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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 7

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

amp a eaxuv mi k. a. aerefbg Hrhtnlnf txprees. A. M.

1:10 P. Ereoliif Uf hlnlof p. M. urrrua mi Air i. IA.M fctalos ist lMA.1t, Twaex A.

M. 1:11 P. Fnvelena wu-j h. r. 1:00 M.

4:00 P. If. KKAP. Lt7i. M7 IP.

M. IMA. If 16 A.M IjtlDloi Axpre mJOHWP. tC AA CUV BLAB D. sulera IPf 7.40 A.M.

IMP. CrB Mali 140 A. JO P. I UUP, ABSADIJI aotrra. 1a1Um i nj" 7 JDP.

K. IMt.U I Mill rrTA AMD IRITI. ntepot oa' Fwul, tin, Wtwewi fiaauA OwtnU HMnAk wasniugtoB, IMP. 40 A rogk.niarw TjAUIioolke u4 Hllli -JUMP. M.

Lllabaro An- II- lA.M tovciaoa sawnnawjaiiua m. rj Aoooromrxlailon I) P. 1 A. V-djaoovlll AeoommodaUoa 1:40 P. If.

10 P. fllMCIKVATl. HAMILTOl iRD BATVOBh at Xprt(ErlBallj). 7:00 A.M. 1:10 It I'D kxpr ijbri xuuiwayi r.

ax. Detroit Canada. 1:11 A. If. l0A.lf p.

5 1:10 P. 1:10 P. If ledo, beirolt sod (nalA. IMP, If. vijofliaavoKMg.

A. ax. Wees sad Chios. 1:10 P. U.

Vt. Wave and Chicago. 1 Hi P. If. udiatf, tyiaveiana nu nan I wo A.

M. Borinstteld and xteHemntaine. r. P. If.

A. Sledukky, Cleveland A Buffalo P. It. 4:00 A. If JtMBenvflte sad Indlenepolta.

1:11 A. If. P. If -III. A 1 .4 1 II.

I.ilill aerwllle end Indianapolis. 1:80 P. If. 4:14 umUMUO inwr. AL.

a. AtatOB XUCOIOeB 4:11 A. M. 10:1 P. 3 uuUlon, Iteyloo Klcbmuad I P.

M. aocwb mgnwHn jaw r. f. MUUDAcnainMUIoi, I IMA.

If kaailHa I40A.1 M. 'M A. 1:10 P. If C.prt... 1:44 P.

i A. IMBIAH AJMLId. CUtCIHKATI AMD LATATBTTM. tUi.poU4 Md atVLu 'ABDriiiTileHi CjioreM a r.

ml P. If. KL IaiuI 4 HprIuUld txp.IO: p. M. P.

If LwritJtirc 00 A. 1C ito p. 2 tAMKIJur( AouumaiuOA a. ml. nrvinrnurii P.

If. IMA. Qt mkob r. Aft. WW IMJB giOard4.

TIA WMJTMWATM TiLlJT M. M. r.L..ii Liin VMA. Ml V. M.

F. 4C 1:40 A. XrtMia OHIO AMD MUaiMU mini BAILW4T. frr 0t Vault, jt Tn lll4n4 TMA. M.

IMA. If .1:10 P.M. IMP. la II IV n.iWMiv IV i ptL fv.i trmlnt BnndA ua 1 :10 P. lam Tin tuiij in.ii If A.M.,rmiDt.

CJMC1MHAT1 AD AIHWTILI.B. VaII -r A- M. Aeooaimodktlon 1:4 P. M. IMA.

CTTITO AMD UitWOTOM, Moraint r.ipr, -h ie A M. Ktmihi I On p. M. BM Boon fUBOulh Aooummod.Uoa. IM P.

M. 1:40 A.M CIUCIKMATI AMD IX Dl AH APOLS rnCTIO, nfmrrflfillA RuibvlllA And "UditoApulU bill at imk indlknanollaaiidObD' MniTllia 1:10 P. K. rmt)rtfii and KawcMila 1:11 A.

at. Cimbfiiifatlty aadllawcaaUa iiaaal P. M. LODiaVlLU AKP CtWCTMMATl. Wmint

7MA.M. tmtng P. M. Altoo (fll M. 4:11 P.M :P.2 lF.

ht P. 3 IJ0A.M MTTae 7 A M. train rapa aaiiT. PI VI7l 1 Bon In Laartat TejelaT. Baa A4TrUaamwitg.

A AT AM CUT. Power. 4 P. H. MayarUleJBT.

AM KM, Morgan, M. M.aiptila...HAM J. HAI.E Walker. 4 P.M. m.Ula......LAWK.NrE, PM.

JSHAMKCK fcf. Kauawba B-ANNIE LAUKIK, Thayer, 6 P. K. A RM EK, Barclay, I P. M.

Pto ry KLKKt WiXlI). P. CHARLKX HHdr4h. 13 M. KRA'iKLrw.

Wbltfeo P.M. V. Uikoii i. HiLV ti bl'KA J'atUraolO P.M. AnnnriD-Oan.

Ls Ua, LonUllle; Qea. Baalt, taa.iliet T. UumonL Wanaa; Blla Bi ray, Mejivllle; Bosiona Ponamnnlo; rale- Kipn, bia 0aoiyt Mary Aaaant, tllo; arnier. aoaHla: Kmal Ho. Mew Of Wananlta, BU Loola, DPAtTUkta-Uen.

Lytla, Lontrrtlla; On. Be4i LbMevliia; tl. T. Uamoat, Waraaw (Hi. "pray, Maysvllia; Boaioao, Pottamnaths Tekftivrl, 6 fttulT; Mary Amaot, Chlloj Uxua No.

New Orlaane: B. E. Hadaun, 'WheeUiigi MuajaUin Bailn, iCAnawha. Boat Don-taonldaa and Alaaka, from ITaw I ham pi on rrum iM. Uoola; Wltd uaak rg Mmnaotev rnwa Mawinaiet gar.frvia Bt, Peat; lloUU Moor, Nsao.

Th tlver eominenoad rising yeeterday DorDlsrr, and roe aim Incheaap to lsat ryet ii when there feot depth of channel. Tha bis rla at Plttaburtr, and tba iweUa from lower tributary reding, will mill blnrar river bare tban baa ba Mtbli nwaaon for ananvvaara. Tha wtatbar. yaitirday, tu clear and nlaaaant. i on tba landing, yaaUrdAy.wM moderatal auttva.

Talaajreipkla. uttAil rMnAixhaa In th. PirrsMi ao Jniy u-Tn weather to plaaaant. Tba Mwiiobssbela Lsi 'oorteea feH wste, and rtaii a. Arrived end Departed: Tbe pacceUi Mr LooUvlila, U.

