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The Lincoln Star from Lincoln, Nebraska • 7

The Lincoln Stari
Lincoln, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Pittsburg, April IS. Pittsburg turned tSw tables on St. Louis today, winning by the score of 14 to 4. LalAald pitched exoeUent sail allowing but fir hits. Hoel-sketter was hit hard and retired after the Pirates had atada six runs In three Innings.

Hs was succeeded by Brown, who waa also hit hard. The feetura of ths game waa tha work of Fred Clarke, whs made four lilts, stole home and two other ha see Scots: litis burg 4 I 4 I 4 4 x-l II I St. Louts 4 4444444 9 4 I 4 Batteries llnlj and Pelts: Brown, Hoelaketter sad Grady, Umpire: Johnstone, Chicago an Clnclnntth Ctilcago. Airil IS. Eefealed Cincinnati today In a great piMiers' battle by a score of 1 to 4.

scoring only tn the ninth Inning. Brown was In superb form and held the Reds down to four scattered hits, while Welmer was touched fof seven aafelle. Boore: Et mak me fel sore, to se Bat Kokem luken at Yon Nelun an hare hem sa Yon mak gude Preeadunt Bel ben bes fallar fur preeadunt an et mak mee mat lak haJa be ten tan bark ven Bel Laid an sum odar fallars mak a President es dunt kno so mooch bout hars ee Do Tuker an Bud Btsfurd bote to-gedur. Et ben ahem eye tel yu des; an tnasbe ve goen to ahang dee Leanes sura odur tern. Aye seal hav tu tal yu bout Ad Mesa, whs ben ahusan fur sakertery ov rode ur klub bl big mayortty.

an he dont oun sum hare eader. Ad Turk hard tu muk aanvtchee tu keep hars fallars beay eaten under den Ann-hyser Buech, an he taJ fallars tu goen easey an not brak der hobble, an he sa ef dey ben guJe he goen tu gef dem el sum ride en hra o(yniiilettl yust so sune he gets et Den Tack Hldur rant tu kel hem fur token bout sum atunk vagvn an hars meten. Aye lal yu ve hav gude tern. Aye tank des Isefallar ben rails fur ska re an dont kum to de anuel meten. but aye kan jrust tal hem dat wen Ylm Oelen ben fried oop Isefallar ben yust so sat as en tern prunes meten.

Aye gv yu aunt mor purta sune. Aye tank yu, FETE BOQLE8UN. I I WHEATLAND, UYJIIIB Will Uutld during the next sixty day, a CO-OPERATIVE CREAMERY To cost about $5,000 and an ALAFAFA REDUCING PLANT Which will take annually from t.004 to 4.094 ton of alfalfa, at (500 per The C. A B. Ry.

are rebuilding their roadbed from Cheyenne to Orln Junction, through WHKATLAND, laying new 15 pound steel rslL and will extend their Una north to Canada, amd south to Galveston, as quickly as possible. The rrtlon Pacific R. are now bulldlnir up the North Platte River and It Is thought will continue the line through WHEATLAND to Medicine Bow, Wyoming, eventually placing Wheatland on the main line to the coast. Negotiation are tn prog ress for the erection of beet sugar plant next year. WHEATLAND Irrigated lands are the bet Investment.

They have the best water rights In the United Slates water la leas than under -any other I III llFAatinusi cost for Their present value I gated lands of II I jneir I. tui vaiue win us aa man You should buy before the raise In value which is sure to soma, Homcseekero Excursion, Tuesday, May 15, 1906 Is tar below that of any other Irrl- equal merit 1. 1. MASON, LINCOLN, NEB. J.

R. 415-416 RICHARDS BLOCK ATJTO rilONK I12S DELL rilONB AJ2I Here Is Your opportunity to purchase at a BARGAIN The Eureka Stock Farm Located In th Loup River Valley In Merrick County. Nebraska I Mix miles from Archer and eluht mll" from Palmer. This renoh consists of seres, of which at least "20 actes Is practically ss level aa floor, and la the best of HAY AND CORN LAND, the soil being a heavy black loam equal to any lows or Illinois bottom Innd. 120 acres in cultivation, 640 acres of the choicest mesilow or hay land, part of which la now used for.

pasture. I acres of orchard, I acres building spot, 150 acres rough pasture land, sll fenc ed anil cross fenced with wire. Two sets of buildings. Bet No. I consists of dwelling HxS.

l-ft. Addition l-ft. posts 7 rooms and porch. Hum SOxSO, l-ft. posts, with shed ad-'s dltlon ldsSO, 14-ft.

posts. Houhle corn crib 24x32, l-ft. posts. Cattle shedding HilOO feet. Corrals, yards, etc.

