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Greensboro Watchman from Greensboro, Alabama • 4

Greensboro, Alabama
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ft waBrnynninnraaa 3 CHARLES LIOjEiTJLIr-i 'in: Watchman sonne place, tMs week. Hope be will conclude to stay with us. Air. R. Reddlnsr and Miss Florence attei ded commencement in Livingston tbis week.

Me. John McQuUlen has been on sick list, Jiob-Hreeno sprained his ankle and Tom May stuck'a nail in hi hand. MR. BENNERS' LETTER. 'Washington, D.C., May 25,191 2.

Dear Watchman r-, The Tuft-Roosevelt "unpleasantness" continues leadintr topic of the dny. The Ti as Leading Merchant. Greensboro, May 30. 1912. I BUY BIGZAND PELL LOW Ton ni cordially ihfo? examine Inrjic jiihI nirefully Mtlwiril stork of Some people are sun pie and silly enough to be discussing the question of Roosevelt's sanity.

Crazy? No sir, he seems to have just more sense than anybody. If you ever pet Into a political race, prav that you may have no such crazy" man after you as Teddy, or else wish that you were enough to get the votes like Roosevelt is getting them. If Underwood's votes in jSTEK-Y gtf to Champ Clark if he needs them to be nominated we miss our guess. Underwood is under lasting obligations to the Speaker because he made it possible for Underwood to get in the lime light by making him chairman of the Ways aid Means committee the most important position in the House. Highlv esteemed Grandma Advertiser of Montgomery, charges The Watchman with saying something "palnotical-lv." Without knowin? the gravity of the offence charged, of tallies' read to wear; also a full line of ladi and jrents' furiiishinjrs at lower prices than crn be found arty where My stock is now on display for 3 our inspection.

Call A my dale stock "I beore buying. I have received a onr jnnd of trunks, from lit cheapest to thu fiiiHbt. Uoine and take a look ab hem. LICHTMN. Don't be surprised if you have an at tack of rheumatism this spring.

rub the affected parts freely with Cham, beilain'a Liniment and it will soon dis-appear. Sold by all dealers. BT- the National convention do not over again, Roosevelt would was taken or and tuke a look and get my prices or in fact whether the last legislature passed a law forbidding! RESPECTFULLY YOURS OH AS LICHTMAN. Greensboro's Leading Merchant. YOUR MONEYS WORl II OK YOUIl MONEY BACK, the use of "palnotical" expressions in, the public prints, we here and now enter a plea of not guilty, and invoke the rule of evidence which requires the person who asserts a proposition to prove it.

wtjl an up to You will look a good while before yon find a better medicine for coughs and colds than Chamberkin'a Cough Remedy; It not only gives relief it cures. Try it when you have a cough or cold, and you are certain to be pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect. For sale by all dealers. -SOLD I If New York had it to do get the delegation to the Republican National Convention. When the vote on the question ago, New York Republicans looked upon Teddy's candidacy for the presidency as a joke or a roaring farce.

now know better since hearine the news from other sections. From present indications it looks as if those disappointed legislators who have been wishing for an opportunity to show their constituents that they do not wear an O'Neal col I lar will have the chance at an early day. The Governor is possible they will spur up seriously considering calling the legislature together in extra session, and before it is over with we predict that the Gov-j ernor will wish he had never heard of a legislature or of an extra session. BACK AFTER MAWY YEARS. C.

A. VerBeck, who edited the Demopolis Times for the past year and a half, has gone to Gadsden to work on the Evening Journal of that city. He made a good paper of The Times while he was on the job. Mr. VerBeck is succeeded by E.

S. Cornish as editor of the Demopolis paper. Seeing Ed Cornish's name at the mast head carries us back to the days of long ago. He and the editor of The Watchman started out in the newspaper business about the same time to mention how long ago would be unfair to our friend but as the years went by Ed seemed to tire of editorial work and quit the It is a pleasure to note his return to his first love. He will give the people of Demopolis an excellent paper, because he knows how.

