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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 10

Louisville, Kentucky
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 ie4irewf A THE COURIEK-JOURNAL, LOUTSYILuE. SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2. 1898 CLOTHING. YEftK IN SPORTS. OOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOf 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ianoth: New Records Were Made Ban Ever Before In ihe Same Time.

More IN- ER GREAT SCOOP THE CHAMPIONS AND WHO ARE. Past Performances Excelled In Racing, Pacing Trouino. BlcuGlIno, Puolllsm, Base-Ball. AND NUMEROUS Bald.Mlctiael, Sloane, Keeler, HamDuro and Star Pointer Almost Household Words. INTERESTING STATISTICS a MO.fO people who take as tmt.r- pord roord It la I this that th haov-ri.

atrrv for. that sugUWta flghl for. bail imim play for. that amen rae fvr thsl aJl aorta ef he essrt selves for fcaMUBM It la call omnia. r-irin tha which eaaia a loa TrUlmr night nun sew ilm da wara seed thu In any prwloai year.

A haraee horse paewd a mfle la teas Uua twe Bm- a feat which tha moat kor Jd a week before wooM kM. Tb wwant for menr aistsnrwi Wire sold for mora monty thaa any American horse ever brought; while among tha blc-roUstts tb taste of reoard loUiu4 with greater raptdtty then ia ivator go op and few In a boar oflle balldiag. piWi tb record of ail th work Van during Lb year In tha vartou d- jjaniBi a sport would require most a th eoiuran of a big newspaper. Far this savty th BMt taaportant laiuia her ftTo ta tabulated form In their rpctlv place. Ia slnrrimg ther was greater apper-mnity to lewer record thaa la any ether branch of sport for ebvtoo raasoaa.

though th harness bores. partlcuJarty tha pacers, war a close ascend. Boston woo tha baa hail peanaat. nil ateeler. of tha Bsitl-mon club, lad eU tha betters with tha IKTMtio of 432.

a r-ord breaker. In ban tha Csiversity of Pennsylvania i waa conceded by many experta to won the cfcampionblp, though tha rrlaada of th TaJa team, claimed tha hoaor for th waarara af tha blue, ntaatmaaoaa' vtartarv ever Corbett. lest St. PUrtefl Day. a' Maw wma aeabebiy ta at.

portia- rtaad- potnt. warta ta year. caaalTar wa ii linn.htn from It la th baia ana ram. whU Ed- wr4 Tea tea. aa Aajarteaa.

woa tha ahaaafMsnaalw at Healey. ac a mnmm ia tocher. Tod Bloaa ta tha eaaaaptoa. At la tha baat a-lraraaed. Hia rVdta aad dprtnia wall la Eurep haa doa mora to aarrata ta Aaaartcaa turf la tha eyea critical fore4ara aa0a TIE TNOftOUwIllftCOS.

A rtropct of th raeta abow. army aC rw-year- but thoa of aay apart! 9 mnc aa ataka wtnaer caa aimoe eouatad oa aaa lnra aad toa Tnal namoarw entapM of ta Bsaaoa aa well aa th nual any ooit which haa aapaared aa tli turf for a aumbr af yaara. wlU aa t4mit at a doubC Hia parfia maa na aa a ta thh aounlrr. aad whil a aa bar a awwr wlaaar a rivea awatttoa a a ataadaM for two-yeax-eid forav hia racea war equally aa erV liahte. In eattimattn th elaaa af a rae her th etyt tn which, won hta race la entitled to am eeaatdwratloa thaa th at nt aowr a we, for at ortea haa- thac ay a nuke ar awMeit aa ta- ferkir horaa wtna a valuable ataa Haat-hurr ft rat rara of la aaaaoa waa 8t.

ririneca ta wP. at Broohlya oa a BBaddy trara. tueltnc l1 aad other, but In thai rac Pi.t aa hlaa Hwa pmanda. won th Oeeat Trial tmm Maurtty touna tn ID 1-4. with Prwrtou.

hi neil and ta thla rae Prweioua (ja. hia pMMa Wo ta mnnl part of th DouM. Eml. rutartty axirw, 1 l-4. earrytn a aeran-pouad paaaity.

efctria hia wlt 12 poooda Wa ta fTaea aaif a aaU. a a a-? am. with tJ pound, hwhidlna; pound peaaity. Won ta Ckm ohre turtoma In 1 wiV IM pouada. which luelaaad twere atra wxent.

