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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 6

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JOLLIED His Imperial Friend Emperor Willian Lands Francis Josepn And Throwi a Few Bouquets at the Hungarians, Fer Which He Reeefres Eitha lUstle Cheers. EugUid EiUbUihei Protoetorato Ow the Kingdom or tut Bwiai Troops For ladta. BcKn, iptmhr SI. At riv era is anqiM In honor ot Kmparmr William -of Francia af peon, tn proposing III Majesty's health, ro- ferred to htra as "my faithful friend, ally ami unwnnnl fHlow litwrw la tit great or of pmw, to 'eh may we ever devote tuf best powers." Kmperor William In reply remarked: It waa with feelings of th ro-wt profound gratitude thtt llalened to Tour JtlaJeetyV moat cordial gTtlng. Thank i.f you Majesty's Invitation, I have been enabled thto bsnutlful cUy, lna rptrndi.i frms MTKKAI.LT OVM NUU3 me.

Ac tj.em.ans follow with a ayntpatJmfc at, tha history of lb Ifungsrtaa people, who luvt for the)r 'country Ha btrfome proverb, 'and who. In their elrugglr, hav no hesitated to sacrlflc their blood and goodi In dnfense of th crossNarnes Uk y.rrnyl anj to tht day roako tho heart of tfT UM'icin In. I beat faster with pyrranathette admiration. have followed tho ca-lebratlon of tho thotfaanrfth birthday rf the l.nal Hungarians, arrayed In daa- Sllng about I heir beloved atlog. hut.

wlix mad tit lHa Impres sion Ji-on me, and djrlng my stay la Hun gary I Lb KVTIIt A1.ISTIC t.BV0TI0W or the lluugaiiana tu Your Majesty's au-a-fist person. Not alone here, nowever, but in Korope, and, above all, with my own the aama fervmt enthusiasm for Vour Majesty a fet-llng la which I glen, who look up aa nm to Your Uv aa being my paternal friend, venture to claim share. "Thanhs to th wtadont of Your Majesty, our ajllrncr, concluded in tho past by our as. mantis firm and indlsaoluabt. It has acurrl pa'f to F.nrop for a lona; tlmo, and will An mm Mill lohjjer." Th ipowh of Kmprror William eauaad trmonsloua anthualaam, aapoctaliy whoa ho alludmll to, Count ZrlnylS defrnao of tho FartraaV of Oalrflh.

tn lnwrt. whon ho Mow tip tho ritadala rather than capitulate to Turk. After tho banquet Emperor William and Kraperor Vrancla Joecpa attended a faJa lrrformanro at tho opera, foilowlna; which hey IneiMcted tho street llluni (nation a. They then drove to the railway elation, whrro the German Emperor bade farewell to his Imperial host and took his departure after mutual klaslnc and a at Id loud rheerlna. UBDER3TANDI5Q Paid To Exla Betweea Kane I anco Uerananjr and Aaatrla.

Landok. September SI. The Rome eer-respondent of tho Dally Nawe says; -It la learned from a hlh source that Oermany's want of alarm over the Praaoo-Kusatan alliance la thought to be duo to aa existlnc underataodlnc betweea Ruaala, Oermany, i-'rauca and Auatrla about Levant, phlctk has been mado with a view to future events leadlar up to chanter In the Levant, anil wnluhdeale with their several portion In th eventual tHvlelon. "Uerroany find her satlafaotioa la ear ly from attack. 8h will thus bo at leisure to develop her Intern! resource poetpon Ins any dlaputa with arrace.

Kfforte are making- to Induce Italy to Join, tho whltmt to aeaerted. does not look with dla-I4eaure upon tho prolongation of th preo-ent situation that leaves an openlns; for etartllni complications If rotutldered ad-vantarous to th four power. ,80 th set-llomejit of the Cretan question "will not ma quick and almple aa predicted. It le aeaerted that Russia, will propose that th Uovrnr of Crt be a Turk. UBLIOLY FraacU Joaeph ItjlUy Reprltuaatla IVaaonUa Colonel.

nt or4T. September tl. Anions tho rhteata tn eoanectloa with tho arrival her jreaterday of Kmperor William of Oermany are the following'. tin hut way to the railway station to meet the Gertnaa Kmperor. Kmperor Francis Joseph pa awed a Boenonfan division commanded by a Ueneral.

Th Kmperor anroe In his err tan and rrted la a loud vole: "Is that how you drill your men. Oeneral? Look at them! They are a dlaraoet To1 ar Roenontaa Colonel the Kmperor aatd: "Teach your aoldlera the rule. rolon. b-ror you let them, march out of th bar-' racks!" At three points alone; the rout Emperor Kranrls Joseph stopped his carriage and aa-grrly remarked upon th conduct of th public, who persisted la trespassing wjthlo Una mt troopaV When th proceaalon. headed by tho two Kmperor.

waa returning from th railroad station the horas of th ceneurcu tletteral became restive, and th Oeneral, sheathing Ma award, ordered th wonlana to open their line, and, before the Imperial party arrived. It rod out of sight, evidently tearing tar Kmperor would again censure him. EARTHQUAKE 15 ITALY. Hoataj. aptomber 11.

Two alight earthquake shocka wer felt her at i o'clock jhla afternoon. The ubterraaeous Ulsturb-anre was alao felt at RJmlnl. Frrmor. naU. UologikB, fflnigaxtt.

florepx-. Venice. Trestl and A neon a. At mosi plave the people wr panic strtckea. At A ana a few house felL SSHATOR TELLER AaaowavC Tfaaa Will flap port the ltcpaulicaaj Kaslon Ticket.

ttTVa. CotOw September 31. Senator TeOetr ha written a letter to Chairman Jam H. Hloed. of th Arapahoe County totnmltte of th Silver RapuMlcan party, la wblca he announce his Intention of supporting Judge Charles D.

Hayc aomlneo of ItM Rcpublloaa and Silver Republican par-tie for oat toe of th Supreme Court. The rWnator says ha rria tnat Hart creptrd the noiiilnstlou by the A.liulnlMrit-tlun party, but tn vtsw of Judas llayt's plain siaicment of Ma position, aa Well aa Vita recort oil th eUvcc question, be WU1 support him. LOND Oil 'BANKERS To H6IJ Concern lug Hilver Situation. araoiiv xsrTC vaa axoetaaa.

Virw Tott. rVptemher 21. A tnilon talJe the Kvenlng Post All the leaJln luinkr ot Lomloa will mwet prtvately tomorrow dlacoaa the re. cnt irttrrancea of the Oovernoc of toe liana of Kiieland aa to a.lver. A reaolutloa of ami irollly be acd.

Tn, feeing rros.H.tati.t I hav reason to ive i U-lng ma.lo ravor of r.n tl rMver. It rot i If Intrrna litl none. ri HOTEL GOSSIP. )eaara. Anarlft) of Ike Uidwelt-tA Ukenaoa i- Al K.

f- So. Alfred Lyth. lttor VWe rmoiandr la J. A. R.

C. H. HtOWiti. member of the RafUW raecotlvo Ollaa' Committee, and K- Turn-', UetMrral ecrrtry imm Ottseaa raal(l 'tlmia. the rooa-mlttee aeat I eecwe etfltaUe quarters for ih mdwn-Wllknao'J.

B. foet eoww rs4a an4 ladU lb" tmmV durlna; th earamfimewt of the tl. h-M 1 t-tncuMMtt iwit year, are at tie Ira ad. ehara ft Meaara. Thoaaaa leeneral Aet mi Ummm ttajore Raad.

akw a member Ilkl we-W Ufc poat an Clar-tH-o Htorkmaa. Ufl Aat ut the i rr KoaU at UuaTal. anl a royal baavj of brethrea they are. Ta-y had auaaber aattafattory Inter views reaierday reaar-j omit rue heaInua rers a at mm n. aJ Will vepeet the reeuH of their veetlalloit their paat far rafitK-atttm waot Ulr frl-nt uui- fala.

They liptvt I brlnaj a bvJIea with Ibrm to the They have ae lex-ted Ih Uraifl Hotel aa rerl head'tuarters. whl-" however "00- a a Tka tirAIVl wtx-ta-l adoiartr lir la-iianaw ort'nlumM fnat. of te-ae. l--fayrxe. mt Near laflt; onn't-' an 1 hwext'iuarteea I uriniu 1.

