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The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas • Page 5

Galveston, Texas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE GALVESTON DAILY NEWS, FRIDAY, FEBBUARY iW, 1W1. TEE BAYOD CITY BUDGET DEATH AN OLD 'AND VER PROMINENT CITiZEN, Tbe CUartfir CommUtea FEanlly fo AasttB Court Com" platais About OroMlncs anrt KIc'll for HrADanAnrcm--Capita BoteL nuEixESS OrriOE--Fortbn reception of nflver tlsenvints and ontslilv 28 Mel street (with theM. T. Jones Lumber company) CITT Cincpr.ATiO!«--Where everything iDf to Houston subscriptions to TnE Bsws will receive in the bits Bcttler llros. Main HOU8TOW.

Feb. cotto market closed qnlet. No sales. Quota tlons: Low ordinary, ordinary, 7K 1 eood ordinary, 7 9-lGu; low middlioK, 8 Ei-lt mldilllng, 8 15-lCc; uood middling, 11-lOc middling fair, ID 3-lCe. COTTOH BECEIPT8 BY RAIU The following wen receipts of cotto by rail yesterday: Houston and Tolas Central.

ri. Bonthern Pacific International and OreatNorthorn 8 Honsloa, Enst A Tcins BOO Colorado jvnil Hanta Fe San Antonio Araneag Teiaa Western A 218. Death of Mr. Ham This warning at 7 o'clock Mr. Bam Stern one of oldest citizens of Houston, died his rnldence corner of Main and Con streets, after an lllneu of eeveva months.

Ho WAS one of tbe conservatlv bailnees men of the city, sad had alway been regarded as a successful and prnden financier. He came to Texan from New York in 1855 and located in Jefferson Vram there he oame to Houston In 1 and It was up to; the time of hi death. Immediately after his arrl her he went Into tbe mercantile business, HOC followed if, successfully for many yours, ac cumulating wealth steadily, and a rssult was worth, perbaps, $100. COO at the time ot his death, Hi principal city propeity waa tbe larg and handnome brick Etructnr corner of Mitin. and Congress streets.

Fo some time previous to hia death iin vras dls trlcl agent tbe Mutual Life Inauranc company, which business be conducted as satisfactorily as his enfeebled health would permit. He was a member of the 1 cotton exchange, Commercial cltab, the Mason le order aud the Lone Star lodge B'na B'rlth, and until fallinc health interfered was among the actual workers. leaves loving and devoted wife, who Is a sitter Mr. Hy S. Fox, to mourn his death.

His nearest relatives are two brothers, both Mew Yol-k, one the celebraUd railway liw yer, Sioou Sterne, who recentl tkronga aad nephew, Mr. Frani et tblt city. Oily a few of a. brother of bl hare. will lake plan to-morrow forenoon at- 11 o'clock from tbe Beth Israel, OB Crawford street.

It will bn by the members of Holland lodge No. 1, A. F. and A. with tnm O.

B. B. Their Una! Way. Tkto enalag the members ot Want Bad Eochn club were by Mr J. L.

Watson ot Pott after manner of newspaper men, In elecant aad aamptcous style, at the -clab tsomsat tie Houston lodge of apartments bad lust been completely fnr- ausbed tad through fretted and figured rich yellow of tbegulight never upon handeomer than on this occasion, double parlor was appropriated for and fifteen with four eb-lrs to each wen arranged with Tlew to perfect comfort and conveulenoe. About the room had been distributed pot and Members arrived at 8 o'clock and re. ceivtd by boot himself. proved highly Interesting and thirty who constituted gnesta. paaeec a charming time.

Shortly after 11 o'clock they spacious meeting room to partake of delicious after most alluring methods. Then wsre sixteen beautifolly decorated with rare and evergreens and covered with elegant silver plate and glass-, ware. A large table occupied the center of the room and tbe others wen conveniently arranged. This waa a charming feacnre, and the (ueets spent one ef tbe moat de- llghtfnl evenings since the formation of the club. The host was properly congratnlaced by hli upon the complete success of affair.

Those The gooa people living fa outer part of tho Third ward who have to cross aud recroes Saata track la vehicles, are bUBet to suffer a hardship by neglect of the Santa people to put down eeyeral In accordance with promise. Some time ago the city council decided, la justice to the living In the above named section, to construct small wooden or to the Santa track and to nqnlro the railway company to pnt down over the ties and iron of the roadbed. The company was notified and agreed to do their part. city came to the and constructed the approaches to half a dozen crossings, but tbe company has failed to comply wiih the agreement and the people have to suffer The cty authorities should see that the work is done and make the company pay the ptoalty. There la a law covering the Want Ike Promised Bridge.

The citizens and aldermen of Second ward are getting very anxious for a report from tbe committee appointed by the mayor manv month, to select a location for a bridge across Buffalo bayou, connecting the Second and Fifth wards. matter bu been delayed in one or nnothor, but there- ieoms to be no longer a irood excuse for silence. Mayor ScherOlns and some of the aldermen have made erauiina. tlons of both bauks of the bayou and hava heard the ot many pronertv owners on the eublect, bnt no report has ret been prepared. In making the selection there are more points to be taken Into con.

iilderatloa than appear at casual dance and hence a lengthy report will be necessary cover them all. Among them are tho suitability of bunki, tbe cost and accossl-. blilty to the (creatut number of people and most business. Gone Sura Enough. Thtre have boea tno distinct falsa alarms about tho cf the charter amead- xnsnt committee for Austin, bnt they actually got nway tbis evening.

