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Gibson City Courier from Gibson City, Illinois • 7

Gibson City, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

their ehilllrn. Tr. tnan Qfro i- an Fir's rream Ttalm REMIMStENCES OF ROCHESTER. THE LIFE LESSOrl bad wound is resrarrlnii aa Mia whom The FalU of Dm ttam-a and Main Patch's for the cure of Catarrh, Oold In tile etc. llefore 1 have used the first bottle I purchased I find myself cured.

At times 1 oould soaroely smellanythlng and had a headache EARNED BY A PRO.tlMEIT HCIB- the gods mean to die. For a similar cause the Chinese are reluctant to rescue person drowning- Fatal Leap Oa of Its Biuloea llotuea ana IU (ireat Magnitude. Tbe prcitent floods, whloh ire either devas aoM odd rei.iAw. Ai-Jsfr, most or the time. mknht i.ii.v, Agent tor me American Ei press Urand Haven, Mich, (Price Wc.) American Cooks and Cooking-.

Mr. John Btlng, sfslthM Odd Ftlkiwtrsstflnnill MiiTHKits, the best drenalng for children's From Ae dreadfnl aiemtierot the Baiitist hair Is t'artioline, made from pure petrol un, tating or threatening the country In every direction, are Justly caue for apprehension. No matter whether thev come suddenly or by slow do green, they are. In either case, a treat evil and muck to be and yet America will always be troubled by these spring- thoroughly doodorueil stid delightfully per Uiurrh. says "1 have been, as most of my sruusint ancea la Unilson a snffsrer from drslH-psis for ten rears.

The ffrmptonia of my msUJy wsrs those fumed, it makes II little one hair sort, silky, ana gio-sy; it aisn eradicates uunurun. hlrh a million other snffsrera Id land would rentfoilKS ss thelrovn. HeKinning with utilivsstion, Tns Increasing sales of l'lso's Curt attest ei Howi. Probably mfi of diss ltselalm as the best cough remedy. trous that wss ever known occurred In Koch- bodr becirac burdro too hMvy to rarrr, and my Sensitiveness.

The" charm of not being sensitive is that one is thereby saved much paid. There is, indeed, a foolish sensitive ness which springs only from vanity. This deserves but little sympathy, unless the sufferer be very young; for by the time that maturity is reached a man ought to have got sutiiviently rid of his vanity not to be'tortured thereby. Then there is the more rational sensitiveness which prooseds fronv-an 'exquisite pe-ception of the proper relation of things, and is united with the most delicate tact and kindly consideration for oth-, era. The man who possesses this kind of sensitiveness will often feel pro-' foundly for others who do not feel for themselves.

Ho will blush and winoe at an indignity offered to a friend, or even to one who has no special claim uponhis affection. This subtle psychologic quality is at once a powerful, a pleaanrable, a useful, and a most unhappy gift It is powerful because it is asulietitute for that seer-like talent which enables a man to read the souls Dr. Stanford's Mrerlnvlgorator Cathartic, ester, N. about twenty years afro. The wind wm irigbtd tlown by irlnotnr defipontltmi.

After tiling I frit vt it I bail a ball of glowing Iron in Tonlo; will cure when other medicines falL tienesee Hirer, Just above the falls, where Bain Patch madu hla final and fatal lean, be toiuac-b my aWMoiuen would utomt. and I waa came completely blockaded by ice, forming Use the Fratter AxleGreaso, 'tlsthe best In cabbage and the fearful fishballs of crude American the family of Delmonico has, by degrees, led the American pnblio to the eonsideration of higher things. The favorite dishes of the great ropublio have been concentrated in New York, and recent arrivals have been hospitably challenged to compare anything in the old world with them. Politeness prevents such comparisons, which would hardly be in favor of either hemisphere. In fish and game, despite its wide area of riyer and prairie, America can in no way oom-pare with the raw products of this country.

But it has its specialties. The oysters of Blue Point and Shrewsbury River mav not be denied, anv an imuafsublo dam, and the water -coining; the world-will wear wice as long as any other. afflicted alnjott contitanUjr with aid. beklauht. A 1 lady learniug of nty condition ad-lMl me fa UK.

1AVIL KRNNKUY'M PAVK1TK RKMKIIV, down the Genciee 1(1 vor overflowed the prlu- Ipal portion of the cHy of Kochesier. Piso's Remedy a otttaln curs telling tut what an Infinite deal of food it had dim This catastrophe would have been for. that very obnoiloul disease. and othera whom ahe knew. I began taking It in repeated the present year had not-the energy and forslsht of the city authorities prevent.

latter part of Aug nat. and naed altogfthtr onlr "Rough on Hats" clears out Rats, Mice. 15c. ed It. Tbe writer happened to be In Koobes Mother Swan's Worm Byrun, tasteless.