Tbai aaay ranked aa era ec if aot th peat pii fnrinaiim arer asad a two-year oart la aay country At Bruaatoai 11 rh wwai ta Rialne; OaaaraUaa mm tiatuaaa. ta 1:14. wtta 177 jaoiadlB- At pooarta aatra. At ta earn place woa tha Kieatrt tie ad trap, aim farina at 1 34. wMh US poqada la th At aapnad Bay la ta ruarht filr far tww-yar alrta aad apward.

a- ada aatra wta la al wa awar ta ratartty ha 1 11. ma Oraat raaterm Handicap, auwwa. ha 1 1-4. earrytac Ui At BroAtya we ta Proapeet rati a 1 14. aarrylac ta Ihinaialnr ScaAaa.

atm furVoaura. ta 1 OA. la early aa ham wtaatac raaia a ear-rved aatra wiM ran aim troaa pouada ta twwrv tv i uesrr skkusc. Star ranter aadoubtdly a read ta khac aat bar a aorei fwlmf th year Jua paaaart Ha haa ao ealy left aA ta rawa par hahtad. bat a aaaalka4 what waa paaardad by Jade aa ta taipoalhla taat.

aot narily la tw aamotas. bat af paaalnrth by tbre (iiartra of a Jtar Paaatar aid aot epa ta ad UP a vary flaMartaaj a iirt a OaanbbaaUoa Park. Boa-. aaaa. Jam ratchaa woa ta 1 lai ud fiaH.

ata Patatar bama aiataaeed rn ta j. paaaad waa. ua a. at rwatna, trac. la eaa Had oarrylBC t1-1It a fiajiaaa.

a earrted tea pan weiabA. aad Kwted ItequHal tXU la ta Aatuaaa StAaaa rtd IS aaiimla. aaaia hmrawrllna ii in a ia aatra own. OTHER DIVISIONS. OF THE DIFFERENT SPORTS la Oka first heat and waa distanced In tha ta fh fiae for-ell.

woo by John R. la JV lrOH and at that Um fh CssUsK rara on record. Frank Afu waa aaeood and Robert J. third, and It waa a whrrlwand not between mis trio. At Glen Fslla.

N. rich daya later. he niaita a Dock bartar ahowtnc aa, thouch afaatad ta atraicht hata ha waa at Joan Oaatrya aaddio la aad ha kept tha eAamptoo boay ta aaaea of tba rnraa heata On waptambar Star Potntae. at Myatbs Park. Boston, aatabikahad a naw racord.

and. thouch a did aot baat Joaa R. OraU ry'a Um ta a rae. mada fa am at tnrw haata ta a rac. dafeatlne; Fraak A-aa and Rotrt J.

la I VP. OV, and 1 OJ4. Oa SO. at ReadyUla. atwiwil hia to Robart rraak Aaa and Jo Patcaan la tH4.

ZrOMk, and 6V aad on October T. at Laatoctoo. baat rraak A-aa aad Robart J. ta I. 1M aad I on Oxobor Rubtaatala efaatad him at HanaiWld.

Ol. tn alow tTbaa. aad a Nenaoir T. at Pniladaapata, aa nvl hia lat appaaraae for that year, wbaa aa lad Joa Patcoan to tha wlra In l.wiH. I.ftfH and OC At th ami at hfadiaon Bquan Oardan.

laat liarch. ha waa acaia aoid at auction, and waa boua-ht by Jama A. aforpay. of Chicatro. for aod.

with on axoaptlon thia year, hta etna haa bro a aartoa of brilliant victoria. ond tta campaign at Caar-tar Oak Park. Hartford, oa Jufy dafeat-tr. John R. Orntry and Frank Aran.

La tor on at Wtahinftoa Park defeated Jo Paten aad rettd tb doe at Cl-ra-lnd. At Coiumone Jo Patonaa waa la apiandkl form and defata4 Star Pointer la heata. win nine th aecond tn SiHH. tbua aquailnar tha chimploc record. At ta Fort Erie (Buffalo) meet-la- Star Potncer paod a mil a-alnst tlm tjrlH.

and a week later ha defeated Joa Patcoan a return matct at WaaSlDfton Park tain, hia beat time betna; OZ. Hta final tr.umcA waa at ReadTlUa, Saturday, Autroat E. wnaa a pcd and bo- cam th Brat her to so batow 10- wim me RACma wheelmen. th bicycl raclsa; men Eddie BaJd I considered tha cbaaaptoa of 14V7 by th haadlcapawra and tb ezprta. Tru.

haa been be tea by all of the atar at Tarloua I lin ia but whea It ta conald-ered that rod, aa merman did. rry day on tha circuit, took bo root, and that hia percentage of win aad rtctortea oear thnee who defeatad him ta much tbaa thetrs ovr him. tt muma but fair to call hlaa tha champion. Ha haa bean defeated badly on ee.eral oocastona. but ta an who have defeated hua have noted for wwaaa aad "laid for him." Jimmy at Irhaal'm aaaaoa baa been the moat prorttaho ef any man tn th country.

It I amid that ta ttttl Waiah wonder haa woa aaor thaa Baid'a arain-a ar aatlaoatad at H. ta eioaely roi-iowed by Earl Klaer. Arthur Gardiner and Fred Tltu. Eddie hteCtaffie aad rraak atrbwek ar the two aaea who have the dtatlao-Uon of defeatlnc htloaael tn thla country.