The balf-dol- lara and dimea for necessary expenses and a few thrown In, together with tranj- partition csrtlflc.itoa, wore in postosnion ot oaoti man, and each emphatically assortca that ho Tfould turn back no moro, oven if i the iaflirtiAVora alinoct. from ths KJOAt state hotiKe. Tho committee consists of Uon. Henry Scherffias, Aldermen ton. ZTronnd, Hcwa, Holner and Pruott nml City Attorney F.

Itlns. They will ECO legislatorn to-morrow or neit daj und return bore soon Sor.Ui 7ot.mii In it. waning Hon. E. L.

Dtinlop, vrbo was one of in t. iast leiciitlii- ture, and tho Victoria flls.trict, nrrlvnd hern after a 'two wook.V Ijunlne.w trip tbtonab tho northwest, ukinK In St. Lonlr, (Jhlcneo und oviiorprcmjin'n; ftxkt la attnctluK a rtoal pf umro. ntd from, cliiw I observation anl comparison be cpafl- doutly. bellevn tkat her people havn te-day tbo brightest outlook for prosperous OUieera ol Oriental Council.

Oriental council No. 15, Grand Orient, met loit uijibtln Burns' building on Main street and elected offl CITS for tho ensuing term aa follows: IL C. Mosobart, grand orieut; II. Keynolds, grand ricu orient; W. Gen U.

Adklnson, rtrand prloat: A. M. "try. grsud vizier; W. CrenK, grand and treasurer; J.

W. Lockett; G. A. F. W.

O. Harvoy Downuy, J. W. After the election all repaired to John Lung's oyster saloon, they spunt a delightful social boar. Eifate Transfers.

Jacob Bin: to Frank Ollre, lotr 5 nnd 6, block 421, Baker's addition south aide Buffalo bayon. consideration 1500. GOUFKU Blelss Co. to tbe Leon and H. Blum Lund company, all tltleaud intercut in block US, Collins' addition, considers- tion $1.

Quit elnlin. Bank E. Raphael, manager ottke Houston Ing bouse, rinorts following movement ol tho banks ot this city yaaterday, M59.315. The Courts. JUSTICE SCIIWANDER'S COURT.

William Cramer, disturbing the peace; fined $1 and coaU, Thomas Willis, misdemeanor theft; 1200 bond for appearance in the criminal district court. Jesse Lee, disturbing the peace; fined tl and costs. James Soleday, burglary and theft, two cases; 1100 bond in each case for appearance In the criminal district court. CIVIL DOCKET. History company vs.

John M. Copley, plea to jurisdiction overruled; Judgment by default for (109.40. J. F. O'Connor vs.

H. W. Lottman; jndgi ment for plaintiff for 1112.50. Djniel Brown vs. J.

K. settled tnd dismissed. JUSTICE GENTRY'S COURT. Joe Loacomb, resisting an officer; dismissed. Jim Walker, assault and battery, plea of guilty; fined and costs, Frank Hlbbarly, couvavlng to prisoners in the county jail; $300 bond for appearance in tbe criminal district conrt, CIVIL DOCKET.

'Southern Pacific vs. Houston and Central and G.ilf, Colorado and Santa Fe railway companies; continued nntll March 3. BECORDKB'B COUBT. Skevilie, drnnk In a public plaoe fined tl and O. drank fined tl aad eoata.

D. drank In a publlo fined tl and Teans mem ben of Pbcenlx awembly. Knights of Labor, held laelr regular ing this avenlng. Young Abe Ericbeon. who waa alt in head Monday night.

It reported Improving, though still confined to bed, A man Is reported to-day to taken amloa at boarding honse on Waihinar- tpa BtreM, and was low from tbe There three fire this morning forenoon for defective duel: At taa corner of Dallas and Sen Jaeinto etreoU, In Third ward: corner ot Waablntion aad and at No. 14 Robin street. Then wu little damage done at either plao. Personal. John H.

Gray retnrned front hhi visit to Austin. A. T. Andanonot Trinity stopping at Capitol. Ed Richardson of lunhall la at CapitoL A.

P. Perkins of Georgetown la stopping at Capitol to-day. vv A. K. Cameron of Island city at Capitol laat evening.

George Goldthwalte has returned from a visit to Oalvetson. J. C. Craddock, a capitalist of Dallas, la at the Capitol this evening. Mr.

W. C. Averlll, a prominent business man of Beaumont, Is In the city. U. B.

Eoeley oame back thla evening from a trip to eastern Texaa. C. M. Mason ot Galveston woe cne et the guests of tne Capitol last evening. J.

J. Dangherty. a prominent citizen of Dallas, arrived In the city tbis evening. H. T.

of New Orleans, bat lately ot Houston, is In town to-day tor short stop. W. F. Beer, a well-known insurance man of Galveston, le at the Capitol this mntng. l)r.