25o. tbr when It arnlve4 tn me.tb. won derful iniirovemeut. I have now gained ttaeh. and feel itronger, better and happier than I bare tn tan ytiara.

KAVOUITK tUCMKUV cured mr friend. "Rough on Coughs" Troches, 15c; Liquld.AOo. Y. Uennani, of toeUtiKerlnjm'niainaof ter at that time and was rreatly Interested In the manner in which this are at catastrophe was averted. Every few moments, a roar like the peals of thunder or the booming- of cannon would be beard, and in order to soe this ice blasting process the writer went to the top of the new Warner Building, which malarial fever and- of TotUraaneM.

Mr. Harrey fliomaa. the grocer on Warren street, Juat bolow fit Wn.W Slav- Apple (Liver) Pills, 10c. "Rough on Toothache," Instant relief, lie. more than the canvas-back nourished the marshes of the Potomac, this orth Houae, aaya that it haa bad wonderfully good of his brethren.

It is pleasurable because it provides the person in whom it erlooks the Ueneeee Klver. rroiu here be terrapin captured on the shorn of tha ffecta upon him. tiro re of mr aninaintauoM am? -Bachs-pslbs," Ursa! kid as, sad Crinsry Ou. SI. "Rongta oa for Corns, Wstts, Bunloas.

lie. that having once triad ia thy would never again ba ithout it. I bav given it in my children, and found Delaware, the snapping turtle from the inheres with exquisite thrills when any far West, the gumbo soup of New Or- noble thought or action or any grand the beat medicine 1 have ever known for regulatingr Wei.u' Hsslth Rstwwsr unrss Praiispsis, Impotaacs. was not only enabled to see the process uninterruptedly, but also the utagnltloent building which ban Just been completed. This Is unquestionably the finest building devoted to business and manufaeturlnir purpose! In America," being entirely fireproof, -eight Stories high, and containing over four and a quarter acres of flooring.

Mr. Warner treated your correspondent very courteously, and 'Rough on Ucntlst Tooth Powder, their bowel and purifying their blood. The knowledge of this mtnUoine I deem the grcateat. lesaon of phvaical life. wmi-u ro- worn ol art is presented to his oontem- Joiceth the Mexican Gulf.

Whst the piatton. It Is useful because it bestows Delmonicos have done is to bring the a certain knowledge of life and charao- enjoyments of the two hemispheres into ter independent of that acquired by combination. They have known how it nn. ANTED-Wtuilloii hr dnintiiit of 7 yearn Addivaii Sacred Rowers.

The 137 deserredlT stands first among sacred, flowers, for from the birth of history until the present da; be has never wanted worshipers I The word is of Syrian origin, and means "evening. It was the personification of the moonlight, and no flower could so beautifully express this idea as the ale, white, golden-hearted water-lily. has always oeen a subject of dispute what particular kind of lily" la alluded to in the Sermon on the Mount. If (as it is generally supposed) Christ delivered the memorable discourse in the spring of the year, then, at that season, the mountains of Galilee and the shores of the Levant are all glorious with the scarlet, turban-like flowers of the Martagon lily. A white species, striped with purple, is also common in Jndea, and this, as combining the idea of majesty and purity, has received the niffriyea of many.

It oould not have beenhowever; the small species known to us as the Lily of the Valley, because this fairy-like flower, with its little illumination lamps, grows only in oold or temperate climates. There is an old legend which says that Eve brought the rose out of Eden with her. It has always been a favorite flower with the Jews, and Solomon likens Christ to the Hose of Sharon. In later times the Rose of Jericho has usurped the place of affliction so long held by that of Sharon. This rose is a native of Arabia Petri and opens only in fine weather.

It also possesses, in a remarkable degree, a reviving power, and can recover its life' when to all appearances dead hence the Jews use it as the symbol of resurrection. A Mexican plant possessing the same wonderful tenacity of life is constantly for isle on the streets -of New-York, so that many must have become familiar with this phenomenon. The white rose has always been sacred to the Virgin Mary, and, mingled with the cross, it wss the device of Luther and also of the Bosicrncians (nub rosh cruxu The red rose is the emblem of love and also of silence, because Cupid gave it to Earpocrates, the god of silence, in order to bribe him not to reveal any of the indiscretions of his mother; hence it was often placed over the doors of guest rooms to signify that perfect freedom of conversation might be indulged "under the rose," for nothing so said was to be repeated. And, as stratagem delights in silence as well as love, the Romans placed it on their shields. Over Greek, Roman, and Chinese graves it is a frequent emblem, and the Turks will not suffer a red one to lie on the ground since the day it was colored by the blood of Mohammed.

