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Logansport Pharos-Tribune du lieu suivant : Logansport, Indiana • Page 7

Logansport, Indiana
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EN DOCTORS WECHSLER- CriAPTKK From him this flattery camr, to l.ur like delioate perfume, and though her pleasurable emotion with her reasoii. she was powerless to resist absorbing it. "You will perhaps tell Maj. I'iissniorc of conclusions'. 1 slit-askrd.

"Would it imt eoim: better I'riini you, 'beiriy your ease?" "Oil, no; 1 fancy In; woiilil that is, your declaration would have more weight," "Very u-ell, if you so. let us how can it lie We can't Say boldly: 'Yon must let your niece marry t.hi.s fellow, "Oil. no. that would never do; Maj. Pnssmore is so "Ah! I have it! Vi'e can ymir niece is.sulTerinj, 11 from a peculiar a il'ec- tion of the heart, and we recommend that yon place her under the eare of Dr.

I'lyne, who has made a special study of and imdrr.sL'nids the plnint." "Oh, yes, yes, that would do spleu- cried Helen. 'Knt he doesn't know Walter I'lyne is practising." "All the better." 'IJtit if, when he learns who he is, ho uses?" "We must abandon cave." "Would you 1 1 "Decidedly, I should support you." "And it would serve him riyht, for ho, old skeptic, lie has treated me with ill-concealed contempt 'over since I took the ease." "Oh, lie has, lias he'? That must have sadly tried your patience," said Dr. Lancewood, jvitli earnest sympathy. "lie has. is not the only There are masculine women, too; some who patronize, some who sneer, and LCOI'YIUUIIT.

C'HAI'TKi: PA.sS.VOIiH When Aunt Ruth nml Maj. Passraorc into the I'r. Lancewood. ip. manner, I hi Dr.

Wrench about his ability. He will make his way in the world. Ee has been a conscientious student, and he will make a. successful practitioner. It he remains with Dr.

Wrcncb he will into a valuable practice. I see no reason why yon should oppose his union with your niece." "She's too youny to may withhold your sanction until the irreparable mischief is doae." "This is your owu indititlual couric- tion?" "It is." "Then I suppose I must submit, for Ruth is of the same opinion and never fives me any peace over the matter. I'm anxious to do whut, is rijrhL for the g-irl, if you n-ill be so kind you may tiring I'iyno "1 will do so," said Dr. Lancewood. lied him!" BEARS rue- Only RTERS.

One morninpf at breakfast, six months later, received by mail the wedding cards of Dr. Helen Glade and Dr. (ierald Lanecwood. "There, Ruth:" he o.velaimed, hand- 'After it Ion-; and serious eonsidera- his sister the told you that tiou of your niece's case. I have to re- 1 "ad bewitch! port on behalf of Dr.

(Jladeand myself, there is nothing to be done, so far as we can aid her." "You don't moan to Maj. "her case is hopeless?" "Well no." "No and yes. What do you mean? Has her case been neylected?" "Yes. Ithasifot bevorid our control," "I feared so! I thought Chick- did not comprehend it." "lla! There you wrung her. Dr.

Clatlc understood the ease much belter than I I ever should." "Then why did she not lell us sooner is criminal nejflicence--1 shall hold her responsible!" Hashing- f. look of contempt at. Helen. "Pardon me, Maj. Passmoro.

Dr. Chide has done all that cinld be done." crouching laje close to tue ground, his eyes hidden from me by a small branch. There never was a worse scared I sai.l to myself: 'Confound voa, I eun blow brains out at this raising my rifle, with the muzzle hardly three feet irora the bear's head, I him. liut. thank God, the bear was dead.

My first bullet had ruptured the artery, and, as he was bleeding to death, he had turned face to the enemy." The writer, a fourth man. i started out with the doctor and Savage on this same hunt. Although we be- came separated and did nol witness the sport. I ihe bear'- head the next morning and be-ir witness that it bore not the slightest mark of I a bullet. Jlut it due to ihe memory of the doctor to say that he killed several he.

a recurrence of tile "bear Y. 1'OSt. What is EM ARSON'S YO'. To Tutor "lint if the ease is hopeless." I "In our hands it is. there is Hope In a word, Miss liar "LKT US KOHGKT THAT, IIEMiX." others so narrow-minded und cynical they make the career of a woman'doc- tor positively unendurable!" Tours of vexation were precious near, ns she uttered this passionate protest; so near that his tender rejoinder brought them and trembling' lier lonpr.

