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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 12

Galveston, Texas
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I'HJt; aALVJflSTON NEWS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1904. younc SS8 h. wl Hf be with I.w of dry tt cotton I. iiiS. 014 ov yew.

ou ut lai-nor. bolli wornu and boll weevlI are worn In name luotlonci than others. Tht surly mniurliiK lolw of cotton ceanod frulllnE on account of tho pi-sts. wr cottcm ut Mvlmi.s an Rood us ut tlio mimo thno last Jm'n' yaw" of or full crop on account ot the. great number oJ foU vrwvllu.

Kor ten ilnj-a tho weather has boon dry and hot. which, If It continues, jv 11 Boon -put an enrt to tho bullwonns! h.Vt 1 1 00 0 cr wlu 1 bi-ttiT than lust your, Including 1 hlst yciir thlr1 a 5ra In this eoctlon. Wrathor has bwn tuvorublo for growth ot plant, yot too much Jhi a liwoi-ts tmd-wpovllx near tn- creeks und bolhvormn on uruirle. Had thn kept crop would have Iwon Inrue; as It Is. cotton Is very uneven ood crops, some vory poor.

1 icKiiiK has bOKun and will open early If the weather continues dry I.uander-Cotton Is not "as good as Insf very unevun. Somo fanners suy i one-third to one-founh of hale per acre IB the best. A. A. Word oY the community lays It will take ton acres to rmike a bale, so the average will bo below IjiBt yoar's crop.

Boll weovllj are reported doing a great deal of harm by some, nnd other far-men, say there are very few In their cotton. Weather very favorable and cotton Is opening up fast laTonu Liberty HllV-Cocton Is not as good as It vo by at least 10 per cent. The crop Is two Weeks or more later now than then: picking In general will not commence before SepF. 1 or after. Some cotton Is assured now, regardless of the boll- a n(i i We vlls ng at work mo low-ootton lands and In or near the Umber recent showers have caused ot quar in some flelds with continued iwrorabfo weather like we are SOUTH TEXAS.

OOCXTY. (Ginned 1303. 15.402 bales. Acreage 6V4 Dor cent more.) BeHville--Since the boll weevil haa attacked the cotton the yield per acre will Be aoout the same as list year. The total greater for this section owing Jo an increase In acreage.

Weather eondi- tlons for the last three weeks have been unfavorable owing to continuous showers, and through the combined effect of tho showers and the ravage of the weevils the cotton crop la being Kreatly injured "Cotton now, as a general thine. Is not fruiting at all. as the boll weevils dr.itroy the young squares and fast as they form. Cotton picking began about July Lo and so Tar about a hundred bales have been mar: keted at this place. Cat Spring-Thfl cotton crop In this place and county la in a very bad condition due the daily showers.

Rust is in nearly all the fields. Bolls will not open; not erough cunshlne for them, and the bolls that are open will rot before they can be picked. The crop la cut short fully 25 per cent owing to tho -weather. Picking began about two weeks ago. but the rain Mas retarded It very mncH.

No prospects for-the weather changing at present. Kenney--Cotton condition Is possible better, by a very small per cent, but as yet I there no certainty of this fact; first be- I cams the present external view of the crop' Is very deceptive. Some places, where the cotton la four or flve feet hlghi' in place of a. bale to the acre there arw from four i to flve bolls to the stalk, and In other vases, where there are from twenty ta thirty, half of them are rotten from excessive rains or from having been punctured by boll -weevil. Excessive rains have done Breat damage to the cotton crop and still It rains, having rained here every day.

except two for the past month until today. Crop Is badly injured by both rain and (weevil. There will never mature another cotton boll in this part of the county is Sho opinion of all the best farmers in it IA11 the cotton that will be made this year will be from bolls already fully matured. commenced some ten days ago, but not much haa been picked yet, as the cotton opens very slowly on account of too much rain. On some soils cotton matures and opens much earlier than on other kinds planted at the same time and cultivated the jBazno way.

regardless of kind of seed. New Dim--Cotton condition 10 "per cent better than last year. "Weather unfavorable- Crop being injured by rain. Picking began Aug. 1.

Sealy--Cotton crop, In this section -will, from alt apepamncos, be about the same as last year. On account of the continual rainy weather during tho past three weeks, damage by boll -weevil and bollworm, a loss at least 25 per cent waa sustained. A month ago prospects were for a monster crop, but it's all off now, and If farmers gather -what Is on the stalk now they -will do well. No ton crop' to be expected, even with -favorable weatner, on account of the various Picking In the bottom and "black land began, about the first of the month and IB now well under -way. On the prairie fields picking will not be general until beginning of September.

The leaf- worm haa now made Ita appearance In late cotton. Wallls--Cotton crop no -better than was last year at this time. Weather unfavorable; too much rain; many boll weevils and worms. Picking began Aug. 1.

-Up to 'Aug. 1 we had a splendid prospect for cotton; plant -mil fruited and growing nicely and must all the planters ward calculating on getting a bale to the acre, but the rains of the paat two weeks, with boll and -worms, have out the average to five acres to bale. BASTROP COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 11.311 bflJas. Acreaga same).

Bastrop--Three weeks ago the cotton crop In this Immediate section was considered good and would average 20 per cent better than last year, but aince the recent haavy rains the cotton has quit fruiting and tha boll weevils ore now- at -work on the grcrwn bolls, having already consumed the smaller ones. The present outlook in section is Indeed gloomy. There Is some good in this section, however, but taking (the crop as a -whole it will average about the same as last year, while some put It at 5 and 10 per cent better. Present weather conditions are good, but cotton has ceaaed to make. Picking tsgan about July 36, and up to presen-t time about fifty been marketed here.

Elgin--Reports on ootton crop very leonmcUng. Some -report better ootton, some not so. good. On the whoie, my opinion 18 cottou crop -will pan out 10 per cent Setter than year. Weather has been too much rain.

Boll weevil and bollworm axe both damaging cotton badly. Cotton ceased to bloom ten ago: No top crop -will raade. Picking -will be practically ovei by Oct. 16. Just Beginning to pick.

Cotton very rank, and tolls rotting for want oC sunshine. Paige--The cotton orop around thli place In. a way. At this time It looks mi the crop -urn Tery ahott, probably equal to orop of laat year. The iweather been very unfavorable to the eotton; tor thfl iMt weeks we too much rain.