1-rwral Andrew Mkrli-iikxi--r, -plain 4- Slillot Blair 1 llhlee. rHneVh- HM mt 4 hm llraiMl resiertwiT mr mMV vslaaMe) p.iuttaa fraaa taen. rm- larly fn.m lr. I. II.

T'irnrf. lw FlulTala vmmtiive. um rmii-nl in year wv It xr- Kavrtlir.1 aaas aHl I her ar I tor Urge poaia Uui- ii' -rw. mui aion Colonel M. MulMne.

tho famou conlat of ralmotrth. I at tu worn. IV- mm well a frost in our se-ina reeter-Uy mornlna a fcand mtM'h of the lata aiHl MiataiwIinaT sjm ba-lly llteu. Tht ul pTor? thSn crop In thp, ear uihu in mwaa aMwwa Mr' R. o.

VcCurmlck. raaaenger Traffic Maaaarer of the rur, baa estanled an Invitation to Commanter nmiin -tcufTslu eommltte tu accompany him. Oen eral HU k'-nloopere' pain iitaaire an Captain Hlalr In ihe. private trolley car Uraes to Kt. Tnneaa.

and he start nil! be nul from the Orand Hotel ttiia at Mr. Hl.ln-y Oale. O-n-eral Agent of th Hlg at IxwUvHle. an J. Rea ves, uf thr in.

inpall will al of the party, and a muat delightful trip to guaranTd. The lofomiattoa twit tared areand among traveling roan that th yellow few a foothold In to emphatk4alfy denied, by Mr. Thorn A. MuUlgan. I a pop ular Ualt llewae tier, la a a-tter in UlhMon liue.

Mr. MnlllaaJi stale that be haa thorouahly veniltoleM in SMltev ana) ItiHla that ih alarmtug runvwe s- foww- davllvn In fail, Tho O. A. R. Kgecutlv Committee wOl meet neat Monday at th Oraad round out Its matnbrrsblp and jrlect officers.

Mr. Kdwln Stevens, who aerved a Secretary la the auccceasful effort to bring th encamp ment to Cincinnati, mill svobably hav his efficient work recognised by being mau permanent Oeneral aWretary. The Poplar Manufacturer and Waoleaal lfeVrs AsaocUtlon convened al th Hur- net yeetenlay upon the can or tne comma-toe composed of Meesrs. M. rarrtn.

Chairman W. A. Trtonnett. T. B.

Stone, of Cincinnati, and A. M. Spvttawood. of Le log- ton, Ky. Th meeting waa called for tn purpose of adopting a anlform system of grading poplar lumber and methods of man- far tire.

A preliminary organisation wa effected by Ilia adoption of a aiul th election of the following officers; C. Kjiher, Htl tlrove, Ohio, Irelloot; M. M. Karrln. Cincinnati, T.

H. ell tine, Cincinnati. Treasurer, and John K. of the CkIiiko Lumlwrman. temporary bacretsry.

Mreenlatlv Kp- Inr ofMrratora were present irom n.saiacs.v. West Vlrrlnla ami various Ohio Hlver The following committee waa appointed to formulate a net of Inspection rule ami reiioci is nm pwimi to heJt the llurnet October 12i M. U. Kar- rln. Chairman.

W. A. Hennett. Clnctanatl, Charles W. Hurt, Ford.

Ky. K. C- Cof lartl. AHiana. W.

VH n. nt. Iranian, tihlo. Th Commit te on Pyemia- neiH Orgaulsatlsa ar K. C.

Collard. Chairman. W. A. Bennett.

T. R. Utone. J. P.

ear man. or irosnoo, rwen-r, ie lain A. W. Watrouv. Charleston.

West Ve Kn-hard McKeeO, Wtlllnniaburg. Ky. Mr. William, of tho Tlmberman. aaki la tub Ilxui mil man that th general state of the I urn tier trale la esorlleut, but that the r'ellow fever ecar In Louisiana and al Jot ring atajes haa afTselsd th trsxl seriously.

Mr. W. H. lifts tn. of the CtUuaso Nor lb- west Lumberman, attended ta mseting.

Mr. and Mra Walter A. Mag well, of the Palac Motel, have returned from their outing to Oreenwood Springs. Indiana; much reluvanatsd. Jlr.

Maawelt aaya Mis. hlmssir dally with Water drawn rrora a depth of I. lull feet, and now Ala stomach trouble are a back number. Colonel WIH lam Kirk by, lata Railroad Commissioner of Colonel Albert E. Hoone.

of ZanesvUle; OsrstrsJ J. J. Wil lie ma ami Mr. J. C.

Boun. of Knoxvtlle. prpomoter of ther propoasd great 'Black Plamond" Railroad system, were at th Oram! yesterday, en route for Paolf, to attend the meettna; callled to or- anla the Itcard of llrartora for th In dian eml of the Itn. Prominent men from New Albany and Vrnceftnes will attend the mewtlna. Colonel Klrkby I President of all th forporattono of toe company north of th Sims of Tennessee.

Hon, Martin Hos Is PresMcnt or ail the rrporatlona south of Kentucky. our road la tv be a reality la th near future." sakl Colonel Klrkby to Thi Km- ul'litt man. "and aie-t lo eommence iraslln tartrt iy tn nrat or neat Mr. I Hw, corn of our eitrveyors haa goite through llravn and Ad-ima Countlva, Ohio, ajul la now working lie way Coium-liua. stopel our corpa aurveylng from Lover at tVnterville, Mourbon County, Kr aa we etpeot ultimately to ten- that fine throuiiti imlnat.n on to shviie.

Tenn. We matte a complete shift or change In yhe route mt our main nn eaai ine an.i N. system lnstes.1 of west, as at -trrst-Vot-temiildted. entering Keutu ky m4 the Jrlli- co Narrows ami coming on thnuh Bar-bowrsvlllw, Manchester. MKee, Iniw.

Mt. Hterllna. III Is lis. uwsulon -anti striking th Ohio River al Carrolltso, lasaioa to la-tllangpolis. Uwemon Is ta voutty seat of Owen County, which hasn't a fuot of rail road, and yet a county rtcn in looaeco srxl oilier prmlucle, i.VmuiiiK by Barbouravlile.

we pvnetrate rich coal region. There Is already worlli of wrk flntshsd on our main line tnroiicu tn ntauntains or North Carolina, and Oeorgla: l.ii.iM haa been subscribed by the city of kiwi' ville. by, theclty of Augusta. aak.aai from uihar points, WsiUes our res right of way. Haw a priaantattv In lindon now who assures us of abumtaiir of VMpltal lo back us te a siicceaaful Itliiatt.

The road from th Ohio Hlver lo th sew will cost and wilt ba.tbe best paying croerty mu thte ountlnent. I can sav to Tk iLWttf tana that It la mv honest belief that the. eutervris la a aro. Our Ohio lin to fulumliiM passe through West Uuiun, Adams Ccunty. the oaiy county seat In Ohio thai la now ntthout a railroad." Mr.

Haiie, who waa oim of tta party at th Oram! tteorvtary of tne Koavi liaianl of LKrvmivrm. wimsma. or thai usrlv. waa Attornev tirnerai uf 1 eenassaa and I'nltstl btatea Ilatrht Attorney during bwth Crrveiaua Aumtmairaiiona. Messrs J.

K. Blackburn. Btate Dairy and Ir'oud (umnilai)lunr. au r'rrd W. IterbaL State Lrrug Inapeetor.

of Cotumbu. are at theUrantL- "Our mission hare at this time." aakl the stale officials, "is to vt the Jobbers an.1 druggists. In purauanc of a circular we asnt ttiem. placing vnder th baa of th law number of poisonous patent medicines loaded, with cocaine principally, ami morphine, opium, chloral and other prnl.loua tlrua-a, lahli-fl are usstroylng inousamis of psotie under tne guise or -aooii rjmeoiai metlictue. will gt tnem pcrnai in three weeks to case this trarflc.

so that they caamt say took snap Jih1. ment on thvm. snl. if not toiil by that tim. sr will imbljsh the entire list of Inter dicted drugs, or rrnietllra.

and then prooeett to pnsacutt. i noisn.i of moment are awirtinr the teve1ttiiient of tttr hahea ami briniilrg thrn up in Imbecility throurh the use ui sootti'i' sirups urvil oS-er nostrums sattirail nith eoirin- We ar very tnuca in earne.ii in mis mnr, nd at her tn give rair waroanc. i I'lM'SIn nau I nil irowa to sn sismiins tlesre anions out tropin s.n1 It must atilett if IKisNlliie. Un rase that earns un der our oliscrra iiou was iiiji ci mil ho a short in tf w.a -hii-r ami run. Il.lential man of a liiuni ul concern.

ho is now aa rvauii oi the us of this Urug porier Lfi a attux." nHD sicmrs. srariatu wisearca ro rs a avariaca. OHinitrroy, W. Si trober 21. In th XlrlVinaM lmi achnient trial thia (ir- noon, fixmrllmnn na Hall ie- fahXI.