dark lashes. 'Yes, yes, I can quite understand, len. the heathen bigotry you have had to contend with. It is crushing enough to a youiijf man practice, but to an earnest, sensitive younpf woman it is cruel, atrocious, inhuman!" She hastily brushed away the moisture from her eyes as she remarked: "Those are the only words of sympathy I have heard in my three years' practice." "Oh, he cried, passionately, praspinfr her hand ns she rose' from the table, "if it had not been for my folly with Annie (iricc. I might have saved you from all this social torture." "It was not.

your folly. Dr. Lancewood." she said, turning away. "Oh! yes it was. Helen." "No, was mine.

Annie afterwards told me she had deliberately angled for was too in another direction. Constance is su'fTcring from a pocu affection of the heart." "Oh, it's not the lungs, then?" "Xo. Now we recommend you to place her under the care of Dr. "Plync, Plync, Dr. i.s he The name seems "A heart specialist, associated with Dr.

Wrench here." Maj. Passmorc looked scarching-ly from Dr. Lancewood to Helen. "I.s this Dr. Plync a recent graduate?" he asked.

"He is, and as matter of fact, I believe, ii relation of yours." "Oh, I sec, I see," cried Passmore, his face assuming a vcrmillion hue. "Uvun! And you, Dr. Lancewood, lend yourself to this feminine co.n- "Oh, Uoger, don't say that," cried Aunt Ruth, timorously. "Llold your tongue, Ruth!" fiercely. "I lend myself to nothingof the kind is my conviction." Then Dr.

Lancewood rapidly gave his reasons. When he had concluded, Maj. Passmorc "I shall do nothing of the kind. I'll not have him in the house." "Very well," said Helen rising, "then I relinquish the case." "1 am glad you do. Umeewood, you'll manage it better alone." "I shall have nothing further to do with it, sir.

I agree with Dr. Obde. We have givcu you our opinion; if you follow your own, you must be responsible for the consequences. Good-day, sir; good-day. Miss Passraorc." And with dignified urbanity.

Dr. Laucewoocl followed Uclen into the hall. Maj. Passmore was beside himself with uncontrollable rage. "Lancewood." he exclaimed from the door, "that girl's bewitched yon; she's leading you by the lost your regret this, mark ray words!" "Maj.

Passmore," said Dr. Lance-j wood, with exasperating, coolness, "I iiin sorry have permitted your habitual brusqireucss-to degenerate into rudeness." llefore the irate major could reply, the door was closed, and the two doe- tors were gone. "Oh, Gerald, you carried it off Helen as they drove away. Two days later Maj. Pas.str.ore sent Dr.

La.neewood a note asking him to call, and apologizing for his conduct. At lirst Dr. Lancewood decided to ignore the eall. but Helen said: "Yes, do, Gerald, for the poor girl's think of our own case." So Or, Lancewood answered the summons. "Are you still of the same asked Maj.

Passmore when they were together. "Quite," answered Dr. Lancewood, firmly. "Because if you do not the gir proud to apologize for the wrong I may not live a year, for if her system A i-l flrtMT i Vt 1 1 .1 1 had done you I I do so now," with an effort to suppress the tremor in her voice. Encouraged by her wavering manner ho drew her towards him, and said: "Let us forget thru, mv darling!" There was moment's resistance, a swift upward glance from her moist eves, a half-smothered sob, a gasp: then had been the haughty female physician melted into the confiding, tremulous woman, with her head against his heart.

"Oh! Helen. Helen! What precious years of your sweet companionship have lost!" he cried, at length her. "Yes, and 1 of Cerald. And to if it had not for this ecu- her constitutional 'It might have l.ven forever. I shall always bless the day I was summoned iiore." "Audi.

Uerald," shoexclaimed, in the "1 fear my eyes will betray us. when we report to Mnj. Passmcre." "Oh! no, i Solon; ymi put on your veil, and in leave me to conduct matter "Very well -King tho ln-ll, ninl iot 'nspet itnvi-i 1 "Sims TOO VOUXG TO MAKJiV TET. weakness will supervene, and her decline will bo rapid." "I cannot close my eyes to the danger: still, this yoijL'g Plyne. I'mistrust, is mercenary." "You are mistaken about that.

