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The Call from Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania • 1

The Calli
Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


I PERSONAL GOSSIP. II OBI LOCAL II NOTES BRIEF TOWN TOPICS. Little Itoms of Local Happenings Tnat May Interest You. nil fSMIS What Some of Your Prlends Are Doing. Visitors Entertained.

i nrii i Mi rHvm i itomc Breezy Little Paragraphs From All Sections of Old Schuylkill. Three Little Items of Interest to Every One of Our Readers. 1 I I I I Ml 0 I IHH1IJ Days The trolley motormen and con auctou aonned their summer Mr. and Mrs. George Gerhardt, of Centre avenue, spent several days very pleasantly with friends in Phila uniforms.

Special Sale The Best and Most Interesting Rev. Dr. Weigand, of Trinity Evan Personal Paragraphs About People delphia. News of the Week Entertainingly Told in a Few Terse Sentenoes. I.

B. Heim returned from a fishing trip to Elkton, well laden with fish. You Know Happenings of the Week Condensed for Quick Reading. gelical churoh, preached a most eloquent sermon to Jere Helms Post No. 27, and Lieut.

S. A. Losch Circle, G. A. Sunday evening.

There was a good attendance of the members of the Post and Circle and the church COMMENCING WEDNESDAY, MORNING, MAY 27TH. unver and Robert Swartz spent I I D. W. Sohaller of Auburn had D. Bert.

8. Clouse of Cressona aud Every dollar you deposit I inv At 8:30 o'clock, and will be several days with Pinegrove friends. Miss Anna Von Nieda, of Reading, was entertained by friends in town. Miss Maine Deibert, of Union A. Wildermuth before Squire Mo Miss Anna Florence Bitzer of town .9.

y-N SB 1. 3 was crowded. The choir and mixed quartet rendered a number of patriotic anthems. witn mis omnanv state Oabeat Pottsville to secure $33.50 continued on Thursday and were married on Wednesday May 20 I earn 3 per cent, interest, I ed by at the parsonage, by Rev. D.

M. which Schaller advanced Wilder math to pay for a Western trip. Friday. gave a social to a number of friends and acquaintances Monday evening. Moser, pastor of St.

Matthew's Lu annually, I The male choir of Grace United Evangelical church rendered several selections at the Sunday evening Store open Friday evening While the Palo Alto bridge is closed theran church. A canital nnri enrnts II Miss Eva Pinegrove K.v. vi a very enterprising teamster is reap Miss Katie Moyer, of Philadelphia until 10 o'clock. Store closed was pleasantly entertained by friend service in a manner which brought nearly $500,000.00 1 afleot- ing quite a harvest of shekels from returned home after spending several Is3 () RS I i all day Decoration Day, Sat here. Mr.

and Mrs. Win. F. Bensinger yum tuw in wm I tu I passengers traveling between Port them congratulations from all sides. It was the first time they have sung weeks among friends here.

ut 1 as I mm vn mnnw I on Carbon and St. Clair. He says that urday, May 30th, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sprenger moved Prospect Hill, enjoyed a drive he doesn't care if the bridge is never on Sunday evening, as they have been organized only a short time.

here from Jalappa. through the county Sunday. Write for tho I llllllllil opened. to give our employes the benefit of Mrs. John Huy and daughter Fred.

Zimmerman and Tiny Epler uv man, wm The united church choirs of town Ashland is threatened with a water MM I 'III HO Maude, were among visitor to tho drove to Hamburg on Sunday. the holiday. Many goods will be offered in this sale at retail for less famine. county seat. Dr.

A. H. Detweiler, of Branchdale which will render several patriotic anthems at the memorial services tomorrow, have been meeting for TheRoadiugRailway Company has than some merchants can buy goods Dann-1 Kline of Cape Horn, who visited relatives here on Sunday DCUM fTnnnT I morning. was killed on the Pennsy on Sunday- .1 i. at wholesale.