A. M. bova aura I tH-tl r(lMr-na MtilTato Hn. nletl outrlaM svl.ien--' l- ll a 11 an.l on 1 i I i i l. jill I itut enipl.Aiu'iAlty the t' UUliC 1 EVENTFUL Life of Robert Harlan, The Sttei Colored Leader, IV i tieiiB aid Tirass, Bronght To a Close By Death ley Toach.

RraarkaVIo Carter of a Poor fl red Boj Who Rose To Fe aid Fori a. Tk. e. ear ill nmt mt CuUMIsi 'Robert uteJ foewd leatater. POlltJclkB i.rfua waa cksrl at aa early aowr yesterday morning when, after a lingering Uliewrx pajascl I th great ucyowa.

Few san his rac were ocrrer invwn tfrtn. Vur ver an year a res! Jen I mt this city, with th egcejuKMi of about 12 years spent In 'bnglana. a lng gt-jcg mad for himself a reputation and acquaintance thai alll ourvlv him turf e'vewt roBtscaJ gs: be ring at his party ever took place but that th stalwart figure ml -tnx nana w. Miina In Ms throne? of cels- i.ia Miaa mtm aaivancssl aa. had ojuletly dropped at of public Kfe.

ami speat a la decttuiog uay at his aoas borne, at lota ilaymiiler street. her mm died. TK. a sail sras til veara 4d. and had

wKm alsv'S IH- hla Jemlse ts old a- mora than any on particular naa my. lAat night a tnreng or in at Ihe hus pay their respects hie an.1 ssanv wsr thr who In the past had realised rfc-h tsrnSta from th un-ceaslug effort ef Colonel Harlan la behalf of to people of hla owa race. In lb death of Colonel Ilarlaa It can te said that a riAiArrn to tmiuo -m mt wtint thrift and enterprise 'can arcotnpllsh when proper l'l 'l -w A Ci ly applied la ended. Bora Ih Mecklenburg County. Virginia.

trt Dcem-ber 13. HU, th daeaaaed spent th first '-tare years of bis lit la that grand old comino wsalth. whe be was taken to Ilarrodsbarg, Ky and lived la th family of Judg Jinn Hiriatu of that ptac. vrho la perhaps beat known aa IheM ratnr or Aseoctat Justice Jimei m. Ilarv Ian, of th I'nlted State Supreme Court.

Thus "BoV tHartna came by th sum he taunored tru-outghout hi kxig Ufa. Whan tola eoiorad hoy scams mid enough go schooM-Vg. Harlan mm htm th viyag BchobjTat Harrodsburg. along with hla own bey a. Although hla appear-anr would hardly reveal tie Tact of hla btmf a colored child, aom on Informed th school authorities of In fnct th eanaa day that th buy waa admitted lo th school ml waa sumnaarlly dirhargasV Out mi this carcumatane Colonel liarian often re mark.

1 that he had only "a half a day schooling." Tk boy's playmates were Kichanl Harlan and James Harlan, oitlsr brothes of the pnynt Juds-e Harlan. When th Harlan boy a caan heme from cbooi and at.arted to study' their less owe th little colored boy studied th aam lev-sons with them, and In this manner secuwd th groundwork of hla education. He grew up amid refined surrounding, and at the ag of 1I opened a store at Harredanurg. tie succeeded fairly well, and In tarn year haul managed to save enough money lo buy race horns. Beginning at 1 he raced this on bora, and a fort una am fled Upon, him accumulated a a Labi that waa a formiiiabi on.

Having ben nreaind horses nil hi lif ytmg Harlan waa very successful in flandllug raesra, and aa hi winning increased th colored turAle brantthed out and raced for the larger purses at th principal rac course In th ktMith and riouthweac Tata was 'tn th good old ante-bellum daye when racing waa strictly a gentlsmaa'a sport. A boug this tlm th Caiifocai gold fever spread aver th cauntry and Coiwmal Harlan UMcldcl to temporarily abaadwa ta turf. In IMS he trt orr ro cunm.xu With th gold-aeeker. hut never got further than Ban Francisco, hers opennd a trading stor with IJ.1UI eacalvsii rrm th sale of hi horse. In short whit he had accumulated a fortune of CVi.tkai.

and with that money returned to th "slate." He the speculated In Cincinnati re I estate for several years, and mad money emiugh to open an esrnnaite photograph gallery at 21 Went Fourth street. This gallery waa the largest of its kind In th West. Among th photograph! ak wrkd far Colonel HarUn in that gallery wer Wai-deck. Ian.iy. Via Lo sa armal thrs who na me ar equally well kiowa and Med no further Introduction.

Th profits of this business Were something enormous. In a short tlm CommmtI Marian hadiccvmn-latetl anug fort wne addlllow to what had brought ba'-b with him from th gold UehJe. awl In Inst decided k-avi th eoumry. aa he sal.1 did not car be longer linrrtmlnatet against by A inert-re a prejudice. Me sold wt hie Interest In the photograph gallery, and.

putting all hla money seeurtile. gslhered together a staut ef rac horas and rioved lo Knlanl. where be Intended Tl spend hs rest mt hla slay. tMih anr- ln sine ef IT.taai per annum oionel liirlan settled In Knslan.1. Hoi si able hclu.e.i such famoua horse mm iin lanatl.

tichlttre. fsschlle, liwhltin ami Ihre four others. Hi ta akrjrm wtf rrsasad th witer with him wees Chirlef Kyt and Johnnie Feed, th latter of wham sabasuuewtly becam nf tka foremost trainer rac horse In the rM Harlan's trailer al that lime nan John Manor, mhos ifterwird had enure rMrri of th lon atabie when wan In Its prime. i i tm this trip Knahrnt Colonel Harlan Yhe peut'l mt that country a type vf Ihe famou Kentucky trotting hors In Jack Itonsiter. an I f.Vii a wager thai he ceil I trot ls 1 aad nyln la ah hour each trial.

Colonel Ilarlaa settled In EnglaaJ, and uriO Is OBAjfD ITTLJt. He had a nn hasns, and hen a etu- F.ete retlnu of sersnts. To hi alresvtly ormMabi lis hi tVatonni Harlan addsd a number of Knallsh burses, avl raced throughout fn- lo years. When Prioress won the truwlts Stake for Mr. Kichard Ten Kroei who waa great friend of Colonel Harlan, th latter woa Over I on her victory.

He had bet upon the American Olfy tn th winter at ami I. and never lost faith la hb, belief 'that sh would laml the great stake tor ber gallant owner, was th Prat American that erer shlnped a stable ef borna to Kagland. Coionei ilarlaa wis the second. Wben th war broke out Colonel Ilarlaa was nlowlv init surely ruined, is I ha great bulk of bis fortune a aa invested In American securities thst the overthrow ot th Conemisracy rendered valueless. He kept no his home in Knataml.

hoi ever, until 12I, when he returned to this counirv. Using an intlmats friend of Oeneral the litter aw anisMntsd htm to a nsaon-Siiftie tevsrnment ptMitlon. imi iTeeulerit Arlr.ur gave Mm a Mmilar Ht' la tin t.ovrrntiH-ift service. Tlie pusiiMMia an.l wncn Hin-twa naa siscle.1 Colonel Hartal as iram Med. as he ws irn the a 1 1 ia of ctectl i inin.iv cf the TreMury ltartrmiit.

lieai juar- lera l- lhi.1 city, liuring praa -lent l.ririt a nitr. it i l. he ra rnnnlnl lliri the p.mtortic 1 N-inrttarent. In aeeese.i wis a i a warm personal friend I Tea i. lent inley.

iionel lliHin lenws only a son ami three a ran. i --ai IrSMft lo mourn bis loea. sa i rs ia len msrv years. a.m. f-Moeel Kotvert llr'vn.

