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The Indiana Weekly Messenger from Indiana, Pennsylvania • 3

Indiana, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

X- t) The Indiana Messenger INDIANA PA MAY 24 1899 a i Aj iY TELEPHONE K0 64 I If You are AT THE TOP! As the Keystone Crowns the Arch It is certainly very gratifying to ns to know that Tidal Wave Flour made right here in Indiana is the peer of any and superior to the majority of the western brands of spring wheat patents whose jnakers boast more about their large capacitythan the quality of their product Buettner Bros the celebrated Johnstown bakers wired us to-day 30 barrels Tidal In a letter confirming the order they write can buy any of the western brands of flour from 10 to 20 cents per barrel less than you charge us for Tidal Wave but more soft flour in the western patents and -they do not make as laige and flakey bread as Tidal For sale everywhere Wheat 65 cents of advertisements and ire take it for granted that a majority of tho ladies do you will no doubt find some items that you will be interested in knowing where you can get them as we can only name in each od a small per cent of the lines we carry in this DEPARTMENT STORE We can only say as we have often said in the past come and see ns whether a buyer or not ADVERTISING BATES Lmal On inch on wnki I tUIl on Inch two wtwln mSsone inch ttuw ftmr wueln tiUJU Rutin fur additional npant fur mikm triiui and for torn mure 11 ailTHrtunnwnt mailo known on application All losral and flkdal odurtiaiix enargud tebj dw inch TERMS OF THE MESSENGER tl00 per year If paid in adraaoe 12E if Bald-sttlh(nilofthiinonlhi: 1160 if paidatthe 3ud of aiz mouth and at the explratiun of the rear mmtm mmm i THE HOME" NEWS Tm Qqoon of England is 80 yearn old to-day The Normal steel flag mast will not bo rebuilt The Fair Managers are looking for attractions Democratic delegate election on Saturday of next week Ooubt adjourned last week to meet on Saturday Juno 8(f) John Hastings is building an addition to the Clawson House diningroom Indiana has nine doctors and still the mortality in the community is not great Senator Quay was elected delegate to the Republican State Convention ftom Beaver county last week Tm National Holiness League will hold a campmeeting in grove near this place from June 30 to June 80 David Lucas of the Third ward had a severe stroke of paralysis one day last week and it is feared he will not David Ellis Sons Penn Boiler Mills Indiana Pa Primary Habhath Nehaol May 27 Devotional Miss Furman Lesson Beforo Mrs Mitchell Chapter VII primary helps Miss McGaughey New Preachers A class of 25 ministers was graduated from tho Theological Scniinnry in Allegheny Inst week Among tho number was Andrew Gibson of Kldcrton Armstrong county and Herbert McG Telford of Homer City Th Costs The billii of cost in the case ofs East Mahoning township vs Haslett have been filed Tho total costs aro $32027 which the jury directed to be divided between the prosecutor and defendant Counsel fees for prosecutor aggregate $50 Pensions Granted Simon Ubcr Banks towship $10 Boland West Mahoning $8 Harriet DeHaven Canoe Ridge $8 Frederick Walker North Mnhoning $12 Thomas Harmon (deceased) Gableton $24 8 A Gourley Saltsburg $8 8 Millen Pnnxsntawney $17 James Green Punxsutawney $9 Will Attend Divine Nervlee The Bev Grafton Reynolds of tho Indiana church on Monday extended an invitation to Palladium Lodge I to attend services in a body at his church on Sabbath evening Jane 4 The lodge has formally accepted the invitation The members will meet at their lodge room at 7 on the day indicated Phlladelpbln Street Property Enid Last week Mr Frank JSmsfleld purchased from Mrs Alexander Gilchrist her building on Philadelphia street adjoining the postofhee The lot is 22x200 on which is erected a two-story brick dwelling with commodious attic The price paid is a little over $204 a foot front It is said Mr Empfield will open a shoe store on the lower floor and occupy the remainder of the house as a dwelling Badly Island John Barclay a son of the widow Barclay of the Third ward has been visiting his unde William George in Center township He is aged 16 years Yesterday he was kicked by ahorse one cork of the shoe crashing the skull at the back of his head His physicians regard the injury as serious although not likely to prove fatal An operation may be necessary to remove the Men bone CaagiwMlaaal Iteeaatnaendallaa Representative Jack of the Twenty-first district has made the following recommendations to the postoflloe department: King for postmaster at Equitable Armstrong county A 'A Wright for postmaster at Trauger estmoreland oonntv vice 8 Hayes resigned John Usher for postmaster at Oak Bidge Armstrong county vice Jonathan Mohney resigned Mr Jack has also filed a petition of citizens of Kittanning township Armstrong county for the establishment of a postoilice to he named McNees with Miller as postmaster The Trouble