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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 1

Cincinnati, Ohio
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PRICE FIVE CENTS. Ml WASHINGTON. Ibe President's Louisiana Message. A Document Stoat Remarkable for Its OmlBRons. Carefully Pruned at the Demand of Hie Keepers, for tho Benefit of the Party.

Wiady Debates latbeSeaate, Wbicb Amount to Nothing. Report of the Committee on Louisiana ah turn. Railroads Robbing the Government-Pacific Mail Subsidy Still King. Btltiit Wi" Hl at-Bretber Orvlllt 'e Utile Monopoly, ifteial Dltpattk to th Knqtrr. Wamunotox, IX Jtuutry 18, int.

Th Hage. The Repnblloant htvt btei waiting for dayt In ttata of anxiety aad luipeoie, hoping thai the President! mmt on Louisiana affaire won Id contain lomethlng to relieve their party from the great odlarn bow retting upoa It. The document, which hi tied up by Attorney-General Wll-llamt, aided by Coukllag and etner Senatorial tauten, wu read to tho Senate to-day, end lie. tened to with great attention and Internet. At wai anticipated, le an vjaecrupntona and men- daelou arraignment of tho white people of Louisiint, reciting the dlaturbanott whiob have teen provoked by the car pet-big tyraany In that State, and perverting them la the dirty etyle of inch prone ae the Chicago Inter -Ocean and Cin cinnati Oxetto.

Th ImportnntQaeetloa On which, chiefly, the country deelred lb forma' Don, namely, whether the President approree the violent Inveilon of the legislative halle by hie army, or disapprove. It and la ready to repair the sjucblef done, la eaiefolly evaded. There lean attempt to let Sheridan off from reeponaibllity, tt the ume time that hie note are tpoloclxed for, and even a favorable gloee la put upon hie mor- terooi diipatehee to the Preeldent In a word, Ibe metiage le evulvo, dielngennoue and tligntnl, Juat might bar been tipeeted from aneh a quarter; and In all theae particular it le aimply an echo of thoepeochee ado in the Senate during the past few day. by Conkllog, Bdnilndt and other. It to ro-arked le no notice In It of the die- pitch tent by Secretary Belknap to In forming hiiu.thit all of tho Cabinet approved bla eourso, and nothing to onllghlen the public whether Belknap bad or had not a right to peak for Fiih, tlrlttow and Jewell, aa well ae Grant, William and hlmielt The mea Mge It reorded by the Republlcani (Imply at an electioneering document, and to nol likely to bemnlethe batu of legislation.

Any attempt to pint bill through Congreu on the etrtiln to; diicloeo the moot terlout diflercucos among the Republican, Tho Cavo of the Winds. The diirntilon 1 going on In the Senate, with little prospect of an early termination. General Iigit bawled to-day In hie etnal etylev It wu verr evident from tome of hit remark that hit party are trying to provoke a dlf. Scully, at least with tome Demo- oratle Senator, to that tbe "outrage1 kowl anyone more be ratted. Apart of tbit Whining game hae been played by Edmnndt to represent General Gordon aaaeeking a difficulty with him, in face of the notorlooi fact that be (Gordon) le one of the moot paclflo of Senator, and never wae a duelitt- at any time of bla life and now that thla trick la trantparenl attack are being made In the hope of provoking General Gordon to tome violent language that pan be aught bold of by the leaden who have prepared and gloated over all the disorder of the South.

Tbe Repnblloan Leaders In Congrui are to-night In a high state of exalts. lion ever the Upstage. It la very woll known that the document, a It wa flrtt written, wa extremely virulent. Sheridan wai itrongly in toned bla acandalona diipatehee entirelr approved, under ibe Implration of William and tth en of the outrage party. The moil repreetlve enure were recommended, and wholesale de- auneiation hurled at those who dared to oppoee me win or me Executive.

Thle policy waa firmly ai declilvoly oppoied by certain members of the v.uinri, wnoto name are won known, and the t'ee rrtlgnattooe would bo placed Inhiahand men wu n.Rn in i.i ne iieitiaim in nia mad course. Vloe-rieiidrnt Wilton, Mr. Boutwell and others next ifi'etred on the erene and protested against iiiuwu 111 ibih pot mon ociore ine country. in a potition which thoy could not defend taliwreraand politician, Iteeemt that there wer at leait fori Republicans In lha twa mucnet or von gross who would have brokon mi me rresiileul If no bnel persisted In bis 'iiusi intention regarding IvOuliltna. Grant Bends Before) tha Storm.

Thealtaratlnn lhA a swan la thm 41m (. A jk polliiciant have gained over Grant aineolSrA ii the tnt time they havo been able to compel "tea to Ihelr consult them iiiuf nn poise ana too poller of the party Jtiey ire, of courte, elated, aud will endeavor III being ma by VlM.IMal.1ant H7l1.r.a i'ki the proipect for 1ST It very bright, and uofcr enjoyed Better neaiin. the Louisiana GommUtoo's Be part. "ere wai to-day a meeting of the fnll Com. of the House on Louisiana Affaire.

If ttobinion had been here, aa he promised anpninisd, the report of the 8ub-Commitiee wuuid hve been Indorsed and made to the coun-1 Commutes to-day rcqnirsd a more me ww'tirrmices Ol tllO IU I Nw Orloan. They are to r.mclln lo-roorrow, when klr. of Illinois, who la appointed In Bol pi will be prenent. Thia delay b.i,L Prt tcrewt to roater and Phelos, and to tu, main oy ine party "tot them to modify and dilute their report nr. 7 'oiter will yield to the pre he will nor.

It I said tha re- ouD-Wmmlltes waa tlgned on rrlday The Bank-Note Trlnilng. Tnt Binklng and Cnrrencv Commlttro held Ii. i in regard to the bank-uote print-tu. 10 rrlve at a conolutlon llii-rton. UMHWCt I.

Ih.t lha n.b UlSt i wi ii trv uiviuuu, t-om pan ica will succeed In beatinx the the l0 Treasury, wno dctlret to have all none ine Department. Railrofula TtkKlr ik. n. reply to a resolution of the Home, Secretary tV sent to that bodr to-day a list of Uilrty. rallnuilrnmn.nlM iklli iSM the Uuvernineut ovrr nine thnilSaild ilnll.r.

tnr tha th. Mm 8ll0, fropsrty and troop. In tbe list 1 ''tlMerf Vh lIlt, J.0'flo Companies are not Ulter.i.i... BUppoiUH lO UO IU 'ier violation of the law. nr.