R. H. Harrison of Colnmbns passed over tbe Santa Fe to Galveeton this even- ng. Professor L. M.

Disney of Alvin wu In the city laat evening on a abort business Tlolt Hon. T. U. Lnbback, after a abort visit lere, has returned to Austin to resume abora. J.

T. Trszevanc, a prominent citizen of Dallas, Is an arrival at the Capitol this evening. Hon. E.L. Dunlap of Victoria got back his morning from an extended trip through he north.

N. T. James, a prominent Insurance man of San Francisco, is among the late at the Capitol. Thomas Nichols, superintendent of the lonston Bolt railway line, was In the city otday, bnt left this evening Galveston. Colonel Tom Bowers, inspector for tate of the convict camps, came np this from Brazorlo, where had een on official business, Colonel W.

H. Sinclair of Galveston and Mr. F. M. B.

Cameron of Detroit passnd hrough the city evening for Detroit, look after electric machinery for street ira. J. Martia Miller, Wm. Henderson New Jfork; W. -H.

Bearth, Galveston; Wm. larding, St. Joseph, E. J. Kuket, C.H.

Galveeton; E. E. Limkford, Houston: W. H. C.

M. Putnam, New York; H. H. Cameron, Detroit, W. Beaumont: W.

M. Stafford, Bryan nyder, Galreaton: Arch Cribs, St. Loala; V. B. Morris, S.

N. Brown, West Lake, Richardson, Marshall; Allen E. ron, Gnlvcston; M. Nowall and wife, rasa, New York; R. M.

Black, Galveston; t. Glnckemar, New York; James Escnlar, ew York; Frank Robert, New York; fus Uennessy nnd wife, New York; John E. TKAIN AND TfiACK TALK. THE U. P.

ABOLISHES PRIVVTS CARS FOB SUPERINTENDENTS. Bullrtlnr Throughout Country Straui-i Expedience of Editor--The Fecnarlvuls, Stirred Up-Dlelnfeet- Cars In Franci- General Nuiti. Persins, Georgetown; D. Martin, hie-ago; O. A.

Vaney, San Antonio; Jack rotty, Galvescon; H. Tl Schaeffer, Grand Uplds, M. MHKOD. Galvostoo; M. Dianoy, Alvln, are at tho Capitol.

Hi; oa cho Koad with a MOUKT PLEASANT, wo colored boja got Into a n'lfllcully, and no of. them, Arthur Willinois, woo bit on ho head with pole by 1'rank Puriotl, la- intlnK a wonnrl f.hat, is thought, will rovo fatal. I'rndjciions an to the cold wave fully erlflnd aitghi, the mercury to 10 twenty-thren notch, tho coldost weather the enasan, Tho oarlr ffanloaa wero nil Iliad, liruit (jruwer.i wore (flod of tho hangs, AH it arrested tbo onrly budding, so to frnit jo; win Jt in t.Asu Private cnra for division superintendents are among tbe thlntw wblcb, according to it newspaper item, tbo Union Pacific has just abolished too expensive. It is said tbat the new general manager found twentyslx officers' cara in uae, aud that about a doieil altogether, will go out of service. A special car.

with a porter, costs from 11000 a year upwards--tay tiaoo on an average--and the expense le not one to be lumped ia with postage stamps or Incidentals; but nevertheless It is not to bo hastily concludsd that money tpeat in thin way goes wholly or even chiefly for luxury. Th above figure includes only maintenance of the car. cost of hauling It In regular trains, or a special, Is to be added to tbat, but It Is to remembered that this last Item will be jntt us necessary under the new regime as under tho old. A superintendent with GOO miles of road to look after--and, so far as we oan jndge from the Oflicial Guide, some of the men on tho Uekion Pacific have mnch more than that must very frequently travel by special train 1C he is to profitably employ hie time (which Is the company's money). For best prosecution of his wo.rk he needs to bo iu at least a dozen places at once, ami It is good economy to help him to approximate this aa nearly as possible, or at least It Is poor economy to hinder him without flrat carefully counting the cofct.

An officer cnu, of conrse, ride on one of the tender boxes, bnt the practical question it: Shall we adopt the old English notion, applied to locomotive runners, that a man will do better service In proportion to physical discomfort, or the more eux lightened principle that every additional facility will pay for itaelf In Increased ef- flclencyf A private car is justified ocly when it Is needed either as a hotel or as an office, or' both. A superintendent whose lines lie in a desert needs It to eat and sleep In; and one who bas a very large division, with a great mnltlplicioy of interests to bo attended to by himself personally, bis work greatly facilitated by aa office on wheels, In which he can keep hia arranged In an orderly manner. Union Pacific officers seem, unfortunately, to situated much of many other roads, both rich and poor. are favorable for a considerable period facilities an afforded without much iharp criticism ot their ooetlineu; aad wbea money is scarce the conveniences an cut off by single strokes of larn without any very careful consideration ot local and Individual American railroad directors' 4o nor change with quite the regularity of the bnt they to np and down with about tnej otrtalaty. Gazette.

