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The Daily Plainsman from Huron, South Dakota • Page 8

Huron, South Dakota
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I MAIL I Ml DOUCQ Mall West North South 6:00 a.m. 12:50 p.m. 12:20 12:50 1:05 12:50 p.m. 1:05 12:50 12:30 8:00 p.m. 1:35 1:50 1 :35 1 :15 DRUGGISTS.

333 DAKOTA AVESIUE, Two doors north of Post-Office. S. X. Texas Siftings: Silence is golden; when the gold is coined, however money talks. Pond's Extract Co.

"I wish I knew to say about your most wonder- ful medicine. It has cured me of the Piles, that most loathsome dis- ease of the human race. I suffered for years, and would be laid up for weeks, and would have hemorrhages as often as three times a day. I have suffered so intensely that I wanted to commit suicide, but thanks to your medicine I am cured sound and well. I only used two 50 cent bottles of your Extract and one bottle of Ointment.

I wish I was only able to express myself as as forcibly as your medicine deserves." MRS EMMA HILL, 169 New York Indian- apolis, pin factories of the Uni ed manufacture about 18.000,000,000 of these diminutive but very useful ar tides every yers. Is Consumption Incurable? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris.

Newark, says: "Was down with Abcess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Be- gan taking Dr. King's New Discov- ery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the tinest medicine ever made, Jesse Middlewar, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I have died of Lung Troubles.

Was given up by doctors. Am DOW in best of health. Try it. Sample bot- tlee frae, at J. C.

Donaldsons Go's Drng Store. 5 Field daisies are found in bloom in Jefiersonville, Ind. An Absolute Cure; The original Abietine Ointment is only pun up in large two-ounce tin boxes, aud is an absolute cure for old sores, burns, wounds, chapped hands, and all skin eruptions. Will posi- tively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the original Abietine Ointment.

Sold by J. C. Donaldson at 25 cents per bos--by mail SO cents. T.he decrease in the public debt during December was A Boon to Wives. Having used ''Mother's Friend" I would not be without it.

It is a boon to wives who know they must pass through the trying ordeal of child- C. Melbourne, Iowa. Write the Bradfield Regulator Atlanta, for further particulars. Sold by C. C.

Dnrand, Huron, South Dakota. 5 The free delivery system was suc- cessfully inaugurated at Creston, la. Confirmed. The favorable impression produced on the first appearance of the agree- able liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs a few years ago has been more than confirmed by the pleasant ex- perience of all who have used it, and the success of the proprietors and manufacturers the California Fig Syrup Company. Emperor William has ordered court mourning for three weeks for the em- press of Brazil.

HUROS ITEMS. Dr. Collins of Cavour was among Thursday calllers. A line from T. M.

Jeflris notes the safe arrival of himself and wife in Salt Lake City, Utah. From the yard stick to the prize ring may be a promotion, but not a very respectable one, to say the least. Business mens association will meet Friday evening at 7:30 in rooms over Jefl'ris' store. Business of im- portance will come up for considera- tion. J.

E. Baker writes from Aurora, 111., where he was called by the se- rious illness of his father, that he will not be able to return for some days, as his father continues in a very crit- ical condition. His recovery is quite improbable. John A. Kemp, wife and baby, here visiting relatives and friends during the holidays, returned to their home in Tacoma.

Washington, Thurs- day. Glad to know that Mr. Kemp is prospering in his business under- takings in that cily. The first meeting for the year, of Huron Home Lodge No. 17, A.

O. U. W. will be held in Odd Fellows' hall this evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Offi- cers will be installed, and mucn im portant business disposed of.

It is necessary a every member be present. A French scientist astonishes peo- ple by saying that hell contains 175 souls, but don't claim to have made the discovery by personal investigation. Neither does he state what proportion of the population are there for failure to clear the snow and slush from their sidewalks. On Wednesday, Jan. 8, Zimri and Betsey Pond of this city, parents of Mrs.

Asher F. Pay, celebrated their 61st wedding aniversary. They are believed to be the oldest married couple in North or South Dakota, Minnesota or Iowa. Mr. Pond is in his 83d year, and his wife but a few months younger.

