Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida • 12
- Publication:
- Orlando Evening Stari
- Location:
- Orlando, Florida
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 12
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
Peg 3 Wednesday, Nov. 23, 1955 Ph. 3-4411 Classified 3-S51 1 0RLANDO EVENING STAR ists Safer In Orange FA Orlando Welcomes Christmas Season Youlli Held Oir4 Coiiiils In Breakins Than Rest Of Central Florida counties or six other metropolitan areas in the state. That's the obvious conclu Automobile drivers are safer in Orange County than in any cf seven other Central Florida WINTER GARDEN Seventeen-year-old Briddy Edwards Campbell was ordered held for sion to be drawn from the monthly summary of automr bile accidents released yesterday by the Florida Dept. of Public Safety.
In the first months of 1913, Orange County's death rate from automobile accidents was 2.8 deaths for each Orange County Criminal Court action today after he pleaded guilty before Peace Justice C. 100 vehicle miles lowest in Central Florida, low-er than the other metropolitan centers of Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, St. Petersburg, West Palm Beach, and Fort Lauderdale, and way under the state average of 5.9 deaths. Florida's death rate from automobile accidents in the January-August period dropped 13.2 pet. from the same period last year, but the eight Central Florida counties still averaged higher than the state average.
Osceola County led the Cen M. Tucker to breaking into four Winter Garden businesses last week. The Tennessee youth, who came to Winter Garden a few weeks ago to visit a sister admitted two counts of breaking and entering and petty larceny and two of breaking and entering and grand larcency. He pleaded not guilty to destruction of personal property-wrecking a cash register-adding machine at Stagg's Garage. Tucker ordered him held under a total of $2,600 bond and he was removed to Orange County jail.
The youth was arrested by Ptlmn. C. E. Bowden Sunday and charged with breaking into Stagg's Garage, Bean's Grocery, Griffin's Grocery and Dry Goods Store, and the Maple St. home of G.
B. Anderson. He is charged with stealing money and goods valued in excess of $300. tral Florida area with a whopping 17.5 deaths per 100 million vehicle miles, followed by Sumter with 9.7, Marion with 9.1, Lake with 7.6 and Seminole with 6.0. The more populous Central Florida counties had death rates lower than the state average Brevard with 4.9, Volusia with 3.6, and Orange with 2.8.
Orange County's 13 deaths ROSE FIIIFER Miss Azalea Park KATHY RODEBAUGII on grandmother's shoulders NANCY BUCHANAN pantaloons for nine-year-old Doctors Give CONSOLIDATE Dormitory Bomb YOUR DEBTS in the eight-month period were exceeded only by Marion, TopKeportOn Denial nvestitration Stall which has 18. Lake had 12, Volusia 11, Brevard Ike's Progress nine, Osceola eight, Sem PAT UP YOUR BILLS WITH AN AUTO LOAN FROM ALLEH-PAEXER CO. AUTOMOTIVE FINANCING 790 ORANGE AVE. GETTYSBURG, Pa. SI Pres.
AMES, Iowa tD State andling and asking what it was," t. TRIUMPHANT RETURN Back with the Ringling Bros, and Barnum Bailey Circus after a miraculous recovery from a fall at Tacoma, two years ago while perf orming her daring act on the high trapeze is Mara above, Spanish beauty whose thrilling performance is climaxed by one of the suicidal bare heel catches ever to chili a spine. The circus will put on afternoon and evening performances Tuesday at Fairview Park for Goodfellows Inc. Tickets are on sale at the CofC booth, corner Court St. and E.
