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The Daily Plainsman from Huron, South Dakota • Page 1

Huron, South Dakota
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

p-v VOTE FOR HURON! FOR PERMANENT Dai uronite VOL. V. HURON, SOUTH DAKOTA, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1890. OUT OF 169 Legislators, 162 must pass through HURON! To got to tho TemporaryJCapital 5 Does It NO. 157.

INSURE YOUR PROPERTY -AGAINST LOSS BY- -AT THE JK OJF N.H. COMPOUND EKTBACT. 'PF I'can place your insurance in the following well known companies HOYAL, of Liverpool, England. CONTINENTAL, of New York LONDON and LANCASHIRE, of Liverpool, En HAM13U11G-T3UEMEN, of Ham ANGLO NEVADA, of San Francisco, Cal. A FIRE, of Chicago.

LIBERTY, of New York City. THE MAN WHO INVESTS IN IITJ raOIV JPK.OJP IfCJEfcT WE Investors should examine mv list i consists a a i i of Lois, BWs, Acres pTTrp Jj TWO JON OPTIONS Choice Residence Lots on Payment of One-Fourth Cash, Balance 1, 2 and 3 years. Payments of ten per cent Onsli, Imlance one-lisiH' 15th, 1.890, and one-half Nov. 15th, 1891. The above property all lies in tho city limits within a lilorks of the business center of the citv, near court house, Churches nncl Depots of the 0.

it N. W. anil Manitoba 1 toads. 1 have also several ACliK TRACTS in which there is quick money to any OUR desiring to sub-divide. Jtl.

IllrfJU, Hut-on Oorrespondenr-e Solicited. Send for Plats and Prices. ARE YOU GOING. TO- Paper, Paint or Kalsomine This spring? If so, you will find it to your advantage to our large stock of paper hangings and decorations before mak- ing selections. The handsomest as well as the cheapest and largest line in the city.

Competent workmen at till times. Get the best. Save your money. Respectfully, T. Department: Bargain: Store.

Bargain Coffee 10c to $1 25 Tea Pots. 10e to $2 00 Tea Kettles 40c to $3 00 Wash Boilers. to S3 00 2 Qt. Cup 5c 1 Qt. Dipper 5c 2 and 3 Qt.

Tin Pail 10 Qt. Pail 15c 14 Five and Ten Cent Counters are Full of Bargains. Hardware Locks, Butts, Wire Cloth, Kails, Tacks Pocket Cutlery, Bolts, Shears, Amuni- tion, Fishing Tackle, all at Bargain Prices. In my Tin Shop I am prepared to do Repairing, Hoofing, Spouting and all kinds of Copper, Galvanized and Sheet Iron Work. The importance of purifying the.blood can- not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health.

At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to- purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. It strengthens and bunds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- iar curative powers. No liSGIT other medicine has such arecord of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to huy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not he induced to take any other instead.

It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood Lowell, Mass.

IOO Doses One Dollar 313O Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yetproraptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com- mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute.


in. No, 3, Mixed, daily except Monday, (1:110 a. m. No.27, 'Froixlit dally except Sun- day. 7:30 p.

Vrom No. 2, Mall unrt HlxpresB, daily, exr.ept Sunday, 2:00 p. in. No. 32.

Frflieht, 7:00 y. TnoacUys, Thursdays nnil fiatimlnya. JTrom No. 5, Mall and Express, dalle except Sunday, p. m.

No 2r Freight nhcl accommodation daily oscept Monday, p. m. From North. No. fi, Mall and dally except Sunday, at .1:40 p.

m. No. 34, ifroiaht and accommodation, 6:45 p. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. TRAINS DEPART FROM HURON.

Going East. Ko. 2, Mall ana Express, daily, except Sunday, 2:45 m. No. 4, Mixed, daily oscept Saturday, p.

m. No. afi, Freight and accommodation daily except Sunday, 7 a. m. West.

No. 1, Mail and Express daily, 3:20 p. m. No. 31, Freight and accommodation, ft.

Mondays, "Wednesdays arid Fridays, Going Worth. No. 5, Mail and daily except Sunday p. m. No.

33, Freight and accommodation, 7:45 a. m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. South. No.

6, Mall and Baprees, dally except Sunday, No. 24, Freight and accommodation, daily exoep Snnday, 6:45 A. m. All passenger trains now daily except 3SO. 4 daily, except Saturday, No.

3 dally ex cept Mondays: NOB. 81 and 33, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridaya. NOB. 33 and 34, Tiiesdays, Thursdays arid Satur- day e. L.

W. WOOD. Agt. THE Fourth seems to have had a very general, and in one sense pe- culiar, observance throughout the state. The "great" occasions were few and far between.

"The disting- uished orator from abroad" was con- spicuous by hia absence from the usual program. The farmers' festivi- ties neighborhood picnics, compara- tively small assemblages of neighbors and friends, were multiplied far be- yond all precedent si nee the organiza- tion of the territory. Itisprobablethat more than double tue people partici- pated in some sort of "celebration" Friday than ever met before for the ike purpose within the borders of state. The people did not go to he celebrations so much as tne cele- jrafcion went to them. It was the rural American flag that floated in South Dakota on Independence day of this year of grace.