THE FACTS IK THB CASE. "The ill stirks to us that Hale county is entitled to some Bradatsl PERFUMES Extract of Pink; Wild Viylet Nap Vi-. olet, White Rose and Lily of the Valley, at 50c an oz. An assortment of nice Bottle Perfume at 50c bpttle. Violet Sec Talaurn Powder 25c Violet Stc Toilet WaUr 75c Dental Tooth Paste Tubes "25c; assort mcnt of bachet Powders at 50c bottle Violet Scap 25c cake Lavender Crys Smelling Salts' 50c Marvelous Cold Cream 50c a box.

tanic disaster of six weeks, ago 18 1 being forgotten na tbe iiena-nnes now tell of He sledgehammer blows passed by these quondam friends and allies. I send yon a marked copy of the Congressional Record containing Senator "Gumshoe Stone's" speech on the situation. It is worth reading and keeping, for anything that makes Mr. Stone blush is indeed bad. Ohio treated Taft very unkindly in the primary this week, and Roosevelt's beating him in his own a -1 atata was such a blow that for con solation his friends are replying that Taft beat Teddy in JNew York, anyhow; I am getting interested in adjournment, and enjoy hearing tha we may leave June loth, but still I can't believe it.

There are fifteen general appropriation bills. Of these thirteen have been introduced, and placed on the calendar, eleven have passed the house, and gone to the senate, seven have been considered t.y the senate committees and placed on the senate calendar, seven have been amend ed hv the senate, and aro to be i conaDo.l seven have been agreed to and approved by the president and are now laws. I he General aeticiencj hill and the sundry civjc bill are vet to be introduced. What re mains to be done on appropriation bills alone looks to me like it would use all the time for a month, but To dar thev are fighting slowly over the Naval appropriation bill The Democratic caucus killed tne battleship construction bo fr hs this tension is concerned and the bill has no battleships in it, al though it is biK enough to have a few. Mr.

Hobeon contends that the Democratic partv a not abandoned the increase and main tainanne of the navy, but that it is making a pause in order' to in vestigate further, and will go ahead democrats control botb houses and the presidency. I hone his expectations are well founded, but the average Democrat seem to be "agin" army and navv both', and needs a good deal of persuasion, to show-him. We spent ttorhe hours' at Chesapeake Bteh a few days ago, and took note of tbe country en route, and voted that whila the bay was clearer than the Mobile bay so far as water waft concerned, the coast wa not near as as that of Mississippi and Alabama, nor whs the beach so attractive. The sou of the farms around does not look rich, nor, is the country prosperous. We saw', miles 'of old fashioned snake rail fences, such as have gone but of style wherever time is money and timber worth anything.

The distant view of stenmera and suiting craft passing to and from Baltimore made an interesting sight. Out on the end of the long oier fishermen were trying their luck in the deep water, but not even crabs would bite, as the season a began. Nobody caught anything but the man with a minnow seine. A few folks who did not mind the cool breeze and the cold water tried bathing in tbe shallow water, while oth ts tried to "dip the coon" by hitting the red disk thit when struck dropped him into ft tank of wuter. He got a few falls, but my control was poor and he got a dry nickle from tne, Be sure and come on Jane 8th and see the Columhus monument celebration.

It will be a big time. We strolled by there a few nights ago and fomid the workmen making a. twenty-four hour job of it. A watchman there gave us a stray kitten namod Christopher Columbus. He said it had been banging lit'itwi oiriina fmm Ilia i.

i.Lt..? Nk to our hostess. who is delighted and little Columbus is as happy as it lie iihu uinrovereu Aiiifriw instead of being raptured and tak en off the streets. II, O. BENNKRS BP: AT 7 fn the days when I was hard up For tbe want ot wood and Are, I use to tie my shoes up With little bits of wire. Iu hard up.

it hard op never shall foreeb The da) when I was hard up -1 may be richer yeu In th days when I was hard up I For the want of food and clothes i' use tnwaka myself ui To find I was nearly Iruse. chorus, etc, you know the rest, After a fw wks of "being irona are oac 10 mo iaou cious oucw, Is ed so I KK IIwckabce4 B. Powers is on a vHit to Birmingham and Mississippi. Pearl visiting in Moundville, There Is ii Tree ot Lebanon" in Mr Gewin's yard, aid to have been plant by the late Mrs. Lijrhtfoot.