Central lasnrevemeute at HeaapttaaeV HEMPSTEAD, Feb. Houston and Texas Central railway two regular trains runalnx constantly and boas tie Ledbetter eravel p-ts on Aus tin branch. gravel mostly placed ou roadbed tonta ot aad taken te Houston for street Improvement. company has a large and experienced of aadSsexIcin convloU ballaatlnc the road. The eatln railway yard bas been remodeled and rebuilt and ballasted with gravel.

RoadmuUr McDonald and Foreman Glenn ol the work train hate nearly completed one of the most extensive improvement! on tbe lines of taa company. The newpamnger depot will be ready for occupation very soon. The ot company claim It to be one of the finest on Central system outside of Houitoa. Fonmaa Rogers of tbe bridge gang et the Austin branch nearly completed the long iron bridge crossing Woodward's creek near Brenbam. Tbe rail war company has just established a telegraph office at Carmean station, miles west of Burton and six east ot Ledbetter.

The town la rapidly arowlnsc and located in the noted Mill creak ouri. cultural district of WashinRton connty, twenty west ol Bran ham. It it said tbat fine passenger will be built at Klgia, Bryan and other at rapidly possible. Senthwestem Ballwor Convention. ARKANSAS CITY, Feb.

convention of railway ployee held here to-daj. About TOO delegates frnm Texas, Indian Territory, Kansas and Missouri, representing der of Railway Telegraphers, Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, Brotherhood ot Locomotive Engineers, Brotherhood of Rails way Conductors. Brotherhood of Railway Brakemen and Mutual Aid association were present. The committees delayed business nntll late In afternoon, George W.Howard, grand chief of Order of Hallway Conductors, presided. object of the meeting was to obtain an expression of sentiment by tbe railway men of tho southwest on the federation of the railway men's organizations.

A standing vote was had, and the vote wu In the afflrnmtivo. The EiporUnce of an Editor. recently saw three switchers standing in a together, bnt not nil belonf; 1 ng to one company. All bad driver brakes; one the old style, American, double piston, spread, steam brake; the second bad a vacuum brake, and the-tbird bad an American brake operated by air. The first device ieaked so you could scarcely see tbe engine, the second had two shoes out of six oil and braking against the beam heads, and each arm to tbe diaphragms was loaded down with broken draw-heads, links and shorn plsces of rail.

Tbo air pump ot the third was dancing along about eighty mites in hour, trying to supply air for a bnlf- nch split in .1 pipe, the wounded pipe hav- ne boon poulticed with a niece of old overall ami some wire, but the bandage had slipped. Engineer. Tollman TaTes Jn Iowa. Judge Love, in tho United States district court at Des Molnoa, bas Issued an order contirmlnj; tho injunction restraining tho treasurers of the state from collect" ng the tnxes asaenscd agalnnt the Pullman ompany on rolling stock used in Iowa. L'ho stock was assessed by tho state council in the spring of 1988.

A temporary Injunction nas Immwllately e- uarcel, but tho caito has bacn continued from t.o yotT fco mwaifr the decision of a elm- la? nnso from another state now pending fu th-a United States Kupremo court. Phurt Knlc? Adjnitcil. KATOasCrrv, aourl Freight assodatlon ndjournecl after having nottloci tho difficulty which a.rosa nt last meeting relative to short line rateH from the tranimiosouri territory tn aoutheutern The snttlament piorldon that tho Mfasourl Pacific's WBK- iDrilaa Territory lino, the Mlanonrl, Knnsin (mil Ivxtia 1 TOXAD line, aud tho Fe's Purcell Indiau Territory sball go oat et New Orleans business a abort line Rates from to aonthcaaUrn points are to be tbe namo by tbo way of Kansas by New leant. Hates from Wichita aad Topuka are to be iamo via KaneuCUy to southeast the Frisco rate. The will meet Jloadny to urljunt these rates.

Dlalnfectlotion Fr-ncn Itoede, In view of the fact that a large nnmbar of pasiengera allllcted vrltb pulmonary com plaints are carried on French railroads on their way to southern districts, It has bcon fouud expedient adopt measures to Insure thorough disinfection of tbe bediMug in tbe sleepiug can and oi tbe seat cushions. velvet cnshioua aud silk curtains will tw abandoned, and tbe seats will fitted with soft leather coverings which can eaeih cleaned. Coarne carpeta are to be substi tuted for those of finer quality now In use and these ara to be thoroughly beaten aftei every trip. The bed clotbes will be steamed, and the mattresses covered with Impervious silk or with entta-percha. Betides ail this, It Is considered desirable to provide isolated compartments Tor passengers suffering from pulmonary disease.

Stlrr.d Them Vp. Jay Gould's action in securing an option on the Baltimore and Ohio road baa stlri-ed UD the wealthy Pennsylvania, company to an extent which haa navor beforo been known. In sneaking of It the Baltimore Bun says: "The Pennsylvania has decided to give Blob round Terminal people Bteara heat and typewriters and ladies' maids, if they like, on the traini of tne Vledraont Air line--In fact, everything that the Pennsylvania advertises for its Chicago limited, and the Richmond and Danvillo will get two through trains dally out of Aew York, to be mnde up of Richmond anii Danville cars. The otber demand la for several fast freight trains tbat will place the Piedmont Air line ou tame tootlnc with Atlantic Coast line." General Federation of llallroact Employee. ARKANSAS CITY, Feb.

