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The Chronicle-Telegram from Elyria, Ohio • Page 3

Elyria, Ohio
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IE! PAGE THREE-ELYRTA EVENING TELEGRAM-THURSDAY IT IS mm 'WETSIESTIF HEJIDHGHY, BILIOUS, SHUX1H1D for liver and Urn eta, bad breath, I bad colds sour stomach Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, coated mgue. head and nose clogged up th a cold--always tiace this to I liver; delayed, fermenting in the bowels, or sour, gassy ftomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the intestines, instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain ti-ssue it causes congestion and that dull, throbbing sickening headache.

Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undi- thetlc. Agreed a UIP puhlicrtlor of the news might.Do a real service at homo; that too mtu-h mygtery the doing of our fleet might have a bad effect; that it was unfortunate that most of the color! nl of the a i could nor be reflected in the newspapers, re- i a that historians might find themselves limited to the 24. 1918. TELLS PUBLIC OP WOMEN'S WAR WOK vciar ATI 1 i A i i trtiuo th i a a peni i i i i i i i i i. out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels.

A Cascaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you 10-cent box from your your head clear, stomach sweet, bieath right, complexion rosy and your liver and howels regular for months, advt. ElyriaCaih Grocery Co BROAT STREET AT EAST AVE. "Cash and Carry System." FRIDA'Y SPECIALS We Have Sugar BREAD, Loaf. and 12c Salmon, can 15, 20, 22, 25c (United Press Staff Correspondent.) London.

Nov. 20 (Dy Call cd on Col. House at Chesterfield. House. The library in which affable dr ununlightening official reports 3-ietary and son-in-law Gordon Au-1 The Xew Vork Times man was rather bittei.

"The upshot ol the censorship policy." he declared, "is that most of the correspondents are humorous stufl. People a' home are apt to get the impression that either this isn't a serious war or that we are a lot of ghouls who can't see anything but fun in the whole terrible business." The Ambassador was sympathetic --genuinely, without question--but he didn't commit himself to the opinion that the censorship is entirolv miBguided. Talked with Admiral Hall at the Admiralty. He was so enthusiastic over yesterday's big advance toward Cambrai that he couldn't get his mind on the Navy. They talk about the jealousy between the Xavj and the Army, but the Admiial i as so pioud of the work of the tanks that he insisted on reteinng to their commander as, "The Admiral." We tried our kick about the des- tioyer incident on i "Did jou i of this'" he asked We hadn't.

"This" was a phase ot anti-U boat warfare so i emote i i the 's fight that the connection jChinoloss asked me to wait Is the I andpornest room I ever saw. The Guardian man has since told me the 100111 was as Loid Ohes- K'riield Inmselt designated it and the poi traits forming a border about the four walls are original Rem- brandts and yan Dyck.s. Fancy having your int'eiior decorating done by those two gentlemen. Held short, though solemn, con- veise with the Colonel on matters of iave impoit. He told me (deleted by the a 1 am at liberty to say also that oui foiemost Texas citizen was looking extremely well, not the least oppressed the title-given him in the London papers," Special Ambassador ol President Wilson to the Allied Countiies One of those machine-tooled English seivants about which one reads! door, i having been sent ior "Please go out," said the Colonel, i raising his voice or bieaking the i i ol his conversation The servant went out like a snuffed cand''e.

It was as though the. three bullets sinking past his i ears. As we departed the Pi ess reportei lemaiked: "That door man is one slilewdest secret seivice Scotland'Yaid "He's wasting his time here Associated of the between the nevei would have occurred to anybody not responsible for the whole campaign. We had to men in a re that the stoiy reaH shouldn't Mrs. Clara Sears Taylor.

Mrs. Clara Sears Taylor, a news- woman of Denver and New York and for several months attach- to the committee on public iiifor- ttation, has been placed in charge of a division of the comnytee which wUl collect and distribute information relating to woman's war work. PERSONAL NEWS Col. Fresh Codfish 30c. Ib.

