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The Times-Independent from Moab, Utah • 2

Moab, Utah
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE TIMES-INDEPENDENT TIMES INDEPENDENT TIMES-INDEPENDCNT INDEPENDCNT MOAB UTAH Again Is Raised the Question of Who.Mad- WhoMad- Who Who- Made Made the First Camera in the and- Took and and- Took and- TookTook the First Photographic Portrait I By I fiLMO Ll IO LMO SCOTT WATSON- Released WATSONR- eleased WATSON WATSONR- eleased Union I IWHO Released Released by Western Newspaper made the first first- camera first- camera first- camera WHO SHO camera in Amenca America America7- What What pioneer plOneer pho photographer photographer pho- tographertographer first used a 'fast- action fasta- ction fast fast- actIon fast- action actIon picture-taking picture taking plCture-taku1g plCture taku1g ma mama- chme machine machine chinechme to get a successful por por- portrait por- traIt portrait trait of a human bemgbeing being7 being7- According AccordingAccordmg to a recent Asso Asso- Cldted Asso- crated Asso- cidted Cldted crated Press dispatch from from- iHampden from- Hampden from- CHampden iHampdenHampden Sydney Va hon- hon lion- lion hon- lors lion- tors hon-'ors hon 'ors ors lors tors belong to Dr John WIl WI- lham Wilham Wilham ham Draper an Engl1shmanEnglishman Engl1shman- who Englishman- who Englishman- whowho was educated at the Uni Urn- Urn Uni- Urn- verslty University University versityverslty of PennsylvaniaPennsylvarna be- be became became be became came a professor of chemis cherms- cherms chemis- cherms- try chemistry chemistry tryat try at Hampden Sydney col college college col- legelege more than a century ago ago- and ago- and ago- andand achievedaclueved acluevedaachieveda a wide Wlde reputa reputa- reputa- non reputation reputation tion non not only chemistry but but- but- in but- in in physiology historyhlstory and and- phIlosophy and- philosophy and- philosophyphIlosophy as well This dIS dIS- patch dispatch dis- patchpatch saId- An said- An said said- AnAn old box shaped camera left left- at left- at left- atat Hampden Sydney college In m- 18391839 18,39 by Dr John Wilham William l1am Draper Draper- is IS going to betaken from its cen cen- tinyold century-old century old tury-old tury old tiny-old tiny- resting place to a mcheniche mche- In niche- in niche- in In the Smithsonian Institution Institution- officials Institution- officialsofficIals of whichwluch have accepted accepted- it It as theftrstfirst camera in Amenca America Amenca- and America- and America- andand thefirst fast action camera camera- in camera- inin the world The presentation presentation- probably presentation- probably presentation- probablyprobably willv.lll vlll sill take place at the the- June the- June the- JuneJune commencement commencement- ToTo prove that it was the first first- camera first- cameracamera of modern type eIght eIght- years eight- years eight- yearsyears of research was conducted conducted- by conducted- by conducted- byby the Rev Howard Cobbs Cobbs- who Cobbs- who Cobbs- whowho vas asa professional profess1Onal photog photographer photographer photog- rapherrapher at Charleston Va be before before be- forefore he began his studies for for- the for- the for- thethe ministry- The ministrymlnzstry The college asked Mr Cobbs to to- make to- make to- makemake a picture of the camera In m- 19321932 for George Eastman Eastman- presIdent Eastman- president Eastman- presidentpresIdent of the Eastman Kodak Kodak- company Kodak- company Kodak- companycompany The young student student- learned student- learned student- learnedlearned its history from Dr HC HC H- CC Bagbyprofessor of chemIstry chemistry- HeHe tried tnedtnedIttriedit it with modern film and It It- worked it- worked it- workedworked He learned that Dr Dr- IDraper Dr- EDraper Dr- Draper IDraper EDraper made his famous first first- portraIt first- portrait first- portrait portraIt of a living IIvmg person at at- INew at- New at- New INew New York universityumverslty in 1839 or or- 18401840 soon after leavingleavmg Hampden Hampden- Sydney Hampden- Sydney Hampden- Sydney HampdenS- ydneyMr Sydney SydneyMr Mr Cobbs became convincedconvinced- that convinced- that convinced- thatthat the camera here was as older older- than older- than older- thanthan the one used at U- and U- and U- andand was the first modern type type- camera type- camera type- cameracamera EverythingEverythmg he un unearthed unearthed un- earthedearthed indicated thathe was- right was rightnght in hislusbelief buthe could could- get could- get could- getget no iron-clad iron clad- proof- I proof- Mr proof I Mr Cobbs tookhis data to the the- SmIthsoman the- Smithsonian the- SmithsonianSmIthsomanSmithsonian Officials