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Brookville Republican from Brookville, Pennsylvania • 2

Brookville, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

February 12, 18G8. How Democratio Majoities are Made who thus i repelled the proposition to in inglehe rebel with the Union dead under tlita Antietam Monument. She lcjmMiau W. 1 STEWART, National Honors to Bebel Dead John Covoa to 0Tr' Fenton. il'lIocL Rfi-besentatives, :1 Waskinctos, D.

Jan. 17, 18G8.J, Sin have read with sorrow and as The University of Michigan. 2. Near tha buildings and grounds, de is efforts in this direction are appreciated. Its lecture term Is extended to six months, Bud embraces a regular didactic courso of lectures on such subjects as are taught in a medical college and are essential for guidance of the physician.

On Wednesday and Saturday of each week patients are examined and treated gratuitously in presence of the class A large number are always present on ctinique days, and receive all necessary attention. While this arrangement affords the class opportunities 'to note prescriptions and witness such surgical operations as are? performed every week, it is of incalculable advantage to the patients as they are not only treated freo of is an important consideration but treated by gentlemen of skill in the profession, who have, in a large practice, been brought in contract with and treated such a voriety of cases as to give thorn superior advantages in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Below we give a letter in part, iu "Junius," the Harriaburg corresponflont of the Pittsburgh Commercial if careful perusal will give our readers fin idea ot how the immaculate Democracy con duct elections Pa Jan. 23, 180S. The committee drawn in the Senate to try tho casovof Captain II.

ltobl it-son, of Juniata county, who is contesting the scat of J. T. Shugart, of Center county, the silting member, has been in session this week. Orvis, of Bellefonte, and Manard, of Williamsport, are counsel for Shugart, and fl. IS.

Swor-e, of Clearfield, and John Cessna, of Bedford, are counsel for the contestant. Thecoma mittce consists of. Sunators Fisher, Lan-don, Jackson, Liudcrman, Taylor, Ilidg-way, and Oowles, five Kepiiblicans and two Democrats. Tho principal ground for contesting Mr. Shugart's seat is, that quite a number ot Irishmen had voted on false naturalization papers, and others had been brought info the district, and kept there ten days prior to the election, for the express purpose of voting.

Mr. Shugart's majority was ouly tweuty-two voles, and it was alleged that tliere were near one nunurea illegal voles polled in one place in Center county. It appears that there was a railroad, being inado from Phillipsburgh, in Center couutyv to Clearfield, and that was last fall about forty rods of light work to bo done near Phillipsburgh, which could have beeu done by twenty men in five or six days. However, au arramiinent was made with an Irishman, named O'Mara, a boss on that work, to bring about one hundred Irishmen on that part of the work, which was in Center county, ten days before the election. This he did, and as soon as the election was over they were sent away.

When it was as certained that Shugart had only twenty- two majority, including Die hundred ille gal votes at Phillipsburgh, and that Kobinson was going to contest his seat, the leaders of the Democratic party con eluded that the Irish boss, O'Mara, who knew all about the importation of voters ana trie papers upon which many of them voted, must be sent out ot the btate. ror that purpose they employed a Calhalio priest, known by the name of Father Tracy," to induce O'Mara to leave. Shortly before the Jbegisiuiure tuet, Father Visited O'Mara- and stated to him that the Legislature would that his (O'Mara's) testimony would be very much against the Democratio party that it would be well for him (O'Mara) to leave the State; that bo (Tracy had some money which he was authorized to give him (O'Mara) if be would go out of the limits of tha Slate, O.Mara asked two thousand dollars for taking his family out of the State never to return. Father Tracy eatf, he was not asthorized to pay that much, and could not do so unlit he would -write to Philadelphia. After several interviews between the priest 8nd O'Mara.

the former at last told the la'aer that Win. A. Wallace said that 'a hundred dollars per month was enough to pay for getting him to leave the Father Tracy then struck a bargain with Mr. O'Mara to leave the State for five honored doll a us, which was paid over to him and afterwards by a young man in Ulenrheld, and he accordingly leu, ana toolt up his abode ln ithnna New York. But his whereabouts became known to the counsel for the contestant.

and the Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate was sent to lilmii a few days ago, whore be found Mr. O'Mara, and brought him to this city. lie was brought before tho committee last night, and upon his oath testified to tho foregoing facts, and-in addition, he stated that another boss on the work above referred to.took tho fraud ulent naturalization papers and colored them with coffee, so as to make them appear old. Is not the foregoing, which is sworn to by an Irish Democratic rail road boss, a disgrace to any party, and especially, does it not show what meas ures the rebel sympathizing Leuiocratic party will adopt to carry elections and thwart the will of the majority of the bona fide citizens of tho country 1 And yet to hear thesi hypocritical demagogues talk, you would suppose that they are the only guardians that the Corisiimdun of the State and the Constitution of the United States have I suppose it is in strict accordance with the Constitution to forge naturalization 'papers and color them with coffre, and for alii-na to vote on such papers provided always that they vote for the Democratic candidates that it is emiuently proper for such a man as Father Tracy to become the paymaster of the Democratic party, when a witness who would have to testify against that party." should leave the country, and 116 one would dare to doubt the conittition-ality of the right of the Chairman of the Democratic State Central Comittee to fix the price to ba paid to such a witness for leaving. "Oh, consistency, lliou art a jewel There is no doubt about Robinson getting bis seat.