I have scon him. and hnvc questioned Known lluve I'ooi: Of the numberless bears that have been killed in California, there is but a single ease on record of one of them being k.lied a single shot. It was the common-belief nmong the old hunters in that section that, even if shot through the Heart, a would live long-enough to kill men, and it has never been disproved. That a wounded grizzly has rarely killed more than one man is doe to the propensity of the beast, when wounded, to hold on to the first living object lie can seine. In this respect he- is most foolish of all wild animals.

When struck by a bullet, if another bear is close by, he will attack the bear sooner than go after a man who is further away. When srrizzly's nose is pointed toward a rillc, the bullet will glance from his forehead as from plow with two mold boards: and if shot fairly in one eye the bullet will pas-; out of the back of his without touching tho brain. This may be verified by any ono who will examine a grizzly's skull. A bullet sent fairly into a nostril would penetrate the brain, but no hunter would attempt such a shot. In James M.

lludspeth (the pioneer who saved the Bryuut party from perishing in the Great Desert) and Lancaster Clyman were hunting together in tlu Sononvi mountains. California. In ascending a deep canyon Iludspeth, who was in advance, clambered up a steep place that opened upon a little plateau which was free from brush. AS he rose to his feet, rifle in hand, a twelve hundred-pound grizzly rose upon her haunches directly facing him and less than ten yards oft It is the nature of the animal, when thus to spring upon the intruder, as Hadspcth well knew. lieCerri-ng to the incident, some month.s afterward, the writer asked lludspeth: Jim.

how did you feel and what did you think you and the bear stood up face to face?" "Well," he replied, "considering it was all over in three seconds, most of the thinking and feeling were done U'terwards; but I felt I would be a dead man unless I killed the bear instantly, und 1 know the only chance of doing it was to break her spinal cord by a shot in the neck. So 1 aimed directly under her chin, a little low, made a line shot, the boar was dead before she recovered from hor surprise sntliciently to spring for me. Then 1 felt thankful." In contrast with, this remarkable case ofsalf-povses-iion and nerve, I will relate an incident of a man who missed at feet rniiifo. The lero of this incident was Dr. Elisha Cly, who had a trne'c ranch near the of Sonoma, in the fall of 3SoO.

he sent onions worth seventy- live cents a pound to the Sail market, with other root vegetables which brought fabulous prices. The doctor was a. goii! rille shot, deer were plentiful, end iie frequently went out into' the mountains to bring in "meal" his jj-iii-kmen. On the uerasion in view he was hunting with a neighbor n-inied Suva go. of them ever encountered a they were riilinjr along opposite sides of a broad woo led frulch a (jrizy.iy appeared on the margin in front the doetor.

about sixty van's distant. The di ctor lost no time in his horse and giving the bear a shot in loin. I Won: lie could however, tho bear had turned buci-' into the gulch and was loping aeross the open space, making for cover. as he tired another bear rail oat of the bushes towards bear Xo. 1.

The-woundou bear, with a tumble and a was upon the other in an instant, and, as the doctor described it. a territic battle ensued which the doctor so that he. crnild hardly reload his riilc. Savage left his horse aac'f climbed into a tree. "Tho battle lusted." said the doctor, "for several minutes, as! it seemed to mo.

i'inally the second bear broke way from 'ae other, bounded out of the gulch, and was running along its margin before 1 got the rammer from my riile. 1 con.ess 1 was a longtime reloading. that my shot at the second bear a. wild one. again re-'catling I examined the trail of'the first bear (which meau- tirne disappeared in the and found blood enough to indicate that the animal was wounded.

It was late in the day: we were out of meat, and I resolved to get that- bear possible. threatening to shoot t-avage 1 induced him to-corae out of the tree and station himself on the bank behind while I cautiously followed the bloody trail into uie brush. About twenty-six yards fi-om the opening I had to pass under liaib. and I found myself nlrnost ou top of IV- IVTK! His 1 oursf. Km'erson was born May -o, in lloston, not far from the birth place of Frauiclia.

His father was a clorguJian. had recently founded what is now the library of the AthomxMim. 1 looks rather than the ordinary boyish sports were the delight of the son. lie rarely played, and never owned a sled. In the austere New England of the time there was little leisure for mere amusement.