at Xe I Urera Tup Editors Messenger In last week's Mehhbngke appeared an item charging William Donglasa Eteri Frank anti Ira Nnpp with disturbing a religious meeting at No 9 It waa also stated that thoy were instigated by tho devil but wo wiiih to say that they were instigated by a much higher motive than the Saints (7) Tlioir (the Saints) aim being to cause disturbance among nil religious denominations anil tho above named gentlemen simply closed tho school house door and refused admission for such meetings The gentlemen appoared before Justice Crossmau last Saturday for a hearing DoLoe and his witnesses in their own testimonies proved the defendants innocent of any misdemeanor therefore thoy (tho Saints?) were limited The general opinion abont No 9 is that DeLoe and his few followers are a public nuisance and that a beneficial act waa performed when the -school honse doors were closed gainst them The above correspondent is in error The Messenger said in noticing the arrest of the young men namod is alleged" Sea It did not anybody with an offense and tho term by the devil" is a quotation from an (fid form used by church bodies and district attorneys in framing indictments sometime Eds Court ProeoeUlua In the matter of tho estate of Josiah Dinger late of Cherxyhill township rule is granted on heirs to show cause why letter of administration should not be taken out Supplemental report of auditor filed in estate of David Stephens late of Cherry hill James Stewart Esq appointed guardian of Elda Altimna minor child of Mary Altimna late of Brash-valley Order granted for private sale of real entnfe iff Mnrtha Jane Allshonse late of Washington township In the matter of the estate of George Uncaphor late of Montgomery exceptions to account of Ake executor withdrawn The matter of exceptions in estate of William Widdowson late at Grant tp argued Opinion filed in matter of exceptions to inquest in partition at estate of David Proctor late of Green township Exceptions to auditor's report in estate of George Wynkoop late at Enst Mahoning to be dismissed The matter of exceptions to bill of costs in tho Josiah Widdowson estate settled In the estate of Susan Lower late of Oherryhill Empfield will file account within 30 days certain moneys having been realised since citation issued Matters placed- on bearing list for Jane: Estate of Elmer Langhlin late of Burrell of William Howe late of Chorryhill of James nnd Julia A Stewart late of Washington roads On petition of citizens of Banks township to vacate a road laid out on Jefferson road at Graham Fry's mill leading to a point on read from James Martin's to Sidney on land of Iaett Sc Wray Moorliend Bnterbangh and George Getty appointed viewers Botsfonl Harmon aiid Myers ore appointed viewers on petition of citizens of South Mahoning for a public rood to lead from the public road running westward from Plumvillo at a point where another pnMic road enters the same at the Stnrhell school honto to a point tm pnMic road bn tho dividing line between farms of William Shields and Robert McLain Hangs on a Thread UNDERMUSLINS A chance for economical women When Muslin Underwear beoomes a little soiled from handling our method is to reduce the price Ladies have them laundered before wearing anyhow Muslin Drawers our 85c and SOo qualities at 80c Muslin Drawers our 85o quality at 25o Muslin Drawers our 45o quality at 85c Muslin Drawers our 50c and 60o qualities at 89o Other soiled garments at like reductions Wash Waists Oar stock is the choice patterns selected from a number of large makers Something very pretty this week in White Waists A beautiful waist with two rows inserting all sizes at $100 Another attractive waist tucked at $125 Something very attractive newest style $150 White Linen Waists with two rows inserting stylish at $200 Colored Waists in new colorings and made in the newest styles at 50c to $150 A special drive in odd lots where all are sold but a few sixes collected from our $1 A0 $125 to 75c kinds will be sold this week at 50c etch 8 Wash Dresses From 1 to 8 years at 25c each finer qualities at 40c 75c to $100 each From 4 to 16 years at 50c each finer qualities nt 75c up to $225 Eton Suits wool fabrics 8 to 16 years at $300 to $o50 each Infants? Long White Dresses A Muslin Slip with embroidexryoke nt 25c each finer quili- ties at 50c and 75o each Cambric Gowns with tucked yoke em- t) broidery trimming very pretty at $100 each With all-over oiuei embroidery yoke and front a very handsome gown at $150 each 1 41 if 'i a I i' 1 j- i Patronage hangs on a thread that thread is YOUR atisftetion Treat it honestly and as strong as a cablfe abuse your confidence and it may snap like a cobweb I am striving to build cables therefore I handle Coffees imported by Chase Sanborn This name means a great deal in these days of cheap everything it is a name that brings to you a guaran tee and satisfaction that no other liqe of liqe of Coffee will produce A big package for 