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Lincoln Evening Call from Lincoln, Nebraska • 1

Lincoln, Nebraska
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V'j 1 -i 1 I i CAIX -av 1 SEVENTEENTH YEAR NO 18 LINCOLN NEIL FRIDAY EVENING SE1TKMRER 'SI IS!) PRICE IVE CENTS i IT WILL BE WORTH YOUR WHILE TO' SEE OUR NEW FALL CLOTHES WIFE COMMITS SUICIDE i Bad Baan Barslvaa by Bar Haakon far Blaphm With a Colored Mae Dana Ira Me Sept 17 (By As soeiatad Mrs Violet Hsakell who in Jnae last married Brister) colored leader of the Pickaninny i at Cincinnati after leaving her husband Kvaratt Haskell aer ioualy illhere was found dead in ths woods near bora lata yeaterday There was a bullet hols in her head' and a revolver lay near by Mrs Uaakell lived with Brieter but a few weeks returning to the bedside of her husband here soon after the publication the story of the elopement with the explanation that she had received a letter from bar brother-in-law llhsrles Haskell announcing the death Ur Haskell Hha produced this letter but her brother-in-law denied that he was the author of It Mrs Uaskelt-wasfergivon-'by-heT-huabenV who is dangerously ill and she had been with him continuously since her return ENGLAND IN EARNEST 1 1 HAPPENINGS AT HAVELOCK' Brlsf Kms sf What Nsw la tla- sole's Pr I aid pel Raburb Foreman Fat MeMalleh of the boiler hop ie still aliasnt from IiIn duties being confined at hia home in I'letta-mouth by reason of alekncks Mr John Itfff do part ml yesterday for Auburn Nemilyi county called thither by the serious ilinrss of a relative Mrs" Fred Howland is in I'latU-month lulling with" her hueband'e parents 1 Machinist Frank Crnmncr who has suffered with rheumatism weak eyes and other afflictions far the past several months thereby necessitating hie absence from work wont up to Omaha yesterday' to have Ills eyes treated at the hands of an oculist Frank has suffered 'more limn ie his ust-shsre-auil-hfo eerly- health will be welcomed by hut of friends Machinist Will Ackerman end wife arrived from AllianeC yesterday anil will take up their homo in Havelock Will returns to work la the shops on Monday -V John Latak of the machine shop will visit over Sunday with his parents in Wilber Dr A Scott who journeyed to Chicago- some Vims ago to undergo treatment for dropsy will return to Havelock in a few imys He writes that ha haa been unada to secure relief and hia frisnda fear the worsts-Mrs George Prentiss is in Platte-month visiting her parents Mr end Mrs Green Bryan Stearns nn employe at the We have exerted ourselves to eu 0 tt nma kf ng "oliF sel tions so as to insure every purchaser perfect satisfaction Our New Fall Stock includes everything that is novel in style and cut Every garment is faultlessly made and perfect in fit Even in the cheapest' grade of our Suits we have beenxareful to preserve the shape and cut of the hlgherTfuai-ities Many of our designs are -Onginaiandcari-notlbeduplU- I Thus Would Gov Culbertson Knock Prize Fighting i a (Ml far a By acini IniIm lk UthUlan la OcaTiaa Oatabav aed taw rraklkltlBK laah BiklM-i ml taaCeartaf Mk Waa What Breach It A tea I Auanx Texas By Associated Prana) Governor Cnlbaraoo hoe laauad a proclamation calling special aaaaion of the legislature to meet October 1 that will be requested to pees a law that will knock the Cor-bett-FiUainimonn fight into a cocked kit The governor iaaued the proela--jnatloa after lengthy-consultation with hie cabin at and given the Associated Preee correspondent ai the' reeaon for bin notion that in the precent condition of the law the fight managera are liable to pull off the fight while the courta are rowing over it that the chief joe lice of the court of appeals haa ruled against him and now there la a mandamus case that may go in an entirely different line thus reining conflict between the two highest courts in the state In order to aettle all possible contention he iaaued the eaU convening the legislature in this eity and seta forth the purpose pf the call ae follows: Where pa A decision of the preaid ing judge of the criminal -court of appeals lately rendered -will embers is -the execution of the laws of the state against prim fighting and other dated infractions of good order and ths -public peacdnbwlinSilldBtand- threatened and Whereas There is no certainty a determination of the soundness eld deelalgn by a court of final resort in time for existing emergencies and Whereas It is proper in avoidance of every pretext for disregarding Aha laws that all controversy respecting them should be removed by legislation and nil reasonable pacific meant resorted to in the first instance to on force them end-inasmuch as-the present legislature unanimously passed prohibitory law on the ISth and 84th days of April to become effective Aug- net 1 1895 Sa a part of tho penal oode it should require a session of only few days at a smaU coat to remove aay possible defect and put the law into immediate operation ae an extraordinary occasion has sriaea re- airing the legeslature to ae convened i idmIaI totninn i Meatherafove CharfoaLCiiil-1 beraou goveraer of the state oxTsxas by virtue of the authority vested in me by tfae cons ti tn tio a hereof hereby1 cell special session of the Twenty- fourth legislature to he convened in the city of Austin beginning dt noon Tuesday October 1 1895 far the following purposes: 1 To denounce prise fighting end kindred practices In clear and unambiguous terms and to prohibit the same by appropriate pains and penalties patting the lew Into immediate operation and making- necessary provisions for its enforcement bo that the proposed exhibition -ufthis char- seter within this state may be prevented end the undoubted will the -people upon the subject- respected this affront to the moral sense and enlightened progress of Texas averted 2 To eonaider and act upon such other matters as may be presented pursuant to section 40 article 8 of the constitution In testimony whereof I have hereunto eat my hand and caused the seal of tho state 'to be affixed this the ISth of September Anno Domini 1895 A Culberson Governor of Texas cated elsewhere LET SHOW Doteotive Kurtz or Elkhart Comes Aftor Cunningham Ths lllght Mini Is Glvsa as Alva Praetor and ii a Baisath Criminal Haah la IlmwI'iMum-WIII ga Hark Wllhnst Krunlilllan May-lur Bars la Hat ilia Hoary Hark a Hs Paid Pfarlar SAn tor lha Ntalrs Wheal Mr James Kurts eity doteetiva for the city of Elkhart lud arrived in the city this morning after John Cunningham who is wanted there 4or stealing two bicycles Cunningham's right name is Alva I'roetor Detective Kurtz says ha ia one of the smoothoat criminals in haa-served time for orimrs committed In Elkhart Prootor and two other fellows who are In jail at Elkhart now were mixed up lu the stealing Prootor shipped one of the machines away ami left tbu country He Is a good mechanic anil had a complete outfit tools in his possession whoa arrested 1 Ha had filed the original number awuy ami placed another one in ite place The work Vns done no neatly that it takes a close examination to discover the file marks i'roo-tor says he went to Minneapolis first and then- came to Nebraska spending a largo part of his time out near Pleasant Dale where he has a sister Ha claims that lie got the 'wheel from another fellow and relies tha change of number to not the one stolen at Elkhart It an Aerao make Proctor eaye he will raturn without -necessary requisition papers from the governor this state Deteotive Knrtx will probably start baek tomorrow with his prisoner Naylor to whom Cunningham alfaa i'roetor had sold tho stolen wheel- has sned him in Jnstlqe court for- tha money he expended Prof Saylor paid I'roetor £50 for the wheel The money Ie in- the possession of Chief Meliek and Mr Saylor haa ettaohed fa The chances ere good for his getting hie money binik HIS LEG BROKEN Finney ofThla City Meals With as Aosldsat Is Kansas OIr Officer Rouf salin found Finney sitting on the enrb stone near Ninth and streets this morning in little worse condition than man usually' la being slightly under the Influence of liquor Finney said ha bed jaeasivad home from Kansas