Ooluian Sticks to His Tost. U7 ii ut In narU of Indiana that duties bore to xo to Ib- S. a.ii loo ariur hie chance, lor th Mii A7.nn d-. -tr. Hulmill great In.

to by hlafrlondt Ur' "olman ha. steadily en U.M "periant anymomenLand in Irkwu, it aa tmpvratlvs duty to remain hero; andiuob is aUo Iks opinio of bis frtande in Coogreea. Subsidy I SUII Mr. Mllllkeo. of Kentnekv.

who lait winter endeavored to revive tho iuveitigatloa of FaoiOo Mail affairs, ba an amendment to the Pest-oWoe Appropriation Bill discontinuing tbe subsidy to the Pacific MaiJ Slesmihlp Company; but be was on Monday, by Tome buiger-mugger, deprived of ins opponnnity to oner it. ii loots a ir the leading Oepubllcant, a well a the Admlnletra. lion, were In the plot to perpetuate thiieoormoue tubtidy, In teouring which there wat luch gross and Infamous corruption. Brother OrviUo's Howopoly. Mr.

Beck, durinethe disanssiot. of tha Inrilan Bill to-day. called attention to th arrannmant made bv Uraol foretopplng all tho Indian trader uunuus, mi al io isare bis own orotner. ur-ville Grant, tbe sole Indian trader at several of th most Important polls la Montana Territory, thua giving him an entire monopoly. The exposure ot thla piece of corruption worried Uo oyai men oi mo Monte vory mucn.

To Me Jeeootafsvf Prut. COHriBMATIOrt-. i. m. i ig, in.

cnnnv ajpua- flrmed ths following nomination! Geo. Maney, ot Tennessee, Minister Krttdcnt at Ecuador; Ueo. it. itaaer, Kavoy Extraordinary and Minister Plcniootentiarr to Kussia: Blirar Btauton. of It- llnolt, Contul at Barmen Theodore CaBlslu, of Illinois, Uonsul at Bristol H.

H. Uoldtborough, AupraiMrof Marchandite at Baltimore; George W. lngalla. of Illinois, Atent for the Cherokeee. Ciejki, Choc taws, Chlr.kasawi and Sominolee.

ISTIklaTID DRVIOIKMOIKS. The Secretarv of the 'i'rcaiurv hai tent tha House of Uopi-eaentatlvee of the ao- propriallont' required to supply defloienelo for emot for the nscal year eadinar JunsSO. 1875, nu prior rear: mate irerrartmeot, rvn.TM; reaiurr. H44.W: War. $118,167: Mavr.

I1S.8TI: lowrior, lotai, INDIANAPOLIS. caoeoo or ttto Bolmaa Ken Ram or or a Bolt la aCortala Contingency-Both Bides Anxious, Neither Sanguine. Sptrtal DupatcX to IU Mnqulwr, iNPumrocis, Jaauary lL-Tho Eepubllcans met la eausus to-night, and adjourned without resolving on a lino of policy. They want to wall for something to tura an.

Tbe Holman men met la canons at ths Occi dental HotcL There were twenty. nine member present, and their favorite ens noes were thor onghly canvassed. After comparing notei.ltbey think they eaa count twsnty.four votes la tho Honsoand seven ta ths Senate, a ad eevsawno bavf not made np their mind as to whom thoy will sapport, but who an or Ideally waiting to see which eldo le going to win. Relman'e friende are eTOlne to work to-morrow to centum these doubtful onee, and two mora will enable then, to nominate their man. To-niorrowe ton will ahiao upon th liveliest battlo-vlew of the nenatoriai ooateot.

ana too senatorial eniui will bo born and named when the son noee down. It le silent) whispered about this evea ni that there were aeveral mea in the llolmaa caucus who solemnly swore that they would not remain in a eaaoua that wonld nominal McDonald, and It 1 thought that, enough wilt bo found. It only require Ore bold enough to boll to compel Mo- ironaia'B wiuiarawau McDonald's leader claim that thev eaa eonnt Aty-ooo votee euro to-nixht fur their man; and putting Stares toarotber th mm total Biuret no several more Uemoorate than caa bo fouud In tUe Lrriilaturo. The eltuatioa mar bo inmmod no bv savlaa uv.ii biuub nupeim bhu utriuiuut nelt bo i of them certain. In the House Reno Drreontmt a tv tit Ion anlnat abolltnlng the tonrt in the Mew Albany District, tlgned by M.

Kerr aod oilier. The Judge eutruea ine House ny announcing mat umi it-nature to the petition weraobtalaod by paying tea eente per head for them. The late Board of Kdocallon, In Joint session to-day with the bead of th Educational Institutions, prepared a bill lor Introduction In tbe legislature, providing ror establishing a Board et Hegante to eupervlte the Bute KiTue- Uonsl Inttitulious. Knot B. Ueod.

of tho reople. Nil on tho ley pavement yesterday and Burl Bltnsou quite to eriy. WEST VIBOINIA. Orgsnlsatlon of tho Legislature) Disturb ing EtemoaU-Govornor'a Wossago. Bptctal Dupaick as UU Iqinrl CBittcsTOM, Yf.

January 11-Both Oottaee of tbe Legislature organised to-day, with a full attendance la each. A eauco of both Houiee wu held lb It morning. D. D. Johnsou, of Tyler, It rreeldent of tbe Senate, and Joseph Miller Clerk.

Ia tbe Houie, Ales Monroe, of nimpshire, wst sleeted Speaker, and J. B. Peyton Clerk. Capital removal and ths Senatorial question did not enter Into tho contest for organisation. Ill feeling, however, Is Inteute In both cases.

H. 8. Walker, of Charleston, and J. N. Camden.

of -Tarkertburg, are tha leading candidate for Senator, although Hon. J. Fanlkner and Ex Governor Price an still In tbe Sold, fresco! I dlcationt are that the fight between Walker and Camden will be holly ooutetlcd, with the chance now (bout oven. A bill for the removal or the capital to Wheel ing will bo Introduced early In tba aeulon, aod will amanrtar a bitter flxhL Tli Governor' mostag wat aent to the Legla-latura this afternoon, In which ho alludes to tho general depression of huilnesi, tracing It eatiso to an excosaive issn oi paper currency, which bcxete wild (pocnlatioo and reck' tut expenditures, both publlo and private. He tayt no ttablo financial system can exist that baa not cold and silver for IU foundation, and de- claret that any policy that may bo adopted mutt look to tnit end.

no congratulate ine etaio upon the healthy condition of her sa I all demand! npon the Treasury bavebenn mecuicnn oaianoo in sua irenurr oi ssx.wm. He rooognliee tbe liability of West Virginia fur bar pr rata of the Virginia State deibt up to the time of the creation of the State, lie allude to the working: of tho free ichool tyitem and th rapid advancement of popular education. The messace fllla tweuty closely-printed ptgea, and I a clear and couotae alaleuieot of tbe condition of Stale affairs. DAYTON. Dayton and Boatfc-oastarn Railroad Ice Flro Loeeos and Insurance.

