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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 1

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


PIUCE FIVE CENTS. FTH WASHINGTON. Opening Competition for the Supply of Stamps. A First Rate Notice of Con. Megrue Dow Rt publican OCice-Uo! tiers Are Assessed Bpecial Vltpatch to the Iniu nr.

WA.ntx-OTO, D. July 8,1875. A rhanr far Our Engraver. of Internal Revenue ha elded to reverse llio policy of hi pre leccssor In aard airing out contract for priming for die uMof ton Iturean, and Instead of i nine nronosals from II Bmk Note Engrav Ins Compsnlee In Philadelphia tad New York oolr. he Has decided to advertise for proposals in rinr.inuati.

Loulsvlllo ami otner western ellles fur the 'printing of hank check stamps, Cod. Mrgrue'a Latost Mischief. Tbe tatoineuu presented about Mr. V. Avery, th Chief Clerk of th Treasury D-par pent, having been connected with the late wM.kv ring, are all made on Ihe lulliosatr of ocj so-called Major Con.

eotmopolitnn ttirseler, who lealdci every-wbere, ctll Clu elanttl bis dome, and ipcnd a good deal of his tlras during the Congressional scniou In Wash 'legion. There be la known as the agent of the ling. Megrue, it Is said, one attempted to cor rupt Avery by tempting offer of money, but filled, and eicr since then he has sworn to get trsa. lie lias often toasted of hi ability to con neot Arery with the ring gnd have him Indicted ll.grue Was Arrested Here soma weeks since upon an indictment for complicity with the b(. Louie frauds, hut was released on hail, General Hurbiidge and one flurr, (tailor, becoming his boodsruou.

Immediately after bis release Mi-gruo went to St. Louis, from which point ho has wrltteu seveml letters to Ills friends Id this eily, staling that be had com pletely exonerated himself, and bad given such tsitimony before the Grand Jury as would lead lothe Indictment of Arery. Hnf np to a loor this evot-lng Secretary Itrittow not been officially advised of tht Indictment Of Arery fcryhat always hitherto boy 114 au unsullied rep lUllon, and expit the belief that" be will ablo to fully disprove thai made iiituit blm. The Work of Reorganizing tit Republican Tarty, Dr. Crow, of Kentucky, the Collecting Agent of ttieCulon Republican Cougroaslsoal Kiecutiv Coo.

mil tee, "without au or nan," luring found 111 effort to til the coffers of the concern by In dividual appllcatloa to I bus who should onntrlb- ttc but a retail business at beet, yleldlug scarcely tat II. an enough to pay the worthy doctor's u.sry ami keep the Comrr.lttca and attache in vine and cigar, that mode of procedure has been tUaodoned, and a general circular, neatly lithographed, iu Imitation of a Una running band, his Itcnsivxttlluted, and It now being sent out by lliolcsale, several clerks belug enraged in Biting oat Hits of ofBrliU, and filling up and mresin: these circulars. A printed slip tooue corner roads a follows: "It Is par-ticnlarly uVslied that in roplt Ing to this letter tho a irae ol tbo pnsi-uiUce and Slate, together wuh Iks nameol I lie writer, should lie written clearly sua l- fibi, in qui inm croon may ue properly The Dociimetit Itself It follows: I'mox Cokormsioxai.) KllCCt'TtVttOMlllTTkf, 5 WARHINuTON, II. C. "Dun 8ihi In new of iho annroaehinc Fnl deolial campaign and Stato elections, which 11 tooccur tliu coming autumn, this Cuimnittec hi.

been directed to providu for tho Immediate am tnnrougti reorganization of Iho Republic jn'ijr anu inc circulation 01 sucn documents ns w.lf t.o lor the woik. Assuming you to a Ucpubiimn desirous of maintaining the as- miency tu mo ncpuoiican parly, an. I thus ruring tliu benellt of Reiiunl lean iniori ps and to do Uils you are willing too iitilbu ivum'uau criiuii 111 providing ner.esi.iry II ml 1 giiimtitc means to iipiort the lii-piiblicnn farly Iwlli id thu of ereonal effort and in tho wc hope yon may bo willing to to v-'iiiiiiini-B io uocxpuuiii-u as nboro In-tlicateil. Iho Coiiiinitlce ilesiru to entur uuon uieirnuliesatoiice. ami it l.otili.. that llioy Lc able to mnke up tliu list of luu.c wiu win iH.g mi active part In Hie work, and to judge llio extent of the vi in uieir uy the 1th ilay of the turning month, I'leasc reply under cover of the inclosed and Bteatly oblige the Com-fciilwaud our ob dlcnl servant, mil i i M. Kdhi niis, Secretary." Hill nnk is dllo up niih a sum equal to one per cent, ol Iho annual stilary of tho ulllcial to nm Hie cuciilat la a ldrojsc.l. Te thi rt MillxcTOH. D. July aL.

B. Hlnman, of sniiix l.oiiitiiliin, tslographa that they hope uiiruigthe Noithern into eao i.ot I. tore the latter pait of Aiifliu Wl IM ll.l.k THE (IKANUKIt 11U National i'loii to-ilay. ami afier i.u nuscmim, ny vo'e of 3 to 9 airrcCfl c. tbn NaNonal GranKtf a ashingion t- Lounvllle, Ky.

They all) 1'u1'1 Dext mtl" of Na.itonal at Lomsvillaon the third of otT; Their uiiartcs will r- O'fti 10 LlulviIIc within month or six weeks. IUmmm.c will adjourn to-morrow. Ol'NliNU HUT THE MONt.T tut coiinters or money in tho Tr-asurer's 1110 moay ln valt In the i Sistenn millinn lefirve.l i CcTPre.1 u.ive ucen tus- recently stolen forty. Ii'uu i i rcuiaining cl lnlrtv doilara lony six huudied Uollars nickel COLUMBUS. tb Crundlnc Wrstorvllllana OIo IUI1-fdt, Would Co Munleror.

Still ln Jail, IlVatehto th, XitQuirtt. titiis. juiy R.tho citizem of Weeter-who were arrestod on a peae.a-warraut at torbiii, M.o aalofn keepcr, Mora Juitlee rtommv. of ihl. waived, cxamluallon and irn, lh Court of 0n, H'lult Wesiervlllo ueonle fcninleavnipnihiicis 1 lllfilmv Vne with li'lrc.

p'SW'1 'hl1 flenwr.n for want of lnM at ii, nclpal In tlieatTalr, t. Me. unuaio both in v. 1 1 11111 MOUNT VERNON, 0. Xobii, Hon.

AllU, of sVwiu r- "tor. "'init til T'hy 8-T5-Jnr 'cga'tca Tonto40th "iJ Twenty-eighth use in nsiemblciUtlhoCuui t. ncir meeting was liar Sllm.iiio iiV," for Senator by l''i ufora nddree, tho Con- "Kteh, "r' brief, sonsl-Made in "'I. General oo ved The SuTa nu, lh nnd -'ate plmioim WM indorsed. URBANA.

