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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE TWO BLYTHEVrLLE. COURIER NEWJs 'I'UKSDAY, MARCH Ml, 1031 Society Calendar Wednesday Mrs. Bernard GcOvJi is the Hmclu'on cliib. The Enire Nous Bridgii aub will: meet with Mrs. 'ihurmun Ckliuns.

Mrs. Carrol lilakcmorr; will hostess to the duo. iwvv Wediired.iy UIK.JI* turn intci with Mrs. Criilirai. Ihu Delphlans will luc-Li the Hotel Noble.

The ot prayer will be at. liie First Christian church wiili special services at 3 I'. Mrs. M. O.

Ubryy ii having the Mid-Week Bridge club. Ihs Yoimg Matvoiij liriuje ciub 15 meeting with Mrs. W. C. gmson.

Mis. Otto is Invinj the Thursday Limtiivon club. liie auxiliary of the Legion will mtct lit thj honie of Mrs. O. W.

v.nh Mrs. J. Lentl also lipslcss. The women ol the Hist Christian churcU will meet at the church lor special prayer The Ladies Bible class ol the First Methodist church is at the church at 7-p. in.

lor a business meet ing. rd That the lllylhc-vlllc Library friiL-ulu lie Maintnlmil by A Hpe- Idili.r I'liun I'nuitt Sub rt.U: M.voi Kiln Moriu unr. Oluia ihe Mi. a AlMir.i iUii- uruivi; 1 Make I'Lim for Dinner.

Al a of tin- Lake Sirr-el Mcthulis'. church Mis- Monitiy yeHcrd: 1 afli-inoan were lov 11.L; ul cliiiii'-M- 11 town Hal in-day. alive. The a This suWn Of ject. It -t vr.b ml uiu-lit'.

nutloo yp win, im-iubtu or CllOiL'll Jil Ulu 1 piu- vou-a 10 r.s- 1 Of Mostly Personal lioiti pneumonia at her home on West Mitin street. Garner Appt-lton has gone lo Memphis lur a trip. Miss Katliciine Lawler is visiting her Mrs. Joe Kirby, and Mr. Kirljy, in Parugould.

BRIDGE BY WM. E. McKKNNEY Secretary American llridge I.cuguc In the preceding article, va gave examples showing Hie proper werc by partners wlicn North's holding did not warrant anything but it two diamond response to ihe forcing two club bid in tlie following examples, North's hand either an ace and a king or two aces which Is the correct re- Clifford is ill Irom Infill-1 (iiilremenl to reply to the two club tnza. bid with Tom Is in Paragomd -ponse tor days visiting her mother. Mrs.

Clllioul Cavlll returned libmiy W. A for il. tlw down 1:111011 nchic Mi i.i eul HUH- visitor and one American i :i.r, Mrs. I'evrkh ICUICoil Will IV 1.115 i.i iTMck- liavni'j been iiuisi' Hie county mill and a hall yi Sin: will a I 1 posiuon hi Jackson county. Mr, and Joe Mr.

and K.i^t and Mrs. Jot L. ol TjTur.vM, ulU'iidcd the President Installed Mrs. Gcoree was installed as president of Hie Woman's council" ol the First Christian church at a meeting afternoon hi ihe home ot Mrs. L.

L. Ward. liiL 1 01 iiap'isl ul tiie Wl I lum-fiil oi Mary J. Su-oy heio i jll to ili jtoioiiay. Mayor Mrs, uiid Mr.

Mike Panv, oi Memphis, at-1 Uncled the Mrs. Man- J. cievolional 1 Mr.s- theme "i'aXe iktil nnd'Mrs. ly.drd re- lurnecl lo their home in Tlptoh- today after liavlns hum failed here by Hie death of Mis. Laird's Mrs.

Mary J. Eci-oy. Mr and Mrs. Hamilton Little, cf Sunday from L-afe, where visited her parents, Dr. anil Mrs.

C. A. CulthveH. lor ft week. .1.

V. llogcrs, of Jack-wn i spent week-end with Mrs. Rog. ers. Oscar ITiuxlasvay returned this morning from a brief business visit in SI.

Louis. Miss Mary Blanche Gay plans lo positive rc- Tlic bidding shows llv? responses by both partners after a two no trump response by North. wuixl. Tor the Moore nso Who Ye lli'ar' vvitli the Iroiu thi; chapler of Lnho. Mis.