SpitJal JHtpatek to Mnqlrmr. Dattom, January IS. Tha Board of Dlreo ton of tbe Dayton and South-eastern Railroad Company organised last eight by olooting Ibe fol lowing officer: President, N. S. Yeoman, of ray etto County Vice-President, B.

G. Corwln, of Dayton; Treasurer, 6. Ankenny, of Xenla; Sec retary, Walter Posse, of Dayton; Superintend' snt. Colonel liurlbut, ot Georgia. An ky costing hss covered tbe street and ild.

wslks for ths put twenty-four hours, which It so slippery at to maks pedettilsoliB dangeroue to life and limb. The following Is the full list of lowes of Insur ance companjot by tbe lira last night: Imperial, of London, 14.400; Lancashire, of Mancheater, England, Liverpool, London and Globe, SS.OiiO; Cooper, of Dayton, Miami Valley, ot I'ajton, unio. oi narton, x.ow; r.oier prise, of tAOOU; Miami Vallev.ofCIn r.lnnati. 13.UU0: Bud Merchants', of C'ln p.innatl. ta.OUO: Amnion, of t'lnoionatl, tlout) BierCnulllF.

Ul V'lVTViaiiiu. ir. iium vi vuinw Atlat, of Hartford, I'botnlx, of llaitford, U.OTO; Cltixen'. of Sewark, N. Manhattan, ot New York, Mutual, ii lanji, 1 1 A i of Milwaukee, ll.zou; nonn-wesicrn, oi muwau ke, RMXJ.

Total luiurance, A Case for Judge Lynch. fptetnl Ditpatck to Ik aTRoatrer. CstaMA, Onto, January ll-Aotoutrageou rape waa committed yeaterday afternoon about four o'clock, two mile from tbi city, by an on-known man, tuppoted to bo a tramp, upon a little girl Bin yeare old, daughter of J. B. Ilorgsa, of this ulsoa.

The scoundrel made hi a capo, and bo tree of hi whereabout hai hi yet been obUlood. Gnat excitement prevail among our citlaen, and than I riou talk of lyacbiu tho perpetrator If caught. Klllod by a Falling Troo. tptetnl DitptUk la Xttgairer. Moiwaox, a.Jawuary ll-Joba Kopp, who resided six miles north of this place, wat Instant ly killed vestordar aftornooa while cutting tree.

He had out a tree, which la alliag lodgod oa another tree elsse by. He then out th on off the Hump, when it fell in an eppoelse dlrectloa that ezpeoted, and befbra bo eoald got olsar th branches of tho tree caught blm and enuhed oi to death. Hla wife was Uo Srtt two la Sod him. Ho formerly resided near Ilotboro, Hooking County, tod was a respectable elttaea. FOREIGN.

SPAIN. Mabbib, January 11-Th Minister ofWar bat reoelved diepatehet announcing that aeveral bands of Carllata had been badly defeated by the Katroaal troop la th DepartmeoU of Baroeloaa aad Navarre. Tbe priest Alcalon, a Carllit leader, ba been brought to this city a prlionsr. A deoroe has bees Istued for th restoration the Church of III ecclesiastlesl nronortv not In. eluded In tbe Kcdomutlon Fund.

Preparations for tbe tntry ot tbe King Into the Capital aie being madeoa a grand scale. HlMDATB. Jannarv 13. Don Carlo has cons to Durango to hold a council of war. uaruti cavalry on bunday auproaebod wlthla thre mile of Velenoia.

The reooplion of Alfonso at Valencia waa lias enthusiastic tbaa at Barcelona. Plats, January 11 Senor Becaata hat de clined the Spauith Kmbatsadortblu at Pari. int naaria uoTcrnmeni nae miormeo uer- manv that complete satisfaction will be given for the oalragee on the brig Guatav Immedlatelv upon tho rectiut of full dispatcbee from It repr. sentative at Berlin. Illatuonghl in Berlin that speedy reparation will be made, because It le gnat Intereet to tbe Bpsntsb Uovernmenl to de prive too opposition or an opportunity to attack it, whiob foreign reprisals on the Carilsts would nora.

The truth of yeeterdsy's dliqnlrtlnc recort rrom Spain it aeniea. me rumors worn solos foot bv Carl itis, Ths Duksof Parma denies that either Const Caterta and uarl or himself ar about to auan ion the caute of Don Carlos. L' Union atatoe that Manhal Serrano hat ar rived la Pane. CR1AT BHITAIN. io: MDOK, January II.

Bev. John n. Newman, th eminent Catbollo divine, baa written a panv phlel of ten chapters, addntssd to tba Duk of Norfolk, In reply to Gladttont't famous expostulation on tha Valieaa decree aad civil allegiance. He declares Gladstone's epertloo of Bngllsh Catholic nndetervod. bit ton uncharitable, and bit eoneloiloBi untrustworthy.

Tho tfcAote FiU-eiogi aloos is competent to deterula Papal aad orncuai uuoraacea. -it must no oonleeaed," he eoatlnoe. "thst aom among as in past year nave ttraioneo truths until they were near mapping, and have doae their beet to eel the bouse oa Ore, leaving other to extinguish tho flsmr. I see no Inconsistency In being a good Catbollo and a good Kog- Helbea draws tba distinction between anlrls- nal and accnlar allegiance. "If, he says, "Par.

lutmeot snould pas an act eomuelllnc Catholics to attend Protrttant service onee week, and the rop snould lorDi.i tbera, i would obey the Pope, not the law. If I waa a soldier or a aallor. and the Pop bid all Catholic to leave tho Army and Navy. 1 would dtioboy blm la time of war." 'ine Keverona eoaeiotioo aava: "is. fallibility 1 declared a matter of faltb In thought merely, not In action.

