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The News-Herald from Franklin, Pennsylvania • 4

The News-Heraldi
Franklin, Pennsylvania
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PAGE FOtn. F1MNRMN EVENING NFWS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, do fiieto government. If he does not then no one down there does. In this FRANKLIN EVENING NEWS AMONG ABE MARTIN ease the entry of our troops Into Tonsded Tab. 18! 1878 -OUR- Mexico Is perfectly justifiable under the customs of all times and the rules of civilization ami of nations.

Pres 11 ident Wilson is supposed to lie JAMES B. BORLAND, ManaKinjr Editor. E. T. STEVENSON, Associate Editor.

ubaerlption, per yea, paid In advance) 4.50. teraliiy opposed to Interfering with any efforts of the Mexicans to estab A Home Folks' Newspaper Towanda Review: Many are pleas ed, but not pleasant. SEASONABLE OFFERINGS I'LVSH COATS, $18.50 A model with a good full flare, guaranteed lining, sizes from Id, to 44 bust. This price Is for one day only, Saturday. 1 Women's double texlure RAINCOATS, belted model, sizes 1(1 to 44.

$5.00 Oirls' double texture RAINCOATS, box back model, sizes (1 to HI years, $3.00. i Olrls' Navy lllue RAIN CAPKS, plaid lined hood, (I to VI years, $1.98. Women's dainty long CRKPK and SILK Kl.MONAS In the loveliest of colorings, plain or figured, $1.50 to $12.50 New lilies of "NIAOARA MAID" Silk V'nderwear. Vests, various style', $1.00 Ui $3.00 eiwh. Corset Covers, $1.00 to $2.25.

Him i $2.00 to $3.00. Combinations, $3.50 to $5.00. A great assortment of new Silk HOSIERY. Vertical and horizontal stripes, plaids and plain colors, $1.00, $1.50 pair. Makes an excellent Christmas gift.

Women's RATH ROUES in many pretty colors and new designs. Some are satin trimed, $3.50, $4.00 to $7.50. Advance Holiday showing of WOMEN'S HAND KAOS. Many new styles and shapes, price range from $1.50, $2.00 to $7.50. HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS.

Hundreds of styles, many show touches of colored embroidery. Exceptional values and assortment, nt 25c and 35c. .1 iSi Handkerchiefs in assorted patterns. 3, 4 and (1 to the box, $1.00, $1.50 to $2.50 box. (ireat assortment of 'new Ivory Toilet articles.

Mirrors, Combs, Rrushes, Powder Boxes, Trays, Nail Files, Manicure Scissors, Hair Receivers, Clor-ks. etc. A full range of sizes in our special WASHABLE CHEVREET CLOVE, at $2.00. White, Tan, Oyster, Newport. Women's tine ribbed bleached and unbleached fleeced lined VESTS, high or Dutch neck with long sleeves.

Bradford Era: Little searching is lish a good government, but when the efforts have manifestly ceased and the Mexicans allow some of their people to kill our people and destroy our property, then it is our duty as well as our opportunity to send enough force into Mexico to restore order and protect the rights ami lives of all foreign iieoples there. Carranza seems to have the idea that he can ignoiv for Published Dally, Exoept Sunday, by The Evening News Printing Co. nr om own btttxsxwo on MEWS SQUABS. required on the part of some people to find fault. Oil City Blizzard: It's never neces sary, when looking for trouble, to car ry a flashlight.

ever the rights of Ameiiniius he is probably mistaken. Our President James B. Borland Manager Frank M. Bowser Ass't Bus. Mgr.

Charles Miller President James B. Borland Vice President Mina NelU Treasurer J. French Miller Secretary THE VENANGO CITIZEN-PRESS (Weekly) Per year, if paid in advance, $1.00. Philadelphia Record: The office that may ne nriven ny pumie opinion or by the logic of the situation, to set up a responsible government in that country. seeks the man generally gives him a handicap that is hard to overcome.

Altooiia Tribune: As has been remarked before, what, a man does Sizes 4 to special value at 30c. Children's extra duality Heece lined I'NION SUITS in sizes 2 to 15 years, 50c suit. I Entered In the postitice at Franklin, as second-class matter. Telegraph Service of United Press Against the earnest protests of every French, English and Italian army officer of prominence, the Rou speaks far louder than what he says. E.

