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Lewisburg Chronicle from Lewisburg, Pennsylvania • 3

Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ing extent, in Lewisburg, the number of -1 1 New Arrangement properties. Railroad companies are to amentble to tbe provisions ot this esses being stated as high as three score Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of ao order of ilic Orppans' Ceurl of Onion eannty.the Real Eitste of Valentine Bead, late of Whit. ni.b,lntnn nf I.rtna..hln. J.

i and tou.r Now, therefore, be it knowi CO that in Lewisburg there has not bem a The Oash Baaia tabliehed. The Farmers' Club of Buffalo Valley. A society with the above title was formed hst Friday evening, at Hcnniog's School Uouiso, in Buffalo township (fur proceedings, sec last page in tc-luy's paper). Wo rejoioo in the formation of such a sooiety, for the benefits 'arising from it eouoty, dee'd, will be exposed to pobllo sslr un the premises in said towtshipe GOODS CHEAPER ra SATURDAY, FEU. 17, 1872, commenting at 1 e'eloek P.

the following described K.VAL ESTATE I A certain TRAOT OF I.AXIL I. ikii. Cnuwoiirg Cjpnirle. PriSy" Afternoon, Jan. 19, 1872.

B)Tbi'fl. eeijli-c 6pt-uoe 6fk 1t. iy Trains leavo Lewisfe-urg for tb Junction with U.iThlladorphUi iirie MaUrond follow, i AITWABD. A.M.) WaiTWARB. 9.

M. Look lluveu Acoum B.25 Look Hmmi Aoowd.4.00 Mull. W.00 Erie Bxpr.ii...... fl. Sunbury Aoo'a 0.36 a.H, Trains leave fur Loobiol, Viokibnrg and Mifflin-burg at 11.15 A.


REMOVAL I HOOD, BONBRIGIIT CO. HAVE BEHOVED TO THEIR SPACIOUS AND SPLENDIDLY LIGHTED New Store, TUK LARGEST IN THE CITY, Nos. 811, 813, 815 MARKET STREET, AND Nos. H00, 808, 810, 812 FILDERT STREET, PHILADELPH IA. They extend a cordial invitation to their Friends and to tbe Trade throughout tho UnioD, to call md see their new establishment, aod to examine their immense stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods.

x5april7 THAN EVER. AND Ji st ARiivro racM tai cit and uk'ulit lot. may (and we hope will) I.g great, not township, Union county. containing IwcnD-twn acres and forty-two perches, adjoining lands of Dati.l Moyer, David Kamiey, m. L.

Reefer et al, wbnooii erected a gooo uhillihu HUUria, a Barn suited tbe quantity of land, and all necesaary outbuildioua. Well of never faiiine- W.f, .1 (k. Splendid Dbied Fiioit. withstanding its cntiro JiLuiiiu noise, pomp or display. Whilst Agricultural Societies, holding annual frirs may be beneficial in aomo decree, the benefits Cheap act.

As very moon misoblef has been done by selling grass seed, fonl with ail these nod more wild seed, pen on who knowingly or even inadvertently do so should be brought within the scope of this act. If we mutt have a Legislature, they might as well as not pus auch an tot. The next term in all departments of the University at Lewisburg, will commence on next Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1872. Among the patents recently granted is one to Thomas Church, of Lewisburg, for a Clover Hnller and Cleaner.

Jeri. 25 is the anniversary of Bcbtrl Barns' birth. What a bore it ii to converse with a man who talks to Jow a tone that you can nqt make out one word-hi hulf a dosen, and you are compelled to have him repeat every sentence or get ust enough of bis Btory to make it unintelli- Canned fuit Jjcwifxirg, CjfJ 0 P) ID 4 singlo case for several years, is not now, and we have reason to belicvo will not be, this winter. We believe Milton is entirely free from ll; if so, the nffliotiou is not within ten miles of us. The Sunbury Gazette learns that engineers are employed in layiog out a railroad, on the other Bide of tbe terminato opposite Sunbury or Northumberland, to connect tho one plsoe or the other, with tho object of a connection with the Pa.

Central at It ii being projected under the auspices of tbe latter company. Very glad to hear that, for the completion of that route will be a harbinger oi its extension to Lewisburg and West Milton. Another line of railroad between Northumberland and the Catawissa Railroad at or near Milton Spring acoesslbls, near the house. There Is als sn Orchard of youag Apple Uses and other Pruit Tre bearing fruit of the choicest seleetl-m. There is 011 said premises sufficient tvoadland for rails aud Ore-wood.

Bald tract is situated miles west of Hew Columbia, miles from Milton aud mile. Iroro Lew-liburg. School-bouse on line of said land. Mill, Church and Store convenient. Terms of sale will be made known on day of sale by arising tnercirom may bo greatly enhanced by tbe organization of collateral associations, although in no way connec ted.

At tne meetings ot such Fresh Canned OYSTERS EVERY WEDNESDAY SATUBDAY. NBW 1OT8 OF J.C. NISBIT, Treasnrer A So pi' J. M. JOS.

U. IS BIT, president. j. D. DlFrlNDKItKBIt, Hes'y Oea, Agt.

ters really essential to ibe farming interests are discussed, and cxperimenls by its members reported, which cannot foil Public Salo of Real Estate SWEET OTATOES to produoo valuablo result. s3 WESTWARD. MAILTBAIN Leaves Philadelphia i. Lewisburg arr. atKrie BRU BXPRU8S leuves Philadelphia Lewisburg BLMIRA11AIL leaves Philadelphia it ii Lewisburg rt.

it Lock in Ten WILL be offered, at Public Sa on the rem! sea, ou Saturday, January 27, 1872, at 1 oleek P. in acoordance witn tbe pre-arrange menls of the prelim in htv meeting, the 0. 20 p. 1. uo a.

a. 40 p. 1 a Jiu p. 7.16 p. ft 7.40 a.

7.60 a. at 6.03 p. 7.66 p. EVEB.Y WEEK. PRIME 4.07 Club met at tho same Tuesday evpiiiDg.

The office of Vice President (which was not voted upoD) was filled by electing X. Brown, of Buffalo. A Constitution nas adopted and signed by the members present, when the (mention appears to be a necessity. At the former Country Butter constantly on hand. a FARM containing about (X) Avrss, or less, olesred, wltb30aorrs of Wool Lund, aJ'olnlng lands of James Authors, George Buhl, aod others, nil neon Frame ouse, Bank Barn, aud three good Springs of oever-luiliug water, m6 p.

