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The Daily Plainsman from Huron, South Dakota • Page 4

Huron, South Dakota
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Nervous Blccplcss, no nppctite and very much run down, was the condition of my husband. Since taking Hood's Snrsaparilln he Las wonderfully improved, and Lo now eats and sleeps well; in fact, ho is oil right. Hood's Sarsaparilla vrr esteem very highly." Mas. jfAr.T Con- ItJGAN, IQiO CVdar Tueblo, Colorado. Mood's cure all llvrr ills, DAILY HUROJSTITE, SHANNON LoNasTAFF.

Proprietors. HDROX, S. DECE.MBEK 13, 1895. "Daiuon and Pythias" at tho opera house tonight. Try a of llopkiu's Steamed Hom- iny (1 lulled Corn), rt is delicious.

Full lOc. Order yonr storm sash of Jos. DHUDJ, the lumber, coal, wood and lime dealer. The Van Cortland company will give a matinee Saturday afternoon in the opera bouse. The body must be well nourished now.

to prevent sickness. If your appetite is poor take A very pleasant whist patty was given by Surveyor General Hughes and wife at their home Thursday evening. The Van Cortland company pre- sented ''A Shadowed Life" i marked success at tbe opera bouse last evening. Kupture, pile tumors, Ilstauia- and all of tho lower bowels (except can- cer), radically cured. Send 11) cents in stamps for hook.

Address World's Dis- pensary Medical Association, 1 Main Street, liiiiftilo. N. V. Tbe special revival meetings at the Metbodiat church arc a a i usual a i a prpat good will result therefrom is beyond donbt. Many are seeking light and will lead a Christian life hereafter.

Tbe Huron Whist CJnb. an organi- zation just perfected, held its first meeting in R. P. ball. Thursday eve.

with over i members present. Arrangments bave been made for games every two weeks i tbe winter. A. M. Hawell, of Chicago, secre- tary of the National Christian Citi- zenship Leagur, was in tbe city on Friday, on bis way to Sioux Falle.

It is i probable tbut Mr. Has- well wiil here in tbe near future. Tbis oilic.j is in receipt of cards announcing tbe marriage of Mr. Geo. E.

Coon and Miss Eflie M. Mosier. Tbe yotine couple will be at homo to friends after December 2itb, at Jen- sen, Floradn. Tbe groom ia well known in Huron, baying for years been an employe of tbe Chicngo Northwestern Railway on the Dakota division. Tbe HCROMTE extends con- gratulations.

The election in Logan i Tuesday on the question of issuing bonds for artesian well purposes passed oil quietly, resnltintr in tbe defeat of the proposition by a vote of 20 to 13. A number of townships io Beadle have volod on the question and Logan is tho tirst town- ship to give a i against tbe wells. Tbe Logauitesevidently bave no use for Chief. Awarded Highest. Honors--World's Fair, CREAM BAWNG POHWR MOST PERFECT MADE.

A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free T.mmonia, Alum or any other adulterant V--RS ra STANDARD. I Huron lloyal Arch Masons and a number of members from out of the city, had a happy time in their hall Thursday evening when the follow- ing officers were installed: James McDowell, E. H. Albert Kobinson, king; H.

J. McGarvey, scribe; Charles J. Koepp, captain of the host; EJ. F. Wilson, Royal Arob captain; P.

F. Bussey, principal sojourner; Wm. Tolmie, master of first vail; Aasher F. Pay, master of tho second vail; Frank Wallace, master of the third vail. Harvey J.

llice, Grand High Priest of the state, installed Mr. McDowell, and he did the same service for the remaining ofiicerH. B. F. Ives, of St.

Lawrence, Brand captain of the host, also present, and gave the companions an excellent talk, as did also E. Hemingway of Brookingp, Mr. llice and others. Refreshments were served and pleasant time had. KilPatrick ilelief Corps No.

'2, of this city, has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Mips Emma Cook, president; Mrs. C. B. Clark, senior vice-president; Bell M. Appleman, junior vice-presi- dent; Mrs.

Locmip. chaplain; Mrs. J. A. Drake, treasurer; Mrs.

H. Ln- vancia Lnngley, conductor; Mrs. J. W. Gritlitb, guard.

Delegates to the National W. in St. Pawl in September--Mrs. Anna B. Simmons, Mrs.