City this morning ftherehe had broken three weeks ago lie had bcenlfn tfie hospital The leg was still splintered Finney had rebelled' Ninth street sll right but wee unable to gn -lnrther The patrol was called end lie wan taken to hie home at 1945 North Thirtieth street He ie a brakemau and received the injury while at work THE CLARKE FAILURE M- fore could say nothing until after the meeting of creditors US YOU It Will be a Very Represent-' tive Gathering As IsrliUat mt Dr Dana's Ds- portare FVsas Kaatas for Aa Unperlaalty (a Disease Early Traellsr AlferSsrf Vy Iks' t'eatorsase Went era Bl atsa WE HAVE: Hlveloek' uinr Emma Reitz disappeared from town rather mysteriously on-Ksturdsy lssfc-They returned a few days later ae Mr end Mrs Ktoarne '-The wedding which was a thorough surprise to their acquaintances occurred at Greenwood on Sunday Mrs Fat Egan returned to i'latte- mouth this morning after enjoying a visit of eeveral daye with friends in Havelock Herman Martens and Ed Ballanee of the machine shop rare home from PlsUsmodth where they-huve-bcen In attendance at tha Caaa county fair Engine No 35 was hauled into the hop this weak to nadargo repairs figured in aAmssh-np on the Wyoming division sad' presents a badly dilapidated appodrakea Talk that the'R ft will again put on its work train which formerly nut down from Lincoln in -toe morning and returned ia the evnjng after 8 o'clock' haa been revived among shop men A great number of Havolpck shop-mea-deelre-to-aiake -their-homee in Lincoln and the putting bn of the work train would be a benefit to Lin-ieoln 'merchants as well as to' company employes Lincoln merchants would be wise in using their influence with toe company officials to' secure the pntting on of the train in question Tomorrow is Uj last day of the month for shop employes their time being computed np to the 88th of each mfinth and Chief Clerk Hinkle will busy for several daye in writing out the pay checks for the 400 men ployed at this place Work on the first of 'the five class engines whieh are in course of construction at the Hdveloek tongfe Is being pushed- by Master Mechanic Greuael with no little vim and when complete it will be the first entire locomotive turned out of the skbpa will be- marked with -a jollification among shop men something like the launching af an ocean monster at shipyard The Havelock band will play-- its sweetest music a bottle of will be broken over the pilot and everybody will proceed to jollify TWO MORE ADDED completion of thiKengrnff la of 3- yM VaV" J-s Base Ball Enthusiasts Want to Give One tost It WIU Prsbably Mot Materialise Ow lag to the Ahsssss af Nearly Bvsvy Playsr Fraa ths The Days Will eeUsr From das Mail Pay tolsiias Till Ostohsr 1 to Order to It-ssvva ths Ptayors The esll for a meeting of bass ball enthusiasts at the Capital hotel last night did not meet with ths response it should have received The dyed-ln the-wool fans however who asms out wera of the opinion the team merited soma recognition from tho peopla of Lincoln-focthelrgreatwork throughout the season Two or three plana ware suggested hut all decided that the most feasible one would bo that of giving popular banquet limiting the number of psk to 150 When the fane talked of a banquet last night they supposed that tho team would nil ha home tho first of tho week to participate in It Back Ebrlght however cams in from 8t Jos lost night and said there would not ho over five boys in the city next week Hill Bennett end Van Burea leave St Jos for their homes in Illinois Sunday evening Ebrlght goes direct froor St Joe to Qnlney to attend the meeting of Western aeooeln tlon clubs- Barnes and- Speer go to oin the Milwaukee dub on their trip to the boast That only leaveskeu- mmenrr-HoinflfffwsrttTKffir Snlllvan to return With the elnb seetteredin thatwayJt will be Iliad vised to plan any banquet Director Brown at the meeting' last night aaid that tho elnb had been informed that they would have to pay the players' salary until October in order to reserve Thin means a 175 more for tho Lincoln team whieh will