The evidence so far makes out a clear case of any amount of fraudulent voting done by aliens and imported voters. Wnts the issuing of greenbacks to carry on tho war was first proposed, the Democrats in Congress arrayed themselves agaiDSt the measure as unconstitutional and ruinous, and this was the position the Democratic party took in its conventions and on the stomp. Now, however, they propose an almost indefinite wsue of thes6 same greenbacks wherewith to pay the national obligations. Opposed to the war, they were opposed to providing the only means for carrying it on The war over, they are opposed to the honest and complete payment of the debt incurred by it. 1 Mr.

1'cndleton. the coming man of the party, was in Congress at the time and took the anti-greenback fide. That gentleman now. however, finds it convenient to champion them, as the hobby whereon be hobee to reach the Presidency. The neit tep would be to repudiato outright the greenbacks.

i The next Presidential election will te the twenty- first. 'The cWom has ever prevailed to specially honor those iu death who won special honey- by meritorious lives. The monuments reared to the memory of departed worth bear ample testimony that our people have not been unmindful of this custom. But yhero were egeli memorials ever erected for ni'en whose octions were infamous, and who perished in an ignoble cause 1 Who would glorify tho. treasou of Benedict Arnold with suoh monuments' as have arisen to the memory of Washington Who would dare to insult the loyal heart of this nation by' proposing to lay side by side, the same sepulchre, the body of the assassin Booth and that of Abraham Lincoln No loyal man would lake' the heartless Wirz and the other demons that presided over the prison dens of cruelty, starvation and death, and tho executed conspirators against the nations illustrious chief, and deposit them 111 the same tomb with the patriotic men who sacrificed their lives in battling for 'the right against the wrong Yet il is proposed that the loyal States construct cemeteries tor their heroic dead, and then desecrate them by the burial thorein of those who prosecuted against the country a warfare which for its dia bolical ferocity is without a parallel in the history ot civilization, and even to erect monuments to their memory.

Carry out this purpose, and what can be hereafter offered to the loyal citizen to tight against treason, when he feels as 6 red that should he fall in battle the traitor's grave will be honored equally with his own. "Tho cause of the Union was a holy one, while that which -opposed, it must have beeu its converse; To one side alone the glory belongs This was not a war ot nations, but of treason against loyalty. It was a contest of rebels who would have drained the life's blood of the government which had sustained and protected them, against its patriotic sons who iought lo save it from destruction It was a war carried on by the defenders and promoters of oppression, against the friends and lovers of liberty and their country integrity. "While there is no reasonable objec tion to giving decent sepulture even to the rebel dead, those who consider them deserving of honorable testimonials may give thorn. It is our duty to render honor only to whom honor is due." It is with grief, Governor Fenton, that i write this letter to you.

The subject is paiiitui to me. But there sits on mv hiarthstone, and there lies in my village graveyard, and there broods 111 my heart a controlling reason why, since the ap pearance of your Antic-tain should regard your entrance in the Republican Convention, a candidate for office, as an intrusion to which the sur vivors of the Union Army, and the rela tives of its dead and wounded, should sternly object. Yours, tc Jons Covooe. Pomekov Democracy. It is not often that we occupy our space with clippings from that infamous sheet, the La Crosse Democrat, but we refer our readers to the following extracts, that they may- know what kind of material the Democ racy have served up to them.

This pa per is said to have the largest circulation of any Democratic sheet iu the West, and second to none in the State of Wisconsin and we may fafely infer that it but echoes the sentiment of the party that it serves and whose adherents, even in Brookville. are found treasuring it as a really valua ble document. Truly tho modern' De mocracy are in a deplorable condition when they are found indorsing by their patronage any sheet that will give space to such villainous; and lory sentiments as "Brick" presents in these -paragraphs. The Democrat of a late date, on an article on the approaching National Convention of the Republican party, says: "Nominate another Abe Lincoln, and tho country, will produce anuLlier John Wilkes Booth, with his sic semper tyrannic, in accordance with the suggestions of the La Crosse Democrat, and the man is even now ready for tho work In the same number occurs tho following notice: "Confederate Flag. We wish a Confederate flag, six feet long, or nearly, to place in our sanctum by the side of the National fhtg 'each being American and having floated over men whose bravery never has been surpassed." We doubt whether there are auy flags such as that desired above in this county, but it there should be, and the possessor is desirous of having it adorn the sanctum of the gentleman desiring it, we presume the contract of transfer may be arianged through his recognized agent in this place.

ei al Presentation. Gen. James B. Sleadman, lias been the recipient of an elegant bronze medal, commemorative of the victory gained oyer the rebel forces by the Union troops under command of Gen. Thomas, on the 13th and ICth of December, at Nashville, ou which occasion General Stcadman commanded the 4lh Army Corps.