SOO railway employes, representing branches of Brotherhood of Railway Conductors, Order 'of Railway Telegraphers, Brotherhood of Firemen, Order of Trainmen and Switchmen's Mntnal Aid association in Kansas. Texas and Missouri met In tbis city and took action favorable to tbe for-, of a general federation of all railway employes. Addresses were delivered by George W. Howard, grand chief ol the On'erof Hallway Conductors; Grand Muter Thnrston, of the Order of Railway Tel- eeruphers, and Vice Grand Master Apple- gata ol the same order. Will Oa to llemphli, lANBis CITY, Fab.

Is reported here that tba Atchlson, and Santa railroad conatruetlpa et a from Kansas City to Memphis ae a means ot securing proper dltUiou ot the aontbeaiurn traffic Fe now uncompleted piece of road called St. Louis and Santa line from St. Joseph, and la said to be plan to some of this road and baud south front Lexington, Car Bmlldleg. ManisMe and Nortbaaattm Kill aoon 100 platforsa Ceioago and Wait Michigan Ia abent to place lor about new baggage, aull and oembiaatlon ears. Cbiouro and North western preparing tar fifty whle.

will let? The flrst of fire aewaletplac bnllt by Ohio Car cosspanT of Jtffenon' been netlwd by Csntral The HnnUnsrtoB Broad Top Mountain road planed order for MO coal oan ot 90,000 withe Pennsylvania firm. Ensign Maaatactnring roaipaay, Rnntlncton, W. delivered nejarlr lwe ordenabr Mexloaa laUnatioaal. The Rome, aad bas eoatraeud with thai Mlchigaa Car ooo- pany ot Detroit fer eoasnmetlOB ot 1000 box oan, MO platform and ISO Afroet proof ear ot Kimball patent been bnilt by J. ft Co.

at St. John, N. for the Canadian Pacific. car la very similar bnllt under patent laat winter, bnt it baa atveral 100 furniture oan now belag ball! by Haskell Barker Car company of Michigan City. tor Great Northern an some ef the.

largest ever bnllt, being 99 feet long. 8 feet six wide and 8 feetainebae high, making a total capacity of 3700 cable feet. New York, New Havrj and Hartford and New York and. New Bagiaad an to pnt a new of oan'on their New York and Beaton (S p. nt, each way daily) to operated jointly.

The oat- tide of all the can is to painted white, and the ornamentation will In cold. Then are tbii teen cara ordered to painted in thte style and all delivered except four parlor can. The order includes seven parlor can, sixty feet long, fonr combination and two cars. New Haven road will own four et tbe parlor can and half of the other All tbe cart have been bnilt at the Pullman They conform to the stsndard patterns, of the roads In all eseentla! particulars and no attempt been to devlea anything new In tbe Interior white outside color the only novelty abont the and from the comment already evoked It would eeem if the wily pasiongH suants had aeon red an eminent degree of success in a bold bid for novelty, as passenger agents can hardly expect to levlse many more "conveniences" in the 'urnisbiug of the can, and the most proui- tlng field for their genius would seem to be iu developing "royal blue," "imperial green," etc. General Ifotea, Indianapolis has tbe advanten over Chicago in one respect; all iu roads are selling 000-mile tickets at ISO, while not one of tba Chicago lines vreat aelllnjt them at less than (25.

Johu W. Griffith, now purchasing agent the Union Pacific line, It Ii stated, will nn March 1 take the position ol general auditor of the road, vice Erastus irho IB to rsslffn. Tbe Michigan Central company now ope- ates 2100 miles of main line. Between Do. rolt and Chicago It Is practically double rack, and tbe work of doubling Ita track between Detroit and Buffalo is moving along raplaly.

The clerks in the Indianapolis offices are again aeltatlng the organization of aa asi. ociation. Tbe newly organized association at Toledo has 162 members, and hu money its treasury to meet all ordinary ex- anaes of the year. President lines continue to show landsome increases In earnings. The 13lg "onr earned in the second week of February an increase over the corresponding' week last year of tlT.ini, The nd Ohio earned 1153,785 75; Increase over 890, J9.532 45.

Action on the proposed reduction of Iron ates over nnd northern lines has oen postponed until March 3. This seams be one of the most troubleflonie quos- HiAt tlin Trunk lino end Centrsl Trat- raxis bava boca cilUA tipoa ailjnst of late. Tbe of the Pennsylvania com- any at threaten to boycott road for removing tho telephone from the freight fKnclcn. As tho Jefferson, son and Indianapolis, or tun Pennsylvania line, is tho only road rnnning into Medison, thn boycott can not bo of a vary serious nature, SnprrlnUnrtout Turner of the Plttsburu division of th'j lines has been notified that too twenty-live new frelsbi; which are to be placed on tbe rond, to run between Plttsburg aud Columbus, will of frbat nre known aa CUka enffluaa--thy in eer7lco on I IIS I FIGHTING. A NOTED MEXICAN BANDIT MAKSS A HARD FIQHT.