Bet No. I. House 10x24; tddltlon IOkIO; addition 10sl. all one atory. Good bricked up cellur under house.

Hhed stable 18x24. hicken house 10x U. Butuhy outbuildings Four windmills on the. ptars. 8ihtol house on the place.

Telephone connection ran be mnde In one mile. Corn raised on this ranch wss awarded the BRONZE MEDAL at the St. Louis Exposition and two COLO MEDALS at the Portland Exposition. Price $35.00 per cre or $32,200 On libsral terms and low rate of Interest. This Is very desirable and if you are InterssUd you should aot quickly.

For further particulars address in HEAL ESTATE AND REAL ESTATE LOANS STREET. No. US A special low price until MjT 1st Splendid houn of 9 rooms. city water, bath, gaa, grate and mantel uostairs end downstairs, hard nl floors throughout bouse, mall barn all In good repair. Thla property ts within welkin distance from busl-nm center, and on naved street- Call at off Ira fr pa rt leulare.

No. ISS Practically new bouse. In a good Last Lincoln location, near car line and paved street, rooms, city water, bath, good cellar, etc; tlOuO. No. lis A rood room cottar" "trie hnma with nil the modern onnvwi-lence.

full lot, nice lawn and trees. tio. 11 Cottage of rooms, city water, gaa for rooking, hath, full Int. etc. In a very good location, and not vary fur out: price Ho.

11 New story and half house of rooma, rood wall and elstern. hath room (not equipped), large modern porch, full lot, cement walka; poeaea-ston hi thirty daya; price 2 .600. Ko. 11 In rood locality 6 room house and shed kitchen. gas for II a lit and fuel, ermire, city wafer, celiigr.

etc. House ha a fatt beea re-shingled and put in good condition; II, 70o. Ho. 14 A neat room eottaga. city water.

Kit for cooking, eewerage. amail barn. In a good location; fl.xoO. Ko. li5 A 4 room houae.

cellar, good well, large barn, chicken house, nice lawn and treaa, near car Una, t-ti PAUL-MrmEUSfl 1045 Street FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. Investments find Loans Insurance Heal Estate 1409 Street. Phones 104, 120. We have over sixty choice lota on "Thirty-third street Just ripe for devel Opment. These lots are all sightly and will be within easy walk of car lines.

Ravine will be put down soon and all modern Improvements. You can buy these now at ONE-HALT price. Between and streets. The wind blows either from the north or south the city's dirt and smoke fly with the Wind. Get on the east side and be Clean.

Five acres near College View. Fine house, two wells, barns, sheds, fine geexlon at once. (Jet out where you Can muke one-half your living at odd hours. IluOO. Forty-two acres on west side that ill be suh-dlvlded to suit purchaser.

ligh fround, splendid soil. School fie Sear by. No city taxes to pay. Price 150 per acre and up. Invest your money at 10 per cent net or better.

No, i24 South 19th street lust ort new car line, our iour-room flats. City water, fine condition. Rented for IJ7.50 now, will increase to 140 00. Pries 13600 and on easy terms, SPECIAL We have the flnet sub urban home near Lincoln. Large rrounds.

absolutely modern home Worth 35.000. What have you to trade? Farm land or city property preferred. Fine little home for ISOO. Three rooms; barn, full lot, shade. South Lincoln.

Easy terma CHEAPER THAN RENT We hare Ei seven room, partly modem cottage, Hose to eapltol. No. 1 street Full ot; barn, sewer and water. On easy payments to right party. Price $2460.

ANOTHER DANDY BARGAIN No. iiit Street. Seven rooms. Fine (' home at cost of house with lot thrown in. Easy terms.

12350. DOWN ON STREET At corner of 21st street we are offering 80 00 per jnonth rent for only l000. 60x142, good buildings, good tenants. Street paving paid out This property Is worth today, tsooo. We buy and sell real estate, make Ioans, no chattels, provide capital, ln-'est money at per cent semi-annual Interest, W'ilh absolute security.

