The Times from Hammond, Indiana • 8
- Publication:
- The Timesi
- Location:
- Hammond, Indiana
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
The Flapper Is 'f i tV TTPil Iff if 'Tfe I zrkX Af Ll -f I i Kice and PlMentos. 1 I 7 I I lr t.i A Eoil one cup of rice la j- Wy'J I I 'A 1 t- vr until tender.Cbop toe elf can fV Eoil one cup of rice in salted wa-ier until tender. Chop toe $alf a caa pimentos- graie loui-tb pound of cheese. Beat two NOT long ago the manager of a large store called all bis department heads together and begged them to make a play for the flapper trade.
"Without it we lost," he declared. "The styles are built around tho flapper, and the sbop3 which cater to them get the There is no denying the truth of this statement The 7 grande dame type of garment with it3 pompous dignity and ultra sophistication gets a hearing. But Jt can never hope to attain the popularity in thi3 day'and age which comes to the trim, little, dashing- model, slim as a race horse and as flashingly beautiful. Jo More Extremes. Gone are the extremes with which the flapper was wont to deck herself in the early days of her career.
When the term "flapper" was applied in scorn to the girl who wore exaggeratedly short end tight skirts; screamingly loud-ties and ugly hats, no one wanted to copy her. But today she has such charming and such, wonderfully smart clothes that it Is or or one eggs add one and a lalf cups milk, two teaspoons' salt And on-fourth teaspoon black pepper. Mix all together and bake la uoderata oven 20 minutes. Muffins. Sift with two-thirds cup flour, one level teaspoon biking powderinalf a teaspoon salt, one teaspoon" sugar.
Beat up one egg until light; aJdbaif cup sweet milk and one teispooq melted butter or lard-: SUr to the flour and beat up well. Baka In uick oven Jin muffin pans filled about two-thirds full. This rclp? makes four Graham Cracker Sandniche. Take two cups sugar, moisten tlth sweet milk and bring to a boilUix in two teaspoons cocoa and COok sa-til it reaches the toft-ball stage. Remove from fire and ld 3 rjicb shreddel cocoanut as liked.
Stir until it begins to thicken. Spread betwem mham crackers and let hardej. no wonder we find mother and grand- it l3 stunning, but' oh, my dears, be- tricky little gloves with flaring cuffs. Av Pearls she adores and wears adorably; from three to five strands at a Pearls Hold First Place in Favor This Year ma dressing a3 neany. jikc cer as of lt I you are too tall or too possible.
stout or too angular or. too anything. In one of the shops -which has Only the' typical little flapper can replicas of Paris models with all Eafely carry it off. And she very time fastened at the back with previous years a necklace that is pre-eminently a "costume necklace" and as such asserts its rights to especial privileges in the method of its wearing. Startling Design.
One startling design is an opera- great clasp of a colored stone sur- their cote and a fraction of tbeir sensibly 0tea a. rives in a wide belt J0andfid wIth rhinestones or narca price, I was recently saown several Cf BOft suede which, eives her dis- HEBE is no doubt about it that pearls are the most sought fcite. Turquoises are favorites and eo are emeralds. The same sort of a clasp is frequently wcrn with pearl delightful frocks for the younger set, tinction among all the beltless mod-which, by the way, knows exactly cjs as Pari3 length strand of lustrously shimmer- for gem this year These are delicious served with frut or ices. thicken One cup flour, eifted.
with one tea-hakinz cowder: half a cup PcligMfoUy Feminine. bracelets, and many a girl takes her decreed them to be worn for lag rosa pearls, which twines Itself perfectly close to the throat, then calmly falls Both the deb and the sub take very lone string of pearls and winds them many occasions. Small what It wants. One was sponsored by Jenny with the well-known and popular Jennjr neck of which fashionable world never seems to tire. We even have It now in nighties.
Beltless and Belts. kindly to these delightful wide soft around and around her wrist to form matched pearls at throat and wrist ia a graceful loop, at the back, reach-belts. In scarlet on a navy twill with a bracelet. I noticed a very fash- for the debutante, enhancing the del- -ing almost to the waistline, where it a white detachable chemisette and ionablc little deb dining In one of the jcate bloom of -her fragrant youth surprises the uninitiate still further cuffs they are stunning. Or in lariat smart restaurants the other day with regally pretentious ornaments to de- by unexpectedly blossoming into a which is, a new shade of tan, on a It was of crepe silk in kafflr brown no less than six rhmestone ana sap- flae the charm of the more fringed tassel or seea pearis.
