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The Daily Plainsman from Huron, South Dakota • Page 4

Huron, South Dakota
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DAILY HTJRONITE. HTJBON, S. JULY 7, 1890. SHANNON LONGSTAFF, Proprietors. TO BE HEtO I Eqnal Suffrage mass convention, July 8.

State convention Independent party, in opera house, July 9, to nominate state officers. The UlcGibeny Family concert in the Grand, Tuesday evening, July 16. Beadle County Teacher's Inititute, Aug. 11 to 22, inclusive. HURQJUTEMS.

Band concert on the avenue to- night. Pay building and loan association dues tonight. The McGibeny FamiJy in the Grand on Thursday evening of next week. Mrs. May Seymonr Howell will lecture in the court house tomorrow evening.

Married, in Huron, July 6,1890, by Rev. H. H. Dresser, Mr. George Vod- den and Mrs.

Abbie Gregory, both of Huron. L. S. Hazen, the insurance king, went to Alexandria on Monday. He was accompanied by his better half who will visit there for some days.

J. G. Colvin and wife, residing on the corner of Fifth and Beach streets, rejoice in the arrival at their home on Saturday, July 5, 1890, of a fine boy baby. S. E.

Bensburg, a prominent lec- turer, is announced to deliver an ad- dress in the Grand opera house this evening. Subject, "TLe Apostle of Liberty." Admission, 25cts. Col. Lounsberry, having completed his work in the Huron land district for the present, has gone to Mitchell where he will be engaged in examin- ing suspended proofs for several weeks. THE INDEPENDENTS.

Beadle County Meet In Con- vention and Nominate a Full Ticket. Among distinguished ladies to be uere at the equal suiirage convention tomorrow are Miss Anthony. Mrs. Howell, Mrs. Pickler, Miss Johusoc, and Miss HindmitD, one of the state lecturers.

Tlu convention will open in the court house at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. THE TICKET. For Senator--E Ohr. For Representatives--J DeVoe, Mike Welch, John Benedict, John Morse, C. Weatherwax.

For sheriff--L Teeters. For auditor--W A Lloyd. For treasurer--Ezra Fuller. For register deeds--J Seeley. For district attorney--T Null.

For clerk of court -C Ray. For county judge--John Wood. For Supt. schools--R Coweu. For Justices--W Eastman, Fink, Allbright, John Mc- Gill.

Probably one hundred and tifty persons assembled in the court house Saturday afternoon at the indepen- dent convention for Beadle county. Not all of those present, however, should be considered members of the independent party, although the large majority of them have identified themselves with it. The convention was called to order by A. M. Brooks of Wessing- ton, who read the call.

This was followed by the election of S. H. Hysham of Huron, chairman, and W. Eastman, secretary. The following committee was appointed.

ON CREDENTIALS. Alex Allen, of Allen township; John Morse of Hitchcock; E. B. Jenkins of Carslyie; David McCarty of Logan; L. E.

Robinson of Sand Creek; Mills of Grant; Thos. Kincaid of Barrett; J. W. Cooper Caution. been foisted upon the market so Hoswly resembling All- cock's Porous iu general ap pearance as to be wtdl calculated to deceive.

It is, however, in general appearance only that they compare with Allcock's for they are worse than worthless, inasmuch as they contain deleterious ingredients which are apt to cause serious injury. Remember that Allcock's are the only genuine porous plasters--the best external remedy ever known; and when pur- chasing plasters do not only ask for but see that you get Allcock's Porous Plasters. Allcock's Corn and Bunion Shields affect quick and certain relief. Somebody who has been looking up the matter says that there are now only five states in the Union in which a schoolmaster can legally flog a pu- "Just as Good," Say some dealers who try to sell a sub- stitute preparation when a customer calls i'or Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not allow any such false statement as this induce you to buy what you do not want.

Remember that the only reason for making it is that a few cents more profit will be made on the substitute. Insist upon having the best medicine Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is Peculiar to Itself. of Bonilla; E. P.