probably bo railed The management expeotei to have a good attendance nt the dosing games but fate was against them Just when they were getting some enthusiasm stirred up among Linooln people the big wind storm came over the city and converted everything into regular simoon the dosing day being raa then the opening This cut the attendance down to the guarantee Then nt Dubuque i rained and kept the team nt extra expense One gama kt Dea Moines was postponed on account of rain The weather has bean hard thing to buck against 'ICjriia players are reserved the management can sell two nr three at least and gat S1000 to 81500 for them This Will phi' them in good' shape for next year BALL BIWVmM Manager Ebright seme in Inst night to see the directors end get his clothes i racked preparatory to taking in tho luiney masting October Ha will rqtara to 8t Joe today The Western League is ia session nt Chicago 'Indianapolis was formerly awardad tha pennant A circuit committee haa been appointed to get dty in plane of Terre Hants Omaha ia trying to get Grand pines Plans for next year will now be in order- -Let the directors scheme to have another pennant winning team If the management era successful in selling their players the financial end will he on solid roek Llneoln inherits the pennant and they won it squarely fairly and hon-itly They also won It from the feet that vhsj played better game Of bell than any other team in the association They won a -greet victory and the young men who made np the elnb are deserving of ell praise The elnb started in nt the first to play good ball and all through the season they followed out that idea The result ie 8 1 Joe Gazette -Reekfond-ie' almost as well-satisfied as if she had won the pennant They beat the Qnlneyi out There ia ea much catiafactlon ia that to them aa there is In Lincoln's beating out Omaha Dee Moines incurred the-wrath of the sisters in the association from tha start and they never got over fa: The following ie from the Burlington Gazette: Moines' painted way-cars -yesterday-managed by-urax? tra brilliant effort to beat Dubuque Thb reason of it was that tho game i played in the afternoon and the nn warmed up the weather and erip-pled the Esquimaux Had toe game been played in- the morning Frick's cotton-vi wled' puppets would not have fbeen-ln-itr! It is Sad to' be compelled to thus close the season without chance at the blondined wlga of the Frlek female bell toaaers of Dee Moinev but anch ia ruthless Burlington Gazette ArrengjwaaU Mads far Continuing i Roarings the The continuances of the hearings in the matter of adjudication of tha rights to the use of the watetciaimed prior to April 4 1895 within tho watershed of tho Republican river In Ne bracks will begin and be heldforthe several counties included therein by an officer of the State Board of Irraga-tlon as follows: For Hayes' and Hitchcock counties at the office of the county elerk in Tren-ton at nine o'clock in the forenoon Octl For Dundy eounty at the office of the eounty elerk la Henkel man at o'clock in the forenoon Oct: 4 For Chase county at the office of the county clerk in Imperial at two o'clock in tho afternoon Oct 8 For Frontier' Red Willow end Fur-' naa counties at the office of Fal tuglDTsmbridge sinriTcrocmnnM he lmJm ANNOUNCEMENTS I CLBTKf AN MIMUTHKLe Mr Cleveland tha successor of JHiifvsrly in the mastodon minstrel business and wtb is irrepressible as manager brings to too Lansing theatre tonight tha most unique and biggest minBtftl1 company ever seen in thla city When the curtain went up for the first this afternoon there was ataigeTuirbf rbuTlhtf floor near the footllghUnnd backward tier upon tier showing white men no-grace- Arabs and Japanese Theebd men of the white contingent- more black faces The colored men wera without burnt cork complex lone The Arabs and Jape formed the highest rows up near the' fliea at the beck of tha stage In quality and quantity the Cleveland company satisfies nil expectations Marion nnd Pearl do a smart" acrobatic song-and dance John It Blackford Marcus Doyle i ft ft £ir 