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Miami News-Record from Miami, Oklahoma • 7

Miami News-Recordi
Miami, Oklahoma
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SUNDAY NOVEMBER 10 1957 PAGE SEVEN MIAMI DAILY NEWS-RECORD MIAMI OKLAHOMA -7- 1 OUT OUR WAY 17777 OH Cook discovered Botany The bo tree or Tree of Wisdom 1770 naming it that be- is the sacred tree of India It is I My I winimlu North Cedar street Mrs Virginia: Electrical poNker needed to makei Captain 13otc was in chare cl the prograint CDraska Space 'a pound of aluminum skould heIlay in 1 "Ll ich included a hook review on enough to 101 the aVerage of "Secregation" presented by sh for a growing 1 ip'finder Put 'Clara Scholes of NOT A6Aio4 THIS FALL! -THE FLEETFOOTED STAR OF NESTEEAR AS -ro 50A H'S SON HOW HE TACKLEP WAY BACK WHEW AL-C11-1- tL I AZ P141 the many kinds of plants'one of the fig trees and is classed on the shores lin the mulberry family I COMMERCE Mrs Moreno Hale Correspondent 314 North Maple Street Phone 4011 Mrs Frances Anderson Phone 135 Agent di ni II 1 11 'n1 14 ill gi ul TO LEARN) SOLI VE rEJT 700 MANY NEARS ON THEx 13ENZH FOR 7-riAl 6ORT CE 1HNO? 7 1 11 2 '11 -----1 -----it 1 '-7-of 1::: i' if I i I 1 i -4-11- --) 1) ii' l' 4 -0 "A -I )------- i)i --I t)t 4 T-c 1 A (41" 141 I 1 cr ''-)4 I A ---7--- J-A 1 1 A1( (s i 11 11 I 24 A A- "'1 -1' ''''lit Al VL4 -i I 10 z4I 1 '4' 2 4 1 1-? A '''Nt 4i L1 I z4 I II 4 1 1 141 "Al :1 ft4- s4147 diN 414 -I---- VT ts-- A 1' f' 'r A (I i N'40' i n'' 1s 7' 'C''i'''''' I i Beautiful! Modern! Different! I volY 6RA 6 )(0: I 7- 1 I 4rrf f' 4'4i i ---7----- ii fit ') II ''1''' 44i 1 -(11 71 If -1t-- 4 -4 10 '11 -1 st i' 'tit' 11 le wiI CA AY CA Mid-Century Mrs Milne Allgood was hostess to members of the Mid-Century Mother's dub at her home 218 North Cedar street Monday evening Mrs Ruby Powers president conducted the meeting Mrs Roberta Lee presented the devotional Bible reading and Mrs Powers was in charge of the lesson study "What Is A Good Home?" A discussion period followed Plans vi ere formulated for the annual guest tea to be held Nov 11 Mrs Genevieve Gandy will be hostess for this event at her home 315 North Maple street Members also planned a Thanksgiving food basket for a need family )1 RAY 6RAY school subject Mrs Ralph and her co-hostess' Mrs Lorene White served refresh-! In mental hard i ments Members present were 1 Mrs Helen Rogers Mrs Vera Mc- KEARNEY Neb (UP)--A grain Fall Mrs Mary Haslett Mrs! buyer we Mary Jo Wheeler Mrs Ha ho threw Karney into an zel Baker Mrs Essie uproar when he claimed to he tanford Mrs Box Jean I talked with spacemen has been mbeaui i 'Mrs Estell Hallock Mrs Pat Hol-i confined liastings State Hos- n'tal -------7 and Mrs Clara Scholes 1 for mental treament I -'7-'1- 1 Methodist ChurA I Reinhold Schmidt 48 of Bak- 111 I "The Light of Life" is the ser-1 iersfield Calif was committed lursti 1 I fo (ti the us: worship Service this jieli encteothmepenst at i 1 has chosen stri Special music will hearing by the Buffalo Board of Mental Health action was taken on recom- 1 II I 11 oclock I ll 1 2 i I I mendation of two examining psy- felavtiunre kdTh at White '---i 7' '''-f oo all" nlay nght after a hearing by County 'Th it' chiatrists who a i that 's I The MYF Junior Fellowship will Schmidt as "in immediate need 4 li Ise at 6:30 o'clock preceding the of I cilia tic treatment" -4-p 'evening worship service at 7:30 i Schmidt an ex-convict