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The Roanoke Leader from Roanoke, Alabama • 5

Roanoke, Alabama
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TUB KDME UMJEB si -tiger W0). I i WEDNESDAY, OCT. do I'd Wilkin's for Loli-Jolnis; Id Serious Trouble with mi of Shoes'. Sunday j-n Roanoke. Improvements still go on In Roan Misses Baker arethe tfuesta of lOcts a yard will buy nice Goods their sister, Mrs Moon.

ANOTHER TRAGEDY In Which Chambers County Man Loses the Law Both State and City Cases Being Made-Parties Are Negroes for coat suits at Goldman's. Mr Dunkin is. 'improving and re painting his residence. Home tailed chestnuts for sale ti RP Price's. His Life-John Lambert the 1 Bring your Possoms this week.

Tom Johnson, wounded by A're given tke kardest bHd mdst se Vete tests of ahy watch made ahd if they vary so much as a fraction of a second a day they are sent td the adjuster before they are allowed to leave the factory. If you are contemplating buying a watch, let us show you a South Bend and also give you a little book telling how a good watch is made. i For several days past there have Taylor, is improving some. oke. I wish to buy all youf hides.

9-30 Newman. Mayor Heflin has had his residence repainted. Have A Jeffers to haul your cotton seed hullsior you. Mrs Hurt left Monday to visit relatives in the yicinity of Birmingham. Clothing of all kinds and sizes, of best make and cheapest prices at Don't want any little baby possoms WH Brittain.

Victim and John Sims the Slayer See me before selling your hogs been things doing with certain violators of the prohibition laws in this community. Blind tigers ere beginning to reap what they have A son was bora to Mr and Mrs Herbert Striplin. George one week ago. Mr and Mrs Dodgen and Mrs Bass went to Atlanta Saturday When you want a bus or a trunk sowed. Marshal Ford last week arrested If vou are in the upper end of hauled phone Kyle.

Piompt ser vice. a voung negro named Walker town step in and buy your furniture Goldman's. lrom Jno tfausett. The fullest store in town is our old ROBISON, THE JEWELER stand. Stewart Furniture Co.

For the best thing in ladies' hats Highest prices paid for fresh pork Roanoke, Alabama. Herbert Striplin Is that man a good citizen who call on Manley, Hornsby Hand lev. will befriend and protect a blind tiger, Runout the blind tigers. don't need them. We really don't Mrs CD Mauley and her daugh ft becomes ifie duty of The der to record another tragedy, which occurred last Saturday about nine miles south-west of Roanoke, in the Double Head beat, Cham-bzrs county.

The wiiter has interviewed several citizens of that section, and the following seems to be the facts in the case There seems to have been some ouble brewing between John Lambert and family and a young white man named John Sims. Saturday, it is alleged, Lambert and his son, Loomis, went to where Sims was picking cottotf in the field and attacked him. In the fight Sims stabbed the senior Lambert near the heart, producing almost Smith, on a charge of selling whiskey at the negro "camp meeting" in Roanoke the fourth Sunday in September. He was tried before Mayor Heflin Friday and fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days on the streets. He appealed to the circuit court and was released on a boud of $250.

In the meantime he was arrested on a state warrant, sworn out before Justice Awbrey, for the same offence and bound need any of the patrons of them yet ter, Mrs Causey, are con Gold Leaf Flour is in the lead Valescent. Now is the time to send us that when you want quality. Price order for printed stationery i have $500.00 cash to put in hides, so bring them to me. Nice line of Rugs and Art Squares jnow 13 tne time to lay in your 9-16 Herbert Striplin. lust arrived at John Fausett's.

For Mixed Pickles, Sweet and Sour, Coleman Hortm was town cotton seed hulls. Jeffers is prepared to handle them for you. Rooms to reut on Stewart Street. Miss Delia Adams lelt yesterday to spend several months with her over to the grand jury under a bond of $250. this morning, returning from a busi ness trip to Atlanta.