In forwarding the medal to Genera! Gen. says: I avail wyself of the occasion to thank you again most heartily for the important services rendered the country by yourself and your command on that most critical occasion." McClf-ixan tor British Minister. Although the President has endeavored to keep tb fact a great secret, it lias nevertheless leaked out that he has tendered the irfsion to England to Gen. McClel-lan, And only waits his acceptance by cable to snd hi natne to tbe Senate for confirmation. The tendet; was made ten days since, but co reply has been received.

Wednesday, February 12, 1868 JVC" pvit flntit that stantliinl pheot Whero broiitlmi the foe tmt fallr befort Willi freedom's eoil iwni'iith our feot, Awl rremlom'n banner mi-ciuuing fir ni. FOR GEN. ULYSSES S. GRANT, OF ILLINOIS. Ot'K PRINCIPl.ES.

tar. i that these dr-u-l shall tiannot IM in vain nation, under Jmvc a new I'irlli Jrawlouu tiiut i.ineruii rai ine neopM, Is theinilo, HOd for the pi-nplc, stall nut nonh from the JinifauK Lincoln. -''Ttim a lUjiUhtie v-here tile voice of tha people Is tho law of the hin t. I bog their volco luiiv bo lieard." Wastes N. Ortt.

MAKINO DlCMOCKATtO Votes. The investigations cf the contested election ase of J. K. Robinson against Sauiuel T. Shugarty, now silting member of the Senate from the Distric has developed the secret workings cf the- Democracy in that district, and how they manoeuvered to seeune the election of Shugarty, the Democratic candidate.

The history of the case a presented in the report of tho Rarrisburg correspondent of the Pittsburgh Commercial, published by us to-day, reveals frauds that would do justice to the experts who manu facture the Democratic majorities of NeT York city. l-'roui the Clearfield Journal wo Jearn flasev. witness on behalf of the contestant, was waylaid upon his return to Clearfield county, and so fearfully beaten that he died shortly afterward. -It ia not said that the murder was instigated by the parties interested in the testimony of Cnsey, bet we are left to draw our own conclusions. Jn tho State Senate, tin Tuesday last, Mr.

Fisher, of Lancaster, offered the following joiDt resolution, offering a reward for the apprehension of the guilty party or parties Wheueas, During the the hearing of of J. K. Eobiu- scn ancainst Samuel Shugarty, one of the fitting members of the beuato iroru the Twentv-first Senatorial District, a cer tain Jehu Casey was examined as a witness on behalf of said J. K. Robinson, contestant, and said Casey, after examination, was waylaid in the county of Clcar-fiel i and so abused that he has since died, litsolvcd, That the Governor be and is hereby authorized and required to offer a reward of two thousand dollars for such iufbrmilinn wH lead t0 the arrC8t aDtl 'he icrson committing said offense, and tha the Treasure: vf the Commonwealth be authorized and required to pay the said sum.

Passed finally. The Allegheny Valley Railroad. The right of way on the survey of the above road is about being solicited both nbove and below Brookville. We understand that Capt. R.

U. Means and two or three others are the authorized commissioners for the above purpose. The course to be pursued now by every real estate owner along the proposed joute is very evidei. If they want a Tailroad they must lend a helping hand to this great enterprise. The Railroad officials are willing and are about to push the work to an early and vigorous completion provided they do not find too many unnecessary obstruction intentionally placed in their way.

ant of space prevents a more extended article on this lu-Lject but we shall resume in a future number the details of the affair so far as we can glean the perliculars. The Covode Letter. We give place in our columns to-day, to the letter of Hon. John Covode, to Gov. Fenton, of New York.

It will be read with interest by every peison who mourns the loss of friends in the late rebellion as well as by all who sympathize with our heroes who bore tho burden and privations of the war. Those acquainted with Colonel Covode, the noble commander of the 4th Penn'a cavelry 5 and also, the bright youth, of whom Mr. Covode speaks, requires no refutation of the base slanders of the Democratic press of this section. Uis sacrifices were indeed very great and this mauly appeal, that the cause they died and Buffered to maintain shall not be insulted by the erection of monuments alike commemorative of the infamous workers oi these wrongs ill niett with a hearty approval. The correspondence between President Johnson and General Grant, relative to the conduct of the General in vacating the office of the War Department upon notification of the refusal of the Senate to concur in the.

matter of Stanton's suspension, Las been made public in response to a resolution of inquiry from the Ilouse of Representatives. We presume that the Generl's letters will give palisfjction to the frieoJs of Congfesion- ii-conatrnction. -Attornev at Law. Brookville, JtlTtrun n. Oirice on Plckrlim- Street; flrst door bc)ow KASON MArSOS'S DKCO 8T0RB Kuljrnsry 5, 180 tf.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. LKTTKaft ot Administration on the Kstate of SamueU'. holies, deceaited, (ate ot Knox lelTetson county, fa-, having been granted to the tiudersignwd all luufl mu. i-i. -i am reipi-hieu to mak ininHUu'te pnynienr, ar.n most- navnig ciaip-isajpltiat tho SHiue wil! present them, properly Ht-ulu- meitt.

M. II. MI ANN ON, Adm'r January 29, lf.B Ct. OTICE IN DANKIIUPTCY. TTTTS IS TO OIVB NDTTCK: Thnton the 2nd dv of Jaiiusry, A.