Ora.sny, with bash. tfsl 4yl i Aivn Jniv sn. Panther, with Vlrtinla la tow, Memphis to LAiUtsTllle at A. M. Aneo Ueetneea to HU Lnala, P.

M. Kiln Baaheei, Keebvllle peoket, A. Iroaatdee, QaemaaU to HI. Louis, M) A. Mtaataetppl, ew Urfeens torn U-uta, II V.

Mj ikdla At. luia. Bl Lou la to Memphis, I P. i Tent Usee Hi. Iata to Obi River.

P. Joa ltomlbg.t4l.LoaMloMemB4ila.aP. ilen. eele, ClbClnnatl Lnala P. Qnlok-stop, KvsnsvUle packet, HOP, M.

River letl threalncbia. Maicuiy rr Jleaaav Tha Ball Varuon, from PUUbnric, dla rbarged about 40 ton a bar, and toft with UQtona, Including 1,600 ba of railroad Iron, tor 81. Iula. Mh baa but about 40 toba for tba Uppor Mlaalaalppl, and will return from Hi. bonis, Fllota, Kd.

Chip nan and Myron Clark. Tba new atrainer Lotoa No. departed fcr Kw Orleana. fib got nbout 73 ton bere, and baa angs(jeninia below to coin rial bar trip. Ford and iobnisaidnnrf.

Tha Ton arrow baa tba wrack of tba Caderwrlwr, burned at Cairo, In tow for IblaoitT. Tba Wananlta arrived from SU Loola, and laja up bar, The t'hamrlon. for BU Louie, ku oa board liS olhuar and DrlvalM Of lb start bib. failed Htate Infantry. Tb Allegheny 111 paaaed np rVtr 'bllng, and-oa bM-Petara bare will go on tba docka for extensive repair.

TV u.i.. aa. ik. Uarlna MBJUI BUUVIIUU. VIA thorouguy repaired end renovated fro in keel to roof.

Tbe Hennnda will twaame bar trip la iba Madison trad Tboradav. Kvanavllla packet, Charmer, arrived with a fair trip. Included la her OWMWer 400 hernia ornament. SO bar I wheat, eo barrel twain, and tone of mnJb Jor EraniTUJ to-osy a P. M.

Capuin K. larfwtear, af th Dora, ar vu irorn mew orieaoa ye lard ay, la atorblna at tba Tba favorite psaaengeretnatner Fleet ood, Captain Ilollowey, Uthe regnlnf racket lor Pomeroy and rrkrabor ibU evening. Joka Ttiorabarg and Jsa, AAiesaooer, oota popular gentlemen mensga aOalra In the rVTU. Tbe partv that made the enrvey of the Ajkanaaa JUver from Jort BibUo. to Little Hock, nn tha 4namment anrvaTT boat Arkanaaa, that an I ted herea few eto In tow of the Anna, am bow ao-Rgd In thla city ra making aa aoraratg nap Of tbat river, between thne point, roatthadaU faralahed by tbalraarrey.

"-Onteln Was. Bihsnter.B,rf th fa Zi ii? eer lai-r of UsR,aaa StlUlaier of tKS Wild Woa. aa nld bis le. reel la Lh 1 A i. at.

iha fet, cat of tbe Bwaiueea. Lie I now la boatevtlle. M. Will wa bad iha Belie La sllL baa 11 red froia the river. aar twenty srvir He baa tahea a ntua la la aitetvand rltbi hoeweof Beetiey, Joha Of iMlavlil a nd avUU Svuih Moa-w the Inwreat of lh Oris, tail'.

sttaaeBpotia, oa a reoaat trip, regis wreaivapaaBragara. trTT Um Una tees aa the htedkoa way reegh teyalia. -Cifuu, Barnea' lew Bed tUror paekat UI iMeasan ii of for 4l On Is a be clo to CINCINNATI. DAILY INQUIRER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 211 1839. MlanDebed from CitpUlB Dtift.

If. Rlebardf kuip-iftid cat KaiBnUf Har dlmauioaa Ltnalo, IdU Im4; btma, 83 fottt, hold, 4 The Ltd air hi withdrawn from Iha Loa lirlli and TanrjM Hiyt trwW, im xxxuul doll Umta. tiiai la pits ot bail dm to WMala Mr if lh maroliABia ftooJd aul altow her to do it. On bar last trip aba bioagol aaek ovar whien waa oiliia4 bi offlmra aoaiaDania in thla elt on gouta. Iha arau portion oi which waa ab'pped by raU.

Tala la parformad (ratnlUiBalj for tna mar. cbaaia, bo, la ratun torUhaUTor, ihlp UtaU tobda by taiu" -Tfca LontoTllla City Conootl ara aakat to anbMrlba lurtba Improvement o( Kn. toaky Rlvw alack walor navlaaUon. That anoouot it la Mid, will lnur tba adding ol twelodmiaLd lociito tog Black navigation VSCTJ; ml lea. A N4W Orlaavi ixchanga ol tha ULh aayi i On tba 1st lnat.

Jamaa riadala and Oanla Dear, lug, klMiDDoaltuaa, together bcoaaa luvWtd a aiftaid I Silk 1 fat. tra a an filAiviitiia Kfk.aittjn nn I) ula aw mm aw uvi avuaa mwmbvv wan aVfaanuajg and tforl) iba melee Deerloc ai woaudad badly with a ktilfa by TSadala. It a Deoaaary toaecd Iba Wounded man to Charity UoapliAl, Bd wbn It waa dleoovered that bis death might etaaa aa eonarfjaenoa, IieeriDg made a voluntary declaration, under oatb. that ha dul tot b)ana TUdaJe, and rafvacd to pn eocuta. thla atatament Baoorder Btcker dlaoUareed eccnead fiom prlaon, and ha want hh) way, YeeUrday Dewing died at tha hospital.

Tha Dnboqne) irVraldof tba 17th aaya: The Hai M) earning np beyond all eaiaalaUon and muddy. Tba tlew.sU ot Ux tnohesyav terday and mora coming." Monday 'i Bt, LoulM HrpubUcrnnrnxn'- The weather nnderwent quit ahange alnea Batnrday evening. Prom Intense beat and broiling son It veered to a eloody, drluly, cool day, wblch dampened oaen spirits la nearly the same proportion aa tba ana had an. arvalcd, Bualntse tor this week will probably quite In Improvement over the preceding one. Tha receipts of the new oropaie dally la- eiteslBg, and shipment In tba loner river tcn.t nodnnbieaiy oe nrisker.