Aii sit Self-Dcatractlon by an Mdei Jn'ano Man. r'-'Hliv 8 AIr- Honry Hagcnbucx. a at i pUw m'' Mtnarkable hHiJ lias bcon uil? fnr'' but 1110 "9 giTou of 4 auioidul lie ale breakfast with his family as u.ual, and at It cuinplctiun atue ami rnt to 'he stable, i the ino-fncd Ihionfinn of getting his horse to go to his firm. Some lime afu hi. son wenf to txe stable, where ho found Ins fmher lying on Old floor In an iiiuon.cion.iiaU', wltn One liana smernl funn the arm.

At in. sidn was a dull cui with which he had m.n.lnied iho hand ami arm lu a ffiiilii) niiinnar. 1 bo hhiod had co-iful'tiM In tho npen ends of the artcrien, prev.n:lng his I'lee'ling lodemh, but upon i oiii. imisues ho an Htiempt liniiuun tiir- wound. He mainlaiiix'l thu o'm It oom- po ii wlule the siii xeoiis nnipiiiateit the arm a liitiv higuur up in a moio sk.iUul luauner.

FOREIGN. CHEAT BRITAIN. I.OKPOK, July In the llnime of Commons this afierniinn l.orit Hamilton, Under Sccrvinrr or htatc tor Iinll.i. in reiilt in an tnniiiir ur klr. Ornnl lOiicniiu thedifbculiy Uvtwern (iicnt ni iuiin inn liui in ih, ni.

that ine earlier in iliiputo lia I been siitni(a toi ilj ari iinged lint Hie uiiir cr of Vnrgarry iieees'llaleil ihe Oorerunient's Ins Isriug mnt the King of llurmali linubl givo ey rr facility for the puui.hniont of offend is. i huKiug had lo permit the pnrssff'i of liritish Hoops ttirougu Hurmiili. hut Lord llmuilion hoiied that he would yield to iho rcpres millions tho Uritisli tuvoy, au.l linn preveui a coiri.iou.'t insie statement In regard lo the enn visit of the I'rinco Writes to India. He in ill ihal the suitablo fur a visit to Ihe colonies would iu, be in pi Ce for a journey through India, i ho ic.

iov had intnuuUxt that tho custom of making ccr. rnuuisl promts uecil not be oli.ei ve ct ih. I'nuce niii.t be ilneed lu a pofition to cxerclo ir ncrouv and splendor. Ir won I hoirevrr, lie timli nluid lo cuier lino anr uneitS'lou up in thl point, lilt Koyal High ncfS will stmt lor India on the 17 ol Uctuber, and In visit will last mouths. J'hu exuundi lure to insu.e tieccsar pjuip and dlguity wuuld ilU Me.iMs.

McDonald, John O'tinner, Power, IturbaiKl rcter 1 aylur made sp-echos agniiist grant loi the I'i inee of ains' tsutcrn trip. Ic on the men. tire will take place on the 15th inn. 'Iho Standard, In review of Lord fiufferln's p-cih at tho dinner of tho Canada I'luh, makes another violent attack nu the L'niteil Males. It ilcciies ouiigtauuii to that cuimirv, ami believes, in pu.) Ird Ouflorlii diss vonal, that Ihe American still covet Canada an I would ass rt a claim to the St.

Lawr.uceas gn edily as tj the XliSsHsippl If they wore tint restrained by urudenco. iho 5t.ind.nd con tiniis: t'We ri tub Lanadinns tn nnoersrand Hint tiirlainl regards then) us Knelishmen, and would ngllt fbr- (ansda as for Kent. A siirtMiion to uhaudou Cnaada would overiheow tha a.rougast r.iiguiiii umt ver" 1'iofessor Caiu.vs is dead. 6PAIN. MiDHIP, July 8.1ho Alfonsist forces, under tieuoral Murtiiies Cauipo.

aaiied fiom Vlnnioy uu ttm Inst, for aia.oiila. t.eueral Jov. lUr, with the ni.ilu body ol is to leave I antnvlcja to-lay f-r puipofa of recio-ting tho Kliro iu pursuit of General Itorregarnv, who, wrl) men, hart viiinly attoiapto.1 to russ the river Cliicn. Delnres' bilgailo now bars tho passage toward atalwula. rho A I (on lit Uencral Arramlo has.

after lira notirs' cngsgoment, ilcfeatca nine Carlist ba'. tnlhioe uudcr tlx command of Babnl s.aml re nuveoin- own oi lb jnnguera. Tho loss on both nldes la onosideralile. Uenerals Oursada and Loina foriud llio Cailist pnsii.on at icviiio, ami arm 'iellu to relievo Vuu.i in. Many Carl- ll uere killed til Ihene inovcin uls.

ThvSiian Ish squadron lombardd the town of Ilerineo for two days. Among the pi I. oners captured by mo A I Ion 1st at I xntavli 1 1 were reiirei.eiiiative. of Hie r'ruvieeihl ilrpttimion ol Armgnn ami tho imuin vi iiw a nil ai ininrv cunooi. lie Catl-liis aiu coiitiuuully pitweiitiug tiicuifcl ves to lite autnontlcs or ca-ieliiu-demanding amueslv.

Fan 18. July 8. A telem reenivedhere itnte. mai ma Aiiuiinoisl tteiiera Uunm a hi. estJbltsheil coiuinunicationa will) Vittorla.

The wnrm llic ltiHT la tlinugllt to be fl.lislled, aud tbe situation In the North is much ameliorated. France. 1'AKli. Julv rlvora Tonnes and Orl.l. qurt ovci flnweif Ihe banks Inst null'.

Inun.latimr the town of I i ii'uf nml in environs In tho lie- parimrnt or me Calvados. Itailwar tranio Is In- teruipted and suveial luidL-es havo been ile. sirojed. i here was also sum lo of life. Kou porsous were drowned at Lrslux ami inren Glos.

Th waters are now sul Killing at Lrsiux, but rapidly using at I'onl lower on the 'l oij lies. in consequence of the lieavv and emit inn r.l ralna are Irniod In the valleva uf the be Ins, Maruc and snunc SWITZERLAND. IEKNK. July 9l A lerrifle rflin.iifoi n.ini. pnnled with bail, visilcd tho Swiss canton of (cncvti and Iho French frontier to-ilay.

The hail-stones were ununusl nine, killing and "wuui'd. ing many persons, destroying ciOuj aildilnmt. ging much va'uab op-rty. Rlariua. 111 L.

July R. -Tho iteauishin Othello New York, arrived. IlAlraX, 8. Cieorze Tliown. oaismno.

to day, aged thirty-six. 1 1 CHlLLICOfHE. Tho Crliulxal Kocket -TIio Rust In the Whent. SptfM Plirntch to the Enquirer. CiULMCOTtiK, 0., July h-Tlio Court of Common 'leas entered upon tho criminal docket yesterday morning.