ICmersun's father died before the boy was eight years old, and thereafter the child had to help his mother, who boarders and tried hard to give hersuns an education such as their father's. Emerson entered the Latin school in and oue day tlui next year, when was rumor that the lirit.ish were going to Send a licet to liostou harbor, he went with the rest of the boys to help build earthworks on cine of tliLMslauds. About this time, also, he besran to rhyme, celebrating in juvenile verse the victories of tho young American navy. In August, JS17. Emerson entered Harvard college, receiving help from the various funds intended to aid poor students, and obtaining the appointment of "President's Freshman." a stndenf who received his lodgings free in return for carrying official messages.

lie served also as waiter at the college commons, and so saved three-fourths the Cost of his board. Later in his college course, he acted as tutor to younger pupils. seems to have impressed his instructors as a youth of remarkable a.bility: but ho was not a diligent student. Tn those days Harvard was not a university; it was not even a college: it was little more than a high school where boys recited their lessons, Emerson was only eighteen when he was graduated, feeling tiiat the regular course of studies had done little for him, and having therefore strayed out of the beaten path to browse for himself among the books in the library. He was popular with the best of his classmates, and at graduation he was class poet Whatever Ills value of a college education in those days, Emerson was the earliest of the group of the foun- crs of American literature to go through college.

Franklin, having to work for his living from early boyhood, had no time; Irving, after preparing for Columbia, threw his chance away: while Ciiopcr was expelled from Yale, and Kryant was so dissatisfied with Williams that he left it after a single year. lint the authors who came after Emer- snn made sure of the best education that this country could aiford them, Hawthorne and Longfellow were graduated from Bowdoin, while from Emerson's college, Harvard, were to come Holmes, Thoreau and Lowell. When he graduated, Emerson's ambition was to be a profossor of rhetoric; but such a position wits never offered I to him. Me taught school for a while in earning money to his and to help his mother. Then I he entered the Divinity school at liar- i vard, and, in October, he was "approbated to preach," delivering his first sermon a few days later.

For the sake of his health spent that winter i in Florida, at St, Augustine. On his I return he lived in Cambridge chief! here and there, and in tha IS- 1 1 hi: been me the minister 01 i hi old Xorth ehnrcli in Uos.ton. llrinir ihus established, in September ho marriel MUsEilen Tucker, lint he lost his wife soon after the Moreover. Emerson was not satisfied to remain in the ministry, and in JS32 lie re-iignod his Prof. Ilrander Matthews, in St.

Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants- juul Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine uor- other Narcotic substance. It is a liarmless substituto- for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Castor Oil It i-s Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' nso by Millions of Mothers.

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I linpe tlio day is no: far distant whaniiioUitfrswillcoosiJcrthercal lntcri'Stof thi-ir children, ami uso Castoria iu- sti-ad of tlitf variousquack nostrums which aro thi-ir loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other luinful agents dou-n Iheir throats, thereby sending them to prvmnturo graves." Da. J. F. KINCHELOE, Coaw-uy, Ark. Tho Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, Now York City.

Cai. Castoria so'cvt' 1 to children that I recommend prescriptioai kuowu lo me." A. Ancnisn, H. 311 So. OiforU Brooklyn, N.

Y. Our ptiysiclans in tho clii'ulnm's 'mcQC have spoken highly of their onco in tlicir ouisldo practice with GbiLuriJV. and altlioiish ww only have IUIIOUK nur inedifiU supptiea what Is kjiown as products, yet we are free to coufesn thai Uia- meriis of Castoria has won un to look wiUv favor upon it." UNITED HosriTii. DisritstuRV, liostou, C. SJUTII, Prc.t..

BEST THE: WORLD For keeping- the System In a Healthy Condition. CURES CURES Constipation, Acts on the Liver and Kidneys. Purifies the: Blood, Dispels Colds and Fevers, Beautifies the Complexion and Plensinfr and Refreshing to the Taste. SOLD BY ALL. DRUGGISTS.

iiicuJ.v illusiraied Lincoln Story Bool; purchnscr of packafM of Lincoln Te.i. Prici; 25c. your drnee-ist, or LINCOLN Fort i i f' VIGOROUS Tlicy WHISKERS. Wouldn't flrvcn, Htu tin- HrowMr Tltciii. "Heard a little the other night," said tile tavern keeper.