IMiri, a Warrant Ju Bankruptcy waa isaued agiost the Krftat- of K. II. I iinni, nf Brookville, iu tiie couoty of Jefleif-on and State of Pennsylvania, who hns been adjudged a Bankrupt on hit own petition that the payment ot any debts and delivery of any r.rou- erty heli.ngiug to such Bunknipt, to bim, or for bis use, HUH i irimam nuj prupei ty uy turn are loromiiea by Law that a masting ot the Creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove (heir debts, and lo choose one or riure Assignees of his Kxtnte will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hobion at the Hyde ilouse in Ridgwav, m. the county of in said Di-trict. h.

Woodruff, Begister, on the lot day of April. 1HTS. at 9 o'clock. A-TIIU3. A.

KOWLLY, U. B. Mai-bhtkU By O. P. Davis, DepH.

U. S. Marhal. January lfis 'It, RESS MAKING AND SEWING. MICO 1VTV -T KKl.l.V tt'miM ioTrm iY.

of Brookville, and vicinity, that ehe is prepared to do ltrehs Making, and alto in, ike Men's, Boj h' hiiu Children Clothing, aud all kimis oi ing, on liberal teruu, and H'OUIU u(i pieaeeu 10 uavw ineni vtin upon ner, u( nor i-iwitiiM. ih( rpsidence of Mi Jolin H. Carroll. Uam ttreot, nearly opposite tho Ctran-v Ziousa. January lbfte.

Jin. OTICE. Public notice is hereby Ciiuiinon Ideas fif Jt ilei.S'.n county, on the lyih day of Wt7, to grant a Chatter of Incorjioration to the congregation ot tbe '-Hector, Church-warden and Vestrymen of the Church of the It t-rcensur," worshipl: Uod accordiu'u lo the faith aud discipline of tho Piotentant Kpipcopal Church in the United State of Amefiea, of SuyUcr township, said county, mid thalif no cuflicii'iit bo shown to the contrary, theiuuu will bo grunted at the nest term oi said Court. J. M.

STJSCK, I'rothouotttrj. January 22, 168 3t. DliUGS. DRUGS. DRUGS.

JOHN McBRIER, DRUCCIST, Geistown, Jeflerson Co Pa. rpiIE subsci ibcr would inform the citf zrnx of c-mnty tbat hf; ia now rrrxaired ia-tlif Ttruic Biiaiueps in (K-iatowu, uud that he is prepared to furnish DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS Patent Medicines, Dye Stuffs, TOBACCO, CIGAKS, CONFECTI0EHIESr STATIO.NKUV, SPICKS, rKKFUMEItV, and a general variety o-f Not io as. My stock if zfvptionabic, and Fihracej all artfe? lioede-1 in a ciunmuuir and will he puld at thw west reasonable JOHN WorlliTille, January ITi. 1SGS tf. THE POOR MAR'S FRIEND THE STAR SHUTTLE" SEWING THE ST A ft SIIfTTI.B MAOflfViJ ia tho only machine in rh worbl that s'-ni with TWO THKKAb-S.

a -tit Ii the -ttuuo a.4 that ni.idv by II EV.LkR A MH.SifN and all huttlo alike on stdf of tin- fabric newi, Thi-J rombiii-. iinjdii-tty. Durability aui' lieauty. Auy rhibl with ordinary cuii leaxa to (. wiin it iu it verv No.

1, a Hand MavMuo, No. 2, Tub te and TrtKile itj uu. With cover. 10 L. With UlUte-t Clan-, 1 1 is a powfui'ul i ival tu all h-k Stitch Marhinea.

-4 liiiiubiT have i-uid in this canity and ren-d-r I'ntir. M'-ti-ftl-iction. Thoge wlio ace it operate aro -1 with it. The irinr Machiioi a a-i has ever beau ofVt-d to the puiiiic, and as jdr--iutly hlihd a any tf tli high jtrii-cd niai hiiii-s. Kv-try warranti-d fr FIVE YIEAKS, and bo eiat tly Imt it is't-ut-'d.

Mini pie- and cii-cnbii-. f-ni fne xnm applicatiou to tha -Agoiit br ludkma and AnitnniK (Miiutio Ad drew, J. 31. bWl.SJlliK, Iu, 07 3m.j Vroethurg. JeflVrsou Pa ACENTS WANTED FOR THE BLUE-COATS i AND HOW THEY f.IVi'D, I'OVOHT A'XD DIHD WOK: UN'IUN.