W. E. Van Ambnrg Mrs. Emma Huntington. Alternates.

Mrs. Mnry Mnnson, Mrs. C. 13 Clark, Mrs. Lavancia Langley.

Ou Thursday Miss Eflie McMillan, of Pierre, department president, inspec- ted the corps, nearly forty members being present. Miss McMillan says the Huron corps is one of the largest and best in the state, and paid high compliment Io its officers and mem- bers. Following installation cere- monies refreshments were served and the ladies enjoyed the occasion great- ly- WILL BE OPENED MAY 15. Iteirrvgtlmi taniln Kenily for I I I WASHINGTON, Dec. Senator Nel- on and Representatives Towno and Eddy called upon Secretary Smith and, after some discussion, it was decided that the date of opening tho agricul- tural lands of tho Ked Lake reservation should be set in the proclamation soon to to issued at Slay Tho members are in full accord in the matter and the secretary agreed to act upon their rcc- tniiuendation.

Congressman TOWIHJ will probably introduce a bill for the disposal of timber lands. It will be sub- stantially tin; same as that-proposed by Baldwin at the last session, pro- viding for the sale of the timber as fust as 100,000 acres arc sun-eyed and esti- mated. Ho will, iu addition to the Baldwin measure, provide for the objec- tion raised to that bill by Senator Davis bv a proviso that no timber on sections lii and shall be sold pending the de- termination of the question of tho state's rights to these sections as school lands. There will probably be no ob- jection to the bill in this form and it should result in placing a larye Inxly of this timber on the market in the near future. IN SESSION AN HOUR.

Silver Anniversary. The of December, being the 25th anniversary of tbe organization of tbe Woman's Presbyterian board of Missions of tbe the Frst Presbyterian church of Huron, will celebrate tbe day with appropri services. In tbe morning tbe pahtor will preach on tbe subject of Missionn, Mri't lint Truiiiui-t No i i i I i i i i WASHINGTON, Dec. The day's session of the senate lasted but one hour and was mainly devoted to a dis- cussion of Senator Dubois' proposition to amend the rules so as to distribute the appropriation bills among the vari- ous tho senate. Senator Hill of New York reintroduced the amendments which he proposed to tho rules in the last congress during tho deadlock on the repeal of the Sherman silver law for clot urc and for counting quorum, and Mr.

Call of Florida gave- notice that he would call up his Ar- menian resolution. I i i i i i mi WASHINGTON, Dec. Senator George Miss.) has introduced a bill to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy, which is practically tins same reported by him from tho com- mittee on judiciary last session as a substitute for the Bailey bill, which passed the house. Only Hume Product. PAUIS, Dec The chamber of dep- uties, after the discussion of the military budget, decided that, except under un- usual circumstances, no more tinned meats are to be supplied to tho army after Jan.

1, 18117, except such as manu- factured in France or in tho French colonies. MINOR ITEMS OF INTEREST. The national conference of colored men is in session at Detroit, Mich. Diphtheria is very prevalent in New contagious UJOHH1AHD5 PLEASES EVERYTASTE It is by far thr delicious Chew- ing Tol-am, Try it. Tin 1'rolrrtlon.

the tin plate country but one were IK; Tin Plate Mannfuc- here. Tin; session ie. discussion animated, of a change in tin- tar- subject canvassed in all its plw-vs. i to tht 1 peculiar ci n- ii deemed unwise to make lor petitioning for au iucrca-c in rate. factories in ttirers' was long i i i i iff law i i itly to HI- sil.

S. Dec. K. L. Mcr- ritt, a pjvcrnmi'iir has arrived from Washington for th! purpose of appraising tin- at Fort Sully.

abandoned. The property will soon be sold and the reservation of acres Li' surveyed and opened to ment next year. iuuc.1 i i i i Tin-. TORONTO, Die. The trial of Will- iam McMillan, charged i lire to the building in Janu- ary last, entailing a loss of nearly was concluded during the After being out three hours the jury returned a verdict of guilty.

for an i KANSAS CITY, Doc. Henry A. C. another of the judges indicted for fraud committed at last fall's elec- tion, has been found and sen- tenced to three months in the county jail. Half a other election olli- ccrs are yet to be tried.