"One nigger minstrel ai-ked the other minstrul if hair gniwed afler death, and the other said d.dn't know, but he saw a bald- headed man in a barber shop." "'I'iia; is purty good," said the iun.ii from the iirairios. "but 1'vo heard it before. llMwsomever, to come down to hair du grow that soine- lj in 1 livhi'out there tluTe 'S a little Irishman and they buried him. Of tiicy wasn't -iiMMiiiig strange in that, " they ohsei-ve the Christian even in Kansas. as I ihcv buried him, an' r.s he- di.ln'l no kiu in that part of ihe hu would lu-en for- j.i-0'i.teii by this time if it hadn't of been for them "Von M'O, tin- of the ehnren i he iii.s liorse romtnjr Dortor.

A physician of Montpeiicr was in the hain't of employing a very ingenious artifice. When he came to a town where he wns not known, he pretended lo hnvc lost his dog. nnd ordered the public crier to ofTer. with beat of drum, a reward of lor.i.'; to whoever should bring it to him. The crier care to mention all the titles and honors of the doctor, ns well as his phioe of residence.

1 soon be- wirit" the talk of the town. "Do you knew." says one. "that a famous pfi3-si- t'ian come here, a very clcror fel- He must be very rich, for he of- twenty-five louis for (iadjj-g his TJio dog was not found, pa- lov lie rr 'Orc-r np rc-id- in.7 print, "is that the world never looks upon her spectacles as .1 si.crn that she is rrvrv.viriJT Tr ibnno. JQOD'S'Sarsaparilla wins its way Into the confider.ce of -the people rd as part ni pay. iv.

the two i-very 1 biineby it not iec-d ihey tat none i on tlu of i.he little It, wsi.s -ifh lookin' tha; tho sent aspeciinen of it to the state secretary I of agriculture to tell whatitwas. After a while here come back a note sayin' that no doubt they thought it funny to send a bunch of hair dyed green for analysis, but that wasn't what the great, state of Kansas wnz bein' TUB fer. that letter created Rich a excitement cf the county that the coroner be went and dup down till he frot to the bottom, an' what, should this hero ojiecr grass be but the whiskers of the Irishman that had (Crowed clean up through the sod. liut wh3 they should turn green in see, they was still red in the a £-ood deal of a puzzle some time, till finally some feiler remembered that tv: his name-wTix alwuz sing-in'. 'The Green Aho.x- the Ked', an' thev fipgf Ted oui at he'dbca tine to hib even in cold"—"-in-.-innavi Tr'ilmiu-.

i The great and fearful of locusts in Algeria is by tht-. I'Vench journal, "L'Rlevenr," to wholo- xale destruction nf quail by It is t-stimatcd tlirita quail daily from fifty to Mi.xiy grammes of food, and that twenty tiny locusts oj the size of hemp seed go to a gramme. Vfeuce one quail may destroy daily 1 locusts, or from 20,000 to during the period when the insects are smafi. enough to be swallowed by it. Tho- Tunisiau sportsmen who, on the Sth ilay of last year, shipped ofl 1 oO.OOi) quails to 4 Francis arc, then, in a great measure to blame for l.

locusts less than usual having been destroyeii by those birds during the year. Iti D.iulji. Mr. Kiter. your boo); is talk of tho lown.

Imiecil. in eu-ry-- body's mouth. Mr. gi-itiiig l-'ree I could get relief fromt most horrible bltxxV I bnCt tryins VRriouui ami fiLiKcrnailsotmc ing ine perfectly I ilic-u wcui to My- I'av tire oat- A lloul -Njivinp. The L-idy dollars for lik-- an 1 I it! The Sa 31 madam, that the price h.s reduced to four dollars anJ Linety-nino cents.

The Lady Shopper (reaching- for her very well, then; I'll take it" Record. by the good it is dolnr-. guarantee CC trail The deTil is willing to stand "by the preacher -when he take a hand in. the music. Pounding the Bible and noise in church is one thing-, and grinning; men to Christ is another.

but vcrj-soon became disgusted, and try S.S.S. The effect iraly wondoidil. commenced to recover after wiiug tbe lirst bou- tie, and by the time I hud taken twelve boi ties, I. was cured cared by S.S.S. wben the world-renowned Hot Bprines hud failed.

WM. S. LOOMIS, Shreveport, IJB. OnrbookontbeDineaMRndiiat.rcat.meiiinmtl'Mi frat SWIFT SPECIFIC Atlanta, A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without an ideal POMPLEXIO II FOWZJER. FGZZONiS Combines every dement of beauty aad purity.

It is beautifying, soothing, healing, heaith- ful, harmless, and when rightly used is invisible- A roost delicate and desirable protection ts the face in this climate. Insist npcn havis? the SALE.

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