Tk boll haa damaged the- cotton to a great extent; has Turned all yonnir bbHi and squares and damactd tha grown bolls. great many of which will have damaged locks. Picking tiki just borfun, about, won ty bales having ginned to this Smtavllle-PreMnMproiptcU for 40 per eent yield of cohon this season over lait good, chiefly due. to planting earlier and using early maturing rains tt. flnt aayii of thli bottom bolU on irhere th4 foliage Is to rot.

of boliworms, but "thalr to limited to a few Mexican weevil numerous In all latter confine themselves to blooms. Plcklni pratty the flrit a en flnn.4 here ta date. OODNTT. UN. Vm doubled.) to cood oHMiftloa monthi In which to nutlet before front.

Quimmji.v- About two weokii (tiro tho oot- ton ovop nutterliuc, at lenst BO per cant than Unt year, but tho ax- ruins the -cotton IH In tho ttoldM mid the ooll wcovtU uro lU'blroylriuf thu crop rapidly. Tho furmcrs tu'o bwslu- nl ng to gut her what io left. VC.MOO-- Tho crop botttr thla yenr by 100 por cent the crop of HW3, and tho uorvuRft is 300 IKT crnt than fur Miu jjiroviiHirt your. The wouther hius very unfavorable for tho jxm two weeks; mln nearly every day. This haa Injured the crop to some extent.

The vlls havo not dunmged tho prairlo crops nu much ao they havo those planted tn tho bottoms. Porno prairie land Is making: over a bale to the acrn. The general cellmate 13 from one-half to three-fourths ot" a bulb to tho ncre. This, bowevor. only to prairie lands.

Picking began two weeks tigo. CAI.DWMM, OOU.VlTf. (Ginned 1P03. 18,378 boles. Acreage 12 per cent more.) Jjockhnrt-- Cotton orop of this section will avoruKO 10 per better than lasu yww.

Weather very favorable now for opening and gathering. Crop Is being considerably injured by boll weevils. Picking began Aug. 1. Lullng-- Cotton crop In this section Is about 2" per cent out tor than last year, oat her very favorable.

Picking begun about July 20. Tha weevils aro still Injuring the cotton. OAIiHOITN (JOCKTT. (Ginned 1903, 461 balee. Acreage 26 per cent mom.) Port Tjavaca Cotton crop of Calhoun County is much better than last year (one of disaster).

Aorsago Is also much greater, and conservative estimates are that fully twice as many bales will be ginned. continue, and the weeevil pest la ravaging many flelda, while some escape. The outlook for the crop Is far worse than two weeks ago, when indications for a large crop were moat encouraging. Picking in July. CHAMBERS" (Ginned IMS, none.) Mont Belvleu-- The cotton crop In this vicinity Is about 20 per cent better than last year, although the rainy weather Is beginning to affect tt Boll weevils are found In meet fleldi, but are not doing much damage.

Picking began In the first week of August COLORADO (Ginned 1903, bales. Acreage 13 per cent more.) Alley ton-- Cotton crop generally estimated about 6 per cent better than last year. Some fields not ad good. Unfavorable weather during July on up to the present. Crop is being injured by frequent showers, boll weevils and bollworms.

Picking began about Aug. 1, but Is juat now becoming general. Columbus-- Cotton crop of thla county about the same as last year. The weathor waa favorable and tho prospect excellent until about four weeks ago, when the showene aet In. The boll weevils and bollworms are now doing great damage, and no blooms are to be seen.

Picking commenced about Aug 1 1. Eagle JLake-- Crop la about as last year at this time. Tt Is at least two weeks earlier, but the weevils struck it at about the same stage of development as they did last year, so nothing fe gained from early maturity. Early and continued rains prevented efforts to keop the. weevils down, and they are getting: nearly square.

It Is not expected, that any more will be made than IB already on the plante. Estimates of the prospective yield vary from 25 to 10 per cent of a full crop. Picking 1 is becoming: general, and the prospect Is that the crop- will be harvested very early this fall. GHdlAn-- The crop Is much woree than last year; about 20 to 26 per cent worse, "Weather very unfavorable; the continuous rains -have been disastrous. Crop la and has been, Injured by the exceeeive rains-, which hava caused shedding, and are favor- to ths operation of the boll weevils, as well.

At this time worms are plentiful, doing great destruction. Alt hopes are despaired of making anything near the anticipated crop. Many of the bolls are rotting. Picking began last week. Very few bales have been marketed In this vicinity.

Rock Island-- Proepectfl not good ae previously for cotton. Showers havo been fa- vorablo for weevils, and cotton has shed badly. Picking wMl begin In about fifteen days. Crop is about on an average with last 'year, but acreage Is smaller in immediate vicinity. -The consensus of opinion here Is that the cotton crop Is from 10 20 per cent woroe than laat year.

Some farmers report that ttteir crop is as good or better than laet year, but the majority report It wone. The weathw is very unfavorable, haa been since tho firet of month. It rained almost every day for past two weeks, and the Indications ara that rains are not OTW yet. The crop Is being injured, both by the boll weevfia and the bollworms 1 and haa made practically nothing since the rains tegran. Picking began here about July 20.

About 1,000 hava been received hare to DJfirwrrr ootwnr. 1903, 16,153 bales. Acreage 9 per oent more.) Onero-- QThe cotton crop IB at least 10 per cent better than last year; picking began the last of July and Is progressing as well as the showery weather will permit. To say that the crop is not being injured would indicate 'no boll weevil. The ques-.

tlon' ii, how much will the Injury amount to, which question can only bo answered at the end of the veason. Thomaston-- The cotton crop in this community ii believed to be about the same as lait year. Thft weather la favorable at this time for picking. Crop was badly damaged by boll weevlL Picking commenced here July 16. oakum-- Condition of the cotton crop is about the same it' was three weeks later In the season last year.

The boll weevil has dono great damage tind the bollworm has injured the crop In some Instance. On tho black land farmers report cotton dying to considerable iixtent In some fields. Picking commenced the latter part of July. Weather conditions 'are favorable for a fall or- top crop, but farmers report that there no chance for a fall orop owing to tho pMence of -many boll Yorktown-- -Tt is difficult to any Intelligent estimate of the condition of the cotton crop In vicinity. North arid went of Torktown arc lands, and fields yielding a fairly good orop while -are far below an average East and south are timber lands, and farmers say they will not make more than a bale to ten acres.