who once -I Mid-week prayer service will be served a term for embezzlement held Wednesday evening begin- was ordered confined to the hos- 'rung at 7:30 o'clock pital for "an indefinite period for 1 CV 6RAY vo 0 11-f Baptist Church observation diagnosis and treat- service Sunday school will convene at ment" 19:30 an under the supervision of Authorities said they had re- club met Wednesday evening at the I Edwards The pastor the1 ceived information from his famhome of Mrs Wanda Russell 307 Rev Tom Cossairt will speak at ilY that Schmidt was suffering South River street the 10:40 am and 7:15 pm serv-' from seeming "instabilities" and During the business session con- ices today Lloyd Lee will direct demands on him from unidentified ducted by the president Mrs Jean the choir persons and "crackpots" Allgood plans were made to hold! Training Union will meet at Schmidt stirred considerable ex-a bake sale Nov 20 o'clock this evening with and touched off a major Refreshments were served to Hemphill in charge investigation Tuesday when he Mrs Ada Lee Haynes Mrs Wyila Christian Church raced into Kearney to tell of see-Sullivan Mrs Jean Allgood Mrs Sunday school will bsgin at a space ship parked on a Phyllis Vaughn and Mrs Maryi am with Harry Ring in charge) creek bottom southwest of the Jo Wheeler The club will meet! Is A Christian?" will be the City with Mrs Wyila Sullivan on Nov sermon topic at the 11 am serv-I He said the occupants of the 20 I ice ship four men and two women Phyllis Vaughn and Mrs Mary am with Barry Ring in charge' creek bottom southwest of the Jo Wheeler The club will meet i "Who Is A Christian?" will be the citY with Mrs Wyila Sullivan on Nov sermon topic at the 11 am serv-1 Ile said the occupants of the 20 ice i ship four men and two women 1 '11-1( I I I I 'I II i 1 1 4 4 '''--4 li 0 os-11 AY CA AY 1 ers Mrs Wanda Campbell Mrs Refreshments were served by! the hostess at the close of the' Ermalene Sill Mrs Wanda Rey 1 nolds Mrs Nova Webber Mrs meeting to 1NIrs Lois Smith Mrs Genevieve Gandy Mrs PggyThelma Lee and Mrs Jackie Peck Mau Iler Mrs Roberta Lee Mrs Home Builders Club Kathryn Cutlee Mrs Ruby Pow- The Home Builders Mother's we Extend This invitation for You to THE SIDING WITH CHARACTER WE ARE PROUD OF THE NEW LOOK WE GAVE TO THE ROHMILIER HOME ON i WE 1 A 1 II Cy e0Y ti -0t 0 do i ir4 1 903 Street Northwest 90 Solve Your Problem on Local and Tfts Long Distance "DOVER WHITE" USED WITH BLUE ROOF :1 A 4 NO71 ktertra MOIR nrtelle21 oni ATLsr rg0 Moor 1:::1 en11! lei I rilkis 4 110 GA Meeting The evening worship service' were friendly enough and invited The GA of the First Baptist i will begin at 730 o'clock with tile' him to have a look around inside church met with the counselord pastor Charles Hicks spthtking on the cigar-shaped craft The space-Miss Thelma Stanley Monday Pays to Serve God" Christian' men and women spoke German ternoon in the church basement' Endeavor will meet at 6:30 pm "and English he said with 12 members present Today will be "membership' The following officers were elect- day" in preparation for the two- NOT AN OCEAN ed: President Deli Ann Allgood week revival which will begin The Antarctic Ocean no longer vice-president Janie Moreland Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock' is shown on maps because the secretary-treasurer Nancy Thom- The evangelist will be Lincoln' Antarctic is a continent not an as community missions Susan York pastor of the