Both are as chirp and lively as most people at fifty. John H. Miller, has made final proof on his tree claim four and a half miles northwest of this city. It is one of the finest groves in the county and proves that trees will grow in this country when given even ordinary care and attention. The varieties are willow, ash, cotton- wood and box elder, eleven acres in all, averaging 732 trees to an acre.

Some of the trees are thirty feet high and measure from two feet to three feet six inches in circumference all good, healthy trees; Sioux Falls Argns-Leader: It is highly probable that Teddy Green, the festive young Englishmen who recently skipped this city by the light of the moon, leaving creditors to the extent of a few hundred doll- ars, may be brought back. It is claimed that all the while Teddy was running the Globe restaurant he was selling cigars without a government license. If Uncle Sam should get after his royal highness he will wish that he had never seen this "blarsted Hamerica." "Wants. OR SALE--Isice, thrifty house planta for sale Enquire at il-l!) Fifth street 7d2t ANTED--A competent girl for general house-work. Good watjes paid.

Lawn Ridge and 6th street. MRS. F. F. SMITH.

36t TRAYED--From my place in Sterling's addi- tion, Sunday night, Jan. 5, one bav mare colt coming two years old, with rope on "neck- one Hack mare colt coming one year old. Any person them or trace of them will pleaae notify me, or return them to me and receive reward. D. JKNISOX.

ICHES If you desire them, no use foolin" away time on things that don't pay; but send tl.00 at once for mairnilicent outfit of" our Great Stanley book Jf book and terms are not we will refund yonr money risk. No capital needed. Both ladies and tlerntnemployed. Don't lose time in wnlin" "Step in while the waters are troubled flays are worth dollars. Address, B.

F. A Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Con- gregational society of this city, held in that church Wednesday evening, was an event that will long be re- membered by each one present. A supper after the order of thobe al- ways furnished by this society was spread at 5:30, and each member of the church, congregation and Sun- day school present, with many friends partook of it. Supper over, the tables were removed and the roll call of the church began, each member responding to his or her name with a verse of scripture.

Numerous letters were read from those unable to be present. Following this officers for the ensuing Tear were elected, viz: B. E. Beach, clerk; F. M.

Wilcox treasurer; J. Kimball, Aeher F. Pay and Frank Kirby deacons; Mrs. F. M.

Wilcox, Mrs. Ann Kiinball and Mrs. Hattie Rowley deaconesses; T. M. Jefiris superintendent of Sunday school; J.

C. Donaldson and S. D. Cooley trustees. The reports of the various branches of church work were given and were very interesting and satisfactory.

Two gunners near Williamsport found a snow white squirrel. Miss Kellogg Coming. The announcement of the ap- proaching appearance here of Mies Clara Louise Kellogg, the great operatic prim a donna, has created quite a ripple of excitement in our fashionable circles. Clara Louise Kellogg is not only celebrated on ac count of her great artistic achieve- ments, but she is known to be a great favorite in the beat society of New York, London, Paris and other European capitals. Manager Helm is circulating a sub- scription list for this entertainment, and is meeting with great favor.

A large number of tickets must be sold to insure Miss Kellogg'a appearance, and if those willing to aid the enter- prise will signify the number of tickets desired, Mr. Helm will appre- ciate the favor. A list may be seen at Mr. Rowley's store in the opera house, and it is hoped a mfficient number of tickets will be subscribed for to enable Mr. Helm to complete arrangements and secure M.iss Kel- logg for this city early in Murch.

Remedy for La Grippe. For the benefit of those who have, or may have La Grippe, H. H. H. Larkin's Hussion Baths are strongly recommended, by those who have tested them, as a complete relief, also a preventative.

Third street, next door to I. O.F. block. Huron, S. D.

7d6 Rev. F. A. Burdick. secretary elect of the senate, was here on Thursday on his way south.

Mr. Burdick ten- dered his resignation as secretary "Wednesday evening. She Suffered for Fifteen Years. My wife has suffered for fifteen years from congestion and painful menstruation. After using three bottles of Bradneld's Female Regu- lator she is now able to do her house work and go where she pleases.

