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The Daily Plainsman from Huron, South Dakota • Page 4

Huron, South Dakota
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MERRY XMAS HEKK WE ARE UJA1N Yoa, Us iiT 'iita Bargains wen: never BETTER or I Thev are Wonders! OUlt CHRISTMAS STOCKLNG Drop in and see our stock for stockings. We've prepared. All our prices are bed rock and for every wan we have cared, finer stock you'll find if you search the country thro'. All is dainty and refined, And the newest of the new. We've a gift for ev- ery one, right in reach of any purse.

Gifts for father and for son, gifts for baby and for nurse, gifts for mo- thers, aunts and cousins, gifts for little girls and boys, gifts in dozens up- on dozens, such as any child enjoys. Such a choice of goods we of- fer, such variety we and no unbe- lieving scoffer but will own the price is low. And to sell the goods with no delay we've cut the prices fine. Once see pur goods and you will say we lead in every line. So come along and see the show 'twill make you stretch your eyes, for tis the only stock everything's a pr i e.

J. C. D. SOMETHING FOR The Sickle The Dime The Quarter The Half And the Big $. The Mother, Father, Lover, Girl, Boy and Baby SOMETHING for YOU! OMETHING --TO-- UIT EVERY TOCKING --Our is --AT-- Big Hearted Prices! REMEMBER That PlilCESare BUTCHERED to make a Xmas Holiday.

J. Donaldson TlO BOOK Mil 0,, Huron, S. New ami Hiunisome. The HCRONITE has just received from a Chicago house a large sam- ple book containing all the latest and handsomest designs in party and wedding invitations, programs, re- gret cards, calling cards, in- cluding a tine line for societies, gold, silver and wooden weddings. Par- ties desiring anything in this line will do well to call and examine these specimens, as they are sure to find just what they want, and it takes but four days to get the goods from Chicago.


POST-OFFICE. MAIL CLOSES DEPARTS iiUat pouch Mail West North South 6:00 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 12:20 13:50 1:05 13:50 p.m. 1:05 12:50 12:30 8:00 p.m.

1 :35 1:30 1 :35 1:15 Think three times before you speak once. James T. Gott, Carmi, Says: He paid thirty-one dollars doctor's bill for his wife in one year, and one bottle of Bradfield's Female Kegula- tor did her more than all the medicine she had iasen before. H. DALE, Druggist, Carmi, 111.

Bradrield Regulator. Atlanta, for particulars. Sold by all druggists. Justice Fuller and Secretary Blaine were once fellow reporters in the Maine legislature. Syrup of Produced from the laxative and nutritious juice of California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most benefi- cial to the human system, acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels ef- fectually cleansing the system, dis- pelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation.

The Toronto Bakers' trust col- lapsed last week. A four-pound loaf now retails for 13 cunts. A Woman's Ui-eovery. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutches upon her, and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vi- tal organs were undermined, and death seemed imminent.

For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump- tion, and was so much relieved oti tak- ing first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been mi- raculously cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus writes W.

(J. Hamrick of Shelby. N. a free trial bottle ut J. C.

Donaldson's Drug Store. 2 Elizabeth Cady Stanton will be en- gaged to tell Dakotans why women should vote. Rheumatism Is undoubtedly caused by lactic acid in the blood. This acid attacks the fibrous tissues, and causes the pains and aches in the back, should- ers, knees, ankles, hips and wrists. Thousands of people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a positive cure for rheumatism.

This medicine, by its purifying action, neutralizes the acidity of the blood, and also builds up and strengthens the whole body. A Brecton, shoe dealer has his advertisement in 4,000 newspa- pers and magazines. A yonng man of Manitoba, Who was troubled with colds and catarrh, "Some Pond's Extract," he eaid, "Now I that 1 had, be cured in a minute, ha! ha! A--ii--tchn!" So would yon! Heating Stoves Cheap. We have a large number of second hand beating stoves which we will 8ellt very low figures to get them out of the way. 81tf WAIBEL DONALDSON.

TV ants. URNISHED ROpMS to rent, with or with- out fire. Enquire at No. 305, Iowa street once, at the Depot Hotel. P.

H. KENT. Talk Is Cheap: It's Quality that Sells HTJROMTEMS. F. H.

Kent has gone to Chicago. Hon. H. H. Sheets of Esmond was in the city today on his way to Woon- socket.

Internal Revenue Collector Van Tassel of Woonsocket, was here on Monday. A large crowd enjoyed a good akate in the opera house rink Sat- urday evening. The family of Dr. Hugh Russell will go to West Superior, in a few days to spend the winter. A.