First Christian ocean Early explorers were led Cunningham program chairman church at Alba Mo Bill Richyl into making this error by the fact Lorena Fogleman mission study" and Charles flicks will be in that the Antarctic continent is covchairman Carol Edding social charge of the song service ered with snow and ice chairman Linda Brooks assist-I News in Brief OTHER COLORS AVAILABLE ARE: Bamboo Ivory Ranch Brown Sheffield Grey Autumn Yellow Meadow Green 111( ilk NO ef-r let Us Quote You Prices! SN a MNIE'MgelmOMONwlem SEE THEM AT Sort Ars Bros Lumber Co Where Your Business Is Appreciated' Miami Cardin Picher 3 Complete Building Stores 111a1MIIMIIMMEI 7'73334 4tt 44 tii 1 ted' Quote Where Your Business Is Apprec 1 I SEE THEM AT doc eler01 ia '''t 'LL li: 7 1) let Us i Sanders Bros Lumber Co -4 1 Miami Cardin Picher il Prices IA fams" 3 Complete Building Stores 1': 'c McBRIDE TRANSFER STORAGE Dial KI 2-8438 114 NE 1 No Down Payment 36 Months I to Pay! I- ants Carolyn' Brooks and Patty ''1 Dowell reporter Lorena Fog le- man 1 I Refreshments of cookies and co- icoa were served I WSCS Meeting 4 i Members of the WSCS of the A Methodist church held their regu'i Aar meeting Thursday evening at the home of Mrs Peggy Ralph 205 igaftvolmsimZmararmanws 111111 Eel our trained professional packers and mov ens handle your move completely' So much easier for you! The reasonable cost will please you too' Estimate without obligation Ask about our survey service about our survey service Mr and Mrs Ralph Coltharp of Mrs Cornell Cochran and sons Caney Kam spent last weekend Steve Doug and Danny and Mr here with Mr and Mrs Leonard and Mrs Arlice Smith and family of Tulsa Coltharp and family 1 Mrs A Hallock visited her Willard Havens of Baxter daughter Mrs OVit Webb and visited Mr and Mrs Mr Webb at Ottawa Kan Mon-I Hale Thursday afternoon day and Tuesday i Dial KI 2-5507 For Want-Ad Taker Mr and Mrs George Moore and daughter Patsy Chilester of Fair-' land were dinner guests in the' home of Mr and Mrs Bill Amon- t-- ----r---- -7--- i 2rs 1 ette Wednesday Mrs Doris Hance made a busi- ness trip to Oklahoma City last week Recent guests of Mr and Mrs A Campbell were Mr and land were dinner guests in the home of Mr and Mrs Bill Amon ette Wednesday Mrs Doris Hance made a busi ness trip to Oklahoma City last week Recent guests of Nir and Mrs A Campbell were Mr and A Authorized Agents for WITH CHECKS! DR VAN HORN Colon Irrigation CHIROPRACTOR Trained Lady Technician DIAL Kt 2--2382 leeks Are Siili 41fr 1 4 li DR VAN HORN i Authorized Agents for I Colon Irrigation ROPRACTOR TraineCHId Lady Technician ---iik--z- ES iNC 1 '4a DIAL Kt T-2382 't) A '4 4 '4 1 4 i it! I tr 'l 1 t''''4''- o' 0 1 4--- 4r 4 '1 i'''' ''ii 4 1 A gr -'451 '''''''S i 'I: I it 01 1 I 1 4 i i '3 i 'g: 77' s' 'r i '''11 2 I I lig11'1111 I 1 11 1 11' :) t- ir --k -mit ''211 Ai tk'' 4 i '14 '40--: i -4 4 1 1 Vs i' -i 47- 4 re liech' A oiga -0 kA '44g4404 4 1' csisv A11t-n- It I afrs i '-'''i 14' s'y -of ot 1 1 --0' o' 06-4' 4j 1 A s4 M-- r'- 101 '(4'it'fi''1 $1 'f i tit 4 4 '4e 'T 4: 'I: tL 'i 'A 411 4 T-- -iP ti 41 tin i ze-4 if 01 0 i 1 7 l'11r ii'1L: 0 ''Itf' it 1'p! 5 i 4 7-4'e' A Itlillg '''''6161'1414trA 011 1 19 tV ii" 811'1141 '''S''' i 111'' 14atirrinn '3711 "--yt 1' 1 ''-'i tk-'' '--4 r' 01-- t' A- 44 i '1 9 "5- 451' '4 1 -tL ir A 4 4 "p-f i 4' 7" s'''' 2 'N A ''''4 4' c- 4 i 1-' Lt' '1 44 1 1 1::: l'" '1 -4 i 1 4 4 '4 4 1 (0-4'''V'4 4744 '1'6' 44'- 