27c Fresh Peanut Butter. Ib. 23c Baked Beans, can 10c, 15c, 18c, 20c Bulk Mincemeat, Ib. 18c Tomatoes, large can lc Hershey Cocoa, can 9c, 23c Macaroni. Spaghetti.

Noodles 3 25c House will never tell him anything." We passed out upon the cobbled pave wheie, again according to the Aianchester Guardian man. Dr. Samuel Johnson was kept cooling lus fat heels by Lord i he got mad and weut off to i his i opinion of His Loidship. Telephoned Mis Pankhurst, asking fot an interview. "What about?" she asked.

"Militarism veisus: National Service as Means of Getting the Vote," I said. "Tliats an old story," she responded. "But some of our suffragists seem to have i i i "Now don't you think you'll be told foi a few dajs yet. "What I can't understand, said New Bulk Macaroni 13c Hominy, Ib 8c Mother's Oats, pkg- He Mother's Oats, large size 28c Armours Oats. lOc Fresh Rolled Oats.

2 Ihs. 15c Fresh Yellow Corn meal 11) Toilet Paper. rolls 25c "Our Best" Brand Coffee Ib. 21c, 23c, 25c, 30c New Crop Green Japan Tea. Ib 40c, 50c, 60c Fancy Baldwin Apples Basket $1.20 get me to say anything against your sut- tragists They're fine When I assuied her I shared bet that in lact I'd once or twice eaten of pie made by one of the selt- same suffragists now reported to be decorating a Washington jail cell, she relented "Weil, of couise, over here we the Admiral, -'is why your sailois thought it necessaiy to any Geiman lives." that the Bntish practice'" some one asked.

"Yes," he answered i a gim, "but you shouldn't emulate oui weakness com- Mr and Mrs Henry Pettty fenced housekeeping this week A surprise party was given for Mis. Kelly Monday evening onor of her birthday. Harry Bogart of Elyna spent the week end at home. Edwin Wyttenbach of Ashland usited at home Sunday. Claude Unger of Toledo Sunday at home.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Curren coir mence in Eljna soon The ladies Red Cross r.t Mrs. Wallace Courts every i Mis. A J.

Laundon very pleas- antlv entertained the Wednesday iiitcrnoou club, yesterday. The next meeting will be held "in two weeks the home ol Mrs. Clinton Theobold of Gates avenue. The Mission Study club of the Fust Congregational church will Puday evening, January 25 'the hostesses are Mrs. Pinck- Mis.

H. A. Daniels, Mrs. R. AicClurc, Miss Charlotte Brooks and Mio-s Mabel Maish Miss lima Knittle, of Mansfield, who has been the guest of Mis W.

ot Second stieet fot the past teA- das, lert for her home A A 7 have began and talked! lativ is i STOCKS GRAIN E.W.Wagner Company MEMBERS New York Stock Exchange Chicago Board of Trade Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Louis Merchants' Exchange New York Produce Exchange Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Chicago Stock Exchange CHICAGO, ILLINOIS COTTON PROVISIONS F. C. SPRAGUE Correspondent ANDWUB HOTEL Elyria, Ohio Home 6OO--Phones--Bell 259 P. C.

PETTINGILL, Mgr. at some length. "That'd make a good inteiview," I urged. "Well, aie'nt jou getting it?" she retiuned. I was.

Cut experience in England hating been that an interview is a thing to be approached through a series of formal, letters, careful maneuvering, footwork anl ring couldn't believe it. She didn't even say she must see the before it was cabled London, 21. (By Mail). Had our regular Wednesday session I I WPek Our zeio weather reems to pretty well Mr and family spent to attend. Mrs.

Geo. i i is bur-ii-, her funeiai being at the M. E. Louie Meyers of Kipton spcn fcunday at Wendell Ungei's. The young lady friends of i Austin Gould of Hires Rmis, MiJ; gave her a parcel post shower one dav this week.