Ciinnnt be Cured by local application as they cannot reach the diseased part of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, imd that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inllamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, deafness is the result, and unless the inthunation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal conditon, hearing will be de- stroyed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but the hill allied condition of the mucous surfaces. We will L'ive One Dollars for liny case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot lie c.urvd by Hall's Catarrh from broad a i of world-1 York city.

The bureau of wido PXtei.sioii of thb i of the diseases reports cases. Master. Lord Wallcourt, an aged British peer. Cure. Send riiridavs; free.

In the evening i be a 1 is abuut tu 1Iiarr F. .1. i who recently won a prize in a beautv view 01 the board, its persotnel, and ow work. Tiio silver anniversary wiil Tlu schooner Eiwood is missing be observed by a will silver oil- is supposed to have down oil' tin; ering. i J.

Sarkip, native 01" lilay.ier bay, i all on board. bv Drutrnists, ledo, O. and "iciMiT's -BY VIRTU: OF AX i coition i--ni'il nut if at.d r.ndrr -eal if Syria, will give an ou hie country, i ami i mission work, and he has sewn it from the Syrian side. The public are i i to join in making the day a silver jubilep, for not only the Woman's board, but for the church at large. Hymn's Shrine.

"Shrine of the can it foe That this i all that remains of tln-cr" --llyron. See a woman once rosy and briirht. fair under the legal age of consent. LATEST A REPORT. nil n.

I A Deu. 11, FLO L-R--Steady. Xo. 1 Xo. 3 white, and beautiful, light of heart, quick of step, dulcet in tones, the very light and life of the house, and you see a picture that might be called a bit of Paradise.

See that same woman worn by disease, pale and haggard, heavy of heart, speak- ing saldoui, lasting a shaddow of gloom! WHEAT--Xo. -J tlirouglieut the house by her presence, i and you a picture of Paradise Lost, OATS--Xo 'white, Alas, she suffers from the ills that thou-' sands of women know. Tell her that no tin.m. lerce's Favorite Prescription is a certain MIXSKAI-OLIS, Due. 11, cure from feminine weakness and WHEAT--December closed at M- rangement, it will restore health and i Mu i7c Truck--Xo.

1 hard, 54Jie; good spirits and make her once more, i Xortllur Northern, blessing to her family and the world, i CONNAOIIA. Forsyih N. C. DH. V.

Dear Sir--For, some ix or seven years my wife has been 1 an invalid. Hccoming convinced that it was the onlv hope, we bought six bottles of Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription and "Golden Medical Discovery." To the surprise of the community and the joy of myself and family, in one week mv circuit court in for i uf Keaill Alaskan coast, between Cook's inlet and al -t-'ite of Smth Dakota. uini a jiiilutmur rendered niiil in i (-aid court on tin i day of Si'pti-mher, l-W, in an action where in rt bahliiKin was i a i i anil David I 1 I'ruyn was a in fiivor of tin- paid plain till mill imainM lirfi-mlant, for i suit of two liunilri'd four anil Ki-llKI dollar wliicli 1'xi'cution was ilircctivl and dolivrri'd me as slu-rilT in and for Kiid countv of illc, I liavp i litli day of UcecinliiT, 19S. lovii' upon all the i i a i inturot of the defendniit in and to the following per sonnl property, to-wit: Twenty-one it'ifor oni A Child Knjoys The pleasant finvor, gentle action uncl soothing ofl'-cts of Syrap of when in need of a Insative, and if tbe a or ho costive cr bilioiip, the most results follow its nsp; a it is the beHt a i known.

every fatuily shotild a hotile on a SECRET SOCIETIES. I. 0. 0. K.

Jumes River Lodge, No. 32, every Monday night; in I. O. O. F.

Hall WAIU, Sec'y. Star Enciunpmetit, No. 10. I. O.

O. on the first and third Fridays of each month; In 1. O. O. F.

Hall. H. J. RICK, Scribe. Huron Cnnton, meets on the second uid Fridays of each month; in I.

0. O. F. Hall. Colfnx Lodge, D.

of R. No. 0, meets fllrfit and third Tuesdays of each month; In 1. O. 0.