congratu congratulated congratulated congratu- latedlated him on his workv.ork vork then sug suggested suggested sug- gestedgested that he study records records- there records- there records- therethere He found just what he he- needed he- needed he- neededneeded and it was as in Dr Dr- Draper Dr- Draper Dr- DraperDraper own words in a letter letter- I Ito letterIto to the Photographic andFine Fme Art Art- Jourmrl Art- Journal Art- Journal Jourmrl Journal published in 1858 in an answer answer an- swerswer to an inquirymqulry who ho made the the- first the- first the- firstfirst photographic portrait9 portraIt portrait9- Dr portrait- Dr Dr Draper explainedexplamed that he he- had he- had he- hadhad worked withv.lth vlth sensitive plates plates- before plates- II before anythinganythmg was published in m- Europe in- Europe in- EuropeEurope by Daguerre or Talbot Talbot- that Talbot- that Talbot- that I largeI that he had tried a lensof large large- aperture large- aperture large- apertureaperture and short focus to speed speedup speedup speedup porI up action enough to permit por I traits of livinglIvmg persons that he he- succeeded he- succeeded he- succeededsucceeded notably later with In Information information information formation about Daguerre smore more- sensItive more- sensitive more- sensitive sensItive plates plates- It I plates1 platesI It was wh while at Hampden Sy d- I d- ney d- ney I Dey ney thathe carriedcarned on his ex ex- perlments experiments ex- penments perlmentsperiments he said even trymg trying trymg- I trymg- mIrrors trying- mirrors trying- mirrors I beforei mIrrors from a telescope before before- obtamlng before- obtaining before- obtainingobtamlngobtaining a lens The telescopel- IS telescop- eis telescope withi lIS is here and will willll be presented with with- the with- I with- i the camera His connection with portraIture portraiturehe he said dated to the summer summer- I summer- before summer- before summer- before I beforepublication of Daguerre s- process s- process s- -irocess i- rocess process Daeuerre Daguerre process was I I i published in August 1839 Dr Dr- Draper Dr- Draper Dr- DraperDraper went to New York unlveruniver unlver- slty university umver- sity I unlverIuniverf sltysity in September 1839 and with- Daguerre with- Daguerre with Daguerre more sensitive plates plates- I plates- land I and his methods succeeded- Had succeeded- Had succeeded Had he discovereddlscovered the more more- sensItive more- sensitive more- sensitivesensItive mighthave plate Virginia VIrgmla mIght have claimed the honor of the the- first the- first the- firstfirst portrait as ell well wellas as the first first- camera first- camera first- camera firstc- ameraDespite I cameraI camera cameraDespite Despite the assertions assertlOns in m- that in- that in- thatthat news story how ho ever ever It It- IS it- lis it- I IS lis mayIsoon maylsoon is possible that some one may may- soon lsoon soon rise to challenge Dr Dr- Draper's Dr- Draper's Dr- Draper's Dr- Drapers Draper's Drapers right to the honor of of- havrng of- having of- havinghavrnghaving made the first camera camera- in camera- mm in America and beingbemg the the- first the- first the- firstfirst to get a successful por tralttrait portraitportralt whyLast Here why theCentennial theCentelUllal Last year was celebrated the CentelUllalCentennial of Photography dur dur- mg during during mg ing which honors were paid to toLouis LouIs Dageuerrethe Jacques Mande Dageuerre the Frenchman who is umver univer umver- sally universally univer- sallysally acclaimed as The Father Father- of Father- ofof Photography On the eve of ofthat that celebration the MacMillanMacMillan- company MacMillan- company MacMillan- companycompany of New York published Photography publishedPhotography and the American AmericanScene AmericanSceneA Scene-A Scene A A Social History 1839 18391889 1889 the result of more rnore than SIX SI- Xyears six- years six- years RobertTaft years of research by Dr Robert Taft professor of chemistry at atthe the University of Kansas- In Kansas- In Kansas Kansas- In hisbook bISbook In the first two chapters of bIS his book Dr Taft gives a well docdoe documented doe- umented doc- mnentedumented account of the work of the ofthe pioneerploneer daguerreotypistsdaguerreotyplsts thIS inthis mthIS country who became interest 1 tv -v h'1 h1 0 i 4 1 JI JJI J- i tgh 1 Lz7 Lz7a Lz7e tg a 1 11 a a aa a- a -fr fr Ii 'I I 'Ifr Y- 2 2Y 6 6a a js 1 a rS r- 't 1 I 1s 't 1I I a aa a 1 i't it 1 ii 1 pa aY a P- DR 11 'f 'Y DR JOHN DRAPER DRAPER- From DRAPER- From From an ambrotype made by Mathew Brady about 1857 1857) 1857 ed in the new art very soon after after- articles after- articles after- articlesarticlesabout Daguerre proc process process