5 cents Give it a trial that is all I ask Dofyon know Uneeda Biscuit Tm postofflee was open Sunday evening from 6 to 7 for the sale of tamps There were numerous calls during the honr A patent hue been issued to Mr Clyde of Marian Center far an 'improved wrench The invention is said to be a valuable one The paving of the square on Philadel-sphia street between Seventh and Eighth I been completed The full effect of the paving will not be apparent until the sidewalks are relaid to grade David Edwabde sold his big pair of mules on Saturday to Jacob Eaton of Latrobe for a price approximating $250 The mules weighed something over 1100 each Mr Edwards lives In Bayne township WEDNESDAY KAY 34 1899 rA a Reader ex ii 9 BEST FITTING STl JiSH PRICES INDUS PJL MiT 17 1899 Mr and Mrs Samuel Bead of Black-lick township were Indiana visitors on Saturday Mr Reed had an experience during the strain of Wednesday evening that ho does not core to repeat Before the rain began to fall ho started to the born to dose one of the doors When within a conplo of rods of the building lie was Minded by a flash of lightning and discovered that the barn had been struck Tho interior was full of smoke bat tho contents had not been ignited Further-investigation revealed the fact that a year old colt and a calf had been killed The colt was on especially valuable animal of the Doty breed ana was conceded to be one of the finest In that section This is tho third colt of that breed that Mr Reed has lost Five years ago ono was kicked by another and had its leg broken and last year a fiuo one while in the pasture was struck by lightning' and instantly killed The storm was particularly severe in the neighborhood of Pine Flats crop of wheat is entirely destroyed by the hail and 50 lights of glass were broken in his house Hugh Williams Roberts John and James Bides Andy Perry and others in the neighborhood suffered severely Nearly house in the community suffered 1 way of broken windows some parties having aa high ns 70 lights destroyed The storm wna particularly destructive in a portion of Blachlick township The grain on the forms of Maxwell Ewing the Wiusheimor farm George Coleman Benjamin and Boyde Clawson Leslie Hauctt and William Smith suffered greatly from hail and the growing crops ware literally destroyed The roof on the house of Hr Haslett was so badly shattered by hail that a new one will be required Armstrong' iowhship also suffered 1 uite severely Oliver Campbell lost 15 i ne apple tree The barn of James Calhoun was unroof od Henderson had a lot of valuable timber destroyed The barn of Metzger was Mown down and utterly destroyed The roof was Mown off the barn of Mrs John Harbison and William Cunningham had quite a lot of timber destroyed The ham of Lute of Green township was struck by lightning and destroyed Two weeks previous to the day almost to the honr the barn was truck and a cow killed A separator owned by Thomas Johns was in the barn and was horned A lot of straw 10 tons of hay and some other articles were destroyed The loss is abont $1800 on which there is no insurance The storm of Tuesday waa particularly destructive in tho vicinity of Mechan-icsbnrg Much timber waa Mown down and many orchards injured while miles of fence were scattered Tho church in the borough was completely wrecked and a new building will have to bo supplied It was a frame structure John Brown's dwelling waa also severely damaged Damage to growing crops by boil i reported from various parts of the conn-Samnel Boll at Bayne township ays his wheat waa battered to the ground and seems completely destroyed Other farmers in tho vicinity suffered severely from the some cause The houses of William Swanger North Sixth street and Solomon Keck in the northeastern portion of the Fourth ward were strack by lightning Wednesday afternoon The occupants were uninjured and the buildings lint lightly daiuagod The horn on the form of Ed Hudson mile from Kell yxburgi was struck by lightning on Wednesday It waa destroyed Tho building was an old structure and the content were not particularly valuable Loan $300 Or $400 no insnranoe The bam on the Crouakope farm owned by Mahan and that on Mock's farm nearby the former were unroofed The former building was twisted on its foundation and is a bad wreck Both are in White township Entire corn fields are reported washed out in various parte of the counter On the John StCliur farm north or town several acres of com were entirely destroyed Similar reports come from variong farmers along Crooked creek The barns of William Faith Bayne township Thomas Kanarr on the old Ralston place and David Brown in White township and Peter Bickenber-ger in Green township were unroofed During the storm on Wednesday last the large new barn of Senator James Mitchell at Pe rxjfr file Jefferson county was struck by lightning and burned to the ground The loss is about $1000 The storm played havoo with the telephone wire in town and country and