Tho case of (Jolngs the oUued bign-mlst, baa been contliiiiod until another term. Go Inga la still living hern ith his last wife, appearing entirely uncono me I. Tlie case of SjiuiI. ninn, tho liMlicip iu the Couoeriobberv. will come up Saturday.

I no rust is alfectlug Iho considerably, and numerous reports arc bronelit in ni rirmei wlio have refuscil to cut whent which before the rain promised twenty or thirty buslieli to ths acre, but which, In coiiBCiitiunco of tha rust, Is now utieilv worthless, (aimers plucu tho wheat crop at about one third of a crop, though this may be low. LANCASTER. Krntnl Assanlt on a Sick Woman-Sent to the I'eiillenlliiry, Special DUpnttfi to (As Lakcastkk, July a Martin lingo went to the rcaldcnco of a respectable fanner ou Monday evening, and duding the lady of iho house stc in bed endeavored lo out rugo her person. Thu lady was violently maltreated, but fruslialod Jhu til-Iain's attemits. Hugh llarilM'lck was today sentence to tbo Penitentiary lor year lor tne murder of Ills cousin, Michaol Bote.

lltfcS. ST. Lucin, July 8. The cxtenslvn flouring. mills of Leonbart A Se.liuncht.

No. Sli) Lombard str eet, burned about 2 o'clock tins morning. The mills, mai hiiicrv. cc. were lit to he worth fliVJ- Loss and insurance not ascertained yet.

ST. Lopis, July 8 The loss by tbo burning of tha mills of Leiihnrdt A Scliuriclit about lu.uiod for H1.60J. nil of wh.ctl Is in home companies excepting Vi.bW in tliu Gcrniun. ol IluHnlo. Siilpplngis Ustndit Off for Trial.

Nrw uhi.ksks, July Galveston Nows' irownsville sped il saie a rorca ol llfty cavali and tncnty Ltiiunn hi use Guartls, under tho command of Colonel I'minU, eicoited turiina au.l rlsoneis to Cairdtid. Th 'V sbot an hiinir SI.iii- rlco t'ortigul. wlio had Ihrratoned to the officer of the Ninlli Cavalry, tienr Maiainoras. 1 ho gim-hortt Juarez, with the prisoners, sailed yesterday, hhe had on board ai 1111 ami auiiniml- I1011, nnd pi inihmon was granted to her at llraiis Santiago, and biiu them Ihronglr IliowiiM llle. Thu Mexican papers claim lh the removal of Cot tlna will permit Hie authorities of Mufamoiiis to execute the law.

Hnse-Uall. FlofTON, July Athletics, 1 11 a rtfokd. Julv S. Ilnse-ball Mutua'. ft: Hni if'T ls, 8.

LorisriLi.K. Julf 8. St. Louis Bed Sox. Louisville Kaglos, 0.

rniLAiEi.rtiiA. July 8. Hao-bnll St. Louis Ilrown Mm kings, l'hilndclphin, 5. Rornr.STER, N.

July P. Tho Whlto Stock-r. ol Cbluuco. dufeated the Ilochcsier Club lo3. Visiting Knight.

Special Dtupalch to tin Enquirer, CU1CI.EVIM.E, Ohio, July a fhylos Lodge, Kulfhtt of go to Washington C. H. tonight to Inttitute a now Lolc theta. I THE TURF. liaces at Portsmoutb Yesterday.

A Number of Cincinnati Hornet on the Track. Juift ralltrUn tbe Winner at Detrtlt-Tkc lacrsat Laag Branch. fpeoial Diipatch to the Knqvtrer, roRTsnoi'TH, July 8. Tua summer meeting of the l'ort. mouth Dilvlog irk Aesoeiatlon opened to-day for three days' races.

The first raco wm lor tM hones for a tnira of five hundiad dollar. There wars) fllteen auUlas, and twelve to go, a follows: E. Lyaa, l'orlinioiith, b. h. Billy: II.

IJ. Jones, Marietta, black h. Brentl G. Lurliu re, ColuuibM, g. ir, Itnshi U.

Cincinnati, b. g. tins; Qeot W. Ilerron, Coulton, b. s.

Mountain Itoy; Robert G. I.yiin, Moasville, b. s. Jaokof the Hush; J. U.

SbBHlinn, Cleveland, ii. sn. Noily iv: 8. liryant, toiunilius, g. m.

Meiubnno I'tbutJ. M. Maxwell, Ixjuilon, h. bi. black Ksie; m.

In.don. I) h. r. m. T.i n.loo Ii.

iu harles Kalin. incinnati, a. g. J. i-k.

Trie race as won by three straight Joa, billy and J. L. Kk waredis- tmiiMl. The second rare was for horse l.100 purse. Thero were seven en iie.

nml four to as follows: G. J. Siuukard. Terra Haute, Kun-clion; J. T.

Illfgs, Cleveland, 0 b. r. g. Jure- inian; liusi.flcl.l, uiuh h. g.

JacK 'linmbein; It. liurvav, oiumliua, Uv Scon, Tha raou usswonby Lew fmots lo Uirce sirargiic at, i iuiu. 1:31. Tii-morrow there will i races, purse fnrfM horiea, and an IrtX) purse lor horns. There are a iinniber of sponlnj men Here from aoi oaiianii goo.i alien.

iimen or cinelnna'l mi a. hera is iniieli ili-innsCu Hon over the U) ra many claiming that Jeremiah wai sold out. He was Hi favorite lo the pool last night I lETaoiT. July 8. -The last dayof tha races wss wan aii.ntieii, nitty o.uiu poisons being piescnt, miinv oi ineni lauiii.

i races have ln.u very v.iiu', HiKi l'toit ming uas ircen uone lo con unci iiirm tan ly and redeem the Detroit raeln meetings from tne poor reputation under whic thov have iu ilia past. The faatosl lime ever mail on tin eoursa was made by Judge Kiillertuii to-. lay, TbudntMce was the unfloUhcd 1:30 raea of yeaioniav. four lleaia wore trutlfed vtatenlar wotnkeaby Ilirbard. and two bv llasll Unke.