Cerralled In a Jaurecnl Bis Band Their Lives as Uearly ae rojelblo--The People JubllnnL KKW YOIIK, ffe-b. M. For many month. tbe state of Jalisco, Mexico, bas been by Demetrlo Jauregul and liii baud ot tx bandits. Murders, abductions and haw occupied the time of tbis Industrious outlaw.

People of hid become thoroughly frigbr- ened that they wore forced to appeal to the general government tor protection. Th aovsruinent always answered tb appeuli and Mat oat companies "of militia to soarcb for and run down Jaurequl, bu thilr cQorta were noTor of any practlcu value. Jaurequl seemed to lead obarmod lite, and every uusuccsisfnl attempt to catch him appeared to stimulate him to renewed force and a course that, meant greatel crimes and moie unheard ot cruelty. About tbe laat of January It was learned that tbti bandit would soon tnru his alien- tion to the plantation of El Carrozo. Ao- cordlugly a company of Infantry under the command of Colonel Jurrea waa orderec to watch the plantation and capture Jau- renul and hia band allre If possible.

Thi had Hardly reaped the plantation when Jauregnl and hia men were discovered entering tuo residence of the owner of the plantation. The bouae waa oace eur rounded by soldiers and Colonel Jurrea demanded the aurrender of the bandits. Hie demand was anawered with a abower of lead from repeating This waa a surprise to the soldlen, who thought cbey bad cnrnerod tbe and that would surrender, However, the soldiers returned the flro with Interest The flrlnc was kept up antl! evening when It ceased. Colonel Jurrea thought the bandits were either exhausted or tbat they were willing to' snrrendcr. Both conclusions were wrong.

The bandits anildenly rande a break for liberty. Though tb soldiers caught napping they were too great in number for snub au actempt to prore a BUCCCM, coasfqnently the bandlta were drivtn back In the bouse. Night drew oa and hostili- tlee were suspended, though the was snrronnded. In the morning the soldlsrs catered the bonse and a desperate band to hand combat ensued. Tbe bandits fought like' madmen.

They grappled the Midlers, dug their nulls lato their flesh and tried to bite toem'Thcr were, however, overmatched, and eoou the companions ot the old bandit chief lar dead on tbe floor. Janrenl fled to the attle and barrloaded the door. Two ran no the ladder after him. but when he reached tbe attio he pointed a revolver tarongb an opening in the door and shot one of his throucb heart. The other Midler 1m- BMdlataly leveled kit nn at opening- itnd flnd.

bullet naeaed mark, for tbe old bandit cklef Ml to tbe floor. eoidlere dlmbed to attlo, when Instead of Jinrejrnl dead taer eaw him eroachlnst behind aa old bed with plstal in each hand 'kad willing aa ti fljtht ThU man reopened the fight at He flrad as rjpldly ke conH, bat bandit fell back by teeignat Iota of Wood Inm his wounds, ef tbe thiaklng aim deed forward, anxious to flrst reMk bandit aid an- nonnoe death. It aa ill-timed act. for the soldier bent over him tbe bandit blnuelf. Tbe men rasbed forward and found at Jauregmt'a aide Una WlacieaWr two and two wish US otrtrldges in taeia, these firearms otter nemben ot tbe bead bad alz Rratngtoa six bslt filled, fifteen nvolvers and two cavalry All ot anna wen ot latest Improved patterns.

In fonr wen killed and eleven wonaded, tome eeverely and mortally. who wen with Demetrlo Jaur- wen Jaurigul, brother of the leader, Man ael and Francisco Qathtmx, Flonnclo Gomel and two othua who not been identified. Qrtat aorrow wu expressed over the death of Llsnunant Gomex, who was killed in struggle in the house. people of of Jallaeo an jubl- Unt over txtetmiaatlon of tblabandof leoal press ot Jalisco la warning to be ou their guard, some ot dead frlsnda may seek THE THIRD MUHDBB. A Betoa ef Terrer at Ceryell Oonaty.

WACO, Feb. and bird homicide hu oeonrnd at loon Junction. flrst waa a Norwegian shoemaker ago. Newt Davis posed to know who killed the Norwegian, ind morning Davis was found near home at junction dead, shot through brain. Buddy Williams arrested and le still in jail, charged with murder if Davit.

Buddy Williams' father, Jasper Jolvin Williams, who kept a small atore at junction, war approached last night iy fonr men who wanted supper. He irdered supper for them, and they then requested that he go over tbe stnet to ton and bring them some tobacco. He ressed over, and while his hand was on the of the door some one fired and Will- atcs fell with a dozen bucksbot in his bOT.ole, having been pierced from behind. Hia spine was nearly Bound Up. RICHMOND, Feb.

Last night at 9.10 o'clock a strong norther blew up and at present is still blowing stiffly. Ice was on tha ground this morning. Richmond Dramatic clnb, composed of amateur theatrical talent of city, returned from Wbarton, where they played Tuesday night. They all report a most enjoyable time and loud their praises of tbe treatment receiyed the of the people of Wharton. The smallpox Is now very well under control Iu this connty, bu there have been several deaths during the post week.