Arthur Oeigenheimer is on the SKk list. A number from are t.tiend the auto show in big i Ambassador Page in his pleasant room at the Embass. "Well, boys. I don't know what 1 can tell ou," b-egan the Ambassador his customaij genial way. Then he preceeded to demonstrate in his ci-ually customary way that knew right well what he couldn't tell us.

The Ambassador is the sort ou vvould't mind having for your own peisonal giandfather, but you'd hate to have jour newspaper career nend upon him. He has made news- I a subject of private research. When the weekly demostration was to the satisfaction of all, H. S. Sunday Svalkers Oberlin.

Coates rind at Waltet to ending topic of the censorship. ast Sittmlay the U. S. Destroyer To January 10. the ladies of Ridgeville have completed ior the Ued Cross the following aitides eoz.

slings, i doz squares fiom jtneets, 23 1-3 doz. napkins, 8 2-3 I trav cloths, 222 pairs pillowcases, S3 shoulder wraps. 42 1-3 doz towels. i surgical shuts, 113 knit sponges, 23 knit wash cloths, 1 suit George M. Day of the Ordnance Dept.

U. S. returned Wednesday evening i mCleveland on a five day fuilough on account of Foit Thomas, being quarantined, to measles. Mrs. Clyde Schaeffer, delightfully cnteitained at luncheon, Wednesday afternoon, at her home on Cleveland street, when covers were laid for eight.

The Knights and Ladies of Secur- itj held their legulat meeting last nisjht Refieshments weie served and all enjoyed the meeting. BOY WANTED. clerking, experience not required. a i ho Jfi vears old. Applv at Cut Prire Store.

1-2-tf ORGANIZERS of new society being foi med to protect humanity against further profiteeiing want co-opera- Lion of every man and woman willing to assist them. We wemt your help not your money. Send name and address to New Freedom Society Box 392. Detroit. Mich There will be a high class entertainment when Wallace's Big vocal orchestra plays for the big dance at Bannon's Hall, Friday evening, February 1.

nr mn t.jn»uges, Knit wasn ciotns, i sun uerman 10 pneumonia jackets, 2J found feivently shell The side- merchantman, epi-oc various thrilling lights and just the sort of story to stir American blood. Censoi kiHed it. sheets, 1,372 gauze sponges, 802 compresses 36 pairs socks, 12 imiffleis, 2 pairs wi The Ambassador was very sympa- WEAK KIDNEYS MEAN A WEAK BODY When you're fifty, your body to creak a little at the hinges. Motion is more slow and 1 "Not so young as I used to be" is a frequent and unwelcome thought. Certain bodily functions upon which good health and good spirits so much depend, are Impaired The weak spot is generally the bladder.

Unpleasant symptoms show themselves Painful and annov- ing complications in other organs arise. is particularly true with elderly people. If you only know how this trouble can be obviated For over 200 years GOLD MED AT, Haarlem Oil has been relieving the inconvenience and pain due to advancing years. Tt is a standard, old-time home remedy, and needs no introduction It is now put up In odorless. titUUM caMulM.

ThoM arc easier Mrs. L. A. Bacon visited her aunt any throw Mis. A very, Sunday afternoon.

Mrs. Addie Chope of Cleveland is iipiting her daughter, Mrs. A. Koth. Mrs John Rothgery has been in very poor health the past two o- tl-ree The meals for the farmers' institute w.l be served by the L.

O. T. SI Mr. and Mrs. M.

K. Bills of 9 i a small swallow- na Salurdav with the latter's TM i a ver are an and i a bxof ri 0 rheumatism, him-, i company from Cleveland the past two weeks The L. B. society met at the pai Wednesday of this week in of in the church parlors. B.