Then leoolv one oracle of Ood the Holy Churcb, with the Pop aa tbe awo, London. January 14. I A. M. Tha British tamr Bride, from.

Alexandria for Hull, ha been lost, aad tweotr ol her crew and uaaacnaera uivwaau. GERMANY. Biblim, January 11 Tho Provincial oorro- epondeneo eaya th German Gevsrsmsnt hat taken preliminary steps to Inturs tatlafactlon to the German flag and Indemnity for the ownert ot tbe Oerman vessel Gnetav, whleh wat Bred upoa while Iq tUitreas, and afterward plundered by Carilsts. FRANCE. Paxis, January ll-Electloni to All tlx vacant tale In th Assembly for th Departaeqlt of Cote du Mord and Selne-et-Olie Bar boon or dered for th 1th of Fabrnarv.

ine asecmoiy uinimuue on Liquidation or the late Emperor's Civil List will report In favor of ailoHiux nit nsirteignt nundred tuousaud I raao. tbe Stale retaining um museuue at i'Mrrsfouda aud lonlalueuitau. NU88IA. 1-oynon, January 11 Th Dally Telegraph re port that Prince Goruchakoff declared that Buttia will aot mak tho recognition of Alfonso dependent on the eonOrmitlon of his accettlon by the Cortes, bnt will act la hariuouy with Ger many ana Austria. Marino.

Niw Tom. January 11 Arrived: Rteamihin ieiuuara, irom uverpooi. Glahuow. January 11 Arrived: ttieamsbis Trrlau, from New xork. COLUMBUS.

Sonthnrn Ohio Epttcopal Dloeoean Conven tion Nomlnatloua for Bltliop Mlehlgau and Ohio nallroad-Appolntanoat. Spoeiat Vip4teA to tho Xeantrsr. Colubbub, Omo, January 11 Ths Iplscopal Convtntlon of ths now Southern Diooeeoof Ohio met In Trinity Churcb, tbit city, todty, and organised by electing Key. Dr. Burr, of Port mouth, at Freildent, and Bev.

C. IL Yonng, of Qlendalo, at Secretary. Debate came npflrtt oa what name th Dio cese thould bear there being iMfferenoes aa to the Dloceee of Southern Ohio or the DIoocMOf Cincinnati, a memorial In favor of th latter being preeented as the action of tbe Vettry of Bt. Jamet' Churcb, Cincinnati. After tome'dltcai-tion.

It wa decided to call it the "Dlocete of Southern Ohio." He v. M. Maples offered an amendment to tht Constitution and canont of th old Diocec to ai to give lb laity power to vote oa the electron of Bittiop, which was referred to a Committee of Five, who attarwsrd reported back, recommend' lug ail nominationa to be Srel mado in a sort of caucus, or Committee of the Whole, while the electlone ebould be formally mads by th elergy alone. At tbe ooen nc of the evening teuton the Stand. log Committee for tho Diocese wat elected, eon-listing ol the following gentlemen, all ol Cincinnati: Ueva.

P. Tiniley, Kichard Gray and A. F. Blake, and Mesire. A.

11. MeGuffey, Chaanlng Kichaid and Klngwali. isaa N. luting. at Col um but.

wa tlrckd Treasurer of tbe Dio- oese. Xbe salary or tne uisnop or in new dio- oeae waa nxed at M.IW per annum. The convention men went into ivOmmitiee or the Whole lo make aominatlout for Biaiiop, with valentine a. iiorton, or romeroy, in tue cnair, Key. Mr.

Brltton placed In nnminatlon Rev. Dr. Jayger, of the Church or the Holy Trinity, Pbita do lib i a. Rev. Mr.

Maplee nominated Key. Eil waidJowott, of Christ's Church, Daytonv A number or abort tpeecbet wen made lo behalf of each of the randidatvt. A 11 o'clock the Convention adlourned to meet to-morrow moraine, when a number of othor nomioatione will be nitile. The nrobabilitlee to-night an that Blshoo Hare, a missionary Blihop among the In, dtta triboe, will ba ibe choice ol the Couveulion ll thv co outsld or tba diocese to ana a man, Then ar about eeveolyUve delegate in lb Convention, aod their discussions occasion a good deal ol Intereet amonc churchmen ben. A meeting of citizens aod others in favor of tht Michigan knd Onio Ballioad le to bo held al the City Hail to-monow night, on which occasion Governor Allen le lo make a Speech in favor of tba antt-rnrlie.

borne forty or any gentlemen from Portsmouth, tbe souther terminus of tbe road, cama uo to-day to be preeeet al Ibe meeting, Archbishop Sands arrived ben thie afiernooo. but will not permit hie name to brought bciuie toe tpiscopal convention. Victor Gutsweiler. of Mansfield, was appointed by Governor Allen, to-day, aa Collector of the Virgiuia military lianas. Tha Minnesota Senatorahip.

St. Picl. January 11 The Henublican legit lative eaucua to nominate a candidate for United Senauir la eallait lor to-morrow evenlnx. Bamte) 'I friends claim to reel quite eoiifldeot ol noaiiuaung mm on ine eooona or intra oauor, Vlfant to bo Inveatlgatod. gw Oblbars, January II Both llooeoe of the Legislature to-day passed a reaolutloo requesting Congn-ea to immediately Institute a thorough In vestigation into affairs la louiaiaaa.

a THE GREAT OUTRAGE. Indignation That Will Not be Appeased It Extende from One End of tha Land to the Other. Says the Governor of Wool Virginia. Spctat Ditpatck to IA Xnqttirtr. Cbabliston, W.

January met- scof ih Governor, dollveied to th Leglsla-turn to-day, coneludea at followit Ia the licht of recent extraordinary avantt In titter Stale, la which powere wen aaaerted by me uovsrnmenl or tbe United States which. If admitted, would be aubvereiv of the right of the feel that I should not dischame my whole duty if I failed to refer to them. On th 4th Instant tbe military force of the United Btalei waa employed to eject by force Irom their eeate membera of one braaoh of the Legislature of the State of Louisiana. and tha organisation of that body wat Ihut Interfe.ed Willi bv tha direct action of tha arnment of the United States. Grtnl that thlt power may be rightfully exercised In Louisiana, and yon can not deny It exercise In Wt Virginia or la any other Slate.