Mc Duffle, far a few lay, heid th record for a mil pared. It waa broken by Platt-Betta aooa afterward, and acaia by Stock aad MichaeL floyd Macfarlaad proved hlmaelf tba rraateat handicap rider tn Ch country atir-m th law nuoa He la aimoat la vlnclbl at taa aryl of rtdlac and haa roUd op a eomfortabie bank account, rraak Xou--had. tha rratic Canadian, ahowed that waa a faat maa. defaatlna; the beat man ta tba world In two champaonahtp raoa He I not to d.oadd upon. Boib-thaa be ride drat aad aometnnea laat.

but la certainly one of th moat brtll- lidera on tn ctrcurt at time. Iartnc ta year a aww aniat in ebam- dewloool. Wbn Arthur A Ziiimiai maa mad hia famoua a of a aria In Uva ainaoa of Ta. waa tboaurht tb Scar mJcht ar acaia eqoaiad. Bart W.

Pea-bod r. aa amilair rtder of CbJeaeT. dtrmined to beat th "Skeet-rar flcuraa. aad atartad oat last aprtae; mt mi ah th taak. Bang th aoa af a waU-to-do pubiaww ta Lb Wlady City, trv.

aad did not lack for fuad. and waa always am found wbar a rae meat beana- hid. npwcaai paraalta war aad trawled from New Torn to Characoi. a wU a rn ta Booth. Towwd tt latter part of th aaaaoa Pea.

body woa tour race at Macon. Oa. mak-anc a craad total of lot victona for in iby hlmaelf aa th of ZIiiiiiii nia it. la ta aomataur HI BMumri work ataw 104 A rot a. aao.

third, wftb flfty-oo dla- raadaka, Ben watch and a larc atock of tMrcbaodla. a hi reward. Ta total vaJu a about tl.HU. while Zlm-amartnaa'a work netted htm prim am valued at over That I owiac to Lh fact that tn amateur rutea haw bean revised alno ta day of tb Jeraeymaa. urine haa amateur lauiuj tariir, Zt ariiaan won ovr prtaea, rnoiudms tan piano, four bora, ttcru rarriaca.

twvaty-flv puad watcae aad two or tare build In; la tbrwa year a woa rr tJa.Mt aUilar. mt CMcafo, a at wQ her ad. aaa ia a aww sis days' record, at New Tork ewveral w.aae aaa, rsdlns; nearly LeM saOe wttara six days, durtoaj which Uam a had but four hour' sleep. PltOfllNENT BASEBALL FEATURES. aaannc tn maoat UUareatlnc avents which aappsaad la bae ball dunn; ta year mrar ta Apart! M-Rus caa ouiiaauumlaa J.

th player droopln; hi) suit in court aad acrea-mc to play with Naw Tork. May Aao ctvaat a bis testlmoaial ha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Clothins? We intended to ltare Louisville ftx 1, bat were fortunate enoagh to secure the gTeat stock of Julius Winter at 40c on the dollar and their store, corner Market and Third streets, for the month of January. Monday morning we will start the most gigantic Clearing Sale erer held in Louisville, The Hudson stock of $35,000 and Julius Winter stock of $15,000 $50,000 worth of Men's and Boys' Clothing and Furnishings to be sacrificed within the next thirty days. Strong, sweepirg redactions on all grades, that pass into the marvelous. Never before in fifty years have you had the chance to buy so cheaplyl We are smashing all clearing sale recor Underselling others' greatest offers.

Now is the time to buy and here is the place, corner Third and Market, Julias Winter old stand. WINTER CLOTHING Men's $5.00 Ulsters. $2.50 Men's $15.00 Ulsters. $10.00 Men's $20.00 Ulsters. $12.50 Men's $15.00 Overcoats Men's $16.50 Overcoats $9.00 Men's $18.50 Overcoats $11.00 Men's $20.00 Over-coats $12.00 oooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooo of Waauteajton, fi-nt on tb field at tb CTUco rroonda, Jun i Chica-o bat tn sewn run off Rust in th crista Inning and win at Tork.

July OUcacoa wte from Boston. I to 1. tn 6an tnnrnera. Aua-ust 4 Umptr Hurst at i as a speo-tacor at a Clnclanati ium with a beer riaaa. aerioualy tnjurlnc brm.

Aiaruat S3 Game betwaen Chlcaco and New Tork at New Tork ends tn a row. Lb Gtanta fW.ptroibr IndianapoUa and 8C Paul player tndulc la a r-f or-ail fici at Inllanapoila Sfenvbr 27 Bostons win dcilv cam tn Baltimore. October 11 DJttrnor win Temfaa Cop aw la from Boston. Nmambar 10 brun with Tom Burn to suocoad Aosoo aa manacar of tb Colta. Proenlnoat death durtoc th Tr war tbos of PMchwra Radbourna and routs.

O. P. Caylor. Lnfleldar Jo Sullivan and Catcher "Bill" Brown aad "Kid" Baldwin. NOTES PHIZE-Rise EVERTS.

Foilowtec at tn mow nota- ble rtnr ewots of th yeai January 4 Jama Dully kflled Um tb prise rtnc rn Nw Tork. January zs Prnve-flcbt BUI law ta Nevada. February IstlfM wafeata lacPart- avnd. twenty-five rounds March 17 Robert FXlitamoM J. OortMtt for th bvy-welsrt ef tb world.

