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The Times from Munster, Indiana • 7

The Timesi
Munster, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES Page Seven Aiml 8, 1922. NATURAL HITTER MS ISAAC BOONE MERRILLVILLE ROBERTSDALE WHITING NEWS NOTES Mellons's Secretary Is Termed "Sphinx" INTER NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE WASHINGTON. April 6. -nows all, sees all, says nothing. That's what they say about John Kicley, private secretary to 8ecre-tarv of the Treasury Mellon, who M.

Neudorf has got cut his ce-j ment machine and started out so it must be spring. They haye been hauling ou grav- A FRIEND IN NEED A FRIEND INDEED Writes Mrs. Hardee Regarding Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Los Angeles, Calif. "I must tell yoa that I am a true friend to Lydla E.Pink- has ibeen the right-hand man for lham Vegetable liiiilimimiiiiiiiui many treasury chiefs.

Kieley is a. veritable Sphinx. He's a live wire but let's no one know it. It would take a battering-ram to get by him into the busy precincts of Secretary Mellon's office, if the appointment seeker had no good reason for taking up the time of that official. Mr.

Kleley is noted as a "kid clime" ortlaL Thfv imav want to compound. 1 nave taken it oil and on for twenty years and it has helned ma P. on 'tha rosd between here and Gary. The roads are in a deplor-able condition. Have you raked your yard? It seems to toe the slogan here in town.

Mrs. Llllto Pierce of Gary, -is visiting her daughter Mrs. Myra Prott. Mrs. Jaceb Hulbert of Ainsworth was in town last Friday.

Edd. Koch and Howard Walters were in Chicago last Friday. The M- E. Aid Soelety will give a chicken supper and all the fixings next Thursday evening, April 13th, everyone is invited. Born, to Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Lock, a seven pound boy, Friday, April 7th. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHl'RCH K. Taylor, Pastor. 'Services 'held at th Reformed Hungarian church, 119th street and Indiana Blvd.1 1 9:45 a.

m. Sunday School. 11:00 a. rn. Communion Service; Communion will be administered by Rev.

C. J. Steffy of the Pine Street Presbyterian church of Hammond. Stiglits Park Sunday School at 2 p. ra.

Communicant class tor children will meet at the church at 4:00 p. m. The Stlgllts Park Westminster Oiub met at the home of Mrs. W. H.

Taylor Tuesday evening1. The Whiting Westminster Cluh held a business meeting -at the residence "of Mrs. J. Nicholson, 1342 Roberts avenue Thfursday afternoon. 'CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY I change from a deli- Icate gin to a stout; healthy woman.

When 1 was married interview Secretary Mellon, but if they don't the astute private secretary sends them away smiling and II was sick all the Rltllll I time until I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veeetable Com- sausnea. Innnnri. was in Ki The proportion of men to women suicides In the United States is more than two to one. With the I men shooting is the favorite means MUNSTER while the majority of wonen sui cides use poison.

OF EAST CHICAGO ECZEMA Mr. Wells was pleasantly sur Brown's Hall. 612 Chicago ave. Sunday services. 10:45 a.

subject "Are Sin, Disease, And Death, Read?" Sunday School 13 o'clock. .1 1 1 A A much of my time, with pains and had to have the doctor overy month. One day I found a little book in my yard in Guthrie, Oklahoma, and I read it through and got the medicine Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound and took eight bottles and used the Sanative Wash. I at once began to get stronger.

I have got many women to take it just by telling them what it has done for me. I have a young sister whom it has helped in the same way it helped me. I want you to know that I am a 'friend foryouwere a'friend in Mrs. George Hardee, 1043 Byrara Los Angeles, California Let Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound be a friend indeed to you Ike Boone.

The natural hitter is rarity and a valuable article in baseball. Fop Anson and some of the old boys will tell you "hitters" are born and not made. Speaker and other present day strategists will tell you that some can be made good. But the "natural" boys are the ones sought. Experts say that Isaac Boone, young infielder with the Yankees, is one of these birds.

He's drawing attention with his itickwork. prised by a number of friends and neighbors Tuesday evening. The event being Mr. Well's birthday. All report a good time.