EAST LEWISBURG Saw and PManing Mills. fPUE BAHr Lewisbubu Lumueb fc Manufacturing having recently I re built nod greatly eularsed tlielr Mill and Shops, added new aud Improved Machinery, and In all other respect incresl their faailiUes, are now prepared to manubuture aud iurutsh FLOORING, SIDING, SASH, Doom, Blinds, Brackets, Mouldings, Verandas, Scroll Work, AND ALL OTUIR K1KDS OF PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL WOOD WORK used in buildiD. gible. Woald it not be batter to speak out and be done, rather than occupy time point, roads are centreing from all directions, and at Milton there are two. with and patience in retailing a story in a half sn, a Sunning Stream of water through the uiiJi! lithe farm.

Alio, a You or Orchard, l'lin MAQARA EXPUKS8 leaves Philadelphia t. Lewleburg utt at Williaiusport ACCOMMODATION leaves Sunbury Lewisburg arrive at Renavo BAST WARD. MAIL TRAIN ItaveaBrla Lewisburg arr. at Philadelphia BBIEBXPREB6 leaves brie Lewisburg arr. at PlitlHdelpbla BLMItlA MAIL leaves Lurk ilvn Lewisbura Buffalo hall a mite from mill sod ho-M.

SuOAHS OF KVEKY BKAC-Di St'ilUPdFOR BATING A BAKInCt. PUKSKUVES, PICKLES, Cfl for discussion was opened by J. liODRNBAiMH. He orgnod that lime facilitated the growib of crops, and although its applioatiou at times disappoint vouuiiions tu-ue Known on ire day 01 sale, an-: will very favorable ia time lor purchaser. Fur mrther uarllcnlars refer-up in iH.

whisper. 4 Persons who cannot elevate their voice in on audible manner ought to carry a alate or shot up. Abeut this hunt np your tomato seed-. 7 w- r- A gilt-edged, 18-karat wedding took. ARtNB W.M'CLShLAN, oo the UAKY L.

It A I Munry. a.iW p. 10.34 6.60 p. but ono artery between the two points. Moreover, trade for a railroad on tbe west bank of tbe river is heavy and constantly increasing.

Union Furnace ships a great amount of inn, which baB now to be ferried aorosB the river and a boom is about being completed, and when dune, no doubt but saw-mills will spring up on tbe Union county side, addition to and FOR SALE a Two-story Fruine H-lpbla They are also extensively engaged la the msnnlaetere of SCHOOL CHURCH SEATS ELEGANT TUKK15U l'llUNES. ed us in the general principle is not a failure. Lime is of aucb a nature that it will go down, and wo lose a large per contage. Its apptioatioa to wet, undraincd land is labor lost. If lime is applied in connection with stable manure, the former takes up the ammonia of DWELLING HOUSE Why -iup BTerjbodj Imy onr Floor place ia Danville, the ether day.

Brussels carpet was laid from the bride's res -idenae to the church (on the opposite side SITUATE ON NORTH TU1RD NEAR MARK EX, Cok-bratod I'lihiog Creek BUCK Witt AT J-XOUR. for further particulars Inquire of 11. RAWN 4 SON, at tbo tho logs taken from the river, there re. of tbe street,) io which the ceremony Was tne latter too rapidly. is ottcn con- FKKD AND GRAIN.

CENTRAL CONl-ECTIONEBi- BAKBlty, Constantly on baud Joist, Scantling, Studding, Suinoles, Lath, Ac. ba. HILL TIJIBEE GUT TO ORBMJl.i All Lumber used far manufacturing purposes seasoned and thoroughly kiln-dried, and dallrered la Lewis-bnrg, or bridge lulls deducted. Bills Oiled with alspateb, and all work warranted. Plans, Speclfloalious and lit i watts for buildings furnished when desired.

East Leirinburg, July 27, 1871.xtf LUMBER MFG. CO. Mai) Bast con seta east and welt at Erie With I. S. A II.

S. H. W. and at Coiry anil Irvioeton with Oil Crrek ami Allegheny -i. K.

W. Hull West wlih weit bound trains od L. 8. H. B.

B. W.and at Oorry mud Irvinetun with Oil Creek and Al-ogheuy K. K. W. Caiawieea passenger trains will be run east from Wllllaraeport oa.

r.rlo xiria, and wMltg William- mains a vast amount of good timber in demned by farmers who do not properly the interior, which would bo brought out aPP'y l(s application to plowed ground to "go off," and the bride realised more spoons and things than Bon. Butler ever No good a sold without coll a torn I iu- Opposite Cameron's Mew Block, the Stock and Fixtures my. It wou'd be a good arrangement to. if it could be got to market. Tho grad- 1B b0tl0ll0ial- condition of the lime, ins: of the road between this dI.m cr slaked or unslakcd.has given rise have all the streets of that eity of oioders- sport on Bimira mail.

Vm.a. BALDWIN, Geti'l Bvp'U E. J. WALKER. Possession given to 1441iir Catawissa crossing, would bo very light.

Would it not bo well lor the citizens of pavod with Brussels carpets. We know of no spot of earth where such fabric would lie to better advantage. AND I'KODltE MAiikKT. Lewisburg and others interested to oall a meeting, and talk over tbo feasibility, teunabiua Cljurcljariu 0.9. CaUnbaf.

aa-WereipectlullyaakCiergprnen and Super In ten denls lomtilj uiol enyibBi'pi-ain their eeH lee bonre Ail PTIST Rev. Hubert Lotory, JWor. Regular ttrwieer bunduy. 104 A and 7 M. Lecture and prayer Meeting UiUuttdag etn.tit Aabbalh WitM, l'A p.

Mi Uev. Robert Lowry. aup't. CBKIStlAN.Kld.J. Rodeubaufh, Itutor.

Regular The Jersey Shore Herald is down on Corrsctko Weekly ar Walls, Smith tt Walls Bbahs White Marrowfat, 00 VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PR1TATB SALE. fpHE undersigned, Executors of tlio esute of Uugh Al'Laugblln, latu of Lewisburg, uee'd, offer, at private sale, the late resldencu of taid deceased, eoniistlog of a Ualf Lot of Ground, siiuatrd on Market street, (opposite tho Presbyterian churcti), on which are ereeted a Briek Dwelling lluuie, tlftice, and suitable Outbuildings, all iu aood ordor. suounor (Juuinon Butter Prime, per in KoUs.freih ...26 "patent outside' and treats them to tbe following dose: "We tCoeive do less than Tout' papers' containing the same to considerable discussion among agriculturists. He favors its application in a caustic atate. Wm.

X. Brown never used lime, and therefore was not prepared to give an opinion. He thought tbit whatever benefit lay in lime as a fertilizer was owing to tho plaster it contained. Ho did not value lime as a manure. Jisse Cornelius would not line to risk the application of caustic lima on oorn ground.