The Arabians have a legend of a garden of roses planted by King Shaddad, and In tho course or the conversation said: make the clams, the ovsters. the, We are dolnr a tremendous bufluess. and are far behind in our orders. This Is the sheephead, and other strange fishes to sympathize too universally with the familiar to the great army of gastrono- miseries not of friends exclusively but mists who reach Manhattan Island. of all sentient creatures.

season of the year when people, no matter ow strong their constitution mar De, IceL liEVERFAILS. more or less, the pain and Indisposition, the London Daily A'eus. The sensitiveness of small people is headaches, oolds, neuralgia, rheumatism. dull pains, sore throats, coughs all the another affair altogether. The woman bulde, Advise, and Guard.

whoouarrels with her friend because rnnili-bed npon nhort notice, at loweat Irira and eoHT termsi. a)ho all kuidt of l)tr, rardtward and eii'TVlope Htork mmred iu a priJitiiur hend for Siantlily I'riiv-Ut of Vr i ti i unA k. Addrt THll AtKl NKWrtPAFUt ills that tlesh Is heir to, come this time of year, if at all. It Is natural, therefore, that A mother, who would calmlv see her I tho "latter received, an invitation which we should be very busy. This Is specially true of our Safe Rheumatic Curo.

and It Is I NUtrt, 3.1 UTS rratLKiin rwm. oicani, m. crowding us very sharply, for a new rom- child rush headlong among the briars the former did not, and men and wom-and brambles of thorny path, without en in general who cannot endure, with-even attempting to srulde the infant out sharp nanirs of envv. some small TKETESEAT Slnffular, but I had forrotten tbnt you do feet into more pleasant ways, would supremacy, social or professional ob- 5 TON WAGON SCALES, Ipm Lsrvwr. Steal S-arlac-.

SrjS Tare Sswa mm Sea. ttFt sT JONES not advert. to cure all dMoae from one bottle; at la done gi'neraUy by many other medielne men, but I supposed Warnrr a I OF Bafe waa for the cure of rbeuma seem indeed to lack both love and care; tained by an acquaintance these are yet how many devoted mothers there fair instances of petty sensitiveness, are who view the childish outburst of The worst of it is that email natures temper, and each display of willful per- like these have nobody to educate them. i i EkGHAMTEj tiein." a9 0W sntf JUMitJ he vare Uwfwttl far fret frte Lt-t ncnMna rr mm4 And so It baa been until our remedy, which The only known rpsoijfe for pllepUe was eanecially for rboumatlam aud neuraiRia, introduced, we nave men to roe years vcrsujr wuu genuine putciuity, saying, to neip to enlarge tnem. they are only children! they will ures ean educate themselves.

After soon outgrow their little faults. years of turbulence and struggle they DerfectinsT tbla new remedy, Study first taught ua there were certain powerful ele HaironsWesknesaqsdeWyrellavad and cored. Squalled by none la delirium of AWHratnUlsrs (enns of disease sad sickness. Cures nrtT blotches and stohborn Hood sorae. Cleanses blood, quicken, circulation, Ilimlnata.

Bolls, Carbuncles aod Alas, the child too often is father to cam attain that supreme and snnerb ments in Warner a bare cure, better known SCRAP ROOK Leatherette Iloand lllust'd Cover as Warner cafe Kline and Liver cure, tbat made wonderful cures in chronic and By mail on rtotipt of lOo. acute rheumatism, but during; our Investigation we learned of a remarkable cure at a celebrated surtmrs. and out ifxuerts to In- the man. Youth is the seed time of calm which nothing ruffles. Not that life, when habits formed become second the grand sensitiveness which renders nature.

Stretch out your hand in help- their perception of misery, small and ful clasp, and with winning great, has wholly died out, but that the loving heart, aid them all patiently to emotions have become trained by the overcome their faults. Fit them for the intellect, and that vast serene resigns battlefield of the world with an armor, nation reigns which is born of a recog- Bast Side Agsnoj E. a Bart't Fins Shoes, Testlgate and found thin the fprlngs did not contain any Valuable properties, but the 981 Grand new Torn. avPermsaentiy sno promptly oarea 1 es. It Is a charminf sod healthful Aperient.