Quite a few children have been out of school on account of pink eye. Mr. Bonestra has sold his bouse and lot on Calumet avenue to Mr. Hukema. i Mr.

and Mrs, Kaske entertained IS CURABLE write me totay and will send you a free. trial of my mild, soothing, guaranteed treatment that will prove it. Stops the itching and heals permanently. Send no money Just write me that is all you have to do. Address Dr.

Cannaday 2046 Park Square Sedalla. Mo. 13:16 Sunday morning, 10:45 "Sou4 Laundry. Sunday evening-, 7:30 "Life's greatest Question and its Monday evening. 7:30 "Trouble at Church of Christ." Tuesday evening, 7:30 "A Decision of the Lower Court." This will be Bl'ble School service.

We-dnascliy evening. 7:30 "The Thursday evening, 7:30 Every Man Knows." Friday evening. 7:30 "Optional-Sister Masterson has volunteered to take charge of a nursery in the basement of the church during these evening meetings. Those who feel you cannot come on account of your children, can bring the children to church and they will be well taken care of. Bible School 9:45 a.

m. There will be five minutes intermission be tween BLMe School and morning service." You are cordially invited to attend these services. iMesdames Miller, Braley, Eaton, Burton, N. Wilson. S.

Greenwald, H. Lucke. McBride, Prochaska, Hurst, Jenkins and B. Black, surprised Mrs. Cecelia Osterberg in her new home on 119th street with a china shower on Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Osterberg was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. The ladies brought their refreshments and after an enjoyable afternoon a luncheon was served and all present had a delightful time. The Civic Section of the Fortnightly Club will meet at O'Keef's restaurant at 12 o'clock on Wednesday noon of April 12th Instead of April 19th, as scheduled in the program. AH members who wish to attend are requested to make reservations not later than Tuesday evening of the 11th of April to Mrs.

A. N. Beartiblen of 1284 Atehi-non ave. The following program will be given: Reading, Mrs." Geo. S.

O'Hara; Address, "Social Reform of Today," Oscar Ahlren. The Westminster Club of the Presbyterian Church meetat the home of Mrs. Nicholson on Roberts avenue on Wednesday afternoon. The following" officers were chosen for the year: Mrs. Ellis Exton, President; Mrs.

B. Black. Vice President and Secretary; Mrs. F. McNeil.

Treasurer. Much attention is being centered upon the mass meetings which Is to ba held tomorrow at 3:00 o'clock in the Community Center Hall. Mr. Luther D. Wishard who will address the meeting will on "The Larger Weed-day Program of CItW senshlp and Americanization." Besides the address, music will be furnished by a children's choir of 100 voices and the Community orchestra.

All who are interested In the largest development of the hoys and plrls in the city are.lbelngr In-vited to attend. Miss Doris Doty of Cleveland. who has been spending several days In this city as a g-uest of relatives has returned to her home. The Eastern Stars regular meeting will be held on Monday even-lng. Initiation and refreshments will take place and all members are urged to be there ta enjoy the en? tertalument that Is planned for th evening- Perey Rusnak was arrested hy of-neer Curdukowski for violating the state liquor law.

When arrested ha was carrying two grocery sacks containing bottles of liquor. He obtained 81,000 bond from Mat Sin. ner. Born to Mr. and Mrs.

John Evan at a Bunco party Wednesday evening. First honors were won toy Miss Piepho and Mr. Henry Piepho and the seeond prizes were given to Mr. H. S.

Damgherty and Mrs. Ben M'unster. EYES EXAMINED br Dr. C. Arkh New Improved Methods TRIKCBSS THEATRE TONIGHT James Klrkwood In "A WISE FOOLi" Ala "The Leataer Pushers" Pathe News and Comedy Coming Sunday Wanda Hawlr In "HER STAR THEATRE TOJUGHT Slay Allison In "THE BIG GAME," Comedy and Vaudeville.

Tomorrow, Louis Weber production "THH BLOT" and comedy. 4-8-1 FIRST EVAKGEUCAIi CHURCH OF ROBERTSDALE H. C. JPowll, Pastor. Sunday School 9:46 o.

jn. De-eision Iay in the Sunday School. Special message to the Sunday School by the pastor. Juniors 2:00 p. m.

Young People's Meeting 7:00 p. im. Evangelistic Services at 7:30 p. m. The meetings will continue every evening, except Saturday, at 7:30.