Smallpox Situation at Helton. BKLTON, Feb. Ataspootal meeting of the city council beld yesterday even- Ing It was decided to hare all the persons who had been exposed to smallpox, four in number, moved to the new psali house, one mile and a bait northwest of town to-day There are now threo cases at Jarasa Stewart's, whore tne flrat CMO oecun-orJi. They knpt andsr strict Ruaru. Tno caseu nre to be doing troll, anil ous child, which first It, Is almost well, CONCORD, N.

Feb. of the house laated until 4.CO thin morning, t'ua republicans finally succeeding In passing both bill to reorganize council ot tho districts and the senatorial rodlstrlctlnc bill. Needing atonic, or cMlnrer. who wnotfculM- iuoA' 'it It ptewani to C'lces Aiolsrls, Indl- BUIoiuuiw aod. ffil AN EXCITING VOYAGE.

The fleeri'tr rrauer, ftiar Dais Inlo New Yurk. NEW YOEK, Feb. diiyn overim, irltb her itnrbcard afterrail carried away tit the distance of over sixty fret, and four disabled stutueu, tho lice fiteamer France. Cuptiln nobinson, from Liverpool to this port, came up the bay tbis uicrnlntr. Both passengers and crew were more than glad vt ben the big liner swung Into her dock.

Tbe passage orcr aa rndlesa Cght with heavy gales and seao. On February 9 the France left Liverpool, and tho noit day, while still In the channel, rau luto a heavy southerly which shitted to the northwest and blew with evun Tiger. Tbis weather wee the rale the rest of the passage. Oa tbe evening of that day the second dot; vatcli, with Second Officer William C. Ulalnw ia cbnrge, wu wHftbed overboard and drowned.

Ten rnla- utts nftcr tbe second officer bad beeu drowned a big sea came aboard and carried away tbe starboard nil and two of ttis companion WATS that led from the upper to tbe saloon. Ineide of a kalf hour, and before tbu wreck of the rail hail been clennd away, there wm a crash amidships aud o' ths two hundred cattle reni there wsre left but fifteen after tbe fcfz eea left the ship. Four men were found la the lee acuppers mixed up with fittings and suffered Merlous injury. Found a Body In tht, Pool. FLOYD, Hunt Feb.

the 331 Instant at noon, while Mr. Tom Lit' tie, who about four miles north of Floyd, was watering bis horses at a pool neur his house hoBHWsomethinir. floating In the water, which on Investigation proved' to be an Infant child. Mr. Little called in bis to witness and examine it, after which they decided to bury It until the could be notified.

It proved to be in a state of decomposition, which wns jroof that it had been ilenil severnj days. Next morning Esquire Frazer weat out aad held an Inquest, but no clew nas developed as who committed the crime. STJACOBS oil CCHlS, 8UKKI.X. 4J SPRAWL BRUISES. froljcnt nn.l General Msnigur, Cincinnati, Ohio "My foot suddenly turned and gsvo IQO cr5 Bpralnvd ankle.

7'lio i i of Bt. JsciiUi Oil resulted at once iu a relief from pirfn." W.W. PEATOIIV, Proit. tb Ocu'l Min'Kr. ilia a.

Vuit Street, flnltlmove, 5Iil, "I wai brulficd btd- ly in hlti end by ft full and Buttered sc. Tcrely. lit. Jccobn oil complotol cured We." Vi'H. C.

Member of Btnto Legislature, giiumore. ui BANKS. W.T. CUJUIIKO, FnANK SAWYKII, Banker. CatiUlur ECHANICS' BASK.

CAPITAL. JE.COO 0 0 wo 1 Tailor BulM't. Preston Houston. Hoars: 9 a. m.

to v. Saturdays till 8 p. m. A general banking bUKlness transacted. foreign aad domestic exchange bouzht nnd sold.

Deposits received In sniia of one dollar and onward. AGENTS' MANUFACTURERS. W. ALSWOnTH, dealer In Avory Plows. Owenboro Movvlue Aliohlnea and Plantation Hardwire, Kl Preston St.


Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, etc. and 4 Commerce etreeu E. A ThrilUnff EiLLBEono, Fed sad accident occurred here yesterday which may result in the death of Glades, the little danghter.of Mr. and W. V.

Brullr. She was riding in a buagy with her aunt. When near depot the horse became frightened at an approaching train and atarted to run. Tbe anbtgotout. and devtook to lift girl from the buggy, bnt the train Marted and was unable to get hold of the child.

After horse bad run distance cbild thrown to the ground. She taken to a drag store and received prompt medical attention, but it la feared tbat sue recelrn internal Injuries which may prove fatal. ABR recovered dysbenUes.billotusuf- fever and mercurial diseased patient bow tbey recovered herltt. eaeerfal lcc Li Do yocr.aat to system? you woat get rid ef BUIeaiawt? Do yon wiaat aeawthlac to strengthen yen? Da yon want to ret rid of Do you digestion? De want eleep wellf Do you waat te balla ap rear ooaitttutionr Io you waat a brisk aad teelbag? 8II10MS' LITBB REQDLJLTOB. AalEIBeaelon9.R:m*dT.

en effloaolous reanelr for all of Uvw, Heartburn aad Dyspepsia, Hlmssoas' Liver Lewis Q. Wnader. len Aastataat Postmaster. Philadelphia. VOXICBaV COLORADO SARTA Fa BY.