Jr. is lite i I fcnjn ii na In fiier. At i i I ci' on a ttji.le hi 1 1 hv tein vt -t lie al l.ui'...rr ci lie tor rli ircn tral a iim'i FT i i i iila ri'v 1 1 im vn TOE CIKCIKAli; EDNKSDAY. 2- 1L.7, l.riitlair. na i ilia lata Lonn- i a m-r.

cf I PRELIMINARY TRIAL Of Shcrir Martlet aaMi Mto" Deaatlet sstartccl a Wllka-nknurrw. Pbj SsKcaber SL SaertT Marti and ht fepwt! were give a prelirabuiry hewcing Wfr the Coasrt tnte-uny. charged with tta kaimg mt 24 atrthlAg aaiaev nr ltiawag est Friday. Septembar Vt Tn aVrpwtle were being Bt fTvea ItAakrtasa aader sa.Uiary esoort. A Urge ciwwd sac, tfrecn at the eoc hat I hey aesxeeaed ataested te ewjrt- Jwdge Lymh aad Basravett pre1ea.

Javlge Lynch hnnnce that la Jwdge traall alt aa JuOra th Peavtw banr lesn massy ta the Jba Walsh, mt IlasWtaaa TewcaUp. was lb Arat wttwrs II said saw th at r-krr i nan- and weng waa he mist these and ae what would happen Sums th mat nrrtel rlutaa. Wiiaes pai them tSr-nr amy tteir Hun, aad Ussy Oft so. alsn said ho s-K car ast started f- usee heard mi lb Turntsw-h- say: "I don't know what th ShertlT ssnan by taking wa around Una this Hhestt rdcrlbg i sht." 11 said the tryitln) tx in rm.r samr Lattnsr. nm caan news saw Iev'y Hess.

gm and it- as stnuera and rry. Halt. Ther a aa a sucrvs. and nan ona ertad Tleiv wn on shsi. he another.

ami shn vauley. Th deJ-uO-s kept Mru.g aa tn man ran. Jonrph A. ttnn. truat mrer.

ine Trust aUfe iMpssut imi-ittirety Company of Philndeiphta. uoahrlad aa tasndsmsn live susn jrst.iae.. Not a stns-l Unesa haa testified to hearing ftn-eiff Marti Ih anW to tire- It is doUMrui ir lit ev- oVnc will 111 at rang enough hod th tie-its for Court. The hnartng wil. l-e rest o'clock.

to-mtsrs ii'Tning. ferviant uma-d CONTEST Among Geman Catholics Orrr Malstililor a l'alr tko WaiaiaaioB UfTOr-ix Ultjr Waat ItAWliibed. arnciaX ptaraics yaa ruacimaa. Cot-l-nscs. cmto, September SL Th guea-tion of tho meat vital Unportanc beoes th Central German Catholic Society tm that as to the malatenanc a chair In tk university at Washington for the propaga tion of th German, language.

The laity ar la favor of abolishing ibo chair, and are up held In th light by Mgr. BrhroeOer. The fact that such a eontsst waa and that It waa llkoiy to assume a assisasiv If nt even a "virulent aspect, waa wired yesterday to some ef lb nseet eminent nig- nitarie mt th rbarrh. While Mn session this aftaraeoa th I'M brrs of th convention wer auprtoed by awtintf tk presence Blaasp ilorattunn. of CI aland: Rademacher.

of Ft Wayne; sss mar. nf Orsa Bay. and Mgr. Mnhllaiepen. of St.

Loula. all ready to take a hand la th tight for th endow ment of th chair, even If Mgr. Schrweder oru mm rgroaa. Th tellers- wer sesortod the platform. and.

a If by a srearrsnaad plan. President Weber aros and atrmrnnced that-Bishop Watteraoa waitld Id dree th eonventipn. Tn Oolumbu pre lata doe not reprnt any faction or any rao. aad when- called upon to odd rase the body pimply -plated that had already expressed ala aati- meota and opinion, and would rtlr la favot of Bishop JIanrtman, of Cleveland. The Cleveland prelat evidently waa fully war of tb big flght that vraa abend od him.

aad started bto speech by Uogla-Ing Mgr. Schroeder, whom be termed bis best and truest friend. II said that be had already eubacrtbad II. WO toward tb establishment mt th Osi man Catholic Chan at Washington aad wa wilUng to subacrib ll.tsw mor. If th 0i man Cath olic) would establish this cnatr tt wowm be a jtAgg or autsyscT 1 Shown towsMrd th- Oenun Ca thoMce of tin world and alao toward tho Holy Father Lo XI IL aonie slight applpus bmc remavrk.

but ta majority of th delegates nreea el lent Th lajrnva. or at leant grant number's imm. reruaw I taa nay aarnoa in in mailer. they rclv a positive awurano that Mgr. hVhrwader wiir ream In aa.

Professor of Tkwloa-y la tb UNION VETERANS Gather at Colvahus la Ea campaoat -Maaj Promlaoat Mob Amosa; Thooo Proooat srncrax ntseavcw ni anrtaa Cocratarsv Osm Sept sen ber tl. Th National Enrunpnacat of th Union Vetera Legion to now ander full If early every state in rh Vnioti to regrissntsd. Among th disUnguishad arrtvato ar Cor pora! Jam Tanner. He wlU of tk speaker at th trap fire and ban-go rsaat Thursday aftsrnoon. aad will atoa add re a surviving iuubra of tb Army of tk Cnn-beriand.

Other who ar on rn ground ar National Cnmaadr John P. Ponsko. and Adjutant 0weral Reflly. ath ofWn-mington. Utawar; Quarternmaatsr Generai Tnomas Hubbard, ef Baltnwor.

MX; SsaJor Vic Ctrmtnajidsr Wooter. mt PhlladerpiOa; lsapsoto Oanara! Lnsniel CaJdwwII. of Philadelphia; so seal J. M. Pave, mt tmilnnap-oris: Oetvnral M.

J. Foot and Jd BlaAely. of plttaburg. and Coionei T. J.

haaanea, of Washington. Th day was largely spent la aocial r-nntnn ih mcnibers of th great rgaav. m. sawn nvsnt will f.mnally pe with a ww-eeting at I dock at In Board of Tr.WAuJ-tnrtum. hm prayer nill bn offered by Rt Rev Bishop John A.

Watterson and lJrasrr daiiverrd by (iovernns. Hushnoil, Mayor Blach. Srtvatoc J. B. Foraker and Hon.

John X. Lenla, Cot-rMBt Onro. September 81. Tn n-i-laty th Army mt th Camber land win neetvbers to-orrow. Among th enrty ar-livala mt procuinaat ex-fflor- of that army are Oeneral Jam Jlarnrtt.

Csrvclaad. and Colonel Archibald Slakely. mt th Sev. antv-eiahth Peonsyivani Kcgimea. Oea-rnl Rosscran.

Iks prvUdewt. 1 to Inflrm to prsssal. FLQORJTILL And Thrw Mow arrow ly Ecad Ba. tne; Crwihjcd IH-alb, grnctal. Piar treat imm SraivunKLB.

Otnv II Oaa. Weod ward. Lake Brennaa and Tent Frry, employe of th Badger Iron Frnc Cosn-nnny. wer tajilswii t-dy wrhO engaged jacking- up a Boor which wa loaded awa with pattern and casting- Tn Jonrt ased for th Jack't wrh cat slipped, ami down cam th Boor aad hundred of Pound mt aaeumutaiiun wn i ptied up beneath kept th Boor from round and aaved Ih men from instai dram. Vtoodnard waa caught noma tn umutattoMi OB th thr maw- nptl th it re nmtomen.

and badly Injured. L.a srss raua bt serosa tn haw-a. and rry sa nurt a ooot tb bead and fi Tbey ar not eertowaly Injured. TATI3-ZC nTctat inrtmi vga asoiaaav Hamiltcoi. Ohio.

September Sec-iety wa ut la full fore thi aftcrnwon. to attend the wedding- of Mia K-ina Roger and Clements Hlrani lavle, mt Hartweil. Ohio, which occurred th.s evening at il a'ctock. at the beautiful country home of ex-ShcrtlT ami Mr. laaao Rogers.

A prtvate car conveyed ttc guests to the cauntry residenc. Th brl'ts is erve ef HamUtoa'a prettiest rung society tleb.itantes, a graduate of the high school ef city, arvl for th pst tw year a eroJent at the Western, at Ox-ferd. Tb greom to a protniaent young society arel buaines man of thi city, am ts employed In the office of th Columbia Carr il for" anv. of The voting e.1 rTWI, of i' is sn-t 1'ruit. of ca of 1 '1 "n- Mini' a sa i I -a 1.