44)044414 Pb 1P5 I A L9' 441 4 '1: i 4 14 i(r4 -00- 's2' i -4'4 44'1 I )' 1 1a6'IriAlk -11'-1 'N '31 aghalimmumslISIMINIC011116 '710 44464t496' 7 'i '4 4 7 '''-jit 'L' r- "ont nooll ovizotiiAim t'1 tibutowexamaguatad 4 74 afipeozpo't7: 1 J- 'It "'TA ir '11614''' 4 I' i i --latl' mc i 1: Ay' ga' 14441 a' to :1:17 '111-1118gatitik: C''''4 om l'ieL i'l- 77 7 Pla A- -est iegtiezte tw 441 rIC- i 1 4 i r-L----- -ommwoo4 0016ennompo 1 t- V' v'l -omooc L'' i 4 4 IN' 4 1 gp t4 1 'Y siosti 1 6 lif A WU V46 Yeehx et 414' '0'4M4R' 4 4 5 4 '4: 1' oZ: 1 1:47 --C k- k5 1 1 7 tf '''''44- 1' 1 AARMAIONSINSeadindINUMMalb01101101dbOin 1 'ow you can Switch the Pitch a Million Ways I FLIGHT PITCH word in travel with your wheels on the ground The person you name must endorse the check to obtain cash This protects you and provides a receipt for payment New Face of the new Dynastar Grille to the exciting rear tall towers this Is the freshest style fashion In look of flight on wheels 8 Soo I 111 ve aicte P1411 you need to do is write your checks and mail them Think how many hours and steps you can save every month when you go to pay your bills New Miracle Ride Plus Buick Alr-Pols th outstanding Buick ride-engineering comes the new marvel of a ride on 4 cotumns of air Levelest smoothest most luxurious rids you've ever known I Cite lis Aise NIAYBE you've felt smooth transmissions before Maybe you've had obedient response before But take it from have never in oil your born days known anything like this Buick's Flight Pitch Dynaflowl This one switches the pitch a million smoothly thrillingly Thanks to a new infinite-pitch stator you get the most efficient ratio of engine power to rear-wheel turning on the American scene today The result: an exuberant feeling of aliveness a new sense of command unlike anything you've known before ut there's far more than brilliant performance in this '5S Buick It embodies more aircraft principles than any other car yet built It carries a new excitement in joyous new comfort in new nimbleness to the solid satisfaction of a new standard of Buick quality Want to bear more? See more? Do more? Drop in and guest-drive the glamorous B-ES Buick today nig lit Pitch Dynaflow standard on LIMITED and ROADMASTER 75 optionid at extra cost on other Series Air-Poise Suspension optionai at extra cost on all Series New B-12000 advanced as today's fuels will let auto engineering Buick's new Quadrajet carburetion up to 10 to 1 compression new brilliantly responsive power New Air-Cooled Aluminum Front Brakes conditioned" by 45 radial fins these extra-powerful aluminum brakes give smoother more positive stopping and longer lining-life (Standard on most models) They give you complete records of each payment you make and all income you deposit It is like having a personal financial secretary THE BEST PLACE TO BORROW-THE BEST PLACE TO SAVE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FREE PARKING LOT AT 11 A NORTHEAST THE BES TAKE ADVAN r--0 ffneudoire- 4 V' See TALES OF WELLS FARGO Monday Nights NBC-ri and THE PATRICE MUNSEL SHOW Friday Nights ABC-TV Central and Main 1 0 41 Pc 41 1 0 El ifli' 1 Central and Main When better automobiles are built Buick will build them 7E-3 ZI- I21717 1 0 r) 7'-711 17 sme 11E tv 1600P ta SIIIIIT TRY IT TODAY 11 IA Miami Oklahoma Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation SE4 YOUR AUTHORIZED BUICK DEALER 1 Ws.

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