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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE FOUR BLTTHEVILLB, (ARKJj COURIER NEWS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, THE BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS Arkansas Dailies. New ClilpfWP, W- torit, louts, Dallas, Kausu City; Memphis. Esjary as. port at pixthevrUe undff of Congress, Octbjxsi 1 9, 1917. SUBSCRIPTION By carrier in the City of BlyUicvlllo, 15o per week, or 65o per month.

By njall, within a radius, of 60 miles, $3.00 per year, 11.50 for six months, 76c for three months; by malt in 'postal zones two to Incltislvc, $8.50 In zones seven and eight per year, payable In advance. What a Steel Price Reduction May Mean It is much too soon for the sliout- II, over the pricu reduction made by steel, big mid little, but it isn't too soon for hoping. A slash in- the price of steel without an accompanying reduction in wages has been one of the major sa- lients in the New Deal's bitter struggle with business, ami there must have been considerable rejoicing in the Roosevelt camp when the word of the reduction went out. Independent companies started the price break and were followed almost, immediately by U. S.

Steel. Just previous to the reduction announcement, S. Steel and its subsidiaries had signed an agreement with S. W. 0.

C. I. 0. affiliate, guaranteeing, at least temporarily, a continuation of present high hourly wages. To most observers important thing about the reduction' is not the actual benefit which consumers will feel the lowered price of a ton for cold reduced, oiled sheets.

The enthusiasm over the price reduction conies instead from related factors. Greatest of these is the fact that an industry employing more than a million men plunges into the experiment of reducing prices without reducing wages in the present recession. Other industries and other employers may feel that if steel can do it, so can they. It-is-the lii'st; break in the deadlock between businesa government which is blamed in' n'ianjpiiiidi'tc'rs fof the slump in II may be the factor which starts a tremendous ball rolling. A reduction in the price of sheet steel is important mostly to automobile manufacturers, representing to saving of approrimately $2 a car.

But the particular sheet steel in 'which the price was reduced is now placed in direct competition with other and cheaper steel products, and never in steel's history has one steel product been reduced in price without accompanying price slashes in most other steel products very shortly. Many believe that only high steel prices have held up the building trade and that with a reduction in steel building materials there will be a sufficient boom in that industry to make steel price reduction profitable on ft volume basis. ITiese are the things (he New Deal hopes to a break in the block- which wi)J start an. tjvslanfhe of returned business confidence, p)un try a whole and pull the country out of. the.

doldriin.JH. Cross-Country Toll; i President Roosevelt' in reported as and Ohio's Senator Bulkley as preparing a bill an eight billion-dollar transcontinental system of Kelt'-liiinidating superhighways. The system would be financed with bonds issued by a new federal highway corporation and repaid by toll charges. If the New Deal decides that it is necessary to begin a fresh government spending campaign in the United Stales to restore employment, there is a lot to be said in favor of a transcontinental highway system, scienlili- rally built, carefully controlled and restricted. Certainly more Americans won) (Jbunelit by it than by, say cleaning rubbish from vacant lots.

And certainly there would be a greater chance of getting at least some of the money back other than through increased taxes. Exclusively "touring" highways that traversed the nation as arterial speedways would take a great burden of traffic from state roads that now too often bisect cities. American drivers would have to be sold the idea of loll roads, but they might even in time grow to like the plan, if the superhighways offered advantages enough. SlPg GLANCES By George Clark "l.asl time tried on.a dress I hud to take couldn't get il off." THIS CURIOUS WORLD I Alwacl Of-Mr: Disney II fs pleasant to -look aheail of Walt Disney and thcs things lie is doing with his whimsical characters in the amusement world. Without, trying' to suggest to the talented Mr.

Disney the stories he will bring to life on the screen through his charming make-believe characters, the 'thoughta of what he can do are hnppy. Remember the Woodman of On -stu- rics, the Knights of the Round the journeys of Ulysses? Think of bringing some of your favorite characters from Norse mythology to life and his magic hammer, the mischievous Loki; all the delightful Greek gods, (he heroes Thesus and Jason, the dragons and Medusa, Circe, the sirens. Ancient literature has drawn IKS a thousand word pictures. A modern, whimsical art can bring them to life for millions of children and grownups. And somehow it doesn't seem probable the original authors would mind.

William Ferguson It is slinmetul thnt In the crtucalioinil work! generally teachers regard campus courtships lightly, or even M. M. Rlchurcl- son. of WcsL Texns Slate Collego. STANDING DEER, NORTH CAROLINA INDIAN.