On the whole it Is considered that the crop Is 5 cent better than laat year. The weather Is very fine and favorabla. The crop Is injured by boll wervil first and now by the army worm. Some farmers began picking 96, and othen began Aug. 16.

FATBTTB COUWTT. (Dinned 1808, 96,847 bales. Acreage 8 per cant more.) Blllngerr-The cotton orop may at best average a little better than last year, but It Is safer to predict that it will be just about the same. The weather has been very mrfavorable for four werku and did imraonie damage, changing' the finest crop for years into a vary moderate one. The crop has been Injured, aa stated above, and' at this writing the weevils do not permit a single square to become a bloom.

Pick- Ing began three weeks ago, but has made little progress on account of the rains. crop Is worse than last year toy about 10 car oent. Weather very unfavorable; continuous showsry -weather favorable to bollworm and causing the lower bolls In the rank cotton 'to rot. The crop is being seriously Injured by the ravages of the boll weevil; they ars attack- Ing and partially destroying even full- grown bolls. Picking began about 1, and Is being pushed with vigor whenever the weather permits.

Platonla-- Cotton crop about the same as last year, which was an unusually short taking eight to ten acres to make a bale. The weather Is very unfavorable for cotton. Continued showers for. last ten days have made the boll weevil exceedingly nctlvt. Picking began Un dayu ego.

with receipts very light on account of bad condition of crop. Fl a ton la shipped 1,800 bales last year, This is the estimate for this season. La Orange-- Cottn orop In this vicinity and county 10 cent better than last year. The last three weeks the weather has been unfavorable for cotton on account of two much rain. to being Injured by boll weevil and rkln, mostly by boll WMvila.

Picking about Aug. 1, but has very slowly on aaeouat of wet weVther. Ltdtwtter-The cotton, orop Is about 10 cent better this thu last It Is raining about a stalk to and the which an Mar art all mm fiuToff Mot a fctoflsj to a thsqr Mo Ity will be 30 per cent betior than year. wonlhor naa bi-eu very unfavorable on of BO nuioh ruin. The being budly Injutvtl by thn boll weevil.

grown bolls bolng di-stroytul. ricking bogim the lutiw part of curllwr thitu lust year, SehuUmburg-- Cotton picking commenced In this about tho first uf Auxust. Tho yk'ld IH uxpfrted to bo ubout 5 por lew tlnin last year. Frequent showors of ruin since about of July, thii null weevil bollvv.i'.'m have very iuJurkniM to cotton. Stiure about the inM- dlw of alt yimiiK squures have bcon killed by the boil wut'vll as soon as formed, and thu bollworm is destroying nmny of the bolls.

West Point-- Cottou crop 20 prr cont btt- tor tluui last yi'ar. Weather unfavorable. fi-op suffuring; damage from boll wcevl'a and rains. Picking Just uoKinnlny. The crop i probauly be tho same as lust year's.

Somo farmers will iiiiiku more eotton and not near as much, but the crop will bo small. Tho weather has boon very unfavorable on account ot too much rain mid cloudy wont tier. The crop Is being badly injured by weevil and In places much cotton Is dyintc. Picking commenced about ton days UKO and is progressing slowly. At present tho prospect for a top crop very remote.

Winchester-- The. cotton crop la said to be better than last year's 'crop by io per cont. Weather conditions could not be worse. It has rained for weeks almost every. Tho crop Is very badly injured by too much rain, boll weevil, bollworm und every other Insect injurious to ootton.

Half bolls up to grown boll? are punctured by weevils and boll- worniB. Picking been retarded bv too much rain. If It should clear, general picking would be in full blast. FOHT ESrSli Crt CUTTY. (Ginned 1903, 10,360 bales.

Acreage por cent more.) Missouri City--The cotton crop In this section Is about 25 per cent better than that of last year. Recent rains have damaged It a good deal, but the plant Is fruit- Ing again and the weather is favorable. Picking began about ten days ago, but as yet very littlo has been picked. Hlchmond-- Condition of crop not as good as at same staga of development last year, although three weeks earlier. At least 25 per cent worse.

Excessive rains and activity of boil weevil have contributed to bring about a change from last report, at which time prospects were the best for flve or six years. "Weather still unfavorable. Plant putting on absolutely notulng and bottom bolls rotting badly account of wet weather, with rank growth. Somo picking under way between showers. The outlook Is Indeed gloomy.

Rosenberg--- A greater acreage of cotton was planted this yenr than last, and until six weeks ago tills county never had a finer prospect for a big crop, but the Incessant rains for one month, accompanied by untold millions of boll weevils, have almost destroyed the crop except In a few fields. Practically no cotton has been picked on account of rain. The cottoii growers are very gloomy. GALVESTON COUNTY. (Ginned 1903.

956 bales. Acreage same.) High Island-- On account of the exceptionally dry spring- there was very littlo cotton planted anfi that was late. What' there is looks fine, heavily boiled and bloomed. This Is the first planted at this place in eight or nine years. There is nothing 1 to Bother It, and with good seed we do not think the boll weevil would be known.

GOI.I.VD COTJXTY. (Ginned. .1903, 6,741 bales. 9 per Berclalr-- The condition of the cotton crop In this section Is fully 50 per cent worse than. at the same time laat season.

Excessive rains, together with weevils, have almost ruined tho crop. For the last two "KTEcks ma-cIunKS for catching the peHts have been in operation and some favorable results are reported. Many fields will not -make a bale to fifty acres, while on some few farms where poison has been used freely one-fourth of a bale will be gathered. Picking- Is now under- headway. German town-- Cotton is 20 per cent worse than last year.

Too much rain In June and July caused cotton to shed squares and boll weevils did great damage, and are still destroying the young bolls. Cotton worms have appeared In many fields; some are poisoning: Picking began Gollad-- Crop 20 per cent short of last -year. About 6,500 btiles were made last year. Number this year will not reach over B.OOO, notwithstanding there Is 15 per cent increase in acreage. The weather conditions are all right, but the crop is being Injured by the boll weevils.

Picking commenced two ago. Farmers say that what is in sight is all that will be made. Boll weevils are puncturing squares as fast as they appear. Fall crop Impossible. cotnmr.