Admit title right and you aeny irteootn or action to bltte Firmly convinced that no snrh rl.hi exiata in the Federni Government, I recommend tn. joe, ut reaniuuon, enter yoar protest aialnst any and all attempts to assert It, In doing to you will but expreis the opinion of Hie great body of tbe people of the State, ami natsctl tlto princl- wince no at iuo louuuatiou oi our system of Government," To tko AuoeMtd fr4t. A WXAK INDOKXXKIKT Of TTH AUNT, LlTTLi Kocx, January 11-To-day' Rt Cubllcaa contalne a card to the one hundred and niurty-flvo Union aoltfitr. about on-iiali colored, who Indorse the action ol General Sheridan In New Orleans, and Indorse the statement of the Lleutenant-Utnoral that a reign ot terror exiata in this State. They further stat that they have carried tbeir lives In their hand for ten year, tnd call upon Union soldiers throughout the coantrr to stand bv them.

They denounce aeuntrna th card published in Sunday' Giietta, and signed by a larg number of Union toldlers, In which the litter ttate that "there are no hit Leagues la tbll State and the most perfeut quiet pnvtils." Thi mornlug Goveruor Garland tent for the Prosecuting Attorney of tbit circuit and Instructed blm lo have each one of tbe partlee whose asm appears tignod to lb cardium-Binned St witnesses to appear before the Grand Jury now lu session, and that If the facts an eetabllthed, it act forth la Ibelr statement, the guilty parties be iitinlihed to tbe. full extent of the law, ai provided In what I known aa th au-mui Act. enacted during tbe admiuUtratloa of Governor Clayton for the ttippreailoo of tin Ku-Klux. In addition to thle tlie Governor will to-morrow tend a tuecial to lb Legislature, exiling atteutlon to till matter, uu uigiug tue psssagn more airtn cent lawa ir tna niosent statutea in found to be Inadequate in oidcr lhat every oitl- ten may nave too uitnosi security wiluoul learof molestation of any kind. Tho following dispatch wa forwarded to th rrest.ient tnit evening: "To the Pretidenl or the United State: "If there to a White League or any kindred ai toclation in this State I do not know It: and I have asked for those who aaanrt It to bo brought before the Grand Jury of this count, now In session, to tbow tub fact, pledging all tko power of thlt Government to broak thorn up aod to pun-toh thot lhat do beloac to them: and I call uuon the Legislature now titling to pass Iho most airiuneuiuwi toiutaonii.

a- iu uabland, "Governor of ArkaUM." Thb voioxor rtxia. GlLVXtTON, January li-lue Mew' Austin suectai tavii beoator Hoby Introduced tbe following Jolut "Wbxuaii. It I the rlxhl and duty of th State, on pproprlat occasions, tu give expres-ion to their sentiment all quetllou tt rioutl) aui cunx ui integrity ot in uiou and ta tissual Government; therefore, it "Aseoieats, 1 nal we reoognlao la the lato lntr-ference ol the FudJral Uovernmant lo th dome- tla affaire ol Iouiaiana, audita ilestrtiotiou ola State Government legally established by the peo ple oi mat Commonwealth a manifest Intention of lha present Federal Admlo lit ration to destroy republican foim of Government. "That Texas entertain Drofonnd anoreelatloa thO Spirit of iuUixnaiion expretsed by the ad vocate ireeuom ana t-ontuuiifotiai uv sco ot throucboit the JiaMosw IrreaueeUve ol pel it leal panic, at the outrage recently perpetrated In Loultlaaa by the present Fedoral Ad ministration upoa tnedixuliref the Union and tha honor end rights of States, and Joint In lha national protest agatnsi toe prostitution or the United Htateo army to the illegal purpose of making war on any State ia tba Union. nata uwi gi.HTi iia uvr uvur ui ga preeeion aad wrongful affliction, wa extend our deepest sympathy, and our firm aseutauce that ma American people win visit the preteul uaurpere of powere of the Federal Government with tbe luat odium merited by tbe Insult offered aad the danger threatened to the entln Nation." Action postponed until to-morrow.

LlTTLI JXItSIT DXABD MO. Tbinton. January ll-In the House to-dav Strong resolutions wen adopted condemning the notion ot tneuenerai uovernmenl in me Louisiana dtfflcultr. and deuouooinc in arvero terms the recent election of member of the Legislature of a tovereign State by tht military force ol tbt United State. The reioiutiont were tent to tbe Senate, and then laid on tho table for the pretout.

TOE BROOKLYN NASTINES9. Eminent Counsel Demand Mors Room ludae Morrle' Argument Concluded, and tho Examination of Wltoetiet Begun. New York. January 11 Than wst a tares iicnasnc or me member or t'lymoutn Church at tho Tllton-Ueocher trial to-day. Key.

Honry vrara needier and wile, air, iiiton ana Mr. Ovlnxton, and Meetre. Tilton and Moulton. ar rived before Mr. Morris resumed hi opening argument lor tne prosecution.

the Court Instructing tbt olflcer, al tbe requoet ol Mr. Evarta. to arrange for more id ice lor tha I i rum nn n. irt. at.i aun.a.

counsel, as tney were greatly nampored by the lucrcasmc toronc. After recost examination of witoeeot com menced. Auguitu Mtverlek test I Hod lo hiving been present si litions msrnago in A'lyinoutb Churcb. rrancit u. uouiton, sworn, ill teiimony was not concluded when tbe Court adjourned.

It waa entirely oonfloed to, and oorroborativeof, tho noinis bentolor put forward la bit atais- ueuts. MONTANA. Nice Place to Spend tbo WInter-Bemoval of tha Capital. Hilxni, Montana, January II Weather clear, thermometer ranging this morning throughout the Territory Lorn 83 to 45 blon gro. The Sum-erne Court now In teuton at Vlrcinla.

Montana, hu ordered a recaovas of the vote at Ibelatl election regarding lb Capital law. It havinc been oroven that tho vole of Meacher County had bdeo transposed, the Board recan- aatra tne vote to-aay. me result enowiuc a maioriti of voice lor the Capital removal law. and Ibe acting Governor baa Issued a proclama tion declaring tbe east or Government or the Territory removed from Virginia to Helena. CLEVELAND.

