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Davenport Weekly Republican from Davenport, Iowa • 1

Davenport, Iowa
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APPEALS Lives in Rushing Flood of nikhorn Valley, West Virginia. TOO MANY WIVES A FIRE. FOR AID, Chicago, June 25. Today Is another ADMIT THE DEED scorcher in Chicago and yesterday's three heat deaths and 10 prostrations, promises to lie eclipsed. The heat also Is charged with the responsiiiility for three attempts at HOUSES PLUNGED AND DANCED THE DIVORCE SECURED IN NEV VADA WILL NOT HOLD GOOD.


THREE PROMINET MEN IMPLICATED IN THE HORSEWHIP. PING GAVE BOND. man shot himself and will die; two others drowned themselves In the lake. MORNING. FIRST WIFE IN MUSIC HALL THE NEW TIMES PRESS FOUR HUNDRED REFERRED Van Dyke Saw Children's Brains Dashed Out Against Some Rocks and Timbers The Car-, nage of Death Is Fearful.

Shipment Now Definitely Promised on the Tenth of July. C. 1). Relrnera, publisher of The Times, returned to Davenport lust Tien Tsin, June 25. General Tung Fu Slang, the Chinese commander who has long been suspected of being a Boxer sympathizer, is marching on Tai Yuen Fu, in the province of Shan-Shi, on the Fuen-Ho river.

The governor of Shan Shi has appealed to foreign troops for assistance in repelling Tung Fu Slang's attack. Second Wife Was Mrs. Mary Summer, viile, Also a Nevada Divorces A Woman's Vlndic tlvenesa. Used No Names, But Social Light; Took Exception to the Article-Children Saw Their Father Whipped. St.

Louis, June 25. Fire started early this morning in the building mi Morgan street, and quickly spread to adjoining structures, the upper portion of which were used as tenements. Fifty families, numbering lino people, were seized by a panic and the wooden stairways soon burning away many jumped from windows. Mrs. Anna Zola received fatal Injuries.

Her daughter, Cnmille, 10 years old, bad her hip dislocated and sustained a fracture of the skull, and her son Edward, aged IS, has a brok en leg. Many children and others sustained minor Injuries by falling from ladders hastily run up by the. firemen. Sev JAPAN'S DEMANDS ON CHINA. evening from a trip in the east, taken principally on account of the delay occasioned ln the delivery of the new press now under course of construe-tion for The Times, at the Hoe factory in New York.

The strike of live weeks duration in the machinist department of th! big factory has put Greene, Juue Louis Busse, a wealthy farmer, living about nine miles from this place, was placed under arrest yesterday afternoon, charged with murdering his young wife and attempting to burn his home to hide the evidence of bis crime. Henry Snider, a hired man on the farm, was arrested as an accomplice. The woman was found dead in her home last Tuesday with her throat cut and her body partly Incinerated by fire. The coroner's jury rendered an open verdict, Indicating that her death was due to suicide, but the county attorney ordered the body taken up and an autopsy developed that the woman's skull had been crushed in. The particulars of the crime as developed by the authorities show it to have been one of the most cold blooded murders ever committed in this part of Iowa.

The evidence in the case, as has been brought In piecemeal from the hired man, shows that the family ate dinner together the afternoon of the murder, and that after dinner Busse sent Snider to a neighbor's to borrow a post-hole auger. 1 While the man was away, it is alleged, the husband entered the house, struck his wife r.ver the head with some blunt instrument, and then cut. her throat with a poeketknlfe. In order to hide his deed, it is alleged, he saturated the woman's clothing and the floor with kerosene, carried a feather bed and several feather pillows from an upstairs room, piled them on top of her, and then set fire to the whole mass. Having done this the man went coolly out to where his hired man was digging post-holes and began helping him at the work.

A brother of Busse. living half a mile distant, first discovered the fire, and, hastening over. London, June 25. The grand jury this morning brought In a true bill Indemnity of 7,942,247 Yen Is Asked by the Mikado's Government. London, June 25.

A dispatch from Pekin states that the Japanese min for bigamy against Lord John Francis Stanley Russell, and the historic old Bailey soon will see a- nobleman the company way behind in the fulfillment of orders nnd promises, but now that the men are back at work again exertions are under way to mnke np the lost time. Hoe Co. conceded ister has been instructed to inform his colleagues the conditions on which Japan will accept Chinese in eral small firms occupying the ground demnity bonds. Japan's share of the noor PiiDered damages. The total loss plueed on trial charged with having more wives than the law allows.

Russell's 'plight tho result of a to Its men a nine hour day with the Is $15,000. indemnity was caluculated to reach the sum of 50,074,000 yen by July 1, pay or a ten-hour day from the very start, and the differences between KILLED BY SMOKING CIGARETS. on a basis of cash down and, the adop the company and the men were over; tion by the powers of the bonds. Japan now contends that- she has lost John Viekers of Chicago Dies Sud some cither details. Happily, however, everything was amicably adjusted and on Thursday of lust week some woman ylndietlvetiefss.

The first Lady Russell, daughter of Lady Scott, but who at present Ih music hall performer, hounded her husband lit the courts unsuccessfully for years, seeking a divorce and alimony mid to compel RuKscil to live with her again. Her chance came after hit denly at Elgin, III, Elgin, June 25.John Virkera of thing like N0O men returned to work. 8,000,000 yen approximately owing to the depreciation of her 4 per cent bonds since May IS, and her minister has, therefore, been Instructed to demand an indemnity of 57,042,247 yen. Chicago died fit the homo of George Men In all the other clennrtmenljr Roberts, an uncle. In this city- after Akron, Juue 26.