proc- essess had been reprintedreprmted from from- French from- French from- FrenchFrench and English journals in m- American in- American in- AmericanAmerican newspapers as early as as- March as- March as- MarchMarch 1839 One of these was was- was- was- DD Seager an Englishman Englishman- who Englishman- who Englishman- whowho vas as livinglIvmg In New York in m- 18391839 As a result of Dr Taft Taftsi- nvestigations s- investigations s- investigationsinvestigations he makes the the- statement the- statement the- statementstatement that Seager was the the- first the- first the- firstfirst person to make a successful successful- daguerreotype successful- daguerreotype successful- daguerreotypedaguerreotype in the UmtedUnited Umted- States United- States United- StatesStates which he did on Septem September September Septem- berber 27 1839- As 1839 1839- AsAs forthe claim that Draper Draper- made Draper- made Draper- mademade thefirst successful portraIt portrait- ofof a human beingbemg Dr Taft scon con- cluslOns con- elusions con- elusions cluslOns elusions also give that honor to to- another to- another to- anotheranother man Alexander Wol Wolcott Wolcott Wol- cottcott of New York lholcott olcottho olcott olcottha- was was ha- was ho who who- was ho- waswas an instrument mstrument maker and and- manufacturer and- manufacturer and- manufacturermanufacturer of dentl supplies supplies- took supplies- took supplies- tooktook a daguerreotype of his part partner partner part- nerner John Johnson on October 7 718391839 accordingaccordmg to Taftand thIs thIs- was this- was this- waswas the first photographic por por- traIt portrait portrait portra- itDraper traIt trait- DraperDraper ContrIbutions- Although Contributions- Although Contributions Contributions- AlthoughAlthough denying to Draper the the- honor the- honor the- honorhonor of beingbemg the first to make make- aa successful photographic porpar por- traIt par- trait portrait traIt Dr Taft sums up his Impor Important important impor- tanttant contributions to photography photography- thus photography- thus photography- thus photographyt- husHe thus thusHe He was among the earliest to to- attempt to- attempt to- attemptattempt photographic portraiture- portraiture a 6 ti ti- tttttt The earliest photogiaphicphotoguphICphotographic por traIt portrait which wh1ch has survived It is a a- daguerreotype a- daguerreotype a- daguerreotypedaguerreotype DorothyCatherineDorothyCatherme of Bliss hss Miss Dorothy CathermeCatherine Draper made by her her- brother her- brother her- brotherbrother Dr John Draper Draper- probably probably ill the summer of 184- 0These 1840184- 0These These attempts were based on on- such on- such on- suchsuch scientific prmciplesprmclplesprinciples as were were- then were- then were- thenthen known he sent abroad an an- early an- early an- earlyearly daguerreotype portrait ap apparently apparently ap- parentlyparently the earliest which has has- survIved has- survived has- survivedsurvIved he published an exten exten- slve exten- save cxten- siveslve save account of these perlments experiments experiments- thereby experiments- thereby perlments- therebythereby enabling and encourag encourag- mg encourag- mg encourag- mgmg others to benefit from his ex ex- penence experience ex- penencepenence perience and he became as as- soclated associated as- sociatedsoclatedsociated with Morse in the open open- mg opening open- mgmg ing of an establishment for the the- purpose the- purpose the- purposepurpose of takingtakmg portraits thus thusbecomingthusbecommg becommgbecoming one of the founders of of- a of- a of- aa new profession profession- DrDr Taft mention of the earll early earll- est early- est earii- estest whichhas daguerreotype portrait whIch has survIvedIS survived is a reference to Draper toDraper famous portrait of hIs hIsS- 105t his- sister his- sister S105t sister Miss Dorothy CathermeCatherine Draper CatherineDraperCathermeDraper whIchISwhich is st still in eXIStence eXIStence- and existence- and existence- andand which is owned by the Rev RevSir SIr John Herschel of Eng England land grandson of Sir John PF WHerschel Herschel English Englash the distinguished Eng lIshlash Drapersent scientist to whom Draper sent it in the summer of 1840 It It- was It- was It- waswas accompaniedaccompamed by a letter the thefull full text of which is printedprmted for forthe the first timebme in Tatt Taft book In thIS Inthis letter Draper stated that thatI I believe beheve I was the first person here who succeeded in obtaining obtaining- portraIts obtaining- portraits obtaining- portraits portraIts from Me- It life- It life Me life- ItIt will 'ill ill ill benoted that the letter letter- is IS dated July 28 1840 and that no no- reference no- reference