 O. tute. Dept.

2U R. Kochestar. N. Y. open.

Delavan hotel. Ill 15th. BUSINE38 CHANCE. WANTED FEMALE HELP. Burlington-Chicago via Louisville.

Cm. Flyer via Chi. Llm. via Chi. Exp.

via Iowa and Illinois Omaha Flyer via Ash'd." Omaha local via Omaha local via lianver Ac Hast es Arrive 7: loam FOR RENT Elegant furnished front rooms, single or en suite; flrtt class modern horn. J510 D. Auto FOR SALE In clout. In university location; new heme of 12 rooms; i bathrooms, hall and closets. 1st floor oak finish; 2d floor maple, attic, hard pine; cemented basement, furnace: aras and blectric lights.

Leaving city and will sacrifice at $7,600, half cash. Address 7 Journal- 7 FOR BALE Meat market; will rent tools and bulldlns. Only market In aooJ WANTED 2 girls for dining' room and ironing. Bell A-167T. MINNESOTA Special rates to the Famous Red Rlvsr Valley and Southern Minnesota, via 8U Paul and Minneapolis.

Where the best crops of wheat, oats, corn, rye, flax timothy, clover, alfalfa, and potatoes are being grown in the United States today. We have a good' list, and can sell in tracts of SO. lfiO. 3a), and larger. W'rlte eastern Nebraska town.

R. V. McDonald, Greenwood, Neb, FOR RENT Close In, modern furnlshej rooms, flee them. -1117 H. Auto SS9t.

EARN 110 weekly addressing- postcards at home. Bunch of cards and particulars 10c B. Postcard Rlatlnn rr.ornirrg when a big automobile containing Barton Welch of the Welch garage and a buyer. The buyer a Mr. Hue.

was learning! to run the car. When thsapproaohed a bridge he become confused and turned the wheel the wrong way With the result that before Welch could stop the machine It. had tipped toward the and run several feet before tt Unally went to the bottom twenty-five feet below, but -right side up. 31ue escaped injury but Mr. Welch was pinned under the fender and step of thy machine, and all but.

covered with vatfex. A rib was broken, as was his Also he Is suffering Internal Injuries. He is now in the local hospital. Denver 4s Hasi'gs Flyfr Denver Hast'gs Flyor" FOR BALE Rooming house, 16 rooms. D282.

Grand Rapids, Mich. 924 street. FOR SALE Davenport's modern lots; easy terms. Auto B-3S99. J.

Stevenson. I C'k-wray wear Sutton Fairfield local FOR RENT Newly furnished room, also housekeeping r- lte. 1436 St. for booilet FOR SALE Lumber snd coal yard In a-ond countv seat town of 1.500 copula WANTED Competent" girl for general housework, family. 1109 F.

Hastings-Kearney locai.tH:00am FOR BALE Two 2S foot lols. near Uth and Vine $1,200. Auto B-3899. J. Stevenson.

Krclal rates to you, sir. rrospeci, Make the trip by dsyllght. DAY A NIUHT REALTY tion. Address 96 Journal. FOR RENT Rooms furnished for light housekeeping.

600 No. Wth. Auto B-95-2. 4: loom WANTED-Experlenced girl for general housework, small family, no washing. 256 So.

27th: 103 Bunkers Life Lincoln, Neb. RESTURANT for sale or exchange: well located and well established; reasons for selling old age. Address 61 Journal. FOR SALE Brick flat; rent $146 month, long time for quick, sale. 81 Journal, LANDS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 60 acres of choice Irrigated Colorado land WANTED A competent girl for general FOR RENT Suite of 1 rooms with private bath and sleeping porch for one or two gentlemen.

1230 FOR RENT Modern room with sleep Ing porch, for gentlemen. 1230 Seattlo via Hillings N.l." Seattle via billings G.N." Broken Bow-Seneca Lo." Giand Island local Bui well Sargent Lo.t Columbus via u'piant'nt St Ht K. (J. Ex," St. Louis K.

C. Table Rock Nebraska City Sioux City local Beatrice Wymore Lo.t Beatrice At Wymore Lo.t nousewonc. mis. ti. Kudge.

1824 C. IF OU want to buy No. 1 restaurant; a-nnd Incatlnn. Inaulra at 910 Ht for trade for Lincoln improved or good farm land In Nebraska. r.

i ti i i i 1 1 i rAtriTo rr owner leaving city at onoe. MR. JOHN GRANT PEGG realizes rniun drpoM FOR BALE New 6 room modern cottage, full let, walks, bseement; six room bungalow, new. oak finish, northeast; part terms. Owner, Auto 6578.

l.loamj WANTED Chorus srirls, experience unnecessary. Call Sear'e Employment bureau. Bell phone F-1898. 139 No. 14th St.

Lincoln, Neb. Auto B-1907 FOR BALE Improved half section farm FOR RENT To lady, furnished room In strictly private new modorn bungalow. Phone Auto B-4875. FOR BALE Bargain. U.

8. cafe, doing good business. inquire 224 No. 10th. WANTED A girl, one middle aged land.

Frontier county, Aoaress uwne Box 24S, Palmer, Neb. Beatrice wymore FOR HALE Very desirable Unlvemlty Place lots: reasonable, inquire of Mrs. L. P. Brooks 1027 Se.

16th. BOARDING. Apply 318 So. 10th St. FOR RENT A -suite of three rooms, good screens and new awnings, inquire 310 So.

Uth. Beatrice Wymore Lo." Beatrice Wymore Lo.t Schuyler Wahoo DKLAVAN noon luncheon 25c. 6 o'clock WANTEI-Experlenced lady stenographer who has had some experience dinner S5c. Sunday dinner Hoc: hon FOR SALE Belmont block. 2 story and basement, pi eased bfk'k building; suitable for factory or similar purposes, $2,500.