Interest in these services is running high. Souls are being saved. Believers are pressing into the fullness of God. Great blessings are be-stowed upon each service, in answer to much prayer. The Young People's business meet ing on Tuesday evening at close of evening services.

Catechism on Wednesday 4 and 7 p. m. Teaeher Training at 6:45 p. m. Friday.

Examination on Saturday evening. Church Board Meeting on Saturday evening at 8:00 o'clock, April 15th. The Civic Section of the Fortnightly Club will entertain at a luncheon at CKeefe's restaurant on Wednesday. April the 12th Instead of. the 19th.

Anyone wishing to attend notify Mrs. A. N. Beaubien, not later than Tuesday evening. Mrs.

G. S. O'Hara will give a reading and Oscar Ahlgren will address the club on Social Reforms of Today. The Woman's Relief Corps will meet in regular session jon 6atur-day evening-. Initiation of candidates will take place and refreshments will be served.

It Is urged that all members be present. Mrs. E. C. Johnson entertained several friends at a luncheon Thursday afternoon in honor of her sister, Mrs.

J. Jacob6on of South Chicago. Mr. James Nicholson who has visiting friends in Michigan for the past two weeks returned to his home on Roberts avenue on Wednesday and reports having had a wonderful time. Mrs.

James Nicholson entertained the Westminster Club, of the First Presbyterian ehurch at her home on Thursday afternoon. After the business session of the club a social hour was enjoyed during which time dainty refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Canby of McComb, are spending a few days at the heme of Mr.

and Mrs. Oscar on West park avenue. Mr. and Mrs. R.

Flowers of Cleveland avenue, entertained the L. of M. Club at their home e-n Thursday evening. The club enjoyed the evening, playing cards, after which Mrs. Flowers served a dainty lunch, eon.

Mrs. (Bertha Lane and daughter Gladys of Myrtle avenue were Hammond visitors Thursday. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haman of Indianapolis accldently fell and broke her arm.

The arm was set at the St. Bernard's hospital on Thursday by Dr. Tl nr. Mr. Phil Harr left for his home at Wood River, on Wednesday Mr.

and lira. Harr have been here on Wednesday afternoon and operated (for appendicitis. He is getting along nicely. Dentist F. J.

Newton of Ham. mond has opened an office here in the library building. He will com to Dyer every Thursday, Mr. F. Ruh of Chicago, visited here with friends.

Mrs. J. Patterson is spending the week with Mrs. B. Thiel.

CALUMET SHEET METAL WORKS Cornices, Sky-lights, Ceilings. Gutters, Spouting, Smoke Stacks and Repairing PENINSULAR FURNACES Repairs for All Furnaces. Get Our Estimates. Shop: 446 May Street Office: Room 1 Straube BIdg. PHONE HAMMOND 3259 DYER rv eanesaay tuning services t.uu p.

in. Reading Room open Tuesdays, from 2:00 p. in. to 6 p. m.

CONGREGATIONAL, CHX'RCH Palm Sunday at the Congregational Church, April Sth. A special program has been prepared for the morning service, "The Honor of the Church will be the Christian Endeavor Society, :45. Evening Service Services in the church every even lng at 7:20 except Saturday. The meeting Monday njsrht will be held In connection with the regular church meeting called by the Ad- visory Committee. Communion Service, Good (Friday Evening at 7:30.

Charles E. TrueTlood, pastor. METHODIST EPISOOHAli CHVRCH H. IVIvey, Pastor. Palm Sunday services will follow tha usual order beginning with Sunday School and Junior Church at 9:30 prompt.

(Be on time. Sermon at 10:45 by the pastor. "The City's Challenge and The Triumph, ant ChrUt." Epworth League at Subject, "Behold Thy King!" leader Mrs. H. J.

Broderson. The evening service at 7:30 will be in the nature of a torief praise service. Special music at all eer-fviies. Each evening during tha week, except Saturday, there will toe ser Chas. Arkin Son Jewelers and Optometrist 165 EAST STATE STREET HAMMOND, IND.

A large number of friends and relatives of St. John, attended the funeral of Barney Thiel on Thursday. John Johnson was taken to St. Margaret's hospital at Hammond, Although the slow worm can grow a new tail, it takes several years for this to acquire the size of the one which was lost. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY vice at 7:30, laatinr an hour.