F. Hall. A. O. U.

Huron Home Lodge, No. 17, A. O. U. W.

meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month; in I. 0. O. F. Halt.


Sec'y. A. P. A. Huron Council, No.

1, A. P. A. meets 1st Sunday and 3d Thursday of each month; commencing at 7:30 n. m.

R. D. T. R. C'OOI-KK.

Pres. Sec'v. K. P. Syracuse Lodge, No.

1C, K. P. meets every Tuesday night; In Castle Hall. JOHN LONGSTAKK, N. WAKDAI.L, C.

C. K. of II. S. G.

A. 11. Kilpatrick Post Number 4, Department of South Dakota, G. A. 11..

meets every Friday evening In Veteran Hall. Vis- iting comrades cordially invited. E. M. THOMAS, ASH EH F.

PAY. Adjutant. Commander. M1ZPAH CIIAPTEK 0. J), 0.

E. S. Meets in Masonic Hall every second and fourth Friday of each month at 7:30 p. in. Visitors cordially Invited.

Mus. W.M. W. MAUSTO.V, M. MKS.

W. SIIEK.MAN, Sec'y. MODERN WOODMEN. Eucalyptus Camp, No. 405, meets first and third Thursdays of each month; In I.

O. O. F. Hall. J.


Clerk. Railway Time Tables. THE I A AND Nearly delegates attended the an- nual meeting of El Kaber temple, No- bles of the Mystic Shrine, at Cedar Rapids, la. Officers for the ensuing year were elected. Arrangements have been made and stock has been subscribed for establishing at Lyons, a large plant i for manufacturing the Kane-Penning- ton engine ami motocyele.

Justice of the Peace J. Blair Simpson I of Detroit, has been held to tlio recorder's court on charges of as- saulting Miss Maud Wentland, a girl of wheat; one 1 1 black and i year old: one 1 1 1 black cow two years old om briiulle cow i white and star in face oni 1 LI I brown cow three years old one blue i cow: one (I baj horse i star ii one named lieu; one inari) I years old one I lumber wacon Notice is hen by civi-n a the unilcrsiuni 1 as- sheritT as aforesaid, will sell the above des cribed property Io the highest bidder for cash, at public a i at the corner of and Wisconsin streets, in city Huron, ii Iho county of Headle and state of South Dnkn In, on Tliursilay, the "titli day of Dccembi r.lV.Ci at 'J o'clock p. m. of a day. to s.itify i i execiitiini, together i the interest and costs hereoii.

Dated this day of Drcomlirr. i i i W. LtiNfiSTAKF, Sheritf of llraille County, South Dakot The Grand Opera House, Huron. FlllSD. M.

ILCOX, Manager. One Week Only. BEGINNING I i i i Grain. IJUI.UTH, Doc. 11, IS'Jl.

WHEAT--Cash Xo. 1 hard, 55c; Xo. Northern, Northern, No. a spring, rejected. I St.

I'iuil Union Stock*. SOUTH ST. PAUL, Dec. 11, isas. HOGS--Market about steady; quality good.

Hangu of prices, 'M i CATTLK--Marketsteiulv. Fair demand wife commenced to improve, and long before she had taken the lust battle she i SHEEP--Good sheep and lambs was able to do her own work (she had not been able to do it before for eeven years), and she had taken the last of the medicine she was soundly Yours truly, i Ifev. T. ILSTIMPSON. steadjr ana ncuvc.

Receipts: HORS, cuttle, SOU; calves 'A); shuup, Reduced Prices on Flour. May Flower OOc per sack Dakota Patent 80c Family Flour Goj Honey Moon 50c For Bale by the grocery trade. MBnnfactnred by the Huron Gitv Mill. I i i Huiiy IH tiuttlne Tee Hi. Be sure and use that old and well-tried remedy, Mrs.

IVinslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. It sooths the child' softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic nnd is the best remedy for dlarrham. Twenty-flve cents a bottle. New lork Tribune one year Chlcncn Union Stock CHICAGO, Dec. 11, HOGS-- Market slow; lully 5c lower.