Central Ave. inole five, and Sumter three for a total of 79 deaths in the eight-county area. There were 607 traffic deaths and 49,883 city police followed cold Miss Almquist said. "The noise trail today in efforts to track stopped after about 30 seconds. Eisenhower got another glowing report from his doctors today after a 50-minute Thanksgiving Eve checkup.
down the person who planted i then there were two short Continued from Page 1 committee would reach a decision whether on the and that the football team would be given a chance to vote on it. Tampa has won seven of eight games this season, with Florida State University to be played Dec, 3. The Spartans' only loss was to Southeastern buzzes. a dynamite bomb in a coeds' accidents in the state during this period, as compared with They he continues to 630 deaths in 40,811 accidents progress satisfactorily in his re, covery from his Sept. 24 heart FIRST NATIONAL'S in the same period last year.
dormitory at Iowa State College here. They were equally mystified as to why it was done, i The intricate device, con ttSISTiV.AS SAVINGS attack and shows "no symptoms or evidence of fatigue from the Govt Ponders Appeal Louisiana, 13-7. Ti.V.Ei MWl Your Horoscope activities of his office or at the farm." Tampa has defeated Morris taining five sticks of dynamite "We went out into the hallway, too. Just about everybody was out on the landing looking at the box. "It had a sign on it telling it was set to go off but if we read it carefully nobody would be hurt." The note on the box said: "Read carefully.
No one need get hurt. Device will detonate 20 minutes after signal "The president is sleeping, Court Rule Harvey, Troy State, Livingston State, Stetson, Western Carolina, East Carolina and I Army relaxing and resting well," said an announcement by the physicians, Maj. Gen. Howard M. Appalachian.
FRANCES DRAKE Look In th. section in whlrh your birthday comes and find what sour outlook Is, acrordtna to the stars, For Thursday, Nov. 24, 195S MARCH 21 to APRIL 20 (Aries) It Is better to Investigate first, think carefully, and speak tai-tfully, than to be quicker than the next person, but make The Spartans have appeared Snyder, and Col. Thomas W. While the lawyers studied yesterday's decision by U.
S. District Judge Edward A. Mattingly, chief heart specialist sounds or on movement of twice in the Cigar Bowl, beating Lenoir Rhyne in 1952 and Morris Harvey last year. ft twrilcss error that will mean re-noine. at Walter Reed Hospital, and timing equipment to explode it, was found about 2:20 a.m.
Monday in Elm Hall, which houses 136 girls. Tolice disclosed the attempted bombing yesterday. Janitor Arthur Larson, averted possible disaster by prying open a box in which the device was concealed and ripping out wiring. Police discovered that the wiring, a dime-store mouse APRIL 21 to MAY 20 (Taurus) It box." Payment 25 Payments Every Complete. Two Vfks You Hretve 2.00 3.00 7o.U0 4.00 inn, oo 5.00 inlfi! lo.oo oo 15.00 20.00 25.00 in) Miss Almquist said all the WASHINGTON fl Govt lawyers, military and civilian, huddled today on whether to appeal a decision military courts lack jurisdiction to hold criminal trials for civilians who accompany the armed forces overseas.
As yet no team has been will take more than your usual willingness to work to sain today, It will take keen analysis of all problems, perhaps conferences and extra planning, but It will all he worthwhile. This was the most compre sent a bid to the 1956 Tanger hensive examination of the girls took it as a joke and thought "it was a stink bomb or something." ine classic, although the com MAV 21 to JUNE 21 (Gemini) Gains mission hopes to reach a deci can be made keeping on the riK lit track and following the rules and methods you've found profitable In the sion by tomorrow or at least by president since he stepped up the pace of his official activities after his return from his Denver hospitalization. past. the weekend. JUNE zj a JULY 23 (Cancer) Es pecially favored now: medical technology, 1 Other teams under consider- CECRCE STUART SUGGESTS home economics, agriculture, physical education, dietetics, laboratory work.
At the time the medical re trap set as a trigger mechanism and a padlock used to lock the box, had been purchased at three different stores in JULY 24 to AUQ. 22 (Leo) Follow a well-devised plan now one that Is port was issued Eisenhower already was at work in his down FACTORY TO YOU JALOUSIES Quality costs you no mors SALE JALOUSIE DOORS 24.7S Fully weather stripped Guaranteed Alto Jaloutied Wmdowt COLONIAL AWNING CO. No. Mills St. Ph.