We have a Fire Insurance Agency that represents companies, every one Of which has been through all the big pres and are today strong and worthy Of the confidence they enjoy. Insurance that insures is our stock in trade. 'CKEEM, BILL GO. Real Estate aodL Investments 121 Bouth Tenth Street Ground Floor. Both Phones.

We hare sold 4 lots on Star and DuJ-ley this week, but still have some left T5 by 133 on Starr between z7th and jsih, on south side for 450, lots In tSngleside- for 200, each. We have several good trackage lots for sale, on 7th, and (1 90, on 3rd and 150x142, Just the place for a coal or lumber yard, on Jth, and we have 75 1S4, good room house now rented for $18, per mo. Any kind of building on this corner would rent call knd let us convince you that there Is money In thla property. No. 120 is a 2 room bouse and 1 acre of ground In Frosts addition for 11,000.

No'. 121 Is some good modorn houses on street Just west of 27th, 11860. No. 123 Is a 7 room house, bath, gas elty water, sewer, new, nesr 23rd and Vine, brick walks, price $2,400. No.

124 is a good room house, barn and some outbuildings on North 32. owner wants to leave the city and offers this nice home for $1,000. No. i2S is a 1 room house and 3 lots. modfrn except furnsce.

all kinds of rrult, this is Just the place for a re tired farmer that wants something to keep him busy, we offer this place for a few days for $3,000. If you want form or acreage, vacant lots wa can certainly suit you. 4-2 Write for my Market Letter HERBERT GOOCH COMMISSION BROKER flrsln. Provlsl-ms. Stocks.

Bonds. Cotton. Bell 'phone el- Fraternity Bhlg. Auto 'phone Zst. Linodn.

Neb. Propmt attention grrea mail Private Wires Prompt Srrlce F. AUDERTIN tcareseatiaf I. B. Day It Cs.

Stocks. Grain, Proylslons FOLSIM Bll. CO. Madam Brawn, Splrttuahet Medium Paiiv consultation at Kooin 14, Hot at. Buuday reading.

4-1 Ladies! Sample package unfailing reea- edy free by riurn mall Mrs. A. Prhse Uvp. 144) Philadelphia, Pa. 4-i.

Marry Wealthy Wa hava gent residing In Nebraska. age 4a, worth JI0 0O0; sent In Kanana. 46. worth (. This la re liable.

Horn A Comfort. Toledo, O. 4-tl Marrlaga Paper Scat seaiadi many wtmh to lot.i year; send lc a L. Love, box WOO, Lteorer, Col. 4-: Paraanslly speaking Everyone should Invent la a lot In r'rauklin lleiahta.

Let your money eatn your livelihood. A "atart la what la needed, and here la a ehanee to "start. TV txxia Bros. A l9t IU help you 4-r THE ONLV LINOAftD, who haa given nor pnmte and told mora facta Hutu any ai the ao-calied cialrvoy- anta or medluma that have aver vlaltad Lincoln. lie la still at rooma and.

Kimhall Bl k. 15th and where he wilt be during 1906. On neat Similar he will a-ain give tenia for the state aorlety Readings by mail and at bta office on all affairs of life, business and disease. and Punday. 4-S Take your flhop, lis baths at the Richards Barber o.

lHh. I ll RIQGS PHARMACAL A mar lean Agents, for Or. La Rue's Celebrated Remedies. MEN DR. LA HI B8 O.

aV Q. CAP- aulas; guaranteed cure for Gonorrhoea, (ileet and all forms of bladder and urinal olsaasee. 1.00 the box. Prevents diseaaw. Htopa that "wee drip'' that ot.ior rema.

dies full to cure. MKN DK. 1JI RI'E FRENCH NKR. ve-lne Tabloids for nervoua and broken down men, cure all diseases brought on by eelf-amise. excessive Indulgence and earls Indlacretion.

such aa nervoua debility, weak or falling memory, loss of brain power. Insomnia, nightly emiaslona. dull sight, laasliude. loss of sexual power, atrophy and varicocele. "k4kea you rani snnn again." Large box II; or full course treatment for $3 60 Post paid.