(Ginned 1903, 11,063 bales. Acreage 1 per cent less.) Gonzales-- Crops In this section are very much better than they were last year. 'The boll weevil Is doing much damage since the recent frequent rains, by early planting and poisoning with Paris green cotton will turn pretty 'well. There will be corn enough rajsed for home! use. Cotton picking began about July 14, and the first bale was "received July 21.

To date 710 bales have bean received against nothing this date last Harwood-- Condition of cotton crtp In this immediate section Is much better at present tim.e than at same period loet year. Weather haa hot been -favorable for fruiting for last two weeks, but there is more matured cotton now by 50 per cent than was made the entire season last year. Boll weevils and continual showery weather are making the conditions very unfavorable for the late 'or crop. If present conditions continue during August we have made about all the cotton we will get, Picking 1 cohimence.d two weeks ago, but poor progress has been made on account of wet weather. Some farmers on high sandy land have out three or four bales, while those on bottom land have Just commenced picking.

The weed is large and some are fearful of bottom bolls rotting on stalk if weather does not clear soon. Waelder-- There Is about 20 per cent more cotton made now than waa weighed here last year. The weather has been very unfavorable for the last two weeks and the cotton is being injured just now on account of too much rain. Picking began here about July 25, as Waelder received her first bale on July 28. Last year the first bale was received on Aug.

26. HARRIS COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 2,970 bales. Acreage 50 per cent more.) Hockley-- Cotton crop worse than laat year by 5 per cent. Weather jvery unfavorable, Crop being Injured by rust, too much rain and boll weevils.

Picking began about Aug. 1. Humble-- The cotton crop In this vicinity Is 'about 25 per cent better than that of last year. Everything seems to be favorable for a good crop. The weather has been Eood and the boll weevils have not done much damage as yet.

will begin In about ten days. Webster-- There was no cotton planted here last year. About fifty acres were planted this year to cotton. Tho weather for tho last month has been too and- has Injured the prospects for a cotton crop 45 per cent. Some -cotton on low lands is entirely lost.

The cotton is also being Injured in some flejds by tho boll weevils. Very little If any cottoii has yel been picked, but picking in aomo fields will begin In earnest shortly. JACKSON COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 1,326 bales. Acreage 25 per cent more.) Edna-- The cottont crop here Is about 15 per cent wone -than this time last yenr.

The weather fs and for f.he last six weeks lias been very unfavorable. Frequent show- era have caused much damage. Boll weevils are working a groat deal of injury. Picklnr began about-three ago. I.AVACA COUNTY.

(Ginned 1903, 21,707 bales. Acreage 8 per cent more.) Moulton-- Cotton Is about same ai last year, although two weeks earlier. Weather wren very unfavorable the pait -two weekn. and if it dooen''t turn dry considerable cotton will rot. It has hcen damaged considerably by wel weather and boll wuevilH.

These latter are m6ro numerous than ever known before. season is line for an enormous fall crop, but the weevils knock It all off. Shiner-Cotton crop will bo 26 per cent better than last year; Increase will amount to between 1000 and 2.GOO balee Weather a. whole has oeen very favorable to cotton; aeveral heavy only retarded picking- a day or two. Bollworm and boll weevil ace injurinr colton at prwent, the latter doiiuj the moat damage.

Very bioorot are vlalble now In tba boll weevil atlncs every bwt formed. causing to fall Off. tn of July, four earlier than lait and la at pruent at lu foil all HHVDGIO OOVMTY, (Ginned 331 bales. same.) UofUKlo-- The frauiu'iit rulun of tho last month have buon unfavorable to ootton and tho army wurm unU boll weuvll 11. Kli'Wa tluu promliiod a largo ylflU two weekn ago will hurUly pay for 'tho ylckliiK, whllo there HTO that hiivo no( been no baiVly injured by tho llavtiKus of worm and weevil will n-dui'o tho crup to 25 por cont bylow ycar'H yli'hl.

IMcklng bi ubout the of A St. Mary--lCsllnaating lost years crop at 100. thlM voar's orop may bo tmfely placed at no. weather Is very favorable at uri'n- vnt. althuiiKh HO many showers ut previous dfvtra have caused the leaf worm to bother In sunn; llciila.

About HI per cent of we situarcK on 50 per cent of tho cotton are bolus knocked off by boll weevil. Only about lu per oimt of the cotton Is ready to pick. nltliouKli all of It IB beginning to open to sumo extent. A PATIUCIO COUNTY. (OInned 1'JOS.

3.224 bales. Acreage ly lit same.) Aranyas 1'ass little cotton Is planted In this Immediate vicinity. Tlie crup Is much bettor tl'an laat year. Tho bull weevil Is present but lias done little damage. Weather Is favorable to the orop.

San 1'atrlcio-- Ccrton crop In this vicinity is about 80 per cent than last yoar. "'Weather unfavorable. Continued "shimers have brouKht -the army worm. which has destroyed all theleavos; nothing hut tnc bare stalk remains. Picking com- men-ed about Aug.

1. Seme cotton will never be picked. Cotton has not bloomed here In two months. Sinton-Cotton crop Is worse than last year. In upper end of county nothing will be made.

Experienced farmers say 'that less than 20 per cont of a normal yield will be produced. Boll weevils have done all this damage, and notwithstanding weather Is favorable at present, the work oC destruction still goes on. Picking began about two weeks ago, and Is finished already in many fields. VICTORIA COUNTY. (Ginned 1803, S.S56 bales.

Acreage 20 per cent more.) It Is}- believed that the cotton crop- in this "county is on the average as baa as last year If not a very small percentage worse. There Is. however, an Increase In acreage of about 10 per cent, which would make up the shortage. It Is hard to accurately size up the situation, as a good many farmers, especially those who planted early, have done well, while those with late cotton havo very poor stands. The weather has been unfavorable for the past month, due to showers.

The weevil and bollworm have been very Injurious, playing havoc with late cotton. Picking was begun about the lost week In July, the first bale being ginned July 19. WAtLEK COCSTY. (Ginned 1803, 7,599 bales.) Hempstcad--CoUon crop of this section Is considered by a majority of tho farmers to be about 10 per cent better than last year. The weatner of the last few days ijls been favorable 'to the crop, although the excessive rainfall of a week, ago caused quite a deterioration arid had the effect of creating weevils In many placei which were not before infested.

Picking began about two weeks ago, but has been interrupted frequently by Inclement weather. Forty bales have been market hero to date. Waller--Cotton crop worse by 5 per cent. Weather unfavorable. Crop Injured by boll weevil and rain.