Rush of Clyde. On motion a committee of 5 were appointed on permanent organization consisting of De Voe of Huron, Teets of Liberty, A Bene- dict of Wolsey, Leipold of Ouster and Cartis of Kellogg. The report of the credentials com- mittee was presented and adopted. It showed the following named dele- gates present: Huron, First Ward--A Bemish, John McLernon, A Longreen, McCallum, David Smith. Huron, Second Ward--S Hey- sham, A Bloodgoud, A Kelley, A Sherman.

Dr. Steel, Stewart, I Edwards. Huron, Third Ward--S Cooley, A Ward all. Eastman, I Mutch- ler, Teeters, Frederich Leopold, Alternates: A Page, Ecker, Thomas, Frank Webb, Cum- mings, Bycroft. Huron, Foarth Ward--J Blood- good, DeVoe, Alansing Melville McCurdy, Geo Miller.

Alternates: John Elliott, O'Neil, Abe Bear- man, Daniel Lyon, Geo Bradley. Richland --E Fuller, Towns- end. Wesaington--Chas Hess, Sylvanus Sweet, Absher. Foster--Patrick Haskins, Thomas Tyrrell. Kellogg--S Caldwell, Geo Cur- tis, Hartland--C Vannenaan.

Banner--J Spansenberg, Kelley. Liberty--H Teets, A Thurs- Ackerman. Bonilla--I Cooper, Anson. Pearl Creek--Alex Murray, two votes, Whiteside--M Joyce, Lloyd. Iowa--John Cass, A Beebe.

Clyde--E Bush, two votes. Cavour John Pentony, A French, Josiah Pickerny. Cliften John Triplet, Charles Miner. Carlyle--E Ohr, Jenkins, Barr. Logan--C Turner, Daniel Mc- Corty.

Barrett--O Kincaid, Hey- sham. Cnster--H Leipold, John Friz- zell. Allen--Alex Allen, Jamea Borah. Grant--Ed Murrain, Youel. Dimmitt.

Pleasant View--J Hargrove, A Dixon. Sand Creek--W McNeil, Robinson. Broadland Pierce, Freti Walker. Farfield--R Rogers, Walter Oviatt. Burr Oak--M Nichols, two voters.

Valley--C Marble, A Risdou. Wolsey--Jas A Benedict, Thompson, James Schooler. Nance--A Brooks, John McNeil. Committee on permanent organ- ization reported as follows: For chairman--Walter A Loyd, of Wessington. Secretaries--L A Potter, of Hitch- cock; Eastman, of Huron.

Report was adopted. A motion prevailed that the tirst ballot for candidates be made inform- ally; that no nominating speeches be allowed. Motion prevailed to appoint a com- mittee on resolutions as follows: Bloodgood, Cass, Chas Miner Alex Murry, John Morse, A Kis don, A Brooks. A yiisdon presented the following esolutiou which WHS adopted: Resolved, That, we refuse to con sider candidates for nomination for office who accepted or may accept i nomination from any other pnrty. A Wardall moved to select 10 dele gates to represent Beadle county in the state convention.

Curried. Motion prevailed that each com inissiouer district be entitled to two delegates and that the seme be select; ed by the delegates present from 6cCh commissioner district. Mr DeVoe moved that the persons selected by the various cocuuiissioner districts be declared the delegates to the state convention. Carried. The delegates elected are aa fol- lows: 1st district--R A Milne, Lake By- ron; J.

W. Spangetiburg, Cuvonr. 2d district--A Allen of Allen; Johnson, of 3d district--A Wardull, of Huron; A Benedict, of Wolswy. 4th district--C Turner, of Ohr, of Carlyle. 5th district--W Loyd, of Wes sington; A Brooks, of Whiteside On motion the county central com- mittee is empowered to appoint ship committees where no commit, tees are now named and to fill VUCHU cies.

The cammittee on resolutions re- ported the lollowing; The report will be given tomor- row, Motion prevailed that every candi date be required to subscribe to the platform adopted. Mr. Wardall moved that con ventioo proceed to the nomination of officers. Carried The following tell- ers were appointed: Robinson, Burr Oak. Harry Teets arid Mattson.