KOIs Bcnntls sad Kings RvU, twin brothers. Changes had breath to good, removing cans. tr-RouU bllionaneas and clears eompleitoa. Chsrming resolvent and matchless It drivea Sick Headache Uks ths --Contaln, no drastic cathartic or opiates. Promptly eons Rheumatism by mating Restores llfe-glvlng properties to the Please mention tuts paper.

course ox treatmont that was being; 01 Yon thore waa performlna all the benefit. By carefully combining; tbe active principles of whose links are truth, bravery, self-re-1 nition of the inevitable. Possiblv re Original METHODS tbls remedy with our cafe inire, we bave produced our Safe rtheumatlc Cure, and the cures It Is affection' are simply wonderful, and fll CVCC s)lfwwithoBtaoc- of ULU CI L0 toin.metlcie orglssm If ft 1 11 BUPTUflEcriKutiiUi'lu liance, and kindly courtesy. If your Iigious faith may be united with this early training has gained for them the condition; but, if so, it is not the faith shield of self-control, then can they rooted in conventional theology, -but easily buffet with the storms of life, and "that which is the outcome of an Intelli- do not doubt it will become as popular as Is guaranteed to care ail nertoua uisoram-a HTKcllable when all opiates fsll.t Rrfreahes the mind and Invigorates the body. our safe cm e.

You ieem to talk fieely in rejrard to your DUIUDCK Carrsl wlmnntenlllrs: rninlUOlO iirnuniis 1..111.. HMM tpward tending win the goal, success, gent contemplation of the economy of remedies, and appear to bave no secrets, Mr. Warner." Cures dyspepsia or money nr Endorsed la writing by over arty thonssna Leading physldsns In O. B. sad arop -6 Leading clergymen In U.S.

and Farm, Field, and Fireaide. the universe, so far as we can it. nLnVUUO and None whatever. The physician, with his pan pit lets. Sunday Ttmet.

PU 0 II I Dlsrasrs all kinds- hundred calls and one hundred diseases, Is r.ears. WIIIIUM lUso ralim Diseases of the bkiod own It a roi sale by ail leading drsgglsla. S1.W.-C now buried in tneroesert, which is anal An Agonizing Suspense. Among the numerous applications necessarily compelled to iruess at a great A Mother Weasel. Karrti Dr.

E. B. MOTE, Box 1SS, N. T. my.

ogous in manv respeota to the Garden deal. We are enabled to follow up and per for testimonials and circulars send sump. A remarkable incident oecured upon fect, while physicians can only experiment of Eden. Throuchcut Southern an. ELY'S for pensions received by the Commissioner of Pensions is one sent by sn ex- with their ounorea paueais ana nunarea a farm in Hootland.

A farmer was Tbi Dr. 1 1 Richmond Mel est- Toasrelx. aa. (li) Catarrh CREAM BALM diseases. With the ordinary physician, the Central Europe it is nsefi in love spells' and divinations.

One common Ger plowing in one of his fields, which was soldier, who has discovered an entirely Iiord, Stontenburgh At Agrata, Chicaoo, 111. TLrsaT code binds him down, to that be makes a discovery, he Ss bound to g-ive it to tberother He stated that nearly completed, and was passing to new ground for relief. man superstition is to name rose leaves within a foot or two of the fence wall. ohr clans, ot courae.

aiemurairos in- no wounds and was not disabled and then throw them into a basin of Causes ae Paliu (ilrrs Rellff at Oute. Thorough when suddenly and to the surprise of disease, but while lighting in the vestigatton, to a are At extent This Is why the treat Iseoveiie in medical science or clean water. The leaf which sinks last 3 H2 nion ranks at the battle of Antietam is to be the husband or wife of the in bite years nave been maue uy caemisu ana the farmer, one of the horses became restive and wild, and refused to proceed in his work. This was an unusual scientists and not by physicians and it in a he lost his coat, vest, and one suspender. "The other suspender," he quirer.

Aaother superstition is to throw rose leaves oa to hot coals the measure accounts for tne great value of our Treatment will remedies, alao for the rcmarkaDic success or circumstance, and tbe farmer was wrote, "wss my only stay and support. burainir frairrance is thouirht to attract aU those doctors who make a specialty ot one Cure SotaLlq DOES WONDERFUL cures or puzzled to make out the cause of it or two diseases." Imagine my dismay when a bullet came along, and, slightly scorching my skin good fortune. White rosea blooming at an unexpected time are believed in Seizing the reins in his hands, he "And you find that you are curinr as greet uWarSaalT. Ap- a number ot people as ever neiorer "Yea. a far area ter number.