Kxperienae taught him that it has a tendency to dry up the ground, and is consequently more especially so in a dry season. advantages, of this route 1 Let something be dono. Drive a wedge of Borne kind iu to open the subject. It is a msttor of muoh importance, a matter that will eventually be aooomplished, and Uaaasa Dairy, per 13 factory, per lb 20 Koas per doioo 2i Floor Extra Family, per bbl. reUil 7 (10 Cum tu on Family, per bbl 9 UU 'matter' on their outsides three of which Well and Cistern, thrifty fruit trees of various kinds.

we out from onr exchange list. If edi 43iM LEWISBUKG PLANING AND SIDING N. W. Cor. Sixth and 3Iarket LEWISBUKO.

HIPPLE, WOLFE PE0PRIET0ES. Brackets, Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Siding, Flooring, Shutters, Blinds, Constantly on hand op made to ordor on short notice. Dealers in allkindBof LUMBRR, SHINGLES, Co Uracts taken for Buildings, and materials furnished when desired NEWU. POSTS AND OTHER TURNINGS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TC P. L.

Hipph, B. C. Wotn, Oto. E. Loko, Juo.

B. Pra. ..6 0U 25 ..1 (SU ..1 50 tors throughout the country would adopt tbe same course It would prove a benefit Buckwheat por 100 Iba Fud Corn A Oau Chop, per 1(1 log tj hurts and Mixture Fruit Apploa, oboioo, per bus (w Intel to journeymen printers who are deprived the sooner it ib accomplished the better. Humor says the Catawissa Co. will make the road from West Milton to Mifflin-burg for a subscription of 950,000 if that is tbe case, that company should be willing to run it to Lowisburg for of situations by these humbugs." cvaus hi off a was pleased with tbe Apjiius, ouiuuiuu, per uua Apples, dried, per Ib Unod Jt'uuouM, pared, per lb Dried Peaohcit, uunrud, por lb Dried Cherries, pitted, per Those fond of senseless fun will be A VA NGEL ICA L.Rtv I Al Pint; Rut or.

Seffu- ar lerpices Sunday V) A Hand evening. JVilf(rm-tmgt, Monttaji Vutnlay, Wtdiiuiiay and Thurtday tvtnifigl. Sunday Mhool it fJt; icv W. i. 1honat, tiup't.

Hto I UurktiaUtr, IMilor. Regular rce unit tvtning. J'rayer melting Ttimnday turning. Sunday Sohotti A. if; John litrit, Svp'L METHODIST Dr.

Bodgion, Pallor. Regular tinitxt A and 7 i'il Prayer nutting Thuriday evening. Sunday School 1 Mi A'i Stifir, Suy't. PR HUB ITA'K IAN. Ren Jonct, Rrgu lur leroieti finnJav, 10 A and 7fc I' M.

Wtdnexday, Lfiture atl t' il.a(urday,trayeT Muting Schiwt 2 I'M; AtJitU Uayei, Eq, Sup' I RkFORSI hi. Kto Ueilman, Palter. Regular terrieu3unttay, lu A and evening. J'rayer mttltna Tlmriday rvrmuy. Hunting iidtout tt A Mj Rev It Utttman, remarks of the gentlemen who had presented their experience in matters of tht3 Ubaim Wheat, tto.

1 kind, lie has known farmers to mix 000 at most. Can't wo raise that amount 1 happy to learn that the "Nigger Show," at Music Hal I on last Monday night, was well patronised, 'and that the mud-larks lime and manure together, and thinks that persons practicing that system are I Winter is tbo time to lay plana summer itakiDgs Uld Rye, per bill biu. UaU, (old) 32 per biu Barley, per bin Corn and (Jau chop, per is the time to work. of Lewisburg have had an opportunity to more of publio than personal beneaotors, aa the ammonia is carried off by tbo at- mospbore to their neighbors' fields- tie replenish their Blender store of slang witticisms and worn-out newspaper- puusr lloitKY 6 trained, per gal TJSBJ tfiIRE IS HpTHlSC LIKE It F0F The Flea of Insanity. Gov.

Gratz Brown, of Missouri, sensi thought lima applies to low, wet land is 1 To make tho thing yet more "lively," the Orphans Court Sale! BY virtue of an order of tiie Orphans' Court ef Union county, the tuliowing hl Estate, part or the estate of surge warts, late of the township or White Deer, Union county, dee'd, will be exposed to publio sale, on the premise, at Mew (Jo-lumbia, Union oouuly. Pa en Friday, January 19, 1S72, cor, menoing at 10 o'clock A.M., the following desciibed REAL ESTATE No. I. Los in New Columbia, adjoining laads ol William Station, dfrey Dielenler. fer, and Jobu or less.

No. 2. Lot in New Columbia, numbered bb In general plan of llurough bounded by Second st i set, Centre street. Mulberry Alley and Lot No. 66, oontalnmg uue iiuarter of au acre, mure or less, un which ere erected a Prams Dwelling lluuee and Outboltdinga, has good fruit and good watrr.

No. 3. Lot in ev Columbia, numbered fid In general plan ef Borough; bouHded by dedoud street. Centre street. Mulberry Alley and Ha.

bb, contaiolug one quarter of an acre, more ur Ives, on which are erected a Good Uouae, fruit, Ac, ALSO, on Saturday, Jan. 20, 1872, commending at 10 o'clock A. will be expend tf public sale, on the premises, by virtue ot the mid irdsr MAY Timothy per ton Clovor, per tun UjT'A lint of Fun, lwy OD hiadut Tuyiut'a Lush tfaao cost. advantageous. David UbnnIkq did not advocate its Lard Old, per lb.

Hew, per lb Nuts Uhestuuts, por bus application of caustic Btate. He has seen Paios, Sores, Wounds ud Lameseu. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE STOCK Thursday, Feb. 1, 1872. Vy ILL be exposed to public sale, u.ttV.'K St.llions,Broeding Mares.Driving Cjwaaaii Calves: STALLIONS.

"DIXIE" company had a moo speck of. a battle previous to leaving the hotel, in which one of the female performers shed brioy tears, swore fierce oaths, and slashed land ruined by it. Lime is not a manure. BUY IT! TRY IT I oneiioBTKs, per dub Walnuts, per bus but a mineral, and Is dangerous if injudiciously applied. bly and pertinantly suggests that all murderers acquitted because of insanity Bbould at once be in oar ce rated in a lunatic asylum, and that the judges trying such cases be required by law tosoo that the acquitted and murderous madman iB at once consigned to a placo where be will bo harmless to his fellows.

Certainly it is a perversion of justice to let loose Uboice, 00 lbs around like an enraged tigress. We pro-sumo they will pay ns another visits is te-Mr. JIchIi ot ttiu Central Heatta-rant, in dow pitpred to nell the finest Ojstere to Diuret. Give him a iritl. i.

Cull in (Jo Cast Caat Steel Plows ol1 $5 ouoli. For intormttioD how io obtain addrcuj COLLINS Oo 212 Watur N. Y. x53 Da Nil Uebuakt believes in the heavy application of lime to low wet laud. Sweat (Jersey), per Unions, par Du.