VITIl Scene and Int lJeHt in the t'omprisitiji; Narrative of Kerna! Adventure, Thrilitnir -I-u-idr-ms, Daring Kxpbtt Ih-ivic D.ed. Wi.n.lrrlu, li to iu tho Field an aU vi'iidivs of Spii-K and b'gi'ther wiUi the toni UalladSt ant'cd't-'S aud Iliinnrini Incidents of tbe warr Sl'IrlKltrtly Illiistrat-il -tvUtt otcr 10O Fine ror trails ami tugraviugi. Thrre is a ceitaiu rwa'tin i-f the war that will nerar go into the rciruhtr nor beerabo-lifd in romance or whiih a vt-ry rc-al pa it of it. will, if vrd. ir-'t'T to uc pdin-r a bt-ttt-r fdoft of the of tlie contiitd ih.ln iiutiiy dry report-i or careful nairttivi'B of vcnU.

and tl i-? p.u utay called tht K.Kdp. the tVtn. the pathai of the war. This illustiatow tlie character of the h-adcrs. ttit humor of the sobiiera, the df of woujoii.

liiy bravery of iu-u. tlie pluck of our hents. the romitnce and l.ard.ship.- of the service. Tiie Valuint and Uravj lU-nrtHd, tii i'icturemjue and Diamauc. thh if ty nd trvelon-s.

the Tender aud and tbe whtile I'aJHiriinn ttf the War are hr thrilliiiKly portrayed in a masterly manner, at once- hia-t-Tiraiaul D'utiiutir. ren iertirj it the most uaiipi and rca-bihle lonk t'uit the wr clh-d forth, as wed an tiixtnirtiou may be found In every p-tpe, graphic detail, briihaut wit. and autheB-ti- hiityry, are sKiilfutty in tvr woven in tUia work of Jitoiary art. Send fr Circulars fnd our terms, and full detcrlp-tica of tlie work. Address JO.VKS 4 p.

Jsntmrv ii. itC -2t. OTICE OF APPEALS: APPEALS fa tr-Vnnial Aeempnt of Utm for the ear be holA in the rerat tt wi hill nd Ntrtaih- on the Hay a aet forth in lh following (tcht tiule. AH wishing to appeal therefrom but attend if they proper. Olivr town-hip.

at the heae of Alex. UcKInatrr Monday. February 17th, l--6y. -iiwwy- B-Mver tiwuhip, at the housoof Jos. T.

Spare, Tae-. day. February lth. i- towir-hip, at the hoaM of Ueorr llock Wet(tiViay. Fet.ruaty 19th.

7 porter t. at the house of George Bish, Thar, dav. brnary i'th. Krry township, at the house of Robinaon, Pridar Febrnary -2lt. tTayville toronsli, nt ili house of F.

Cri-omln, Saturday. 1 ebrnary 22d. aftemxn. Ptmxsutawuey borough, at tbe house of I. Keck Feliruary ith.

Gaskill townabim at Uie house of A. Bower. Tueaday, FebfuarT dith. BHt UWDsbip, st the house of Jas. Bell, Wednea4T.

Febrvary -'-th. Henderson township, at the hoose of Jos. McPbeno, Tbnr.laT. Febrmtry tig Kuu bnrotnrh. at the houae of Jofeph McPheroffiv February 27th.

Met almont township, at the house of Daniel North, Friday, February 2Sth. Young towbiip. at tue house of Daniel QraiBus, Sattac day. February 'iMh, Kuox tuwuhip, at the houaeof M. E.

Steiner, Monaay March 2d. Win-rlow townsbip, at the house of Wm. Tanderort, Tenday, March W-biaton township, at the house of John Crawford rdneday. March 4th, 9ay t-iwiUhip. at the bouse ot Cobb 4 Wheeler, ThvrMiay, March ith.

H'araaw towaship, at the house of Joha Fjx, Fridajp Starch 6th. r'inecrefk twohip. at tbe home of Jaa Uumphrey Saturday, Marrh Poik thehouaa of 0. Siioffner, MoudaF. Mar ih yia t-r ivoou- Henth t.

wn-hp. at the house of Laihrop Eedruauda. Tvday. March Iih. bWnvtt township, at the house cf O.

Buiterfield, WeeV wdy, Mreh llth. ktd'tt at the house of James SnnuBerriBa Thtrday. Man-h 12th. L'diod Uwuship, at tlie borne of C. B.

Ctark, Frsaayv March lih. rve borough, st the house of C. B. Ctark, Frisjb Mar-. 13th.

4 ber Si-wabuip, at Um juae of Cbaa Jacox, Saturday. Mt-rxh 14th. Rw towaship, st the Ccuuuiasioaers otRct, Moaaaj, March WUu Bny kvil! T-nrxmgh, st the ConuiBice eeaco, Tvs-uay. March liieap-at will wmene at 10 at 4 ociock. P.

exoppt irlweeefc tbe above Tte Aeeeor wtll be paactna nt tttw1n mi t. abr time aad pecav Janar.TlAl scribed in our letter of ICth January, and on the highest point of land in this vicinity, is the astronomical observatory belonging to the University, a donation from the citizens Occupying v- ..11: the commanding position it uuef, ine building may be seen from most any point in t4 city'and'is the. firt-t promi-uont-tibject that strikes the eye of a stranger as, he approaches' the city, winding his way down the' valley of the Huron fro ul tho West, or approacliiVig in a rnorti nearly direct coVi'so over; the ing lands and along the base of the slowly rising and rounded hills from the Fast. Tho building consists of a main part and two wings. On the main building is a moveable dome twenty-one feet in diam eter, in which is mounted a largo refracting telescope with an object glass 13 inches in diameter.