The uvar at thl point baa bt-iun to swell slowly. Hates of freight in alftha trades will proba bly ten aln nucbaoged thla week. They are tow so low that It takaa considerable fin an. ring to brUg tbe boat ont even at tbeeod ot ainp, ana me oniy eoange tuai can poaslbiy take place will be an advance, and tnea will only come wben tba low water eompeki the Miais uueu in seii-proiecuon, A bearvrei.dlDg aooident occarr4 ysaler osy ny the drowning ol James r. Miller, who for two vtsra baa been emoloved aa watnbman atd warabouseman on the White Dollar wharf, boat.

While eajryltjg trnnk from the Wnlte Collar wbsrfboat to tba Northern Line wharf-boat, baacaidenUy. fell overboard, and bat eg ...1.1.1. T) i v. 4 peraots. Tbere belkg plenty of meaoa at baud I esc oe tba an fortunate man an effort waa to rt-ecus blm, bot too late.

Mr. Ml. la wes a valued emulore of tba eomDanv. faithful and trustworthy, a married man. aaed thirty six yeais.

lie carried Ufa Inaaranoa policy bis Ufa In the Uiobe Melaal Company, one Ieariorii.uuu, oat it expire on toe xin oi lay, and tba widow baa not even tbat crumb to console bar lor tni iocs of net nnsaano. Tba Mollle McPlka down, run Into Oalena mr saeni oi grain. Tba Haw Orleans rm of Bnnday asyit Bnelnesa on tba landing for tha and of tba week waa mora animated than on any of lh termer data of tha week. This waa chiefly owlna to tha departures bein double the num. bar oi UMeeoi any oi ma nrevauu aaya.

we aotioid that considerable waassut to the land, log, and tba packets wblch appeared to re. naive the moat of It ware hose destined for Ked and Oeaobitn iUters. We also noticed vary favorable trip for the Went. mere waa anomer lane snipment oi sail fesierdsy lor westorn p.ckets. Tba aUeroer omn onwealth took Mulll Able I Old.

all of wb loo was shipped bom tna warehouses of Messrs. Jackson and Maaaon. there are yt to go wettward from tba same nrm.over iXWOsacAS, wcion wm noaonai onltesaeenuble. and freely used la tbe next fail and winter mantba, Tba sleeuar MoUie Able bad on board, Ivildea tba salt, ITS tuna ol railroad Iron, aid Itf tna ot mlaoallnnaoua frelgbt, and 90 cabin passengers. The steamer Rob Roy.

Captain H. O. Bene. diet, leave oa Tuesday, at 6 P. Oaaoolia iliy.Tienioa, ai'Dm boo way wouiugs nn Ooaehiu River.

Mr O. A. Breard, lau of tha fflesmar Tahleqnsk, baa charge of the ampa. COVUVOTOIM. THE EOLLT SYSTEM QF WATER SUPPLY.

A Propoiitioi to Fortiiab Goringtoa with water bj Janauy At the Iut meeting of tbe City Council propoeltl wee Bubmitted by the Praa IdeDt end Becretary of the Newport and Covington Water-work Company, to fur. nlah our city wlih water under th ''Holly By stem," with ten tulle of inaltplie laid under oar atreeia, ana nil aeceasery bnlldlbga, engine, fliw-plnra, with earaotty of five million gallon of clear, sure water ter day. at a cost of about I'JrO 000, end to be mpletd by the 1st of I January ant, provided the city or ciil-trna would take 1 100,000 itock lath en terprlae. lb Council adopted resolution rw qnlrlng tbe anaeof the popllo be uken a vol as an ensuing Augusi erection, in regard to authorising the Council la inane tbe bonds of tbe eity to tbat amount, providing (be Council may deem It prudent aaU axpedlent to aooapt tbe prop, oaltiont and provided further, tbat an act of our Lgiiature can oDtaioaa at tbe next meeting thereof, authorising tbe city to lean tbat amount of bond for tbat purpcae. For the general In forme tlon 01 our CHiteae, i propoae, aa nir tuan of tba aterworka CoaimllLsa, to nternpon en explanation of tbe nature and menu of what La known aa tbe -Holly 8jetem.

An Ivakiarn company oi oapiiaiiai at Ivorkport, New York, known as tbe Holly Manufacturing Company," bold tbe right, bv letter patent, of aupplytng ollleaana Vllisgea wiia waver ior generwt na, and ore protection, by mean of tbe Holly pntnpa, wnicn tney aeacriD aa follows: Mr. Uolly'e plan la lo pleoeoneor more of tie powerful Elliptical Rotary Pompe within rrret- proof ana nrwprooi building. He propel them either by w. ter or eien power. The patent pump araeonnecited with watar-pipe ofauiu.

ble etie, taia ai a aepin wmcn wcuiw them against troat, and, running througn tbe street of the town, to be prototd egalnat fireand enpplled with water. yjyoraaia are aw prvirvr iawiiia; each hydrant being nulraiant to a fir engine, and alao a water taaarvetr and branch pipe laid, aa required, forth evpply of dwelling-boo, foonUlna, prtiikllng htreet and lawn, or for any other purpon. It ambraeea a eat of pra auregsogee. eatety-valva and water telegraph, which, by their praoU. caj otieriUoBa, aemre an nnlfonn flow of thronsh all the pipe.

Botwlth ettndlTigtb flactaatlone la tba amount of waUr drB from themj And, la case of fire, lb Hollrnter Telegraph pro vldee for any requirwa "P' ii Anat and aura eerpewSBlow. i I would mVrelT dd Uat the Holly ro larw nomn ha all plungers, work ad by et bgauUlo ealme, whereby two or mpr rw alwaye oo euoke, Una ovaroomlog tbe ITjertl OI nw wir, "--a regular, even flow, obviating the eonoua eton Incident to ordinary reriprocattng n. maananfthls IVlUm Of forc ing water, the rrTolr klinerto wnald-eid lndli)eable, la eerroded. tbng more than half tbe ooat of th work a aa formerly eonatracud. Bf ii.

nt nnr OnmmlUe. tb lioll nairvai JunctJoBwHb nor Committee, did make a tot graphical and geological eurvey of onr surrooadlnga, aod reports tbat we nVj.ta an ahnndaat SUTDlV Of Olaar. pore wafer, at aay pototoatae margin ht tfa Ohio River, between tba bridge end Wlllow-mnCreekt PrriB aeologiral deductloas, supported by ttusJirilJnU, Mr. Wtr suu-j tost all th plstaaa of Covington lying betweea Tbltd sunt aad th river, real nprB a substrates! of aasd and gravel, Ut'Bray to make en examlnatloa Of our loeautiy, af th Drabk hi 'of worke, and la ooa- all but In ay of for ti in In for or Ti tbrougb wblch'tbe water of the river will itwoMt ftwaly, thaa forming a aaAoxel teraufflcient to eupply a baaln which he propoeeg te link, i rteen fet wide, with a trontare oiaixtv feet nn th river, and distant therefrom two or three hundred feet, extending below row water mark, and walled up with atone above high water level, and on which foundation the nereaeary buildings and anklnea would be erected. Thla ie tbe Dlaa adooted In Rtnrhamn.