Turnips, per biu. they said they had not had so full a house a BANOI8 Wilson was pleased with the Poulvkv Cuickeus, lire weiKht.pi Ib. for several weeks. I. J.rk discussion, but, bb it waa his tiret visit ho did not take a stand io the discussion.

uere its was selected and nuinlnuii ii wejjjm, per lb. Provision Fat lloga Beet, no Mle Veal, no aulu Subscribers who are nerved by 'the jud upon society a being whose bands have been imbrued in the blood of ono of his fellows. Tbe insane and. perhaps, un -After the discussion oloeed. a sense mail goifig south cannot understand why SiED Clover, til pur of "DIxie-Hlre Monte, he by Wagoner and Wagoner, bv Sir Charles m.h.

vbJ.7 of the Club was asked for, whioh resulted their papers are delayed. The reason is ui union county, Ibe lollowloa controllable desire to kill may return at Notice) Freeh Treuton Uruckere, every at Evans' Pbila. Frait Store. Xiinutliy, per bus tbua rcby.nod by Imported Diomade. rorneumauaBg uis ranj un.

For Vurafgia, Use Paiij Ce Oil. Fop FeVsr Sore, Use Pair) ire Oil. For ChoTW Morbus, Uae PaijCure Oil. For SprainV Use Cure Oil. For HfadacbX Uee jfii Cure Oil.

For Bruises, Usaii, Curs Oil. For Corns atjd BuBtai, Uaf Paiij Cure Oil. For Any Sort, Pain Curs Oil. Far JJny UtnMess, VUse Pain Cure Oil. Ktiit BOTTtafAl iMaHTTD, And we challenge tttvrWurldV produce lha equal.

Ussd Extarjrflly and luVrnall; for mah Xiro niuasy. ilk for FAIHCOBE OIL. TaKao other, tu we IT TO OUte It Is not a tsTiIsriua preparation, hut aflBTTs made from posw VrgeUble Oils, Herbs, and Zlsncts, at and Is dean and safe to ate. Sold Jr all Druggists and Dealers in Medtetd. FB1CK, OO CENTS.

MeOiU-E EATON. Pmwiitom, TbeOob mar this Sines tbe midnight train from by liedoe aud Ann Al. No. 1. Tallow Country roii ered, per Ib certain 1 ract, erica any moment and cause toe aaonbee ot more innocent people.

situate and tVfipsn out of Mi I let 'a 'ft Lewisburg to the Junction has be in aban bv I-nnortB. in White Deer township, Uuiou eouoty, oonu Resolved, That the best method of using lime as a fertilizer is by applying it oo young grass, as it increases its viold. by Sum pi i Dlackb urn's Whin doned, the mail is carried over by a man uid wheat not watted. Butler mutt be in Hot Is tu bring 15 cents. Jan.

19, 1871. ie equally celebrated. In- The unanimous nomination of Robert W. Maokey by tbe Republican uories as inioorteu gtee un the side uf tbe dai chiding in tbo line such Ulencoe, Button, Uelim. It Stockholder aud Old Ota and prepares the soil for tho crop ted Leviatliai Paeolet, on foot, who oarries letters and small packages of mailable matter only, and the oauoua for State Treasnrer, and his re Kmlly, BpeM, Trauipotin, Web, Ae.

DAN" Resolved, That lime is essential to 'Chronicles have to lie in LcwiBburg Acres and 100 I'ercbes, heavy Oak Timber LjuuT (known as tbe old camp bounded by other lands of said deceased, David rUinsey aulolliere on which are erected a daw Mill, with good Water 1'uWer. frame House, Stuble, Ac. No. 2. A certain Tract situatu in White Deer township atoresald, containing 63 Airsa and 0t 1'ercbus, bounded oy oilier lands of atU deo'd, CSlmon fimith aud others, Limntouo Uravel Liud, all clear but ten acres, on wbkii is Ii- avy I'lue Timber, Terms made atiown od day of sale.

D. A. RLtff White Deer, Dec.2",'71. Wii.lUeiL light chestnut, bred hy Gen. Jno.

F. MrLadicd, wby do you so often complain to your 1ms baud and friends that dou "are cover free from pain," and "it seems as ymr back would break No odo likes to bear complaints, therefore use Pain Cure Oil. it wilt surely cure you. 0-Buraiiis iu Furs, at Taylor's, Cameron's Block. good farming in Bnffulo Valley.

reiilt, sire a juuug thorough bred horse until 10 o'clock Saturday morning. This is greatly to our disadvantage, but we Adjourned, to meet at Gundy school USWUKilKfi NUIE CCKKK.VT. R. jtroBTRO Weekly by X. Fkahk Uussill.

"Batter, per lb Factory Cheese 18 Egge, per doi 25 Lard, per lb ii nuuse, id -baBt Bunalo township, on Fri Wagoner, whose pedigree fs givsn above. Dan jection by the entire vote of the Republicans of both branches of the Legislature present, is a well-earned and deserved compliment to a true man and faithful officer. As an evidenoo of tho regard and affection bis old neighbors and friends in Pittsburg have for him, a largo party of Pittabursers gave him a "surprise hy Wild I. uu ue Dy jniported Olrncoe, g. g.

iro tbl trotted ia 2.40 when six (8) day evcuing, Jan. 20. Question for that evenipg "The BsBt Method of Applying ears old. It i pedigrees Khirh run thruuxh a llue frum SOLD IN LKWIBUrjRU BT-CS S. W.

W. S0HAFFLE, DRUGGIST. Not. 3, 71xyl Manures." oan running aud trotting horses have coins. Potatoes, 60 ilaiu, per lb 12 Should or, per lb 10 Bacon, par Ib Dried Apples, per lb 10 don know how to remedy it.

If the mail agent upon tbe P. 1. train would receive the papers, we should make arrangements to have them taken over at our own expense but that, we learn, he is not instructed to do. We hope for better facilities before long. 13 J3 I MARES party" by going to Harrisburg on tbe day of bis election, with a band of music PkT," For Sale or Rent STORE ROOm fcDWfcLLliMLi HOUSE in Onion to union Pi, Possession given the 1st of April next.

It is wltbln 80 rods oi tbe station. All io good rej air. Ten Building Lots are also ol)er-d ir sale at Mason- A Brit-clna! breeding ro- She hag badflnscolui for Keep Out Cold Draughts Ilave your outside Doors and Windows OtUd np with the PATENT WOOD ana RUBBER uu merries, per ID. (pitted; 33 do Benches, per lb. (pared) 13 do du do (UnDaredl 10 JHIf you want to buy aheap Qtieeue-waro and UluHsware, go to No.