Apply to Bartlett. sister, Mrs Jackson, at Sardis While this trial was going on Mississippi. Manley, Hornsby Handler in Night Marshal Robertson rushed to Lace curtains cheap at Goldman's instant death. Sim himself was so badly beaten ovc i head that vite you to come and see their Store. Remember the place for fresh bran new millinery display.

the lock-up Henry McDowell, a negro who has been giving the officers considerable trouble as a li meat is Striplin's LANiMtU bUUUb Ot All Kinds. his recovery is lep Mted doubtful A mad dog is reported to have Editor I Ballew, of the Villa At last account lie had not been fun KiiiN i btore room occu Rica Star, was in town this morn placed under been killed near Mason, Ga, Friday. He is known to have bitten seveial other dogs. quor vender.

Friday morning he was seen at his devilment by Mr pied by Anderson Clemmons. Ap ing en route to Wedowee. Our information t'laf none of ply to Roanoke Land Agency the parties ben a very good reputa See for yourself and be convinc Miss Effie Garrett, of Tallassee, Robinson and Dr Pool. When Officer Robinson entered the negro's house to make the arrest the latter has come to spend a few months I have a good milk cow for sale. A Carlisle.

Nobody can under-sell or beat ed that there is no place like Stew art's Old Stand to buy furnitute. MOOTY GROCERY COMPANY, pursuing her musical studies in showed fight, but was soon clubbed CHURCH NOTES. into submission. Two women took John is auks ton will come over PHONE 111. Roanoke College.

Phone 23 the Royal Market- Goldman's price. Come to see me before you trade. Wa are able to please you. from Wadley today to resume his former place at the A A depot Rev He: ter preached at a hand, but were easily disposed of. Officers Ford and Robinson searched the house a few minutes when vou want the best meats.

Pleasant Hill i 1 beat 6 last Sunday. in Roanoke. Prompt delivery. Call on Ross for monuments, later and captured six quart bot Remember that Wilkerson sells headstones, slabs, etc. Office in The Randolph County Baptist Association is in session at Paran ties of liquor, with a Chattanooga I want to buy some good Ear Corn and O'Possums.

Don't want any Leader Building. the Fellowcraft and Ralston Health Shoes $3.50 and $4.00. Best in label upon them. A preliminary trial was held be baby ones. Brittain, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs day of this w.

'el-, A luge delega You can get home-ground meal at town for the money. this store for just a little more than fore Justice Awbrey Saturday, and tion from Roanoke is in attendance. Dr Gross was in town yes you pay for shipped meal. Times may be a little dull just now, but this section is just entering upon an era of great development Rev George Stoves hopes to have terday and remembered The Lea McDowell was bound over to the grand jury in the sum of $500. When he and his friends had suc Price.

Mr and Mrs A Neal went to der. We learn he is doing a fine and prosperity, in our opinion. with him to preach next Sunday week Dr II McCoy, president of Birmingnam College. Rev practice up near Wedowee. The Royal Market can supply ceeded in making that, he rearrested by the marshal and tried the state fair at Birmingham yesterday, where they will put on exhibit some of their fine fowls.

you with the nicest meats beef, Branscomb, of Talladega, is also Monday night by Mayor Heflin in I have a good farm of 160 acres, 8 miles from Roanoke, on Milltown road I would exchange for property Is more appropriate for a present than a NICE UMBRELLA? AH the ladies are pretty and they all like pretty things. Make her happy, boys, by getting a REAL PRFTTY PARASOL HERE AND HAVING HER MONOGRAM PUT ON IT. ENGRAVING FREE. Prettiest line ever shown in Roanoke' now on display. pork and sausage.

expected the latter part of the meeting. Gold plated safety pins at Bran- When in need of a hat go to another whiskey case. On this he was fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days on the street. He appealed nen's at 5c or 6 for 25 cents. RivT Porter reports that 38 in Roanoke.

Farm well. Jordan, 7-3w Wehadkee, Ala, Route 1 Wilkerson's to get it. Genuine Stetson for $3.50 and $4.00. members 'wire added to the Park this case and again succeeded in Mooty Grocery Co Avenue Baptist church in Birming making bond. Today the marshal Wood Buckalew died in Lowell Mrs Higgins and Miss Dessa Pittman went to New Orleans last ham, where he labored the last two weeks, while about 500 additions Monday night of consumption and will sell best celery all the season at 5cts per bunch.