1 fr- -y1 'V i -j ii-'S-! rt'1 Ships Iimta la I ha Kaaaal Maaaaara Sues sh ll Kept (By Associated Appearances Indicate that England is Anally la earnest with re gard to the massacres in China Five warships are now on the river Yang-Tie-Kiang proceeding toward the scenes of the disturbances Four-more are expected to start tomorrow Senas of the A BRAND NEW-BOAT A SymtUoMa W1U Build OaataCaataat tor America'! Cap Loxnox Bept (By Associ- organ yacht to a ted Press) Herbert Moir ising a syndicate to build a uailfor-Asieriea'acup He will send challenge soon The boat will ha named as Moir ia in business ia that colony It will ha a fine keel craft on a line similar to the Owing to the foot that Bose's challenge fa already in Mohr's craft will not be able to till 97 1 Ts BOket a Ckaags Loxdox Sept (By Associated The Chronicle the organ the liberals says that t3m conservative leaders intend to make" the house of fords an elective body and give the peers the right to enter the house of commons Captured One at Them London Sept (By Associated One of the nun who stole the 85000 ounces' of silver from wagon in transit "from Swansea to London Wednesday has baan captured and part of tho treason) babeen recovered TBK WXATHKB Omen or thb -U-S--' wbatbxxbd sfcAU Lincoln Neb Soph For Lincoln and "vicinity: Fair warmer tonight and Saturday Cxicaeo 8ept (By Associated Preee) Forecast for Nebraska: Fair slightly warmer tonight Saturday fair stationary temperature The' area of high barometer haa moved outward to the central Mississippi valley and an ana of low la Montana this morning which will cense southerly winda and rising tempera tun at Linooln dnringlthe next 84 hours The temperstunhu' fallen ten de nee or more in the lower Missouri andthe central MiislaaippPvalleys end hu risen in the extnma north west Light rain is reported from Montana Gbo A Lqyblaxd -Observer Weethsr Bureau If Collision on the This Morning Pnaslaaaf OBclali Asung the Hilled ths Vasseegsr OseehM Wu Btasdlsx se a Bide Tnek WheaJta other Ose Dashed Ills It Baltixou Sept 87 (By Associated Pnsa) A special from King-wood Wut Virginia states that pusenggy train on the 40 road standing on side-track atTnnnelton Va waa struck by another pas-ICUger traibi One sleeper and an engine were rucked and number oi! persons seriously hurt the following hid to be fatally: Marshall Va scalded A- Oxlev librarian state library West Virginia scalded Lulu Fountain crushed doVTlIolBtyra Dexvkr Sept 17 (fly Associated Press) Governor Melntyra haa sent dispatch to £he American Humana so-ciety in session in Minneapolis object-ing-toite unsure of him He says there "Is no' 'statute to prevent bull fighting hut the commission of an act of cruelty ia punishable by fine and imprisonment The power whieh puts this into effect lies in the Humane society A representative of that society agreed to be preaentat the fight but did not appear nor call for assitance to enforoe the iaw Tho responsibility thereforpriiu with the Humane society The Gold Shlpmsat Nxw York Sept (By Associated A million and a half of 'gold was taken for export to Germany today Pennsylvania hard coal delivered lu your bih t-S840 Lumber--Coal cOmpanyV 1500 Burr i Pastsras Hsva yaleysd cierke of tha Clarke Drug jGampsuycsme Omahi this morning and when a Call repre Kents tive found him he was busily engaged in reading a piie of 'jpondenee whieh had accummufateiT during the past few days Most of these letters were from the east declaring a willingness to did in the resumption of the business at an eaxly day A meeting of the unsecured creditors of the company will be held on Monday October 7 at the Lincoln hotel on whieh occasion tout1 definite- arrsugementawill be made Mr Clark stated that there wad absolutely nothing new in the which hasaatAlreiidybfienpubi tislied in the newspapers' and there Slav of Iks Governor With Rook af 1 i adjutant-general's bill Par IW- TirECZif lakii" pleashre' In mending he delegation appointed to re presen this slate nt tha We till'll States Conference to be held at Topeko- Octobejfiit--- 1 They are