408 Market Browo's Block. Cheap QUbs Fruit Bowie from 50 to DO coma. Gob-lets from $1.00 to $1.25 per dojoo. 11. BUOWN, Agt.

to serenade mm. i (iuey win ne tuoirn wim tbe Wool, ner Ib aS mm mm, wen urea and In foal by Pan, "0 IPSIE," A London despatob brings tho sad news thst the small-pox continues to Bpread to ao alarming extent in all parts aoie prices, uuou oeeoa given fcb Hugs, white cotton, per lb 6 do mixed do do iloney, (iu comb) do 2a TJW.UAb AllbUUliLK. a blooded mare, brrd by Qen. J. F.

Ilartriiuft, baa bad two colts in suooesslon (they will be shown.) She ia a WEATHER STRIPS. $30 willStup an ordinary sioed bouse with these Dee. 30, 1S71161 Some of onr neighboring exchanges report a ghost at East Lewisburg. Tbe inhabitants of that thriving village would thank theao editors to oall around and VENDUE CILEWJAK FOB, 1872. JANUARY.

27. Real, M. A. Rankin, Buffalo. FKBHUAKY.

1. Stock, Slifer ft Dill, Kelly. 17 Real, Val. W. Deer.

MAKOII 12. Personal, Dav.Heaning,BQffalo. 3.Vead(u Notes on Uaod at this Ofllce, and Dills piloted at short notice. put tuc choicest Butter meet witn favor, the ilritisn isles. luSame Cunt rut Foundry stock for at prics, at tbe "Banner Store." mouldings.

They will savo lual again by Dixie. DRIVING MAKES. pBT bUURIFF'SSAL f. virtue of a writ of Lev. ied ont of the Court of Common Plea ot ONE HALF THEIR 00ST General Shorman, accompanied by Lieut.

left Madrid for Nice. While in Madrid they were honored with show them the intangible Bale, at remonauie rates. Inquire of "MamiiacUucr, box li Lewisburg P. O. 46x46 -Thc uboicest stock of pure Teas, in fuel exery year, and the other ualfio dootor'a bills.

none of them has had visible evidenoo of A large, dark bay mate, Jn good condition, well broken withi' eonlioS 1 yrs. Will be sold single or They render buildings a banquet at tne bngiisn legation. Henry Bell Mitchell, an Indian DUST PROOF, A young mare of good die and fine action, very pretty, Coffee and ppioea in iiowisburg, is to be its presence. Gen. W.

H. H. M'Call, who ao quitted himself so bravely during the Rebellion, and has been out west for a num had at Evans' Phi I a. Fruit Store. fast mare, and sired by Winchester, now owned llaera ds Or ace.

aid. Hha Lin, -t AND ALLOW PKKFKOT VKMTILATION. I Competent work men sent ia put them up, Tbe Ladles are especially interested In this Taluable boy I our teen years old, nas been convicted of robbing tbe stage in Sonora county, California. Tho robbery was committed by the boy at one o'olook at night. QTdume moru of those larse, extra- COLTS.

intention. on tbe premises, en Wednesday, January 24, 1872, oommenelug at 1 o'olook P.M., the following REAL ESTATE, to wit: A certain Tract of Lend, timet iu White Deer Twp said county, bounded on Ibe nurtb and east by lands now or late ol Kaufmnn A libber and J. M.C. Ranch, south by lauds ol Itodjlph Brow sod. and west by other lands now or late of Kauimau A Reber, John Koch and olbere, containing One Hundred and Twsnty-Beren Acres, more or less.

Also, all that certain Messuago, Pieco er Tract of Land situate In the township, county and State aforesaid, unjoining lands ol Jubn Kline.cuntaiu log Ten Acres more or less, with the Ihu property of Philip Win u-reteen, witn uouco io terre tenant. MlOUAKL KLKCKNKK, bberlB. Shertra Offloe, Lewisburg, Dec. 1X71. ber of years, is now oo a visit to bis old stamping ground, Union county "STREAK," armeo oniy witn a renoe picKet.

finu Otttors have just been received at the Cential Restaurant of J. Frank Beale, Kj4The attention of young housekeepers is called to my full line of Bake and Fry Pane, Boilers aud Sauce Pans, Preserving Kettles, Walters and Tea Trays, Knives and Forks, Table aud Tea Spoons, Toilet Ware In Sets, Pateut Cake Griddles, The American II roller, wills a full assortment of general Hardware at GEO.W.PKOCrKlt'S.Lewisljurg. A dark bay mare, coming 3 years old Juue, 18T2, of Miles Leal her wood, James Wal Suitable, also, for 8CHOOLS AND CHURCHES. GEO. W.PROCTER, A few days ago, a young man who was engagod in cleaning out a dried up ton vnd Wm.

Lcatberwood, employees of Doaktowo Mining Company. Polk lMSxtf SOLE AO EST, LKtVIBBDRO. Pet, aud sired by Winchester. Uue Vsarllng elred by Dan, dsm Pet Bjirlun L'olt Yeerllng, t. Kaie' well, claims to having found at the bot- lost their lives some nights ago torn thereof a piece of quarts, which upon Tbe Cause and Cure of sumption.

The prlmarj cause of Coo sumption is dorangetnout ot the dl)i-stlTe organs. This a geinent produces deficient uulrltion end assimilation, lij ataioiiUtion I mean that process bj which the nutriment of lh (bod la converted into blood, nod theuce into tbe aolM of the body, l'ursuoa with digestion thus impaired, baling the slightest redefinition to pulmonary die-mm, or If tbey take Bold, will be rerj liable to have Consumption ot tbe Lane' to omr of its forns nd I bold that it will be to core any cm of Consumption without first restoring a good digestion and health; auiui Halloo. The Tory first thing to be done Is tu cleanre the stomach aud bowels from all diseased mucus and slime, which Is clogging these organs so that tlmy cannot perfuim their functluns, and theu ronse up aud restore the tiTerto a healthy aetiun. For tb is purpose the surest and belt remedy Is Bcbenok's Mandrake I'lllt. These Pills clean the stomach and howuis Of all tbe dead aod morbid slime that is causing disease and daonj In tbe wholu system.

They will clear ont the lifer of all diseased bile that has accumulated there, aud rouse It up to a new and healthy action, bj wbloh natural aud healthy bile ia secreted. The stomach, bowels, and liver, are thus cleansed by the use of Scbenok'i Uandrake Pills: but tLnm r. examination by a gentleman experienced Also, at the same time, Bome full by the fall of a wooden tent in which they were sleeping. All were terribly burnt, tent having taken fire Miles Leather-wood had muoh local notoriety in East in precious metals, proved to contain N. 2d ayLouk out for our ewu and your family's oomlort, tij proeuriug warm Fura of J.