Farmers and neigh- jors got together and exchanged their own views regarding the of the day. The people feast- ed magnificently and healthfully upon the viands provided in their own homes. Men and women, boys and girls alike, joined in the "ora- tions," and songs, and readings of the "Immortal Declaration." One good a cannon; one, at least, acted as lifer; several were drummers. One young lady military company made good showing. In many places united in the tuarch- e.s ami usual fan and frolic of the oco.itsion.

They woro able to do this wii-h perfect propriety--withoni; oven appearance of rudeness--because u.HrtpmbJios small and com- (he most part, of a i i a a rioighboi'R and a i intimalen. And isn't (his best after all? There is nothing that the American nation so much needs today as good nature and good neighborhood. The next new party organized should be the "G-ood Neighborhood" party. The candidate who convinces us that he can secure such legislation as will give every American citizen, or every oiti- of the state, good neighbors, will tiave the HUROSITE support, regard- less of former affiliations, or present, race, condition, sex or color! The people who know how to make a good neighborhood, and keep it good and pure, are precisely the people to make a good state, and a good, strong nation. The HURONITE believes' that the South Dakota method of Inde- pendence day observance, as illus- trated this year, is the one that best tends good neighborhood, and, hence, it recommends it for repeti- tion every year while the state stands.

THE GLORIOUS FOUHTH. How and Where Some of Huron's I'prtpln 'elelrateil llio Foulli--A Happy Time Everywhere. WYOMING oil lands are now the subject of a very reasonable sort of boom. A fact that is all the more agreeable because a few immediate friends of the HUHONITE have a fine tract of the very best of these lands, carefully located some time ago. Speaking of the growing estimate of the value of these lauds, the Kawlins Republican of late date says that "during the past six months abstracts of title have been issued by the clerk of the county for upwards of 75,000 acres previously located.

The very best of oil lands have" all been taken up and seme of the owners in Natrona county have pieces of oil land which they value at $100 per acre and no development whatever has been made upon it. It is the opinion of those best posted in the movement of the oil fields that after the first of July work will be more active than at any time hereto- fore. The reason for this, is proba- bly based upon the contemplated sale of a large block of oil lands to an English syndicate. Those who are worJdng up the deal claim that it will be consummated early in Jnly and then they look for considerable de- velopment work to be done before the weather compels work to be stopped." The Hutonite says that Blun in- terview was had by Asher F. Pay, "one of the most reliable, conserva- tive and trust worthy newsgatherers of the Let's see; wasn't it that same "reliable, conservative and trust-worthy newsgatberer" that sent ont that report about the alliance convention endorsing Huron for the capital'--Howard Press.

Let's see; did Asher send out that report? Does the Press say he did? Again, let's see; didn't the farmers? Alliance endorse Huron for the cap- ital? Does the Press say it Does the Press know, by thifl time? Huron people did celebrate the Fourth-of-July. Not by the carry- ing out of any fixed program previ- ously arranged for a "big blow but each in his own chosen way. It, was the first Fourth since South Da- kota became a state and for that rea- son did the people of this city ob- serve the day. Hurouians never fail to show their respect for the grand old bird, and Friday was no exception. The same spirit of patriotism ia the hearts of all, even though it was not allowed to make itself mnni- fest in a noisy demonstration as on former occasions.

The firing of can- non, the sharp report of the lire cracker, and the whiz of the wheel and rocket, that, began at early morn, only ceased when young America, weary and faint, sought, rest at mid- night. Business houses, government offices, banks and offices were closed. and proprietor and employe took a day off. The streets of the city svore almost deserted. Nearly everybody had gorio for a frolic.

So numerous were the attractions at various points that it was almost impossible to de- termine where to go. SPECIAL TRAINS. At 7 o'clock a special train went north, carrying the Knights of Pyl.h- Band and a large delegation of citizens Aberdeen, whero a mam- moth celebration WHS bwld All who attended this celebration i t-d with i i treatment by the pco- pie of Aberdeen nud urn loud iu their praises for tho c.ourt-osip.s be- stowed upon thorn. Tu use the expression of one present, "Aberdeen did herself proud; nothing 1 was Jwft undone to make every visitor enjoy the celebration. No people were ever treated more royally than were the members of the K.

P. Band by their Aberdeen friends." The Hu- ron delegation reached home a little after midnight. AT WESSINOTON. The special train west at 8 o'clock carried a large crowd to NVessington where the grandest and most success- ful celebration in the history of that city was held. A huge pavilion was provided beneath which congregated an immense crowd.

Miss Susan B. Anthony was the principal speaker. Hon. Chas. Cooper and others also addressed the gathering.

Music by the Wessingr.on band and by a spe- cial glee club enlivened the occasion. A genuine picnic dinner was served which was not only palatable but very abundant. Base ball, races and other sports were indulged in, celebration closing with a grand dis- play of fireworks and dance in the evening. AT ST. LAWRENCE.