LADIKH DR. LA Hl''8 FRENCH Female Tabloids regulatea quickly; absolutely aafe; tlioroualily reliable; better than tansy or pennyroyal; "no disappointment; Inrge box. 1 extra strong for ohstiiKtc cases, 11. LADIES--DR. LA RITC FRENCH Antlaaptio Cones kills genms, prevents disease and misery, prolongs lira, pre.

aervea health, womanly boauty and Vigor. 11.00 box: I for 2 1 LADIES DR. LA Rt'ER OA LEO A Bust Bean does develop. In CeJaga. Rust Builder, Bosom Reconal rurtor and Vitalising Tonic, we have the resulta of all this expended energy, ths essence, ths very cream of thla exhaustive work, lia-lega is the name of a French treatment In tablet form for women, ymtng or old, atngte and mnrrled.

for the building or rebuilding of the bust, the breast and bosoms. It Is the highest type of medicine before the world today, a medicine which has done mora for the women of France, and will do more for the women of America, than any other treatment ever offered to them. The treatment rests on Its own merits. 11.00 box; for I DIES DR. LA RUE BALLOON Spray rings la ths world's best.

Cut to $199. One 0o box of vaginal antiseptic tablets free. Invaluable In teuoorr.iea or whites. Inflamed conditions snd aa a solvent of all secretions and discharges. LADIKS DR.

IA Rt'E 8 FRENCH Vag-ln-olda "My I-ady Home Treatment" "For Dlsenaes Peculiar to Subdues sll Inflammation, congestion and falling of ihe womb, snteveralon, retroversion and prolapaua, dropsy of the womb, ulceration, polypus, tumors, leucorrhea, irofuae and difficult menstruation, ovar-an tumors, fibroid tumors. Inflammation and congestion of the ovaries, cancers In their earlier stages, laceration, etc. Vag-ln-olda A specific for barrenness, and If used sccordlng to directions barrenness cannot exlat. Perferlly harmlrss; can be used by the most delicate at any and all times. In cases of profuse menstruation (flooding) It works like a charm, causing contraction of the blood veasela, so that the flow becomes perfectly natural, snd eaa be safely applied to the patient while the monthly period Is In exlstenoe.

In cases of painful menstruation, caused hjr congestion and Inflammation of the mouth or neck of the womb, a few applications will relieve this unnatural condition. In caaee of pregnancy, It may bean fly used up to the fifth month, thereby relieving the womb of Its general Inflamed and congested condition, consequently relieving the patient of more than one-half the suffering at child-birth. Changs of life. In this case It Is a wonderful remedy, relieving the organ of all morbid conditions that hsvs been In existence for yesrs. Its special set Ion gives health snd strength to the whole constitution, producing a healthy reaction of the whole nervous system.

Cures netvous slok hesdache, pains in the back of the head, "nap of the neck," In fact sny and all nerve pains. 11.00 box. Write for literature for any of tka above to RIGG3 PHARMACAL CO. American Agents. Lincoln, Neb.

4-21 Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be reecived at the office of the city clerk of the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, until 12:00 m. Monday, May 7, 11X16. for the grading, curbing and paving of the roadway In alley raving district No. 1, being the alley running east and west In block 60 of the original plat of the cllv of Unooln.

Nebraska, according to plans and specifications on file In hi office of the city clerk. ITans snd speel flcatlnns may be seen and blank proposals obtained at the office of the city engineer. The city engineers estimate of tne cost of this work la aa follows: Vltrlned brick paving. Class A. 1 year guarantee, sz.10 per square yard.

Natural stone curbing. Class 1. 4x15 Inrhes, per lineal foot. Extra grading, 0 40 per cubic yard. Extra romTete, $,50 per cubic yard.

The city reservee the right to reject any and all bids or waive any defects. By order of the city cotmoll. April 14, 1908. THOS. If.

PRATT, City Clerk. it NOTICE. Tn ths matter of the application of William Idd AV Co, for Honor license. Thla Is to certify that William Ladd ft Co. of the City of Havelock, Lancaster county.

Nebraska, has filed a petition on April Id. 10, as required by the alatutes of the state ef Nebraaka, and the ordl miners of the City of llavuhvk, to sell malt, splrltuons snd vinous liquors for the coming municipal year, in building situ sled on lot block St. fronting on Jack son street la said City. P. t.

WEBSTER. City Clerk. t-t NOTICE. In the matter of tne application of Chaa F. Burk for liquor license.