M. Taylor. SWJohu Uvrix took bold oftbeUouu-ty Treasury ou the first in st. His office ia over Marsh's Sboo Store, near the Lewisburg National Bank. He is still engaged iu the Insurance busiuoBS, having ample time to attend to both mooata Alderney Uelfers and Calves, Grade Alderneyf and Oommon Cows also, some Uuga, Shoats and rJuek-lug Pigs.

about 33 per cent. gold. We have every reason to believe that this is authentic, Tennessee as the slayer of John Morgan. In case of bad wealber, the sale will be held la the the rebel general. yet at the request of the parties we will MARRIED, Cable despatches inform us of a say no ore about it now.

They want to make a thorough investigation before the rush to the mines sets in. A HATTER OF FACT! Triumpu Unparalleled A Victory in Rtalxfj I 13 II ATII KR. On tbe 11th inst-, at tbe fUvlera House, Lewisburg, by Elder J. Rodeobugh, Kzra T. Eves, of UUlrlllf, and Uias Alice C.

Mather, of Greenwood, both of Columbia l'a. HEN Oil 110 AT, Mlddlebarg, cm the 26th nalua In the stomach an txcasa of acht, the organ 1 frightful colliery disaster in WaloB, by whioh eleven men are known to have been killed, and others probably shut off from eaoepe. Tbe works aod machinery of the mine wore destroyed by the flames, whioh broke out immediately aftor the explosion PRIVATE SALE. 'pho undersigned offers, at Private JL Sale, the fcllewlug properties, A LOT OF GROUND whereon are erected a one and a half storey Frame -House situated in Bast Buffalo township, adjoining' the Tewushlp, abont l4 miles west of Lewisburg. Also, FOUR ACRES OF LAND, situate In Lewis township.

J. A. MKJITS. I 19 tf Eaeeuter of Jeremiah S. Steinsr.dee'd.

Farm for Sale. PHii subscriber offers, at private I sale, his Farm, situated In West Buflaloe toward lp Union county, adjoining lands of Mr. Kule, Peter Kim pie, Wm. X. Moore, Israel Ueesenplug and other.

rr.n One Hundred and Eleven (111) Acrra, under good cultivation, upon which are ereeted a guv Bank Faru. Dwelllne House. Aaul The almanac maker has been analys are weak, and requiring strength and support. It Is lu a condition like this that So suck's Seaweed Tonic ing the year 1872, and arrives at the ur. ait ouea win be warranted as represented.

Tarma will be made known on day of sale by W. l.I FEB, A. 1L DILL. W. M.

JAMEST" (Saccawoa ro Uasci A Itn,) BALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Dae on baud a PnU Assortment al Ladibb' and Gentb' Underwear I A good variety of all kinds of IDQiros and INBSKT-INOB; RIBBONS of all shades aud widths; LACES, Real and Imitation; ZBPUTRs, GERMAN-TOWN WOOL, Ae. p'-iToalobe the most taloable remedy eter 'Iscot- Oliver 11 such, of Mlminburg, aud Miss Amelia of Middleburg. following result 1872 contains fifty-two PETERS DKLANV. On the 27th ultln Saoduatkj excese el acid, making the stomach sweet aud nresh It will give permanent tone to th Is Important organ Sundays. September aud December eaoh Great 6bMkoneej Remedy, (ORE AT ALTERATIVE AND BLOOD.

PORIFIBR,) It took but six hours to freeze tbo City, by Rev. John sludge, W. Q. mors, of Milan, in crtuo a goou, ncariy appeuie, auu prepare Ihi tern for tho first rcceas of a good digui ion, am iitmetal make good, healthy, living blood. Aftei Susquehanna river at Harrisburg ou begins on Sunday.

January, April and July on Monday. October is the only 18 THE TRIUMPHANT PRODUCTION OF A this preparatory treatment, bat remains to cure most and Mias Jennie Delany, of Norwalk. HA fES H'ALLIETKB, At Be tie fonts, on tbe 38' nltThos. H. Hayes, M.

aod Ulss Saliie B. H'Allla. ter nil of EHlefonte. Wednesday Jrom snore to Bboro. Medioal Dbjcoverw In com pounding a varlntj of Indian Vegetable Hedfeineaofdilinrentkindi.freah from Natures Garden, so that the compound or A Beautiful Woman.

The perceptive faculty of women ia usually keener than the sam phrenological organ in men. Wornuu know that beauty rather than genius is worshipped by the sterner sex- A mun may talk ot the latter to hia lady love, but the keenness of the woman knows that he is thinking of the former. Women are loud of admiration hence odo of their iougmgn iB to be beautiful. Tbe grand secret ot female beauty is health, the power to cat, digest and assimilate a proper qoaotiiy of wholesome food. TAB Vinegar Bitters.

It will eleanso tho Btomaob.tono tbe vital or month begining on Tuesday. February bchencs.1 Kane, on Thursday morn itemoaj poeaeaeee, arm out, ui various proper- nourlibea tbo lyatuui, puritle the blood, aud is readily absorbed Into tlie circulation, and bonce listtibuitil to tbe dieaMd lungs. Tbura it rlpeus all morbid ing, the wife and cbild of Patrick Burns were found murdered in a barn near their Dll.D, eub'tnt: i ties of all the ingredienU entering into Ita tion.henceitreMheinvaristyofdiseaiei. GLOVK3, LACK COL- begins and ends on Thursday. Consequently it will bare five Thursdays, which will not occur again until the year 1900.

maicers, wuewier iu ine loriu oi a use on sea aod then aasists Mature to eipel all lbs db tar. In the lotm of free el Dec to ration, It is nod for male or female, vonnc or old, bouse. An examination proved that tbe LARS, ALPACAS, PLAIDS, POPLINS, CALICOES, effects us trulj Marvelous in the gure of primary 'iie had been Btrangled, and the child SLEAR. In Buffalo township, on the 13lh lust. Mrs.

Elizabeth Slrar, wife of Oeerge Slear, aged i years, I month nnd 'ito dnys. ripens. It Is tlieu, by tbe great tiling and puriljicg In the year 1880, February will have five oorjiumpiion, of Serofula, of dyspepsia, Liver Com Private Bkull fractured. Burns has been arrest aod carlUes are healed np sound, aud my patient la Sundays, which will not occur again until eral Debility, Narvona Depression of tlplrilt, Loea ed on suspicion. -j 'PHE undorsigned offers at private hit The essentia! thing to be doee in curler Com the year 1920.

Tbe year 1871 began on of Appetite and Vital hnergr, and all diseases arising from InipuriUee of tbe Blood, Disordered Stoma oh or Bowels, er at morbid condition of the Montieello, Arkansas, on Thurs lion la to up good upumlta aud a gooJ Jn, so that Un- body will xrow In ueU und net strou gans, give a perteot digestion, purify the a person has diseased luugt caTlty or ahsoMs there Sunday and ended on Sunday. This will occur sgain in 1882, and every nervous oystem. 11 is pureij vegetable; and producing tts Boat benefioial effeeU upon the Phv steal Svstenj. it is offered to the rmbliu with bloou, clear up tne complexion ana produce a state of mental and physical dec-trioitv, which sives symmetry of form, MUSLIMS, ILANNKL8, TABLE LINBN, TOWELS, COUNTERPANES, and all other articles belonging to a VARIETY ST0RF, WILL BB Sold at such Fiiees that It will be aa object for Penile to Buy. HOOP SKIRTS MADE TO ORDER.