Tne first informal ballot for state senator resulted as follows: Teets 24; 7 De- Voe 14; Langley 15; Con Marble 2. Total number of votes cast 72. Second ballot, formal--Teets 32i; i Ohr 17; A Bendeict 15; Lang- ley 13; De Voe lOi. Total, 88. DeVoe withdrew "his name and on behalf of the 4th ward of Huron also the name of Langley.

Mo- tion prevailed to drop the lowest candidate. Third ballot--Obr 38; Benedict Teeta 24J. Fourth ballot--Ohr Benedict 24i. Ohr was declared elected and on being loudly called for came forward and in a few words thanked the convention for the nomination. The convention then proceeded to an informal ballot for 5 representa- tives which resulted as follows: DeVoe 51; Hanna 50; 1PURJE EYENING SESSION called te order at 8:30, by chairman Lloyd.

On motion of Jos Bloodgood it was ordered that candidates for county offices shall be voted upon by roll call. TBEASDBEB. Convention then proceeded to nom- inate candidates for county officers. Fuller and Fred Fowler were named, but Mr. Fowler withdrew, and on motion of Mr.

Risdon, Mr. Fuller was declared the nominee for treas- urer by acclimation. SHERIFF. For sheriff the names of Tee- ters, Robinson and Wright were put in nomination. Teeters re- ceived 73 votes.

Robiusou 10 votes, and Wright 4 votes, and on motion of Mr. Heysham Teeters was de- clared nominated. FOB AUDITOR. Ray, Thomas, Towns- end and Walter A Floyd were nomi- nated for county auditor. The name of Mr.

Towasend was withdrawn, and the ballot resulted aa follows: Ray 11; Thomas Wai ter Floyd 79. On motion of A Wardall Mr Floyd'p. nomination was declared unanimous. FOB BEGISTER DEED8. Fred Fowler, Ray and Seeley were put in nomination for register of deeds.

Mr Fowler receiv- ed 22 votes, Ray 17; Soeiey 53. On motion of A El Risdon Seeley was declared the unanimous nomi- nee. SUPERINTENDENT SCHOOLS. Cowan, Johns, Miss Jen- nie Burleigh were placed in nomina- tion for county superintendent of schools. Mr.

Cowan received 54 votes, and Misa Burleigh 26. Mr. Cowan was made the unanimous President choice of the aventiou. billiards. CIRCUIT CLERK.

Ray, Fred Fowler East- man were the nominees for clerk of court. Ray "received 74 votes; Fow- ler Eastman 11. Ray was declar- ed nominated. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. De Voe put in nomination for district attorny the name of Thomas Null.

Mr Mattson was also pre- wnted, but that gentleman declined There being no other nominee. Mr was nominated by acclirntttion. COUNTY JUDGE. John Wood was nominated for the office of county judge by ucclima Jon. CORONER.

On motion Dr. Steele, of Huron, received the noiuinntiou fur coroner by acclimation. JUSTICES. The following gentlemen were se- A IN OLIICI Fancy Guofls and Toilet Articles, Blank Books, Etc.o a Specialty, 281 Dakota Avenue, Huron. KENT, Proprietor, HURON, DAKOTA.

Harrison often plays Why It Is Popular. Because it has proven its absolute merit over and over again, because it lias an un- equaled record of cures, because Its busi- ness is conducted in a thoroughly honest manner, and because it combines economy and strength, being the only medicine of which "100 Doses One Dollar" is true-- these strong points have made Hood's Sarsaparilla the most successful medicine of the day. The late Count Aloys Karolyi, of Hungary, left; of $2,500,000. Senator Milt Matthews of Urbsaa, has been in New York and Boston and the papers East describe him aa "a fac simile of General Grant at bis best estate." lected by ballot for the offices of jtu- tices of the peace: Eastman, of Huron; Altoona--L A Potter, John Morse, I Benedict 41; Alex Allen 16; Miner 13; Steeie 13; Hysham Scat- tering 36. Second, formal--S Weatherwax 80; DeVoe 70; Welch 46; Benedict 45; John Morse 61; A Lloyd 43; Hanna 37; Burger 28; A Allen 19; Scattering 21.

