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The Daily Plainsman from Huron, South Dakota • Page 4

Huron, South Dakota
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JAPANESE X3OJ1 J. The Leading Druggists. 333 Dakota Avenue, Good apples cheap in the old Post- office basement, corner of 3d street and Dakota Avenue. Get them soon for they are going. 68tf It is so easy for a mean man to say that the people dislike him because of envy.

Thousands of Dollars are spent every year by the people of this state for worthless medicines for the cure of throat and lung diseases, when we know that if they would only invest in Santa Abie, the new California discovery for consumption and kindred complaints, they would in this pleasant remedy find relief. It is recommended by ministers, phy- sicians and public speakers of the Golden State. Sold and guaranteed by J. C. Donaldson at 31 a bottle.

Three for 82.50. The most stubborn case of catarrh will speedily succumb to California Cut-r-cure. Six months' treatment for 91. By mail SI.10. DAILY HURONITE.


East pouch Mail 12:10 p.m. West North South IxJr-iu 1 AIL CLOSES DEPARTS 13:40 p.m. 12:05 p.m. 1:25 1:10 12:50 1:15 The first time a man is called Baldy the thought of fight comes into his head. Tourists Whether on pleasure bent or busi- ness, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and other forms of sickness.

For sale in 50c and bottles by all leading druggists. Your friends punish you more than your enemies. Subscriptions received for daily papers, periodicals, magazines or any publication at publishers lowest prices at BLOUNT'S Drug Store. 38tf The way to get rich with a rush is to go slow. "I am troubled with hemorrhages from the lungs," writes George W.

Warner, manager of the Morning Times of Scran ton, '-and I find Pond's Extract to be the only remedy that will absolutely control them. I have had as many as sixteen hem- orrhages inside of two week before I tried your medicine. I take it now and then to keep back the bleeding." Too many editors think scandal by vile people interest respectabl people. A Scrap of Paper Siives Her Lite. It was just an ordinary scrap wrapping paper, but it saved her i She was in the last stages of con- sumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and could live only short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds.

On a piece of wrap ping paper she read of Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sanaDle bot- tle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle it helped her more, bought an- other and grew better fast, continued its use and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds For fuller particulars send stamp to W. Cole, druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery free at C. Y.

Durand's drug store. 4 The southwest corner of the cellar is the ''cyclone safety point." Uucklon's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt Rheum, Fe- ver sores, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.

For sale by J. 0. Don- aldson, Huron, South Dakota. English railway to per week. conductors get Car choice Michigan apples just received.

Full 3 bnshel barrels. At Joy Bros. 70d6 Notaries, Attention! I will furnish notary seals. Size No, 1 for $1.50, size No. 2 for $1.75.

Give me a call. B. M. ROWLEY. 68tf TV ants.

TO WATER -LI wishing their cisterns filled will please order at once, as I will soon close well. 6Td6t E. W. EAINES. Of) tn flfl A can be made ID vpZOU.UU working for us.

Agents preferred who can furnish a horse and Rive their whole time to the business. Spaie moments may be profitably employed also. A few vacancies and Cltles JOHNSON street, Richmond, Va. ---J'iease state age and business exne- HUItOMTEMS. Citizens' meeting in the city hall tonight.

Ex-Governor Church has gone to St. Paul. John E. Ward was among passen- gers from the south; been to Iowa. Hon.

John H. King came in Mon- day evening and went to Pierre today. C. P. Sherwood, wife and baby came up from De Smet on Tuesday.

Engineer Robert Lowry will run the switch engine at Pierre for a while. Miss Eva Jackson went to Mil- bank today for a short visit with friends. Hon. F. A.

Munson and wife of Alpene are in the city, guests at the Dakota house. J. W. Gheen ofSioux City, and B. M.

Moore of Chicago, are at the Wright house. Engineer Thos. Luckey and wife name from Eedneld on Monday to call on a few friends. Judge A. G.

Kellam and wife ar- rived from Chamberlain last evening and went to Pierre today. Judge Reed of Woonsocket was among passengers from the west. He was going to Chicago Brother Kephart passed through here today on his return from Atlan- tic, Iowa, to his home in Miller. A. L.

Lovell of the St. roller mills, arrived in the city on Monday from a business visit to Iowa. State auditor, L. C. Taylor, passed through here on Monday on his way to Pierre to enter upon his official duties.

Wilson M. Cash has leased his elegant home in south Huron to Judge Wood, who takes possession at once. Geo. W. Sterling, J.

A. Fowler and W. Cash started for KnoxviJle, on Monday. They are on a prospecting tour. Reserved seat tickets for the Ad- vertising Carnival will be on sale at P.