We never Oj ss it passed, cut the last precious sua- I walked toward the horse's head, when, rvor.rlBr cln in two. Thure I stood in I to his astonishment, he found that a pljr with FlBk-er. of the owner, and red ones a marriage. sold so much of ou medicine as now, and AND Ki uu never knew of so many remarkable cures." It Trial. the presence of many thousands of large weasel had attacked the horse by men.

My emotion cannot be described, springing upon it and fastening its teeth LIVEW COWiPtAtWTS, 5 Beeaasa It acta sa taa LlVKil, BOWELS aal As the My is the emblem of France, so thcOrose is of England, where it as-tnmss more of a historical than sacred mils at Dmnrli Tbe writer departed arter the ft cove interview, but was greatly Impressed, not only by a) cvats by rs' You, Mr. Commissioner, can imagine uie rriguveuea anmuu a aecs. at was them. I am certainly to a I a moment of excitement and alarm, but the sincerity of Mr. Warner, but by-the rast-aess of ail be saw.

Mr. Warner's medicines Send fnr rlrmlsr. HHin HKRs.Dmartsls.Osmco.JI.. KIPilKIS at ths ssais thus. saaas II rlasaea (a avassal tbsaotaoa.

ksre that aavstoea ta XidaosiaiMX UrU ncnaion for the wounds inven to mv the farmer was equal to the emergency. character. A Preferred Creditor. Wits w.lUi...tiul nt IK. Mii'n.

are used thTOUfhout the entire length and breadth of the land, and we doubt not the results they are cOeotliiir are really as wondar- asry Pluaill. auiinisi. Jsandias Oonstlpa-ttoa. ram. or la Blsaminatlsai.

Kanralctaaiar- leeiinSS OU UlttU VCCtUSlUU. AWWUA, I vuv auuu. I 1.1 1 -1 1 1 von mav not decide tnat a pension I uie weaaei was aiaiuuKeu aim auieu. Siu at thov are related to be. 1 a a.

shonM be c-iven me. but. at least. I The horse soon recovered from his sinAitr "Good mawnin', Uncle' Pete," said Jake Snow; I hope you's prosperin' an' kin pay me dat ar sebenty-iibe BaAtTTT is a matter of taste." This ex Crica.Spnuas.Wrsa.liss, sslliss, Knialda, Srt.llrs. mmrlsr Pstas, SUtek la UM SHU, UscfcsrUs, BwoUsa JoUts, Dssrt nlsessa, Sor.

veaaMaaNloraaaa all rvauusoosspuaaas, frtuup rtoor ot ruu. IT lli. straaxB OttsUi 0ONSTIPATION, PtLia, and RHKUMATISSf. sssa a sasn plains why the critic are always tasting ought to have enough to keep me in I mgnc, ana in aue tune plowing was re-strong, reliable suspenders all my life," The cause of the daring at- Ifuwpentitnz. cents w'at von owes me sence las' fsla Si hs OfcMS.

and an palM and sMtMiar looul ot tack upon the horse was explained upon Bonton Journal. By caaasag TMXM AOTXOK of aU th. crgans Crismas." I.TniA K. PinkhVm's Veietable Compound the return journey, with the plow a ssstpo ars wwiw7 tbTJStkoo Hop He. OoavowSsd, as Khsl bsshBon.

OsmaDstssmssad CLEANSING the BLOOD "Sorry, to denounce, chile, dat de finanshal sitewation am werry embar- wss Srst prepared in liquid form only: but now It can be teat In drr forms by mail to nninta whera no drurirtst can readllr bo breadtn nearer the wall, wnere at tbe place of attack the stock turned over a Appearances Deceive. 'Throw up vour said a Chi- Ixtrssssilssiuiass. soothlns sad stisastlwaui Psrotsl FlssUr mr assOa, rasain'. I'se Bone inter likerJashin issaalu, llnnmnialrmrirtl 1fi THOUaANOS OF 0A(S of th. wont fcrma of tbaaa tsmns alseasoa aava baaa ouiskly neet of young weasels, the object of nln.

a a.innftaal reached, and to-da? the Compound la loienges and pills finds its war to the foreign olluies of Ss oenw or ars mr ,1 HOP "Am dat so? Shol wha'r yer git de linker if thA a i-i i mnmmit an nl 1-liiHlnnihPil I mimuud bvuuiuuo tun poicuii kchw. Kurope ana Asia. sisptem OUMID. HsUM aa rssnp. prloa proorUUn so.