The fllih hmt was a hot ooa Iretweeu Rlrhard aud Uukr.iha latter wMmi.g byalenilli, Hroh. anl soeond, Cluton third. Tha lloio of last heal uVl? UJ x- 1,10 frofl for (r rtw of iivuirn mho preiniums ol ll.t, liKK). I40H. and m.

with Kullertoii, Amcrlcin Ciirl. and uaiiy aiaun a. ofite being drawn, In tha II rat heat Vullunoa wont nir hi. r.t after getting tho want nod was lets full mci.ij uugina iu. i He rear, but Hid.

some ft umog, cvmiiiaT in six nu i.iii. ino ntxi tlnee at weie won en.iiv Kullar'on, with Amencan0irl secoud aud Lady BL'UM Jude Fullorton 1 1 ndv SI aud American t.rl Time, ji'. J.kil- in tnej tu race, for a nurse isno. lhera oiilv iwo startr-J. Murphy's Lady II.

and John airsuois. i ne former wn an easy wla ner in mite straielit heals. 1 iina.i u.i.. au.l I.onu ii ranch, H-Tlio P.eV M-ei were continued to-day, which is I tic Inst of inr ii rni nicerina-. inc nrst raea rnr i.

i. .1. vt nr a e. m.r auirwjii. i-roie, mo ravnrlte, won caiilts.

i leeoooiui.aecoivu; hi jsn, third. Ku.ipaack an. rreeuMici 10 l.i itujt i' 71 lu the second race for a 11111.1 ti lain .11 ..1 1 1 .1,,.. niuiu i. lour suit tere, mg reiluie Ktitberford, Will filler ami ici l.

11, no. 1 ami until me msi half ne, wuh nu 1 ue second, when Huthnrioru wens so in. xiiibs ami Hrni. in -n 1.. Iciinttii: Wild IdleVccond.

a linir h.nfili Tim. uiuog away. Tbr- thliti raco a dash of a mite and an eighth for a pmeof lod. Hob Wontlev rn-hed 1 ,1 1 1 tho limit at Uioiuri and keid In the lead until the lai.t Quarter, when Siu-mlUn-nt .1,.... aim won uy rour lengnis.

urver second half 11 1 11 in i 101 1100 loney, Verdlgi lourth Monmouth fifth, and (i.ilwnr las'. Turn, t-vn-' i 100 111 ui'oi 01 II.S'i', itnii.ol.,.r. m. 1 ne miiriii nice lor Lealon liornes of one mile and 11 hall was won bv Cratch. Dublin fH.01.1.

Of It HIT I. KM EX, Preparing for Other Matches now Dm I.o.T pellt leaterduy. London. Julv 8. The letter ree.eiveil lit.

Gildcrsl eve, in 10 to the shooting bv the American Killeiueii at VV inibleiloii, was lio.n Henry Aojulant oT the irliah 1 iirsonssays. "I lie cotiucll is not nil Inn. in anolb-r Team to ib.iot with our thice high in ihe Klchu Shield Mateh.hul they propose a nntcli to take pl.ici) iho 17th for Hie I.loyN Cup between tho A np'i Iran and an eight telcctoi from the three British At the lame lime Ihe I ooneil do.s nnt of a mulch between Ihe four-eiglits wblcli may bo man iged for the Motidnir fo'lmving the shooting nt imble.lon. In the moan tuu It iiiiu uie in urn proposoil for the IT I ll 1 t. may be agiccablo bp tho Ainerknni." nsi.FAST, July 8 -The American Itifleinen made au e.v-iir.ion lo-dny to the Giant's Causi-way.

Tncy wero nccomp.nnii br. tha K.indol the Niueti-lniirlh Uegimeut. Largo urow is of persons coiigivKute.l nt tha sUiiuns along the route, aud ut i'oit Rush, thu term iiiui of tho roan, there wa an immense onroiirtie. On their n-turn (lie Team attended Iho theatey, wliero llio honsouas rioiv.ied, na-f-tlio vi-iting i -iim-ii weio warmly greeted. I'pon thelreatry Aaieil-call airs w.

re played Uv ihe orcheslrs, mid great uiithusiaiiu vrsi inaiiifeited by tho audience. London, July 8 5 A. M. Mr. tho ni J.ilantol llic Kngllih "l.lght," repljlng to Ihe critn iems in tbo ueWspitpers on lui proposal for ft match 1 'tween Iho Aoieri-cm and a mixed Hntiili team, explains tliut Hie nilgiual plan wbi he piopo.en Mr coTrpelition for the Lloyd cup was that lent to Colonel Gildersleuve on June Vftth lur match jiclweon the English, Scotch and Amuii-can Kisrtits.

That plau wna approved bv Wham-cliff, Gllders'ccvo aud iho Captaius of all the Teams cnnreined. Aftcrwaid third parties perma.ied the Council to veto the arrangemeir. Ilo has no liosltntion in aavinj that thu mixed learn of eiglit, now pusud, will huve no cha-iro ngain.t tho Americans, lloexpeet a ihuwer of ictiors Iroat well-known alio: indorsing Ilia opinion. The men will be unknown to each oilier, and ftrm-il wl liall sorts of rid s. and theto ciieiiinstsucc will rle-t oy the possibility ol concert aetiou, and wheu tbo Amciiiana h.uo thoioiicbly buatcn lliein, every rillemau in l.nglniid will say, "Alter nil It was no match." Mr.

concludes: "1 gieally regrot so l.une and iiupotunt a conclusion, and protest agitmbt suggcstlour made without lellcct.oa." Old Zach Chandler' Last Slrugglo for C'racter. St. tons, July 8-lho Chandler-Kiiell libel came uu anain in tha United btntcs Diyuie.i Court here to-ilay, en an applio'ition by District. Aiiorney nrer, lor a urn oi removal to the District of Columbia, under a new Indictment lound by the last Grand Jury in (esfeion at Washington, ibis new Indictment an entirely new ottos. Hon of law, and tiiat it charges the alleged Imcl- uus publication to have been mada in by ie act of llliug the of flic xpeciril disatch to the Detroit newspaper in the Washington oflice of the Western Union Tele graph Company.

No other complete art of luthticaltpn is charged In the new indleam and the appc.irauc of 1 1)0 alleged libol In the Dntruil Kiea 1'iess is ouly mcntioad incidentally. Tbe case will turn on the question wboiiier, or not, the Uling of tbe special dispatch in'thc offlneoftho Telegraph Company constitute a publicatluu in law. Renewing the Railroad War. Chicago, July 8. At a meeting of passencer agents here to-day the Michigan Central agent refused to coiisuitt to a proposed plan for raising passenger rates to the East, and stated that h.i road lor Ihe present would soil tickets on the buaisol 113 to New York.

Trying to RiJ Herself of a I'ollco Board. CltlCAflO, July a Judge Farwoll. of the Circuit Coin gave lila decision In ihe Injunction care, le.ti Aiiiing tho Mayor from enforcing themdi-uiuk'O leceullv passed by tno Common Council abolishing Ihe Hoard of Police Commissioners. The decision dis.olvcs Ihe injunction that Is, pronounces the ordinance abolishing tho Hoard legal and valid. The lioard ot I'ynci Comuin- atwuet will appeal Ue cae.