L. T. Ashor and Mrs. llaiiy McAUisier ultcvcd prayers. vou-d in Ihe or MVP.

W. M. lllaylock who has teen nbbent lor tome lime. to Mcmplils this week where she will attend Miss Wiley's Business college. Uosler, ot visitor in tlir city yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. L. II. Welch have returned from Memphis where Mr.

Welch underwent, an oireration two weeks ago. He is now convalescing. Jim Kelly, of Tnimann, attend- Allenrl AITalrs In Mi'iniihis '1'iHlay. Ten inemlji'rs ol the lean Liyiun Auxilmry ocl (o business in Blylhevllle yes- lerday. Ray Worthlngton was a blislncss in Ix'aclwillc Monday.

I Mcmplils. ncrc here yfslerday for! Pc daughter 61 Mrs. Hie funeral ol Mr. sriinil-' lolm Lon ls toduy. She i Ms.

Mary J. has ljcc ill Irom Influenza several llalph Lana, of I'liilailelphia, al Ainer- AIr attcrnooii for a in Mem- wcc i lls lrarc ni Si lv Souih's hand is the same as was iscd in the previous article. We will again assume that East and West always pass ALL NORTH HANDS Ilanil S-8-5 Hand Hand 1I-Q-10-G-3-2 8-4 C-K-Q-1-G tod.iy lor lunolican and lea Lanue. lie will in honor of the nmioinl PICJ- acu'iniKuiied liy James ident. Mrs.

Lincoln Iloyal; ol i lu imL tily Vvho wm ol IXniglas, Ariz. days. John Washburn, son of Dr. and Mrs. A.

M. Wiishburn, who Is 11! from pneumonia, is belter today. card suit headed by leilher of then, are major suits, herelore North's response two no trump. South would then show his first real suit by bidding three spades. North would again reply llic minimum denial bid of three no trump, South shows his other real declaration by bidding four hearts and now North, who can- i queen, ten and six.

The' diamonds an clubs remain the same. The bidding would then ue South two clubs, North two no trump to give his partner a to show his real declaration, South three spades and North should (hen jump the declaration to five spades, which South would carry to six spades. Hand II Miss May Ellar Orr and Roosevelt McFarland Wed LUXORA, Ark. Announcement not support elllicr of the true do- hashas been made of the marriage elarations of South, but has both. Sunday night at the home ol Jas- of the minor suits well per Orr on the P.

M. Bonds plan- goes to four no trump. tatlcn, of Mr. Roosevelt McFarland Hand response to the two North, in club forcing bid by South, would and Miss May Eilar Orr. The cere- SOUTH K-Q-J-9-U Hand I-: When are using the two club forcing bid, South's hand contains the required strength to make such a declaration.

North's hand, which coiuains an ace and Mary Ellis Miller, of Oscc- ai election Son Naraert Ellle5 Ncil1 Lcllli The" son cf Mn' and Mrs P. 011 1 Cri Rolhrock. born Saturday evcnintriS 1 Ciuirtill tilgar Uoruin and at the BlythcvlllB; hospital, has I 3 1153 been named Perrj' Clyde Kothrock I. -j k'it. They aie mtUor- Mr.

and J. K. Garner have returned to tlieir home in Mp.rvel, niter attending the funeral II. Business Women Conclude. Public Speaking Course The public sroatinj course, taken by a number of the Eiuincss and Professional club for the past two months, was concluded last niyht.

ol rMs. dinner's grandmother, Mrs. Mary J. Secoy. Tlviy were guests of Mis.

father, A. O. Lil- tie, at ilic Hotel Noble. Mrs. George Lnnge ccnvalesc- wcman's llt ec vc wcclts wrious iH- luss.

Mrs. W. 3. accompanied by N. E.

Langdon, is in Memphis today visiting relatives. Pat O'llryiinl is ill at liie llolel Noble from throat infection. Mrs. Jesse llrown and duuyhter, Miss Luna Wilhclm, "director fLrc i- fr of this subject in the city high school, was in course which dealt with impromptu speaking, addresses, debute and general conversation. Circle 'i cf tin in the Baptist Ciiutcti met ill clmiL-h laic leiday afterncon.

This was the only. uroup nu'cting on the fifth Monday. elylit luccent he.iid (lie mis-; study Qnon liv Mis. Iiy Craw- i ola, Is here ribslsting In the Beauty shop while Mrs. U.

-Saplilan Ms 111. and Mrs. John Plckett Pcr- rill, of Newport, are guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S.

Lemons. William A. Cox, oi Bcnton, was the guest of JUiss Mary Moore! Sunday. Iris Klcuan, ciauahtcr of anil -Mrs. Jce Kleban.

who is 111 from: scarlet lever," betlcr today. The feature of m.i'cling was Fr.uik of- M'ss Miixinc, of Luxora, shuppcd i here yesicrday. i Mrs. J. W.