ton, New York, with entire auooeaa, giving tbem a full eupply of clear water wben the river la turbid. Tbe water la taken by the numpa from th baaln and forced through all the pipe of tbe oity, keeping a regular pressure of one hundred and fifty pounds to the iquare Inch, which 1 double the force ecurea oy- our rotary nre-enginea, and warranted to throw the water, by mean of a nre-boae, over- the eplrea of ourchurcbea. Thla ay atem of water-works la not merely theoretical, aa many auppoae, la a perfect success wherever it ha been tried, and la In practical operation many of our cities. AUDurn, new York, la supplied ty tnta at em, except that their motive power Is turoine water-wneai, ana meee worke have been oloaely inapatd by on of our practical engineers, 8. H.

Kennedy, and alio by one of onr ex-Councllmeo; Mr. Holme, both of whom regard it aa on tbe marvel of the ax. Lock port, New York, Minneapolis, Mlnneaota, and Peoria. Illinois, have thla system of works; and Dayton, Ohio, has contracted the earn. With thla eyatetn, we should have three great advantage over Cincinnati and Iulavilie work.

First. clr nurer water: aeoond. a com- plate and efficient fire department, at waya duty all over the oily; and third, a aving of more tban half the ooat to ob tain tbe same supply. The Holly Company propose to build thrse works and warrant tbem ootnplel all re peel with ten mile of main pipes, and to perform every thing claimed tbem, even to throwing water over tbe tope of all our church apirea. for SO, 000, and to turn tbem over to the city or any company that wiM pay tbem eUl amount.

Hence we have a proposition from a company styling Itself tbe Newport and Covinittoo Water-works Com pany, who obtained a charter from the Legislature of Kentucky. In 1807, grant ing tbem certain franchises in the two cities with a view of constructing reaer-volra and worka at a point above New port, and tnengbt or way tor pi pee under over LIcklDg River. Tula company perceiving me advan tages of tbe Holly system, propose to abandon their original dealgn end to fur- Blab tbe capital in oontunotion wita our eity to pay for tbe erection of tbe worka cy tne noiiy company, ana vo run mem under their charter. The advantage to accrue to Covington from the suoneasful operation of this enterprise, can not over est misled, nor even fuuy an- rireclated at the preeent time. It would nvlt capital and population.

Factor! of all kinds would spring into existence as if touched by tbe enchanter's rod. (Sill ltd mechanics would flock hither to Ply their vocations, and onr thorough ierea would resound with the bum of spindles, the click of looms, the ring of tstrmere ana tne cianx or macntnery. Retired fa miles ot fortune would locale with na to enjoy our salubrious atmosphere, our pur water, eparkllng funn ulna and. romantic environa Ouretrwte would be sprinkled, our cutters purified, our pavements, and windows, ana vehicles cleansed, our shrubbery, yards and irardene lrr! sated and mad to bloom with brighter hue and aweyr fvagrano. Perpetual water wonia reepooa to to tourb of a faucet In every private room of cur dwelling.

In our business honsos and DUblio bulldlnss. whenever deelred. Tbe tbirat of all animala would- be ouencbed. and tbe raiment of all famllle mad clean by thla universal solvent and regenerator of nature. If would Improve our health and lessen our lneureoc, cur tall our medical bllls.and add five millions of dollars lo the present value of real es tate la (Jnvuiptoa.

Onr Fire Deperirneut onat laat year over 117,000, and will coat this year about fJU.Ooo, nearly all of which would be saved under the eyalem. and bealde wblch tb sale of tbearngln, k-tn-hoBe and aronnda would far toward psvlna tb ooat of Hbl work. Tbeae wcrka toea trreat strength of ma cblnery, are not hindered by frost, are always resdy with water In tbe vicinity of Die, are operated lib little ooat, aad ara a ereat aavlntr Inaaranoa. We doubt not lb popl will vol the propc sed amount of stock, and believe they would vote. If necessary, tbe whole amount required to build the works, for we believe the dlvlderd would pay a frood In ereat on the Investment.

put under tbe arrangement of leaning bends, which could not be done nnill the aenbllDg of the Letlslstura, we could do notaitii thla year, and bene we propose also to hold a msa-metingof cor cltlsens to sscensln If our Urge own ersof rsal aetata and enUrprlalug carl taliata can not be Induced tosnbacribe Ike cereeeery amount of atook to ins a re tbe esrlv construction of th worke. In the meantime we urge onr cltlsens to vole th proposed appropriation, 1 ee the amoaat oaa not be raised by prl vatubcrlntiAn. uoaaa 4icnaoi, Chairman waier-wora immitv. In onr noUo report yesterday It was Incorrectly stated Uat Henry Dul man waa held to ball In tba eum of loo to keep tb peace tor on year. Be wa tried for that onsnsc.bul honorably diacbarged.

tbe Editors ef tbe ksssirw i I wnTirn In four Mper of yeaterdsy morn It that I was nominated by tbe Clt- liens' Convention, wbloh met la tbe City Hell ysterdsy, aa their candidate for Counrllman forth Third vlard. hli nroMriv arnredstlna. aa I trust, aad r. .1. rraisruiivacsnowieoiingiuiseviuencwoi the oonfidsnce and ee.em of my fellow rltl re na, 1 by the nreaaure of baalnea engaaeuieat re spectfully, but paremptoilly, to decline tne noroiUBiion.

umiti CoTnoTOB, July 30. Tkea aawg Bow. Te tbe Kdltore ot the hsxjulrer: For th booaflt of thnoa who may have bean absent from tba eity la aa a IVmooral, deem It advisable lo publish tbe resolution below aad accompanying call. Frera thla. It will aoaa that eertaln Individuate bow arrayed la a vnltod froat assise! th weewa of th Duralio party, war acting very different part 1 tha drama Of lira, tha ou waa Inroad to ban lab hi ma If from tb com forts ef bom aad the anatsty of family and friends, aad laker fur ta th armla of ths South, tba othr was at bom rev ellng la luxury and wealth, the fruit ef the war, ana moiling tne poopie so newwa aad atrife by sack aa tb folio sriagj "Ai a neeung ef ie City CoaaaU at Coving- tm kaA M.V ill a.