J. W. Davis, Moravian Fails, N. C. Write Bradtield Reg.

Atlanta, for further particulars. Sold by C. C. Durancl, Huron, Dak. 5 It pays not to be hasty; that is, it pays the other man who takes advan- tage of yonr slowness and gets in ahead.

Cutters For Sale. cutters for sale or will be let with or without horses. Enquire at my stables. 5t6 JOHN E. WAED.

TO "VOLT I To any Person purch.fisincr two 2.1c. Bottles or one 50c. Bottle of a Tooth Powder, and sending us the tick- ets which are wrapped around the necks Of the bottles, and cents in 2-cent stamps (for postage, etc.) we will send at once by mail a handsome Engraving, size 20 24 inches, either of the follow- ing subjects: Evanydine, Jiayard, Mon- arch of the Glen, or The First Step. These are not cheap Lithographs, but works of art, exact fac-similes of the originals, which cost $24.00 wholesale. "Ideal" Tooth Powder is too well known to dwell on its merits.

We will simply say, if used once, you will use no other. It is perfectly pure, free from grit and acids. Its daily use will give white, sound teeth, healthy gums, and keep the breath sweet. All we ask 01 it is 'A trial. Ask your dealer for it.

Entitled to tlie Best. All are entitled to the beet that their money will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottleof the best, family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in 50c and $1.00 bottles by nil leading druggists. Pocket Match Safe Free to Smokers of Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colda, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com- mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known.

Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand "mil pro- cure it promptly for any one -who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 3AN FRANCISCO.

CAL. tautsviLLE, xr. NEW YORK. A VETERAN. 1 was wounded in the leg at the battle of Stone River, Dec.

31st, 1802. My blood was poisoned from the effects of the wounrl, ami the ILL swelled to double its natural size, and remained so for many years. The poison exteiided to mv whole system, and I sullered a thousand deaths. NotSing did me any good until 1 Specific, which took the poison out of my system, and enabled me to feel myself a man Vain. S.

S. S. is (he remedy for blood poison." JOHN CONWAY. London, u. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed SWIFT SPECIFIC Atlanta, tfa.

1 HUM DM! HANDKERCHIEFS AND Catarrh Can't be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATION, as tbey cannot reach the seat of the dis- ease. Catarrh is a blood or consti- tutional disease, and in order to cure it you have to take internal remedies. Hall Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly, on the blood and mucus surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is no quack It was prescribed by one of the best physi- cians in this country for yeare, and is a regular prescription. It is corn- posed of the beet tonics known, com- I bined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucas surface.

Tue perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonde.xf.ul results in curing catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY Toledo, O.

Sold by Drnggists, price 75c. A A MINUTE, PLEASE. Though you were a Jay Gould or a Vanderbiltj it is worth thirty seconds of your time to learn that I a Tooth Powder i preserve your teeth from and "by so doing save dentists' ot agony from your old enemy, the toothache. Dr. K.

E. Gieb- ncr, says: 1 first began i "Ideal" Tooth Powder could not use a brush on. my teeth on account of i i the gums. Can now use as stiff a brush as obtainable with impun- ity. It lias also hardened the enamel of my teeth.

Sioux FALLS it- i i i for a to Russia has ordered re- peating rifles in France. MUFFLERS Is now attracting great attention. Make Your Selections Early Before the Choicest Things Are Gone. GREAT SACRIFICES -MADE ON ALL- When Baby waj sick, we her Castoria, When a Child, cried for Castoria, When became Miss, she clung to Castoria, When had Children, the gare them The Zetetic Philosophy. The Zetetic philosophy, which proves absolutely and without a shad- ow of doubt that the earth is a plane and not a planet, has iu it no theories, but establishes its conclusions upon facts alone.