Superintendent Bugh and his men have been more than buy rearranging the tangled and broken wires The house of Alex Guthrie of Marion Center was struck by lightning on Wednesday last and somewhat damaged The family was away from home at the time The oonnty Iron bridge across Two-lick near the residence of the late John McGuire was wrested from its foundation and carried quite a distance down the stream The honse of Blaine Kelly of East Philadelphia street waa strack by light ning during the prevalence of the storm But little damage waa done At Homer City an eye-witness claims that hail stones fell which were as large asteacupe Not a great many stones this class were fonnd The hern of Knee Streams near Ambrose was strack by lightning on Wednesday last bat not much damage re- Infants Short Dresses Made neatly with embroidery yoke at 25c each Made with round or pointed yoke embroidered at bottom at 65c Pointed yoke and insertion made of long doth at 75c Embroidery and tucked yokes made of long doth at $100 $125 and $150 each i Long Coats New patterns with embroidery capes at $100 Embroidery cape and around bottom at $150 Embroidery cape and around bottom trimmed with ribbon at $200 Ladies Jacket Suits A- 1 I i a i 4 I I 4 i 5 1 it- Tm Pennsylvania railroad will issue excursion Tickets to-morrow (Thursday) to the -Greeniburg Centennial for opo fare for the round trip The indications are that a large number of our people will attend Indiana Post A will attend divine service in the Baptist church next Sunday morning Memorial services will he held in the court house on the evening of that day when eulogies of the members who died daring the post year will be given The latest purchase made through our Cleveland agent After the big fire of Saiupliner stock we got the suite that were out being made at much less than regular prices because we took the entire lot We are selling them ss follows $600 to $7 A0 Suits now $500 $750 to $950 Suits now $679 $1000 to $1200 Suits now $789 $1250 to $1500 now $1189 Jacket Suits 14 to 18 years at $500 Spring Jackets $500 now $3 89 Spring Jackets $600 now $489 Cunninghams! 'v- Agent for Standard Fashions SEAMS ALLOWED FOR POPULAR SUPERIORITY Badly Burned Mrs Mabel Brand waa badly horned about uoou on Monday She had been working about the cook stove preparing dinner and seated herself to await the coming of her hnsband A moment lntcf she discovered that her dress was on fire She sprang from the chair and cried tat help Before the flames could be extinguished she was-badly burned about the back neck and arms Mrs Brand is a daughter of Mr Walker of the Third ward and ner husband is employed at the glass factory Her Injuries are very painful bat no serious results are anticipated This (Wednesday) morning Mrs Brand is somewhat better having rested fairly well through the night Her delicate condition may give rise to farther complications but it is thought she will recover The worst boras are on her arms and back Her face escaped and her hair was but slightly singed She was conscious throughout and after her perilous experience Don't forget It The annual meeting of the Aid Society of Western Pennsylvania will he held in the lecture room of the Presbyterian church in this place Thursday and Friday Jane 1 and 2 A most excellent program has been arranged There will be numerous fine addresses and plenty of good music The address will be delivered by Eton 8 Jack at the close of Friday The hours of meeting will be Thursday morning June 1 880 afternoon at 800 and evening at 780 Friday morning at 880 The Superintendent of the Home on South Eleventh street will have open house on Wednesday evening May 81 from seven to ten for the friends of the school to greet the visitors Abont 75 delegates axe expected and they should be kindly entertained by our people for they are engaged in a moot noble charity All our people who have an interest in this work should assist Mrs WilUard at the reoeption Wednesday evening from seven to ten As ludastrtoua Wei Planing ill Grocer House Comer RECENT EAUliOn May 18th 1899 by Bov Dny Brownlee at the Lewis House Mr Robert A Dawson of Pittsburg and Miss Mabel Patterson of Pine Flats May 17 1899 at Dixonville Pa by Bev John Kanarr Harry Boucher of Spangler Cambria county Pa to Jettie Baker of Green township Un Stwk Nklpnisnta May 12 McLain Davis 58 pigs to East Liberty May 16 Jomea Nichol 147 pigs to West Chester May 18 McMillen 4k Rowland 16 cattlo 8 calves 103 pigs to Doyles town May 18 Thomas 4k Wissinger 10 cattle 0 calves 188 pigs to Schwenksville HiMMsr CImAi ArrlvlBfs The millinery store of Misa Emma Rhea Philadelphia street has become well and favorably known as the place where seasonable goods are sold at popular prices The new summer goods axe opening to-day Miss Rhea has spent the last week in the cities mMng extensive purchases and from day to day these are being placed on the shelves The variety ana beauty at the new goods are unexoelled in style