Co-1 of tbe Secretary and Treasurer. OALVMIO.V. F.b. 14 1801. Notice IB herepy clvea that the Annual Meet.

int of the Stocknoldere and of will be held at office ef the Ooupaay ia tbe city of Qalvestoa, On TUESDAY, 12 O'Cloct. Transfer of the Comraay will closed from February II to Marci, 8, JQHJ M. BIRD, gocrttaiy. MOTIOX. JK B.

S. Colorado, Brans master, from New t'ork. Fabrnarv for Galveeton. wu disabled by the breaking ot her shaft, and woe towed into thereby Incurring general aver- we. The cargo transterrad to the 8.

8. nueces for Galveeton. Oonslgntes aie requested to call at this office, aim the average bond, furnish copy or their Invoices, moke deposit of 2 per cent thereon, and receive order for their (roods. J. N.

flAWYER A Agonta Notice to hereby given tbat tbe annnal meetioa- of the stock" holders ot the Laskw Real Estate association will take place on Wednesday, March H891, at 12 at tbe company's office. Qalveston. February P. SACHS. Secretary.

Notice to Whom it XayOonoerc--rlnmors othe contrary notwithstanding. I bog leave to nform the public that nelthsr O. Dleteel nor myself Intend to aoll tbe Texaa Post, and 1 alone am empowered to slzn tbe firm name. HENRY DIKTZEL, Sole Manager and Proprietor of the German Japanese Screens Beantlfnl Hand Painted Shirred Silk Bam- 100 Sareensy Tnrklah Rugs, Embrolderlea ana Curios. S.


Houston, Tex. LIME AND CEMENT. AN CROW10SY, importer and dea Lime, Cements. Plaatei: Varls. Hair, 1 Fire Hrlok.

Ulay. Pipe. Ciimmm Lime anrt Cement, Donl. SH In Portlaad ana Roeendale c.ment, Lime, Plaster, Fire Bricks, etc. REAL ESTATE.

A SHE ZIEOLER. Real Estate. Harria ndiolnlnz "ands a speciultr. OI- flce under Hutchins House. Honnton.

1'ei. TfOK BAKGAIiSa In re.1 estate, oa city and inbarban property, address E. Sternenberg, real utate Ml'ravla Hoaston. STEAM LAUNDRIES. OUSTON al'EAH LAUNDRY waaud la every town in tbe state.

LlMral eemmlasleaa. Rlx AUTHKV. Pronrletor. San Antonio Business AGENTS-HEAL. ESTATE.

AMSAY (MULTM. Land aM.iteaoral Kan aevuea street. enxht aa4 aoM. Taxes vil 1 RESTAURANTS, tin the To oil whom HniBT-concern: Tula i HAMACHUSETT3 BEN TION of Bwtop. bas In ail npepecte nmpiled with the lan-s of coadltioaa pncedont to Its la this state, and that said company hele'eaaenlflcatecf authority from thlioir.cti to do In tbis lor Qiveannder my bead seal, at office, ia knttla, aad first writt-n.

a.1 JNO. I. Acttc H. W. DODGE, (rtHcnl Agent, Austin, Texts.


THE -'tillEtTII CO, AB erden er eemplalnts, te receive prompt attention, ehould left at the oflloeot this sompauy, iu the brlok building OSL Market street Betwwn 31th nd SGth, between tbe hoars ef I and 11 o'clock a. m. C. F. RUSf.ELL.

Seoretarr. H. imm CQ. a trial. CORNER MECHANIC AND Md ST8L T.

L. CROGS CO. SHIP STORES AND CHANDLERY, Annu utA OooimlMloa avnd Strm E.MV a fall ftook om of er our lint. Cfcll and Wo are prepared to rill all orders vilth specially fine quality oys- ers. Orders promptly and carefully executed.

ram fi. BOOTH. B. R. M'LKAN.

BOOTH McLEAN, Loan and Investment Hrokora. Transant bntlneis in ull tho state depurt- enu. CorrfllponJenco tgllciud. ThD In.efleiiilent Oti 1 A Lil Montii, lr, worth ii or IS o'nats 3. ll, Shaw, Wowt There Is No Time Lfko tbe ptefiont, and If you went to pet a tailor made mtt that will givo j-ou bettor rmUhfno- tion and cost you no than ready utadu one EO to POSNAINSKY, Tailor, 129 Tremont (itreet, where you will find a full ot Froncb and Kiigl.Bh RooJa utcoat.

SpeoiaMHotice. Puro Onlifovnla Wmiia. put uv in of one or the fpiloivtuB TorfaUos; Fcrt.AmiaiicfV tttiorrf. I'lnfftiidol Deiuoff tvoorics (i-J buttles) of too wines to Pftrt of Uaitod on rootlpt of ft. H.

J. WOOI.LACOTT. ittniid Hur-ingHt. (Asenlo WantoG) AnitoltiM, OaL L. STHAMT, Holt Qualltr I'rlei.


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