YV. Howe's Monthly: Revel in sentiment as long as it is harmless but when the danger signal rings, let Miss Germ Williams says: "Submar manians flung their a miles Into Austrian territory. They had everything but experience and they did not realize that trained generals and so1- The lady from Altmtiin "i in flic next Congress' is red-headed. Another serious situation for our Government go and run. ines might be all right fer folks that don't care fer scenery." When a feller says: "It hain't th' money, hut th' principle o' th' thins," it's th" money.

diers would outmatch soldiers who had been merely taught in peace times and officers who had never le-id armies New Castle News: And we don't see any more oil cans carried along the streets with a potato stuck in the Copyright, National Newspaper Service. Air. Hughes has advertised his house in Washington as for rent, but he has not yet stated where lie is going to move when he renls it. Children's line HOSE, double heel and toe, white or black, 30c and 35c pair. Special values in Women's black LISLE HOSE, hemmed or ribbed top, double heel and toe, nt 50c pair.

A new assortment, of those popular BROADCLOTH, SERGE, GEORGETTE. CREPE, SATIN and ORGANDY COLLARS. Colored embroidery is on many. Prices range from 25c, 50c, $1.00 to $3.50. ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS of good quality cortel, low or medium bust.

Sizes 20 'to 3-1. At a most reasonable price $1.00. FERRIS WAISTS, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Hundreds of yards of RIBBON for fancy work in pretty floral designs, stripes and checks, at 25c yard. 4 to 7-in.

wide. 20e Hl'CK TOWELS, 15r. Special purchase of twenty dozen extra weight cotton Ilnck Towels, 22xl in fancy border. TURKISH TOWELS, all white and colored, stripes and plaids, 25c 50c to $1.00. KMIiKOIDKRY, SILKS AND COTTONS AT THE NOTION DEPARTMENT.

Royal Society Embroidery Cottons, all colors. Rope and India, 2 sUeins 5c. Royal Society Elosscllc, white. No. 12.

10, 20 and 25, 2 skeins 5c. I Royal Society Twist (Artilical Silk) all colors, skein 5c. Utopia Neige 4 strand cotton I white and colors. Rail, 5c and 10c. El Dorado Twist for heavy work, skein 59, 1).

M. C. Cotton Perle. No. 5 ill colors, skein 5c.

Corticelli Embroidery Silks, Filo. Roman. Rope. Twist, all colors, skein 5c WOMEN'S SUITS at reduced prices. Fashionable materials and styles.

Most, wanted colors, Navy, Brown, Green and Black, sizes 1(1 to 44. suits reduced to $18.75. suits reduced to $22.50. $35.00 suits reduced to $20.25. 40.00 suits reduced to $30.00.

Kcan. Ah the good old days! to actual battles. The tiling expected by tne experienced officers has begun to happen. Roumania is very much in the way of becoming another Servia. Prussia loves the Poles, hut the Prussian Government gives notice a WE DO JOB PRINTING in the finest style of the "srt preservative" Call and see samples ami get rices.

Evening News Printing Co. Old papers for sale at this office, ten Dts per hundred. Punxsutawney Spirit: Among cultured people it is regarded as vulgar fo be in hurry. The philosophy of it is that nothing really fine can lie done in a hurry. Erie Dispatch: After a man has that free Poland means only that part of the Polish land and people outside Germany.

Freedom agrees with Rus sians and other varieties of Poles, but not with Poles in Prussia. KOW TO GAIN FLESH served through a couple of hot political campaigns he'll always testify how easy it is to please all the people all the time. Don't complain about, the high price of foods as long as you are In any sense sharing- the responsibility of allowing brewers and distillers to dump If its common people are wise, every one if them who possibly can will get out of Roumania now. German treatment of conquered peoples is largely enslavement for the men. degradation for the women and starvation for the children.