The oil wwj-oo was down last week, was Mr, Uaither Perry. which has been layincr in the rain here all the spring; is badly damaged, certainly. Fishinsr will soon be good here.Oome down and stoD fussinir atourGovernor. He is a '-smoke eater on the blaze wagon" all right. r.

'Gewin sold 1000i00 worth of cot- ton last week, und Mr. Lambert is still hustling; row. is much ac quaint with 'fin." Nosb Gewin visited Akron last work for the first time and wns much pleased with thehusilntf K.wn Johnson grass pretty good soma be ing cut: garden sorry, some scoffers around but nursed here, Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Herren and Miss Ula visited air: and lainliy sun day last. Mr. Greene has found some baby sguari ij in his-ootton.

1 Drummers ai out in full force again Mis Bessie Herren ha a new graphophone and we have music to the -band. Well, we are so full of cat fish and jesj berry pie tbu( we close with love to urotn' iienners and Col. moi. BUOWV, REPORT OF FRANK V. EVANS, EXAM! KER GF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, ON QF flCIALS OF HALE COUNTY.

Pbobtk Christian The books and system employed by thin official are model of excellence, and bin records show puina-tbkin'j; care in all afTiiirn that cume under hisjuris-diotion. Hit receipts- from state 4nd county truasnrers conform with book en trie m.d reports, with the following exception: 1 nnd bim indebted to th stale a balance of 1.90 on aeconnt mortgage tax'. nd to; the county cents on same account. This omission nan purely through ulericsl error; and the Probate judge promptly setl led the, mall amounts as soon as bis attention was called COUNTY TmtASUBKKi. H.B.

PomlnicV. The books and vouches of this official are welt kf'pt Hud are snsceptabla fo ready reftrencn. He shows proper eu-ties and vouchers lor everv item of receipt and expenditure. Under probable misinieruretatiOD of tbe law, the county commissioners have drawn warrants illegally upon him as follows: i For support of paupers outsidi the poor house. The examiner says nails attention to the fact under the law physicians examined as witnessss in cases of insane are vntitled to only "5 cents instead of $3.00 formerly paid tbetn as stioli witnesses.

sheriff's offick: E. E. Gewin, ex- Sheriff. 1 )10 to Jan'y 16, 1012. The boo ard ao 'o'int of this official urfei'd I t.

authorit? rests, exei'uiiohs and colicct'ODS i re correct, except that he kept no fee book cases rrom wet. iiu to in. iifji; prior iaai fciine ue um oubervu the law jp this respect. jilAKTl.N, Sheriff. From Jauuary.lfi, 1911, to May 1, 1012.

1 lind all books and accounting of this officer correct, except that the si eriff was due fees and costs in case No. 158. James Woolen, amounting to $52.80, which said amount was promptly paid by him when his attention was called to the omissiom. SCPEMNTKNPENT OF KDPCATION! l' i A. Jillurbe, Suiit- An exaniluation of this ffi shows proper accounting of all money passing through his hands." Contracts, re ports and payrolls agree.

I And that while be makes full accounting of all transactions, be lacks a proper system of book-keeping and have suggested to bim that be make application lor books suitable for tbe work of hi office. CIRCUIT CURRK. Cad Garrett, Circuit and Clerk of the Law and c-quity I Court of Hale. Perfect system is fhown by this official and a full accounting of all itiou eys passing through his bands. TAX assxkSou: Edwin S.

Jack. 1 find the books of this official excel-leutly well kepi. His books tally with abstracts furnished 'Auditor, with the following In the 1'Jll abstract submitted, there Is an error of 10 00 overcharge to the collector in the item of real estate tax. However. It is pla'nly shown that this Is purely clerical, as Die gene ml tax assessment for the state on the books is same as abstract furnished the auditor.

lria An of tlie nd c. counts of ils ottice lor the tax year 1H10, shows perfect uccountinif, as ier assessment lists and rnports furnished the auditor. Tbe collrctor shows receipts tor sll monies that were due the state and county. in concluding this report, 1 desire to bear testimony to the very elllcienl manner In which each and eyer office here is conducted, and to the fact that not One item Indicates carelessness, neiftect, inefficiency or dishonesty. Kr rors dlsrovt-red are few and of little imKi'tance, and are purely clerical.