Vamb lb EXrward Olbbona kSled tn tn ru by Jack Parry, and C. Kelnckr by Frank Ooonetry. both at Pblladalnhla. April "Burr" Vernon killed rn a fiarbt witb Lespl Ptera at Atbana Pa. AprS Frank Orawe kvlsmd In a ftsjbA vritb Matt Semaehy at San Joa.

Cal April SB Larfcrn defeat a Connelly, aaaw-a round, ta New Tork. May CrrruOcl defeat "Daw Smith, four rounda. tn New Tork. May a FUrba tn New Tork. May MoCoy oafeata Dick CTBrlan.

tea rounda. Jun Sharkey-Maaar flbt stooowl tn New Tork. rounda. July a ears "a Dixon and Dal Hawkin draw, twenty rounda. Baa Franolaoo.

Aurust WalcoCt knocks out Ore an ta San Franoieeo. aoptesabsr oaodaj stow eat of atop- of Ryaa-MoCoy Ocht by poilce at Ootober 4 SoDy Bmrth Dtrnoa. twenty rounda, San Fraaoaaco. Ooaobar 14 Pedlar Palmer defeat Data Sullivan. Lovadon, Ootober Lav1n defeat WmJcott.

tvarra rounda. Baa Franciaoo. Nov. Jordan defeats Tommy Whet. October Cnoynakl and Jaffna draw, twenty rounds.

Baa Franc Isoo. Decemosr 4 Barry defeaum Croot. twenty round. London. of THE IB PORT A TURF EVENTS.

Nnct tn prominence to tn ptfiniii of Star Pointer oomea th wlneuns; of tha Encash Darby and other blf ataka by Oaitee Mar, an lrlab bred ooit. Tb Darby waa run July Other turf features of tb year: February 4 Robert Win a eh aatwannsrt to Ave mo tb la Uarau prison for April J4 Donsara win at MO to 1 at Inclssida Mav 4-lo Patch boutrht by C. W. Marks for 414.000. May 4 Voter, a thraa yesn-oia.

win tb MetropoUtaa Handlnap, May 1 Typbooa arm tb Kentucky Derby. May 14 Ookara fllry Rboda B. win a ataka la Enajtaad. May 11 Howard Mann wins) th Brooklyn Handicap. Jun 11 Death of Byron McClelland at LexlnAtoai.

ICy. Jun Ba Brush wins tn Brooklyn Suburban. Jun 14 Jockey A. Tbompaoa nuuicled under an alotrlo car Bear Roby. July 10 Tb Friar win tn Be tlm at ion Stake July Star Potntar defeats Jo Patohan ra their Brat meetlnc of th year at Waah-lnrton Park.

July IbDr. Mrlean die at ta La to nia Vft. Laf Men's $7.50 Suits Men's $8.50 Suits $5.00 Men's $12.00 Suits $7.00 Men's $15.00 Suits $7.50 Men's $18.00 Suits $10.00 Men's $15.00 Prince Albert Coats and Vests. $7.00 Men's $2.75 Pants 98c Men's $3.75 Pants $2.00 Men's $5.00 Pants $3.00 Aua-ust Jockey Tom Crana alTVH at Harlem. Ausrust Jo Patohan pa eaa ta at Ooliunbua August 24 L'Almwtta wlna tn Tutartty.

Aurust 38 R. T. Kneb temporarily Inatated by Praaldent Uam. of th can Trottlnc Association. September OrnamooX.

Ill pound a mile and a quarter at SbepoaA la October 6 Thorn wtna tn Krntaolrr 10- turlty October Robert J. and Jolm try lovwr team racord to 1:01 it Falls. N. T. Rllma win Stake.

October ma-jo Patohm malT varon record of 2M at J0UT mmm.t December 8 R. T. Knwabs) reinstated. December 10 Hambun void mo DeJy for 141.00ft. MISCELLANEOUS 8P0RT1NQ EVENTS.

MisceUaaoua evenom tn tb sum Uua and athletic world ware. May Tale crew baata June IP Vanaaana win annual City yacbt race. July 1 Oorneli wins bis; boat rae with Tale and Harvard at Pou4ikeept July 1 B. H. Tan Byok.

an mafiimia. win diamond sculls at Henley. Aufiist Kreich ColUn wm Um Wt-rn teonia championship. Aua-ust Vlcllant wins 110-mU rasa tb Naw Tork Tacfct Club. Aarust 24 R.

D. Wrenn wtna th Ajnr-can tamila champfaji aali tp at Newport. September t-Gaorn W. Clark dlvwa KM feet off th Hltd-au aet btidssx Beptnnber 14 H. J.

WWrham win th Amorlcan amataaar boU clvajnpiooBoia) at WBeaton. December 4 Psoras Bloaaon win th icnteen-umoh balk Oil biuard tnnrna maul tn New Tork. December 11 Kansas City wlna totaroity ahoot from Cnioaco. Taaeo altocetbar. tt was on of rb gi latest year tb sportlnc world ha known, both from a reoord-braa rlna standpoint and from tha exoalleno of tba performanrwa.