This la to certify that Chas. F. Burk. of the villiure of Hallam. Lancaster county, has filed a petition on the vth day of April.

IMS, as required by the statutes of the state of Nebraska, and the ordl nances of the village of Hallam. to sell malt, splrltous and vinous liquors for the coming municipal year In a building situated on lot 23, in block (, fronting on Main street in said villare. WM. BCRK. (Seal) Village Clerk 4-29 NOTICE.

In application of John S. Brothers for llouor license. Notice Is hereby given that on the ljth day of April, Johs P. Brothers filed a petition with the city clerk of the city of Havelock. Incaster county.

Nebraska, nnvinf for a license to sell malt, spirit imiia and vinous Honors on lot thirteen (18). In Work sixteen (1SV in the First ard of the said city of Havelock, Ian rasiar roiintv. Nebraska, as Is provided by the city ordinances and under the laws of the state oi at Havelock, Nebraska, this 19tb day of April. P. WEBSTER, Clerk.

1-4 NOTICE. In the matter of the application mirar Ouirk for liouor license. This Is to certify that Oliver M. Quick, of the rity of Uncoln. Incaster county has filed petition on April lUth, 19oi.

ss reoulrcd by the statutes of the atate of Nebraska and tee rules of the Excise board of' the City of Uncoln. to sell sniHtuoua and vinous liquors for the coming municipal year. In a building aituated at 1S-21 street on lola 15 and if Richards sub div. of 8. W.

I.ltl sub div. 4. fronting on slreet In Bald ctty. Tin vs. h.

-KA i r. Clerk of 'he Excine Board i I 'No. What did he say?" demands th EBRASKA Football Scramble Under New Code Results in a Corn-busker Victory THE NOT EXCITING Much Punting and End Running the Tactics Employed by Both Teams Under adverse conditions the football teams of the stals university and Doane college played the Initial gams under the new rulea on the university field yesterday afternoon, tha Cora-huxkers scoring on a fumble and retiring ith the game won by the score of (-. The field was muddy. Ihua preventing the fast playing expected under the amended rules, but enough could be observed to give the experts some Insight Into the workings of the new provisions.

It could be quickly seen thst the necessary "equlllbrum between offense and defense was not secured but that thet offense waa seriously handicapped and must resort often to punts and drop kicks. The forward pass waa seen to be of small avail to aid the offense but this Is probably capable of great development as new plays can be devised. Line plunges and heavy mass plays are plainly of the past aa, although they were frequently employed by both teams, only orceUJ, either gain the 10-yard distance exclusively through them, and then Nebraska succeeded only through the phenomenally swift plunges of the veteran Olenn Mason. The punting wss the chief feature, Nebraska resorting to punts eleven times, often on tie flrnt down. Doane punted ten times, but the mud Interfered with kicking.

Drain Kicked Off. Mayor Brown not being present snd Doane having won the toss, and chosen the north goal. Drain kicked off for Nebraska and sent tha ball 40 yards to Day, who returned 12 yards. Dickinson made yards through right tackle, but Doane punted 26 yards to Drain, who came bark yards. Schmidt gained I yards through center and Little made 1 yard through left tackle.

Little then punted to Day, Doane punted almost Immediately and for the rest of the half punts were exchanged with the advantage on Ihe side of the Cornhuakers, Drain keep- ng the ball In Doane's territory most of the time. The half ended with the ball squarely In the middle of the field. The atte stors were weary of the continual soaring of the ball to no apparent purpose. The scoring came on a punt and fumble in the second half. Cooke had taken Branson's place, Cotton taken Miller's and Harvey hnd gone In for Bowers.

Day kicked off to Perrln who dashed back 20 yards. Drain punted 4fi yards to Hurd who fumbled and the ball went to Nebraska on Doane's 10-yard line. Little made yards but Nebraska was sent back 10 yards on an offside play. Mason dug for I yards and then Drain dropped bark for drop kick from the 10-yard line but the ball went wild. Doane punted out of danger.

Ball Rolled Over. This went on until Drain punted 40 yards to Hurd. who, Instantly tack led by Cooke, fumbled the ball, which rolled across the line sad In the scramble which followed Little fell on It for touchdown. Cotton kicked an easy goal and the score stood (-0. Slow work followed until at the end of the game, Cotton tried a place kick.