Billiard Tournamaut Cathollo Life Incur aace) Clivxland. January 11 A State billiard tournament will be held in tnl city, commencing January SSth. Four priae an offered. First prise, a enampiontnip goto menai. vatnea st rcu.

snd tSuOcssh; tecoud, sttsndard Noveitr Table, value, huu; mird, iai eatn; lottrtn, iw casn The- meettoc prom laet to be verr tucoeulul, Vla-uux and Rudolph, French blllUrdiate, will nlav an exhibition came on tho opening nlchk The Catbollo loial Absllneoco Stat Union to day organised a Mutual Life Inaunnce Associa tion lor tne Doneni ot in members, inelollow tng officer wen elected President, C. Reilly. of Younrstown: Secretarv. Wm. A.

Man oing, or Cleveland: Treasurer, Bev. John (jitiun, of Toledo. NEBRASKA. Captain Heary's Command Driven Back Tho PrUou Kovolt UuoUed Governor la- augorsteda Omaba, January 11 Th following telegram It Just received at head-quarter: bv a report here through a half-breed inatCapiala lleury baa returned to Camp Sheridan, himself and men badly frosan. Than I no ofnoial Intormation, aod auoh report an doubtful, but till may bt true.

It baa been OS degrees below ten within lbs week, and IT degrees thM morning. Troops test from here laat night arrived at Lincoln about out) o'eloeB. and, al o'clock, thlt morning, gained poateatlen of the penitentiary without lots of life, thoueh the prisoners with stood them bravely. Mono of the latter escaped Governoralt-et 0114 GarbW wa inaugurated at a o'clock to-day. uearv ury, oooortnooidMiMttur, a led last night iron lb affect of a fall oa the tutat a few dart age.

The extreme eold weather oontlnne tbron ghoul the West. Th thermometer ben to-day ranged to 14 below Chevenno, S3 lo 1 below; Denver, It lo IT; Fort Laramie, 16 below; Vlr- tola City, Montana, 44 below. Twenty -seven nohes of enow ou tbe Laramie plains. To-day's train from Ibe west waslhirUeu hourt lite, aod all the western trains are delayed on account of cold. Ho taow trouble exliit.

ELECTRIC SPARKS. Tnt Union Bank of Jersey Cllr imDcnded es ter da r. NlNI nrltonen under aentene to the Penlten. tiary, escaped yesterday from tbe Metnphie Jail. TaiConxnattonal Committee have closed th Investigaiioa al Vlcksbuic.

and adlourned to Jack ton. SrsoiB thlnmsnt lo Eurone vtiterdav. ll.Oia. 000, of which tauu.utw it as gold coin, and in n- uamuer goin oar ana silver. Tlistoniof Frederick Rurtx.

the man who wae murdered al Gooie liland, Chicago, tlonday morning, hay been krrtsttd, ebtrgud with lb murder. Till Collere Reetlta will he held at Baraloea July 14th. Kulea have been sdoplod to prrveul wasuinat, aud to compel each boat to laks a straight course 8b iron's Nevsds Leelilstun yesterday ner. formed the work whlon he bed employed it to do-oleuted him to tbt United Siatee Senate by sue uaaaimout KaVttoai vol. Weather Probabilities WltniNOTON.

D. C- Janulr 1 tn Ik Ohio Valley and northward over the Upper Lake mini uerouiever, lauiag ana low temper-slurs, Bonlt-west to touth-wsst winds, and sea. erally elear weather. Tbe Ohio Uivin al 1'itit- ourgaud th Cumuerlaad at Katbvill Bill com-uiuuc rltiug. i a Th Death of an Ohio Pioneer.

Tbt recent death of Mr. Jacob Traber, of Ad ami County, la the nlnety-elxth yean ol hit ag deserve something mora thsn a patting notion, Mr. Trsbsr wu th fthr of Mr. Jacob Trsbsr, th well-ksowo Iron aad eommissloa mtrcbant of tbit eltv, aad wu at one time eogsged la constructing water powere oa tbo Big aad Little Miami Riven la this eouuty bono a ikatch of hi life ha tout looal a well as general Interest, Mr. Traber wat bora in tht County of Laneti-tor, Ptnsiylvanla, September 18.

im Ia 1783 hi father removed with hie family to tho mouth of Petr Creek, and tettled oa the btnkt of the Meoongthela, In Westera Peanaylvtnla. II resided then uatil near tho eloee of the oele brawd "Whliky Insurrection" In 1TM, whan he gathered his family aad descended the Ohio la a fist-best, landing si Llmeetone (now May. vllle). After Wayue'i Treaty In tbe family crossed th Ohio River Into what wat knows tb Norto-west Territory, and Mttled I th wildt of Brush Creek, on the old "Ztn Trace," fly mlloe eait of wbere now atind tb town of West Union, th county test of Adame County, Ohio. Tb orthography of ths family name, at thai time, wai Treber, and "Treber't" place became famous.

Tbe old gentleman ttab- lisbed a bltcktmilh lliop, kept tavora and msn aged kit firm. The old hostel tie wss known as Rett, 1T1." Being located on the only through route between the East and South, tb noted politician of tho Booth tnvtltd that way going to, aod coming from, Washington City. Tb Wlckllfle, th Shelby, lUnry Clay and Audrew Jacksoa wen often caller, and ometlmet, for brief ssssons, tojonrnen at th "Travtler! Bast" Lafayett. la IKS, oa bit way to tb Wees wa a gnett at Treber'. Ia 1811 tht subject of lull tkttch wst married to Jan Thunnaa, who bore him twolv children, eight boy aad four Three ot the toot by this Joeeph, Oliver and Henry, trt rceident ef Hamilton, Butler County.

By a second msrrlsgs thro mora children wen born to Mr. Trsber. Of th entire family twotvo an now living, together with sixty-four grand-children and Bin great-grand-childran. Mr. Traber terved at a soldier In th War of Ult, an-der Captain Dan Collier, Joining a regiment of Infantry at Chlllicothe, and marching to Upper Sandusky.

II wat everi timet elected to the office olMaqlitrete, and for many yean ttrved th county of Adam at a Commilonr. II wi a man of reraarktbls vigor and nmsrksols personal appearance. lis wss mon thsn tlx fset In height, slender and lithe, with featunt sharp tnd angular. Although unschooled, ba pottsised unusual InUllectutl powers, tnd hi opinion npon all tb ordinary affaire of lif wr vory valuabl to th peopl In that celioo of tb country. II kept himself well-potted tnd In tht earlier day wa a power In hi neighborhood.