Xiiu Tnbuue to of of of of moi-iow mo'tiing hi rml'i'. ai opinion on the ca if Judge Caion.tx-Chicf htato hupn-ne Court Tbrs opluina rfuielt'e I'oiet on fhi-ii Isrw-tl's based, and out mat lb Polio Cummts. I th Couiicl if l'j-t III. lh' I' lm ni mo previous ci b.r in. several Imtrda werecte-ai-il, Um piovlded a law f.

clMoa hi. houl.l rove lUcas Uhi sHoption lu coniirr-U-ii nlih i previous law au I or rluauces not peOo ill r. valtd by n.a act of U.a. BKIUMI Ot" TH UUKCIIEU TRIAL. LorIar iml Prlee Vet bath tailing Uer Story lo tho f.muil far-Moulu Honing" for a ight.

axb rater, not isuitTtD riT. tost, July -I'd. Tribuna this uiorn-ng at ot, llauiui ut thai Laodcr uud I'rica bad been Imliclo I. The l-vaniag Post says that Mr. Klitshi lh It Tlllon paid lit, this morning, to tne Grand Jury room iit a drrtosiiion in denial of the artl livitxa John J.

1'isee and Joaeoli lewder. Mr. iteciit-fta vvlvrv me Gran I Jury yoaterdav, and lh tc.iliuouy of f'ii two wllncs-e will. It piesjuied, prove sulttcieitt la uair.iiit tliu nml-Ing of liKllctiuenti for patjury again. Loedcr and fitr.

atiiFi.TON'a Dxuian for a lh tulluwl' corienpo'iilaiice beinceu Frank Moijiioo an Dutil, i Attorney Uni on explains iwwk, juinuiuu lener; -rta. ll iiww nearly a year tinra at the in sraaia at Rv. Ileurr rt'anl 11 dirlnj lr libel In iiaririua blm uh adultery th lia. kliaitMtb Tlllon. During all this lima i imni-inimii nave iarn i.o strp lor my trial or iml.ctiacnt.

I am thai 1 havear ghl to a i.U and lien by noiify you that I am laa.iy at any moment to meet auy cnai ge, an.) I reuu -si yon t) appoint the earliest i raeilca'ne iniiiueni forib.tilal; and since il I intiaiaie.1 by tho ui tin prirsrciiiion mot tney uu-bm waiiiui i uun iram in con.eiuenoe or ex iiitoittii riai oi inrtnaigtoi a iu). try, ny prootiring a wi.lidr.lwnl or Uiosiippre. slim or the indictment, I hereby protest against spelt an eva-lno of public j- and nulla rent iTiva.a iigM. ir lleurv iVanl lli. lu be lunirr eiiioi tne marge 1 have put aaainat hrui ougus ro ne piim.lud tor vaWu.e, fin the nau.i, II I nave not accused Inn wisely ami guliiy of the, aociriy au law owe wo au Kciiuiii-ai ami iniiicatiou riotu the indict-mini rei.rrt-t agalust asa.

Vo. retpitiully aasKcn.ii.atoui.TON. "ia lion. Wlncbattar Ivriuon, Dmnct Ailor tnn DISTBICT ATTONNKY'fl Kgrir. "Ornuaos- tug dih't att't, Kings Ji ll 'g, IMTS.

-riAKCli I. llOtll.TOH. KJ -Itur Mr: TllO obivdu and ebaracMrof thu puiillesilon. rulat latr to the Herein r-liuon controversy for the prMjoa have bra such that 1 am loollreed to Ifeink that In case I aus called upon lo piuwtuls v.iTuiii7 every iioei wtricii uas ueea tMibltslica ik oanneoima witn It the mo important admin, k-tratiouer criminal luw will of necessity (land vr for Uia.rxt ball century. It is among th "iwunus oi i ivn Lourt tiat psruua may llieiretii Jnlalga in all manner sf auai rule anJ aspLilis, swtiuial or artificial, at ikmr will; a coins oi c.imiuai luriad let Ion ara mov only br tha imon e.

au.l tnr via people of Ihe ra In this hut w.ailier Jail iik too. oi loiter and Vt ea hara ma preference, at It 1 regarded a greater hardship fr parties SH.I yet pioveu guilty to sweat ta r.aynioun itrret thao tosuffjr froui libelous uub- liratioua. Is Would afTord ma creat uleasnro to tey you for any nfien.e ennilna wttbba tha aevricr aunesot suraaner monllis, but it Is out of nil power Indulge yon in what you seem lo regard a. luxury aa inn cost 01 neglect ol liiisloesa e.i- m.isii tu a itiwferuaoe. Later on I may Ih) to tumrn'mn you hi jour cuiiie suns auiiou, and ma; uave rensou 10 rejotcj nut tno oi iel lull nut taxed Viiiit rnrialM and l.irlln, la uunng me nent.

term. Very iiv a'cifully, 'tVlKCIIMTXH IlKITTON, Distrvr. A.toincy." A TKgriMUNI At. SIIITISU TO IKXCMKR. A Cnunilitce loii-uilna ol' Hon.

A. IVnnv w. cuing ii, v. tr. coniinu 1'iolenor II lu'v- 11 Davis.

Judge 4. u- auu o. m. iiaiu iiuaneen aonoiitteii ro make anangeim-nta for a mihlle ineellu mii.I ao- cial roreutiaii to Ha.rrr Ward llerehar eurlv In tint fall daring tliewei'k pice 'ding Mr. Beccner'a icaiinipuoa oi preaching, lliu inceitug is In- teuiiiu as a liiiUllcexuie.slonof tbo conn, I.

in and lore lor live pasiur of 1'Winoutti Church. A ounibc of the olergy an I many eminent citUcua of'PnS-ttyii have their inteutiou of participating in lliu uiovemunt. ELECTRIC SPAUKS. Till! Emneror of Grinanv will visit Vle.tnr ma nu. I nut Inter linn heotember.

THOMAS' M. IIasiii.TiiM lias heon nnnointo.l (Sioia-kreiisr iu the Sjveiuli Dis trict if Ko'ituckv. Tiir rcinlr lo Ihe SI. Lotils. Kantns ntr and ii inroad navo not ret heen ennui eted aud no tram havo gone out on It for uenrlv a A NOTEn desperado of Sou born Ranrn.

named Cbru lie Jobiison, was shot at I rirnes siisr. day, and Innantly killed by the City Mmshal, no ui euipiing io arrest mm. The wivuSsAnd children of sixty Kiow.i nn.l CoiiiMnelii; liolians. who surienderc'd at Slaked I'ialns. bsva been trannnrted to Si.

A Florida, where the captives arc conllnod. Tllg I'all Mall Copenbaien eorrn. p' I rt avs that all lliu leading Nnrwegi.iii pg. per ar a commercial crash In Norway In co.i. sequence of Ihe bud crop and the stagnation in tno ti oilier

Tub general elections for memlnri of tha tint urr fur the Province of Unehe. loot i.l. a Weiucsdav, and i lies inituirmation of tlio Ii.hII.,1. vst.

in passed off in an orderly manner. Tho indications ate that tho Government will hnvu a majority. Tiig.loiliiiclimi of life and properly br there. cent in Hungary waj fen-ful. In Hmla tli alone overono hundred ireonle are sinioose.i to have hi en drowned.