Total number of votes cast 89. The following were delared elected: Weatherwax, DeVoe, Morse, Welch, Benedict. On motion, convention adjourned till 8 p. m. Fink, of Hartland; Chas VV Albright, of Foster; John McGill, of Hichcock.

CONSTABLES The following were nominated for constables: Coomer, Chas Hull Schoober, Wheeler. On motion the rules were suspend- ed and the above were nominated by acclimation. Motion prevailed that two alter- natps to the state convention from each commissioner district be elected, and the following persons were de- clared elected: 1st district--Chas Beebe, Han- na. 2d district--L Johns, James Borah. 3d district---Con Marble, I Mutch- ler.

4th distric Jas Thompson, Met Carty. 5tb district- Joyce Robin- son, Moved that a committee of 5 be elected to arrange for the state con- vention. Carried. Committee consists of Blood good, A Wardall, 7 Eastman Stewart, A Bemish. Following the appointment the convention adjourned.

Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wins low's Soothing Syrup has been by mothers for children teething for over fifty years with per- fect success. It relieves the little suff- erer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep, by relieving the child from pain, To Dispel Colds, Headaches and fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or billions, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to per- manently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. and the little cherub awakes "as bright as a button." It is very pleasant to taate.

It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, reg- ulates the bowels, andis the bestknown remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. 25 cents per bottle. ti' George W. Childs recently bought 320 clocks. He paid $1.100 for one.

A Safe Investment Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggists a bottle of King's JSTew Discovery for consump- tion. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used for any affec- tion of the throat, lungs or chest, such as consumption, inflammation oi' lungs, bronchitis, asthma, whooping cough, etc. It is pleasant agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles 1'ree at L.

E. Corbin Go's, drug store. Tamagno, the opera singer receives 12,000 a night, and tips hotel waiters with one cent pieces. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens that for years we have been selling Dr.

King's New Disovery for Consumption Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well or that have given such univer- sal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price if satisfactory results do not fol- low their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. L.

E. Corbin drne- gists. Arnica The heat salve iu the world for cute, bruisea, sores, ulcers, salt Rheum, Fe- ver soree, chapped hands, chilblalna, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis- faction, or money refunded. 86 cents per box.

For sale by Jv. E. Cor- bin Huron. South Dakota, Mil 1 lioiiBHWor KsuoaK St. An experiuuec'd rl 10 Mrs.

(J. W. Moody, Mkitf HiL A Jim Itlver Steam Lanndrv-- fllrni and good paid. IRL A do gunornl housework in family. Kuq lire of J.

p. Nolua No. 224 Iowa street. Good wagee. d51tf A full set.

of tubular well J. the same used in boring the Kowler well O.ood aa new. Will sell all or of mil, loHult purchaser. Enquire of E. KOBKNS, Huron, South uakota, AVM.

17OK twelve paBeengar oninlbui in condition. Inijuire of D. D. LVOH. /J.JSO.



First Floor. McGrrew Bros. Beckett's Addition to the City of Huron, This fine tract of land has just been placed on the market, and is now for sale in tracts of 40, 30, 2O or 10 acres It will not te in tracts, This land is the Best unsold Acre Property in the City. IT CAN BE BOUG-HT NOW at prices that will yield a PROFIT ON THE CAPITAL INVESTED. You can buy now from the original owner and save ALL COSTS ASD PROFITS OF DEALING WITH SECOND PARTIES This piece of laud adjoins the original town site of Huron, and is the MOST DESIRABLE ACRE PROPERTY in the citv Now you can get in on the ground floor if you take advantage of this offer and get at first- cost fine acre property that is bound to advance write or call on GEO.

L. rt in Property. Remember vaiue. further particulars EAST THIRD STREET, HURON, S. D..

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