all men of marked ability and' influence and wjll make an list- prqiios upon the convention -Among the delegation Toncka neo-pie especially JK Hudson and Tom Anderson will' discover their "'old -tv S- w'ijl AnftjBnriSlMpqT4 jromiBnnyiL-JirAairieiid i)n-W- Dnnn of third Geo Tichner and Daniel Wm Henry Rice the -'beet of the fine burlesque actors enmea in for a good share of the- closing who was resident of Topeka fata iho ixtics MftHjr of lb older bera of the Masonle fraternity' dispensation upon' him be 'started will be vjbAt' '1'- tho Did Too Kyar Think -That' you cannot be well Unless you have pure rich If you are weak tire" languid and all run down it is because your blood is Impoverished and lacks vitality These many opportunities tbTMiDsrKonnonii by lloodT -Btrangthtrfwmunprhodioldwtiwtox-loaeTanbErmeelEig whole troupe The sensation of the Sarsaparilla because Hood's spplausein burlesque Tho wonderful performances of this Arabs who tumble twirl musketa and form pyramids showing the gigantic remember the epeeial was granted to eSnfor before third degree just to Nebraska and opportunities citizens to meet and Railway Pastel Clarks la Saaslaa Kansas CtTT Sept (By Associated Press clerks of the Seventh division were called to order in convention here at 10 by 8 Ettinger of St Louis president of this division Dele-- gates were present from St' Louie Den xer Wichita Fort ScottSLJoseph 1 Sedalis and from the seat The eon- vention gives promise of being one of 1 the mast important in the history of 1 the order' The prime motive is to farther the -in toreeta of the railWay "postal rierksthraQgS-A-NtufsTficatidn bill and an effort will be made to adopt a Ml! that will' he acceptable to the heads of the railway postal service The work this forenoon was routine-in nature Disappeared gait Lika Fraknr St Louts Sept IBv A Edward Taylor painter has disappeared under circnmstances similar to thoee adopted by Dr Fraker the alleged insurance swlnd ler Taylor carried $8000 insurance "t- if-i v--ii- performance wad the wonderful Jape It wee a sort-of-a-five-ring circus-idea four to six acta at oaa time all of which cannot be- described The must be seen It can be said for the show that it goea quick It is numer-nils It has giest novelties good nniai- cal featurca and ie full of glngey sf- of western recall the experi ences of frontier life Dr Dunn ie the owner of several thousand acres ---of land near Lincoln and lika all others is intensely interested in mik ing thbfbonference of western states' productive of great good Ve-tke Weal Ipseial IsrvlM ts Cltvslsad This fast train on the 'Nickel leaving Chicago at idO ar-'' vy-V--'- at Cleveland ia tha' train between Chicago snii Hive -it trial ancthanconH- Uniformed colored of day coaches red Lowest Sarsaparilla makes pure rich blood It ie in truth the great blood purifier Hbod's If is cure liver ill conatipa thin billiuusnesK jaundice ick headache indigestion AMUSEMENTS Rush City was the attraction nt -the Lansing last evening' and notwith- of tha fevco ooupenlee which- visit the western country only a small house turned 'oiil Wblifit" jrarMiliimli little or no pint to the play there is TIIK TORNADO Lincoln Carter's scenic-melodrama will be given tnrflm pfaduettoirtn- St day Kept' 8 at flie" Lapsing theatre! Hia first -great success Fast jfe Mail" was produced here three years rood riving best any vinced charge I- tion To tbs OHMsI From the cepes terdsy was Issued general order No 11'which addfc two more aide-de-csmp to the official jBtaff of tha governor They will rank as iloncla and are Captain George Loon of tha First and Captain E- Tracy of toe Second regiment Nebraska National Guards -WELL-KNOWN-HER! doll Breakers at risttomaath rsalllsr Crooks In Uessle John Knox Albert and Frank Able who escaped from the Cass eounty jail at Pinttamnqlh night before last era' all Lincoln men and well known to the police hero The escape Was very cleverly performed They cut hole out- of the floor and dng a tunnel under the outside wall Tha work was accompttaliea esriy in tne evening discovered 