3AXGUOX). with tH6 Boxers: No doubt exists inonf the local followers of pucrflism but that Corbett and Flts-stmmon will meat one mora In tb Tbe main obstacle In to waxy of a match tn supposed priwiiaw that FltmslmrmTtam bad mad to hia wife never to re-enter tb rtnc baa been removed. Mrs. Fltsalnmnmon bavtnc released her busband front hi protrsa and sjven her iwsiaiit to him to have a crack at tn aaplranta for ta ciiampionahlp titla Fttsslmmons. In view of th fact that Corbett made things somewhat ilieaal able for him when dared to entertain too us hta of cbampiotashtp honors, is trying to retaliate.

Ha tells Corbett just what the latter told him a tvm abort years aco: "Go and cet a reputation. Whip son of tn man I hav. wnlVoed." Tbe obamiaoa stipulates that Corbett not and defeat either Manor or Sharkey. This Corbett poativiy dacaraa to do. Mamvcar Brady haa taken the bull by th born by lUrmittng t2.iu with Al Smith to bind a match.

Brady insist that Flta-simmon owes hi reputation almost trreiy to tb fluke victory that cained over Corbett at Carson City laat Maroa, and that must flarht Corbalt acaia, Fttsslmmon solemnly premised to Siva Oorbeu the Brat cnano ahould ha decide to re-enter the rkf, and be no riajht to dictate other than reasonable term. Corbett ha demonstrated to th eetia-factaon of all followers of the manly art that Is very much the champion's claaa Brady and his friends will bet Kits and Manacer Julian to a standstill that be ia The side bet oan be made juet a hash aa th New Zaalanoar and hta friends wish. Corbett will also acre to any reasonable term, and wUl even five a bonu to Fits If be will sicn fair and equitable artJeies of acreemenu He will also aire aim SLOW when he enters tbe rin. These offers indicate that Corbett to tnorouchly In earnest. It is really tb en absorbinc ambition of his Uf to try ooa-cluelona one more with Fttaalmtnons.

In order to treble bis fortune and win the Rood will of the Americas sportlnc public. Frtsalmmona must walv his silly conditions and make a match with Corbeti without delay. McCoy is also thoroughly tn earnest to his deeir to Ocht Fttsslmmons, and really believe, that can win th championship. He will bat tlO.Oua that be caa aad mm alao wllhnc to meet any that FltselDimons will nam. Fits promptly named Cnoynakl.

who la a heavy-walcrbl. aa every oa knows McCoy sUctuataa that Fits A at acm at and GOING FOR A SONG. Boys' $5.00 Long-Pant Suits Records ol Trotter and Paeer. H3B fonowms; table giva all racorda, tbetr air, year they tixalr racord wfaich anablea Uia when racord waa mada Tn Fantaay entered the list at war foalad. and th yar tnay 1 reader to Opira Uva aT of.

aaoh performer youngest ar four years oaT ac. althouch tiiree. but reduced her record aa a fnnr jaar Id. Trottar first and than tb pacers; 1:034. 1.

AJrz. 1S4S. by Patronac; record la 1894. 2:04. 1.

Nenoy Hanks, UML by Happy Medium; record In lbKt. S. Asot. ISST. by Whips; racord ta UM.

aVJDfrvctsm, ink. IfiUt 1:04. Fantasy, 1890, by Cmmcw itxwd tn 1844. 114.. Bauaarta.

1SU. by Onward: record ta Uue. T.Ralpb Wllkea, 1889. by Bad WHkea; reo-ord la 144. 4.

Kenruekr Union. 184m, by A.berdeezx record In l-i. I. William Pftn, 180, by Santa Claua; raoord tn LS96. lOTH.

14. Klamath, 188S. by Morookus; reoord tn II. Stamboul. ISSi by Sultan; reoord tn 17.

IX. Arion. ISSt, by S3eotloar; racord la ma. 15. KratnUn.

ISST. by Lord Russell: raoord In 1881. 14. Ryland 18S4. by Ledcer.

reoord In 14M. 15. Qrao Hastlncs, 188, by Bayonn Prtno; record In 1S97. 14. Martha WUkea, 1884.

by Alcyone; reoord tn 1884. 17. NlrhUncsia, 1884. by Mambrlno Klntr; record In 1844. tt.

Onoqua, 189L by Keeler; record In 1894. 14. PUley. 1884. by Jay Gould; record la issa.

The Monk. 1844, by Chlma; reoord tn 147. 11. Trevllllan, 1881, by Touna; Jim; record tn 1844. Zt.

Sunol, 184, by Election ear; record in 1841. 1KV. ft. Darby Princess, lsss. by Charles Derby; record In 1847.

44. HuMa. 1884. by Guy Wilkes; record In ds. 24.

LooKneart. 1886, by Nutwood; record In 185. tt. Phoebe Wilkes, 1886, by Hainbtatonlaa WUkea; racord In 1894. 1:084.

17. Belle Vara, 1487, by Vatican; reoord tn 1S91. S. Lord Clinton. 1885.

by Den rains; Alias; record In 1894. a. Maud 1S74, by Harold: reoord la 1885. a. Pal Alto, 1842, by Electioneer; record la 1891.

1:04. 11. a. a. M.