L. Belknap, wife and daughter departed for Evanston, 111., on Mon- day to be absent several weeks. Harvey Alford started on an east- ern trip on Monday. He will spend some time in Chicago and other cities. A score or more of little ladies and gentlemen assisted Hattie Swift in celebrating her fifth birthday on Sat- urday afternoon.

Complete arrangements are being made for the social tomorrow even- ing in Grand Army hall by the mem- bers of Mrs. DeYoe's school for working girls. The ladies of the Methodist church will give a bazaar and supper on Thursday and Friday evenings offthis week, in the room formally occupied by the postofifioe. Governor Mellette was here a short time today, going from Watertown to Pierre. He will take his family to that city to remain during the ses sion of the legislature.

The ladies of the Dorcas Society will be at the old room in the Hills block, tomorrow, Tuesday, afternoon, after one o'clock, to de- liver dishes to whom they belong. All parties interested are requested to be present. Mrs. N. B.

Dolson and baby ar- rived here on Monday from Tacoma, Washington, called by the death of Mrs.Dolson's brother, M. C. Gans. which occurred in Blunt last week, but for whose funeral Mrs. Dolson was unable to arrive in time to at- tend.

She will spend a month with relatives and friend. Sunday morning the ordination of the deacons and an elder took place at the Presbyterian church. The former offices were filled by Frank S. Webb, David W. Smith and William G.

Colvin, The latter posi- tion by Jaceb. Schuyler. The cere- mony was performed by the. pastor assisted by the elders of the church and the occasion was one of deep and solemn interest. The people of Grace church perpe- trated a very pleasant scheme Satur- day evening.

About eight o'clock they gathered en masse at the home of E. F. Potter and proceeded thence to the rectory near by. bearing a large quantity of good eatables and good nature, Games and other pastimes made the hours pass pleasantly till near midnight. It was a complete surprise to the inmates of the rectory, not an inkling of the coming inva- sion having reached them.

CHURCH DEDICATION. The Swedish Evanjfeljenl Luttieran Church of Formally Ded- icated on Sunday. Some two years since the Swedish people of this city organized a Swed- ish Evangelical Lutheran church. Since that time their numbers have gradually increased until now the or- has nearly fifty members. A church edifice has been built and furnished at a cost of nearly $2,500.

It is an attractive and comfortable building, located on Montan street, and is a credit to the society that erected it. On Sunday afternoon, DRC. 15, 1889, this house of worship was dedi- cated with impressive ceremonies. i The house was filled to its utmost 1 capacity and the exercises elicited the most careful attention. Rev.

A. F. Randall of Mitchell, Swedish missionary for South preached the dedicatory sermon in the Sweedish language. This was followed with brief remarks in En- glishbyJRev. H.

H. Dresser, Rev. D. S. McCaslin and Rev.

H. S. Mills'of this city, Membeis of the society desire to tender their sincere thanks to the good people of Huron who have kindly aided them in the erection of their home of worship, and for numerous favors extended. The landing of the Pilgrim Fathers on historic Plymouth, Rock, will be celebrated by good congregationalists all over the United States within the ensuing ten days. The ladies of the Congregational church of Huron will serve one of their noted suppers Sat urday evening, Dec.

22, consisting of historic baked beans, toothsome chickea pie, steaming brown bread, delicious pies, pineapple, pumpkin and mince, with doughnuts and'lect- tion cake. This supper will be fol- lowed by a "feast of reason and flow of soul," at the church, at eight o'clock. Dr. Beaton, of Redfield will deliver an address. He needs no in- troduction to Huron people as an able and brilliant orater.

Mr. F. H. Kent, so well known as a maker of happy speeches, will respond to a toast, as will also Hon. W.

B. Sterl- idg. There will be organ, guitar and harmonica music and singing. NEVER FAILS. ERUPTION ON FACE AND NECK.

After inir nil sons ui tnkine a few bottles of Swift's Specific. creased my weight from 95 to 135 pounds, A. W. CROOK, Ottawa, Kan. RKEUJrATIS.1I KI.I.1U.VATED FROM THE BLOOD.

I am that S. S. 8. is the best blood remedy in the world. I have used it lor rhe.u- with the best results.

L. Botssia, Sherman, BAD CASE OF FROST BITE. A patient mycharpe wasbon'ly afieeted i blood the result of frostbite in the fent Hoth feet had sloughed oft' before lie was f.inied over to me. He was cured sound with a few hotlli- i f. mid is now i about kiicos.