Huron sent a couple of carloads of people to St. Lawrence where a cole bration, second to none in the state, was held. The people of that city gave a hearty welcome to all from abroad and made each fell "perfect- ly at home" while they sojourned there. There were speeches, races, and all sorts of amusements. The crowd was immense and the day was spent in the most enjoyable manner possible.

The special train returned to this city about midnight. AT CAVOUK. The people of the busy little city or Cavonr indulged in a picnic celebra- tion which waa attended by a large crowd. Alonzo Wardali of Huron was among the speakers. The pro- gram consisted of the usual enter- tainment on such occasions and was greatly enjoyed.

'NEAEEB HOME. There were a number of celebra- tions in groves near the city, among them a gathering" in Lyman's grove on the east side of the river attended chiefly by Scandinavians. James Larson was master of ceremonies. The Germans enjoyed a picnic in Teuber's grove south of the city, a number from town being present. IN GBOVE about six miles southeast of the city was held a neighborhood picnic, although many outsiders were pres- ent and all made welcome.

Among the speakers were Mr. Price, Mrs. J. K. P.

McCallum, Mrs. J. W. Harden, and Rev. H.

S. Mills, A Uennbhcnii State League Convention. In accordance with a resolution passed by tlio committee' of Uw Itapnhlfcan of there will IM? conven- tion nf Uie republican li'umw dnhs of the state of South Dakota held i of. Mitchell, on '1 ufwluy, Aiijrnet ISiiii, at 3 o'clock p. Tim busings that i cojno befoiv Un conven- tion will inclndi? repMrtf of Uio officers of tjjn state League, election of ollicers and exec.mivo committee, for the eneuinc: year, reports from local oltibs anil of political ine3lfnin.

The convention will be composed of dele- gates from each republican i i Clnbp may )m torined iilanv tiniiiby locally in" ac- cordance with thrt constitution tlicptato and reporting the of i ufliccrii and (li'Iepatfis to of the state at, 1'arker. Tliu of the rieptihlican State League to (jucoiirnfjo and work for the party, to i i whoKRomi republican ttira to n.11 who may call for it and to "i'lnvor interest all citixeiiB, especially the young, in Mie study and of political snl'ijecJii, and to this tlie immediate of i can clubs in every school district ir. the in 'urnestly en.jomed. By order of i commit tec. I A F.

A li. Secretary. l. number of recitations by tho Ht.tlft folks were features of the day, and some good music was furnished oy select choir. Btisn ball and uthor sports were indulged in and a grand good time was by all.

AT WEKS1XGTON SrillNdfi, ono of tho most, delightful places in the state, was gaf.horod an immense crowd, among Hovonil citizens. Hon. W. B. Sterling of this city' was the orator of tho day, Tho program included races, base ball, music, and everybody onjoy- ed (he occasion.

AT A perfect day, and pleasant spot made it sure that a large assembly of friends and neighbors would have very ouj'oyable Old arid young were there from i and country. Above were grown lunighs and abroad were waving lields. The stars and stripes were lo tbo biwze, and on a largo canvass ia letters of green we read the word The children Kept tho swings in motion, and hore and there a ham- mock swung with its burden of com- Old mon ronwwed their youth and pitched and horse shoes. OMiors tried their skill at target shooting. i canifl by and by and in many ways was the Ivggisfc event of tho day.

Tho long fcablos were not only well loaded, but loaded with a rnoro than patriotic zeal. In fact appoiite is an unfail- ing element in a American Lth of July. After dinner, then eloquence; of course. The whole company wero assem- bled about a large pJatl'orm. Vanderberg acted HK master of cere- monies, everybody sung "America." Rev.

D. S. McCaslin then made a short speech, with some good words for our state and country. Then Mr. E.

H. Grant, gave an address full of deep interest to all. Especially those who came to Dakota ten years ago os'did Mr. Grant. After the speech- es tho people spent the remainder of tho afternoon in amusements, and above all delightful social intercourse, in which new friendships were found as well as old ones renewed.

It was the verdict of all that on tho first fourth of July as a sovereign state was the pkiasantest ever enjoyed in South Dakota. In addition to the celebrations above mentioned a number of private family gatherings were had--Horaa at home, on lawns, and othors in neighboring groves. In short every- body had a good time, and ever have happy recollections of Jaly 4, 1890. THE GDN CLOB. The Huron Gun club indulged in a friendly contest on the afternoon of the Fourth.

Live and blue rock pigSjstfiB were need. Those taking part in the shoot were: D. B. Jeffris, Win. Waibel.

Geo. T. Chae. Hudson, John Saner, Irving Tolmie, Geo. Beckett, M.

Tobin, Joe Blood- good, A. T. Scott, Geo. T. Turner, D.

W. Stiver, Win. Rogers, Ohas. Jones and O. M.

Wilson. The boys didn't kill many birds, but they had heaps of fun. Up In the World. SPRINGS, July a means of celebrating tho Fourth with fire works on Pikes Peak, colored lights were shown tonight which conld be seen a hundred miles. THE Aberdeen News says "the re- peater, Patterson, fresh from the county jail, had charge of 'Peerless Pierre's' transparency." The last round-up on the Cherokee strip was 300,000 head of cattle which were taken from the grazing and penned ready for markotl.

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