Thursday to attend the convention were made to all the Baptist church was buiied at the city cemetery yesterday, after services bv Rev of the Christian church of the South is looking tor him to answer to another case. If he stays in this country he will evidently have a hard road to travel by the time the city and the state get through with him and the United States marshal may also take a hand. ern States. George Stoves, There was a negro show in town es of the city during the evangelical campaign conducted there the past few weeks. Services are still being 4.

C. BRANNEN. When in need of burial goods, or Monday night, which drew a large any kind of furniture, don't foreet Letting people know where you are, what vou have to sell, and why it is to their interest to trade crowd, we learn. The gang made a noise that was heard all over the tne place Stewart's Old Stand i Monday Deputy Collier arrested If your aie in the lower end of JEWELER, Next door to M. W.

Carlisle Bro, Roanoke, Alabama. the south and east side of town. This was kept up, we are told, till conducted at some of the churches. Last Sunday a church conference was held at the Baptist church in Lowell. The name of tae church was cuauged to the Second Baptist Charlie Sterling, colored, for selling whiskey four miles north of Roan town step in and buy your furniture about from George Lee.

If you are in the middle of town, Fmley, of Chambers county, Church of Roanoke. Rev oke. He was brought in and made a bond of $150 for his appearance at a preliminary trial in Roanoke today. either Fausett's or Lee's will be Yates was called as pastor for the next year and will preach every COME TO convenient for you. to load as ycu start out.

sends in a notice this week for the sale of a yoke of oxen, and adds that his advertisement last month of a cow for sale brought the de The officers and the leaders of first Sunday. The first Sunday in with you, are the three points to make in advertising. The millinery this season at Hornsby Handley's will please vou. Experienced milliner is in charge who will take pleasure in showing the stock to all callers. Dr Montague, of Howard College, Editor Barnett, of the Alabama Baptist, Rev Stewart, of the Orphanage, and Rev Ham-ner were in town last night, proceeding this morning to the association at Paran.

the Anti -Saloon League deserve Never saw the like of Furniture still coming at old stand of Stewart Furniture Co. next month Mr Yates will be ordained. The presbytery Tvill consist of Revs Portei.H Moore, Layton and Hester. credit for the vigor with which they are prosecuting their work. They will have the support of all good sired results.

If you will try Rufus Sanders cheese you will use no other. Price. TUCKER SON'S SHOP, For The Best Work and Lowest Prices Phone 83 Roval Pressing Club citizens. for first-class work and prompt service. Rev Porter was back-in his pulpit at the first Baptist church Sunday.

Though hoarse from his The foreman of The Leader spent ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Randolph county, Alabama, dated the 25th of February. 1908, the under-siened administrator of the estate of William on all kinds of Blacksmithing and Horse-Shoe McGill, deseased. will proceed to sell to the ing. Always busy, but can wait on one more.

iree weeks' revival campaign in other towns, he delivered two stirring discourses. At night the services partook of an evangelical nature and there were special musical features. The pastor announced that there would be no preaching at his church next Sunday on ac Sunday out" at High Pine church and reports a fine occasion. The crowd was large and decorous and the addresses by Dr Liles, Rev A Brannan, Hon John Heflin and Dr Heflin were excellent deliverances. Of course the dinner was excellent.

highest bidder, for cash, on the premises of the deceased, on Monday, the 16tb day of It has taken The Leader a long time to build up a good subscription list. But thsoe who use its columns now may have the satisfaction of knowing that thev are reaching the most substantial people in all this section. We have some very pretty things in millinery, at prices to suit the Nov, 1908. the following landslbelongine to the said estate, to-wit: The Pe of Sw Section 21 of Range 10. The Sw of Ne Section 34, Township 21.

of Range 10, and the Ne of Nw and Nw of Ne and Ne of Ne count of the protracted meeting at Don't fail to see that swell line of Come and use our free hitching ground whether you have any work to be done or not. Shop back of Harper's Odd Store, Roanoke, Alabama. of Section 34, Township 21, Range, 10 and Ladies' and Misses suspender belts times, that we invite the ladies to call and see. fraction in section 27, township 21, range ust arrived at 10, situated in Randolph county, Ala, said Manley, Hornsbv Handley. lands lying on the A A railroad, about miles north of Wadley, on the Big Talla Manley, Hornsby Handley's.