BWB. "Hr. MlBBieaneiaBi vw B9uwwBg rvaotauesi ad asw retaralrg 14 eity CoviBctoa, aad hsilave 11 ssaaM to bav thaas retara asd live seaoerat aa laersfora, soste sUya sboaid fc. lakes 14 rkl 4 Tb recall of tb above was tb follow log call Ib the shape of flaming foe ten: "IMI'OBTABTI -Ta the Peoele ef Oavteitoa I "Alaspeelal aeeeAlegot IhaOltr rnawetl el rwvtra.kek4 Bay II. a tssnlaitna was aesi lsjey atknwied eailisg a m.ea eA4 at tb Illy BAlt.aa Betsrdey evvnlag.

May lM. i me tbe oi in mi DR. 0. be on a in be I whlra wsaaarptesi Mr4, Teat we icenas mead tbat tb etlV i a BBBetlss twees waas aaa be dose la 77 at devsay saeb mean as ere ece.ry 0 Ha nor city of i.bel who hv-nn 1b tbe Bnutbern army, Ld to prevent return or et unl'rianoe mis oiaor- umta" among oa. By of tnt Cm oelL BRtKELS; lH(iUI KKK-SHMB'tM.

O. AanaawJ It la acareelv neceasarv to make anv comment on tbe above, bat tymsl.lerlo condition of thintrs tn onretstersiatee tbe South, It atrikee mthat theaaaam Badlcal ar ndavonng to use thla epltl th Democratic ran he aa on of tn ana of ultimately driving the above so-cajjad "rebela and traitora" from their home in Kentucky. Jusricn. Mtetin' at Independeiee BE DINGER WITHDRAWS At A CANDIDATE FOR THE LEGISLATURE. Another Convention to bo Held on Monday Noxt.

AMirnno of th Democ-a's of the Third Lsglalatlve Dtstrlot of Kenton County, was bald at tb Court-house In Independence on Monday, J. C. Bay era waa called to the chair, and F. Rankin elected Secretary. Mr.

Rankin read to tbe meeting a letter from Dr. B. F. Bedlnger, deollntog to a candidate for Representative, when, motion of Joseph M. Colilna, said declination waa accepted, and a resolution adopted requesting tb members of the Democratic Executive Commute residing outside of th city of Covington to fix day for holding primary meetings, Saturday, July 24, at three o'clock P.M waaflxed upon for the aosembllngof aald meetings to elect delegste ton conven tion to be held at Independenoe on Moa dsy, the 2Mb at two o'clock P.

to nominate a candidal for the Legislature place of Dr. Bedlnger. It waa resolved tbat no candidate should selected who ls opposed to granting a charier to the Cincinnati Southern Rail road. The following Is the letter of Dr. Bed- lrger declining to be any longer a candi date for Repreaentatlve Ems, Kbhtoh Couirrr, July It, 1MI.

Ma. O. P. Ra I IK- Dtar Bir: Ioeedantsay ytu tbat I was!i.ated easiest my aa the Ieunerait raadUlaia for oar dlklrlot lo tbe ket.lackv IamIsuhui-. aud tlx Uf I did not aovet Ue cflloe, did not feet Ulinrn) loaeeiiaetne posiiioB A qneeif'B oisroat, not oniyio our tooi ty not lo tbe whole H'aie, was apraug upr ii me, i aeeiren no ennee.ioe.i or iny oviiiiois Dei et.ue viewa ine an en svrUiiiqofBilon of tnM bm ralir -ad tally.

In aivli 'bat onlulou I el eondlet lu.L la tiie xcltrmt nt of tbe boor. I sboatd me coo dfUiDSUon from many ol my beat fnaota, aod ibai mrai nseiy tbe eonveuuun aoruiaaiiug ne wouia teiAituiiiier torir anion, wiuid'sw my nebie, to rue otber ueison, eon oi lBtoi.s were sonra la aeeoMaoe elta toe sciiilmebl of ibeaielilcL 1 am not aware lnat si.) snob rjiovenieul bea bao luar'e. tnouaq niieaiev ny me in eeverai naee red with me aanat the BucnudlMoiial sait.satotbsatmueof geltUig vutof th dlfflrullj. beltevliig now thst my sentiments saunder Blood, or latter talaubearatona end perverted la i Biluxaol snaoy.are boi eat lareoKiry lo a Bij n') of mi leilow of tbe district, i le. ii youiy to wunnraw rnim ioeetavaas.

I am U.dBced to Ibis eolely to peae-rve barniony ai arieet.f awloa amoeg loose in sa soco rve'a sa I tielleve. the leal aad only p. under Mod. Ofbsarix4log our erai.rTy tjoea ine noun aye, araoeuon. ana eoiioplioa, in'owbloa keuioal ia oaa auuk Ik will oo please sdbi 'UP my wun ireeai, and lets sorb meaaores as will pic- before tbe pies eaBowaie wno views will a nor Lb ereote wita I roll.

Abdiew.slr having taken thla Itravoeehl St. 1 Set se frees my eUhbora, aod aaure erauoo of the flippaataaO Impeyrl nletcka of the LUy ani bicia who, inlaUktng soaud roy ai tar proven iaun kit it lag or im. or tbat in area yag Amertcaa lam Uaieiaad avhlad the dark e-aeaaraod eaats p. U.tinl lit et the agd paemruy, aud cbark east Itsiaectws in aouoylua snathlng nln.r, If net better, and more reputable tnea use ir Abd row. sir.

I can boaaa'ly and truly say fl si It ere I nn better friend to trie a KaI lined tben I in, nor da I think ibere say be tbei BDDeeolBiMlte Ira Dr iat.aA In Coaiiiy. lovlnftoB sad tbeitiate moreibaul do. nor dn I believe th.r la one. wbn. la mrdsnce with his sblilly would go iVrlbar by all pirp.yaMBB,orenninouia More tr-ly ot til 4Siiatce io pbiio aua aiaaeu uaiui aixi available to ClbctBr ali, Cnvlkglna aud loe Hialeel Kentacky baa, la ejf liaa.MeluasB.eiit.

as a a ter wn-c vroui.tM I ssprtbei a uur wua sji tusi aeoiacay can do or ll by laaielall. n. But aupp lg ibal Cineirl al bsseomaienrwd right, and baa In ra wer is'ae sne atpiopiiat tn miiu us of dollars I dotoidlbat wben Kntoeky grant II right ex vii, that eheahnmd wilnwei tfneieiit proviaioti rr her owe wel'are ana af.ty. Pisarailveiy epkliit. 'e snnutd lave a seal Ue aarv, Bad rihM eewened tl locomotive, we aii.mia bav.

wnliarsa eornaeay la lbs i ttunMeti, mat wm prevent iia oafn Irg poliikwl pnworin a owrap lion lsi eliber la the laae of ertende or or est Bile. CMld I bavbea ynwrR-preaeat Uve. 1 sb. aMaaveeaiwaail inai I aeaiea llennsleleal with Ibe bovor. dultv aad I ItreMof iseBieiel) r.t, aad ehool have aliened tn obula It-aeklag mira, most expect, of eoarae.

lo tail. I am bos ey urn ubcibpbii or we ennaia have no read anui we ihaauadred mllllua of oiler hirebolteUoe, n-et la war, but aire tbe war alii a bet slrauiy ramirM-! llnolBBell af oaraweJoetelaiMi.aud lavnket her Sid. Tbls Mileeiea tn ni ii enoaru io- rreeaefbe mmm m. aleaady uawieMy, I hneetbe pejpieel Keaaay sill not be pat fl by say Men aisasy ptetoil. bat will Ba-oeaiai areaa barelalm lor iaelloa.