-01 reasonable and not over-taxing. Sensi aion are Miaaie lennessee State, Abilene Christian Texas, Juniata Pennsylvania, Missouri Valley, Hillsdale i ble economy, avoidance of unnecessary debts stressed. AUQ. 21 ts SEPT. 2J (Virgo) De For A Happy Christmas In 1956 Fust National Bant SUMP KOtIM Member F.
D. I. C. town Gettysburg office ready for a get-together with 1 his vote some time to study, reviewing and Tamm, Mrs. Clarice B.
Covert, 35, was enjoying her first freedom since the axe slaying of her husband in England March 10, 1933. Mrs. Covert, formerly of Augusta, was convicted by an air force court-martial of murder in the slaying and received a life sentence. Judge Tamm's ruling set her free under $1,000 bond. The bond is designed to insure her presence should higher courts overturn the decision.
It appeared questionable, unless Judge Tamm's decision should be overturned by higher courts, whether she would ever be tried again. Some speculated England, which had waived jurisdiction in the case, still might try to extradite her. Lawyers said they regarded Michigan, and Centre planning Friday work. Check others' grandchildren who are expect Ames, but they were no clues on the identity of the purchaser. "This wasn't just a college crank." said Ames Police doings and the reasons for their suo- cess.
Pe a careful observer. SEPT. 24 to OCT. 23 (Libra) Bene ed with their parents, Maj. and Mrs.
John Eisenhower, some fit; rays abound now, ana the keen, In telligent go-getter will have many good ideas with consenuent Bains. OCT, 24 to NOV. 22 (Scorpio) Don't Tho Rcninjtcn A WITH Ifsrt jour parm.nts III eUruny I after tmsll down payment be swayed In wrong directions or allow questionable propositions to Influence Purchase Continued from Page 1 your better ludcment. v- t- 'I 4-- if 'U frtcndz coming NOV, 23 to DEC. 22 (Sagittarius) Headway, gams may be held up in early hours.
Stick to sensible methods, tried and familiar endeavors; be constructive Chief Orville Erickson. "Anybody who puts five sticks of dynamite in a bomb means business. "We believe that if Larson hadn't acted the bomb would have blown up. I hesitate to say what would have happened ll ovcrr CHECK WITH rather than critical. Tend to Important there is a need for this type of tasks first.
FOGE STUART recreation in Florida." UJ lAiT HOSlNiON ttiOM DEC. 23 to JAN. 21 (Caoricorn) It may require extra effort to convert things to your credit or favor now. Keep "We will try to sell 150-foot lakefront lots for a little as logic in foreground, wont auow sua-ations to affect your disposition. this as improbable.
JAN. 22 to FEB. 0 (Aquarius) You $2,500," said Root. WHOLESALE CHOICE WESTERN MEATS SVC 13 Far Your Fn Froien Foods Custom Cutting Slaughtering Lockart Wrapping GATEWAY ZERO FREEZE At tha Gateway in Winter Pars-Nsxt to Roper 4-40S3 can dn more than you think with day like this. Beam with prayer, hope and When describing the island The ruling, if it stands, could mean freedom for other civilians convicted by military fresh determination to alter what should be altered, chanse what needs changing.
Root said: Emnv diversion, too. time during the afternoon. Orlando Players Hold Tryouts If you've got grease-paint in your blood or an itch to pound a hammer, put up sets and hunt for props, now's the time to work it out. Orlando Players are looking for both actors and backstage crew for their next two productions, the Jose Ferrer comedy hit, The Silver Whistle, and the modern American tragedy, Death of a Salesman. The group is holding tryouts and interviews tonight and Friday night in the theater building in the Signal Hill Area reached through the easternmost gate to the airport off E.
Colonial Dr. Time is 7:30 p.m. Cyril S. Cy Lang is "It is like stepping into an- FES. 21 to MARCH 20 (Pisces) courts overseas.
Hoarding talent, ts as bad as accumu latins tanBibie things you don't make use of; worse. Assist others with your keen sense of balance, mannetlMti and other world when you step on this island. It is the most beautiful place I have ever asniratinns for true achievement. free YOU BORN TODAY are gifted With general Ability and the gift of being able seen." MereCemfortWearing FALSE TEETH Hero plraiwtnt way to overcome lnn nlata discomfort. FASTI.