This telescope has, until recently, been the second in size in the United Slates, but the large one late- mounted in Chicago makes this now third iu size. In one of the wings of the building is mounted a large meridian circle, imported from Berlin, said to be one of the largest and best of its kind. A great many other instruments known to the astronomer, and made use ot by him in his calculations, are found in this building. This observatory has become an object of considerable interest from tho fact that during the past year, from its dome, Prof J. C.

Watson ot tho University, being led to believe from the motion of certain heavenly bodies, that their movements were influenced by undiscovered planets, and prosecuting his researches with a view of ascertaining their locality, has discovered and announced to the scientific world the ance of two planets heretofore unknown. Prof. Watson, though comparatively a young man, has brought himself prominently into notice among the scientific nit of our day by his recent discoveries and by certain theories and propositions he has presented, based upon the result of his own cartful and accurate investigations, lie is tho author of an interesting woik on comets, that has met with much favor, and other productions from his pen have been read with great interest, lie is gaining a place among the first astronomers, a reputation he has earned by his indefatigable exertions. It might perhaps not be digressing too much to say that when he was a student at this University a few years ago, being in want of money to carry him through his course of ttuJy, spent a portion of his time sawing wood where he could find employment, and earned enough in this manner to enable him to complete his college course, so that he is another example of what the world calls "self made men." An opportunity is offered students, in addition to taking the prescribed course in astronomy, to take an optional course in higher astronomy, embracing two years, during which time the student has access to the instruments of the observa; tory, and is Instructed to make astronomical calculations' for himself. When the weather permits, the observatory is open one evening per week to a limited number of students who have been fortunate enough during the day to procure tickets from the steward.

Studies are arranged in the deparmont of Sciences, Literature and Arts, so as to constitute six regular courses of study, viz the classical, three different scientific courses, a course in civil engineering and the course in mining engineering. Degrees arc confered for each of thefce courses respectively. Students desiring to enter ibis department must pass a satisfactory examination on certain branches of study, aud if prepared to enter the University, may pursue selected studies not following any of the regular courses The instruction iu this deparlmeut is imparled during the first and second year, chiefly by recitations from text books, but many of the higher branches, including mental science, intellectual and moral philosophy.pertainingto the junior and senior years, are taught principally by series of lectures, using certain books as collateral reading. There is au additional course of study prescribed for those who have received tbe degree of B. A.

or B. at this or any other literary institution, which embraces one year. At the end of this time, the student pass ing a satisfactory examination receives the degree of M. A. or M.

S. It is the cherished hope of the President of the University that at some time a school -of Authors ill be established here, a- a part of the Institution, and through his efforts it is not improbable that his wishes in this respect may be gratified. i In tho department of Medicine and Surgery it has been the aim of the University to elevate the standard of medical attainments; and the high estimation in which this department is held by the medical profession and by the public at large, together with the largo number of students in attendance at each term cf lectnrcs, equal to if not exceeding in number that of arr other medical college in the United States, ia evidence that tonishment vonr letter recommending national honors to rebel whose invasion of tho North was stopped by deatti in battle on the Held of Autietaru. You say "A -strong local and individual feeling iii the neighborhood ot Antietam and other parts of Maryland, naturally en gendered by the invasion, may have created some indift'erenco in regard to the Confederate dead, and an indisposition to see them buried side by side with those who died in defence of our nui'um- filitv. But it.

is confidently believed that no such feeling pervades tho breisU of the American people, or ine surviving officers and soldiers of the Union Army." "When we iccall the generosity and moderation that marked the conduct of the people, tho Government, and the army during the war, nnu ine magnanimity that presided at its close; when we remember that our countrymen are now engaged in tho work of reconstructing the 'Union on the basis of universal freedom, and with an earnest desire to restore to the Southern States a prosperity infinitely oreater than that which slavery and rebellion consulted to destroy. It is impossible to believe that they would desire to make an iiividilotis distinction against the mouldering' remains of the Confederate or that they would disapprove of their being carefully gathered from the spotn where they fell and laid to rest in tho National Cemetery, on the battlefield ot Antietam. "Conquerors as we weio in that great struggle, our stern disapproval of the cause in which they fought need not forbid our admiration of the bravery with which they died They were Americans, misguided, indeed, and misled, but still our countrymen; and we cannot remember them now either with enmity or 1 have read these paragraphs twice and thrice, but a dimness, other than the film of age, obscures them to my vision. Il is in vain that I have 'wiped the spectacles of an old man, endeavored deliberately and clearly to see in your words a justification for the recommendation they make. -Two forms come between me and the printed page.

They stay there and will not move awnyv One of them is the figure of my eldest son, the Colonel Of the Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry as brave, devoted, and generous' a boy A3 ever filled a father's heart with pride, and made a mother happy. Ife covered his regiment a retrograde movement of a column of our army under in June, 18(34, fighting every rod of his way. Ife foil badly wounded. His men endeavored to carry him off; but, hotly pursued, several of them were killed or disabled. He told his Major to leave him and save himself and the command, and try to make a stand on the next height, and there gain time for the great wagon train ahead to escape -to tho James river.

My1 son was laid upon the grass beside the highway, his men obeying his' oulers to return to their ranks, and lerive him with the dead and wounded ot his regiment to await capture. The rebels soon came up, and, as 1 1 have been told, shot him again, when he lay holplpss oh the ground, stripped him of his sword, boots and clothing, and lef't-him naked to die. An old colored woman, living in the neigh-hocd, brought him 'water to drink while he was dying. The next day he was buried in her garden. Gov.