Less Wilkes, 1890, by Guy WUkea; reoord la 1894. Nelson. 1882. by Toung Rolf; reoord la 1841. 1:094.

AHertoa. 1884, by Jay Bird; record tn 1891. Beesl 11 too- 189S. by Wilton; record in wsa. K.

Oounte Bva 1891. by Normal; record In 1897. M. DavM ISSt, by Toons; Jim; record In 1895. 17.

Elloree, 1890, by AxteU: record In 1897. M. Daa Cupid. 1888, by Barney WUkea; reo- or In 1897. a.

Macnolla, 1887, by Haw Patch; mcord In 1894. 44. Mosul. 189X, by Suitnn; record) In 1897. 41.

pat 189X by HepubUcan; record tn 1898 41. Pilot Boy. 1890. by Pilot Medium; record tn 1897. 44.

Oakland Baron, jst by Baron WUkea; racord tn 1897. 44. Btrador 1884. by Souir Talmar; record In 1894, th mlddle-walcht limit aad has a rtsht to docllT to flajht out of his class. Dan Stuart ha visions of a flrhtlna; carnival at Carson City.

H. wants to arrange matches between Corbett and Fttsslm-amona. McCoy and Fltasimmons and La-Tien aad som other prominent and probably Georc Dixon and Solly Smith. Ta nchtlmj ruaii tasaito may meet with a Uttie oppoatuon to his Tom 0RoBrke ta the field for th Corbatt-Fttaalmntons contest. 0Rourke con tempi tea revlvtns; tb famous old Coney I aland Athletic Club, and will certainly Sid for tb bis; fight.

Th Coney island club-house ta the larareat tn thla country. It baa a seatlnc capacity of and could with but comparative smell outlay mad to seat Xl.OuO parsons. Jo Walcott, by th way. wants to Ocht McCoy. Th colored pucitlst has always proved a touch proposition tn the rlnc.

and th only two men who hav ever mad him wine ar Kid Lav Urn and Tommy West. Walootfa recent Ocht with Lavlcne ma aot tru test as Furaishiti $2.50 Boys' $12.00 Long-Pant Ssuits $7.00 Boys' $4.00 Short-Pant Suits $2.50 Boys' $2.00 Overcoats. $1.15 Boys' $5.00 Overcoats. Boys' $7.50 Topcoats. Boys' 50c Short Pants.

25c Boys' $1.00 Short Pants 59c Third and Market Streets. Winter's Old Stand. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOU trottar and an 1:04 pacer TiTiilar taatr IKaHt. 4B. Bush, 1888.

bv Aiccron: reoord ta 1897. Cheyenn. by Nutboum; reoord in 1897. 47. Jam 1887.

by Dexter Prtaoe; rew ord In 1898. 48. Pray toll, us, by AxteU; reoord ta 1847. I 44. AJtao, 1884.

by Altanmoat rwoerd ta VsSS. Bt. Baron Roarers, 1894, by Baron WUke record In 1897. 61. B.

B. 1891, by Pilot Medium; raoord In 1895. 54. Dandy Jim. 1886.

by Toimr JInmt rannrd In 1896. 51. Dare Devil. 1891, by Matnbrtno Klnar: reoord In 1897. 54.

Ellard. 1888. by Chartoy Wilkes: raoord In 55. HsJ-rtetta, 1888, by Aioyont reoord ta 1891. 56.

Dick Hubbard. 1890, by Ailsndorf reo ord in 1897. 57. Pace. 1889, by Poioniusi reoord ta 1894, 58.

Que Allen, 1890. by Champion Medium; record In 1897. 1:10. 59. Athanao, 1892.

by Junto; record ta 1897. SO. Benton lSSB, by Gov. Benton; reoord In 1894. 1.

Bouncer. 1841. by Hummer; reoord ta 1897. a. Early Bird.

1884. by Jay Bird; reoord 1895. (S, Ethel Down. 1840, by Boodlet reoord In 1897. 44.

Jsy-Eye-S. 1878. by Dtetatori iwoord tn 1884. 65. Little Albert.

1844. by Albert W. raoord In 1894. 48. Moquette, 1888.

by WUtom; iwoord In 1892. 47. Pamlico, 1886, by Meander; reoord ta 1894. 44. Rllma.

1894. by Kln- WUkea; reoord la 1897. M. Senator A 1884. by Tramp Panto; ree- ord la 1898.

70. 71. Toman, 1889, by Edcardo; racord ta 1896. Waltsr BV. 1884, by Patobaa Masnbrtno; leuui In 1891.

PACING IK LIST. 1594. 1. Star Pointer, 1889. by Brown Hal; ord In 1897.

1. John R. Gentry, 1884, by Ashland Wilkes; record In 1894. 1:011.. 4.

Joe Patcben. 1889, by Pa tone WTtkaen record In 1897. 2OTH- 4. Robert 1888, by Hartford: reoord In 1894. 244.

6. Frank Aran, 1885, by Mtkacaat raoord In 1894. 4. Flylnc JTb, 1885, by reoord ta 18113. 7.

Mascot. 1886, by Deceive; reoord ta 1892. 8. Online, 1890. by Sbadeland Onward; reo ord In 1894.