PArsR Patterns also tor Sale. Terms CASH, or Country Produce. Lewisburg, Nov. IT, lSTlitf day night is reported to have been visited by a terrible wind storm, blowing down churches, unroofing houses and barns, aod levelling fences. The court house is also said to have been destroy eleventh year thereafter.

tne cafuy cannot nesi, uie matter eannut rlpru, ft lung the aateUf-iB hsiow par. What is ueotsaarj to cure is a now order of tillage a good upoeiite, i good nutrition, the body to grow lu floah and Tat then Nature is helped, IheeuTitlee will heal, tne mat Two Contiguous Lots of Ground, fo. II an sltnet-d In the Unlvrntty extension te tbe Borough of Lewisburg, on r-ontb evenili nv. tbe University Female Institute. No.

St) Is a rorne let, being situated on the northeast corns uf -outO 7th and Taylor streets. Each lot contains In front, ud feet, and iu depth 147 leet, Inches. UOWARD MALC0M. For further particulars. Inquire of 1.

B. MILL Eli, Attorney at Law, Lewisburg, Pa. MUSitt utmost eonildenoe. It will rebuild the shattered cons of old and voung. A trial will eon- We have another highly interesting bright eyes, white akin, glossy hair and a genuine type of female loveliness, which rpHE Buffalo Valley Ilorae Pruteo- 1 ton Association will hold Its anuual meeting for ilia elicilcu of otOceia lor tbs eDsulsg jest, at the Lo-cbisl Uotel, Katt BuHjlo.on SATUllOAV, FKURUARV 3, 187 at 1 o'clock P.

M. Hy order of W. faaur. Eee'y. a LIAS DROWN.

Preet. PROPOSALS 1ROPOSALS will bo rcce.ved by Ihe Board of White Deer township, for letter from Col. Slifer "salted down" for tor will ripen aud be tbruwn off lu large the person regain health and strength. This is tbe true and only plan to cure Cuusuuiptlon, aud If a per-eun is eery bad, if the lungs are not entirely destroyed, ed. Manufactured by Ur.

Young A at Syracuse, N. and for sale by all druggists at SI. no cosmetic oao prouuoe.xio next week. John W. Heath, a coaohmaker of Beaver Meadow, went to Hasleton, last Geo.

W. Childs, the indefatigable ir even ii one iun is entirely gone. If there 11 enough itlallty left in the other to beat up, there ia hope. I liaTe Men man otrsons cured with onle ini.uiinil see that Uapt. Wm.

Harding, of Snyder Co (who suffered defeat on editor and proprietor of the FhilaJLedger, Thursday, to collect some money, and lung, live and enjoy life to a good old ago. Ibis is whttt Schencl's Medicines will do tnruti.Ucmnmniihn has our thanks for a copy of the Ledger our tiulEet, a year ago,) nas was paid about Un nis way VICK'S Floral Guide for 1872. RiltW. Rlnr. borne iu the evening, three men stopped en it.

get up a uootl dtiwitiun, uud iclve Nature tliuit- aueceeded in obtaining a poeilioa Wasbingtoo. Utliuii, fii-n Columbia, daturdny, tjAUUEL MAItBilAl See. slstancu she needs to clear tliu ajuum of all lh disease Almanac for 1872. This annual ia not for sale, bat is issued as a present to al) 27, a iruporiani tuai wuiie using centners Medicines, should be exercised not to take cold: kern in him, made bim deliver up his money, then look bim from bis carriage and tied him np io bis buffalo robe, and started his horse on tbe way. Tbe arrival of tbe The Find Edition of Two Uuodrrd Thousand eontes lust niiblulied.

It eWantlv nrintl .,1, rlne llnt-d Local aud General Utms, subscribers of the Ledger. It is a valuable compilation ot chronological, local, doors in cold and damp weather ami Id night ulr, and Uae out-dour exercise only lu a genial and warm sun- RliAD lilia, ONK OB TUB MANY LBTTlvRS paper, in Two Colore, and illustrated with Here is a little item floating around Uuodred Kngravinga ot I lowers and Vegetables, and fKOM DRLQUIiSia, national and general statistics and data, horse at borne without Mr. Heath occa that may be of some benefit. It willed- TWO COLOUED PLAT EH. The must beautiful anJ inptiucdva Cataloai 1 wish It distinctly understood that when I rscrm-mend a patient to he caret! in regaid to tailing cold, while using my Medicines, 1 do so lor a special reason.

A men woo has but Dartlallt TOi-OTerul Horn trj Kn, -cle and would be well worth buying. FOR SALE, ty io a guo'l locat iuu rrHE Two-Story Fraruo UuUSiu aud LOT, with STABLE and ulher pecerearji Outbuildings, aejolainsj property si Dr. Wia. Lki and Joelah Olr.en, oo North 1 north 81., Poaeesehn on the let day of April, 1171. lor particular, call on JODIAU OIRTOS.Km)., address U.

W.CUUTZKK, 346 and HI North T'iir-1 Philadelphia. l3'JtiI VALUABLE "PROPERTY. rHE subscribers offer lor sale itic foliowing property i UNB LOT with TWO PRAtlE DWKI.Ll.Vtj:-. and other Outbuildings, with a guod well ol w.ier, aft uated ou Water street, north of Market, juinug I o-Mark Ualfpanny ou the sootbrast end north rot bj lc efUeorge P. Miller.

For further luh.1 maiiou i iuir of LEAU WklDKNSAUL, I La'rs jf luut. JOHN P. Vn.lDH.sAUlV fl JUe.jaa H. A. WELDKNBApL, Lewuburg, Jan.

Plural Uulde In the world 111 pages, giving thorough tainty do no barm "While smoking sioned alarm, and his neighbors went in hunt of him, and found him in the condition mentioned about a mile from the MORE MONEY can bo made canvass-iog for the" Yog a FrofLi'e UiLraa," a dollai uagaiine for young folks, than with any Mhei enterprise in thecouutry. A msgoiflceut FrangCbro mo given to subaorlbrr. Boyv and girls du ai well ae men and woovsn. Send for par tic a lata to RICH Publishers, 1668) Don'tdelay! Portland, Me. After a long absence, our offioe has Dr.