Fenton, the figure of this murdered boy so comes between my eyes and the text of your recommendation of national honors to the rebel dead, that I cannot see in it a reason from which fathers and mothers who love their children should not shock patriots who have loved their country, and have made sacrifices for it. There is, another figure, which makes filmy reading through my old spectacles My yotiugust son, a private in thq Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, who entered the army before ho was fifteen years of ago, was captured, at'. Sulphur Spring, when Meade fell back to one hundred and fifty-six of his regiment, one hundred and forty-two of whom afterwards perished" in prison. Twenty four of those who died went out in the Covode cavalry, from my immediate neighborhood all sons of my neighborsall objects ot inlercft and care to inc. 'After passing from one den of imprisonment and criiflty to another, they were finally immured with thousands of other unfortunates in the death pen of Anderson LigMeen tif of hunger and nakedness," exposure to' the seortching sun and the winter's freezing, did their work on these stalwart and brave men.

Many of them died idiotic, some of them feeld insane all the victims of a system of starvation and cruelty planned by demons' and executed by devils. My son's bodily vigor and resoluteness of spirit carried hiin through the horrors of with life left in him with hardly anything more. He is home again with his mother, and I have just leceived a letter from her urging mo to 'Wry another -doctor, fur he grows worse." But the energetic, intelligent, hupeful, self-reliant, bravo hoy, ho left rny house to fight the enemies of his country, has not returned to ine, and he never; will rtturrt'. I think that you ill Gnd that, in common with roe, hundreds of loyal men, whose hearts yet with wounds received iu the wi kd war the slaveholders waged agaiuxt tho nation's life, Lave beeu shocked aud outiaged by jour recommendation to do honor to the author of their sorrows and the workers of their countries woes. Had you served in the army, either in person or through a son, and presented your offinngof patriotism to your coun-try on the picket line or the line of pitched battle, you wouid never have made the heartless mistake you have, in what your biogiaphcr, writing your life, will call 'the' Antietam Lttter.

How much I with you had imitated the manly and sympathetic behavior of Governor Geary, 1 of Penns-ylvania, a soldier and statcsram, Some other features of interest iu con nection with tho University will receive attention at another time. "Nostuim." Ann Arbor, February 7, 1808. iHcuLvwHstrnftttsi. A I NISTR ATOR'S NOTICE. 1t ffrs'of Adpmiintrfitlnn tiavinrr liPn ernntpd to the urstli'rsiirnetl od tlie eufnto of Abraham Etfs tifcVI.

Inti- tif tjwiittip. notice i lurf-by given to all nerfloni fni1fttl to said ftat ti malm immciiHto av- nif-nt. nl till pfrsims luivinir cltiiun nsfitit the same will prrnr tW.nnift properly Authenticated fur Bettie- inour, to th uufiprsigm'd. i. TYSON, Administuittor.

February 12, 1S68V riniK ADVERTISERS' GAZETTE is the I only pnhlitMtion devoted to the interests of adver-tVrs an! publishers, and contain each month, Cni-plfe Usti f-f Newspapers ih nn or moro Ptfttes. nil new 5tarttl Bifpenaions. chntic-fl and rporti of mi-reJi-ihli tiai tie-. h-ive for throe vira kf-pt a liflt nil advertisers, and it ia very complete. To these, n.inies we aro fendin the G.U-tte, and the), in Qkimectini with its ttutisCi-iption and exphnnco list? utiikivtha ediflun dose lip'irt 7Vrt Thmts'ind OmiJ.

'Sftih- nciiptmn price $2. Advertising 50 aijd pur Hni. U. ULL CO rublwhurs, 40 l'ark How N. Y.

QTltAY SnEEP. Cameto Ihcpremi mo the in Kwx tw n1'ip, ome time in OCtutr last, r'lven head of sheep, wittt tho follow matks. viz Vxrt with th right ear cropped an pun' with hoth enra cropped and slit in the riht. No oiher mark. The owner rexneted to come forward, prove ty, pay charges and tske away, or tljfv will he -tpm 'd of according to law.

tMiitiavy 11, 3t S. J. nPAVEKN STAND FOR SALE I'lIK siihcriber offers for gale the valuable TA Mi M'ANf situate on tit- like lending from liroottvitlw liAi tild iHe. on' half mile fivin the bridge on Sand. t.irW.

The Imihl.ntr is a two stttrv frame, roomy and t'litnhit a tuibiic houM. Tbtir is a hirire talde and other out thereto, and an excellent dprinj; of cli-e i. th-j From one to five acres, or run re, et iht optiim tho purchaser, will be sold with Ok Imitdmg. TermM made easy. For full particular audit A.