2KXi. 9. Frank Bosash, 1892, by AOaatto Km-; record In 1897. 10. StraUiberry, 1889, by Rose berry-; record In 1896.

11. Fldot. 1887. by Idol- record ta TS. 12.

Hal Pointer. 1884. by Tom Hal. J. reoord In 1891.

13. Bumps, 1891, by Baron Wllkea; reoord In 1S97. 14. Planet. 1891.

by Bonn! MoOracor; reo- ord tn 1897. 16. Hal DUlard. 1887. by Brown Hal; raoord in 1894.

2:06. 15. Rubinatein. 1890, by Baron WUkea); rao ord In 1898. 17.

Gulnette, 1889, by Gambetta WUkea; record in 1887. atrmcth, so many aporta say. for there was too much bettinc on It, and what was subsequently termed a "throw-down' for certain pool eellerm. Walcott, If ha should be permitted to meet McCoy, would wlU-tncly give away about five times aa much weight as McCoy refuses to civ away to Choynskl. The Kid, however.

Is mart inclined to be fair with Choynskl thaa persons at first believed he would be. If ha consents to let Jo weigh 144 pounds there will be a royal battle. McCoy, to bis credit. Is anxious to tight, althouch Is fond of a little free advertising, like other pugilists of fl rat-class reputation. Not sine th championship battl between Fltsalmmon and Jim Corbett at Carson CKy has there been so much fighting talk Indulged tn by th sporting men all over th world as now -over th prospects of a finish fight being arranged betwaen MoCoy and Fltasimmons or Corbett and Fits.

Tb challenge issued by McCoy to fight Fltasimmons la responsible for the booming of th sport. Fltasimmons' quick reply to th challenge, stating that would fight McCoy after th latter had defeated om good mr mstsc tha sporta MEN'S FURNISHINGS NEVER SOLD SO CHEAPLY. 91.50 Far-trimmed Dogskin Gloves $1.00 91.2S Lined Docsk in Gloves 75c 91.50 Asbestos Wool-lined Gloves 79c 91.60 Buckskin Gloves 75a 75c and 50c Gloves go at 91.50 and 92.00 Double-breasted Blue Flannel Shirts, large white pearl buttons 91.50 Star Brand Shirts 9125 Monarch Brand Shirts 75c Many New Bicycle Records. Wl ORLD'S lewd fell Ilk chaff just paasail, At pruaaaat for on mil. Jim mi Ml cites, on mil to on hour against buids th Welshman, bold all iinrt tlm.

wbtl Maurice Cordaag. ta t. 4 kt 1-4 4 6:44 4-4 4-4 144 1-4 7 16-04 1-4 17 10 4-4 9 1 44 1-4 11 4-6 11 11 14 29:64 270. 1 424-4 4a. 1 44 4-4 w.

17 18 BVI2 4-4 HO. 4: US. 41114-6 tW. 44 a Ml. a 4W.

a 4-4 aw. 4 1-4 170. 25 4-4 4M0. N. 54 44 4-4 kw.

rr lonc-distanos cyclist, mile, maklnc th latter to twenty-tour hour reoord had never been placed above one-mile reoord la striven tor with th how Father Time haa suffered from the record rim 1490, and tt I to be hoped a native of America i Tear. Holder. -T1894 W. I. J.

Osmond 18n 1894 a. 18SB H. C. Tyler. 1891 W.

W. 1841 W. W. Windl 1891 W. W.

Win 1894 John S. Johnson 1894 J. P. Bliss 1894 H. Tyler 1894 J.

P. Bliss. 1894 John 8. Johnson 1894 Otto Zalgtar 1894 H. C.

Tyler 1894 John 8. Johnson 144 M. F. Dlrnberger 1895 John S. 1896 Arthur Gardaar 1846 Peter J.

Berlo 1894 W. W. Hamilton 1497 BV. A. McDuffle am J.

Piatt Betts 0847 J. W. Stocks Standing start The present one-mile reoord held by J. W. Sulcata.

England's most noted ndr. th remarkable Um of 1 Jm 1-4. beats the time of Balvator, th fast est race-horse, wbo ran tha fastest mile, 1J6M oa a straightaway course. On Ootober 6 last, at Philadelphia. Michael rode for all records from on arS to on hour against tlm.

paced. From Iva miles until cm ad th line at thirty-two miles hi tlm was faster than any other worid'a reoorda for the earns distance and from th twenty -atxth mil until be crossed th tap la th thirty second mil excelled th Amrlcao competition reoord held by himself. It was snnounoad at tha tlm that "Michael will try to baat Stocks' record for on hour of thirty-two mUae 444 yard" This he did. maklnc thirty-two miles 453 yards la th sixty minute, bat another record of thirty-two miles LOW yards, mad by Stocks, still stand. Th wonderful reoord made by Maartoa Cord ang.

th Dutch long-distance eyetlst, at the Crystal Palao track la Lonoda, on September 16 sad 14, whan he rode th distance of 414 males and 440 yard twenty-four hour, was th moat wonderful cycling pet fui naaoo of th year, or any ether year, for that mattter. Th reoord that Oordaag captured was held by Constance Hurst, th Frenoh loog-dastano champion, and wss mad oa Aug. ia max, wnen rooe tat maaa ant 640 yards within the twenty-four hours. 4J IT swasaammssBSBamasmaws Si' 4-4 4-6 JJ4 1-4 i. 4 4-4 14 4-4 i 1 AO 1 41 1 rt i-47 t-m 1:44 1:44 1-4 1-411-4 1.40 4-6 19 1-6.