Kor (lie willing and valuable assistance rendered ro by each oHlcr and employee la this examination 1 desire to express ru thaks. KesiKi'tfuHv submitted, FKAN'K V.EVANS, Examiner of I'ubllc HOGOLKSVILLK BEAT 11. w. h.vlm? soma summer not in siyht. VV ar tuankful.

Misses Elva and Yenola Davis have returned to their home from the Wound ville college. Rev. T. B. Siimners filled hlsreeiilar ri.

hu', Mrv. Su.un-rs. who made many during her short JlU hllB from collctre to spend the va catiyn. Mr. Tevt and Miss Docia Smith visit ed their sister, Mrs.

Terrjr, near Mound- ouwkuhiiu.u nn irj are as happy as larks ainoe the colleue (rirls have returned. Eooier and Watson Hcrcis aftd Woj, appropriations made lyth- for both road and -school purposes. We iindeirtaf. that Hale has complied with it obligations in the matter. We stand ready to bo corrected if we.

arc wrong, but we have seen nf thing the- contrary." Monnd-, "ville News. By an Act approved April 1911, the Legislature provided that any county in which the citizens shall procure a suitable site, consisting of not less than five acres of land, and build thereon a good and substantial building to cost not less than $5,000, -then furnish it, and deed the entire outfit to the Sfcir of Alabama and Dlace it'under the control of the 1 car Lichtman has recoived ft loud of Buggies a'id hurries of dif ferput fttyl1, which will be. sola at lowest Hers i a woman who spenks from personal knowledge and Imif experience, Mrs. P.IL Wilutn, whosnys, "I know from experience tint Clianilerlaui's Congli Esmedy is fr superior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excels iW For sals by all deulers.

Coleman wept 'fishing last Saturday night. Mr. Payne is preparing to flx his mill dam. ''Tax" Inquired in the News las week why we didn't type op In I he Watchman and laid it to tht new ground. That's pretty near the fact.

Sometime we'll show a nose and a pair of bands for beini: brown airainst any thatevercame back from a pleasure trip to the seashore. Shirley Martin transacted busine'ss at Stewart last Saturday. From some cause unknown to us J. M. SaitrhroiiE-H from Maundville is a visitor in this seoiljot as regular as 1 Sunday comes.

Mrsl Davis and little daughter from Tuscaloosa county are visiiiux.ui tins Mr. ana Mrs. Tom Smith from Stewart attended services at New Hope last Oottoiv chopping Is on the sro, and farm work generally is nrouressmii nicelv. A shower would be appreciat ed very much. 'Sinsf iiisr.

picnics and ball pames Bre on the way. in the ffeod o'l summer -Prof. Akins wilt preach at the Valley next Subbathat ten A RESOLUTION Be itResolved by theMavor and Comical of Greensboro, A as follows: 1st That an election is here ordered to be held In the City of Jrensborn, Ala, on the 1st day nf July, I HI'-', fr Ibe purpuse of the qualified electors of said municipality voting upon and de cidinif the question as to whether or not the bonds oi said municipality kA Ij1u11c.1l fti ha niii-ruiHA fit ntlf- ehaslncor conatructinK a public school house for white children in said City: tbe said bonds to be in amount IIIOOO to be interest besrine at the rate of live per cent per annum; interest to be paid aimuallyr semi-annual as me coun-, cil ma; determine; aud bonds to mature in twenty years. 2d That ni'tii of such election shall be given fr 3d days by publication in the Greensboro WaUhmau a t.ewspa-per published in said city once a week for three succensive weeks. Adopted, this 30th day of May, 1912 A.TAYLOK, Aul'g Mayor-C-Ned Lh Crabb, Clerk.