Alii members of -tha congregation axe urs-ed to attend and invite others. 1IG The new aiass for the Cradle Roll Mothers will be tar ted In the Sunday School tomorrow. All mothers of Cradle Roll tables are urged to be present If possible, OHtSCH OF CHRIST 426 Central Geo. M. Anderson.

Minister-. Pre-Easter Meeting will begin on Sunday and continue every evening during the week excepting Saturday evening. There will bps-oial muslc during- these services by We can fcjtate in all sincerity tBat tKese six players are tKe most remarkable values we have ever had to offer in new Pianos. This offer has been made possible through die inability of a dealer to meet obligations. The saving to you in each of thtwo makes is exactly $275.

When you come in compare them with the same Players selling at $750 and $850. -i SDC DAYS ONLY Thursday, April 6. Friday, April 7. Saturday, April 8. Monday, April 10.

Tuesday, April 1 1 Wednesday, April 12, OFFER WILL BE HELD OPEN FOR SIX DAYS ONLY of John street, a daughter. Moth the choir and male ruartette. Some of the sermon subjects (or the coming meetings ar as follows: er and child are getting along very nicedy. Patrick Mullaney of the police force is confined to his home with the flu. John Brecka, are 18 years, 700 Schrage avenue, and George Ranjn- with relatives since the death of 2 PLAYERS 4 PLAYERS Whiting Advertisements Arc Winners yak, also 18 years of age, 425 Stleb-er street, are locked op unable te secure IS.OOO ball apiece, on charge 1 7 czU.

$475 Miss Clara Plan. Mrs. Harr is ex. pectlng to remain for an indefinite time. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Blohjn and family visited Mrs. B1 ohm's mother Johnson at East Side last Thursday evening. Mrs. Minnie Atchison ef Lake avenue was taken to St.

Bernard's hospital in Chicago on Thursday morning, she having (been in vary serious condition for the past four weeks. After her folks left the hospital last evening they said she was resting easier than she had been, or some time. Her sister, Mrs. Baumgarten remains with her at the hospital. The attending physician is Dr.

Timrn of East Side. $9 Saving You $275. of stealing. Their case will coma np In the Criminal courts. Th Second Annual Fathers and Sena banquet of the Congregational church was held In the ehurch on Thursday evening.

A large number attended and a very good meal and evening were enjoyed by all. A surprise stork shower was-tendered Mrs. Frank. Kova'lcik at 1095 Lincoln avenue, last evening by her many friends. The evening passed pleasantly and various games were played, at a seasonable hour a very dainty luncheon was served to the following: Mrs.

Frank Staucet, Mrs. Mary Brenkas, Mrs. Jas. Chilla Mrs. Stephen Sabal, Mrs.

Jas. Hrus-kovlch, Mrs- Anna Molson, Mrs. Andrew Pataky, Mrs. Anna Antkoviak, Mrs. John Paylo, Mrs.

(Helen Kooan Mrs. Mary Zavaohan, Mrs. John Ko-wal. Mrs. Geo.

Kochls, Mrs. Julius Klnsock. Mrs. EmU Molson, Mrs. Geo.

Konya, Mrs. Stephen Senchak, Mrs. Geo. Fedorka, Mrs. Louis Walcko, Mrs.

Sophia Grpsho and Messrs. Geo. Fedorka, Frank Kovalcik and Michael Zavachan. Mrs. Kovaleik was tha recipient many beautiful and useful gifts for which she thanks her many friends.

Saving You $275 LOWELL Bench amd 12 Rolls Imcluaded NOTICE This offering is Limited The largest assortment mt Paints In Northern Indiana Tom Cbnelser, 605 Indiana Blvd. S-24-2 Call for aampla of Wart Park Floor Varnlah; Bold only fcy Tom Smelser. 605 Indiana Blvd. 3-24-tf When yon think of furniture, cf H. Gordon i Sons.

4-8 For Good Fiunltnw, to Seaf-rs. He-mettteaiug and plcotlmr. Mrt X. E. Chelly, 142 Atefclsco avenue, corner 116th.