Ladies, phone .83 and the Royal poosa river Just opposite' the Hester ferry. The merchant who refuses to ad Remember Goldman's goods and prices are guaranteed as represented. FOR RENT Small house on College Street. Apply to Jackson. The farmer who only plants and plows a few weeks in the spring doesn't expect to gather any crop in the fall.

The merchant should be equally as sensible in conducting his advertising campaign. Another Gold-filled watch to be given away at Trent Drug and Grocery Co's. Buy your groceries, confectioneries, etc, of them and wear a watch that is a watch. Come running, as you will perhaps never have another opportunity to get a watch absolutely free. I have bran and shorts.

Price. Newman was in Opelika last week as one of the principal witnesses for the state in the trial San Bailey for the killing of Lee Allen a few weeks ago. Mr Bailey was convicted of murder in the first degree and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. He appealed the There is a good farm and a lot of good tim Pressing Club will send for your ber on this land. JAWALDEN, skirts and also deliver them Capt A Driver returned yester REV SIJSPSON.

Administrator. day from a long stay in Birming vertise because times are hard should likewise refuse to take medicine when he is sick, should fail to come under shelter when it is raining, and decline to eat when he is hungry. One is just as sensible ham. Save money by having the Royal ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the pro the Methodist church.

The revival services oegan atthe Methodist church Sunday. The pastor deliveredtwo discourses to attentive congregations. Monday evening Rev John Simpson, cf Anniston, arrived and began his series of sermons. He has already made a most favorable impression' Services are beiug held at 3 15 and 7:15 m. The hours areconvenient, the weather is delightful and large ingregati ans are attending.

Everybody is cordially invited to attend and assist in the meeting. Much work remains to be done by the christians of this community to save many souls that are going down to ruin. Pressing Club make your old suit Belcher is building a four- as good as new. Two doors east of room cottage just beyond his as the other. White Awbrey 's.

bate court of Randolph county, Ala, dated July 27th, 1908, the undersigned administrator of the estate of las Taylor, deceased I will offer for sale to the highest bidder for one cash, and the balance on a credit of 12 months, on the premises of the deceased's place, known as the Jim Taylor cross roads, on Monday, the 9th day of Nov, 190S, Jordan inserted a small ad in The Leader urges its local read ers not to slight the opportunity of The Leader last week. Monday getting some spiritual help out of the series of meetings now being held at the Methodist church. Such the following land belonging to the said estate, to-wit: part of NwK of Sw section 1 and Ne of Ne part of SeKofNetf, Sec2, and Sw 5i of Ne and he was in this office and remarked that he was well pleased with the results he had already received about a dozen responses. It is a frequent occurrence for advertisers to tell us that their investment in printer's ink pays them handsome Se of Nw X. andSe of Sw and of occasions are comparatively rare.

These meetings are held for your benefit, but unless you manifest enough interest to attend, you will Sw of Se Section 12. and Nw of Se and Ne of Nw Section 13, all in Township 21, Range 12 in Randolph county. Ala. HILL IS MODERATOR. case.

certainly miss the benefit of them. LAND SALE. If you have butter to sell bring Mrs Mary Lane and Mrs Robt Lane, of LaGrange, went to Birmingham this moraine. Miss Maude Higgins, who has been spending some time at school in Kentucky, is the pretty guest of Mis Sanders. Long, of North Carolina, arrived last week to take charge of the books of the acid plant in the He is a recent graduate of an Atlanta business college.

Judge Lyons, of Opelika. Rev Morrison Bethea. of Auburn, and Dr Ward, of Dadeville, will arrive today to conduct the work of initiating about fifteen Masons into the Royal Arch chapter recently established here. ly. The Leader's next door neighbor, Councilman Stewart, accompanied by Mrs Stewart, rolled out from Chestnut Street yester By Administrators of the Estate of The Methodist pastor and people, as well as the community at large, are fortunate in having with them during the meeting at the Methodist church Rev John Simpson, pastor of the First Methodist church of Anniston.