Many of these facts are of such a nature that not to know all about them will soon, be deemed a sin of ignorance. The people should know that the surface of standing water is level, whether in the form of a pond, a lake, a canal, a sea or an oceau, and that it makes no difference at all how many people, in consequence of false it to be curved; that in no surveyors operations in the con- structions of railroads, tunnels or ca- nals is any "allowance made for the curvature'' of the earth's surface, al- though the books tell us that it is nec- essary: that the view front a balloon in the air is that of a flat earth, and not a globe; that the river Paraguay in 300 miles does not fall a foot; that for the last 500miles the Amazon falls but ten feet six inches, aud that the Nile, iu 1.000 miles, falls but a foot. Sailors can see the light at Cape Hatteras forty miles out at sea, where- as ou the globe theory it ought to be more than 900 feet below tlie level line of sight; strain your eyes as you please, you can never see a ship com- ing "up," for, at the furthest distance that you can by any means see, a ship is on a level with the eye; the horizon always rises on ami on just as you rise on; if the mariner were to take a with him with which to navigate the ocean lie would wreck his ship; meridians are straight lines diverging from the central north to- ward the south in all directions hori- of latitude" only are circles--and on a globe, the point- ing of a compass north and south is clearly impossible; sailing westerly is sailing round horizontally with the north star on your right hand, and sailing easterly is sailing iu the same horizontal mode, with the north star on your left and all the money in the United States treasury would not buy a proof of so much as the bare possibility of sailing down a globe, under a globe, and up the other Folly, Philadelphia. Woolen Goods M. BOOTH 950 THIPTO STREET, A Story of Mrs.

Chanler. Miss Amelie Rives had a host of ad- mirers when she lived in maiden medi- tation at the home of her ancestors, Castle Hill, Va. She was a petted and spoiled beauty and treated her lovers with indifference and sometimes, it is said, with absolute rudeness. Once, according to one story, when a dozen gentlemen called upon her in the morning, she entered the parlor in a bewitching riding habit, excused her- self, mounted her horse, rode an hour or two, and finding the gentlemen waiting for her on returning, she went to her studio back of the parlor and amused herself by drawing caricatures of her admirers, representing; them sitting in various attitudes of idiotic York Telegram. Having purchased the news and.

period- ical business of B. M. take pleasure in notifying his customers they will find a full line of all the leading dailies and period- icals. Our aim will be to have in stock at all times a good supply of the leading publi- cations, Subscriptions taken for any domes- tic or foreign publication at publisher's price. Leave your orders which will receive our best attention.

Our line of plain and fancy stationery is complete and low in price. Respectfully, J. I Does a general Dray business. jSPBaggage Wagons to every train. Household goods moved by the job or load Coal orders filled promptly.

Leave orders at George Kelchner's Furniture Store. Notaries. Attention! I will furnish notary seals. Size No. 1 for $1.50, size No.

2 for $1.75. Give me a call. B. M. ROWLEY.

68t For Rent. Furnished house, corner 6th and Nebraska streets. Apply at once to 98 F. R. PECHIN.

NEW YORK, Nov. 18th, 1889. DR. H.H. H.

LABKIN, HUBON, SOUTH DAKOTA. Dear letter is re- ceived I quite agree with you about John Chaplain's son and shall do my beat to Keep him away from books, as I have been trying to do for the past three years. I am glad you have been able to dp so much for him. He is loud in his praises of your treatment. Yours very truly, 75d6mo C.

C. McCABE. Bids Wanted. HURON, S. Jan.

4, 1800. Bids will be received by the Board of Ununty CommiBBioners up to noon of January iy, for medical attendance upon persons requiring char- ity from the county of Beadle for the year ending First Monday in January, 1891. All hide to ia- clnde the medicines. The right is reserved to reject any and all hids J. L.

SPAUIDINU, 3tlO Chairman Board County Commissioners. -I OFFER- 1OOO ACRES! -OF- GEORGIA TIMBER LANDS Clear for Dakota Lands! A LSO will exchange good and Jiiaae- clear for merchandise. Might put in some caeh, CALL ON ME. IKE MORRILL, Prop. Wright House, Hnron, Here's Your Chance.

I will sell all goods in my stock of books, stationery and fancy articles at cost for the next 30 days. Here's your chance to secure bargains, ae the goods must be sold. 65tf B. M. ROWLEY, Opera House..

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