no- referencereference is made to the date on on- which on- which whIch the portrait was made made- comments made- comments made- commentscomments Dr Taft It will ill also also- be also- be also- bebenoted that the exposure ofthIs this- early this- earlyearlydaguerreotype portrait was was- only was- only was- onlyonly 65 seconds Previously pub pub-pub- hshed published published lishedhshed accounts concerning concernmg thIs thIs- daguerreotype this- daguerreotype this- daguerreotypedaguerreotype have given e'tpo etpo e'rpo erpo e'rpo- sures eipo- sures sures ranging rangmg from 10 to 20 mm mm- utes mm- utes mm- utesutes which V.hICh VhICh have evidently been been- based been- based been- basedbased upon such general mformainforma mforma- tIon information information tIon as was available in Seager s- exposure s- exposure s- exposureexposure table printed in the the- Amencan the- American the- American Amencan American Repertory of Arts Arts- SCIences Arts- Sciences Arts- Sciences SCIences and Manufacturers for for- March for- March for- MarchMarch 1840 thefirst ever prmtedprinted printed- in prmted- mm in this country JudgingJudgmg trom tram from these facts the the- date the- date the- datedate of the letter the relatively- short relatively relatively- short relatively- shortshort exposure e.posureeposure required and an an- an- examination an- examination ammatIon examination of the portrait Itself Itself- whIch itself- which itself- which whIch sho rather great con contrasts contrasts con- traststrasts I am of the opinionopmlOn that It It- was it- was it- waswas takenoutdoors duringdurmg the the- summer the- summer the- summersummer of 1840- In 1840- In 1840 1840- InIn September 1840 Draper Draper- publIshed Draper- published Draper- publishedpublIshed an article in the Lon London London Lon- dondon EdinburghEdmburgh and DublinDublm PhiloPhiio Philo- sophlcal Phiio- sophical Philo- sophicalsophlcalsophicalMagazine Magazme in which he he- described he- described he- describeddescribed in detailhis method of of- makmg of- making of- makingmakmgmakingphotographic portraIts portraIts- such portraits- such portraits- suchsuch as the one of his sister He He- stated He- stated He- statedstated that in his earlier earher attempts attempts- he he dustedthe face of the person person- slttmg person- sitting person- sittingslttmgsitting forthe portrait with whIte whIte- powder white- powder white- powderpowder probably flour to secure secure- secure- greater secure- greater greater contrast but that a few few- tnals few- trials few- trials tnals trials showed him that there was was- no was- no no advantage in this To get get- greater get- greater get- greatergreater illumination IllummatlOn on the sub sub- Ject subject subject Ject heused mirrors to reflectthe the- sun the- sun the- sunsun directly upon the sitter but but- but- in but- mm in thereflected sunshinesunshme the eye eye- can eye- can eye- cancan not support the effulgence of of- the of- the of- thethe rays In order to support support- the support- the support- thethe head and keep itstill durmgduring durmg- the during- the during- thethe long exposures required for for- these for- these for- thesethese early pictures a staff ter ter- mmatmg ter- mmating ter- minatmg mmatmg mmating in an iron ring rmg was at attached attached at- tachedtached to the sitter chair and and- so and- so and- soso arranged as to have motIOn motion- motion- in in alldirections to suit any any- stature any- stature any- staturestature and any altitude altitude- Instrument altitude- Instrument altitude- InstrumentInstrument of Torture- The Torture- The Torture Torture- TheThe modern patron of the pho ho tographer art may not recog recog- nlze recognize recog- nizenlzenize the instrument mstrument of torture de de- sCribed described described sCribed above writes ntes Dr Taft- but Taft- but Taft Taft- butbut to those who had photo photo-photo- grapluc photographic photographic graphicgrapluc portraits made in the long long- ago long- ago long- agoago it will be remembered as the the- familIar the- familiar the- familiarfamilIar head rest which was part part- of part- of part- ofof every photographer equip equIp-equIp- ment equipment equipment ment a device which was used used- as used- as used- asas can be seen from the early in m- ceptlon inception in- ceptionceptlonception of the art up tofaIrly faIrly- modern fairly- modern fairly- modernmodern times- It times- It times times- ItIt must have been a very try try- mg try- mg trying mg DorothyCatherineDorothyCatherme experience for Miss Dorothy CathermeCatherine Draper and it is doubt doubt- fu1 doubt- fun doubtful fu1fun if many of the belles of 1840 1840- would 1840- would 1840- wouldwould have been willingwlllmg