It is possible that the Germans, after capturing some of the strongest positions and reducing Ron-mania to a coiiiraratively weak factor in the war, will turn to protect fronts from the attacks of lay enemies. Servia is being recaptured from the Central Powers. Bulgaria needs help at once, the Russians may or may not be about to begin an important drive, and on the fronts in France and Belgium the steady roar of guns calls tile armies in Roinnania to other work. Whether the Roumanians' will show unexpected efficiency or some accident or turn of war save them, is L'td hundreds of thousands of bushels of good grain into vats, thus making flour Remarkable. Statement of a Woman Who Was Nothing I5ut Skin and Bones.

Laugh and grow fat is a homely saying, but Mrs. Kliza belli Morris, of Hammond. I.a., tells of a more reliable method. She says: "1 cannot say enough in praise of Yiuol. for it saved my life.

I was weak. and other meals high, in order to get Cambridge Springs Enterprise: Life insurance is an investment, but it is also a protection. All other financial investments, except saving banks, are merely investments. John D. Wells, in Buffalo News: the money from drinkers which ought Precocity.

"Mercy exclaimed Mrs. Diggs. The baby is chewing on your pocket to go to buy comforts for families. edition of Epictetus." The Greenwood. S.

Index is pecul 'Indeed." replied Prof. Diggs with a iarly successful in summing up that uncertain quantity known as the proud and happy look. "Let the child alone. It is seldom that a mere infant shows such a pronounced taste for the classics." Birmingham nervous, run-down, could not sleep, was unfit for work and was nothing but skin and bones. Three doctors had all failed to help me.

One day I saw Vinol advertised, took courage and bought a bottle, and it soon made me feel better. I continued its use and such a You expect. to spend Thanksgiving home, this pic- 4 ture will Interest you. 'Democratic faith." wlien it says: 'We hoped and prayed, but we didn't Germany gave Cardinal Mercier. of Belgium, written assurances that no Belgians would lie deported.

Twenty-five thousand Belgians are now slaves and working coal and iron mines and helping in other severe labor, after being deported to Germany. There are a lot of scraps of paper in this war. very uncertain; tne ratal lengthening bet." of their lines into new territory has. for this winter, put the little nation change! I have regained mv strenirth. upon the rack.

The Allies gained by Roumanian participation, but the price flesh and health, (im, perfectly well, and the doctor vn4 surprised to see is high. News of 22 Tears Ago Te-Day Stana of General Xaeneat to OM-Tlmera in Th aewa. Old papers for sale at this office, ten IF. You wiU'eonie here you can get the real trunk to take you. on this, trip and many other trips for years to follow, at D.

CUSTER MOORE'S 127 Street. such a. change in me in such a short lime." Elizabeth Hammond, La. reason Vino proved such a won cents per hundred. 1 JUV i.

Nov. 24, 1894. Next Tuesday evening, in the of the Baptist church. Dr. W.

derful strength creator in Mrs. Mor Tour nens Kyi ris's case was because of the beef and Germany and Austria have plenty of food, no doubt, hut. evevy American ambassador and consul in those countries is buying his food through Washington, having it brought to him by special consignment and stored in rented buildings. Thirty tons of army supplies have gone to Vienna for the large force of diplomats and 'clerks there employed. When a nation cmi not feed the representatives 'of great powers at its capital there is no question as to the scarcity of food.

Clarke Robinson delivers the fifih of cod liver peptones, fron and manga on The nest Bell-ans Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package ifft. peptonates and glycerophosphates, combined in a i in re native tonic wine, which makes Vinol a most wonderful lonis. (Adv.) you leea inem the University Kxtention course of lectures on early English literature. With deep regret we record the death of Joseph M.

Smiley, which occurred at 12 :20 o'clock afternoon. Nov. 24th. at his 1100 Chestnut street, in his 52(1 year. The news LAYBUST proves it 25c at all druggists.

1915 BV THE ABK POLLARD WE SELL Once upon a time a writer of ability REMOVES SKIN AFFECTIONS One package proves it. Sold and guaranteed by above Vinol druggist. J. H. LAVERVS SONS is something of a shock to his many acquaintances, as his illness was not ol long duration and it was not generally supposed that his condition was serious.

He was horn In this city on March 10. Thomas R. Clarke left yesterday for it 1 1 it 1 1 iu ill me itrtii ui lauu life so he might write a great book. He hired out as farm laborer. In a year he knew all he felt he needed to know, but was to tired to write about anything when his work was done.