The ball went at nearly right angles to the goal posts and Bchmtdt fell on it on Donne's 2-yard line, where time was called. Cooke, Drain, Schmidt Mason and Little distinguished themselves for the Coruhuskers, hile CapL Day and Ma- resh did the best stunts for the visitors. Cooke's tackling brought unusual applause, -j-. Lineup. The teams lined up as follows: Nebraska Doane Branson-Cooke a e.

Dowse Miller-Cotton 1. I. t. Doane Rice 1. g.

Bronson Wllke c. Bpees Taylor r. g- r. g. Gray-bill Bowers-Harvey Wlldhaber Perrln r.

e. Perry Drain q. Schmidt r. Little Mason (capt) f. q.

b. Hurd r. h. Msresh .1 h. Day (capt.) b.

Dickinson Referee, CornelL Umpire, Person, Length of halves, 20 and IS minutes. NEBRASKA'S CAME AT AMES. Score of Four to One Was Mads On Field Too Slippery for Good Work. Ames, April 2S. Nebra-ka dffented Ames here today 4 to 1 on a muddy field.

Owing to the condition of the field nothing was to be expected In base running. no one retting a hit for more than one base. Because of the slippery bull neither pitcher was able to show up In sny kind of form. However, In the start Port had the best of It In Ihe war of strike outs. Riley for Ames kept the hits scattered and was well backed up.

Both Hyde snd Gadnls. for Nebraska, got four hits splece, while Ames drew but five. Score Innings: Nebraska 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 04 Ames 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 01 Batteries Dort and Hyde; Ames, Riley snd Cotton. Hllx Nebraska, 12; Ames, 5. Errors Nebra ska.

Amu, S. Btruck out By Dort, by Riley, I. NATIONAL. New Yor snd Phllsdetphls. New Tork.

April 2. The world's champions batted Nichols freely this afternoon snd won their fourth straight victory from the Fhillle. The visitors were st sll times outclassed. Score; PniladHphia ....9 9 0 1 1 9 9 9 92 I 1 New Tork 0 9991222 x-7 12 2 Batteries: Nichols snd Dooln; M-Oln-nity snd Breenahan. Umpires: Kmslle end Conway.

Boston snd Brooklyn. Boston, April 21. Holding the Brooklyn Nationals down to one hit today, young Cy Tonng gave a remarkable exhibition ef pitching and In consequence the Brook-hni were shut out. Score: rrooslyn 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 9 94 1 1 Boston 9 1910999 x-4 1 0 Batteries: and Brgcn; Young and Needham. I mpire; CDay.

J. R. rlASON, Sole Agent 415-418 RICHARDS BLOCK Or It. M. OLCOTT, Owner.

R. F. D. No. 1, PALM Kit.

NER LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. NO TRADES CONSIDERED. tilcajto 0 4 6 4 4 4 4 11 1 Cincinnati 9 4949444 04 ,4 Batteries: Brown and Kllng; Welme and Itielpa. Umpires: Carpenter and Klein. AMERICAN.

I New York and Washington. Washington, April After losing three straight to the Washington Americana the New Turks managed to win today's game owing to the good pitching of Clark son. who held the locals down to four hit a Score: New York 4 I 0 4 4 I 1 4 41 11 I Washington ....1 4 4 9 9 4 9 9 41 4 4 Batteries: (lurk son and Klelnow; Wolfe. Sutlhoff and litvydon. Umpire: Hlieridan.

Chleaee and St. Louis. Bt. Loiila, April 2. The Chicago Americans outbattrd the locals this afternoon and defeated them In a close snd exciting game, which was In doubt until the last man was out, Score: St.

Loul 1 4 1 1 4 4 0 44 I I Chic 41402 4 I 10 1 Rattertee Powell and Rickey; Owen snd Sullivan. Umpires; Connor snd Con nolly. Boston and Philadelphia. Philadelphia. April 2.

Afler having in. day's game well In hiind. Waddell. who pitched mamlncenl hall against ths earns team on Wednesday, exploded and Boston won tn easy manner, managing thereby get an even brenk on the series. Hcosr: Boston 0 0 0 9 9 1 9 1 17 9 4 Philadelphia ...0 9 0 2 0 1 1 0 94 11 1 Batteries: Plneen and Graham; Waddell and Btireck.