If interested in bar gain sales, in Wash Good, 'Silks practice in the United Evangelical recently received and put into service 300 new freight cars. They were built at Berwick. sk mm if)'; was buried last week at Pottsville Squire Moyer and family spent the church under the leadership of Prof. Prints and Ginghams, Domestics babbath with Mrs. Mover's sister D.

M. Wagner, trustee, was funera director. The County Prison statement for Schwenk. The Pinegrove brass band has been who lives above Cressona. April shows: Expenses 'Squire Moyer, our borough tax Jidward Beck is improving his engaged by Jere Helms Pest.

G. A. Sales, Aver- collector made a payment on his 1901 property on Garfield avenue. and Linens, you will find better bargains here during this three days' sale than you have ever seen before. Note the following specials: We start this sale in the Wash 2 I A mi duplicate, rhos.

Bast has been on the sick ige number of prisoners daily, 1S2. iverage daily coBt of maintenance, i rnn ru list. Miss Carrie H. Hoy, of Landing-ville, aud William C. Muxworthy, of ii I I iifi ll i Km Deluding warden's table and juve- for Memorial Day.

A deed has been placed on record from Wm. D. Boyer et. al. to Emma C.

Folk for premises in Port Clinton. Ex-Chief Burgess Mill of town has registered as a candidate for Poor Geo. W. Maberry has been number I Histor ile department, 13 meals for jury Allentown, were wedded at the home ed among the invalids. Goods Department with something I men and BO special diets, Miss Rebe Kehoe was a Pottsville over twenty-five thousand yards of I of Mr.

and Mrs. S. D. Deibert, at the former place, by Rev. H.

A. Weller. Goods manufactured Rag earpet A full line of J. visitor. Director subject to Republican Rules.

901jj yards; ingrain carpet, 81 yards: Misses Myrtle Eiler and Edith Coats and Willimantic 1 All Too Great Risk. the best assortment of Wash Goods ever shown in Pottsville, at prizes averaging from one-third to one-half less the real value. We will show these immense lines on large I Lebo, of town, visited friends in Pottsville. Spool Cotton, at whole The In almost every neighborhood some ticking, 122 yards; half hose, 803 dozen. Since May 1st theReading Railway Company received from Balwin's all I (ailied A 1 L.

one has died from an attack of colic sale and retail. Thos. Hamer of Pottsville visited or cholera morbus, often before meJi In the evening the Orwigsburg band serenaded the couple. They will make their home at Allentown. The Palo Alto correspondent to the Pottsville Chronicle recently contributed this item: Edw.

Caffrey, of Schuylkill Haven, Lawrence Farrel of Philadelphia, and John Quinn, of New York, were visitors here Sun his father-in-law, 'Squire Moyer. TIM counter centre of the store, and the entire half of our large Dress cine could be procured or aphysician P. T. HOY, Schuylkill Haven. summoned.

A reliable remodv for As To Advertising. Au authority upon the subject sizes up as follows: "You send your the new switching engines ordered, and eleven freight locomotives. Twenty-five more locomotives are still to be delivered. Will Riley has left the employment of Barber Howard Butz and will work these diseases should be kept at hand. The risk is too great for any Transferred to Home Office.

day and called on their boyhood lollar for a year's subscription to one tafce. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has nenry Burton, who has filled the nery neH vein of Counl ducted teacherfl in to will Orwigjfl after shl 7 o'clocM your favorite paper. You think of it position of district manager for the American Relief Association here for Beveral years, has been transferred companions, J. H. Cook and Bernard F.

Connors. They played marbles together on the flats at Schuylkill Haven 49 years ago. undoubtedly saved the lives of more people and relieved more pain and suffering than any other medicine in use. It can always be depended upon. For sale by all Druggisst.

at the Bchuykill Haven coal storage yards. The Pennsylvania Railroad last week removed the Western Union Telegraph Co's property from its sys-lem. More than 20,000 poles and 25,000 miles of wire, valued ut 800,000 were wrecked. The average real estate agent who to the home office of the company and will resume his new duties upon the first of the month. This is a marked promotion and one which he lias small houses to rent receives c.

richly deserves because of his faith- us GREATLY ALARMED. district, having been several prize winner within short periods, beBting agents all over the Middle many curious commuuications from muanta In tht office of a certain ageill UUUg.UB UT4 wall is a letter, of which the following isan exact copy: "Pleas send someone to fix them seller steps rite of. My wife near fell down them last nite and like to broke her dam neck." By a Persistent Cough, but Permanently States. Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr.