.1 At. maa firmer t. -1. 1 nr. I l.v ar a laatlon.

tne reception riuua comrrrinee aid tody as a I liar-las. ending io-ight with a general reception tendered to th nation! uAcsrs. aeiegit. visiting cmrde and todte at the iianl Motet. i u-mofTflW taw tsrimp.

or a a 1 -1 I 1 flpie awn) awl I as astss day sviarht. JU had a blab fever, and aC he rags frvsa th Or' sss int. desdg ikaat Alpa. rigsn4 revetment wark near Eaat Cairo. Ky.

Ire. C. K. Irher. sn-tsi I akarsn mt tkw.

Itnaa HoMdtal. becaas a rb caunt whew be mam tid by Tri that had worming am th Alpha, for that boat had beam nwd traa. swrt peveeal case mt yvsVew fever I lb Marine llssssitaJ it takr. lit. la rtciri ta th me Ir.

StarklowT -1 hav nkb ik mm1! eaaaslnathra eT TrtiA. with Irs. Jordsa aad injeaer. Th aataiyato aa aefed swahs cars kafe lib esvs ad rnary larterasittewt nr. It It in jeiltrw fever tl to a a very nvOO type-" Two kaavlrwl eievhs with tAssr tamllhvt, esntdoyrj 1 the general erV-es of lb MoH ad tb Railresl al AlaU.arrt.ed kers t-Hgit.

temporary nai paartra i ruavl Paling be-n ra.aolieha-1 I tmactiy uatil after LP ysthsw levey haa aard east In snalk saUa naaaw tints. It I mrt certsia tint tto r'ema nv low fever, but tne Mart llsarpatal ftan ar prtssdlag mm tb seeria irmt they bats 10 1XTE1 AT CAHCV Rdtlpnd Pnyiittana My a total I la aWw 3dd. aewciaa ssvawa a IMtiua dai. I. an rL A I WW fT ntxuried last night, aad there wtB sa-bbly anot bar l-aiJit.

Tn etiwe haew are aat na aiaaTS has ll haw HL in-. J. K. McCiarmarh. f-c II year Sexwiiary ad lb Kentacky Staut Hoard mt Health, to here.

az.d after vtewlha; taa ilinntlM ha I i mm naiad thavt kvasv iaesi nm hav nnamnt niaat tsirn as a oh Ibehr rder. 11 lar. laa t-night In dsspstch tn Tessas Btai Mward mt Ikwilh. advtatng theea rata tbrkr anwra-tan against this city. Irr.

Kgaa guea St. Laran wight wrg th Jdhtaunrt Brd Health tab armltnr tiob. Ta featlng that a mistake ha bees I nVd In praananctn- rk ran mt tvT yellow fever cry stalnae today I a atateanen surae-t by nnaxly 4 tb pkrstciana of t'asr. a tlnr: e-To thi Prnuc; e. tb undiraign.

physician of Cir. have peeiiy ea-amtned. ami kaw aar kaowledg I bit lb rwaea of sw-cabed Tl-luw fever a a reported by th levyemment expert ar not yellow fever, aad aave faver. but ar mlid rases af snauvriaj fever. anr certify that I here are as thi city nor tn tb vtcinlty mt thto cny, sa lv -rr fair, and do not feel there te nay aev- alty for one.

sVgnd l.y A. Ja. manurani. M. M.

J. H. Bryaat. M. t.

H. McNetner M. L. J. M.

J. hulilvan- la. art, M. iX; J. J.

Chard, kC p.i J. aHroatV" TELLOV JACI Y1CTIXS. amber of Caaew CMketoJIy He ported Frtm BfbcteHt P-dwt. -Waisniterf, Sept bar 31. Sur- n-aanf tVVman tO-dlV srt tb fU kiwmg Mtegraphi etuaaaarg ad th ywihvw fcr situatloa toMh ntata nanuia aatnewt.

tlr throughout tk South and Stkwt: Total yotlow oass aaVilally rort-sd aa foUerwe: fbn. Sept sm her ta. Ml; Septombsrr rmWm ti liUmlsf 1. t. September 90.

Orteaanv, ta atoeAaonba IS. ftW. Septmw ad tb IS ar-vhroaly kill reported Ue Bnrktoy Sept ember Ub ln Warm Beptcmher IS, S3: Kawnrda. tw Sentcmber 1ft, September 8U. 8: Ooeaa Springs, Iteotember Paawagwnbv t.mber In.

Ir Scronlon, n-lKsino- Septtnbr 1(A rein, avnent wer. -a tmday e- a.v n. awaatS khfagMlaT 11 tnenM-VOMtTpt sUswtraM tn terua TIvb OwAJTt sartHWOwl On Nw ri--. 8L-TW wa another day of avwrahto rwfnw. Taenw jnaa nana WDntd tnenWy dhsld nimad wmit Oodlo.

living la tn tov fsr-ravl- Stotrhrt. Ow waa narnu. toavtngt Wider treatsseng 8. bH mt 1 sr -ji laalng favorably. Tner haw but thro fhratb.

and non niae So lav Bay. Th d- phyaacaaaa are awgTnnn sonar their head and as.Uro that thto to th anantf eatton yHof fvr sn In tk South. 8 many of the reports hav faitod I ri their vat law fever rtiewevervstesthat not a few mt th anrtsta nrssn doubt th rreectmsaa mt th dr--. Troflto to ptcsa de.My.. u.ate th rigid na rant inn nnWauUnad.

frae Motonr ami Birmingham K-nvl ta-ay go thstnign train with laaal an tarwu a a- oaw thrsufk araajtl fr la rsl Una at' Veanr. Par. toh7to reports (Fbe'euk with tk yltow fever lavaigkt. OSI DEATH And TwbIvw lie fH Ittwa4a Xaklaar rvwty-Tw i. Seatcmhey 3L TM fol- Inn lag now tesir mt ywfaosr fe-rer are rw psrt mm tn o-evota to-aigai: Mrs.

rears. ueorgn lausu. fiamea. an known). Miss Mlanls Levla.

Mis Arteaslsla RaacB. Mis I a. uu. a Kafaiisu Mra. J.

B. Hawto. child of Mrs. Lowry. Clan aVdser.

R. H. NoUin, A. Walton, MM awn newaa. -rwi.

kaa a tntsj af Tl caaeg data. Mr. Henry. Mra. Grave.

Nathan and Hud- a ..1 ma 1 akin are report en "T-. tmianc ar rrpmw, --t -Tber has been on oasts that ef Coionei R. B. Robh, wh died thto mrnlag. Bee afAflotda TssT a flOr 'T- a an rmlWt.

ferbW prW th attach mt yet- IOW- arrar. 81TTJATI0I AT EDW AEDi EpWABDa. ftoptanbr; 81-Tner ere 13 n-w cane of yefVow fever report a to-dAy. This Bvake a total, aire. including aevra la th counWT- Tk nm-tkMt camp trfllaw raady fer pccupallo o- Manst geaeroua atter of totaac now- tiaw csjtn frorn vartowa potnta.

na- ta BtOBUOB. a in rairrana giv naaiatnncs poosibi. la th waynf to so perfect rbat Kdwaro to entire hwlllrd frosa tho enlitd world. nirnont TXLLQv jaci. mmm tt atvaa yaa awatnaaa CnuxscoTsTK.

September 21- Tw fugV rlve front th yellow fever district have arrived gt ChiUlcotbe. They ar Frank TL Tem3c. employed In th me or tn A tarns Express Caentar Bt Kw OTkwna. and Mr. Elisabeth McJieai.

mt JacKaeo. Mia. tr. Tisalie stale that eat mt twenty-Be n-kyaa tl th olTise nlv slv arer hers srhew left, and the bwsisee mt tb oomaaany haa ursiy susp nor. PEDIOATIOI PCSTrCJEX asasnAj, ntsrarc CktATTaiMKMas.

Trnaa- Sepaamber 21 retary Omn W. Skinner, of th Praayt-raila pirk Conlinlsaloo. t-day noOfiad tb inrJ cwmmltts that tb Bat th gedi-catioa of pennaytvana moaunaewts at Chtrkamaoga National Maitary Park has paaaa ciaanged froan October Oct soar ZX Th rhansr vroa man teat th yellow rar sat woult no min ana ua attendam-. ELT1TTIIE21A QUA1A3TI3IL A a ii urn sewexa. parawa vas iriuil m.