FOKOOTTX Havo you forgotten a little "Cash Drawer 1 icket" loft at Gullev and CliriHtian'tt SjKt Cah Store when you wer out without your Purwi? or that little balance due when your purcbaw; amounted to more than yu had ch in your purse? If you have, let thin remind you, and come iu aud cab for "my cnnh Drawer Ticket if you pieane. I want to uty it You wo Oulley Chrintimi keep no btK'ks now, aud do not make out and reudr bills an of yore; no, if they have been uiceto you, be nice to thetn. Every Uxly likes tbe uptit ealt way of loiil)i busineaa already, and will appreciate it mora and more as it advantage! are realized. Olor'ons News cornea from Dr. J.T.C'urti.

Kan. He wriiea: "I only have cured bnoV wise of eci6nia in toy juttient with Electrio Bittora. but also cured tnywMf by them of the sflnie disease I feel auro tbey will benefit any case of ecaiim.V It ia au excellent remedy for ecsoma. totter, as It rbenm, nlcer, boils and it atintuir.te Jiver. kidney and bowels, expnla poteons.

help bniHU op the xtrenKth. Price 30 cent. Karisfne-turn gtuirunteod by all druKK''- i T. HALL Denlert to Novelties and Itacket We carry a lull Im of Grocer- ies. Goods delivered proinpilv.

WearealitsfurTheSeliiiHMa'r Ida Omnite Worka. If tou u-d a marked or MonumiMital work of rf.tUfa. 11 stiu vtioi, v. m-u- High School Commission consisting of the Governor, auditor and state superintendent of education, who shall make all the rules and regulations for the said school and employ all the teachers the State will, out of any money not otherwise appropriated, give the sum of $3,000 per year for maintenance. If this proposition looks attractive enough to the people of any portion of Hale county they might bestir themselves and get the $3,000 per year under the conditions set forth.

So far as we know, no application has yet been made, a The county of Hale has thus far received nothing from the appropriation made for the benefit of roads, the proper application not having been made. The county is entitled to $2,000 for the year 1911, and $2,000 for the year 1912, when it shall have made proper application and contributed a like amount to be expended upon some proposed improvement of a permanent nature and upon some main traveled road or portion thereof that shall receive the favorable endorsement of the state highway commission. Unless Hale makes the application and meets the requirements of the law at an early day, the $4,000 it is entitled to will be forfeited and will revert to the general road These are the facts in the i 1 i ii i 'i i John A. Striton J. Dan tialtoi.

Mi En's MANUFACTURE RS'AUD BUILDERS, UKEENSBORO. Having combined our two plants it ml energy we are better prpared to Hcco.nniodate the trade than ever before, We nmiiufrietiire hashes, Poors, Blinds, Columns. Brackets, Mouldnms. Desks. Safes.

Titldea, Bureaus, Ic-hoxa. rwin( and porch BeiiHie. f)oor and Window A SPECIALTY. Handle nil kinds of lnildiiiK material. Paints And Roofinit.

Pinna and Specificationa Fur-niaheJ at Rate. Tnl-rdione No 1-R. GRKENSBOHO To Mothers And Other. You cjhi use BuchltMt'a Arn'ca Halve to core children of ecniu, riiahen. te'tr.

chnflfifs. cIy and Onutet bnmors, an well as Iheir accidental Injnriwa. cute, bnrtm. hroiei. with iierfwt Mtetr For tvult.

ulcer, old. rnntitnir or fver euro or pils it hna nrtt rqunl. 33 centf all druKijista. A Lawson, Jr Cilioe immediately weet of the Gewin Hotel on Wain Unit. Bepil Attack Of DestX yeiirsaif" two dia-fora told rue that I hid only two yMr to live." This itrliii au'emwit wr.a made bv Hrilliunu Urt-n.

SLilm-hite, Oil Ttiy tiild me I w.uld die with consumption. It vns nj to ni lien fo try the heit lamr tuehctue nnd I to Dr. Kinu'a Now IHovfry. It is well I tin! fir I am worktmt and Uov I owe my lif to thi erent thront end Jisnir cure. Tuke ihe enro tliat'a tvifest.

Jrie 5o and free at nil drtugiata. A JM 3 QHCS UUKKNSHOIiO, A LA. VVirr. Ho or rKtt You Lasd ui rental of I i Nineteen tyiea A Becoud flusik Uouui banc th ewlul unet-rt of --ir nrth i-iiiice. Vie wki ratsuch I iisri of nirnrti inn tuii juft thoroimb Wf'rk that irimrs' nodhoalth nnd tine levljnvi.