to endan endanger endanger endanger havingflourhavmgflour ger their complecomplexions comple'ClOnscompleClOns crons by havmghaving flour smearedover smeared over it or slttmgsitting slttmg- exposed sitting- exposed sitting- exposedexposed to strongctrong sunlight for for- long for- long for- longlong minutes mmutes while trial pIctures pIctures- were pictures- were pictures- werewere beingbemg takennot to men men- hon mention mention hon tion enduringendurmg the discomfort of of- that of- that of- thatthat instrument mstrument of torture the the- Iron the- iron the- iron Iron head rest So she deserves deserves- great deserves- great deserves- greatgreat credit for her contribution- to contnbution- to contnbutioncontribution to the development of the art ot- photography at of at- photography of- photographyphotography and even though it mf debatable adebatable mfdebatable if her brother can just Jus- Jus just- tlfirst thefirst ly justly Jusly claim th tha honor of beingbemg tl t1 the first to make a photographic par portrait partraIt traIt there is little doubt that one dlstmctlOn distinction onedistinction does rest with the Draper theDraper family- Dorothy family family- Dorothy Dorothy CatherineCatherme Draper was was- the was- the was- thethe first photographic model- model model- the model the ancestor of the glamour glamour- gals glamour- gals glamour- galsgals who smile so bewltchmgbewitching ly bewitchinglybewltchmgly at us from the pages of thou thousands thousands thou- sandssands of magazines magazmes and newspa pers newspapers today 2r 2r- SlSl cSCREEN Aio Aio- ByBy VIRGINIA VALE- Released VALE VALE- Released Released by Western Newspaper Union 'OLLYWOODOLLYWOOD was- never was was- "HOLLYWOODHOLLYWOOD never hkelike this thisJ- ean Jean Arthur was talking talking- Dressed talking- DressedDressed Dressedin in faded jeans scans a a- leaky a- leakyleaky sombrero and a blouse blouse- that blouse- thatthat most women would use use- for use- forfor a dusting rag she stood in in- front in- frontfront of the adobe hutbut which which- isis her dressing room at Old Old- Tucson Old- TucsonTucson Old Tucson is just- what lust lust- whatwhat it means a reproduc reproduc-reproduc- tion reproduction tion of the original walled walled- city walled- citycity of the sixt es where Wesley Wesley- Ruggles Wesley- RugglesRuggles is currently filming Clar Clarenee Clar- enceenee BudmgtonBudington Kelland Arizona 'Situated Situated Situated 16 UI miles north of present present- day present- dayday Tucson meson it is a monument to to- movie to- moviemovie ingenuity a village of 125 125- buildings 125- buildingsbuildings re created by Columb a a- studios a- studiosstudios technicians from the origi origi- nag original nag plans of early Tucson- Running Tucson Tucson- RunningRunning water Isa luxury out out- here out- herehere Miss Arthur said wiping the the- perspiration the- perspirationperspiration from her laceface To To- speak To- speakspeak of hot water Is heresy There There- just There- justjust isn ism any an'y Not that a tub of wa water wa- terter wouldn reach the boiling point point- if pomt- ifif placed in the sun but there are are- so are- soso many horses cows dogs and pigs'- pigs pigs- JEAN 'e 'e- a 44 44- a 44- a a Lr Lrr Lrw K- LkLk a a- JEANJEAN ARTIIUR- around ARTHURARTIIUR ARTHUR- aroundaround here that a tub of water water- wouldn water- wouldn water- wouldnwouldn have a chance to get get- get- a get- warm getw- armShe a arm armShe She has turned her back on glam glamour glamour glam- ourour these days She is bent only on on- malung on- making on- makingmalungmaking PhoebeTitus who sold sold- pIes sold- pies sold- pies pIes tor for a dollar apiece believablebelievable- and believable- and believable- andand reaL She is starred in An Ani Anzona Ani- zona An- zonazona with WilliamW1lham Holdpn HoldAn Hold and and- Warren and- Warren and- WarrenWarren Wilham W1lham William backingbackmg her up and and- she and- she and- sheshe going gomg to give us a pIcture pIcture- worth picture- worth picture- worthworth seeing seemg and remembermgrememberingremembermg- though remembering- though remembering- thoughthough the thermometerdoes reglsregis regls- ter register regis- terter 126 120 degrees- a degrees degrees- Waterloo :0 0 -a- a aterloo a- Waterloo Waterloo Bridge isanother pic- lire picplc picture plc- tune ture tune that you remember VIVIan VIVIan- Leigh Vivian- Leigh Vivian- LeighLeigh proves that in Gone With With- the With- the With- thethe Wind Wwd she Mas vas aas no flash ill in the the- pan the- pan the- panpan in factshe as good or better better- better- InIn Waterloo BnSge Bridge rl ge as she was in in- that In- that In- thatthat Civil war epic CplC CplC- And epic- And epic- AndAndthe