No villas on lb. i upper ground entirely r.caped. Hundred! of people at at ii tu ami homeleis. hiiln-riptiiin. have b.en-pened.

nnd relief been liberally given. Sill Dot CLAH was liiklrnelKd l.v thn Rridf h'Gov to demand tho right of the pascago of uoops throtuh ilurmali. In hi intcr- ruiv will I lie Mug heonly In'lrnnted that a suf. lent escort would he sent with nnv futiiroevne. Iillon to Western Chin.

The King replied licit lluriuiih would protect any expedition, and that lruup must not bo sent. Crima and Cutualty, MKSII'1II. July 8. On Monday evcnlnir. al Ilrownsvilie, Tennessee, Captain J.

II. ol Hie Brm ot l'hlliips, Leake wholesale was assaulted by II. Kautiowlfz, au ex-sewiui-'iiacliinc agent, and iu the thlh and wrist wlih a rnior, severing an artery, l'hil npt inen iir. a pistol ami II red rour shots at k.iutoH tho last taking effect in tho lmdv. parsing ihrniigh bis liver, from tho effect of wnioli lie died ju.trrdny, rhilllpt is still con lined tn hi bed from his wounds, and was mi ni it tu hail tn rour tlinuiaud dollars 'o answer.

Tin remains of Knutrowitz wore brought hero for inierment in mo iicurew cemeterr. Lalt lunsdav a aeksmllli named John lien ley, living near Horn Lake, had a uuairel with a woman na ed Martha Moi sab. employed by him as cujik. That night, whilu ilehlcy nas n.ieu,., airs. ap I Ills bed, and, with a rsz'ir, cut a terrible gash In his throat.

nciiiey, awaaening, attempted to catch her arm, but caught the rator, which was drawn llironeli his band, li'fli ting an ugly wound. Mrs. ilor-guu her child and fled lo the woods. tiontcy ilea in a precarious lition. ST.

Long. July a A vouna- man l'rl M. Ilii-rehe. foreinrin in'the niniuirnein-v Henry Hainmcl, I'iue ti ect, ulcided early tbl morning in hi. room In tho rear of tlyi shop uy morning mime.

i inrougn me nent r. cause tno ant was dnipondcacy In con-eiienc of lie-Ing told by bis physician lu was afflicted wiifi an Inciirnble enso of heart-disease. 1 he deceased tins sister living at Newark, Now Jeisey, to wiiurii i uq remains win ue leut. New York, Juiy a Joseph Doyle, Indicted for tho ninnler of l'liilip Soorldan, tbo Jersey s.iloun-krciier, April S3, pi aded guilty yister-day. but uiiiler the provisions of tho New Jersey statute the Court took evidence to determine the decree ol the crime.

To-dny judgment of guilty murder In the second dogreo was recorded, and Dot lo was sentenced to twenty years in the btnte prison. Specie Shipment 1'oHg. July a The specie shipment today we of which 1501IJU0 was gold coin. Tho AisielaiiiTreamrcr opened bids for ll.iy0 gold. The entire amount bid for was li.tnu.OiO.

Tiio lowost bid was 115.WS', ahd the highett 1IS.WI. rroKldency of tho New York Hoard of Trade. Niw Vonx, July a-IIon. Geo. Ondyke has accept tbe Presidency of the New iork Hoard of Trade at the leipiait of a majority of tbe mem-bois.

Tbo formal election takes place next week. Sclaura of tha "Crooked" In New Orleans. Ntw Orleans, July a An establishment just completed lor tliu illicit manufacture of rum on a raibor extattudve scale was 10-iiuy eixed by Collector Cvekiull, Tb tub wejo-found 11 11c with 1 If twenty.ive or thirty lliousand gal'on of far. mentattou.and the proa distillation hasl Just emu ane. o.

I'm Mniura xuii bow n( resicanc was at first attuinpled by tho is n. In i nrgo, but they tnally tubnittted to inn orUerra, who took p'-sesstoi) and ol p.iiierri'. th buildtnz. tha wt.ole being i allied at Death of General Frank P. Blair.

Special Pitpnlrt, to (he Fnjulrer. ST. Lona. July Frank P. Dlilr ex-Dire I to-night at midnight, suiroun lod by hi family and a row t.

londs. He has been In a low late of health fur a long time, but under tha treatment list begun to grow trnntror, and ws generally to bs steadily Improving in heallh. Dining th pa. I few day ho ha taken ftenueut r.det, and yeitorday walked duwn slain. Hi death cam udd.

iily, and will a paii.rul uri'rise to bis many friends, who had confl lonl hopet of hi recovery. mm Weather Prohahllltle. Wathnoton. A. the Sutth Ailautto nnd Gull slight changes in barometer and tvmp.raiiire.easlei Ir to southerly winds, partially cloudy weattu r.

I oevasionallv iMnai'O is. ror renaM. (M( Vullty the L-irer;t regit, nil, iff Uirminter. soil or ninth sriarfs, clear or ftntly cloudy, and jriirouir ve.uker. For the Upper Ltke region, tipper Mm, and Lower Mmouri Vnl ey, fulling or statiouaiy baiouioter, south-wet lo wiudi, sliaht'y warmer, partially cloudy weaiher, mid occasional islnaiea.

Fo'r tho Mid lie and Kastcrn States, stationary hnrom. oter, east or a-. nth winu, clear or partially clewily, and silently wanner woathar. 'I Iissippi cuiiuiiiius slowly rising from St. Louis to naauuig.

Tho Government's Inquisitorial Right. hiilwai kke. July Dyer, of tbo einin uiiibi 1'isirici i.ourr, tor this district, de nvereu an opinion io-day, denying the uioilon to vaeaia anor.ior upon one fsiaiHebl, a laclifler r.iiuiring aim io Produce his book and papers ll was argued by Cariieutrr, in sup port of ihe motion, Oial a man rould not be com- pell -I to furnish cvMcticj that Wuuld criminal himself. hx-Chlif Jm.Sea Dix represented the uvuroaesi in uie ol lh motion. TUC RAGGED LDGE, A Rile from tha Dayof Judgment for tha Townley Hair, Soma of tho nnmsrous I.awiencj-Townley heirs met at the Walnut Streot House jrsurday tuomt ing tor coomliatloo.