Kaaa- PLASTER "Huh! Tears ter meyou's kinder off "Allen pepper-box" was thrust unex- It was the well-grounded fear of harm rectedlv inthegarroWs'face. her young that had inspired the ia i as i it -T t.acii a-if than to vraatukl tn tvov tV.w-tt rain. aT. iiqiid oa sat, soia st satjaonm, nw mm h. atmt fa Sssil.

A hrs-ficked husband Is often cbloken- tscssrsrs, BortoMsss. de aueschun. I means dat owia ter ae a orlmrtaa.Tv hearted -rTcras Sminv. "Tum's ail ngtn, aaia wie wmu-Dag- r-a. a uk KMf a.

uuT a law s. onsartin condishun db de pecun'ry ai- A llAVn ll.t 11 1 11 111 Til IK M. UW1IW -UttV VUV WUIUS, Tors fiaawirtfan AVrHns cured mv son's ton ir tie. bsd brsslh. susr stomMb sod o- 7.

I i dlsss enrsd lT Hswlsrts Ssomseb snd IJ.W Mils. Sad fits," writes Mrs. 8. M. Parkhurst, of (llrard.

harm vou. but let me see mat snooua i to itself and progeny. faiha, an de pressure ob cred ters, ise madea'sinement" "Wat's dat ter do wid yer payin' me dat sebentv-fibe cents?" iron." WWW An Indiananolls man has disco vs red a new When he discovered that it was an Skilled Mexican Laborers. TEU3S plan to eject delinquent tenants. He hires old.

rustv. and unloaded weapon, the The laborers at Fort Davis are Mexi Hit means dat de propahty hab gone aant frain gul a brass band to serenade them. ssasHnal crarroter was mad enongn to kick Him cup aoapa, wlta ftwlf-AdjuatinpT eanter, arUpti self, and said angrjly, "The next time a Instantly Bellaved. into de han's ob de receiber, fur de benefit ob de perferfed cred'ters an' dat I doan av no mo ole debts." tn bail IB man with a pepper-box scares me silly, Mrs. Ann taCour, of New Orleans, lntaa cans, who have neither the ability to lead nor the docibty to follow.

They plow with a forked stick and hoe with a root. They sleep on a sheepskin and eat prairie' dog and hominy. They will praaaa back iaa Juat a porfcoi I hone he'll blow me into the Tin writes: "1 have a son who has been sick for Wl iDhttrtsssiurftUaUei "I doan' see w'at dat 'einement's got He was so rattled that he walked two A sarrurwlv rftr and BlcbL and a r41cai eui ter do wid my sebenty-fibe cents. acrtatn. HUasjsj.dsirT.Wr' r1 ch-flTV Btni by nsUi.

two years; he bss been attended by our lead-Inr nhrslclans. but all to no purpose. This blocks before he discovered his watch beg you for a nickel and murder you "Dat's 'cause vou am eddicated an morttlng he had his usual spell of coughing, aijd chain gone. The gantleman with the "nepper-box" had relieved him darfo' doan' undahstan' do 'trie'eies ob E3 lMARk3))' 1 and was so greatly prostrated in consequence de wav de capertillista do bisnis. See for a dollar, lbey worn tnree nortrs a day and steal ten hours a night.

They can live on (3 a month when they keep while he was recovering from his aston heah 1 IU jess 'splain fur de incongruity themselves, and eat i'i a day when you ishment. Even the life of a Chicago sand-bagger has its' nps and downs ob yo' in tell ec. 1 ou knows ai a ou thai death seemed We had In the bouse a bottle ot Dr. Vm. Hall's Balsam tor the Lungs, purchased by my husband, who notloed your advertisement yesterday.

Ws have to feed tnem. narroanourg. Sthir WIS V1.1TAB1 THIAT18S IMS chiefly downs. Vhicago Democrat. aufsaSslsr SlvsKxpisissrar.

u. saarsis. asfssiww iXooua. wiwist-ttow'Tara. administered It, aud he was Instantly re mwttvmmm 1 Cotton In Illinois.

I Laoeh beer, which thirty years ago TO SPECULATORS. At one time cotton was raised to a 1 was practically unknown this lieved." My Hli-Vear-Old Dausbt.r. "Yes, if it hab anything ter do wid yo lyin' 'bout dat bill ob mine." "Huh! Dar you goes off de queschnn agin. I see dat I'll hab to narrate. Ld'bil'ties am w'at you doan' pay de cred'ters, an' assets am w'at you doan' hab.