picture gives you a Dew new Dew- Robert new- Robert new- RobertRobert Taylor His 1 tile We the moustachemoustache- is IS tremendously becomingbecommg even even- though even- though even- thoughthough his wife Barbara Stanwyck Stanwyck- said Stanwyck- said Stanwyck- saidsaidThumbs down v.hen vhen when henhe he- ra he- ra he- rara sed a real one He puts real I fe fe- mto fe- into fe- into mto into his role that of a young BrIt BrIt- Ish Brit- ash Brit- ishIsh ash army officer in the last w- arr war- The war war- The -r- rT- he The movies are doingdomg very well well- mdeed well- indeed well- indeedmdeedindeed by Arizona Anzona these days Two Two- hundred Two- hundred Two- hundredhundredand fifty members of the the- cast the- cast the- castcast and crew of Ed vard yard Small s- KIt s- Kit s- KitKit Carson troupe landed in Flag Flagstaff Flagstaff Flag- staflstaff theother day among the ac actors actors ac- torstors were Lynn Ban BarlBari Jon Hall Hall- Dana Hall- Dana Hall- DanaDana Andrews Raymond Hatton Hatton- DIrector Hatton- Director Hatton- Director DIrector George SeitzSeltz and many many- others many- others many- othersothers whose names are fam tamil famil ar an to to- movlegoers to- moviegoers to- movie-goers t- omovie goers to- moviegoersFrom movle-goers movle goers movie-goers movie- movlegoersFrommoviegoersFrom From Flagstaff the entireenhre troupe troupe- wIll troupe- will troupe- willwIll go to the Ind an tradingtradmg post of of- I.ayente of- Kayente I.ayenteIayente ayente on the Navajo Ind an res res- ervatlon reservation res- ervationervatlonervationwhere a special fown own has has- been has- been has- beenbeenbuilt to accommodate the Hol Hollywood Hol- Iywood Hoi- lywoodlywoodIywood folk for theirmonth long long- stay long- stay long- stay longs- tayThe stay The ma mOl 1 I response to Johnny Johnny- Green Johnny- Green Johnny- GreenGreen new Sunday evening evenmg Rhyme 0 program seems toup upset upset up- setset the common belief that writ wnt ng ng- poetry ng- poetry ng- poetrypoetry is the spec al a1 province provmce of a a- selected a- selected a- selectedselectedfew On this musical audlaudi audl- ence audi- enee audi- enceenceenee participatparhclpat on program Johnny Johnny- uses Johnny- uses Johnny- usesuses tour fourline Ime verses and asks 1 I s- teners s- teners s- tenersteners to sendthem $5 5 going gomg to the the- wnter the- writer the- writer wnter writer of each verse used- In used- In used used- InIn one week Green received 10 10000000 indmduidvidual letters contain contam ng ng- rhymesand ng- rhymesand ng- rhymes rhymes-and rhymes and and there was an avrrage- of avprage- of average- of avprageaverage of three rhymes in each letter- The letter letter- TheThe AndrewsSisters famous famous- swing famous- swing famous- swingswing trio formerly hcaidheald heard on Co Co- 1umbla Columbia Co- lumbia1umblalumbia Broadca Broadcasting tmg company net net-networks networks networks works with GlcnnGlenn miller IlIIer and his hlo or or- chcstra orchestra or- chcstrachcstrachestra have journeicd journeyed Journe el to 1I0ily Holly 1I0ily- wood Hollywood Holly- woodwood theyIhey re 1 IroadcaslingroadcasUngIroadcasting nightly nightly- from nightly- from nightly- fromfrom a night club here there and pre pre- parmg preparing preparing parmg paring to be starred sl.lrred sllrredstirred with theIhe Ritz- brothers Ritz Ritz- brothers Ritz- brothersbrothers in a Uni cral Unlerbal Universal erbal picture picture- called picture- called picture- calledcalled ot ofall things thIDg5 Argentine Argentine- Night Argentine- Nights Argentine- Nights Night Nights Nig- htj Nights- ODDS jr -j-- jO- DDS ODDS AND rVDS CVDS CVDS- DS- I tt Jf Il hen the Ihe se lucnceluence Juence of Columbia s- society s- Society society occely Girlcalled CtrlGirl called for compos I 0 i- of I i- of 0 of 0a ofa a song mU mus nius cat caldirectordlreclor Ted SleeleSteele Sleele- dashed Steele- dashed Steels- dasheddashed dashedoU dashedoff off oU oUa offa a few bars andever and ever Since Since- people since- people since- peoplepeople I Iate Iaxe I die ate axe been writwril ng in lo to ashask as Ihe the the- came the- came ame of tletie tl compos tion lIOn and andwhere where- they where where- Ihey where- theyIheythey can buy it 11 Us its ct probably the only only- successful only- successful only- successfulsuccessful four bar song tit In history hJSlory I Lloyd Nolan scoredsuch scored sucha such a perso al al- trIUmph al- irusmph al- triumph trIUmphirusmph trIUmphenirusmphin lesbeen Fesbeen 111 en in Johnny Apollo that Ihat 1 1e Fes been givengltJen the leadng lead ng role in en 20lh20th 20lh- Century 20th- Century 20th- CenturyCentury Fox "I I Ml I Marrieda Married a Nan NazI replacing re re- placmg