25! CAWetttaUdtaiM- HIE OL: RELIABLE BARBJtP. StilJ at the old stand Where he hag been for the pasfc Korty years. Am preperert to serve my custom ers either mreelf or bv a firt clua barber from Glastgow, Ky. Uive call No work, ca Sunday. Bcissors nd razors sLameneoV and ou hand for sale.

Jfr, AUiX Sledgvj GREENSBORO, ALA OHIce immediately east of Wal er's law ofJIce Why He raa Ite. "Waat made yon so lateJ" "Well, is no reason wty you jbonid be an hoar lute getting borne to topper." knew, but I asked Um bow be waa feelinsr, and be insistej on telling ma abont his etoia-ch tronUie." "Did yon him to take Chamber-laln'aTsbletsr' "3nre. the la what be needs." Bold by all dealers. B. Cvlus.

rdw oS.Jao Evins Jack A TT S- A T- LAW, Will practice all the Courts of Alabama, and the iVilmal t'ourU. HOUSES fttul Vta for wh ia GreenfUri jiru ea tofoA(K) acree Rood bind at t3 50 mr aire. II. JONES. ANT KIND 3 for $2.00 or Ql.QO Ir IJozni, CftRKON PAPER.

1.50 PER BOX EXPRESS PREPAID Money refunded if not ficd. Agents Wanted. Send Sumcs, Check, Draft, Money Order. I'll a. C'o.

CLEVELAND. OHIO I arlier ijop. tn (Jreetistwiro Uotel, It) LITE AND COVUTEOUS. lh ill BEJOICE WHILE YOU MAY. That splendid paper, the Choctaw Advocate, is felicitating itself upon the fact that Butler, the place where the Advocate is published, has been incorporated and is now duly entitled to the appellation of 'Town of Butler." We hope It will be a long time before Brother Moody will regret he ever heard of the incorporation.

From experience we know that it is a luxury to reside in an incorporated town, for they have a way of taxing that makes one sit up and take notice. Whenever npnnlo are triven 7 0 riably do it. s. In Greensboro there is the town tax on prop- erty, a street tax, a water sprinkling tax, license tax for run 1 11 1 11 or being a lawyer. And sooner or later we shall be called tn Anvn in nr nnrlrpfc on o-pf nrirP fnr lavmo- jGardens are UoinK nicely.

ater- Th hustling farmer-here iir, caches and hlf i P1" abun-lsnco, and a-arvation is uvii iv. a concrete side vva UxW teet in front ot 1 he Watchman 11. i- otnee. in me iau-ume, aner getting uirouKU paying an uie demands made by the town, county and state in the way of nower tri do a thino thev inva A 1 "agin the government," be- A irom tne money uius expenaea. euuors are buu uiscussing uie Taft most in New 1 an most mtonousiy rtncAVplfr iill nnt fhovo trt t-U DOlt taxation, we almost get to be a.

ccuse we see so mue returns aome otnerwibe tiuciii-ciu nut me mosini -em -are puanini; un ,0 7 1 prayinu for ru io. iiads! I never saw th iikeorcioa rrom uase nsu to peek OTwKSil Roads are getting o.k.. and the rat a in wsuou is iuria ntiaru tie of the wagon sain beard In the! Und. An auto passed on last Satur-! tl. 1 ir McCoonell preached for us told us hich was destroyed bv flit, would be made (rood.

Bui 'Vk'I Recent nws here, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bully Godwin of Birmimrhaui'ar the nappy parenU of twin 1 u. b-re lookinp around, but didVt settle We l00kiP iQt Pr Jvw 1 prooaoiUCV Ol xvuusevcu ouiuug uic ixcuuDUtdil party.

r.v- ery indicafori at present is that there will be no necessity of his doing It looks as if that proposition is up to the T1 1 1 xt I rhom- ho take Or New FUasi. don't forget we arioina. no dtres. He defeated otner renow. ne aeieaieo lort Mrt Pictures.

1 Vours for low prices. F. H.ALU SOS the action of the Chicago convention, -as muth as We'4 like to see him placed in a position to do S..

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