CAN PUT AN ARROW THROUGH A AT TWENTY-FIVE PACES HEATWAVES APPROACH BUT DERAR.T WITH A cry WAVES REVERSE THE PROCESS) THEY CEME WITH A SUDOEN STDRM AND DEPAR.T GIRL IS OFFICER )lie Brings Message From Spanish Front To Americans Ky NKA Service NEW wide-eyed, young, debutante-vivacious. Pavis- tylish. and as pertly pretty as a lOiibreUe. But hei 1 looks her cxncrl- She lias clodded screaming shells her husband bloodied and orn, and presumes lo tell jjcncrals low NOT lo llglil a war. She's Mntion Stone Merriman University of Nevada "J'2.

wife of Major Robert Mcrri- ex-professor of economics at Ihe University of California, now chief of slalf of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. He leads Americans lighting for Ihe Spanish oyalists and is the highest ranking American in Spain. She en- lisled, uniformed member ot the brigade oflu'ci" in charge of personnel. Mrs. Merriman is home on leave, la lell American women lhal their counlrymcn in need mil nilions of supplies sweaters, socks and cigarettes.

Slielliiic Slilli-ns Morale She first, dodged shells Madrid "From her experience and observations lliere presume to tell generals: "Don't shell civil Inns!" Strafing civilians is a camtnon- placc of the new-fangled wars, but Mrs. Merriman hays the client is Ihe reverse of the desired intiml dalion. "Afler your first it makes you white-hot with indignation that such cruel teiToiiv.ation ol noncombatant women and children should be carried on." she declares was terribly scared, but a Span ish girl put her arm around nu and said, 'Don't be frightened; it will soon "And it did. If Ihe rebels only knew'it, their attacks on defense less civilians cement resistance ralhcr than create panic." Mrs. Merriman became as inure 1 Americans In Spanish War; Mrs.

Miirlon Stone Menhnan near the front in loyalist Spain will licr ex-professor husband, Major Robert Mcrrimnn of the Lincoln Brigade. Madrilcnor, lliemsclvc.s. "It's like i runs to shcl 1-v an-1 when it's over, they come out." she; shrugged. She a message of from the women of Spain for the; heroic work done American phis serving aB volunteer nurses in the battle The American vol imteer medical unit numbers about 1 100. halt' ol them 'I hey are invaluable in the "npor hu(.

hncnmt Spanish women organized, she said. The war-time Emphatic and enthusiastic in her elfo(ts of Women wore j.espousal of the Spanish loyalist Germany Hopes To Get Corned Beef From BERLIN fishcil men who lake their boats out (I Hamburg in the spring will hop! to bring home catches lhal may r.l turned into wool, lealhcr, ftouf bjollaces, brushes and eveti cc ef. A new company has been Jfirme al Hamburg, with government in? for the production of commodities from It is I (hat a new and secret process hii been devised to treat the in Ihe fish so" the form-11 powder it can be made into floij and baking powder, while In sticky form it will be spun wool. us. THEJ2E ARE THAN strait-jacketed by ancient, traditions of submission aiid seclusion.

They knew nothing of medication, sanitation, or industry. New tlicy arc aivly well organized and have even stablished Iralniu-j- schools with nteniiivc courses in industrial pro- luction. so that male factory work- rs lire released for (lie front. Mrs. Mcrriman is certain that lie loyalists will win.

and that their will help keep the world from Fascism. cause, Mrs. Marion Stone Merriman cuts a pretty figure in her uniform as personnel officer of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Texarkana Reports Abusive Type Hoboel IFXARKANA. Ark.

I lurking in this vicinity ail building a reputation for bcinl the worst of eve I get, reproachful at. being refusel tcod when housewives arc to give it to them. 'onic housewives- hiu'e co cd lo local, police that the cicn "have 'Become, allusive" they asked for food ami ivcre fiiieii it. The favorite til "paying Ihe. calls," according complaints ret'isleretl, is wlieii thl hcisbmids are away from at work.

most famous of North Carolina Cherokee archers, has been ruled out of archery competition by his iri Champion a generation, his skill discouraged younger competitors frbnv. entering Ihc annual tournaments. NEXT: will an inaccurate. Watch keen correct time? There's no question that It Is most Important to lind a way to ait! the financing of rmnll o( TrCHstiry Henry Morgeii- ihan. OUT OUR WAY The Family Doctor M.