Began picking about Aug. 10. A I COUNTY. (Ginned 1803, bales. Acreage 10 per cent more.) Brenham--Cotton crop In this Immediate section la better than It was last year, but this does not mean much," as only 15,000 bales were marketed last year, Is a normal orop.

It Is now believed that Brenham will receive 20.000 July rains started the boll weevils to work and they are preventing a single square from making a boll now, although the weed Is growing nicely and.the weather is hot and dry. But It la too late for any more cotton be made, with 30 many weevils puncturing every square, and only early cotton Is going to make anything. However, most of the farmers sent for Northern -seed and planted the early varieties, otherwise the crop would have been a complete failure, picking began ten days ago and 13 general now, over 100 hands from, this city having gone out ta adjacent farms this week. Cotton 18 LclriBT marketed here pretty lively now, and a prominent farmer, In town today, says it will all be open and gathered In less than two months. Burton--The cotton'crop In this part of the county is at least 10 per cent short of what it was last year, owing to the ravagea of tho boll weevil.

During the last two weeks there has been rain nearly every day, which gave the boll weevils a good chance to work, and they hve certainly taken 'advantage of the opportunity, as there 's scarcely a bloom to be Been. Pick- Ing began about July 25. The weather Is very favorable, and should It continue tne crop will be gathered by Sept. 13. Chappell Hlll-The cotton crop Is not so good as last year by fully 331-3 per cent.

Weather, very unfavorable: continued showery weather has Injured, the crop very materially, while boll weevils are stinging every square. Whole fields are. without a The cotton made such rapid growth that the bottom bolls are rotting badly, being too much shaded. Picking began Aug. 1 and-lt wlllinot take long to gather what little Is made.

Independence-rCotton crop Is a shade better at this date than at the same time last year, but what percentage It Is difficult to determine, since there has been so much damage to It recently. Weather conditions have been very unfavorable. It being excessively wet for more than a month past, causing grown bolls next to the ground to rot badly. Besides this, boll weevil and bollworm ravages are very.great. la not well on yet, although a few bales have been ginned.

Rains and heavy dews have retarded the gathering. Washington--The first halo of this year a cotton came in on Aug. 2 and was twenty- six days earlier than last season; but since then no picking has been done, as It is ramlng daily, and the crop has been damaged at least 15 per cent by rain and boll weevil in the last thirty days. A month ago a 10 per cent increase In yield was expected, but itris now thought that tho yield will fall per cent under last season, mostly on account of the bolls rotting, the boll weevil damage being about the same as last year. If the rain doea not stop within a few days tho decrease will be much greater.

TVHAUTOrf COUNTY, (Ginned 1903, 8,112 bales. Acreage- 714 per cent more.) East Bernard--Crop the same ad last year. Weather Crop injured by boll weevil, haa Just begun. cotton crop In this vicinity Is very dlscouragfng. Until tho recent rains tho farmers' expected to realize an excellent yield, but since then the boll weevils have appeared In untold numbers and proven very destructive to cotton.

It Is estimated that not more than one-third of a crop will be gathered. Picking has Just begun. The weather remains very unfavorable and only serves to cause ton to throw off Its fruit nnfl aids tho pest In further destruction. Wharton--The crop Is about the same as It was last year; Since Aug. 14 the weather has: been favorable.

Mexican boll weevils are injuring Picking Is In progress. ARCHER COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 76 bales. Acreage 75 per cent 'more. Archer City-Cotton crop In vioinlty lit 26 per cent better than at this last year.

Weather is-very favorable, and no complaint is made about any injury from any source whatever. Picking will not begin for some or twelve da.y» from this date. Holliday--Cotton Is much batter than IMt year: In "It II 75 per cent better, and in others cut short by tho dry ir. July. The weather had been very favorable up to July, and then plenty of rain from middle of July up to the present.

Picking begin by the last of August. BAYLOR COUNTT. (Ginned 1903, 138 Acreage per cent more.) Seymour--The cottpn crop of Baylor County is 30 per cent better than lait year. The weather IB at present favorable. The crop Is not being injured to any great extent.

There are a few crops Infested with- bollwormi. Picking will probably begin about the eecond week Jn September. (Editor 1 Note--The Newr correspondent Seymour snye only one tinier In Baylor County reported to the United Btates Cennu! Bureau last year. The glni of that county, he layi, turned out 1,717 Wrlei In 19M.) CLAY COUNTT. (Otnned 1M, MT twtei.

AerMfe crop. GraMhoppeni oUd vome dmmaice in some placM early in the but plenty of poison and thpy uru not doing any at thl! time. Picking will betln abut Sept. 1. crop "ully 10 per cont better thim year.

w.tother favorable, i the exception of too fast gvuwth of stalk, and follugu vhndlng the grown Crop Ifl only slightly Injured In by botl- wotma. Picking will not commenco before Sept. 16 or 30. Henrietta--Citton Is much better than It woo lust year. Some fannere givo the condition as an Improvement of KO por cent.

This Is perhaps n. maximum of certain noldi. Tne general condition, though. Is 76 por cent uvltev than last year. The Is favorable.

bi'liiK hot, with Just enough rain. There aro some roportr bollwonna. hut nothing serious as t. Picking has not really yet, though llrat bulo Is osui'Ctod by Aug. 30.

OOTTLK COUNTY. (Ginr.ed 1903, 1,162 bales.) Paducah--Cottoii 1 crop In this county, is ebout 50 per cent better than last year. With one more ruin the will be from throe-fourths to a bale per acre. Scarcely any damage-done by Injects. Bollworms uro found occasionally, but very scarce.

The first open boll was brought in today, but there will not be much iokcd until toward the middle of Septem- er. This promisee to bo the best cotlun crop ever raised in thte flection. DIOKENS COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 4S7 baits.) Dickens--The cotton crop this year Is 30 per cent better than last, the acreage being about the same. Prospects are very favorable.

It is claimed that in certain sections three-fourths to a bale per acre will bo raised. Bugs are injuring cotton some In 6Ome sections, but not to much extent. Picking- will probably begin about Sept. 10. There will a scarcity of pickers.

FISHF.R COUNTY. (Ginned 1903.. 2,267 bales. Acreage same.) Roby-- The cotton crop in this county Is 10 per cent better than it waa last year at this time. For the past ten days the weather has been unfavorable for cotton.