Srutemtier 21. Th distrV-t ing couth mt Paint Crock to nnder quar- antln on an-count of an alarming nniomi tt dink'ncrta. and riri frosa that esrtion ar aiiosra-i 1 attend arhoot. Tne scltooi have haew torwial fumigated. t.ut taa enren-i ef i cnif kaa a-H yet teo rf-tliT cbctiaed.

ErAIXXJ TZZ LCCIC-Te sfAPnio. He.terobr 21. Th Quae Regent haa ere-1 that evecLal Ivinrti. lanes pi iirrrsel at te banieh porta em ail from Cnited porta, la ee-yrience ef ir il of I'liv fever in if I've i- a'ea. Tr I ail r-annsa, ai'rt-rr Tie ftuwrd mt H'Ul rs-H -e-l in lama -day 1l at ta rnasn us al I retaoa i a in4ssi i I i.

I .11,. I 1 till I tobacco cr.o? BJM-td To IV sirrtaJy IsJ ird fly I at 1 1 pasearr vas s-isa MgPsTuviLX.a. Kr. 71 Asx.l on half mt Ih ttft rr aa nssrnt last Bight 'ial th-a tilovAiaai aaj enssruies. sat ti.j aava half as? tmm waa te taUJy der)l by frst MaTevtLAAC Kt.

Sepwrnbsr 81. Heavy frwrt tins nforamg I tb roaatry bach frosa rtvee and aom tee. Faravera reject tot anew and lue Aaaaaged. Pwtsvrx-rent. Kt.

sV-ptaastocr IL TW a twaswserraki frost thi enwy tost aigh. nan wt toi car i tekiee. Abnear Ihre fnurta th ltem.r trap Is yet ataadsnar. ntrvs, Kf. S-vna-er 21 -Last a.gbt Ih Arwt troat tn fsU f.

S. Jt mlt ht Use lultre that to ml id urns. Krrriva. Kr. nVptber 31 front Ust lutbC aad to lhaeaghl th UWgsrrun.

Kt- sn-pteipev froet and be tost night, era hi tared iiaaaiaausa. tmn. Sent a saber 11 llMtf frwat Inst hlgt.1. CawsHeral 1 dasa- aer wa Joaaa the grwtw tobacr crop. a a.

psaeaeea va am Owgneavsm. Kt, Wsyuman-r it--Pport fnasa a radiwa mt mis fro ronwr ay that th entire itan a rev, wttt fw pan, wa artterly rmeed tot anr. py ANOTHER TEirBL0W. Too Bark hard Jdodb-tn CwewpaiB Is nadly ftrwex Vi, Sksrrtry hfc I ctoak thto srwig lew-ntow Br asm na owed fa tb ea mnl taw last Bight. Th Br waa ta a fui story brtcJl bunding al Set Mala etreet, betweea Fifth and Sixtn.

erwsd by Iw. W. a BarkhaxJl. a dealer la snuawt sa Th btoas na discovered ra tb tl.lrl flasr ed th hams by Officer Brown, turned ta aa alarm frasn IhvB at J3J5 cl'n-k Caotaia Huakw at saarw tarn.d ta a tew-btavw usin as aerwaet ar in asnger nun Imilm mt Oae lira, Tn baw4lng to Tb- Mr-err thre stnrl- wee ecurd by sr. irsirt Mb ass pniasn smiiui a ai ss-aa.

Mia sss Wtl Inawt li Tm dim tha boiH ng ill aba Bsnu. Ins eniak ski mt the burniae ha ar foatr-alary l-n-h bti-tiige Tbe esve lis nan a batons W. F. tv-ipn-ta. naeyer mS Vainer mere hints.

The nr gat pita tma lavrta story ar insar aurrnw bait be I eiac. tn Bremen a -eased It hit th bias ahout tMter ensrtrvi. Mr. Leosaw.l hsnkhanll. th 4 man.

1 na I he noruinin ntenotcg nn tn nasjin hja aa laisaL and oil not dimageal Tiers le a gonoUsi tsk la tn oauar uf las sarssnl naateling. teat I -J-t In CAPTURED. WoaUhoator Xtrdirtr Lot Yaa Bioo Fotad ia lao Orogoa Poa. To-day hbavln XT. C.

Rruck. ef Butler Ceajntn wU Mart from Selena Urmm WIXB at ursarrr Jvnu an ma, gr. wh bra tan Murdered th aged W. Cuttor at Waste beat sr. Onto, aberut stg years ag.

This to th West eh sat ar new di about wMch so much was writ Kg at tb ttna. vac sine that tins th murrlsrsc haa at larg. aad might ham rat load bto liberty thto day bad ha aad a pal Bart gone 1st th burglary tiualne gnd got caught. Van Ilia, ander tti alto Jones, bur glarised a store at Turner. re last Octo ber, god.

Wbea arrsstsd. pleaded guilty tl got year's sentence In th peril tsntlary but at the tlm confided to Kla attorney aad th Sheet th fact that mm hml kills a maa la Uk stale, ana lain mm aim. a Santa aoal a aisrurrrm. pu uu wen. crrespondic between th Sheng thee aad th euthrine at Wistehenter Bevel-pad tli fiat thai was telling th truth, and aom day ag MA-rifT hrutk.

of Butler County, started to Oregon fr Ih prkaoner, and will gst Use wUiek was efferod fr kis capture. taa Mass wsva for yars a wild ywang fet- 1w. Karty In tu career alo.a a Jiersi ma ia atirta arvi rnevi aasnsarei en eat and waa r.rv far Res renrs. Thea rorwmaai Wentct; setter nd umtor too to ius stmt wild and weutiy fc.itrw had earn to mm. Alter geftkr.g drvna mm taroa tnt th bam sf Cutler sad began tant-ing at ta ctucta.

Cutmr wn a maa Tw years sel. and when got la-ntroted Van ills ntrm a th hesd n-lth a a 4a revolver a rut Bad tn country. BVsua aft-STVar Cotesr Bled, arm lnln Va Ha went esat Want. Tlas avnrs alnat him la surtar th tn eevn.l oeree. lie we star, rtnt.

but Wife ia married ncsin. had mmm cVUd, but to Bead. aa Ilia is SHORT DRESSES Vera T3jB Child Wlf Wfc A pawalcd IfcB Cowrt. aracuv pterarca vaa asur na. ABPSBBCW.

Isn Beptrnihar 21-Will lam Poor, maa aver years of ag. wa arraigned t-day for aaaanlt and buttery up hi wlf. Bant aiadfor thrwatenlng het hi snsther-iB-tow. Whew tb prosacutang wttawaa eenared th courtroom she wa nt-tBivaB fT ctilid. Sn waa nrt It year sjpj, SA wor short re see a.

Pract roaily in to a chthl. It was ala townd baf thsy had aofa. from Anders lamnn ago. aai tnast get mimii tn Kenttn ir. -jniar wee sM4 sn riwianail.

tasl TBKut'lBB hamtte.1 1 ems vseisy sals. AA last Ihey dwappeared from Anal potrt. sn tt ev stops tiaat tber Sl In 4te.l-an and gat ucausse. 1 ney BiKPlas pf iAik Mlctiiatan. anaeesi sjasa a Com Sbartaerly.

Poue to being snad. FEVER-STRICKEN. Forty Iaau.toa "of tao Tololo Work-Hobs Foul Air From tlo Ctaal iao Cu- srsciad PtraTCw gas seneraaa. TotAton, Onio, Sevtrmber 21. About efl n-anxteg nf lbs nerkhema hav bee take Is wtth fearer of a snaa-aaat form bur-nsrtnsT mm typhoid Tn dtaros bag attacked ta aa to popntota, km-tmllpg th Supvt-tatsoornt, gward aad sotp SB sa-crs.

Many mt tb tain ar coastderod gutre sprtots. Th Bret etcnc mt rh dineaa accuxrsd Sv day ago, when i prtoowees. wer taken doom. 1 dieros ha sprang tlr then. Dr.

rtirw. lb fbrai-rtsn. sarn that hi rsna that eptf enie frror sa brosht siewh rtninsling I rem tne canaJ aurraua-u ke mat tut lan. Inrni 1 11 imr sarn nea'her tn waiee was arswn of ins canal I mil sana to toe Ineha. tro.og I taa but nes'ktr.

th in-dos of th men a pna-aa net be kej.t rlurr-t. and the ful air bai fre iiki le their eVtirUuenL. Th mt fe- uirue lot spen irtwt mt neat I a here tea nster -as r-sa n(V sn hene the haar mt 1 an patlesia hive hi n'ls. aad bv Oaeraa etnwr- raafaa. nueme mm -ttfll.

ia a. 1 ha -al Ike rn r. mid to ra ea a rat s. sea a kiu ta of huh fiosa tb totcrnHr th Vi sanies hi OEM CITY NOTES. teat al arte.