B. Lyon's real estate office tomor- row morning at 9 o'clock. Aaron Rand and wife, living a few miles north of the city, rejoice in the arrival at their home on Monday, Nov, 1SS9, of a fine girl baby. Judge Campbell will be here on Friday afternoon and Saturday fore- noon to hear motions, etc. Lawyers will govern themselves accordingly.

John Sutherland, president of the Pierre board of trade, and also of the Dakota Loan Trust company, was in the city on Monday on his way to Chicago. Secretary of State Ringsrud arriv- ed from Sioux Falls on Monday, and after getting his dinner at the Depot hotel, resumed his journey to the temporay capital. Among Tuesday arrivals at the Dakota house were A. Johnson of Shellsburg, Iowa, Dr. E.

W. Ruth of Minnesota, and C. C. Albertson of the Chicago News. On Monday, Nov.

18, 1889, Mr Fred Deeg and Miss Mary Carter, ooth of Lake Byron, were united in marriage at the Congregatioual par- sonage, in this city, by Rev. H. S. Mills. W.

J. Ennis, living north of the city, and one of Beadle county's moet energetic and prosperous farmers, brought to this office on Saturday some very fine potatoes of the "Lady Finger" variety. They are the queen of bakers. A Sabbath-school institute will be aeld in the Baptist church in this city ou Thursday of this week. Among Sunday-school workers from abroad who are expected to be present are D.

P. Ward of Sieux Falls, Rev harles Carroll of Aberdeen, Rev. A. Fuller and Miss Bell Pettigrew of Sioux Falls. Rev.

H. D. Waird of Mitchell, was this city on Monday, returning rom Osceola, where he dedicated a ongregational church on Sunday, of which Rev. Father Drake is pastor. The building cost about $2,800 and is aid for.

It is the third church of hat denomination recently dedicated the Manitoba line between this ity and Watertown. In City Hall Tonight. The citizens of Huron are urged to be in the City hall this evening. It is not necessary to mention the par- ticular matters that will be present- ed to the meeting. It is enough to know that they are important and touch the interests of the whole city.

The time for action is at hand and if Huron expects to derive benefit from some of the sources now presenting themselves, they must be up and doing. Do not fail to be at the meetieg to- night. Your presence will indicate that you are interested in the fare of your city. Equal The executive committee of the South Dakota Equal Suffrage asso- ciation was in session here on Satur- day. Rev.

M. Barker was chosen permanent secretary and will give his entire time to the work. The headquarters of the association will be in this city, and it is quite prob- able that in the near future the asso- ciation will establish here a paper to be devoted to the advocacy of the cause of equal suffrage in this state. Arrangements were made for the organization of a society in each county and when that is done, speak- ers will be put into the field and a thorough canvass of the state made. South Dakota Enforcement League- HURON, S.

Nov. 10, 18S9. EDITOR HTJROSITE: Dear sir--Please announce in your paper, that I will visit Huron, Monday afternoon, Nov. 25th. for the purpose of organizing a county Enforcement League, auxil- iary to the South Dakota Enforce- ment League, recently formed at Hu- ron.

A mass meeting will be held at the court house at 2:30 p. m. It is earnestly hoped that all parts of the county will be fully represented. Workers in the late prohibition campaign are especially urged to be present. Yours respectfully, WM.

FIELDER, Pres. The Pre-Emption Law. It is rumored that the "omnibus bill" repeals the pre-emption law so far as it applies to the four new states. The fact that section 17 of that bill repeals section 8 of the act of September 4, 1841, it is construed by some to mean the repeal of the pre- emption law. If this is true the of- ficers of the Huron land office have not been advised of the fact by the general land office, and are continu- ing to accept pre-emption filings, and will do so until ordered otherwise.

Letter List. List of Letters remaining unclaimed in the Huron, Dakota, post-oflice for the week ending Nov. ItJ, 1889: 13oger, David, 3 Baker, Clark.Mrs Herbet2Clark, Herbert Copus, Jay, 2 I-Ienroy, Rev 3 Hiltz, Mrs Maggie Harmston. Howe, Iveefe, Jack, 2 McClure, PACKAGES: "Advance" Blakre. Chape, A Cornwall, A Hanson, Jas Keller, Jessie Howe, A Rivers, Mrs Julia Winston, Mrs Sutherland, John Wallace, Mrs Ainandy Parties calling for the above will please say "advertised in the HTJKON- ITE," and give date of publication, and pay one cent at the stamp window.

JOHN LONGSTAFF. P. M. THE young ladies of Grace church will give a domino party at the home of J. W.