Wear eased ioi ap a od, hnueat, rifhieoa deln dee ar eiilsea, la eWer last in eon a- rv rssy be enebeed in pay what vertiy as. llvlol a BBrihtrooa, lien Mtiatlosal, lllessl, std to a great eiuot, frandulanl d- tnai.d-iiia Htiesaer tno a Piee eirtias thl ion eei very nasty OOttiBJOJllca Bt balleve Tiuly ynaia, n. r. dbdipusb Ulna wat RossaaT. An old man, who baa been woiklog ior a low weefca pat for Mr.

Ji bnllsri, at hie rarm on tb LexlPgton turnpike, about fonr mil frcmCovli gton, while riding aloagtb road Intetai vldnltv, on Monday mora Irg. was attacked by twa rose, who. after beating him very vTiy, rrDOa blm of all the money he bad, amounting to about 7 BraoLAkiia. Mr. Aadereon, who keera a groevrw on reoond etrvat, near th end of th Suspension brtdge.taforma ue tret bla establish meni Baa ba oa Ured by tblevea twice recsntly, aod robbed rack Ums of about fi la fractional cumncy.

Tbb Two Tirawia. At a meeting of tbe Demcrrsito Executive ComtnUtee, Bight befnr last, a rasointlon wsa adopt ed reqoeatlng thoa candidate oa tb regular 1 iicaes, woo were also nominated bv th Cltlseae' at sea- meet-Irg, to re pud 1st aaid aomlnailons, and disavow any ooanaotloa with tb "Fx pie a or bolters' movement. Dbatr psob SCB-aTBOgR. sfra. Oen der.

an lead Oermaa lady, reeldln- in Ike western part of tbe city, who waa prtatrated ov sun-etmg, aid dsy be to re cetera sy irom taveoeciaoi it. Avovbbb Tic I nr. The wnrklegmea will bold ameetleg to-alght, at tba Kiev- en lb' street Market-booaa, for tbe par lrea of Bomiaaung eaBdldatea for city viiicea. IJJ iM NBWl'OUT. Tbb Rutvft Pan fouf inen- chatd Lambert.

Frnk Benle. Joha Welch end Benjaoila liagaawhii were tend waa been men ror leen In that ner, diy, ton, s- U. arrested by Marshal Walsh for at lag tba prise-Aa-at ob Saadsy laat, i7ZML 1 it proven that Bertie acted a inoond 1 I Detng bo evidence uat any money nd ataked upon the reault, and accord lngly discharged tb prisoners. Hon. F.

Cary and L. H. Hlne will address a masa-meeilng of the worklog- ot Covington inythe Eleventh-street Market thla evening, Wed neaday, uly 21 Rvrvitir op Da. Back. Our dtstln Cilsbed fellow-cltlsen Dr.

J. C. Back, a'-r being conflnad forty da) and forty night la th 111 at Wheatoo, Illinois, contempt or court, was reiaesoa day before yesterday bis fine of 1150 having paid by some friends Tbe otor returned to Newport yesterday morning. Casi op Lopact. Elisabeth Klsber, a married January laat, tmni Oermsny, wa d- lodged to a lunatic by a (dry in Judxe Berrya Court day before yeatardav.

Tn poor woman nae oeen laonrtng noaar tn hallucination for two or thro maatha, If aba allowed her huaband to get ontof ber sight that some one would kilt ana auring toil uuia boo uaa ap. continually In bla company, night, and never permitting blm to go more then a few yards from her. She wtu be tsken to the Insane Asylum, at Lexing to-day. NEWPORT ADVERTISEMENTS POP. PALE-DKS1R ABLE BUILDIN'O Lota In Oil morel auMlvlelna.oa Palrflald sva-nne, anov Nvaport.

nn tb rtv.r Apply lo H. a MILM'iKB nurnarnf Turk and eellavlew iKmu, or A MARIANA. No York Neepoet. Jyl -1U4 STEAK BOATS. UPPCPt OHIO.

Otooionati, Big vandj 4 Pomeroy Packet Oo JOUM gTLB.Pras't. T. M. JOIINnOlf.HeCy. nwxiiTVAW nissnva wvss siam a i' mm Pssveray, Clalllpslla aad Farkersbarg.

a fNaaeTi wiapaB us vjpT KLKKTWOSI), CHAk M. HOLLOW AY Haslet, Leaves THU DAT, Ilea, all P. from ir-fs. a. fool or Main tl.

Prvlglil rvcelved at all bonri sl timer end of Hie WharMnial, by amm PHIL J.CVII.BKMT. Iltl W. HUNHHAt.UWeipt. Psr Blpley aad) ayavllle. MAIL AND ADAMS BXPKIOvt PA CI IT.

Leaves TH pnalttvety, ike lae SfX. a AM aCS. B.S. WOROAN. pot rrt.ii hi or pm npnry ob noare.

IfAhLflATn, Afaat IJW Ml, .1.1. r. 'BihWtfftuM WePI as i i V. B. MAIL PACKET.

Far hlajevtlle aod Perunsealh. Tb aew and epleailld paaaeacar sleeaier fl MOORTC ft B. Rione, Oaf lieevee every nm A TBlniiitl sad HA1 1'llflA Y. (mm IWof alUofl(K- Diiilelr Prelahl rervlve.1 stall sours aleaMendof V. Ami of Malaal if JAMKW MkSLKrr, AreaC Oin'ti, Hew Bicbmnnd and Cbilft Packet Oo OIO.

W. OATt.Cr, a'y. Leaves DAILY, st 4 P. frrna fml ol WslnuliLt the Bar MABV A.WSNT- a POVV BR, Maner, B. I.

1. 1 n. ami Aa lw.Anl or lo P. a kHhVR A kHbUR Arnl.

ml(lil r. I reived sl all breoa Bt boat. SUIT LOWER OHIO. OA Mail Uaa lieaaert far aAUesALeaiivill Proaj sen suet, laoisl at 1 4 kL, HAJ. ANDKHMlia, 4ct Ospt.lUM'tUiLBBVa,l UapkCaaa.