Hob'oins and Mrs. to MUN Kelly, of in the 'ihc F.wr ilLT.ciy ai the'city yesterday. Second liaptisl Buiidwy sciicol vail S. I'. Ojtcs.

of Ilayli, (rump. Although he has a five-card suit hcaried by an ace and a four- bld no irump as lis hand contains two aces. South shows his first ml suit by bidding three spades. North who does not hold normal support In spades, makes the minimum denial of threo no trump. South shows his second true declaration by bidding four hearts.

This satisfies North and he passes. Hand (1 South makes the two club forcing bid. North's hand contains an ace and to make a positive response- His hand also contains five-card major suit," but remember that (he five-card major must he headed or the king and must be by both ace and king. Therefore North's proper declaration is two no trump. South shows his first true declaration by bidding three spades.

North, whose hand dees not contain normal support in spades, gives his partner a chance to show by bidding when South bids four hearts, North is perfectly justified to jump the declaration to six licarls. Supposing, however, that North held flve ace, ten, eight, live and three mony was performed by the Rev. Mr. McPreston. More than a hundred friends and relatives were present.

Mr. and Mrs. McFarland will make their home at Frenchman's Bayou. Courier Want Ads Pay. his other declaration three no trump, and SLUGGISH FEELING have used Tliedford's Black- Draught otr and on for twenty-five years," writes Mr.

Davo Slewart, 1912 K. Austin Texas. "They used my father's by either the ace Imnio for muny it was our a four-card major tiuillj- mc-aiciiie. 1 "Sly lioalUi w.ia snn.l. ami Hut Is about all I evt-r lorjli.

I uscrt It for enusllpatlon and bilious sick IIKUI- f.clios. It Is fine medicine to lake wiion a Inan gets up In Ihe morTitnij feeling uull c.rnl Aflcr a courao of it frel fnic. it ii.1.4 tlie system of couu-s troiu cou- Bllpatiun." THEDFOKD'S r-ff- Sold by dniESistB. paclcasc. Jcnf-Rolaiul Floyd A.

White Old Pulisli Buok Interesting MILWAUKEE, (UPJ i What is believed to be the oldest, Polish literary work in the United Slates Is owned by ihe Marquctti'! University library here. It is volume printed in' 1 ins Polish lioniilfes written by an archbishop of Ones- en, and printed in hand'set type. a -esbatc on the 'dubject: M- meet lonighi at tho or here Monday. W. D.

Ciiamfclm III is ill is more'' copper in the United States five-cent piece than is in the penny. ITS WHERE YOU CAN Substantial Sums on Eaaloi- Dresses, Hats and all GiiaraHtced J931 Styles Sale Starts Wednesday Featuring Faur Groups Dresses 810.00 Dresses al lo a si0.9o 825.00 lo ul S.I6.95 $35.00 lo 839.50 al 822.95 HATS 38.50 and $10.50 Hals only 85 85.00 and $6.50 Hals only 82.95 One Special Lot al $1.00 COATS One Lol. S12.50 Coals 816 lo 8.19.50 I Values 810.95 S25 lo Values 835 to 839.50 Values S22.95 815 to 849.50 S32.95- FOOTWEAR lovely to loofy upon For Sport lovelier still to wear From morning 'till night flic smai'tcsL shoes olio can wear they so olilijjinply versatile Ihal Itioy lit in with any (laylimi! costume oxfords nv step-ins lo with tliu Ilinvitij; afternoon gowns liiilorcil with t'riontlly twocds in all the now sjirinp cosluniL 1 cnlors of St'H Sniul and Summer Hcitto. Alalerials ol Krench Kiel, Snake ami Faille cloth. The Newest And TSieesl Hosiery ol' llic Season VI 1 inrw Perforated oxford All and white Two shades of tail 86.00 Others to select to $10.00 Easter Footwear for the Children Pied Piper and 81.00 lo 83.45 A new punched pattern in Sea Sand and 1'in Seal at 87.50 Several other with the Junior Spanish heel 87.50 88.50 Complete Showing Chililrcii's Fam-y Sox 25e lo 5()e.

GOOD SHOES and HOSIERY en rf-J Get It at the For Less Our buyer just returned from market merchand i every day. All Sizes Ail Materials A dress far every occasion. Accessor- icy to mulch. Dcin'l Tail tu Sec Them. mi THE I'honc.

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