He is a very pleasing and persuasive speaker, a gentleman of delightful social qualities, and a deeply pious man. His ministry is sure to help those who attend upon it. Though not yet an old man, Dr Simpson has long been one of the leading members of the North Alabama conference. He had the rare distinction of being made a presiding elder at the early age of 31 years. At that time he served the Decatur district.

At other times he was presiding elder of the Tuscaloosa, Florence and Birmingham districts, pastor of the First church at Huntsville, and held other important appointments. At one time he was president of the Methodist girl's college formerly conducted in The Leader trusts that Dr Simpson's stay among us may prove cot only a blessing to the people, but a pleasure to him. If you ever use salmon try my Blue Jay nothing finer. Price. If you are looking for good Taylor.

This land consist of 472 acres, six miles day morning for the association at north of Roanoke. Will sell all in one body or will divide it into three farms and sell them separate. shoes cheap, comgto Goldman's Store and get them. The estate divided as above mentioned Paran, seated in a shining phaeton, which had just been overhauled by it to me, and if you want to buy butter phone 150 1 Price. If you waDt 25c goods at 15c you can get them at Goldman's.

Fall of year is time to turn your land. The best plow is Syracuse sold by Griffin Satterwhite. is described as follows: "The home place," situated at Taylor's our other near neighbor, Mr Rug- cross roads, contains 152 acres. Thirty acres in cultivation, thirty acres in pasture and ninety-two in native timber. This tract is watered by one stream that runs almost entirely through it.

NOTICE On account of a change in our business on January 1st, 1909, we kindly ask. all our customers to come forward and settle. 14-3w Hurt-Tenant Co. The Randolph County Baptist Association met at Paran yesterday. The attendance was large, overflowing the house.

In the absence of the regular appointee, Rev Porter preached the opening sermon and the discourse made a deep impression. In che afternoon the regular order of business was taken up. The moderator for the past year, Rev CoSeld having moved awayT Mr George Hill, of Roanoke, ws chosen moderator. Mr Hill is one of the best men in the county, and the association honored itself in namiug him as its official beai. With genuine piety he E'ho combines wisdom and conservatism.

The association also acted wisely ia reelecting Nichors as treas The improvements consist of one seven- room dwelling, a large, roomy barn, one tenant house, and other out bouses, and in Dry Goods, For bargains clothing, shoes, and hats go to WANTED Two mill-stones for- corn grinding, 3 or 4 feet in diameter. Must be in good condition. West. blacksmith shop. Tavlors Cross Roads is a fine location for country store.

forty acres of good High Pine creek bottom Goldman's Store. "The Sarah Taylor place," This tract con gles, of the firm of Hunter Rug-gles. Tucker, of Shaipsville, Pa, has come to Roanoke to make his home and will be associated with his father and brother, A and Tucker. We were pleased to meet him Monday'. Several times during late years Mr Tucker has had occasion to use the advertising columns of The Leader, and he tells us he has been more than satisfied with the results.

Read his notices in this paper and you will be interested in what he has to say. FOR SALE. Yoke of oxen, well matched, true tains 120 acres. Twenty-five acres in cultivation, fifteen of which are bianch bottom lands. There are thirty acres in native forest and fii'ly-five acres in old field pine and pasture.

The improvements on this place consist of one four-room dwelling, and out pullers, perfect build. Just getting There are thirty acres in native timber and 15 acres in bottoms not in cultivation and 55 acres in old field pine. High pine creek ruts through this tract, and also several branches. The improvements consist; of one 4-room dwelling. out houses and gin house.

Mr A Taylor lives on the estate and will take pleasure in showing the diSerent places to any prospective buyer. Oct 13. K08. A WAI.BHN. 3w Administrator, COAL When you want old and large enough for saw mill houses.

This place is well watered, and a Cytton to-day, 9cts Ralph Bingham the 27th. WANTED Lead cf stoye woe 5. would make a desirable home. good fire phone Taylor for co ah or other heavy hauling. JOHN FlXLEY, H-2w Fisley, Ala.

as urer and Earning Hoyt Ealoe secretary. "The Creek farm." this division contains 200 acres. bun Jred acres in cultivation Cut. Apply, a Leader t..

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