'nntilrthepext morning 'They had several hours to make good their escape r- 1 WAS A BAD TWISTER Several Serluualy Injured This prntoa HvNTiXdTON Kept (lty Associated A eydone puWd over Green Bottom today doiog great damage to property Sixteen men were in a barn which waa blown away and John Manee and Will Ginaly were dangerously injliVed by falling limbers Timothy Blake and Isadora Clark were aeriously hurt 'Notic Dierka Lumber and Coal company have opened nn office at street in the Burr block with Mr Wm' Hop- klue ae agent Tim public ie cordially invited to price our qualities of coal We a rg per pared to accommodate all easterners and solicit YonrsTery "esse era and solicit your' patronage rerv respocTTiiTly if1 points For in address Cajaban Genera Agent lit tdame street Chicago Ul Siatk on Ohio City on Tolbdo -r'" ago and by ail accounts the eew play an abundance of mirth provoking lisrwBliaB to be even mord popular The scenic effircU alone would carry a nations whieh never- fail to please Li'cas CorxTV JtX-i 5 RJ Ciikx makes oath that he is the senior partner of "the firm of Cheney ft Co doing the city of Toledi eounty ft Co doing business in and state injthc Cpmpton HlUlirigeoftoe An elent Order of United Workmen1 -September IChe left hiehome-with two other painters to go fishing at East Carondelst After a row in the -boat according' to the story of the-two painters Taylor said ha wanted to take a swim Ha went down ths river end has not been-seed -eineer- His clothes were discovered on the river hank by Taylor'a companions who concluded he had drowned There are members of the Ancient Order of United Workmen however "who gravely doubt this story of hie death and have caused a reward to be offered for arrest i Charged With Anas Cues ton Iowa Sept (By Associated Deputy Sheriff Talbott of Malvern passed through Ores ton Ufet night with George Wilcox in charge Wilcox was arrested at Cumberland He ia charged with setting fire to Hastings livery stable in which six horses wdre cremated and thredperaona came Bearlosing-thcir iiyeas The male members of the east are identically the same as last year and indeed it would be difficult to replace auy one of them Mathews Usury Bulger and Frank O'Brien are deserving of special mention They are ail stars Miss Olive White as the blooming' sprig of World's Fair was exceptionally clever ns waa Helen Keiuur ujiossnnied the role of prin clpal of the female seminary I I nasal City Inter Stats Fair tad rrissts i Valias rsradk One fare for round top ria the Bur- lioglbn ickels oh sale- September 30 to October -G good to return until October 7 luaving Lincoln at aforesaid and that said firm -will pay the aum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR for each -and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tha use 6f Uau's Catakru Cvaa FbaXe Cbrxkt Vt-''i Sworn to before me end subscribed: in my presence this Bthday of Deoem- A Gleason t-'" Notary Public much leMmeriforious work to spcces The principal neaiationar featursTs a tornado scene whieh ia mauaged by thiif aid of electricity and especially corifctrueted mechanism and is ona of the finest and most complete effect ever shown on the stags RilM la Six Hnn Distressing Kidney and Bladder disease relieved in six hours by the' UhkatKpi'th Ankkiu-ax Kivmit This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding prompt ness in relieving pain in the iq arriving nt Kansas Citr 7:35 in i male It rciiews retention of water only ii hours and 35 minute's and no nnd pain in passing it almost change of cam For fnil information ately If you want quick relief and bladder lcidnevs back and every part pf the urinary pcages in male or it SEAL lliU's Catarrh cam Is taken Internally and aeta directly bn the blood end mueons surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free' Cimr ft Co Tofodo tar etreala apply utB A depot lor city office cure this ia your remedy Sold by coriiVs-Teu'lTT ami sfrecii: Rchlandcr'druggist'Cb'TtSJ ff -swi-sawaiaa 1 cJ- I I -J.

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