Now, see heah, I 'p'ints a receiber, IdTer and Edney Eemedy, I 1 Oomponnded from the well known considerable extent in one-third of the country is now made by immense iinnuitt it cnl- establishments, with over $150,000,000 Db. C. D. WARsans Dear sir I received the cnmnllmentarv bottle of White Wine ot urauvea nnisi. aiiK a a v.nsuurjar oi issvoatiwajr, Ooiomflroa.

Mw Yoni. CUUUUCTl 1 111. 1 I la drake Pandelioa, BanaparUla, Cas i in a verv limited re- oi capiwu iiiveateu. aiib isiue ui yum Tar Bvruo you to kindly sent roe. Our little feRAIlt at PROVISION BROKERS foara mrrada.

eomtilnad with a agreeable Aromatle Elixir. tlm extreme -southern part of production each year is 6-vear old dauirhter bsd a very sore throat, Me rubers of all promloeot Prodana Inc-haiiKM Xvw York. Cblcsuro. Bt liOuLa and HHwatikM. badly ukerawd, and coughed almost inoes-aantlv.

We rave the medicine according to the State, It is generally believed that $200,000,000. dat's my wife, an' I makes her a pei fehred cred'ter an' she takes de jeauim Wa haraaacltialve private tvlaaraph wire hctaaa Chicago and New York. Will tieft onltra on out cnttan-frrotnnar has proved to be un- I vn (mi can be ill if the blood is num. Tel. lunffmf wnra rmuf riml mmmn ror nrrnian ronuina Den I makes my darter Susan per directions, and the began to Improve Immediately and soon got well.

Pleat, accept OTHET CUB DTSHJSU HBIfiESIIOI, let sped Us Llrsrsad KMasys, BBQTJLA.TB THH BOWXLS, They cure Rbeomatlira, and all Url- lug particular. LlMbLOM 0UM CLUcawo. fehred cred'ter, an' she takes de cow, thanks. Mrs. Groves nnd I have recom profitable for tne reason mat me sear raw sua cananariua root nave long hTe become colder.

Mr. John- becn r3gnlzcd pnysicians as blood puri-sons nave pecoma Hers. Don be humbugged by the advertise- Den I makes mv darter Sally per- mended it to others. 1 shall want to get some of It at the beginning of winter, as I consider It a very superior medicine. Yours very fehred cred'ter.

an' she takes de pig. a ton, oi vuauifi(5u, mentsof the many quack bitters, but ocea- failnrs to produce cotton IS caused by I slonally use Dr. Guywtt's Yellow Dock and nounan. sirengsuen ana uuiasj ta. riervoua eyaiem.

the. imTxivprisiiment of tbe soil. He cm i a 1 1 1 auu tun wm live vu a gwu oia Den my -son, Sam, he cum in as a per-fehred ered'ter, an' he takes de Taller respectfully, bet. H. D.

Osovas, Clarksvllle. Mo. Pastor at. E. Church.

An Tonlo they have no IquaU it is more difficult to raise corn age iree irom an atBtress oi mina ana noay. Many our lest citizens who long suffered from bad blood. Indicated by weak kidneys. 1 11. tit do.

Den I doan hab ntimn lei du. and stltlue Wueai 111 cwuuisia aiuuyia "Put up" at the Gault Hooaa. Mops ana au BUMrs. BY AU. 0CSLIRS, 1 Tsc.saa.Sas I I FOUSAH nllul, hitn.

an' I had to sine Indigestion, Soros, aches, owe their re tlian formerly. Chicago Time. The business manor tourist will find flrsa. 1 Lay the Axe oovery to the use or this remedy. alass accommodations at the low pnoe 01 dat MaMwi tnn 'sine dat to me.

I 1 Hods and Malt Bitter 0. I and ner dar at tne vaun House, uiioar It is said that Sullivan made some good swi DETROIT, SUCH. "Nr. tn mmntis hab been pesterin1 How Bertha Y'oa HiUern Teste4 Prajer. 1, i a devout she is eneriretia.

hits oa tbe stage. go, corner Clinton and Madlsoa streets. This I far-famed hotel is located In the center of the I ma ruver'fnl nh lata. So I less makes city, only one block from the union mora. 1 Dalrymea ITefer tfc Hasans.

Wrlls, Richaroso During the two years sue walked she mvHA a nerfehred cred'ter, an' 'sines aha lost Dot two contests oi euuur- suevavor; au syinsauucHi. H. W. Hon, Proprietor. myse'f de dollah an' foah bits to sorter Ljtojthe Root If yon would destroy tbe enn kering worm.