Bain has been very light and partial. In some portions of the county bollworms are injuring the cotton, though the damage eo far Us slight. Picking began Aug. 15, which was earlier than last year. POARD COUNTY.

(Ginned 1903, 1,112 bales. Acreage 60 per cent more.) Crowell-- The cotton crop In this vicinity Is at least 60 per cent better than last year. On account of the appearance of a few worms, farmers differ in their opinions as to whether sunshine or rain would be tho most favorable. Bain is needed for the growth of the plant. Picking will not begin until about Sept.

16. Margaret-- The cotton crop of Foard County to late on account of drouth. A great part of the crop did not come up until the latter part of June. In some parts of the county local showers have kept It growing and it is looking well. while in other places the plant Is wilting.

and without rain soon It will be a 'failure The acreage is 50 per cent greater than last year, and with sufficient moisture would produce more per acre than last Nothing of any importance is injuring the crop except drouth. Crops are well worked There will be no picking before Sept. li. HARDEMAN COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 3,519 bales.

Acreage 200 per cent more.) Quanah-- The cotton crop in this coenty is very tine. The aqreage Is Increased fully 300 per cent, some estimate It at 500 per cent, and the yield to the acre now promises to be greater than last year by so Per The plant Is In a thrtviriB condition. Picking will commenco about pt i Farmer ar getting anxious about pickers, as help very scarce here One more rain will insure by 400 per cent the largest crop this county has ever had. HASKBLI. COUNTY.

(OInned 1903. bales. Acreage 20 per cent more.) Haskell--- The cotton crop in this county will average- at least 20 per cent better than last year at this time. The weather has been all that could be desired except in a few places, where rain Is needed. Bollworms are doing some damage.

Picking will begin about. Sept. 1. This is much earlier than usual. JACK COUNTY.

(Ginned 1603, 6.9M bales. Acreage 20 per cent more.) Antelope-- Crop is worse than last year by about 10 per cent. Weather unfavorable --dry. Picking will begin about Sept. 1.

Jacksboro Cotton crop in this county is about 15 per cent better than at this time last year. Nothing bothering it. Weather has been fine for the crop; the plant is well matured and is loaded well. Picking haa commenced, but not In full force, and will not be until about Sept. 1.

The rains have come at the right time for the crop to do fine. JONES COUNTY. (Ginned 1903. 17,340 Acreage 24 per cent more.) 1 Anson The cotton crop is about 20 per cent better in this county than It was laat year. Weather Is now favorable for it, except it Is needing rain In some portions of the county.

Picking will begin about Sept. 1. KING COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, none.) Guthrle-- The cotton crop of this county Is far ahead of the crop th3 time last year --60 per cent better. The plant is taller and fruited than ever before.

Weather is favorkble. Clear from ravages of Insects. Picking Sept. 10. commence about KNOX COUNTY.

(Ginned 1903, none.) Benjamin-- The cotton crop of this county Is 20 per cent better than It was at this Is -inlry pet time last year.) The weather now favorable for the maturing of the crop. A very slight injury, has been done by bollworms. Picking will not begin until about Sept. 16. MOTLEY COUNTY.

(OInned 1903. 303 bales.) Matador--The cotton crop is 16 per cent better this year thah last. Weather has very favorable so far. No rust or shedding, and the stalks are heavily loaded with fruit. Picking will begin about Sept.

20. No damage by Insects. present Indications the yield will from three-quarters to one bale per acre. PALO PINTO O.OCNTY. (Ginned 1905.

2,438 bales. Acreage per cent more.) Mineral TTolla--The cotton crop Is not ulte as rood as that of last year, caused rom dry weather. Is now needed. No pests have made their appearance. Picking commenced a few days ago: report cotton crop to bo ons-thlid less than last year, though the crop has increased since the late rains.

The dry, warm weather since the showers helps to mature the crop and to destroy Insects. No pests of consequence are reported. Picking has SOUIIRY COUKTY. (OInned 190S, 2,436 bales. Acreage SS per cent more.) Snyder--The condition of the cotton in this county compared with last year Is 26 per cent better at this time.

Rain wll! be needed it onco. however, to prevent deterioration setting In from droulh, and should much rain fall it will renew tho da-mage by worms, which have already caused aomo uneasiness, but have not yet done serious damage. All things considered the outlook for a bumper yield Is not so promising as two weeks ago, yet when compared with the condition at the same time last year, the average shown above Is maintained. Picking will not begin until Cent. 1, and nothing like general before.

30. STEPHENS COUKTY. (OInned 1903, 4,463 bales.) Breckenrldge--The cotton crop In this county this year will be about the same as'last year, possibly a little better. The crop has riot suffered any Injury except dry weather. Picking has commenced.

In sections, and the early crop will ably all opened by Sept. 1. STONEWALL COUSTTT. (OInned l.Mt condition of early ton at 26 per cent tetter at thli than at the MIM flaw Lut year. a amount of young cotton which looking very lint and with the prapur ana nuoMMjr Ute frott It will flne crop Gotten wil not to Man COUNTY.

(OInned 1903, MO 33 1-5 per inorv.) Throckmorton--Tlio crop now promt-tot ft much heavier thtin last probabty 00 per cent gtvulor. Farmem genor.vUy ro- tho outlook very a soino think the Kretttest In tht county 'a hlatory pmctli'iilly Assured. fu- vorablo. HolhvorrnH i.avo apjwm'tl In a fnw Ilelils, but no o( IB or upprohciKlM. Picking will not ln'gin bt'foru tho cloulng of thd preiKMit month.

WICHITA COUNTY. (Olnnod 1902, 553 bales. Acreage, 75 per oont inoro.) Inwo Park--Normal crop 100 por tout; orop last year: Red section J'2C per cont; Valley 100 por cent; lamt 75 Weather unfavorable lor tltjht land. A few doing but little harm. Picking; of King's Improved will begin about Aug.

26. Other varieties Sept. 1 to 10. Falls--Condition of cotton crop BO per cent better than latt year. Weather conditions very favorable.

Rain within past ten days has added 25 'per cent increase. So far no Incocu ur newts huvu attacked tho rotton. Picking 1 will begin between tho Tat and 10th of September. WILBAIlGUn COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 1.542 bales.