Shaw of Cleveland spent from Tucday to Thursday with his Accept no sub- parentg mSICIRLSITRYIT! STOP DANDRUFF AND BEAUTIFY Hair Stops Falling Out and Gets Tliick, Wavy, Strong and Beautiful. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy, abundant and appears as soft lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderine hair Just try this--moisten a cloth with a little" Danderine and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust! dirt and exceSsHte oil and in just a few moments you have doubled the beauty of your hair. Besides beautifying the hair at once, Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; cleanses, purifies, and invigorates the scalp, forever, stopping itching and falling hair. But what will please you most will be after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair--fine and downy at first--yes--but really new hair growing all over the scalp.

If you caie for pretty', soft hafr and lots of It, surely get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any druggist or toilet counter for a few The members of the W. B. A. will go to Cleveland evening tc aMend a rally ol' the' order held in hall. The rupieine com- Klks' icander, piesent.

Pinu West, ft 0 be The ladies of St. Agnev parish i meet in the school hall tins evening. This is a woik meetfng and sewing will be done lor the French ielief and the kmtteis, will be kept bu a -y. All the women cs the chinch aie uiged attend. New-some Claik of East avenue vas pleasantly Piupmed by eighteen of his friends Wednesday A Ey a i evening.

The "affair was In honor of his eighteenth birthday nary and the young people spent several happy hours at games and music. Mrs. j. w. Brandt of the Colonial entertained a few frineds at bridge two i choir or Mtthorflat will Cur rehoMtui at I evening at the home of W.

Illscox. gig Middle avenue. A A A I The old family remedy in tablet eaijr to No no unpleasant after in 24 houn Grip in 3 days. Money btckif itfaib. Get the genuine box with Red Top and Mr.

Hill picture o- it 24 Tablets for 2Ec. At Any Drug FROM GAS TO COAL OR WOOD IN 3 SECONDS without removing a BURNER, BOLT or SCREW. That is what you can do with a Tuf-sfe Ranges aie no experiment but have been used continuously in Elyiia for the past 8 ypars. It is reported the coklestj wejtuei of the winter is stili'i to rome. A warm kitchen ami, warm meals where CHAMPION" Ranges aie used.

-584 Broad Street. C.H STORE HOURS 8:30 TO 5:30 SATURDAYS A. Specials for Friday Only Party Dresses $8.75 An assorted lot of Party Dresses elaborately trimmed with lace, some with over drape effect in a big array of colors, values up to $35. Your choice, Friday only Silk Waist $3.95 $5.00 and $6.00 Georgette and Crepe de Chine Waists in White, Flesh and Colors, with the new style collar, cuffs and trimmings. Special for Friday $3.95 Large Cotton Batts 57c Large size Cotton Batts, enough for one comforter, 85c value.

Friday only 57c Rag Rugs 59c 25x50 Rag Rugs in a pretty combination of colors, $1.00 value. Friday only 59c Each Silk Flounce Petticoats $2.79 Women's fine Silk Flounce Petticoats with Heatherbloom Petticoats in several different shades, values up to $3.95. Friday only $2.79 Mercerized Damask 39c 64 inch Mercerized Table Damask, our regular 50c quality. Friday only 39c yard 72x90 Sheets 83c 72x90 Unbleached Bed Sheets, seamed, made 'of extra good quality of Muslin. For Friday only 83c each Table Damask $1.10 72 inch Union Table Damask in a beautiful line of patterns, $1.25 and value.

Friday only $1.10 yard Buy Good Furniture for Your Home It gives more pleasure than anything else in the world. It becomes a t( member of the family," associated intimately with mother, dad and the children. It's influence-always for good. The Wilkins-Hurst store prides itself on the splendid quality of every piece of Furniture it offers to the citizens of Elyria and Lorain County. There is nothing better manufactured at the price- often times at a higher price.

It will give satisfaction or you will get your money back. You will find a large and comprehensive stock of all that's worth while in things for the home. Many big Bargains this Month. The Wilkins-Hurst Co. The Old Reliable Furniture and Rug House.

Funeral Directors 7.

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