CATTLE-- Market slow but prospects steady. Beeves, cows and heifers Texas stock- ersand feeders, Christmas cat- tle, SHEEP-- jlarket slow and weak. Receipts: Hogs, cattle, sheep, 14.00 Chicago Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO, Dec. 11, 1893.

CLOSING 1T.ICE3. Jnnu- 61 N-- December, OATS-- December. ly 10 PORK cember, January, February, $7.0 'Jj; The talanted actress and Her superb company, Admission--15c, 25c, and 35c. lleservod seats nOc Reserved seats at Hisdon's How Fortune SlOO for Every Invested Can be )ur ne SYSTEMATIC PLAN OF SPECULATION. $10.00 and more made dally on small In- vestments, by many persons who live way from Chicago.

All we ask is to Investigate our new and oricimil methods. Past workings of plan and highest references furnlsi.o.i Our Booklet, "Points and Hints'" "oi make money even when on tho 11 and ther GIT.MOKB it Hankers and Open Hoard of Trade Bldi, III A 1 AKHIVE AT HUKOB From Rant. No and BxpreeB, oicopt 11 p. m. No.

Sllied, daily ercept Sunday, 11 DJ. No.iiT, Freight and accommodation, daily Sunday, p. m. From So. 4, Mall and Bxprese, dally, axcupt Sundov 6:15 i.

m. No U'J. FrelBht, Tuesday, Thursday and Satur (lav, p. m. From South.

Ho. 5, Mail Express, daily eicept p. m. No i5 rrelj(ht dally nxcnp' Sunday, 6:40 p. From North.

No. 6, Mall and Bxpreeu, dally except bundsy m. No. iti, FrelBht, dally a. THAIJJ8 DEPART FROM HDBON.

dally, except Sanaa 7:05 a. m. No. MliHd, dally except tianday, i p. ru Freight dally escept Sunday, a.

Ooiiiir Mail and Brprem dally except Sonda 1- 15 p. m. 81, Freight, Monday, Wedneeday and Fri- day, 12:10 p. m.

Going North No. a. JUii and Expresi, dally except Hanosj p. m. No.

15, FrolRht, dally except Sunday, 12:45 p. iu Oolmir South. 24SU Bna Br re ly except bnndM So. 24, Freight B. No.

4. connects at Valley for Wa- Mo. 5, cocnecte at Kedfield tor Gettyebnrc L. H. JONES, AKI.

THE NEW WAY TO Washington, Oregon and California Points IS VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN Harper'd Bazar IN Elegant and exclusive designs uf door and In-door Toilettes, drawn fj-i Worth, modhls by and are an important feature. These every eek, accompanied by scriptions anil details. Our Paris Katharine Do Forest, is a weekly script of the latest styles nnd a i i i the mode. Under the head of New Y. Fashions, plain directions and ticulars are given as to skapcs, fal'i-i.

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Harper's "Weekly IN 1S95. Harper's Weekly is a pictorial histerj of the times. It presents every impor- tant event promptly, accurately and haustively in illustrations and descriptive text of the highest order. The manner in which, during IStM, has treated the Chicago Railway Strikes and the China-Japanese war, and the amount of light it was able to throw on Korea the instant attention was directed to that little-known country, are exam- ples of its almost boundless Ralph, tho distinguished writer and correspondent, hiis been sent i seat of war, and there joined by C. I) "VVeldon, the well-know American now for main- years resident in who has been engaged to co-operate with Mr.

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FICTION. There will be two powerful serials, both handsomely illustrated-- The Red Cockade, a stiriiig romance nf olden days by .1. Wevimm, and a novel of New York, "entitled "The His Father, by Brander ev- eral novelettes, and manv short stories by popular writers. for Illustrated Prospectus. The volumes of the WKEKI.V begin with the first number for January of each year.

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Canada and Mexico. Address: HARPER BROTHERS. i. Are Here to Stay. The firm of Lewis Hill (pho- tographers) are still in Hnroti and intend to stuy as long as they are liberally patronized.

Tbpir lighting und posing are artistic and the n'nish of thoir pi is simply elegant No wande- they are getting the trade, as they stand by their guarantee to please all. also made Flash Light Photographs at night where sit tinge are ordered with fine results. Mrs. Lewis is also doing a number of Portraits which give perfect satis- "action. Yours Respecting, LEWIS.

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