H. P.Burbage, a student of law The local business of the A. R. A. is looked after by James A.

Roan of Irl in Greenville, S.C. had been troubled for four or five years with a continuous cough which he says "greatly W. A. Helms, the Cressona painter 9 GIrard Estate's Vast Riches. The inspection by Board of City Trusts of the Estate's vast mining iuterests in the Schuylkill region shows remarkable develope-ment.

Many new coal veins, opening up millions of tons of the best hard coal in the world, have been tapped aud tunuels are being driven to cut others. A number of collieries have been leased at large royalties to coal companies, thus greatly increasing the income from the estate. Hun-dredhs of thousands of young trees have been planted on the big watershed, and the timber interests therefrom will in coining years be worth milliouBof dollars. House! town, who is the general agent, and the announcements are made through the advertising and news columns of The Call. and paper hanger last week celebrated his 60th birthday, but is still as active and as full of jolly good larmed me, causing me to fear that was in the first stage of con 121 with satisfaction and with patience.

Your money's worth is not sent you post-haste in an hour after your check is received. It is served up to you in each issue. You would be surprised to have the publishers de-liver-you 52 copies the first day not that money out as an investment for a year's return in news. You know that most of the events which will go to make up the year's news have not transpired. You expect to take it in installments, and the best of it may come at the end of the year.

It could not be otherwise. You do not even question it. "You invest your money in advertising your business. After the copy is placed and the ads begin to appear iu print, you begin to watch grudgingly for You expect them at once. You get impatient and express your opinion that advertising is a lottery anyway, etc.

The results begin to show gradually. You give the credit to everything else before you de the advertising. If your advertising outfit does not come back triple iu results in less than a year, you consider the money wasted." You would have had that much business, anyway. How do you know? Does this hit you? Did you ever stop to think of that?" humor as he was a score of years ago. Wanted Young men to prepare for sumption." Mr.

Burbage, Having seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised, concluded to try it. Now A party of Lehigh Valley officials Government Positions. Fine openings in all departments. Good salaries. Rapid including General Passenger Agent Charles S.

Lee, Division Passenger cad what he says of it: "I soon felt Agent A. W. Nonnemacker and In promotions, rixaminatious soon, particulars Free. Inler-Stato Cor. 89-1811.

dustrial Agent F. C. Burnett last a remarkable change and after using two bottles of the twenty-five ceut size, was permanently cured." Sold by all Druggists. week made a tour of this part of the Valley system. The Best Liniment.

"I have derived great benefit from See our Iron Bedsteads before you buy. C. G. Wagner Co, John Riley of Prospect Hill left on Goods Department will be given over to Wash Goods for this sale, which will be one of the largest Wash Goods Sales we have ever had. Lawn Three thousand yards fine Lawns, big assortment of colors and patterns, regular 5c.

value, at 3c. a yard, Batiste Over six thousand yards of fine Batiste. 27 inches wide, big assortment, including polka dots in light and dark colors, regular 8c. value, at 5c. a yard.

Batiste About fifteen hundred yards of plain Batiste, 30 inches wide, in gray, tan, red, light blue, pink, regular 10c. value, at 5c. a yard. Batiste Another big lot of Batiste, about two thousand yards, beautiful range of colors and patterns, Dresden effects, fancy stripes, regular 10c. value at 5j4o.

a yard. Irish Dimities Imported stuffs, big assortment, regular 25c. value at i2'ic. a yard. Dotted Mulls Big assortment of colors and styles, some new effects in black and white, and gray and white, also plain colors, including black, regular 18c.

value, at i2c. a yard. PRINTS AND GINGHAMS. Thousands of yards of Dreos ginghams, Percales and Prints to be s0'Jd in this sale at one-third and one-halftess than the regular price This will ke one tlle greatest monev saving opportunities ever offered. Being in the heigh th of the Summer season, makes it doubly interesting to all shrewd buyers.