Ha wu lite-long, earnest, active Democrat, no cast hla first vote, for Thomas Jtfferson for Pruidont and voted for every loeceotive Dt mo- era tie candidate for th Presidency, dowa to Horace Greeley. He preserved all bit fitcultlos, appanntly, until some Ive yean ago, when the weight of yean began to tell on him. He died at bit boms where hi father bsd Mttled teventy- Igbl yaart tco, upon tho tpot which be flrtt be held a howling wilderness, aod la ths bouse frblcb htd glva entertainment to tbe peaceful udiant of thst section. Uo wat. Indued, aa an clent land-mark In Southern Ohio.

In 1811, tbe subject of thlt notice mad a trip to Raw Orleans with a (at-boat load of produce, and at an tyo-wltnest, furnished th following hitlorlcal account of tbt gnat earthquake of that year tl New Madrid, December 18, 1811 1 "Tht flrtt shock took place while the boat wu lying at the chore, lo company with aeveral others. At this period there wu danger, appro- hooded from Iho Southern Indians, It being soon niter the battle of Tippecanoe, snd for safety, several boat kept la oompsby lor mutual de-fens la cat ef attack. Io tbo middle of tli night there w-a terribl thock and ajarrlac of th boats, so tbat th crew wcr all awakened and hurried oa deck with their weapons of de-rout lu their haude, thinking the ludlant were ruahing on board. Tht ducks, geese, twain and varioua otner equatie nirds, wnote nnmueri flocks wort quietly resting In tht eddlee of the river, were thrown Into the greatest tumult, and wltb loud tcraamt sxprettcd their alarm In ac cent or terror, a no noiu and commotion toon became hushed, and nothing could be discovered to excite tpprehenslon, so lhat tb boatmen concluded that th mock wu oceailoned by the fall- log In ef a large mass of the bank near them. At soon as it wu itgnieuougn to aiiiinguitn onjecie the rrew ware Il uo makinc readr todi'Dart, Direotly a loud rxsring and biasing wu beard.

lias tna escape oi tteiia nom a Doner, aecoin panted by the moet violent agitation of tbe shore and tremendoue boiling op of tbe waters ot the Mittiiilppl In huge sw.Tls, rolling the water be low beckon tbo descending ttream, and totting tne posts Bboul to violently mat ine men witn difficulty could keep oo tbeir feel. The tand-bart and points of Island! gave way, twallowed np In tha tuoulluout bosom of Ibe river, carrying down with them tbe Cottonwood trees, crocking snd ersshtng, tossing their srms to snd fro. as if sensible of ther danrer. while thoy disappeared beneath th flood. The water of the rrver.

whleh the day before wu tolerably elear. brine rathti1 low. changed to a reddiib hue and became Ihiek with mud thrown np from from it Irottom, while tho euriace, lashed violently by tho agitation or me earin oenuaui, wai covered wttn loam, wnieo, garnering in matsee tne ttie or a barrel, floated along on the trembling surface. Tbo earth on the thoree opened in wide 11 stores, end, doting again, threw th water, tend and mud, In hug Jet, higher tbaa tht top of th tree. MTbe ttmotphero wu flllod with thick vtport or gas, to which tho light Imparled a purple Huge altogether different lu kppearano rrom tne autumnal hue of Indian Summer or lhat of amok.

From the temporary check to the current by the poavlng-up of tho bottom, the alnklng of the tand-barand banka lato the bod of tht stream. the river ruse In a few minute Ave or etx reel; impatient ol the restraint, again rushed forward with redoubled Impetuosity, hurrying along the boat now st loos by lb horror-struck bottiote, a ia las dxcr oa toe water tbaa at tbo shore. where th bank thrcataacd at tveiy moment to destroy incut ny tne ratling carta, or carry insm dowa la iu voiuow oi wt tiuiiug aitv- GRANT'S APOLOGY For the Louisiana -despotism. Kellogg: aud Sheridau Sustained. Tbe "Sore Remed'' Proposed ia That Faateaa Dispatch.

How the Democratic Sheep Muddied the Stream for the Radical Wolves. TTASniKaViiW. fi. 1TM To the Senate of the United States: nave toe honor to make the fol lew In anawn to a Seaato resolution of th Sth (sklng for Information aa to any Interference by any military officer, or any part or tbo army of th vuiotii main, wiie tue organ uai ion or proeeea-Ingsof the General Assembly of the Staleof Loula. lana, or either branch thereof; and also Inquiring la regard to she existeneo of armed organisations in Hint lection, hostile to the Government therrol, and Intent on overturning such Uovernmenl by force.

Tossy ibat lawless men, turbulence and bloodshed have characterised th political affaire or that Stats since lu orgsniutioa ao.ler the Reconstruction Act It only to repeal what hu beoom wll known part of it unhappy history, but It may be proper here to rofer to ibe election of 1068, by which the Republican vol of tb Stat through fraud snd vio-leaeo wae reduced to a few thousands, and to tbo bloody riot of 186 and 108 to thow thM the disorder! then are not du I any recent causes, or to any late action of tho Federal authorities. Preparatory to tha (lectio eflS'it, shameful and undisguised conspiracy waa termed to carry that election against th Republicans without regard lo law and right, snd to lhat tnd thfoiotl glaring fraud sad forgeries were eoniuillted In tb turns, after aniuv ui. ored eltitene had been denied regiatration and othart detorml, by fear, from casting llMtrbal- iota, Den toe time earn lor a anal Mnvasool th vol, in view of tb foregoing raela, William P. Kellogg, the Republic oandidate lor Uur. ernor, btotighl lull upoa the equity tide of tho unnea nrate circuit court lor LAUltlaa, aud agalatt armoth and others who bsd obtained possession or tht returns of the election, reursu senting tbat aeveral thoutnnd voisrt of the Stat uau eeea deprived ol tne elective raoolii.e en ao-count of their eolor, and praying tbat iteps mlhl be taken lo have their Votes counted and tor general relief.

Toeoable the Court to Inquire aa to the trntb of the allegations, a temporary restraining order wat Issued against the dt- fer.dant, which wat at onoe wholly diiregardHl and treated with contempt by those tow horn It waa directed. Thou proceedings have been widely do- nounced aa an unwarrantable interference by the Federal Judiciary with the election ot State of-Beer, but it la to be rt mem Ire red thtl by th lfteenth AmeaUuieut to th Contiitutto or the United Stale th political equality. of colored Ciu iiehs Is teoured, tnd under the second section ot that ameudineut providing tbat Congress shall bave (rawer to enforce It provision! by appropriate legislation, an act wu passed on the list of May.ltflU, ami amended In IPTI, the object ot which waa to prevent th denial or abridgment ot oflio to the onisni en account of race, eolor, or previous coudition of servitude, and It hu been held by all the tederal Judge beior tho question hu arisen. Including Justice Strong of tb Supreme Court, thst th protection Horded by this iaudmcnl tnd those oi extend to Stele at well it lo other eleet lone. That it to the duty of the Federal Court teen-fore the provision of th Const liutlo or Iho Uuited States, aad Ibe lawa pasted ia pursuance tuereor, le too clear lor eoutroveray.