re- placingplacmgplacing theIhe bedmpled be-d be mpled Richardlhchard Greene- whose GreeneGreene- whose Greene- whosewhose illness Cilused111m caused Cilused him 111m Co to leatelease leat Uie Ihe the Ihe- cast the- castcast Springtime Is Season of Joy Joy- And Joy- AndAnd Zest for Wild Creaturesw- lse Creatures- With Creatures With NatIu NatuiNatine ea in Hd Hel Hen Gayest Mood lJlood Animals Animals- Enjoy Animals- Enjoy Animals- EnjoyEnjoy Their Own Games and Fiolics Fl olics SPRINGTIME CPRINGTIME in the wilds IS IS- playtime is- playtime is- 1 playtime The majority maJonty of our our- mammals our- mammals our- mammalsmammals hpve hive have their i oung in the the- early the- early the- earlyearly months of the year and In In- Apnl in- April in- AprilApnlApril and May it is possl possible le to to- watch to- watch to- watchwatch the most delightful games games- among games- among games- amongamong the puppies of the fields fields- Badger fields- Badger fields- BadgerBadger fofox fo't fot and otter cubs are are- very are- very are- veryvery playful little creatures The The- otter The- otter The- otterotter and badger appear to have- a have a certain certam amount of method in m- theIr in- their m- theirtheIr games but fOJ fox cubs sImply sImply- romp simply- romp simply- rompromp among themselves in a wild wild- abandon wild- abandon wild- abandon wilda- bandonOn abandon abandonOn On a sloping sand cliff chff near my my- home my- home my- homehome seven fox cubs came out of of- a of- a of- aa large hole on the ledge Just Just- outsIde just- outside ust- outsideoutsIde they played with a round round- stone round- stone round- stonestone pushingpushmg it with their feet feet- tossmg feet- tossing feet- tossing tossmg tossing it in the air and allowmgallowing allowing- it allowmg- ItIt to run down the slope- When slope- When slope When tired of this they played played- aa game which resembled FoIlowFollow FoIlow- the Follow- the Follow- thethe Leader One would run for forward forward for- wardward dodge and leap over all all- lands all- kinds all- kindslandskinds of imaginary Imagmary obstacles and and- the and- the and- thethe others would follow in Its Its- tracks its- tracks its- trackstracks then all would roll togeth togeth- erer in a rough and tumble in WhICh WhIC- htheIr which- their which- theirtheIrsmall teeth would tug at the the- fur the- fur fur of their companions companions- Bouncmg companions- Bouncing companions- Bouncing Bouncmg Bouncing Badgers- Young Badgers- Young Badgers Badgers- YoungYoung badgers are among the the- most the- most the- mostmost amusing amusmg cubs to watch at at- play at- play at- playplay With their bold black and and- whIte and- white and- whitewhIte markings marlangs they are quaint quamt lookinglookmg little creatures and rath rather rath- or rath- or er or clumsy but there is no doubt doubt- that doubt- that doubt- that that they thoroughly enjoy life Me and and- theIr and- their and- their theIr play is exuberant uberant and strenuous strenuous stren uous uousFirst First they poke their nocesnoses no es esnt- he the -n- the n- the n- thethe ground searching for hIdden hIdden- grubs hidden- grubs hidden- grubs grubs then without any warnmg warning warnmg- all warning- all warning- allall stiffen their fur making It It- stand it- stand it- stand stand upright upnght and now they look look- tWIce look- twice look- twice tWIce their size With their short- legs short- legs short legs legs also stiffened they bounce bounce- round bounce- round bounce- roundround one another like footballs footballs- then footballs- then footballs- then then leap in grip gnp a mouthful of of- fur of- fur of- fur fur and roll over and over They They- break They- break They- breakbreak apart and again play the the- bouncmg the- bouncing the- bouncing bouncmgbouncing game and just as sud suddenly suddenly sud- denlydenly as they started to play they they- cease they- ceasecease and the next moment all all- are all- are all- areare diligently searchingsearchmg for more more- food more- food more- foodfood food- Fun food- FunFun in the Water- Many Water- Many Water Water- ManyMany young otters are born at at- an at- an at- an an awkward time that is at the the- begmmng the- beginning the- beginning begmmngbeginning of winter but they are are- hardy are- hardy are- hardyhardy little creatures and appear appear- to appear- to appear- to to be able tostand any amount of of- cold of- cold of- coldcold Otters more than any other other- wIld other- wild other- wildwIld creatures show us that they they- thoroughly they- thoroughly they- thoroughlythoroughly enjoy life hie a plentplentiful plentiful- supply plentiful- supply ul ul- supplysupply of food makes them con contented contented con- tentedtented