Isn aleL Aa a rr.ri a -a s. m-h fur t-- r-re- wii wi ra tie a Ir lt si. sal 1 1 1 ere. am SS Sanaa sa earr eerrraa-A nerma As lls'ot-r rf he Uia acr aa-sWy. auaaa per-asaaitl astaau I TW rfmat r.J-e4 s-i te- -s par, irt' la a erH i 1 tbe I t.

et- i' le e-'-' ef la. saaa ai a I snrana Ar. t--A t. r. I.

a a. 1 -ym Sr I te lea, At Ca 1 1 T--e. rt r. 1 4-, -rf -f. m.

a a 1 a -at I a ra 11 4 v. pin irr 1 14 11 tf A le st 11 1 1 111 I 1 a-t 'in mt aa sat taa-l. as.waiai WUiB a en-'t r.a Of Juct a All iH D.wi tie tifj.Cci-lilts CHe Valley. Wtwt KUo of Ilvct. aai TaiiRi rEa jiIrtr Ccmjoilfsti.

C2I1 tFasrr 1 rt. SisMsassr tt -i-m SW. a Suae ass west mt haa. air asay. tie nee yeare eat and Mi ri ar.

s-4 eausid Fis ass nviyiSgiS snssn aaa itana. Uaaa lp, shale srMk ki fesg tolskal at a statu tost nasnf, had i ur ae imps It 111a ass Car- I as nS nest saw. laser. Atnuav rrli I B. Bf (annua af Van I.

I farkiait t'l ptsg grnt anas p-sr the bank Chsk nisi a ma lunar. Mrs. htssy r. Mir Ball has hasaght swN Bsr sn isn mna is law Btaast kiimi Wns-r lAlsnrv. si ail 1 stea.

Ahiasa till at-. r. aaa esssang. has OMvUaj tn 11111. oa haa hag est pa MaBTPVttAAk si 1 at 1 ir tl.

Prase kl.a sss nil I is 1 si aalnncuan ahis nitr ef ins hwnh mt MarassiMs, W. B. si', a nau aa as fsraaer unT af har ssvejerty aa 11 mil af a be Is I. ef an tthach he en as tne ksak. Pna gl 1.

Fust tar awa Tea Beta mnvag ana ik snroitang las lag hg Kasa. ns the faaafly ef Mr. baas ar ea nn gl ski aria. BaiABrowTAinB. 1 1 tLa-nTm.

hws bse. igad bring la tb a MS ag lie saarntr, wis rsgka Is this etty 4 I nf to raanj.4 nltb aaaasalsg Is etatsa-yanr. aid assghts s1 Ulmsa ha1eg. Ftajisr, a Wainis. feN at fact frosa a It is aad reset a rani biurtsa.

CasVCUrtUXB. gasanr SI. The Cessans flaas I sort tla an rslag Simla Mra. tis Wsish a Bit use taaa lisatom'a F. Wssr fa a glut mt gnts.

It alas Bar her th eueudy ef tbstr easy ebtvs. fr bmaklag Igt the AWJAHCB. Stpngy. Sspi'kar It. Thnmee I sv.

aged ever rears, natllag inkkw ail PS far a Chlreg 'i pair, wn 1 si I aa tm sag at the Btsaar Srseggnvtaxs. Sri atn. UWiy shnt a wsB an by bw be wa surtsg wtth a gna. ITDIAIA. Rtoratoarp.

Iiiiiai ar tl Hiiwt tl. sfaaey W. Sara aaa Is day sprslaiad by the fntaft I The Hy Onmrtl a a aasstiig I I Bght ta artang at the haaarai Un Cm ha raasiag Ihe arte vf tk peagtaet as pka sss (sr Mfsaiseltsg psswaass. lslrlAB AtoOiA. Bapasnasne tl-A Hi aa ka a pla) at ante aaer snitsr lag sniaa Sini at Ike tasg af Tross pMjUipg tkas a lag as as a I as a the tnarg Sss aad gt The tw, Psavurr haane af B.

kt- I a as. a a with th bar to aisasi'Ma wit kt, wer ln P-akrna. A large ami awl nf snaaiary wse San aa aaa. Tk asaai kas is itrsnvtiAJa, Biaeatkae ft. TW as'.

rtogs Bv SBsnth sa mt tm. O. a travel spet-tonst pad -gugastle hsikar Miss Eanaa Beptar. ef tnle sat, wa r. 1 tl A snag be ah nag la sa 1 snxaae ssf rur'is Mass is-as.

aaiia nsnk af thto ttif, Whs Inks sat Charts paa snag aad fhwip to ti St. sails gink I'm ai li vag a arsy kapg a ask pet ravtare fr-an Bah tow It las ira alsag ta Waksah fcuter from Lfrti larea Haa, Bfrnvia. giiamksr -Last eveilig pretty Mary Sa a aiaft ga Te nsy aa ss 1 ta Saaevy MsU. la Cli ulsst Tir-roal. gsalawanr Bntaat ant at nf f.

Oraksm. a fneansr III lao nast ag tha cpy. gaeg rsae tmsmiig sa tn ef a sf KvAngvnxs.'tv Fire at spar. ts-angst elans! tetany ussters4 Las aa'asi mill 1 hi aaa.

1. JB us. estarsg ky tay ersic. Ortgt sf Br ansiass. no us a.

tiniwi St. The Srm sf Aahiaa. asnsssi A Ca. tost e-anta hltl aaa rsraats an Starr art lis. Kin, skua IVtTLlBD.

gipttitsr gt. nartae Belissd. samaaph iim't. la miasisg. an hi fasra kat be bse Bart l'k font Ptr XJCPgfSK.

Pestssabsr 21 sr nil 1 JSZTZCZJ. Cpraarrnv. a-eeala tt Mass taaaa Prewari. snrteie af Mr. g.

M. peroni. sf Pirse Lnprn. thae i.aitr. ss ssevensty hfnesg kr ta me tnrsns fin kaasgf Vtrgll Waa eSaataawei a pnaariat.

oharsa krissn ss iw; va ttisaar Py pstag ss eaasa. suanrr P-s-an-at4 sa af Mr h. B. Psrat taraut snsr, aa analy HI trass SS'log BMtla-a FViatii-aswravo. asr 31 Tkeas kani.

kais srees a eteete Wr lea st I st-a as W. r-rstar Was fi r. A. J. harsa.

kaa fl iarler. M-et lis art 11 -i- ti T. 1 leet eerar Is I i.a.t a t-e I i 4 I inf.a. rr. 1 fc ie.i vi e.

a sa tt' a. 1 I e. I m. :4 -a tMt a 1 t- I kr. 1 -r a -1 sss us aseav an win til taaCVnt a-rasa f-i ila laA SL-Asrsh tnl lvanwn and tajmg sy snfanaaat kali.

fram par kal 1 1 1 1 tu ana aa an 111 111 Fkra raan wkirh lbs paaHasi allt saa that an aa I at art an In- wharh bas-aa it Jiga rant earn ag ssrp am aity snpaesd ss raaiaif ansa hsja. Ths 11 i ansrbto erssh ag BsnTisn Baa, ska, I nsea gasirwsd by Be tn sshe ags. sa a iPs tit. The CMlis bar gnaslat al Pare I If as help a. state Ikem.

ftt'BBA VnrTa. I'll sje H- As St aaaMhs aa ska hHf a K. M. gross had mmm. 1 kens.

Lnat eaasa Mr. has ai kta. Alios) asptamsev tt. Maa ears! PllMI hla ant Fran Fas far Saniaga ear totash XioCoaasUAVUJ-a. 1 nam tl.

A meat Ssiastlv imssng ante nali Taaa Jssa-aaa and fslna. te Pan Tainallp Bar. Pnytvnia Paeisglia aaa. wtnaa baatsa snag ewe stla ag. ea.

pared har asas. mm Batata laksrty Irs is, thi umlag. ageg years. eaybt sit sss. ate sa say.

LAJirs. lisnaitir tl-Jaaae Smith, a a sennet. Is-sslf a aaa ahg xhni Mat am. a pssanl-east fiMi, wirg a slaagm i. hVe was i 1 aaia a si sea tap, af aa saiasni a ii 1 1 aWHsea LasBA Siiimi if llfPTinoTrry.