Dtvr lsala Sir all way aaa ei'leaeM uata-4oS enaieer UII. I.T LK, MT.i HAMi.KH, Oautaia AM W.BB.I (iADt. Iiavib WMl lav bmoc viueav at ai IK r.m. Lear rns-etnst Wbarf at P. Ua4lng sl AS.

I run end Mediae ealy. BTObSUUDA V.ualyaeiit.dapiArua4 all M. naklna all a. all laodluaa. All lh aiaaotar eiaka eeoai(eDaerloa at Luelevilleslib soraln tralue kt PaakvllleLMewirfiSaa all aoiawanaia TVw i Sr aale at In lisipanyV OfBia, On.

JO Vine I aieeet, asd ee Ike boat, le all tbe MH'THklVM CIHSX Tbrasf rallnsd tick eta. batwaae a eall and uwleelrs, will paaaaye oe i tAea eiaeiaera anil sill eoUlle loe bnMae lomeale sad atalwonai fVea. Tims earn ae ey rail. Sasxa Awkd la all ptiarlpel pfitnia nn Iba bnata UU HiW'l mI4mI anl-U Psr Kvaawf vllle- Mecnlar Psrhel. LeeVea WED5CDAT I P.

M. Sne paaaMisvr eleejuar P. Tt. BA SCLAV Msaier. Ptir frelahl ot iseaire apply vn hfsrd, na a.

Of If ('. IMiRMS NO Afvula. Nn 4 Mala etreet. JrSI 1 KANAWHA RIVER. Thursday Parhrf far 4llllpulla asd 1 htsasfca Blver.

Leeres WKbKMOA tin t.ei al I P. the flee paaaenset eleaatat Anmu llUlttK. OTf" THA TER. eetrr W. T.

Tbavss rierk. Pnr hkl oe paaaar apply ne wsra. M0X.A.JOIaIO. AlV. Jem UPPCR MISSISSIPPI.

(iDClniatl nl IL Uali liprrts Llnr. Leaves TBlIODAT.jMly sltP MM pvxlUrely, NILtMIIIICK, W.CTM.rM IfMiar. psatesf tkS llseai Ibfnee eacetjHe I raunsd ar4 staaatl iDoet i' i'r leadini frB Ht Loaie. lyi; a lNUKFliNllKNT i'ACliKl'. PBB CAIB4I Af BT.

LOriS. TUB WTKAMRB XXVTEl.I31r013 M. ti. MART. Meif.

a llABy. tiers. Leaves WBDNkaPAT. Jsly H. SI I P.M.

Per frewbl ee Mates apply "'1. ai i er le J. I INiHMAM IK Na Male I JV-. eirwt: OFO f. Jt'lt MaTOW I CIS is i no us a tiiiu, paw.

0nolATkl Notioo. The LAWalXCX will th Bret boat leertBg 1 Lover Ohio, ssd will receipt f-r Kew Of leak freffkl, tansecllag al Cairo with lh great TUOMfeO- DRAB. ILU. habt. LOWER MISSISSIPPI.

YtckibniX Nitr ki nd New yiBiVT PeOAT TO LltVE. Leaves TBIS DAT. tiat laat. al I poxlUvel, lb Sa. Kin paan-ve staanirt SSII.VKU PS i II AT.

J. A PATTKIUsOR. Beaten BabV fTTManl. Clee Lg JOBPBToK a tlx. II4 T.

tHW siwaainTkilBBJrB. Pseraleaaad SleaBphla. Las res WET rnA Y. 7a'r ri ai tr Bostuvety, MAM. J.

HAIaJO. W.P.WALXXk. Maataa. Par Pratfkiar ire spry kasrd. er he 0re ot Meaifbia Park Onna No, Pvalw LaiMtln.

hoTKE, (tnirl rribl THUIA Ar-eL 17" Tor Vkbbarg, Bstcbei and Sew Orieana, pBohl Lot" la VI LAC The la rye sed eplaedld HIC lAI.IUWOHTU, 1869. Leave at Leave One en sons ft Pav Be. II Pa 1 KATrn.Bsalrr k. Bowssa. Clerk, Will taave sl.villir Raw Oetasa iN Rew Oeteea I I P.M rrV l-ii- I Traia frna Cla-aT i lllie I'AT, I--1 val el MaU Btsl aad rtaaaM.

II AT I It. HIVliIR IJATIIsJ. fTDR FIOATIXO BATH noUSK vts apa Inr lh aiaita is. aad sill eaaUae eeill nrpi.tnnar. ene miwm oely vre evat-y aay.

Bats A. H. r. IK ne iy74teed K.MMIPT BRTllkH4. RAILROtD SBriEZftsfraoiaV lot; OHIO AXD MISSISSIPPI RAILWAY The Osly Moat Wbsn Tralas Baa Tferssgh trwaa ai Lwala 4o Clwcla-SMMl WUsvesI rkAUage st tr.

tbbu DAat rx raise TRAISS CHx-iaoaU et 7M A. P. aad 11:11 M-arrtvia. MSt Looie.i il JA. M.

and I P. and einaciloglMth tipreae Train Qiilucy, HI. Joaeph, Leave. wotlS, Baaaae lty, Lswranc sad all Weeuira Bvlaia; coeeedlnf at ucla "Iiiioqi eetay aiia Illlanta I eoleal fuf lalra. Matnphla.

Mnftil, er Oclaue aed all ftaaliiera pmnie; aod eoaao-tl'ia haaovaJ lor Malcaa, Iuaua sod ail aarts tee Nonh weat, (IndBnati ft Looterllle at 7 DO A. I aad P. BL Irala oa Hua iar tbroug to LoolsvlIla.BI. Lool Cairo, all p. it.

ue all left-asa lion la rarard ts Uckaei Md rraiffit," lAe spply Viae ent, eMtoeS Hawt weal corner Frail asd Hrnflwav, Sliaacar House, aad at the Depot, foot at Mm ium. AH. LKWTa '-Vice President asdOeaaral Suparlaleaarat, BV Potxrnr. Oen'l PeeeeBcw Aul. aiiiM Cniat.

aid Mmiti iwM SI A TTsTHO Ox Serai, teisiiiilll, fWMhrMga tlly. kevxawUe, ateweipiiia, laatsssp lis. Terrs taaalo S4. ttwrnkw, awaa AM rwaaaa Wea. TWO BeOIy Tvstw Is iBUsmaIta, Wltk' )il I kssn of tavra.