0. put oc. HEV, WORR.V WAET, HERE'S OME YOU MISSED' Fruit Benefits Dysentery Futients Bui Don'i Neglect "Olher Treatment Editor, 9, Sees Boom In His 1938 Circulation CHARLESTON. W. Va.

(UP) Declared Curbed Best in High Chair BOSTON The high chair nol Ihe elrdiic is he rnrtins 'if mmi'ial instinct. 1 be clone inosi, clfeclively. Paul A. Dcvcr bc- lir-vcs, A lot of for Ihn curi)- of crime come tn his oHice. he Nine-year-old Jack Chandlee.

the owner and edilor of "The Weekly I War Drum." anticipates increased circulation lor his publication year. Editor Chandlee has improved his publishing facilities iridi the addition of a typewriter, and now lie won't have to write his publication in laborious long-hand. During Ihc summer. Jack had a At-i total circulation in his South Hills neighborhood of 14 readers. Young Chandlee is author of serial now running in his paper.

The paper also contains brief ac- Ilybridizcrs are working con I slantly on new varieties of Included in the new array (mils and vegetables arc the lion, a cross between garlic onions; Ihe topeppo. a cross be I tomatoes and peppers; anrl the pEaclicrine. a combination peach and bill he Icels fhat tJjod homes counts ol national and neigbhbor- ul conmumily have hood news. to with the citimis. I Read Courier News -Want Ads.

Announcements The Courier News been mi thorlzcd loranke formal nnnomi-el incut of the following candidate! lor public ollicc, subject lo tli Democratic primary. August. 9. For County Treasurer R. L.

(BILLY) GAIHKS For and Collector HAlJi JACKSON County Com! Clerk T. W. POTTER For County Tax Assessor W. W. (BUDDY) WATSON For Cminly and Trobate Judge DOYLE HENDERSON ((No.

4181 BV DR. MORRIS FISII.BEIN Editor, Journal of the American tl 1 1 Association, and of Hygcis, the Health Magazine In 1175 a book published in England described the use of apples and other fruit in the treatment of dy- Ecnlery. The. method did not seem to attract much attention milll quile recently. Then.

In 1028. papers bcgnn to.appear In Germany and in seme other countries indicating the. value of the apple In Hie treatment of diarrhea. Various theories have been otfer- I ns lo why the apple should have ny such usefulness. It sug- I estcd Hint it contains lannie acid ompounds which have n.strin- ent action on the membranes ho Intestines, but this has been jrovcd'and there does not seem to any good supporting evidence.

It has been suggested also that of the fruit acids contained. the apple will produrc this ef- ect, hut. when these fruit acids are pic powder or apple pulp used in removed from aiiplesauce. it seems 'his way. to bc-jusl.

as useful as wiih them. It should be remembered. bow- To older children, from one I loin- lablcspoontuls of the pulp hnvi been fed every two hours for period of to '18 the tola amount being equivalent lo th pulp of from seven lo 15 app AUhouph (he apple pulp will fur nlsh some water, it is customary also to give extra water or weak tea. since diarrhea invariably (akcs a lot of water out of the body. Just as soon as the diarrhea disappears, it is customary lo change the diel gradually by giving broths, zwiebach or died least, meat broth, scraped beef, collage chocs? and similar soft foods.

Then, aflcr a few days, milk, vegetable? and fruits may be added to the diet. There are now available npple powders which are added lo boiled water or weak tea or which may be given in skimmed milk to babies with diarrhea. The Council on Foods of the American Medical Association has recognized the value of ap- OUR BOARDING HOUSE With Major Hoople Another Ihrory holds ub- slancc in the apple called pectin is Important, this bring the- ever, (hat diarrhea is a serious condition, sometimes the result of i a serious liifeclioa of Hie intcsluirs. I which causes various (mil extracts 1 and that the use of fresh or dried to jell. Presumably, it is beneficial I apple should not prevent a ycaliza- hi cases of dysentery by absorbing lion that other treatments may also toxic substances from (he intestines.

be necessary. These may Include the use of drugs as well as the these suggestions were made kind of supervision provided such cases by a socialist In cliii- In recent years, scrnix-d. di-icd. and pulped apples have been trirtl tor dren's diseases, various forms of intestinal disturbances. The apple, is used in vary- A hotel near Ing amounts according lo ihc age Bridge E'igland has a ivall of Ihc child or the requirements of en lulo the center of its counter, the person concerned.


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