and price Many novelties are exhibited and everybody is cordially invited to "11- Hu l'p FIS a ikM would find less difficulty with ready made shoes" said an experienced salesman they would stand np t6fit them on instead of sitting down Nine persons out of ten particularly women want a comfortable chair when they axe fitting a shoe and it is with the greatest difficuty you can get them to stand for a few minutes even after the shoe ia fitted Then when they begin walking about thoy wonder why the shoee are not so comfortable they were at first trial A foot is oonsiderbly smaller when she aits in a chair than when she walks about Exercise brings a larger quantity of blood into the feet and they swell appreciably The muscles Iso require space In buying shoes this should he honie in mind" After Fear Crartaklf Mrs Mary McGaughey a comely widow of New Kensington -Westmoreland county on Tuesday was nrrii to Dr William Aspinwall a wealthy middle-aged physician of Costa Rica Central America The marriage furnishes quite a pretty romance in that neither party saw each other until four days before they were wed says the Greensburg Tribunal Some time ago Mrs McGaughey an advertisement in a Chicago paper which stated that the dootor wished to correspond with a widow who had $5-000 in cash Mrs McGaughey answered the advertisement photographs were ex-and last Sunday Dr AspiawaU came to Kensington They proved congenial spirits and the following Tuesday they were madq man and wife Aspinwall who is a native of New York is aid to be a millionaire with large interests in Central America whither the happy couple will shortly go on their honejmoon A Ilia IaZlaaa Catjr The consolidation of 88 leading fertilizer companies of the country has been completed The new company will he known as the American Agricultural Chemical Oompany having a special charter under the -laws of Connecticut It (has an authorized capital stock of $40000000 divided into $20000000 6 per cent cumulative preferred stock and $20000000 common stock of which $17000000 at each will he issued at this time Thus the trusts go on But in this case the fanner will have his a aj and can say it hard' He need to use fertilizer Lime can be used instead and if lime should go into a trust the old reliable barnyard will furnish a fertilizer better than either Keep the straw on the farm cultivate more seres that you can property fertilize with home-made manure Save your extra money to buy clover seed and use it freely Two yean after this plan ia generally adopted tho Agricultural Chemical Oompany" will he aa a pipe dream that paueth and lo where is ft? Whooping Coagh I had a little boy who waa nearly dead from an attack of whoranng cough My neighbors recommended Cough Remedy I did not think that aire medicine would help him but after giving him a few doses of that remedy I noticed an improvement and one bottle cured him entirety It is the best cough medicine I ever bad in the Moore South Burgetts-town Pa? For sale by Daugherty Bros Indiana BoMnaon Saltsburg Ladies' Patent Leather Shoes The Bed Front Slippers ell me- The Bed Front CLEMENTS Indiana Nkerp Danina 0 Smnthii-s West Mahoning $25 Welschoucv West Mahoning $20 It McNielly $21 Margaret McLain the last named rusulmita uf West Wheatficld Marrlax Ilca ImimI Harrv Boucher Spangler Pa JcttieM Green II Gray 1: Conemaugh Niuna Carney Conemaugh James Snyder Ginn Campbell Mertie Ruffiior Ferdinand Hilty Sarah Jane Stiffcy Harry Ling Flora Whyte Adam Sisski Glon Campbell Conemaugh Conemaugh Johnstown East Wbeotfield Glen Campbell Anna Ignitonios Glon Campbell Charles Moran Mercer co Mary Agnes Fulton locklick Henry Patterson Montgomery Tillio Patterson Montgomery John Montgomery Avonmore Esther Conemaugh Will PMkaM The will-of the late Jacob Bish Sr of Canoe township has been admitted to probate The deed and article of agreement executed hyaocoosed in favor of Jacob Bish Jr are confirmed All monies in possession of decedent or on deposit or owing him at the time of his death are devised to his wife Catharine and should any remain at her decease it is to be equally divided among the sur-' viving children Jacob Bish Jr is appointed executor The will is dated April 29 1897 and was witnessed by John Bair and Lackman Thokwill of the late Margaret Herron of Center township has been admitted to probate The first item recites: will my soul to God who gave it and my body to the ground from whence it was -token my funeral expense and burial to be conducted in a manner belonging to my estate: ordinary tombstones" A public sale of her personal effects is directed and the sum thus realized added to the cash on hand is disposed of aa follows: $100 each to James and William Peddicord the balance to be equity divided between Jonathan Fenrier Margaret Dias Abby Jane Shaffer Eve Ann Grumbling Catharine Altimus James Zack Margaret Patchin and Lizzie Patchin Samuel Walbeck and Dr Campbell are the executor The will ia dated July 80 