1J 1-s I xTM T' TT -144 1-4 all Ttaa ZfSS ,7, Zl 1 1:40 4-4 Bold as a Lion Tb new year start. a fjreibtg reminder that a WAEM OVERCOAT is oasattr. Ordar im order it now. soft Moo tag. aao or Bvsr vary, vary warm bat light soft and warm as fur.

Knoll las comfort in on and it WE maa it 'twill bs proper ia out, ks9 Wis Fw Happy few Yemrt oa FeTa, 4 4jT frrr a0vswN .3. 7.SW.e,.4. WW really betiev that tt will only be a gee, tlon of a year or ighte months when MoCoy and Fltssrmmons will enter the ring. The beet test Jtnm Jslfries has had wUl occur on January T. whan a Is to boa tweoty rounda wtth Tom Sharkey before a Baa Fraaclsoo audi sans Jsfrri twsnty- 91.00 Natural-wool Underwear 45a 91.25 Carael's-halr Underwear 75c 50c Black Silk Clocked Hosiery 25c 25c Hosiery, tans and blacks 12o 50c Neckwear, Tecks and Four- la-Hands 25a 39c Neckwear, Tecks and Four-in-Hands.

ISO 25c Neckwear goes at 5o 25c Silk Garters 10c Coon Collars, two for 25c 1 i I a 2r CI before th btcyel racing mem dm J. W. Stock, of Enariaad, botda th I th world a reoords from 114 mile tw CIS hour. Previous to thea th 5GB mil a. Ajaong most biuret greatest asst.

Tb follow tag table atacka of tb speedy eyoUsta at ta sail that tb next aaaa added ta ttaa Bat Baas' be) 4L 6J I Th fm1ortaT table atasw OwtkttwTw I Mlisa, M.M. a I Mils, M. I af "14 14I I mi saSal I a 4 a t-4 I las. r. 1 If w- i 1 tV 4 4-S 17..

4-1 US) 4Al4 I I 11.. Is A I 1 (Jilt lr tl. :4 44 a Ia las 1111 I I aw) 4 47 aw IUM 1-4 mso 4 44 XI 4-4 4 U4 4-4 1 at t-4 11 3 4- 11 tT 44 11 a 4-4 44:17 4- 11 44:14 t- )4 4-4 14 e) 4-f Sf JS 4-i 14:41 114 4-4 14 :44:44 4i 64 (4 4-4 6 11 U.U.4T 1-4 a.u 4-4 27 Al 4-4 I ..14 94 11 4-i 4 1 01 14 1 4-4 1 11:61 4-4 1 4-4 4-4 1 44 1-4 .17 0 44 4-S 470 Ilia J4 4-S u. 1.54 It 1-4 It 4-S llil i-4 11 J7SI 1-4 4-i t- Nw i-i 2:04:67 1-4 1 17 44 4-4 4-4 2 61 4-6 1-4 t-4 i Id 1-6 121 4 4-6 Tn. at) 518.

5Z. 41 asm ae 11 Al XT 670 4-S 94. KM. la. no.

115. 19. 4 i t-4 1:411 1-4 1X1 42 1-4 4 4(4 SI 1-4 1 14 X4 4t it 6-S 414.. 1W 4:17 9 4-4 I All are world's reoorda from 111 610 mi lea Curdaac's porforwiano Is more rvmaraabi from the faat that to ward th nnish of tbe rasa as eaid at lacmsim fast enough along. Slnos Mag until this rear th wwr id twsnty-four-bour rwnord has as ear beeam plaMd above as aniiea, as ta toismwtac 29 liW 14 4-4 4 80..

45.. lutsswiac a VA ...414 L4B9 49 Mile. Tda 4)1 tsmo table wul snow: Tear. Nina iama Mborlaad us IKd staohaas. W.

Snorlaad. stt Law W. Sborlaad 44 tb uaa Hurst .614 ll4 Hi vis re L4a4 D0 Hurst. M.M...69 la Rlvmsr ...44 Sw) lMrtt. v4 INM.

Hurst .....44 Ut 1497.... Cordaag .....614 49 AWiOl 1 TaTi Walsh Tbe Tailor, Ol 2X fmrtm A tw 4T 0.w hia stork ta rise, aad Billy aager. think that bs ass worid. Hharksy aad'Jffna ar 4 boa hia for a HO. per and an.

guartsr ef to gat receipts a tar th purs at 4uld Tommy Was aad Mystsvtewa strtty SaaWt win aot fight la Buffsie, a ta stab waasai. tbem ha aot lived smm Its OaposU tb i. I i.

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