For any external pain, sore, wonnd or lame ness of man or beast, nse only Since the introduction oi your iraproveii Vei s. ttSJ aa a TsxacsAVwr sndesrs TOUng IVien bis wsgse. Sitastlons lur at. had. analsralrea.

Vslsntlnsllroa. JsnesTllle.Wia anoe, and these were when she neglected I Buttor 0ior mjr rustomors, Itkas 1 iijr rAnm for the trial to I universal aatiefactiOD. Tbe leading An Extended Pspnlarlty. "Dat's kinder enrols. I doan'neke nf a hLher Bower than her own.

dairymen of.this section who have used in onM mi ton ln't no wav. But en Baown's Bronchial Triichss have been betore the nubile many years. For relieving nThc Olseit Msdlclns Hi ths Wsrld arababli Ur. Issito Thomnsoti's 1 aire It tne prererenoe over an our wwn, On one of these occasions ikemade Coughs and Throat troubles they are superior you gwine ter pay me dat sebenty-fibe Mt.V I MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. It penetrates all mus In all other articles.

Suui wtly in nuxai. Uelebrated in Vate the omission purposely, to see whether I Tbey are especiaUjr pl.ascd with the fact liar otrpnirth and this I that it docs not become rancid, like other oil Tore de Lawd, chile, you is ign'rent Last winter I foiftid positive relief from I Tuit articia a erti337 phystklaa a beto lo ciiataiit na (or itoarly a 11 a aioimlar test of the colors, and their product brlnss hlirhest prices maytoquotedasasingnlart oi tne i w. 8. Na, Drureist. cle and flesh to the Tery bone, exDellirje all inflammation.

fur a fac Hit am de li'btfty go Sri1 daw of prayer. Philadelphia Catarrh, with Ely's ream Oslm. Was I troubled for years. I have no doubt a tbor- I ough use of Cream llslm will our. a great I Caderhill.

April S. l'si efficacy soreness and pain, and healing Fresn. maioritrof cases, a. u. nouiok, iwaca.

kr.jrln.itefha atttjitUon erf piiy-triu-i It turlla. toAut is, rtomiwoM. Horn Trwy, N. "Am dat so, UnclePetet Den you kin count on me bein' down ter yo" bouse ter eight, ter jine in de meetin' ob cmd'tora tm likerdatiou or I'll bust N. Y.

(See ad.) Emotional Insuaity. Vmntinnal insanity is now a com the diseased part as no other Liniment ever did or ean. Ho saith the experience of two generations of sufferers, and so will yon say when you hate mon nlea of defendants in trials for and retatL ftand toe prtcsvUa. 1 (iocxta twnl C. O.

D. Wim made to onlee. KJlUKNUAaila Btata Urn. Chtraato. KALI -de jng." Te.ta Hitings.

murder. It means much the same as wrath." or "served 'im fUn1 nrlsunn for nnr ttaw book OB hm Bsttrrtjeiibyruu. TavtMfftl. rm Vwm in iiitia. Holt! by dniggwrV W-A Tns absence of all surgical attend.

uauu' Hassi women rink much on the hazard of tbe dye. Tarn Koa DTsrsrwia, urDioasnoa, depression of spirits, and general debility In their various forms; also, asapreveatlve against fever and ajrue, and other Intermittent fevers, the Ferro-Pbosphorated KlUIr of Calitaya." made by Caswell, Hssard 4 of New York, aod sold by all drug-sists, la the best tonic: and for patients reooverini from fever or other sickness It has no equal It must have been something funny that Shade Minnehaha. All pain in the nervous system, wind oolle wramps etc, cured by JiamoHtaa Xsrsias. Ptteota. L.

BtMOHAM. Pataot PATENTS. tried the aastang." ZTbl to the has a pleasanter souna xn uwrr, WaauLQaTtoii. v. u.

Stion srlcTin tie Chinese th. ears of the ordinary juryman. llMfra. Bend stamp I To soldiers tor circular.

L. I PENSIONS a ecX7s GkatitCD. is the homage th. hert Attoroer. WssMnmVsl.

D. a to iirMitJtia tilt iMaiHir. AtlrtrtlNra Hsi AOKNTB WAWTBD tor the bast and tats.lllng Pnsorlsl IkitssoJ Uidka. rrlca, rrdaosdSI HMmwi III. HAXllMIASi .1.1.....

MM I wwuu uu 1 01 noiuagB. mt people," who refuse all medical ad 1 mamiesiauun o..

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