27-inch wide Seersucker, in stripes and plain colors, never been retailed for less than sale price, 5 c. a yard. Standard Prints, warranted fast colors in Indigo Blue, silver grey, black and white and fancy colors; sale price, 3c a yard. LINENS AND DOMESTICS. Three days special sale of merchandise at startling low prices, which means money saving to the consumer.

1 lot White Pique, regular 20c. value; sale price 120 a yard. Potters 5-4 Table Oil Cloth, as-sortid patterns, strictly first quality, no seconds, regular price 18c; sale price i2c a yard. the use of Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism and lumbago," says a trip to England to visit his parents. Snyder's Novel Proposition.

Representative Charles A. Snyder has sent a novel proposition to State Rev. and Mrs. D. F.

Kostenbaeer are visiting friends and relatives in Mrs. Anna Hagelgans, of Tuckahoe, N. J. "My huBband used it for a sprained back and was alsi quickly officials at Harrisburg who have Williamstown aud Mauch Chunk. A Perfect Com.

Auburn 3-16-1903, Mr. Geo. Berger, Dear Sir The Rocker Washing Machine is a perfect gem. My little girls ages under consideration the building of a Oliver Slruna, of Franklin and 20,000 bridge acroBS the Schuylkill relieved. In fact it is the best family liniment I have ever used.

I would Marshall College, spent several days with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Struuck. of town. not think of being without it.

I have 7 and 9 done all tho washing bofore recommended it to mauy and they a Iway speak very highly of it and declare its merits are wonderful." Geo. Maberry and wife of Phila delphia visited relatives here. River at Auburu. It is asserted that the only purpose of the bridge is to reach a couple of farms, the value of which Snyder says is only $15,000. In the interest of economy, Snyder suggests, on behalf of the County Commissioners, that the State purchase the farms, thus doing away with the necessity of a bridge.

DOj I PA BUI For sale by all Druggists. A deed has been recorded from time for school. No more use for the washboard nor (or the old stylo washer. Yours Respectfully, Elliott Byerly. P.

Section Foreman. 37-3t. The Pottsville Union Traction with the consent of the P. R. Co and Palo Alto Borough, has begun to Amelia Henry to Clinton Confehr for 'C.

C. Moyer, the Orwigsburg Manager Haussmann Will Stay. The news comes from Pottsville that Manager Hausmau of the Academy of Music has refused the numerous offers of similar positions elsewhere and will remain with this popular playhouse another season. This is good news to Mr. Hauss- premises iu Schuylkill Haven.

watchmaker, has a novelty iu the A snapping, snarling, good-for-no form of a clock which is the only thing dog, supposedly mad, was shot in Spring Garden on Sunday by Rudy piece of mechanism of its kind in existence. It was a grandfathers' clock which struck the hour only. He has however reconstructed it and maun's many friends and the numer Moyer. E. P.

Koch attempted to A Farmer straightened Out. "A man living on a farm near here came in a short time ago completely doubled up with rheumatism. I ous patrons of the Academy down shoot the animal, but his revolver in this section. Mr. Haussmann de missed Are and he only saved himself from bMng bitten by snatching handed him a bottle of Chamber- it now shows the date, day of the week and half hour, and on Sunday repair the bridge between Palo Alto and Port Carbon.

Contractor Simmons expects to have the structure open for traffic by next Wednesday. Good steady work for eight steady girls. Permanent employment guaranteed. Baker Bros. 34-tf serves the reputation of being the best theatrical manager in this part of the State, which he has earned by up a door mat aud beating the dog lain's Pain Balm and told him to use it freely and if not satisfied after off with it.

dint of extra efforts to please the en morning a ngure appenrs witn a Bible in hand and a church bell rings The figure again disappears in the evening and is not seen for another week. It is ingeniously constructed using it he need not pay a cent for it," says C. P. Rayder, of Pattens Mills, N. Y.