Acreage 500 por cent more.) Vernon--The cotton crop this year is about 50 por cent "batter than it waa at this time last year. Conservative estimate is ono-half bale per acre. Bollvrorms In some localities, but not as yet serious. Damp weather Is little unfavorable. There will not be much cotton picked here before Sept.

1. The cellmate of acreage Js about four acres to one over last season, or about 40,000 acres tlita year. YOVNO qpUNTY. (Ginned 1903, tales. Acreage 10 per cent more.) Graham- Cotton Is fully twice as good as lust year ajid acreage is considerably larger.

Weather throughout August haa been very favorable. There Is no complaint whatever of any Jnseci pest. The crop is late and picking will not begin before Sept. 1 fn most fields. In parts of Young County the crop Is as good as.

ever known. Some communities did not hdve rain enough, but as whole, tho crop may "be called good. MIDDLE WEST TEXAS. BROWS COB.NTV. (Ginned 1903, 21,164 bales.

Acreage 10 per cent more.) Blanket--Cotton prospects are much worse In this locality than they were at this laat year. Farmers' estimates vary from 10 to 50 per cent worse. On an average it will take four 01- flve acres to make a bale. This shortage Is due to dry weather. Picking has just begun.

Brownwocd--Cotton crop 16 to 20 per cen-t better 'than last year. The weather has been favorable in some parts of the county, whi. In otner parts it has been decidedly unfavorable, in fact in some parts of the county too much rain has fallen, while in other parts there has been no rain for two months or more. Crop Is being Injured by the drouth where rain has fallen and a number of -the farmers complain of the boll worm where there has been a surplus of rain. Picking has not begun yet.

Up to date only one bale of cotton lias come in. which was ten days earlier than the first bale last year. It be two or 'three weeks yet before much cotton will be picked. BI1RXET COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 10,901 bales.

Acreage' 10 per cent more.) Bertram--The yield per acre for cotton for this section this season is a difficult problem to answer at 'this time. The plant is growing: nicely, but the bollworm has put in its appearance in the last three weeks and Ms ravages are Increasing rapidly, while the boll weevil Is rapidly on the Increase. The acreage h'ere Is fully 25 per cent larger than last year, but receipts promise- to fall considerably below. Marble Falls--Cotton crop is some better than last year. To what extent Is hard to tell.

Season is good but the boll weevil Is doing up the cotton In most fields. Picking has begun and ten or twelve bales have been sold here. COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 12,484 bales. Acreage per cent more.) Balrd--The cotton crop is about 15 per cent better than last year.

The crop in arts of the coinrty is suffering for rain, one-fourth of the county it does not want rain. Bollworm is very destructive on some farms. Picking will begin in few days. Cottonwood--Cotton crop is better than at the same time last year by about 10 per cent, on account of It being earlier than laht 3 ear, but it depends on the future weather whether or not will make more or less. Weather Is favorable for the sandy land, but not so much for the hard land, as the ootton has stopped growing.

Some farms are in good condition, whim others aro suffering, owing to age of crop and the kind of land. Picking has not commenced and will not for about weeks yet. COKE: COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 3,471 Acreage 15 per cent more.) Robert Lee--Cotton crop 25 per cent better than last year. Weatner favorable, except getting dry in portions of county.

Only Injury, crop is suffering from drouth ir. portions of county where rain on Aug, 6 was light. Picking will begin about Sept. 1. COMAJiCHE COUNTY.

(Ginned 1903, 42,787 bales. 10 per cent more.) Comanche--Cotton crop in this section is considered by most conservative estimates to be short of last year's crop by at SO per cent. It will, be short of this in tbe southern western part of the county. The weather Is and has been for some time very dry, and in most places the is checked, while in other sections the ootton is drying up. Picking has begun, but tire early yield will be very light.

No pests have been seen here. Do Leon--Cotton crop 1C pec cent better than last year. Cotton picking began Aug. 1. Weather la favorable.

This section has no pests. COKCHO COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 3,216 bales. 600 per cent more.) Paint Rock--The cotton crop in Concho County is 50 per cent worse than last year. Continued drouth Is the cause of shortage.

Picking has begun, the nrst bale being ginned today. Some portions of the county have had good showers during July and this month. In theso places the crop Is excellent. (Ginned 1903, 33.1M balss. Acreage 17 per cent more.) CiscOr-Cotton crop la about 10 per cent better than iaat year, but the dry weather of the' past week Is proving disastrous.

The bollworms arc also bad in places, worse than they have ever been known be in this county before. If we have rain the next week the crop will be more than 10 per OTnt better than last year. Picking will begin In about two weeks, although this place received its fli'st bale about 4. Eastland--Cotton crop this year is no better than 'that of last year, the season for the same being due to boll and leaf worms. The weather so far as the rain is concerned Is unfavorable at this time for a good crop.

There Is some kind of an Insect that ia causing the squares of the cotton to fall off, bu-t is not known what the cause- is. The first bale was marketed this year in this county on Aug. 13. and since that time tlrere has been several other bales marketed. The early development of the cotton crop was due to the dry weather.

No boll weevil In this ln thls sectlon I i 1 I those on light lands. Picking has not yet begun, buf will probably start in two "Rising Star-Cotton crop up to Aug. was per cent better than last year, but' at present is JO per cent short of last year. The bollworm In playlhg havoc with the cotton and the rains We been very Indeed. Borne will not make 300 pounds pur acre.

Dry weather the past ili dayi the hottest for years. Farmers It Is getting away with the bollworms. ootton Is really drying from heat and dry weather, and If we do hot rain by Aug. J6 the cotton crop Will'06 tt P4r cont inort of ycftT. HAMILTON COtlHTY.

(Olnntd IMt, bales. Acrjjga ot praimt ottcn crop Is per cent below that of last minaBlrmal Bnilwitn nrv be inco-Cotton crcp la to Khortcr than last year. At preieitt It from to 60 por cent worae tkuui It wag ut this date. We have had a orr nnd At no tlnie have we haa a Rood utiurgwunl season, and while wo havo had sfominKly plenty of of iutn, It had a tendency to make fruit full off. No worms or weevila in thin country.

Cotton plcklne communoed ubout A us. HOOD COt'NTY. (Ginned 1S03, HU4S bulvs. Acreage 10 per vent moio.) Creatun-- Condition of ootton la about sumo as last year. Boino Helda are bettor and some aro not so Koud us laat year, owing to time phmted, bt'liisr iiffreiod by the drouth.