and both parents and young young- play young- play young- playplay the most delightful games- What games- What games games- WhatWhat appeared to be a large large- brown large- brown large- brown brown ball was floating gently gently- down gently- down gently- down down stream hardly making a rIpple apple as It Swept the ballseemed baU ball along bursta seemed seemedto to bunl burst a a loud splashand splash and an four ters with their brlghtJ brightp bright brigh- tgrip well above I the Via wa er sWImming 'lsWImming round roundone one 'l- 'l leaped oneleaped rIght out of the theover over its Ie companion compaZUons companions 10 to intother toother int other sIde and andas andash as ash 1iJ along ashalong this acrobat I ll1 dt around zaround them those beO belay belayA A grip gnp i it as it passed passedthey passedOter passedores Oter ores they all aU jomedjoined Jomedup joineduppa- a upp- aa uppaasee- med up "a3 a3 a seemed to be ha lng ham ham- to a ato to which w- der could pun couldiJiull couldrpult the der theder the surfac surface surf ace a ofduckIng sortoiducking 5ducking sortoi sort of duckIng game game- They game- They game- They They continue contmue to play i- i if Id Idare playare are tired Then the prtheir pa pr pa'the- ir pathe- ir I theIr off young to a P- vlair PlaIr slair laIr where they al- hunger all al IJ hungerbunger and highspirits high spirits SP1l1ts ca ca i- i i- Oliver -Oliver Oliver Oliver caOliver Pike in BIts T5 UwT5 InIJ Uw Ian IJ wlse WIse and Oth pth pth- THETHE Ts can rcan hard hardbl hardest take OthIr tiimbl tiimb- lown bl Ir abluffke IS to taJj fatlt- oConsistency own- abluffke own blufI- Conmlency bluffblufI OM O- MConsntency Consntency Conmlency I- fcrofccr brokers recoy4We refuse IS 10 to 10r a Jewd recoy4 1 cl clkoj oj K- Vo We Vo coIJoI.ptI MM coIJ oI- oI- ptI Should be fc offold knd off old worn out hor 4 4- are are shIrts some on them them themho men me me- shirts 'ho ho ho IntelligenceIntelhgence t- CanCan she test fll 1 refuse as astit tit titbeing a kiss bcmgbeing 'tA tA deprIved deprIvedof of ofIt ofit It it No a grass dow woman dowwoman whose ose dowa husbandhay hUsb husband hay fever fever- Some fever- Some dIggers arediggers airto Some gIrls but they are air caJ are to the last er fer filer I A 1 1t 1 I It 9 1 1- I I 0 I I I- I- I- ra ra- r- aa a o- o- fi of- a i a y- ti 4 ti 4t 4ti 4- tFLASHING i FLASHING FLASHING down the stralght- aways straighti straightb straightaways straight- straight stralght- stralght straightaways i aways at speeds as lughashighas highlugh as 160e 160- miles 160 160- miles miles 9 m1les miles an hourVIlbur hour Wilbur VIlbur Shaw Shaw- streaked Shaw- streaked Shaw- streakedstreaked to victory in this great race Here's Heres proofof proof of Safety Proofof Proof of- Blowout ofI of 'Blowout lowout I t- BlowoutBlowout Protection Proofof Proof of Tire- Superioritybacked Tire Tue Tire- Superiority f- Supenoritybacked Superiority Supenority-backed Supenority backed Superiority-backed Superiority backed not by claims but by performance jjj- jPatented PatentedconstructIon Patented construction features in Inthe y- the a a- thethe Firestone TiresTlresused by these- great these 3 3- greatgreat drivers on the speedway are- 1ncorporated are- incorporated are incorporated1ncorporated 1ncorporated1n incorporatedin JChampion in 1n the F1restone- ChampIOn Firestone F1restone 3 ChampIOn Tires T1res you buy for the- highway the- highway the highway JS JS- For sl For greater safety economy and- dependab andAs and dependab dependability dependablt lt equip your car WIth- a with u- aa set today fa f0 a -0 0- groin a groin groina groi- nv groin- ii i ni fr ti-Y ti trY n- LIFETIME LIFETIME 1 IW Of- lCOHWn COIIVOY STCOIIVOY TIRES TIRESr TIRESGUARAI GUARAI GUARANTEE Every tEvery Firestone TEE I ST Th The A1 ae ANWDTim ANWDTim- Tire ValuaValue DARD TIRES Selisaiioa- S00 SoBsahonSelisaiioaSoBsahon- of S00 6 pp.16 pp16 Tire carries aoj a of oj Wa 1990 f- tWi i 475 475written written lifetime RJ Yput Sguarantee--not Sguarantee not Yom limited guarantee not 18ato 'jjI jjI ato atof tWi pICK w- pd a a- otdii pd to 12 12,18 1218 18 otdii 6S .75 5tW sor 24 tit or months itDt itD- g15gSOI tW itD tW- 6 te l- lp .1 1 g15 gSOI DdYarrour DdYarrourbut but for the full 6 00.16 0016 us 6tf life ofthe tire ut CAnd ttt't tttt And Your 626 roorwithout without time or or- I seate roor 6 a I seat Old Tire td ue mileage limit lt TireTrtucv Trtucv ZvA a a- i a- I i I I Im IZ I- II I I- trlr I I I hN Listen to rbs Vo cc a aF redone Jlfl lifi 'l4A7 l4A7 racy 'l4A7Po -Po Po nrncnzy N.11 N11 R.d Rd Red N.twor Ntwor Network Yullh Visit the l'iTlWtIliTlWtI Firesrwse lJI Jmg Baldm8 II IIhi hi tbs Nt1I 1 y'd ydtrlr.

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