February V- IskK'- ju-ynuiunvitto, rn. VOTICE In Iho District Court of. tha I'nited States for the "West urn IHstrict of I'en (tt the matter M. 11. McAnmch.

llankrtipt 1 mil- rsiiined herebv give uoliee ot his aptoiutnieiit tid Aialaiee oi II. McAutiiCh. of the township ot in-. l. cMinty of Jeff--1 and Stale of IVnusy'vauU, with itt 1'istiii't.

wh was, to wit On the 'Al day of A. 1., Itefi7. a.lj'i iji'd a liai krupt upon the petition of himself by the' iistri-t Court of the Uuitod Stated lor the Western Li.Hrict IVmif ylv-inia. jMted liroukvme, idih day ot February. A.

Jj). H. CLAKK, AA(iijiiee. lbrnary l'- It. AN I EI MEN AND WOMEN CIIIII.T1A.

CIIAKACTKU and all others so to act as Ajri-cs f.r the Pr.oliVher, fur liaud ill's book ot the lit. Jy entitled The Hand-Writing of God. litis new an I important bo-dt of titltiKmy to tlie pro phetfc truth oi the ltd is ready. One Agent re-ports seven rv live ortKrs in three Another PJiy, "Our -pke of it from the pulpit as invaluable to the in the Ftu ly of the Bible have two hundred and tdxiy orders so fcir." A-idivM. with stamp, lor dvacriptiv circular nd terni-i.

or appply in person J. V. Puhli-hers. 6s J-ifth ire--t, l'ittsburgh. I'a.

Fehruaiy 12, it ANTED 1,000 MEN and WO- MKM t'lofrKSiiif; o-t character and cuery enover auu iteuigfuce, to act ai cauvas31.n1 jor a-soriWot NEW ENGRAVINGS. nvt: jdkal amkhican facks, Y.X ived on stone in I'arw by the most eniiut l.ttl;o-iriitphti-' iu tho 8ti til. The faces, which are uiost beauti iut niyi poetic an denned to typify th'i i est ideal vp- it n-aiu Wuiuonbood. reiiresentiiif; their it iii- ot tti path tea. attachnieiit-i and heroism.

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1.0B13SSO.V. AT, i.s:t Maiii tpiingl.oid, iitA8. Ftbrur.ry t2 0 Rl'IIANS- COURT SALE. IV i.iir.i!.n.;-r of r.n order of the Orphan Court of .7 iter. th-re will be sold at Public gale, ou tho pr- tomes, al I oVIwk, H.

51., on gatm'dayt Marcl lttl), 1SGS, all th'i interest of Jacob J. MilUr, in fifty acies of Uml. in Oliver town-dup. cjuuty, bounded by l. I-ver-pike eat by Joseph llich (oU'U by tit-or-re and wel by beim.

30 or 35 aciW cartd ael in c'tivaiion, with one frame dw I Ir t- by tVet one twiw-tory traii.e priits tn'U and shop Iri by '60 feet; oue frante burn by 3 f--ft 1 fruit tn-en. and a gonl ewl bank tht-reon. The title to be od is tlie entire tee simple title, subject, however, to the payment of on-j-toui tli of ad tbe firaiu, buy and fruit, annually to Joseph durius hia nat-tsral and the Hurt her payment of lour hundn.d ckd-Urt aif-r the death ot tlie iid Jo--eph liochP to lite Itfeil ItKMS Jt' ALE: One-third inhand at confirmation of the sale; one-third inue year thcreitlter with interest, and the n-oiaiiiiUfC third ou the death of the widow of Jacob J- Miiter, the interest thercuu to ho pid h.r annually during her hie. BLNJAMIS SIOlINEY.Guardiatt- Febmary 11 S. Yallcr Forge Plov Works JOHN HALL JltXl'FACTl'BERS rLOWS, CULTIVATORS, SHOVEL TLOWS, IT.rrowi nd UNION MOWERS, Xo.

ll aud 13 I.lbrtj- S-, Corner Pitt, riTTSBliiGil, l'A. Our C'tior, pohnt Ww i trbtvmty IA 'T- in an Air mad. by V.H. IXCO.MK TAXES, 1SGS. S-tTici u-ier tin Lawj of rnitvd States, a- iBtW hy the a -f Vrrb -d, IxU.

ll prmnm are nuirvi to inake a--pt iction fr Lh vum b1 thr-ir turutt -f on or -v6re Warr-h lt of eh year. Tbe return of Icrome nd-1 aplteattiuc for enn be made at aty tiue ih 1st of Marrh. rh office ot tbe Aj-tlitBt A.f. in BrwkviHe.

lVniKxham thf and piact-a mentKnetl ielow. If tiv re lurus nr. tl ooA-ic lffcre March let. the Assi-t-aut Anew repir-4 tu mak then sad add the venalty. A- I.

UOKiMN a-MK4B4 Iweor. At ninimuwwH, od the lth aad anul mob of the 3bth Vryy MU At fh -1-t Wnnry At Kru. kkfi.Ie, on the i-th o( m-xt. At tTarinptnn, th th hroary nXt. At the 27th at fthnwy wxU At Ttm.

en th Th of rkroary wit BrwhllA reh. 4, tG-'A. Tht Keplklta Oin tartwavt Blank Rb4 iK. i-fr- wrtCarUv.Clrclar. Paasph let.

PrrT I in- kvl ni(-, and in tbf Mt xfif mxas wd ihsm. frftcen finr of Kaa Wxkj Main Street..

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