"A few days later he tertainment loving public and his courteous and attentive attitude toward every one with whom becomes in contact. walked into the store as straight as a Harry Von Nleda Injured. On Tuesday May 19th Mr. H. J.

VonNieda, a sou of D. S. VonNieda, of this borough, was the victim of a terrible accident, as a result of which and is well worth seeing" says the Give us a call before pure basing your furniture. Our prices will surpriso you. C.

G. Wagner Co. string and handed me a dollar say- Orwigsburg News. inirs, 'give me another bottle of fd Pain Rnlrn. want Mr.

Joseph Pominville, of Still it waB feared he might loose his uauiuiiu.u it in the house all the time for i cured For sale by all Drug sight. The young man was assisting in shaking carpet when a carpet tack HiRl gists. water, after having spent over $2,000 with the best doctors for stomach trouble, without relief, was advised by his druggist, Mr. Alex. Richard to try a box of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.

He did so, and is a well man today. If troubled with indigestion, bad taste A change of time table went into effect on the Pennsylvania Railroad which had not been removed bounded up and struck him in the left eye, penetrating both the lid aid the outer coating of the eye, inflicting a most dangerous wound. Mr. Von-Neida has placed himself under the 11010-4 iapesuy four colors, red, green, brown and blue, never made to sell for less than sale price, $1.4.9. 1 lot 12-4 Cardinal Table Covers with fringe, strictly fast colors, regular $2 value, sale price 98c each.

on Sunday. The only change is the taking off of the evening train from Postmaster Shindel Of Tamaqua returned from a trout fishing expedition in Sullivan County bringing some spreckled beauties that measured 1912 inches long. Hoy's Coffee Baos-Look out for empty bags of Hoy's Reina, Montana, Riva, and Cafetal Coffees. They are worth something utP. T.

Hoy's up-to-date grocery. 2t All Styles and Prices of Furniture at C. G. Wagner For sale. A lot fronting 83 ft on St.

John St. and 108 feet deep to a 12 ft. private Fruit Outlook Poor. One of the most successful fruit growers in this sections states that the fruit outlook is very poor. The peaches, cherries, plums, apricots and pears were partially ruined by the heavy frots and the drouth has i bout completed the destruction.

The early strawberries will be a complete failure, the late varieties will 1 imperfect. The lookout for apples is very poor, many trees that blossomed profusely were nipped by the frosts. Most farmers took advantage of the Blight rains last week and early thiB week to do their planting but more rain is greatly needed. Philadelphia that reached here at care of Dr. Geo.

R. Rohrar, of Lan 10.47 p.m. and putting on a solid vestibuled train leaving Philu. at caster, for treatment, who has hopes that the sight of the eye may be in the moutn, lack of appetite or constipation, give these tablets a trial, aud you are certain to be more than pleased with the result. For sale at 25 cents a bottle.

Mc rait saved. Mr. VonNeida's many friends, as well as himself are anxious that such may be the case. He is resting as comfortable as can be expected. Ephrata Review.

11:50 p. m. and stopping, on flag, at Schuylkill Haven at 2.37a. m. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.

They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by all Druggists. A. Loeb, of town, trainmaster on the Pennsy P. E.

Division, is enjoying a week's vacation that was due him from 'ast suminor, the heavy FOR SALE The MuCaffrey hotel property in Spring Garden. Sell cheap alley situated between the properties of M.W.Qn inter and John Palsgrove. A splended building site for a large house or 4 smaller houses. 'Squire H. Goas, Agent, Sept.

1 Schuylkill Haven. Uos. ioo, 102, 104 S.Centre St. C. GEO.

MGR. Mr. VonNieda was formerly editor and proprietor of Thk Call and has a host of friends who sincerely hope i for his complete recovery. traffic over the division having deprived him of a part of his holiday a eu account of settliug of estate. Apply to G.

Huy was a visitor to Leb- Wm, anon. R. J. MoCaffrey, or J. B.

Reilly, Att'y. year ago..

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