Young A Bn. Oentlflinen When first yon rke to me to take bold ot the Great Sboehoueei medy, I bad no more faith in it than in any other of the Patent Medicines whioh flood the country, bot, on your high reoutnmendatioD, I took the liberty to give away a bottle te a person that 1 knew bad been Buffering frum Dyspepsia for yean, and uf a bad cold Is far more liable to a relapse than one your meat with ohips or saw-dust, put on ornamenting giouude, making walk, Ac A Chriatmaa praaeet for it customers, bnt fer-rai again been visited bj the Cbambersburg dad to any one wbo apply by mall, 1 Ten Cente.uoly town. The highwaymen escaped with their booty. It is not safe, over that tbe fire a red peppers, as the fume from it prevents insects from invading JAMES VICK way, to travel with money, or any other the meat. LADIES' FANCY FURS Repository.

Since its Isst visit, it has been greatly enlarged and improved, and is now one of the largest, handsomest an 1 soundest Republican papers in our good 1441s Kouhesler, N. Y. way, alter nignr. Tuk Obicajto Tribune wants Dr. JUUX FAKEIBA, Livinsstone to be brought back and old Commonwealth.

Jere. Cook edi 71 Arch St. The Union National Bank has a relic of the Cbiougo fire io the shape of the charred remmns oi a two dollar note. It is burned to a cinder, yet the title of the Bank is quite distinctly traced by the wno lias twen entirely cured and It is prrcUely the saoie In regard to Consumption, tia Ipog as Ibe tuns are not perfectly healed, just so loag'is there Immlneut danger of a lull return ut the disease. Hence It Is that 1 so strenuously caution pulmonary patients against zpoeiog thcuiseWee to an atmuephere that te not genial and pleasant.

Continued Consumptives' lungs are a uiasa ot sores, which the least change of atmosphere will lull jib. lbs grand event ot my eucuess with n.y Medicines cunsikts in uiy ability to subdue IcOamma-tlon Instead of provoking it, aa maoy of the faculty do. An iu named lung cannot, with safety to the patient be exposed to ths biting blasts of Wiuter ur tho cLtltfug winds of Bering or Autumn. It slionld be careiuliy shielded frum ail Irritating influence. The utmost caution ahoold be observed in this particular, aa witb-ut It cure under almost an, circuuisiauet-a is au Impossibility.

iiie petsuu ehoulil 1h kipt ou a wholesome and nutritious diet, and ail the Uedicluej cooilnu-d until tbe body Las rtatored to It the natural qunuutj of lleeh auu streuath. then put under bonds to keep out of Middle ofthe.Blcrk, be- tor dow, and be understands the business most admirably. The Repository is not Atnoa. una inea innumeraoio remeuiee to no purpose, bb cam to me soon after for more, saying that be bad not been so well before for years, attd that be was oo nod en it would etue bim entirely, from that tiuie I begin, to sell the Medicine rapidly, and can say that iu sale has exceeded tbe sale uf any utber medicine of tbe same character that we ever had is our store, as you know, have ordered frequently by tbe gross, and I have never had too muoh in stock. I have taken an interest in watohicg ita ef-feats on those that have been minced to buy have seen the sallow eheeks bloom with the flush of health, atd the sunken eyes, with the fear o.

carl death, gleaming with the hope, and assurance of snfety, which wae truly gratifying to me, as an instrument in bringing so valuable a Remedy within their reach- I bavo sold it for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Consumption. Debility, Diseases of the 8 1 numbers en tain Thirty Piter only an honor to Franklin county but to raised surl ace caused by tbe ink and im II A Alexis baa given 95,000 to tbe poor of New York, $1,500 to Boston and $5,000 to Cbiosgo, eince he came to vis the State. pression. It was eeot baek for redemp OOMS in Chaoiberlm'. Uar.

Api lj u- Lt i. FRIVATii, bALb 'PilE undersigned pr- alo, bar UuUo A U)l, There are several ways of making a tion. it us. 1 bat 19 a bear worth catonmg. fFANcffURS Tbe Legislature is being petitioned If Russia has any more suoh cubs, we I wus tuyeeir cured by this treatmtntof the weret kind ot Consumption, aod bava lived to gel fat aod hope Bhe will aend them over, we can to pass an act providing lor tie destruc Oil LADI KF A L1IIL- UUkN'd WKAlt.

flavin); linporteii a irj jHiwcu, inroat, bungs, Hboumatisni, ud disease -arty nte diauy years, witn one lung mostly gou Si HEAL ES'l A'J appreciate them. I bav "ry tion ot weeds in thiB btate. Owners, oc ig reraiu. ana iv one Buflarinc wbi.m I Is eae hnadreat a. itije ana rpivtiaiu ae The New York Advertiser pub- expect to take poeeeaeioi cupiers, or lessees of land are to be com fcin-ls of Fore fir-au flrsi hnd Ihtn made up by 10.

nude te salt, the paistiaaa LAID er JOHN S. laUta. Jena Si. Un Aiy SOHANNa from any diseaae in which a general lonie, and Alternative may be ef service. Please send me at once, another e-roea of the of my mw bmloiug, al tbe Northeast Comer of fiiitl and Aich Streets, whire 1 shall be pleased to live ad living, and a new one was developed in town, a few days ago.

A ohap appeared in fancy cap, feathers and other nonsensical paraphernalia, and bopped from 8eventh to Water street, for a "valuable consideration," stopping but once, and that lime for but a moment. It is reported in some sections of the State that small-pox prevails to aa alarm pelled te keep not only their farms free ortmpot 01 all the difWppt landi. In Rur'p. ar have rjders of tliU paper to mil od heantiful afsortmrut Children. I am ck-trri uM rwteeiiuiiy iuviih tne and examine bis very large of funey Urt, for Ladies Remedy, end the same of tbe Pills.

Wishing yo lisheB the following obituary to expose Olive Logan's age "Departed this life of single blessed ocas, on tbe 0th of December instant, after a lingering attack from auch weeds a mullene, mid carrot, much success in eweh a worthy enterprise. FOR SALE, A GOOD FKAMB high, cental Blag 7 Rooms and a largt Sllti with Wood and Coal 11 ouse attached, a Lot In tbe order, containing a variety ot tbe ice Fruit Treaa, anted en theeernar afSd and St. Anthony Streeta.1 sbnrg. lliti FOB ESSTI HE STORE ROOM foiinerli vice to ell who my rr quire 1c. lull dtrectWDS accompany all my Hemediea, so that a person lu any part ot tbe we -id caa be readily cured by a strict abaci ranee of the same.

J. U. SCUEMCK.H. D-, Phila. JOnNBON.nOLLAWAY A Oil WD IN, IU1IC3 oui Arcn A (eats.

ll aisa icw prices is city. All run eUect sales. BLSSBR, Druggist, Sherman, H.I. Caoada thistle, boiae nettle and oxeye daisy, but thou poitions uf tbe public roads which paaa through or adjoin their 4: jnll Alt IRA. of tbe hymeneal malady, Ulive iogan, aged 15 years, 3 months and 17 days.

Jia.iiim T1S Arch Philadelphia. Oct. 1TU16..

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