4-6-2 The T. SC. will tve a danee on Wednesday, April 19, In the O. O. P.

hall. Music toy Sterlong. Gents 0c; Ladles 25c 4-7-3 O-o to Oordon Sons tomorrow and take advantage of their Burner, ous Easter values. -7-1 Ring WWtlfg 44 for demonstration in your own borne of ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEAJfER which cleani fey air alone; Northern Indiana Qa Electric Company. S-14-tf A wery charming new line of Easter Millinery Is now en display featuring Transparent Hats, In JVavy, Brown and iBlack.

trimmed in flowers of all colors, as well as feather and ribbon trimmings. Also a line of Sport Hats in all colors, range In price from 5.00 up; MeEl-roy Hat Shop, 423 Indiana Blvd. FLAT FOR RENT At 801 Central Inquire 533 Qlark street. 4-S-l PRINCESS THEATRE TONIGHT James Klrkweod In "A WISE FOOLj" Also "The Leather rashers" I'sthr JVew and Comedy. Coming Sunday Wand Ilnwley In "HER FACE VALUE." 4-8-1 STAR THEATRE TONIGHT Easter Opportunity This offer comes at an 'opportune time-you were probably planning for a New Player to arrive in time to furnish the Easter music.

There will be no extras to pay. The two prices remain exactly as announced and the rolls and a beautiful bench are included FREE quite a bargain, don't you think? to HOBART M. C. Wiley of East Chicago, visited his sister Mrs. Xa.

W. Sanger and other relatives here (Friday and today. Mrs. Paul Hathaway who hap been in the hospital Hammond for some time was able to come homo yesterday. She is much Improved in health-Mrs.

Xiovp returned to her home in Attica, yesterday after A visit here wjth her son E. N. Hay-hurst, and other relatives here. (Miss Zada Fisher, of Chicago came last evening to visit her grandmother Mrs. iBelle Turner.

Fred Van Swearjngen was in Chicago on business yesterday. Clark Hayden was In Momsnce on business yesterday. Miss Martha- Dier, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rler, was recently awarded a silver cup In a beaiuty contest that was conducted at a social gathering of the employes of the company where she Is employed, in Chicago.

THREE Finishes To Choose From Oak Walnut Mahogany Enabling you to get just jhe finish that njatches with the surroundings. Saturday Per Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday We will accept a reasonable down payment and arrange terms as low as $2.50 per week where it is desired. This arrangement makes it possible for anyone to take advantage of the offer. Mr. and Mrs.

A. Iuetzer and their daughter Viola, attended the funeral of Mr. Herman L. Paeshu, father of Mrs. Puetier, which was held in Chicago Wednesday.

At the regular meeting of the Woman's Reading Club held Monday afternoon, the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Wm. Kra-use; Mrs. F. H.

Davis; See. Mrs. F. H. Werner; Federal Mrs.

Wm. Treas. Mrs. Lacy; Pianist, Mrs. Trester.

The Catholic Ladles will 'hold a bake sale at Newman's Ice Cream parlor Saturday afternoon. The members of the Christian Church will give a bazaar and fish supper at the church basement this evening. The Camp Fire Girls will give a home made candy sale at the First State Bank Saturday evening. CORE THROAT Jl Gargl with, warm salt wataj saw ihen arjrilv over throor May Allison In THE BIO GAME," Comedy and Vaudeville. Tomor Vapo Run Over 17 Million Jan Uted Ytmrtu row, Lou la Ceber oroAnetiom "THE U)T" and eomedy, 4-8-1 Only 6 People Can Accept This Remarkable Offer We just have the Six Players at these prices no more and the offer applies only to these Players.

The offer is also limited to one week's time, closing Wednesday, April 12. Will you be one of the lucky six? Come in now and investigate Straube's most remarkable offer. Headquarters for Victor Victrolas and Edison Phonographs Stirauibe Piano and Music Company 63 1 HOHMAN STREET HAMMOND, INDIANA LATEST PLAYER ROLLS 75c EACH-3 FOR $2.00 Office Phone 417 Lady Assistant Res. Phone 436-M Oweno and Spanburg Funeral Directors and Embalmers PRIVATE CHAPEL, AMBULANCE, LIMOUSINE SERVICE Moving and Expressing Anything and Anywhere 406 119th Street, Whiting', Indiana SUNDAY DINNER 75c With All tha Trimminfe MEE HOTEL James Conglai Rastarant ti "i rr1-tn'TrVrrr Tln-n.

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