Leers CtsdonaU, Haoilluia sad IMvtea OspotUsaa eayseiospudkssfcillowsi bbabv. aaarva, ladlaBaeefis, BoabvUla aad Usa- aenvllle Mail. A. M. WAP, at Loaa aad iBdlaaapoih ftx- JJO P.M.

1:11 p. If BawoasUe asd OamivUge Uly AoroBiBiodallOB iliLkSdl A. ht Bewisaile aad Osmsrtdc City r-1 i IMP. M. MS P.M fteaalwesae4 Thrssgk so All rrla SIbmJ Vslssa Wes.

Put Thxvus Tlokets sad UawMiatJoa, apply as IbaTlckatbiaoM: No. M) Waal Poorta senoi; Ho. vine etroet, aaar aarBe onrasi rroBt ai Plftb aod Hoadl irast Prost aa at Depot, I ins see noaaii siravia. TTalae raa By Oalaaib ttme, wkleS saves mfa AkAJ. atx UUA j.

njnn Aiaiuii, vex, aap Jab. A. iru, Beaerai Tvsat Araet, ece-U Mtraaaesd, Iswssrarellls, BasajvlUa, laaikrMn tlly, lanyseex, Ubm, Pert Vt ayse. 4 klrsgs aaxd Ihe kertb-teal, Be salty. lvlsal ssmI BsSralea Ts.

lls, ltrsll as sil P4ste Is ttaaaela. Tramaraa tea4 3roa. tn NaBB ATI, as M-Wee. daily tului ueapted earaav. BaakMa BapreaaiKrte BelKray) 7.

laaiai SJ praae I Lrie hail a ay 1 1 r. M. loledo, Datnrtl aa taaarta I It A. M. loiede.

DatrTMl and tsaada P. M. Lima, Port Waaeaod I II A. Llni. Port Ways aad t'hlrao I SO p.

It. UBie, Port Wayaeaod Cbks 1m M. sad Hat. aaarva. i.ur, ImiA.

te a p. 7 A. is a P. I top. Id A.

Pprtaeflvld ai 1liiaiii 1 Je P. M. WJIaIm it aaa aaa. teiarvllle, CamhrVIx City end Cooaanvills, lejulirvis Ctly and Initlanepnlla tipreas P.M. I'll P.M lOBBenrvllleead Bewcaatla.

I p. M. UrBAvat llanillloa, keto and Itlch- 1:14 A.M. MB ht Haaiilioa, lavyloa aad Biok- SL a. at ley a I'm P.

M. P. Mj llamlllos AcniaB.wtauua A. M. Hamllloa AmrtnaiiatalloB A.

a The 7 P. M. Traia. tut Toledo, Pt. Wsyae sad CMcsa-n, aetautaaa nennata.

laaiaae et 4aiar4aya, ayl er-iv A. M. sanitaes laataa at tnaeara. The 4 sr. M.

Irale depart eall-. TSeton A. M. Ua.a arrtvMAallv, "onrtajt eiovolad. Otbsr Irata eal.y.

ennaayaatfl Tral ne ra a tit lotuu. eoe time, wkta a eaves nla. sua km lhaa riartaaaM Ilia I InrinnaU uwlnea are IIS Viae street Be. Poonb etraat; Nnrth wet ruraae. Penal and Hroade way, aad lisael enraer Ptnkss Ha4iy steeata.

D. M. LA kN, beet kept, aAMtaTaVaTeeoM.BaeaJTWkat AseBt. suB iIlTii kLjai i LaK LJTTLE MUMI RAILROAD VIA SE02TEST AID UUICII8T ROUTX Ta all IB Baatera titles, Tawaw, flaee asie) SMsiiswa. FOUR DAILY THROUGH TRAINS Mai In Coaeertlea wtu All IB eiresl Trash bUllrssd Uae LBaVA I Ml A.

bL Llektalng UMaaaaL. Luveiaad 11 Non. laat mm. Xenla t.U H. M.

Moeevs irau.aa"la I i P. M. Lmelaad arva.a.daUi I a p. M. Ij.bLuil,.

Xl HIM. Ml P. M. The P. M.

Traiee leave av but Bl'mr, Ike Hauieday biskt Traia res tkraaek 4e Bew Vote ilimut aeaUtia. eiivts palate Isy and Sieetrinf I Art aa all -Mrs ad atava (mhmI Biaat trsiae. Train, raa ay uiau.eae I iua, eaoe heaves ail laa laatae ISas HtfrlnaaM tin. r4 1 aevak TV a ma. Uae as neaaa4Ba a ky lb eeverai Traia.

wtaaae aypiy at ue Old e.Httaa1 ivree BroaileaT sad rmal r.wu Maraat Moats 'ts. one ear at Vine aa SaAM a4 ai iba Ivury HaU Prusl eueal. utauiiio aad lyaaaapMa. W. kill XI aa ttaeaeai TW-ke Aran.

UllISVlllE AMLiniiniTI SHORT-LINE It VI LIMA I). TtrOui- to LcdsYillB in Fyb Hoirs! KO CHANGE or cAnst Sbortett and Quick pi L-aJiTni, Subvllie, KemuQii, Vickiburg, Sow Orleans, Mold, and ill poinU EoaUi ind bouUi-wett. IBAVBS. ABBIVSa 1. I a kf M.

iP. a .4 mfa. IAU A.M. Morels Pipe Ktvalo lives A MTU1 A. tral me oany Tkroasb Par eark ear.

Bl S. lariat In traee. fan brtaaee butat rrsMtWatva ead tsaeepu al Cta etrnstl 4.fMbeelnneTrlaileee,eeea"bm JHTTJU ABD ABalVB, I xuf. at sr. ai Iut A.M Imia.

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as TlSZl'JZ'ZZl xiaaat eMail, iwxiaisg Bew Terh Moadap wiamak LAikt. lark sttkost asas vis Ik Use era ear Ss Ik Ix-aJn ax raa ai el i A. a. iloe. ee aaia tarltaalaBaAi aad oa tree rae1n alia kiras)Talsite Bos Xmt tast Urkeet ui aiJia nMtliH ee l.j.S.rl as train emvlrg skiataeRTli.ia.

eatkaiaa aa MM Btiaa etaa etaaaAl le Has Tat it. sH ut tkaa deaaya aad mhiiih aaalaast le SA Aj.a a 1 at eBtwt riMfla a rJ atststa ttaarh enae4 le BM l-B Pt B. Deiiykiarsxs, raaatag te Bew Tark wnmt Btw Uiwag Mt-karn aad Betas? BSwwiaxIsB pleeag taaatf a ai le tMsifi tx II aay IMBra. 1 1 Viaaatraali pt lam nraaivay ad Irast Bee-datli i ttd Waat Pnerlk etreat A0W Bj a. i.i i I'O.

SrBIt Barwe Peeee.

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