Section Br-teen oi said act, after nine rout provisions there lu to prevent nn evasion of the rlfteenth Amendment, provides that the luiisdictlon of the Cir cuit Court ot the United States shall sxtesd to alt cases lo law or equity arising under the provisions of taid act, and ot the act amendatory thereof, ConiireM teem to have contemplated equitable aa well at logal proceedings to prevent Uiedeulal of suffrage lo colored citiaens; ami It -may be safely asiariod Ibat if Kellogg't bill in the above-ninied caa do not preeewt a case tor too equitable interpoeliiou of tho Court lhat no such raao eaa arise ander the act Tbat the Court ettne Untied Steteekovw lb right to luterlare in varioua nays with aiat elections, ao as to maintain Dollili al and equal rights (herein, Irrespective of race or celor, le eoaiparatively a new, and to soma seems to bo a iteming Idea; but It results as clearly from tho Fifteenth Ameudmeat of Ibe Constitution, and Ilia actt lhat bave been passed to eaforoo that amandmaot, th abrogation ef Stat lawa up-holding tlavery result from the Thirteenth Amendment to tbe Constitution. While tho Ju- -risdlctioo ot the Court In Iho ea ol Kellogg; Warmotb and others, le clear to my mind. II (earn lhat some ol tbe order made by Ibe Judge in mat, aun in a inn red esse or Anionic, wer lllrgnl; but. while they are so held ind oonsid- red, It I aot to be forgotten that Iho mandate of this Court had been contemptuously de- Bed, tnd they war mad whll wild scenes of anarchy ware sweeping away all restraint ol I and order. Doubtless the Judge of this Court made a gray mistake, but lb law tllowt in Chancellor great latitude, not only In punishing llios woo content nis oruers ana Injunction, but In preventing the consummation ot the wrong liich be bat Judicially forbidden.

Whatever may thought ot theto mattere, it wu only made known to ma that a process of the United States Court wat relisted, aud taid act specially provides for the use of the army aod navy wbea neecasary lo force Judicial process arisen thereunder, I considered it tnr duty to tee such process was executed tocordlnj to tho Judgment of the Court resulting from these proceeding. Through various eoutroverslc and complication a Slat Administration wat organised, with Wm. P. Kellogg at Governor, wbieb, in lb al- charg of my duty uuder Section 4, Article 4, ol the Constitution, I have recognised the Gov- -ernmentof the Bute, It hit been bitterly and persistently alleged mat Kellogg wu aot elected. Whether ho wuor nut, it It nu more certain thai hi competitor, McKuery, wu choecn.

Tnelo- tiou wu a gigantio irauu, aud nit re ar ao reliable returns of in rosu t. Kellogg obtained possession of the office, aud lo my oululon bu more right to It than hit competitor. OnthcsVth -of February, 187a, tbo Committee oo Privilege nd Election of th Seoal mad a report, In which tbey aay that they are satisfied by tb testimony Ibat lb maaipulatloa ol th lection machinery by Waruiolb aud olbere wat equivalent to twenty thousand votes, tnd they add thlt to recognise the McKnery Goviomot would bt recognising aGovernmeul based upon fi aud, iu defiance of th wishes aad Intcbfiontof Hi voter of tbe State. Assuming the correctness of the statements In thla report and they eeein to have been generally accepted by the country the great crime In Louitiaaa, about which ao much baa been dotie aod laid, le that one le holding tbevflloe of Governor who wat cheated out ot twenty thousand votes, against another whoso title to the onlco le nn doubtedly bated on Irsud, snd in oWdsnot of lha with tnd Intention ol the voter of the State. Misinformed, and misjudging to the nature aud exteot of tbit report, the lupportci of Me- Eoery proceeded to displace by force in torn point of tbo Slat appointee of Governor Kel- fogg, and on the 13tb ot April, In an effort ol thai kiud, a butchery of oitiaene wu committed at Colfax which for blood Iblrtti-neu and barbarity la, hardly turpttsed by any acta of aavage warfare.

To put 'be matter beyond controversy. I quote front the charge of Judge Woods, or the United State Circuit Court, to th Jury in the eaa of United State vs. Cruikthank and other iu New Orleans, March, He said "Io tho case oa trial, there are many facta aot ia Ibe controversy. I proceed lo state tome of them In the pretence and peering or counsel on both sides, and If I elate at a conceded fact any matter that It disputed they can correct me." After Hating the origin of tho diUl-cully which grew out ot nn attempt of white per. toot to drive tho Parish Judge and Sheriff, ap-pointeee of Kellogg, from office, aod their attempted protection by colored persons, which led to some flghting, lo nbrcb quite a number of no- groee were lllod, tbe udge states that most of those who wer not killed were taken priiunere.

kFllteen or aixtren of the blacks had lilted the boarde and taken refuge under the floor of tbe Court-house. They wero all captured. About thirty-tevea mea were taken prisoners. The number it not definitely flxed. Tbey wen kept under guard until dart.

They were led out by twoa and threes and thot, Moet ot the men were shot lo death. A few were wounded, not mortally, and by pretend. In- to be dead, ware afterward, during the night, able to maka their escape. Among them wu the Levi Nelson named iu tbe Indictment. Th dead bodice of the aegroe killed In th I affair were left unburled till Tuesday, April IS, when they were buried by Deputy Marshal aud an officer of Ibe militia Irom New Ui leans.

Thos peraoot found flfiy-nino dead bodies. Tbey showed nitol-hot wound lb great majority ia the ben nnd most of them iu th back of lb bead. In addition to tb dead lound. torn charred remain of dead hodio weio discovered. Noor the Court-hou-e elx dead bodteo were found under a ware-house, all thot la lh hurt but one or two, which wer thol in tho breast.

The-only while men Injured from the Blnninc Of these trout) Ice lo Ihelr oloso wero adnot tnd Harris. Ths Court-aou sad Its nnittuto were cuUrUT consumed. XUer is i i i 1 i ft.

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