Fred Cornell. No. Jlth St. FOR RENT HOUSES. cooking.

Mrs. Fife. 119 So. Uth. Leaves Arrives Rock Island CALIFORNIA.

Improved level farm lands, (30 to $90; -located 6 to miles from Stockton; best farming region of California: miles from San Francisco; good market; cheap frcUui. For description and photo view, address. 110 Main St, Stockton. Cal. II uvurcciiih, IT udii In own handwriting. Addrebs 97 Journal. Rocky Mountain CANCER SPECIALISTS. Chinaan IJmited OMAHA, Aug. a.

John Grant Pegg, city sealer of weights and measures, believes the Lord Is good to those whom he loves. For Instance. Pegg Is a deve. member of the First African Methodist church. The church congregation is going to have Its Hg annual picnic at Fairmont park in Council Bluffs Thursday, and he, with his family and the brethren and sisters, are all figuring on going.

But what is a picnic without fried chicken? Mr. Pegg asked himself this question frequently. FOR RENT room, all modern flat, with sleeping porch and garage, in south Lincoln, on paved street, 835. Strlne A Schroeder, 1025 N. ,1 DR.

T. O'CONNOR, 1106 St. Cancers FOR SALE 6 room house and lot; fine shade, near state farm, $P00down. monthly: no interest Ad-dress R. O.

Warde. 1206 bt. Chlcago-Neb. Colorado Express Chicago Fast WANTED Experienced cook; no washing; good wages. Mrs.

Dan Lauer, 1905 St, cured without using knlte. iteferencea. Kansas, OkL Kansas, ukl DRESSMAKING. Omaha Co. Bluffs :4ua.m FOR BALE LIVE STOCK.

LACE curtains laundered with cars at FOR SALE Eight room house to move; modern except heat. 2211 Washington St Inquire F. B. Harris. 1137 St.

zi a rrmne xseii a-ys. KEISTER'S LADIES TAILORING COL FOR SALE A fine driving or r-rood LEGE, low O. write tor information. FOR RENT An room modern houso nicely finished splendid floors, uil neat and'clean, large lot, good barn. eat front, rental $40.00 per month.

John S. Reed, 124 So. 13th. FOR PENT All modern, 6 room hou'e. 2311 Washington; 20 month.

W. Palm. WANTED AGENTS. i nhmlnn wnnA mm nw FOR BALE Nearly new room house, all modern except heat, 193 8. Auto i iirnn nu FINANCIAL.

WANTED Bright, energetic men and women to lake orders and rollect from 7790, also one rubber tired top buggy In fair He wanted fried spring chicken i.t the picnic, but decided he couldn't afford to buy enough fowl for all his friends. And salt pork didn't seem FOR SALE A mortgage of $300 on 40 condition ana on. "ien nam uukrt, auua as new. John B. Reed.

124 So. 13th. FOR BALE University Place. 10 room 'acinar campus: two lots, larra professional men In Nebraska and d-jolnlna- states. New, high class proposition very successful ln east.

All or pari time. 850 a week and exoehses Union Leaves I Arrives Manhattan A. K. Omaha and Wesl Beatrice Passenger Beatrlce-Linooln Motor.t Beatrice-Lincoln Motor.t Lincoln Grand Island Lincoln-Central Missouri Pacific Leaves Arrives Kansas City ft Su Louis Omaha-Falls City Kansas City ft St. Louis Northwestern Leaves) Arrlvss FOR RUNT From 15th, 8 room, modern house' See J.

R. Allen, owner, 184s Bt. rees. ha rn s- mcdern conveniences, terest. Call Fulk Clothing 1284 O.

WANTED to borrow $2,000 on ttiooo city nrnnertv from orlvate nartv. Phone phone si i J. FOR SALE Young high bred driving horse and aulky. Inquire 837 O. Auto B-1557.

E. J. Francis. easily made. Younar attorneys and scliool teschera eligible.

Experience not sb-solntely essential. 85. 87 or 8S.60 an order. 8500 property bond required) Give Auto.B-9181. FOR SALE By owner, leaving dly.

8 room house snd hsth. gas. electric Hants: corner lot. Call 1319 North 22,1 FOR RENT Lower flat. 1816 street: strictly modern: five rooms and bath.

Mary A. Hooper. THE- preferred stock of the Lincoln Trac run particulars first letter. Box 84, Grand Island, Nebraska. FOR A No.

-1 family horse and carriage, outfit complete; bargain, 2520 T. Auto 6308. sanctimonious enough. He had about decided that several venerable roosters would have to do. But suddenly an expressman arrived with a box of six fine, beautiful plump spring Thev had been sent by his brother.

Charles T. Pegg, a Kinkaider In tho colored colony in Cherry county. But. dlsregardlhr brother and expressman and all, John Grant Pegg street tion company is an investment inn psvs regularly 8 per cent In quarterly Installments and taxes aro pah1 ry the company. A limited amount Is offered oak finished WANTED Live agent for Little Won- FOR RENT All modern, flat Apply 1337 K.

ABSTRACTS. oer rasoilne llshts: exclusive territory! FOU BALE Fine driving horse, 1150 city broke, gentle for lady, good sells on slant: hss merit of superior Omaha Bonesteel Landerl Omaha and pm for sal. to provide tunas tor extensions. Inquire at the company's office, 940 -it Klin A RSTRACT SI Rich onsllty and simplicity. Little Wonder FOR RENT ruom-cottage, modern' ex buggy, new Harness ana cutter, juv, aa ahoo.

Freem AlblonTl s.uopml. i.iu, afreet ards Blk. Prompt attention to orders. (Auto B2940; 1618 St. vu, cir.

nsuic jnu, criri fieau AUtO a-Kal..

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