The estate whloit Ii raiting an sun vis-Aiianuc interest is situate in Knglaod ana is estireatod to b. worth xiia history of thi estate, which I a romantic one has been published at varloui time, and become almost at familiar to the general public as that or "Mtffi Little Lamb." The cumber of hlr7) that hare sprung up all over the country and put In their claim for a illoa from thi rloh cheese I without limit almost. Front time to tltn and year after year thi fo; lorn hop Da been re vived and rs-revivej only to die down again to a glliainir like Will-o'-iho-wlsp. A lawyer by the name of Carver bat now undertaken to extradite the littla matter, and for a consideration to take several hundred poo pie mtlltondre. Pop probably had the following line In hi DJlud when ho wrote: "Hope spring eternal In tho human brotit Man never Is but nlway to bs blest." owing lo the fact thai tho notice of tho meet ing extended tlnougli but several of the adjoining counties, ouly tbir.y-llvii of the heli't eapecUtU were present at the meeting yeitorday.

Dr. Shtppard, of appointed Temporary President, aud S. W. I'robasco Secretary. Mr.

rVwr Keam, a Ttiir l-street lawyer, read Ihe his tory of ll.e estate, after which tha Prcsidentap- pom led the following Committee on Retolu Hons, which wa lo report at tbe afternoon ses ion; Dr. Slieppard. lcndala; -Mr. Gurl.y, Ua- lelln; Mrs. CulTeen, Dayton; Mr.

Clmnil Gleudalo; Mr. I'robasco, Cincinnati: Mr. Law rence. Reading; Mr. Fred Wo lman, Cincinnati, Iu the afternoon the Committee, reported the following rnoluiloni, which were Adopted: "l.ttolivd, that we nssor ate onr.nlres lis.

getner under the style and name of th -Western Association ot tnn i.aurcnc..-fu ulev we agree to pledge our support to all ransonahin extent to the oxpouse uf Iho txccuttve Commit tee. That wo recommend to fb.i Aas-t. ciiniiiu Durbln Waid and I'eter Keainas outi. sel, to attend to tho legal bu.ine.sof the Law. mice-townley eit ite, enlicr independently or in ennnertion tvnh 1).

It r.iv.i- 'v orolherf, as the Executive Committee untv doeni lie. I. And that said aliornrya are not lo be paid aiiy thing except tho necessary -cxpenso (which eioitiso Is to bo puid bv thu Am ciatiou) until the estate or any pact of it is recovered. ''KtHolceit. that an iixceutivo Committee nf Bvo be appointed whose power and duties shall be lo conduct the nu.ii of tin esta'e in cnnucetion with the attorneys employed.

And that one uf the Committee be olccied to Ihe pcntiou uf Ticas- urer, whoso duty shall Lo to pay all the necessary and attend tuall matters which mav he ilecmo I for the benefit ol the Association. "And it is further their duty to reiiort. from tt mo lo time, tn the claimants, and wit re it Is oiued advisable, by alwo-thints vole, thev slinll be authorized to cad a mulling of 11 io Atiocia-Hoti. Jtttuirei. That each mctnUcr of the Assoeis.

lion now ugn es lo pay 5, and any rensonahle sum that Ihn Kxiviitive i muuntteo may cull lor, v. Inch sum is to ie devoted 10 necessary expense, and that ihe same will ho paid to thu eaMircr uf the r.Xecutiie nuiitlee." Kxectittvo Coruiuiiice was then annolnled as lullpws: Dr. A. isheppaiil, Mr. Fred Welliuau, Mr.

W. If. Gitrley, Mr. W. Wi.icncll and W.

l'roliasco, and Dr. Mtannard msile nerrna. nent President, Fred Treasurer, an V. l'roliasco.

hccr.laiy. All uersuns who think they are Hititrcsted in tbe estate, or who Iihtii a infoi matlon concerning It, are requeit- I lo send lu their names lo B. V. l'mb Western As-ocintloa l.aciene...;., Kstcte, at SI West Third streer, this city.

Itase-ltall. The Ludlow-Maysvillo base-ball game tlny to a audlen ending by tbe visitor refuting to play in the sixth Inuiux. Iho icoro (lauding tlicu In favor ot the Ludlow. The di.polo arosa out of matter io which the Lihiiow were, beyond all doubt, technically right. How far tbo fact that they had been nilelicatcd the day beforo by thu Umpire excuse tbo visitor or whether the iiUotigor Club might not have gracefully yielded their right to gtieits as such and for the sake of mucli-desired bnriuony we are cot prepared to say.

Certainly the public i becomiug Hi ed of thcioncrcr-eniltng bickerings. Toung Sueak-Thlare. Louis Mchler, a boy thirteen year old, living Rt No. iOl Hamilton road, wn yesterday evenlug arrested by 0 nicer EfUug, of llieuieu-atrect Station, on a r.liargoof petit larceny. At the station, house bo confessed that ho belonged to a band ol Juvenile thieve all boy between twelve and fllteen years of age-living near Itrigliton House, whose names are Kroebly, Ditz, Hoffman, Hogan, Iluchlor, Richards, Deffron and Miller.

Ttioyilolea relocliicde, a qtuntity of totiacco and much other property, which they kept stored on a hill near Avondale. Lieutenant Schmidt is looking aftor them. The Demurred Out of Court. We are Informed by llic attorney of Colonel Tliomai K. suelbaker that that gentleman was strongly opposed to tho entry, of a demurrer in hi case, and wanted it tried at once on iu merit.

Unt ai tho charge ot embezzlement infills particular case wa only no ono believing that our youug Chief of Police owe a single cent to llio ater-Works or to any body else, Mosir. Campbell, Wilson A Warrington were firm in their resolve to demur, and of court Tom Campbell, a aural, had his wly. stubborn Scotch. ArTTJcycularTjocry. TufA SUtor of tU Enquirer: Is lliete anordlnauco prosa-iblng lha use of velocipedes, or blcylu upon the sidewalks, and io, why doct not the Chief of Police Instruct bis men to enforce Uf Suyytitxa, DIED Toil LOVE.

An Affecting Case of Suicide. Ia Ihe lows of Reading, en last Wednesday, Miss Catherine Koehl, a young we.uta Iwentj-two year of age, committal tutclda ea account of disappointment In love. Last Monday, Mls Koshl visited apieoleoear Readlnr, and enjsyesl lh pleasure ol lb day to the utmost. On Wedncetay, sb did a lrg washing for her aunt, with whom th Completing the task about 11 o'clock In the morning, ih Informed her aunt, whom olio called mother, that tlx Intea led to go to th IIr absence continued until la-a la th before il wa particularly notlaod. Mr.

Kochl then became alsrmoil, aa1 msd frultlsu laqul. rlet to berdaugbler't whereabout. About six o'clock evening om person engage! In the search went to tho barn on Mr. Koelil'tpteiulies, and founjhe daughter hang. Ing by plec of elolhcs-llue from a low beam, which the reached by standing on a box.