Umpire: Evans. levels ivd and Detroit. Detroit, April t. Cleveland defeated Detroit today by a baiting bee In the ninth Inning. F.ubnnk, who had relieved Wlggs In ths fourth, went completely to pieces sfler Turner, with ths bases full.

singled to left, tlclng the score. De troit hit Khosdes hsrd In Die fifth, but he held them safe at the finish. Hcora: Detroit 10 0 4 4 4 0 9 0 7 12 4 Cleveland 9 9 1 1 0 4 1 0 414 15 Batteries: Wlggs, Kuhank and Payns; Rhoades and lie ml. Umpire: O'Lough- Hn. -AMERICAN ASSOCIATION.

Score at Columbus. Columbus, April 24. Hcore: Bt. Pnul 0 0900000 44 I I I 1 snd Columbus .0 0 0 1 9 0 9 0 1 Hatterles-Morgnn and Drill: Veil Ryan, Umpire: Hulllvan. Result st Louisville.

Louisville, April 2d. Hcnre: Kansas City ...1 1 9 0 9 9 0 1 01 0 Louisville 1 1999049 9-4 1 Batteries: Prnnts and Leahy; Kenna and toner. Umpire: Haskell. Oame at Indianapolis. Indianapolis ..9 4019141 44 4 Indianapolis .1 0000000 01 7 2 Batlerles: Oberlin and Roth; Hall and Kahoe.

Umpires: Owens snd Kans. Minneapolis and Toledo. Toledo. April 2K. Score: Minneapolis 0 9 4 1 4 9 4 1 41 11 4 Toledo 4 4 0 4 4 9 9 9 94 1 1 Batteries: Oehrlng and Bhnnnon; Mln- nehnn and Abbott Umpire: Egan, SOMEBODY WON BASEBALL GAME PLAYED AT EAGLE Who won the boll game at Eagle yesterday afternoon, the La lor Cycle company's club or the Eagle Juniors? The Slur's sporting editor does not know.

How could he raat aside all his other duties and go out tn the metropolis of Caas county to keep tab on a contest that has baffled the watchful- nena of the amateur scorers to report correctly? Late yesterday afternoon, story waa brought to The Star editorial rooms by two youngsters who said names were John Boyce and Carl Noble. However, one who claims to know them says their names are really "Burt" Klade and "F.d" Bairmll. Ho that ax It may, their story of the game is as follows: The Lawlor Cycle company bare- ball team played its first game of Hi" seaaon yesterday, at Eagle, Neb, de feating the Eagle Juniors by a score of 4 to 1. The Lawlor team opened the eyes of all the spectators by their KiK)d playing and team work, Gnuid-ptiind plays were the order of the duy. Although the Tagle team was composed principally of men and had a pitcher almost as speedy aa the wind, the Iawlora hammered them all over the field." This Utile story the lads wrote out In the office and took great pride In the-lr literary accomplishment.

A short time afterward, a voice which declared itself to be thst of Manager Robinson of the Lawlor aggregation stated over the telephone that the score in the game with Eagle Saturday afternoon should read 4 to 1 in favor of Kagle lnntend of Lawlor. The sporting editor looked first at the story written by Boyce and Noble, then be turned to Ihe statement of Manager Robinson. The question as to who was hammered all over the field arose In his mind, and something like the complexity of "The Idy or the Tiger" glimmered In hlB brain. However, he decided that the best way to present the matter to the public would be to explain the two accounts of the alleged game. Later Ihe two youngsters returned to Ihe editorial rooms and Imitated thnt they wanted the "score put In rlKht They denied the ulatement of Manager Robinson.

"PETE BOGLESUr WRITES ABOUT HORSE MEETING Lenkun, Nibrasky, April 24. Mees-tur Edetur: Me an sum odcr fallars hav had nuel meten uv yentelmens ro1stur klub an, Ba Ylmeny, ve hav hal uv gude tern. Yu horta been dare an sens sum fallars mak keck, an sum odur fallarr sa glide tengs about rod cstur klub besnes. Kurnel Tole ben mooch exsltetnented an sa. gude eel bout Skullee geten al des tnonny, an sum odur gude tengs es rodestur klub have, an Bl Oar hey got mad sum hal, aye tal yu.