H. MilledKCvillc, (H. Treutise ou Hlooil iind Skin list-uses mailed fri'p. SWJKT Si'KdKic Atlanta, ia. Idaho an rl Wyoming will probably i be admitted this winter.

ra Can't Cured with LOCAL- APPLICATION, as they canoot reach the seat of the die- ease. Catarrh is a blood or consti- tutional disease, and in order to cnre it you have to take internal remedies. Halls Catarrh Cure is takenp inter- nally, and sets directly on the blood and mucus surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physi- cians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription.

It is com- posed of the best, tonics known, com- bined with the best, blood purifiers, acting directly on tho mncas surface. The perfect combination of the two icgrpdifmts is what produces such wonderful results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J.

CHENEY Toledo, O. Sold by Drngg-iHtp. price 75c. To any Person purchasing two 25c. Bottles or one 50c.

Bottle of "Ideal" Tooth Powder, and sending us the tick- ets which are wrapped around the necks Of the bottles, and 8 cents in 2-cent stamps (for postage, etc.) we will send. at once by mail a handsome Engraving, size 20 24 inches, either of the follow- in" subjects: Evangeline, Bayard, Mon- arch of the or The First Sl.cp. These are not cheap Lithographs, but works of art, exact ac-similes of the originals, which cost $24.00 wholesale. "Ideal" Tooth Powder is too well known to dwell on its merits. We will.

simply say, if used once, you will use no It is perfectly pure, free from and acids. Its daily use will give white, sound teeth, healthy gums, and keep the breath sweet. All we ask for it is a trial. Ask your dealer for it. Not irit-s, Attention! I will i a finals.

Size No. 1 for $1.50, size No 2 for SI. 75 Give me a culi. B. M.

ROWLEY. 68t Never buy inferior articles of any kind to make money on. A A MINUTE, PLEASK. Though yon were a Jay Gould or a Vander'bilt, it is worth thirty seconds of your i to learn that Ideal" Tooth Powder will preserve your teeth from (lur.ay, ami by so doing save dentists' bills and hours of agony from your old the toothache. Dr.

R. E. Gieb- ncr. says: "When I first began using "Ideal" Tooth Powder I could not use a brush on 'my teeth, on account of -injuring 'the gums. Oan now use -at sfctfE a brush as obtainable with impun- ty.

It has also hardened the enamel of my teeth. Never deposit money unless you take receipt for it. When was sick, we gare her Castoria, When a Child, she cried for Cactoria, When ihe became Kiss, ihe clung to Castoria, When bad Children, ahe gave them Castoria, Never be persuaded beyond your judgment Stock Holders Meeting. The regular annual meeting of Stockholders of the First National Bank of Huron, S. D.

for the election of officers and tranaction of any business that may come before the meeting, will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 14th 1890,, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. in the directors rooms at the bank.

J. W. MACKENZIE, Cashier. Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and thus permanently cures catarrh.

For Rent. First-class six room house, conve- niently located; connected with wa- ter works and sewer; has storm sash and sheds; good cellar; house back- plastered; low possession Jan. 1. Enquire of P. B.JLyoN, 89tf Third "street.

Rowley continues to sell books at any price to: close out -the stock. Just the time to get books for holi- day gifts. 74tf North Hudson county, New Jersey silk workers are making from $3 to 14 per week. One of Toronto's leading publish- ing houses has just signed the union scale. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts jiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual, Syrup of Figs the only remedy.

of its kind ever pro-v duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-. ceptable to the stomach, prompt in- its action and truly beneficial in ita effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com- mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c and $1 bottles by Tall leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. ALIFORM A FIG SYRUP CO.

SAN FMHCISCO, CAL. YORK. llJiJlU IIBUT! HANDKERCHIEF AND MUFELERS! Is now attracting great attention. Make Your Selections Early Before the Choicest Things Are Gone, GREAT SACRIFICES! -MADE ON ALL- Woolen Goods M. BOOTH .50 THI3RJD Having purchased the news and period- ical business of B.

M. take pleasure in notifying his customers they will find a full line of all the leading dailies and period- icals. Our aim will be to have in stock at all times a good supply of the leading publi- cations. Subscriptions taken for any domes- tic or foreign publication at publisher's pric Leave your orders which will receive our best attention. Our line of plain and fancy 1 stationery is complete and low in price.

Respectfully, J. Does a general Dray business. Wagons to every train. Household goods moved by the job or load. Coal orders filled promptly.

I. X. UYOW. Leave orders at Oeorge Kelchner's Furniture Store..

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