Ulaj Koehl was highly esteemed by Ihepeopleof the vlllage.and her deal hcraatedgrtatorrow amoof tho who knew her fntiiuately. Coroaer Male yesterday morning weal to th plac at once anil buldau iniu.t. Hi Juiy after exaraialng a largt number or wltnoise brought In a rerdict of tut clde. It wa broughtoul In tb tastimay that tha young woman was tivsnty-two yeui s'd, and that she was the daughtor of aa unmarried sister of Mr. Koolit, and thatbir father wa a farmer by the name or Browa.

Sh had been born In Mis. Koehl's l.ogse, adopted and brought up there by bar aunt, whom th always called mother. Esraard Llchtrnberg, a young black. uitih, bad beta visiting lior very Irequeutty for about tlx or eight months. In bi testimony he laid that thjy ware not enraged be nianlrd.

During on of bit rill; last week sh asked hliu if be going to marry her, aud ho told hr no, that being a CstUolic aud sb a Protettaat, he could sot, at ha must not marry out of tho Church. Sri thee told blm that before July aha would leave the eountry or he would go to her runeral. On the body of the dead girl trai found letter to Men Liclitenberg, Uer lorer, Wl)c, tells him that he was dearer to her than life; that sh could not colnre tn live without Inm Th responsibility for bcr death she threw anna hi relatlres.chos her pill-baarors, rwnestel tht ibo night wear ia th grave Hi ring be gtvs her; begged that ha would never marry, and hoped be would meet her ia tho other wo Id. 1 he Idler was written In German, In a prelij (, and lo quite good style. TIKE Till MOKMIXO.

A Big tear, 1,000 I.o., and a Hors and Mule Roasted Alive. Flamei originating, II is upposeit. In th kilchan of Jacob Htecncr, In tho issr of hia saloon, No. 600 Rac ttrest, caused a double alarm to be o0ndcd from Ooa ll, corner or Viu treot and Hsmlltun road at a isr nast on o'clock thi morning. Tii light uaniual.

sni sue neignuornood bon.g a aoodca one, the appearance alarniod. and arouse hundred ol citizens; and Indeed even f'O cool veteran, Chief Euoch MctJinc, be Iboinht there might bo leilou need for th lecond relay, which wi, hwTcr, not put to work. Adjoining Btegnet'i kitchen 1 hi slcaplug apartment Both war gultod bf lire aud water. Tho saloon in front was damaged by water only. Ills lot will be fully covered try hi insurnnc of ll.OOJ In tha Teutonla Companr.

of 11a inMtnn. OIiIa. AdJoinlng tho kitchen wai a stable leased to F. Ilornberger, who owa th wood and eoal-ytrd at the ooroer aoore, th toutlt-eait corner of Klder and Race, there were in ll two mule and two horse. Two of th animal were rescued, but ono horse aud ono mulo were roasted alive, pi.Henting it spcctajle that spAa of an ln tncmlty of brute Tiro flanici at ono tinio extended lo tbe wood an I coal, but weru exlingul.hrd belore much damage tv as done.

Fob peddling withott a liccme, Morri Iaw- ensluiii an Samuol Och were arrested vester- lay by olUcors uf the Mulh-street Station. Lewi Lazuus, Herman Live, aud a fellow usmid ilc- Alpin wero also atrosted and brought to Hammond-street StallorMiouio, yesterday afternoon. on the charge of poddling without lioentc. Live and Lnzaruj, and Oclit and Lowunsteln gave ball. Ou the person of McAlnio no lea.

than alv tizoit were found. CtNd wtTl, 'July 8, To the Jit -r of the Cniuinr: Mr. Kendall, of Die Commercial, had a conver sation in regard to tliu Hoard uf IleMsn thla morning about a nuisance, when ho bs a flltby alley In the roar of hla owu stable. Saxitabt. The late C.

J. Acton was buried y. stardnr In Spring Grove. Mis. Acton's lu-aitb ll lu io pre caiiou a condition she nas uuabletouttend.

The Insurance on Mr. life was 123,000, auj uot ns previously tinted bv us. Tho Wall-Street Money-Master. Richmond (V-) Whig.) Of course all ma Wi.ll Sucet iomnals are ot one mind. Tncre is mi "boncsi except specie, and paper false pr landed to he based iiiioii anil to riipieseut specie, this duplex currency, rnn.liliug uf two aiitnonlstic and irr.

coueilable cinenis, Hie only mjuar mat an lionet niau can touch oi uphold! TUey will not cond 'eiid to enter into any argument on the subject. Their lpe Unit Axes the morality of tho matter, and all nbo ipi.ttion their conclusion arc culler leui. or line, they kuuw that purely mclailio currency is an linuossibllliT. aud a patier currency, on suecio an eon- into ipocio at uu will or the holder, la puru'y Ideal naver has existed loader than it was subjeu ed to the test, arid never uau. Tbif know that their ''liouost menu)" currency it a diroeption and a llu; and It is it vury falicbood thai endear it loth for it I that Inlseliood that enable them lo nuke money out of the In dustrial classes, hocieatuall tho value in tha country.

II having tbe two cu reiicics specie and paper they can at pleasure depress the value of one and elevutu thutul tbo oihjr, lad make a profit by boih operaitous. Tliese ilisinter csteit journals are alii of one min i in this, to-wit: that tno great insis ot tha i wlio create all the wealth of the land, have no right toaiy opinion on Onarrclal (Ui tnin dltfereiit from theirs. They, tha moneychangers, arc the only persons concerned In the cuirency ot the country, aud it Is ibeir privilege lo dictate Ju.t inch a cur. ency as they deem flu 'I'll toiling milions areenttt'e I to no voice iu the mailer, and should bn content with wti.rte.ver their (oif-atyled superiors iy grout them. Ready for the "Doctrines of From the Kansas City They may talk and bluster as they plrsia about the Democratic party being a "hard-money party." It was a party at one period of the history ot Hie country; hut the it-iiauon of our Netiunul hffaii at that period wa vastly different from what it i now oi has been for niteen years past.

Wliou thu Democracy upheld and advocated a mein'lio curieuev our Ltioual debt was a matter of tho imagination, and ii ii ni ueiiuer uonu-iiouiers to sati.ry nor national Uankt to sustain, and their position upo'n the "Monroe itoeii inc," the removal of the Chciukee Indians, or any other obsolete question, migiit aa well bo cited as au-thoilty. Hut whatever may havo been tho policy ol Hie party iu the days of Jackson or lionion. It is now ready and dotei mined to accent ami enforce tho doctrines of liid'cinn. 'I lid (tonsil aud West will have the 0 er In tne National Convention, and, we think, will not be slow to assart It Tbe Ristwrt Conrreoa. The Illiterate pbilonoplier ot mo Cincinnati Carol to should be admonished that can in his most conspicuous part to.) clso io tha grouud for perfect salely lu the uso of 8T.

I.ODli Tings: Conorsl Carr say ha wouldu'l drink a Urop of whi.ay tu L.i Pteaiifent of the Uuiied Etarca. buuinbvJy eiulit to ok Giant what he thiols ot blut..

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