1898 and is witnessed by the two executors named above Deal Eatat Transfers Neel sheriff' to Kiskiminetes Building and Loan Association March 15 lot in Saltsburg $100 Martin Ear hart's to John Bell May 18 '99 6 acres in Indiana $700 Scott Barr to Dora Wagner May 10 '99 88 acres in East Mahoning $1700 John Aker Jto McKee et al May 18 '99 lot in Indiana $200 Wilson to Mary Wilson May 15 '89 lot in Indiana $500 David Faith to Wm A Faith May 15 99 1-7 of 80 acres in White $50 John Abr to John Martin May 11 IN lot in Indiana $450 David Martin same May 11 '87 lot in Indiana $800 Joseph Hudson to Charles Hudson Nov 29 109 acres la Washington $1 -Samuel Rislnger to' John Fritz Feb 83 '99 44 acres in Center $100 Clark to Maggie Bussell May 18 '99 181 acres in Washington $1 Maggie Bussell to Clark May 18 '99 181 seres in Washington $1 Samuel Shultz to Dr Shultz May 8 8 tracts in Pine $1 A Wilson to Kuhn Oct 6 '80 lot in Indiana $080 8 Griffith to Griffith May 10 '76 19 acres in Green $200 Emma Craig to Anna Shaffer May 20 '99 lot in Indiana $475 Titterington to Nellie Lento Aug 84 '98 lJi acres in Banks $50 Wm Brown sheriff to Ind Co Dep Bank Dcxv 5 '77 800 acres in Green $4925 Same to same same date 4 tracts in Green $8625 TriHimna Oo Dep bank to A Irwin Oct 5 '81 5 tracts in Green $18000 Ake to John McLareu's ex'r May 15 of lot in Indiana $805 BSOOe Faaada Waal Wanted Peterman 4k Bittner want 60000 pounds of wool unwashed preferred for which they will pay the highest price in- cash delivered at their warehouse rear of New American House forget the place m24t4 Jafan Staving of Philadelphia street claim this as the banner furniture season In addition to unusually heavy sales in Indiana and vicinity since the spring season began the Ann during the past month has hipped $800 worth of furniture to points along the railroad some pieces ping as far as suburban towns abont Pittsburg These big sales of furniture are paral-led by the carpet department in which large sales have been the rale Prices are reasonable and the goods first-class is the reason say the salesmen Mb Jamison of the Seoond ward returned last week from a trip to Butler oonnty He brought home with him a fine Shetland pony stallion variegated in color and 46 inches high which he has added to his herd on his ranch two miles east of town The new pony is a beauty Bet Dat Bboweuz told his gregation on Sabbath last that the pro-'per designation of the first day of the week waa Day" that was not improper or objectionable bat that was altogether unfitting and should not he used Major Pexnt inspecting officer inspected Company of the Twenty-First lost evening Colonel Selden of Oil City was present and waa much pleased with the appearance and department of the hoys Company of the Fifth also appeared before the inspecting officer but their drill was light as they are not yet uniformed Mr Oiaweoe is adding an extensive addition to his dining room which will enable him to serve more than 100 gnesta at a sitting Besides this he is uMug other improvements about the hotel few the convenience and Vfomtet of his many stoppers The is very popular with Indiana visitors Thr new telephone line to Bhelocta is In working order and is one of the best in the oonntv Among the subscribers who have are Peel or Thomas A A Wiggins William-FlemlngDr sf steer Harbison Edwards 4b Son Dr A McGheaney and Carnahan Johx McOoriqck has purchased sev-hundred acres of land on Little kfohoning Creek above Bmicksburg and is doing a little experimental wok in tbs agricultural lina He gives employment to a number ef men and the experiment may oost more than it oomes to but be care for that A Bayne township farmer told ns the other day that his growing crop of wheat had been practically rained by the hail last week But he added hie was all right anyhow aa he had 800 or 400 bnahela of (fid wheat in his granary He aid that he always kept two or three years' supply of wheat on hand It is a mistake to think that sweet potatoes cannot ha grown in this locality More or leas are grown every year Boil that Irish potatoes or other vegetables can be grown on is suitable for sweets and the tubers arejust as palatable as the Jersey kind They require little if any more attention than the Irish Variety Conductor' Mullen end Engineer Wagle of the Indiana Branch attended the convention of Veteran Pennsylvania railroaders at Altoona last week and report a most pleasant time Thomas Watt Western District Passenger Agent had much to do with the inception of the aaaodation and very properly Va great pride in its continued suocess Datton Armstrong oonnty is in the swim since the railroad has reached that place Already a manufacturing establishment has offered to locate were if they axe given six acres at ground and $25000 cash bonus If the Dayton people will enter into correspondence with the citizens of Blairsville on the bonus question they will tell the aforesaid manufacturing oompany to go to xr Tom