Anomer rhlre flexible bracelets on her round ratej elegante dignified, sumptu- necklace starts to follow this one's white arm," worn very closely to- ousiy simple jewels to suit the state- example, but abruptly changes Its gether. It suggested tho amazing jy p0iBe of the matron, but always mind and decides to nestle close to bracelet which an Italian countess is pearls. Pearl ornaments are also the throat of the wearer. This wearing, of emeralds and brilliants. in the smart shops of Bond adornment fastens at the back of the with cire braid in a shade exactly flannel, plaided in tan with a line of matching on the long sleeves and the blue, they add just the right ouch, blouse which hung cape-like from a They may be had in pract.cally ev-shallow yoke.
Another from Patou ery color and are a girlish and pret- accesf-ory. was of black crepe-back satin with a thread of time. Then add pearls one by One each a perfect, genuine pearl a pearl added for a birthday Or an anniversary or a pearl added as the symbol of a beautiful friendship and in time one will have a necklace of real Oriental pearls. Pearls, insists the jewel con-noiseur, may be worn by anyone and at any time. Especially novel among the pearl jewel creations of this mod a are clever combinations of pearls with either jade or the green tones ojerlcg a delightful cote of cool contrast to the lotus petal cream and white of the pearls.
The most uniquely attractive necklace at the moment Is huge pearls with large uncut emeralds at intervals. These come fn all lengths and as the necklaces of today are gloriously impar tial, have emerald pendants at each end. front and back. Records show that 27 years Is about th time a silver coin remains In circulation. sr extending from her wrist halfway to street in London and in the exclu- neck and jauntily twists itself into a The flappor cold "er eiut'.
iau nntu lauiLj eive jeweiry esuuusuuicuu debut was likely to turn a weu as uiuci uu lioiJiiru iu mi- avenue snug-fitting bodice, pointed at the front and a full skirt gathered on. A bright ribbon came around the neck an inch or so back from the was knotted at the front and hung to the shoulder on all feminine accessories. She wanted to be as mannish 33 she tunate enough to own heirloom milk, two well-beaten egc- Mix eggs and milk together, then pOur this on the hour and baking powder. Beat well -with a wooden spoon, Cul chicken into Bmall. thin slices, sprinkle with salt and pepper and dip in the battef.
Fry In boiling fat. Totato Puff. Prepare the potatoes as for clashed potato. While hot, shape in balls about the size of an egg- Hara a tin sheet well buttered; and place tha balls on it. As soon as all ar done, brush ovr wiih a well beaten egg-Brown in the oven.
WhA done slip a knife under them and alid tbesa upon a hot platter. with parsley and 6erve immediately, peanut Butter Griddle Cakes. Sift together two cups flour, two teaspoons baking powder, balf a teaspoon salt. Add one egg and Tour tablespoons peanut butter. Beat rigorously; add two cups milk.
Bake cn a hot greased ut she has learned how little rummaging through eld trunks double rope pear'3 pending between the shoulder blades. Another necklace fastens itself to each shoulder strap of milady's gown and drapes itself In a double line across her breast. A sister necklace, more conservative in spite cf the machinations of the mode. could. Pearls and particularty a pearl necklace, whispers the mentor.
For, lot Fashion, with characteristic caprice has shifted her favor ever so tightly from the earrings which last hem, where it ended in a huge tassel. mannisFnes3 Is likely to attract a 1 r.ntira these lone tassels being used man, and she has no intention of either sitting out her dances or danc 1 frmilnf.t nttcrtinil mvHad designs to fit ngle thread of pearls across a great deal, both as a finish for neckwear and for girdles on those frocks which still have the moral courage to wear girdles. Or they may be used one below the other at the back of the neck only to gradu ana Bureau arav.eis 111 iue uupe in unearthing one of the new wide bracelets which were fashionable years and years ago. The deb does not as a rule weaf earrings. There is a sophistication about theia which' she does not wish to ape, for only the unknowing among the flappers now attempt so-rhistication.
The really smart ones various moods, and today it is the ing thera with her sister flapper. So she aftds a frill to her la gar-conne suit; a g3y little inch wida ribbon band to her bobbed tresses; a crimson gardenia to her buttonhole ate into Hhree strands of varying lengths In the front. Memory Jfecklace. The memory necklace Is rapidly the side fastening or, a coat moaei. necklace on which she bids her artificers expend their skill.
As a result a new type cf necklace has enmn into beins springing full- Did you ever see anything like the and all the frivolity she can find to In the Caucasian race only ono man In 03 is over six feet in height rage for the perfectly plain frock her dance frock. Her accessories without a sign of a belt or girdle any- come in for no end cf attention, where about it? It's stunning when especially collar and cuff sets and charming as fledged from the staid and conven- increasing, in favor. First one needs a tional ancestry of the necklaces slender, chain of gold, like the golden assume a mane or as their clothes..
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