He TURKEY? Chambers Fireless Stoves at Brumbaugh's Grafton. W. wlie ere he has a lot of gas fitting to do. Oil, S2-c. imu no money so ne Kcpr on worKing.

He is a hired man still. With no capital and the need of earning a living each day he became enslaved to his experiment and the world lost a literary man. Subscribe for The News. Tagore, the Bengal man whom the Nobel Commission gave a prize for being a poet, lectured in New York 5 WHANNIS LITHIA WATER is soft to the t.iste and most palatable. Pet.

168 'Phones Bell 68-J IJ3 this week and said: "The nation is a creature of science and selfishness" and "in this war the death throes of nationalism have commenced." We. showed that he regards the organization of all nations as an evil in other words, lie is an anarchist and would abolish all national governments. To call the organization which has held the people of the United States as a unit to resist aggression from abroad and rebellions from within, till we could attain the security in life and proiierty necessary to culture a "cult" is poetical no doubt. Those who agree with the anarchists should enjoy such talk very much Yes, it saves 75 per cent, of Gas bills and 75 per cent, of the cook's time; also 10 per cent, of the food. Requires no watching, no basting.

By lighting gas for 10 minutes then turned out food will be warm at end of 13 to 15 hours. No thank you; I guess chicken is good enough for me this year, says the man of ordinary means. Many Men and Young Men are taking advantage of the Clothing prices that prevail at this store. $10 and $15 Suits and Overcoats Only and values that will make you look like the high priced dressers. Step in sir, and look them over.

Showing a heavy gray Domet Shirt at 59c. MOTHERS We are showing values in Boys' Suits and Overcoats at $3.98 and $4.98 that are exceptional. Special value Dress Shirts, 59c, 69c, $1.00. The iniffuroent Uufctiait-d ii Viccolp XVI. $100 If Carranza can not protec" for eigners in Mexico, he does not head a No better day than Thanksgiving for a Victrola Your favorite music to "top off" a hearty dinner.

And perhaps dancing afterwards. Or a few records that will help you digest your dinner by the "laughter method." The joy of a Victrola never grow, less the undying joy of the music you love best. Come in and have us play your favorites. Victrolai SIS la $400. Eair i Ijp Many users now in Franklin of this range.

Ask us for a dozen or more references; we can furnish them. Investigate for yourself. Sleinway and other good pianos. II. E.

CANON 49 13th street. $10 and $15 Specialty Suit AD Overcoat Store IT'S ABSOLUTELY FREE THE "ADVANCE" WAY (Ask Myers) Yon probably considered a long time before you decided on the car you bought good oil is now the one important thing you owe it to that car, Honest. A quart of this and a quart of that oil, as needed, Is the repairman's pudding. A mixed, hit and miss, lubrication may fool you for a while but, not the car the repairman will get it In the end. Ever have an Oil Man say "try a can of oil use a gallon or two and if it isn't the best ever here is nnmcy Money talks Oil does, too, in this case.

Ask Myers. THE ADVANCE OIL Oil City, Pa. IS YOUR FAMILY I Your health is good to-day, but to-1 morrow the undertaker may be called 1 in. In rase of your death do you 1 Homer Brumbaugh WE DON'T LIKE TO BLOW OUR OWN HORN and continually talk about our values and our prices. But we don't have to, for the public is doing the talking about the great bargains we have in pianos.

The wonderful beauty of tone of our pianos have made them a welcome visitor in thousands of homes. Come in and see if you do not like the tone, touch and general make-up of tbe piano; it will cost nothing. ROSSMAN'S 1258 LiberfxSt leave your family well provided for? policy in the PENX MITTAL INSURANCE CO. lis just what yon want. I can write you any one of a large number of i different kinds.

Let me talk it 74 13th Street Every tenth purchaser get the oil and his money back like eating your pudding and having; it all left. PRINTZ BROS. THIRTEENTH STREET Myers Carriage Agents. Lincoln Garage, Franklin. Pa.

13tk ul Battalo Sta. with you. WILLIAM R. SMITH; Try News Wact ACs. end Cet tlozrAtQ r.O.Bi2U.

Wl Liberty Street, JT".

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