Et ben funey teng tu Yo fchen yum pen roun an maken gude tolk. an wen he vent tu hes restun plafe sum sldur ben mesen outen yug an Ylm Gelun object to seen sum tem pttnince leek sure tu de ree uv us kos lo blien sett so giuy. fT4Tew4 Notice te Contractors, Sealed bids will be received st the of. flee of tn Clly Clerk of the city of Lincoln, Nebraska, Until 1100 clock Way 1, for the grading, curbing ana paving of ihs roadwajs in avlng districts numlMT being Cherry street from 17th street to loth street and number 71,, sing Hth street from stret to street, according to the plans and snerltleationa on file In the office of the Clly Clerk. I'lana snd specifications may be seen and blank nrouoaala obtained at th office of th City Kngtneer.

Ihe City Engineers estimate of the coat of this work la aa follows: Hheet Asnhallum. Class 10 year guarantee. 10 par eiuars yard. Hock Aplislt, Class 10 year guarantee. II 10 par squats yard.

Artificial alone curb and gutter, I year guarantee. $1 tx) per lineal font. Kxlra grading, i 3S per ruble yard. Kstra concrete, SO per cubic yatd. Extra binder in place, 14 ill per cubic sand In place.

$1.00 per Cublo yThe City reserves the rtghl to reject any and all bids or waive any defect. Ky order of the oily council, April 14, THOS. TRATT. City Clerk. 4-24 Notice to Contractors, denied proposals will be received at the office of James Tyler Bon.

architects, rooms 400-401, Funks Building, until 12 e'clock noon, on the twelfth day of Msy, 190. for the furnishing, erection snd oon-strurtlon of materials for the Klhs club building sccordlng to the, plana, specifications and delalla which si's on file In the architects' office. The Elks Building company has ths light to reject any and sll bids If It Is their Judgment to do so, 4-tl. 04-'f4f a The largest and best eatoher'e mitt mads. They art yours for 75o each as long as they last 8ee our line ef sporting good and fishing taekls, Ths bsst and most complete lines In the state.

SIDLES CYCLE CO. 1317 0 Street 4 CEMENT BLOCICS make the most durable building material if made right WE MAKE THEM RIGHT You want the best structure you can get for for as little money as possible Our Blocks Save 20 Per Cent BROS. OFFICE I0 SOUTH 10TH STREET BELL S6J. AUTO 1563 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN 1JJ7 Street. Try our Ice Cream Sodas snd Fruit Nut Sundas.

We use Crushed Fruit In our Ice Cieam Sodas. SPECIAL "'HAPPV THOUGHT. Try our liiltcr Sweets, the best In Ihe city. All our Candies sre Home Made. Every Vcman ttlatorsHods'" io ShiHil Ui wonOrrfnl MARVCL whirling Spray Tba e-w tM SrW A ft HMT ASI it If rmi fvH H'WT the (ht r.

"rnit f.x ft. as aw saa si ac For sale and hy msll by Riggs Fbr anacy Lincoln, Neb. HEINER XV-s WEDDIM fen taHtr I BLEPJ3 PRO When It conies arlvlng somethlnsT of renl worth, rent beauty and something that will remain a thing of beauty for years to come, our exceptional stock of silverware, cut glaaa. Jewelry, etc, affords Ihs best elections. Burh article as you find he-re will pleaae the recipients more than anything you could get for them, for they will endure.

C. A. TUCKER, Jeweler S. S. SHEAN, Optician Yellow Front 1123 Street WESTERN NEBRASKA AND EASTERN COLORADO LANDS Thousands of people all over the middle and eastern states are scanning maps and advertising matter in search of new homes.

Where can we find cheap lands, is a question that is becoming more difficult to answer every year. As population is increasing; and available lands decreasing. We have fifty thousand acres of western land for- sale from $3.00 to $10.00 per acre. We will ro with you and show this land at any time and in all cases will refund railroad fare if you buy of us. Call or write.

HAWKINS 1320 Lincoln, Neb. There and Back SSsiBSudDO9 1 4M.ii 1 Siiiiii nr-ii mrririrl Lout rates from East generally. Account Mystic Shriners. Four special x-curslons, Jlpril SO, May I and 2, by uay Grand Canyon of Jill the way Sarmiwl Lmrlmer. Ssit, jSt.

eiaee, From Kansas City Tickets good on Cat-Ifornia Limited, if desired. Bell A209 1029 fi St, Ante 1494 Lincoln, Neb. other one. I.

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