Weathor ut proai-nl Is very favorable. Then- hr.uuthlntf working on tho cotton. IMckirg will begin i next few days. Grtinbury-- Cotton crop Keiicrally in thla locality Is 10 PIT cont better than this time lust year. There is dual of eutton that now has mtituiud 500 tu pounds iier acre.

Tho lute i-otton looking extremely well und tho weather la everything that could be desired. wec- vlly have Injuroit tho cotton soino in the southern ana river scctUnm of thy county. but farmers arc not uornpliiininK much un account of IMrking begun ubout A 10 in portions of county tvhtTQ early i-otton was planted, but will nut bo general un'il about St-pt. 1. LAMFASAS COUNTY.

(Ginned 1903, bulea. Acreage 25 per cent more.) Lometa-- The cotton crop around here IB not j-o uood by 10 per cout as last year. Dry weather ima cut it sirjrt. Flcklnc begun on Aug. 15.

MASON (Ginned 1903, balsa. Acreage 20 per cent more.) Mason-- The cotton crou is liner and increased in acreage 11 per cent over last year. Weather favorable. No Insects or enemies of kind. PlcMng began three weeks ago; but two bales brought in.

MoCULLOCH COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 7,170 bales. Acreage 26 per cent more.) Brady-- The cotton crop Is conservatively estimated to be in at least per cent worse condition thtin at the same time lost year, but tho weather conditions have been quite favorable during the past twenty days and It is thoucht the increase in acreage will more than counterbalance the shortage Jn yield. Some parts of the county, especially where the beat cotton is, the fields are being Infested with the bollworm. No boll weevils yet.

Cotton picking is just now MEXAUD COfNTY. (Ginned 1903, 1,761 bales. Acreage 15 per cent more.) Menardvllle-- At this writing the cotton crop appears to be not In as promising condition by about 5 per cent as lust yeur. In many places plant Is making too much weed and shedding squares, owing i-o heavy rains after Irrigation.

Much complaint of bollworm depredations, some claiming that class of knowledge say boll weevils are here, but this information is not definite the bugs are on live oak; trees and not the cotton. Picking has not commenced here and will not for twenty days. MILLS COUNTY, (Ginned 1903, 14,049 bales. Acreage 16 2-3 per cent more.) Goldtbwaite-- Condition of the cotton crop Is not so good as at this time last year by at least 15 per cent. From continued dry weather the plant has shrunk rapidly in the last ten days.

One or two neighborhoods where local showers havfc fallen report damage from bollworms. Picking will commence about Aug 25. Mullin--Cotton condition not as good laat year. Weather too dry only local showers; crop falling for want of molstura. Picking has begun.

MITCHELL COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 1,360 bales. Acreage 15 per cent more,) Colorado-- Conservative estimates place the cotton crop in Mitchell County at not less than 100 per cent better than it wai last year, and this Is true notwithstanding the facts that in sonws parts of the county drouth Is affecting the plant, while in a good many localities the bollworm. is damaging the plant considerably. Picking will hardly begin for two weeks yet.

NOLAN COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 1,790 bales. Acreage 12 per cent more.) Roscoe-- Cotton crop 75 per cent better than last year. Weather favorable. Crop haa been injured by weevils, but Is check- Ing.

Picking will begin about Sept. 1. RUNNKLS COUNTY, (Ginned 1S03, 15,778 bales. Acreage 16 2-1 per cent cotton crop in this county is neither better nor worse than at thla time a year ago. It is not doing any good Juat now because of the dry weather, but la not being Injured by other causes.

Pick- Ing began in some portions about the first of this month. One bale has already been received. With a good general rain within a week the yield would be increased probably 20 per cent. COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 4,112 bales.

Acreage 6 per cent less.) Glen Rose-- Cotton crop better fruited than at this date last year. Weather favorable. Some Injury reported to crop In 'some sections by boll The extent of Injury is hard to decide, as the appearance of these pests Is of only recent notice. will be in full blast by Sept. 1 if present hot weather continues.

TAYLOR COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, 15,601 bales. Acreage per cent more.) Abilene-- Cotton in this portion of the State ia In excellent condition and fruiting exceptionally well. Some of the farmers say that the plant already Jiaa made more bolls than can be matured. As compared with last year the crop is 25 per cent better and weather is very favorable.

However, the crop is later than last year and picking will not begin before Sept. 1. Some is now being picked. Merkel-- Cotton condition not as good as last year. Weather favorable now.

Crop Is being damaged by worms. Picking will not begin before Sept. 15, SOUTHWEST TEXAS. BANDERA COUJtTY. (Ginned 1903, 6,075 bales.

Acreage 10 cent more.) Medina--Cotton crop worse than last year by 25 per cent, due to drouth, boll weevil! and bollworms. Weather now favorable, but crop is being injured by the named. Picking commenced last week. BEE COUNTY. (Ginned 1903, bales.

Acreage 2 per cent more.) Beeville--The crop at present Is much worse than last year and the comparatlva percentage may reach 36 or even 50 per cent decrease. Farmers with optimistic inclinations have hopes that a orop may yet be put on and made. The season has been favorable for plant growth and the shortage is due solely to the ravages of the boll weevil. The last month has oeen unfavorable for the reason of continued showery weather and the temperature haa been fi degrees belcw normal during that time. Picking has been going on tor some time, but less than ftfty bales have been ginned at this place.

All farms are infested with the weevil, but some are suffering considerably more than others. Skldmore--Tlie yield of cotton here Is not expected to be more than one-half of last year's crop. The weather has been very favorable for growth of plant and only for weevils tlie crop would bo immense. Weevils have not only taken off squares and f-ornu. but during this month have punctured larger portion of bolls that had growB earlier.

Picking commenced in July and about slx'y bales been ginned. BEXAR COUNTY. (OInned 190,1, H.3S baltl.) San Antonio--The cotton crop is fft cent in this county, compared with that of year. The weather is dry and hot and is to the rapid opcnlnf of such bolls as remain uninjured. The crop has been badly damaged by the weevil anl In some Instanced a bale to evnty-nvt acres will cot be raised.

Cotton picking gan about a wwk axo. Picking 11 not general, however. There is very little cither. Merchant! who ar! best POKM predict that the crop will til fathmi within the next thru COUMTT. (OUwted 1M, 4.448 bkki..

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