Campbell on nest Thursday evening, Nov. 21. Every body cor- dially invited to be present. Tick- ets on sale at Colcord Richardson's and at Berry's clothing store. 71d3 Eugene Steere, a well known Pierre banker, was here a day or two since.

From him a HTTROHITE representa- tive learned of the completion of the organization of the First National bank of Ft, Pierre. The capital stock is $50,000. Directors: Wil- liam Fisher of Volga, George D. Mathieson of Ft. Pierre, John J.

Kleiner of East Pierre, Eugene Steere and C. C. Bennett of Pierre. The newlinstitution will receive its char- ter and make all arrangements necessary to enable it to begin bnsinesa immediately following the opening of the Sioux reservation. Frank E.

Stevens of this city, is in- terested in the above named bank. THERE will be a special meeting of James River Lodge No. 32, tomorrow, Wednesday evening. Work in first degree. I.

W. GOODNEB, N. G. You can procure tickets for the Advertising Carnival of Davis at P. B.

Lyon's office, Third street They have buffet cars on the train of disasters. They Have Stood the Test of Time State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Coucly, s. s. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of tne firm of F.

J. Cheney doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said firm pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's catarrh cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De- cember, A.

D. '86. A. W. GLEASON, 1 SEAL I Notary Pablic.

Hall's catarrh cure is taken intern- ally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY Toledo, O.

by druggists, 75c. In the five districts of their church in South Dauota the Methodists pay their preachers in salaries, each year. Halt lUieuni With its immense itching, dry. hot skin, often broken into a i cracks, and watery pimples, often causes indescribable suffering. Hood's Sarsaparilla has wonderful power over this disease.

It purifies the blood and expels the humors, and the skin heals without a scar. Send for book containing 1 many statements of cures, to C. I. Hood Apothe- caries, Lowell, Maes. New York employed 1,200 girls making neckties.

The Northwestern Savings, Loan Building Association. Of Huron, South Dakota, embraces all the valuable elements of the or- dinary building associations, to which are added others of great im portance. The loan fund is handled by the Minnesota Loan Trust company of Minneapolis ESS trustee of this asso- ciation. The capital stock authoriz- ed is twenty millions divided into shares of one hundred dollars each. The proportion of payments by share holders set apart for expense is smaller than in most associations of.

this kind. The business is conducted with rigid economy and combines in large degrees all the essential ele- ments of security, equity and profit. Good reliable, energetic agents want- ed. For further information call on or address S. F.

HAMMOND, Auditor, Room 3, Masonic block. Huron, South Dakota. Tldltno Here's Your Chance. I will sell all goods in my stock of books, stationery and fancy articles at cost for the next 30 days. Here's your chance to secure bargains, as the goods must be sold.

65tf B. M. ROWLEY, Opera House. Don't try to drown your trouble in the cup; troubles are swimmers. The worst feature about catarrh is its dangerous tendency to consump- tion.

Hood's Sarsaparilla cures ca- tarrh by purifying the blood. When you look at some people the first thing you think of is a club. When Balsy WM sick, we gave her Castoria, "When a Child, she cried for Caatoria, When became Miae, she clung to Castoria, When had Children, (he gave them Castoria, Many a man knows a dollar by sight who doos not know its value. It is safe to say that no girl ever went to a party without wearing something that was borrowed. Presents in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE ANO NUTRITIOUS JUIOE OP THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming; an agreeable and effective laxative to perma- nently cure Habitual Consti- pation, and the many ills de- pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AID BOWELS.


KY HEW YORK. AND WOOLENS Prepared to Supply tJio AND CHEAPEST! Oeiiti-al M. BOOTH'S STREET, Having purchased the news and period- ical business of B. M. take pleasure in notifying his customers they will find a full line of all the leading dailiea and period- icals.

Our aim will be to have in stock at all times a good supply of the leading publi- cations. Subscriptions taken for any domes- tic or foreign publication at publisher's price. Leave your orders, which will receive our best attention. Our line of plain and fancy" stationery is complete and low in price. Respectfully, g8 al Dra bue i ne88 Household goods moved by the job or load.

Wagons to every train. Goal orders filled promptly. Leave orders at George Kelchner's Furniture Store. THE ITV WILL hereafter make all our sheets to cover 24 inches exactly. Usually Corrugated sheets vary in width according to thickness, etc.

so it is extremely difficult to esti- mate amount required. When j'ou want to estimate amount of our Corrugated sheets to cover anv Bpuce, remember that each sheet covers two feet. The Cincinnati Corrugating CQ July 2d, 1889..

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