Hildebrand ia learning lota of things since he has gone into the chicken-raising besiness some of the things aforesaid being more or leu valuable John Naoe said to Tom: yen vant to raise der finest ehlgens yon yUi binflt your ohigen bouse redt und patten on abondt two coadte and der biaring vai bedder if id vas put on in der nighdt dime" So one night last week about 11 Thomas was seen hindng himself on ajitep-ladder to which be hmi tied a lantern and was engaged in painting his chicken house a beautiful carmine adding an adjective now and then when he foil from his perch Tom says his young chickens are the brightest in town receiving much their brilliancy from the red paint ftoctedion them by the son John Taylor partner thinks the Naoe idea is a gcr one Good things in Easy Shoes The Bed Front peren -j- thebrightest in town receiving much of iheirSflliencv from the red paint CHIEF STUDY in which we come in contact with humanity it is necessary to cater to the -and avoid the dislikes of the persons who Come to deal with us and in order to do this we must be able at a glance to tell at a glance what is the proper thing to say and do under certain circumstances And to be able to ao this requires long study of and experience with mankind We have had the long study and lots of experience and still we are not positive that we always say and do the right thing when trying to please our numerous customers But if we have erred it was not intentionsl and you can attribute it to our lack or proper study and understanding of mankind Bnt we are still in the same business that we started in thirty-two years ago and we think are keep- -ing up with the rimes in our lifie of business And if you want anything the way of Planing Mill Lumber Doors Sash Flooring Siding Ceiling Surfaced Lumber Window Screens or Screen Doors we can accommodate you We are now receiving thousands of feet of Dry Hemlock Boards which wo are working into Flooring Siding etc Dry Hemlock is scarce this year -if you need any better send in your order soon lots of Hemlock Frame Lumber on hands and ore getting another carload which will be here to-morrow Call and see us and get our prices before baying your lumber Yours truly JOHN HASTINGS I I 2 I if rt Xcw ls for Dug Strange bed-warmers are used by the Chilian women When in bed in cold weather they keep their feet warm by placing them on a dog The suggestion is a good one and we are going to hoy a dog before the frosts of next winter arrive Jlurll Day at Urcraart The following program has been arranged far Memorial day at Livermore': Memorial sermon on Sabbath May 88 at 7 :80 by Bev Household in the Presbyterian enuroh The (fid soldiers citizens and Sabbath schools will meet at the Presbyterian church on Memorial day at 1 :80 and march from there to the cemetery where the memorial services will be held Good speakers will be present Services interspersed with music View Botsfard Harman and Myers -viewers appointed by the court to view a public road in South Mahoning township from the public road running westward from Plumville at a point where another public road enters the same at the Stuchnl school honse to a point on a public road on the division line between the farms of Wm Shields and Bobert McLain will attend to their duties on Thursday May 85 at 10 a commencing at the Stuchul school house Moorhead Bnterbangh and George Getty viewers appointed by the court to view and vacate a pnMic road in Banks township from a point on the Jefferson road at Graham mill to a point on the road lding from James to Sydney on lands of Iaett 4k Wray will attend to their duties on Wednesday Mar 81 at 8 commencing at above-named mill Hay Cmpcl Prlwun Wrh The act passed by the recent Legisla-ture providing far the employment of male persons confined in the work houses and jails has been reoeived at the offloe of the prothonotsty and placed an file The act provides that such prisoners shall work eight honr each day except Sundays ana holidays No motive whatever shall be used The prisoners are in charge of a prison hoard constituted by the judge sheriff and oonnty oommindonere who have full power and authority The work to be done hall be classified and mapped out by the prison board This board has the authority to end prisoner to work on the highways preference to he given to the roads leading to the oonnty seat In order that the work may be equitably distributed no more than five milee shall be completed on any road until a like mileage has been completed on each and every road leading to the county seat The moneys received from this source is to go to the maintenance account of such prison or jail The prison board has the power to puxehash the necessary tools to carry on the work The sheriff has the authority to employ deputies to superintend any work and to guard the prisoners the pay of such deputies not to exceed $8 per day In case any of the prinoncr escape they shall if caught be treated as though they had