ETH, then." The box containing the device was chained to a ballus-trade just off the first floor of the dormitory where 36 of the 136 girls have rooms. An old auto horn had been rigged into the device to sound a warning alarm. This added a bizarre note. Coeds on the first floor were awakened by the horn's buzzing. Among them were Elinor Almquist, 22, a senior and Jean Ernst, 20, a junior both of Albert City, Iowa.
"We heard some of the girls opening their doors and talk- for to cut red tape. You would be A clever The syndicate plans to keep reporter, traveller or teacher, though in the latter occupation you must guard the island property for its own asalnst being too brusque. Pettiness or dawdling are not part of your nature, use. HOMESITE! Invest in Sanlando Springs the FINEST LAND AROUND Kls'a, Rolling Wooded Lots See ffi Golf Course end the Springs for Swimming. 1 and annoy you.
Do not be too hasty in making decisions for, thoush your judU' ment is usually wise, you can overlook "We will be glad to let any of the local civic clubs borrow the island for meetings and it Improved powder, sprinkled on uppr and lower plates hold, them firmer that they leel more coin-fortable. No (funimy. goney, pasty ta or feeltim. If. alkaline (non--1d.
Doe. not Checks "piste prior" (demur, breath Oet Aa-TiETH today at any drug counter I little but Important details if not care- a perfect host serve double-rich Cromn of WHISKEY KENTUCKY'S FINEST WHISKEY- BLENtJj 6 PKC0F. 1GX GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS, SCHENLCT CIST, FRANKFORT, KY, fui. In euutts and plumes you BSKM PHARMACY Drug Prescription Customers ot CON MOTT'S PARKING LOT CHURCH CCURT ST. Hovt Your Parking Ticket Stamped First Vi Hour Parking Free contend fiercely, but in A fair and fnrthrlaht manner.
Protect your menta: other gatherings and will fur and pnvsicai health as yoti would nish boats as transportation," tcrial assets; they are more important Birthdat. of: Spinoa. Dutch philosopher. Root added. Laurence gV erne, British humorist 1 SMIRIiOFF reasons why 59 $297 I VODKA 9 J.ovm you fcr.affi'.n 97.59 Nov $47.59 down $7.61 pet mo, 3i month.
$97.50 down $9 13 per mo. month. $97.50 down $1 2.17 pet mo. 34 month. the time $3 is to buy your '56 FORD 10 proof VsCt 'rem rt'a.
Sfe Pierre Smirnoff .59 $497 B7 www ge swf er ay Ciher lets to each Solumtn on duty 11 00 A.M. to J-33 P.M. Doily OR FOAM KUESER SOFA Lars; est Select on In Ccerol Florida For Your Own Norn CR CHRISTMAS GIFTS FROM $UD 1. Every day ycu wait, you ore missing tht added protection cf Ford Lifeguard Design! 2. Every day you wait, you have fewer days of being envied for owning a new '55 Fcrd with Thunderbird styling! 3.
Every day you wait, you are missing the fun of Thunderbird Y-3 power! 4. Every doy you wait, your present cor is going down in value! Cell 4-4331 Winter Pork Com farhf Fee Best Ceors (h (Name. i GARAPIC ASSOCIATES, JX 533 N. Ae. LUNDQUIST FOAM RUSIER 5.
Every day ycu wait, ycu are mi: ng a great CM Stats Pnan I nr. nnru Come in fcr juI lu III ANNIVERSARY' SPECIAL nTrr I i i fi tU3 $299c 0 Dovn and C13.07 per month IncWtf ra.rJina) 6-poittfigcr sedan with 1-6 tng 're. II rates, tog. insurance end tank rates. S-T-R-E-T-C-H S-D DAY TO A SAFE-DRIVING DECEMBER VI li 7it it 3-3474 35 W.
LIVINGSTON So! On Day In Southwest Court Purchased Fcr Development (Star Foto)..
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