Bilw ir St taaatrai thtuags aaa arWs as ear Tata as ths new aannat hst ksam br the eanVsai ms af aW nnag anarisi twawrh. a sss at an. 11 it iisianunl py ayhniavs, JUrpatataoB. gilail ir tb 1 1 ill Fasa- I Passu si Petit Msilk. lliar by an ansa, ssansg as anas evtv tn a r.

sa iss pmata a the nsaas sf Bhaa. W. T. Isnrkaa. I I I SUFFBIO 1ITMIA ATI'S pppn i A Natural SprclIIc for Albuminuria and Brlrrf Disease It DIsIntCpTrntci and niimln.fp Renal Calculi fli Stoncof the U4fj.

dcr-rHie si iab.cVattr ANAi-tll. tleMiV-l vf I Dr. Alfraail I I. 01 JL H'tDEIEL FtUGi'iET Btaa aaf th I net ar mt tmm taaw. mt th fane.

Sting sdF-id mt fraaa. a P-l east af MMB IsrltA 1 mX Ik a I. a 1. I l.l al I. -at ss m.1 I see I a nn-i rk'S-wa tot p.

It' 1 a a ruti 1 in 1 I AiIim-i pf p. s-m, ea a litmii Virr Tha ef iw l'ial1 Vt I s.aanie4 aaa ese i sa ea. aeee i II isa A rai'ill ea-B et.e.l.-i aaa kaa rsan turn, t-l I'1'. era wania kr iw naa levtaaa slAaial sa tps lanirsui bus gaeaia mt 'a less) "A tansgaigad Tsass r.MIMTIMAV.ll hHal, 11, I I sea I- aaan, las laaaent IMnaltn ea ia rate af seams t.f tsrlans stsss irot ar Ins alas af I 4s la tnat af Peat ef rh arile ra sr, eatr har la less is las rernrr set ra I a as amsana i' I raw ar -e-w tas aan. r'tss arts t- ansa' it a 1.

ata af liana in y. tTalmls mecnina I Tau niKHTroK a t- vreirn, 1 1 mi 11 is naarf ta int term af pJAST rhi'a BIS a inaaa' aw 1 af a ila nxne etHar. Tef S'S W-ffceS IM the arnwl' a th. WaSa.M.

alee pre IMat ai stem emvali' i-a eae Mt 4r ihs ar rai. etsia at an- li gnan'ttr. rajls SassntlaS glssteaara I "Vrrt'-at, nti ie pr vtr i-pt 1.1.1 an -4 s'-" rtm ret felaar I ermine! nw ail taaa r-awaaAaate iteerll .1 at ths geaster part I a sf I raa aaall waa Uiy. lestat af ii ins a ra esasll v-M' aihi naenrn inrr a-arigrs inn lot tea. i' vvi.viiatV1 glantatai I B4 lag la a -e APornii aeg Pnetan, a.

mt SW 'I I an. 'i. tl hlllaa, liiMM-yy -ib. ParT-, IT ki 1 ITrl MPhr, fniaenMs. Tr a.Kl, tir.

William A Harnmni Paross I 'Sri aj fha-saa av, g. a a) Is aw I a currALo Uthia ih AI.HI Ulkl his lay WITH rt.M4KhsHvl. Ml f. i i tors to MIPTa a ht v' Int.

II ea at a-l Ml.ftai Ml A IT hidB a IViBihrtt TO THR frTMKH Ma. AUt llt, FFCT A I I Kk Cttstil II, 11 ef fsvaa. Iaa, mf tosWAW tart M.llini fese. lev I "Tlirhr lg hn hi Witt a. Pi'M ir-if au, IF AI.IU'MINI rt I Akli am IrlSBABK, ohelhrr B.

ut. sr -r- si BUfPALO UTHIA WATrl Sriag k. I. trisansa'! ht 4 a. la aH rosea ef air.Kai hi r.

AldH'MIN I Isung it, ire- arts. PS the last perk U. les-r 'ill IS to A Iklii Mil lall PNaJM'RJPI' Ii Tilt, a I. It 1 hi PKAItB MAI1UI.V rit. 11 Tiir I ki A NO THK PATIthT MAS piti fir'ANAMTFK All I kPT ft thill.

it I lAHOKS Or. William IS. TowUi. ft niai af Aulas nag aa ahava a AWfant arnesliBi mt at SW I ai 1 nit ar If, "7haenrtatf CwTTALO LlTWIAVLrtrtl AliK Ih ai SIN. 4 1 I'KAItAM lr AIM MIH fh'AJ I'lOhk.

I llpiKI I ri KFICIAL Kftl ITS fvg III utaKiiirs oisilAsa ina ken" Dr, 0. A. Sak AVskd Issii hrtOW ri I IN RXTHf MIS front I'll Hklurrr LrlSKASK OF TMR hll'kii arA natt hep mt ralisf frosa sst datofr I by th naa mt DUTTAt-0 L1T.UAV-JH fa Is anaatilta. Hi in PMT UK a 1.1 aaa r-a a Mf. AI.MI'MIMI MIA aaf a ml lag 'BMAhl I ha.r s-S sire Hh In ma ssiieia- lattVnmw Dr.

CirAeme M. Ilammonn ml Mmm I eel. fnaiaa sf a nisaraw Batat gkaisn Ptetaest Is aw es pa -a-t Mrglesf Brls-f sag "I art -mm i SIljUMT MH.A III! kll'MU. have found CLrtTALO UTHIA 'jm IIP Teti. lltrilUI pa PIP.

I 11 l-iir-Aalh'i 1 II tyl1 Aht It I I and IM fcl4b)lATI Tlit. Or. James Ii. "UUw, nf FnAaasag. is AWesr.

Ms rlef at i'lreiais. Sewenaa baa mt fVssato. laa. fiwaBe- gfesnVg id' Tlli fi II i CurTALOUTIilAWCt It Aill MIM Ml 1 Dr. Geo.

M. Mjltrnbrrrr fi 1 1 sf lAaterrM I amrraea ar hr1.rr lbs M1e-l rl i.1 -r Msralaod. la-ei. CUTT7.L0 UTWIAViOT a pibaiine et'i't'e is Ai.i" OF plllIB AFrtt Dr. J.

T. Davidson. I jsear rnaasss. ta r- rlea. sn AVeW Aana t.e nveeesl 1 esra prw rl.1 II reas tit 11 lob Br-itk nf t.LI Bt IM' I AU.

JfitL, hi I I tier "I fnrrs in rtrl I sn sf ilkiilne in. fina AV. arm DlC. "burrAix) UTHIA VOTl a rferr nBkrala r' Bt.aHW4 VI a--wa See 1 Hit IH. AV "eselAral m-i' k.

er" llk.iriiHi, -la a 1 eA an. I a. la said I 1 s' i a r.itre, i.h.i.i ee-a. af a eeew slits erl.rr. ne-' ere -r tee -re rel l.

luwii, aa. a- sa 1 pain, a t-, p. haaaasne-aa, sawS -rUe hen 11 a saeii A. OaPfclBL FOt I Al-t" Ml sm tv A saeawanr sf at af M'-T P' II Dr. Roberta Bartholow, A.

LL Vgrfigy 0f Asrria mud Cms ft Ihauml CUg, ef -Buffald- Lit Kis coot aim wrii defined. t.rf i ci lKhlg snd sie Aijf trrat sdygntixB in KHI UMATIC bb4 TO Tifivs IT it -rut T'cti-r Titif AND I of tmuu aii te -yt- EAST fAVATER 1 Ir la 1 h. a --at aUi act pro Basse sel 1, a -aj err ae -a las I 'i aM I a tJ i as. te tae 1 r-r 1. l-t l-e S.lea I i lee ar I ir.

a rem eaiatraBaa a a-e'. a-- t. 9 anBanss -r at. UTIC UA 1 a a- i a. I- a fa a I wa tat a a.

la aeea raaaeaaa a I. -W It 'Sr Vr: 0) y( I I a bai V-arC raa a. I a Mna 1 Sre ik. til, ssaa I a re. -t a BW-wrBanBsroar aBa BOBSnO aanawaaas -TT.

mmm m- a aa aa.aarea Sam. vWJsa srarsv Wa tn im9mi aast a t. -a- ease. -ax a St I a as a TV nnnn r.oPBirtoB gpAMt if nwie "TTL V-e a he Emm .1 east. smb..

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