escaped from the jail or work house Thx Glen Campbell Oomet of lost week ays: have information from a re-liable source the Pittsburg 4k Eastern will commenoe the building of its line from the present terminus near here to the Yellow Greek Mahoning and Two-lick coal fields At the Gardner Summit three spurs will be ran out to these different fields but the Yellowcreek territory will likely see the first operations for in that field there is likely to be lively opposition by another line and they desire to get their road there first On the Mahoning and Twtfid Creeks they already control the cream of the coal Walk-Over shoes for men $850 The Bed Front ll Cn 'N 7 i r- 9 Special Bargains -IN- The fallowing is furnished by an occasional correspondent of the Messenger Monday last I had an interesting conversation with Mrs Nancy StClair of the Third ward I fonnd tier at the wash-tub doing the week's washing She said: the 22d of May is my 78th birthday During the last 80 years I have churned and said 14000 pounds of hotter and have dome my own milking and churning attended to my cows and feeding my calves I do my own gardening raising all the vegetables for use I have purchased the properties and paid for them with batter My hens make me $10 a year For 18 years I never missed a meal During my entire period of life it waa Inst as common for me to help my husband at farm' work aa it is far women of the present day to spend their timepicking at the piano and spending their hnsbands1 money in fine dressing and oyster sappers I think if women would do housework there would not be so many assignments of hnsbands'- property to at bat On the night of the Republican primary on March 11th last there was considerable disturbance on the streets of the town and appearances indicated that speakeasies were in 'active operation Mr John Shorter the barber fonnd a crowd of people assembled about the entrance to nis shop and while endeav oring to gain entrance was struck and knocked down His head and faee came in contact with a doorstep and he was rendered unconscious He was taken heme where he waa confined to bed far several days and his face yet bears the soars of nis encounter He accused Frate Wilkinson of Armstrong township with having struck the blow which felled him to the ground with such un it not to say dangerous consequences and he made an information kfauon with aggravated assault and tet- re-1 longtime Wilkinson graded arrest but Constable Wetling effected his capture an Tuesday evening of last I week He gave bail before Jackson Davis Esq of Armstrong township in $500 for a hearing to be held here next Saturday afternoon May 37 Bilans rm A bed and bedding' in the home of Link Wadding near the ladder factory took fire under mysterions circumstances abont noon yesterday The fire was extinguished with little loss Mice and matches are said to have caused the fixe The property ia insured Th Market The price of batter has had another drop and is now bought at 10 cents eggs are also bought at 10' cents Potatoes are bought from wagons at 75 cents a bushel Hay is bought at $700 a tan and rye bundles at $460 The tan honse ia paying $460 for bark Discharged Notiqp waa made recently of the arrest of Wm Douglass and the three Knnpp boys on the charge of disturbing a religious meeting at No 8 school honse Green township The defendants were given a preliminary hearing before Justice Grossman in Indiana on Saturday-last The prosecutor was the Bev Deloe who claims to be a member of the denomination called the At the hearing it waa developed that on the evening when the disturbance was alleged to have taken place the preacher had not gained aooess to the building and that no meeting was in progress The preacher endeavored to gain entrance at door but before (his stood a crowd of men and boys who declined to make way for him and he was advised to give np the attempt some of the' obstructors saying had been enough of them kind of meetings No violence was attempted on either side hut suit was brought aa stated The justice in giving his fltyiftjnn discharging the defendants aid there was no evidence that a meeting was in progress or that violence had been used to prevent one The prosecutor mil friends Ore not satisfied with the result of the hearing but in this case there seems to be no appeal from the decision of the justice Bicycle Suits all the latest patterns at the lowest possible prices Bicycle Saits which formerly a a odd at $800 and $1000 go at ll Bioyole Suits which formerly A a dd at $600 and $700 go at kp43U Also a fine line of Bicycle Caps Hose Belts and Sweaters at Bargain Prices A PENNINGTON Merchant Tailor Clothier Furnisher A first-rate Shoe spring heel 4 to 8 for 60 cents The Bed Front Baby Shoes soft sole and otherwise ery chtep The Bed Front The largest assortment of shoes far misses end children you ever saw The Bed Front shoes that suit The Bed IVont 'T.

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