Samuel Kennedy, editor of the Amusement Record, was horsewhipped last night and left, bleeding and unconscious on his front porch. Bert G. Work, superintendent of the B. F. Ooodrlch Stephen H.

Coler, secretary of the Akron Varnish company, and. George C. Kohler, of the law firm of Musser Kohler, men acknowledged to be among the richest and most prominent socially In the city, admit their guilt and have Riven bond at the police headquarters. Kennedy's children witnessed the assault and they ran about the street, crying that their father had been killed. A physician worked over Kennedy for half an hour before consciousness was restored, but announced that none of lib injuries would prove serious.

Kennedy says he was attacked because he published an item In his paper referring to certain members of the "four hundred" who were mixed up in a scandal. In the Item he used no names, but it Is said his assaulters thought the meaning sufficiently plain to implicate them. had been bild oft on account of the machinists' strike and for over four weeks the big factory scarcely turned lordship went to Nevada, secured a BAD FIRE AT MOUND CITY, ILL. divorce there nnd married Mm. Mollio Siimmcrvllle, also a Nevada divorcee.

an Illness of a few hours. He was the victim of the cigarct and constantly smoked them. Two hours after death his body turned brown, and the physician who was called stated that the cause of death was arsenic and nicotine from clgarets. a wheel. Inasmuch as all Departments are kept pincllcfilly even in their work.

But fur this strike The Times today would be running Its papers off TWENTY-SIX BOERS ARE KILLED National Pump Company's Factory and Big Four Depot Burned. Cairo, 111., June 25 Mound City narrowly escaped being destroyed by on the new press, a machiie that will have no enuulM in Iowa outside of Des General Methuen's Advance Met by threw a couple of pails of water on It and extinguished the blaze, but not lire yesterday afternoon. The plant MALLORY LINER ON THE ROCKS. Moines and Sioux City, The Hoe company has now 'definitely promised Strong Resistance. ZeniHt, Transvaal, Juno 25.

During until all the clothing had been burned, of. the National Pump company, the from the woman and one leg burned US oir uepot ana a quantity oi mm Comal's Fifty Passengers are In Good Geiieml Methuen's recent march shipment from New York on July 10, and allowing for two weeks in ship away at the knee. The feathers smothered the flames and thus prevented the carrying out ofthe murderer's plans. from Jiicobsdal to thU place, his advance was resisted by a force it Boers at Welgebloomsprult, Tba Boers were driven off with a loss of ping and erection there is every Inc'l-cation that by August 1 'everything will be In shipshape fashion again at Ennis, 'June 25. A courier has arrived here from Keystone after a hard trip across the mountains.

He says the loss of life will not exceed sixty. The storm struck the mountain Friday night at II and for six hours rain descended In torrents. At daybreak thousands of, people along Elkhoru realized that a great Hood was upou them. By 9 o'clock Saturday tiie narrow valley was a raging, seething, angry torrent. Dashed to Death.

Houses, barns, bridges, fences, live stock and human beings were swept away by the current and dashed on rocks or trees bctoV. At the first warning many of the Inhabitant took refuge on the mountain side overlook-lug the town and river. More than a hundred, however, remained' in town to look after the and children who did not escape early. The bridge leading to the depot was soon swept away, then the boiling waters rushed through the only street In the town and many were cut off from the mountain. Houses plunged and danced la the mighty stream with screaming women and children on the roofs.

Horses, cattle and other animals went down in druv3 struggling for life. Bodies Recovered. Six bodies have been recovered nt Kekman, two miles below here. In Ennis eight lives were lost while several were drowned at Shawnee. vl'lie house of Paris Van Dyke who lived four miles west of Tazewell, was washed away.

From a field Von Dyke heard the roar of the mining waters and rushed to the rescue of his family, but was too late. Forty Feet High. A wall forty feet high sweeping giant trees before it like wisps of bay, clashed his home into fragments, Two young children hud their brains (shattered against the rocks and timbers while three other members of the family will not recover. At Cedar Bluff seventeen dwelling and business houses were swept away but no lives were lost. At Pounding Mill four lives were lost.

Knob, a small town was destroyed by slides from the mountains whilcj the ravines suffered Severely from the same cause. Bodie? Recovered. Bluofield, W. June 25. Forty-eight bodies have been recovered in the nath of the cloudburst.

Some have been Identified and others prob The 'limes ollice and the new press twentysl. killed. A number of pris Spirits. Jupiter Inlet. Juue 20, The Mallory liner Comal Is 'tit 111 aground off the Inlet, but Is expected to be dragged off by her sister ship Ijbmpasns and two tugs due this afternoon.

The 50 passengers are In good spirits and not apprehensive, if heavy weather sets in the ship Is ln great danger, TRUESDALE-BISSELL WEDDING. JOYOUS WEEK AT KANKAKEE. will give the office a facility In quick oners and stores were captured by ber were destroyed, the loss amounting to $100,000, with Insurance about half that, i amount. Firemen from Cairo rendered good service. The plant of the O.

E. Meyer furniture factory was saved by a miracle, and had it gone hnjf the town would have been destroyed. The pump factory was owned by the N. O. Nelson Manufacturing company of St.

Louis. It was insured for $34,000, and was worth twice the amount. It employed 125 the British, ly tinning out an up todate pawspa- Two Prominent Young People United Carnival Company With Fourteen por that is not. now possible on the I. VA.I, Shows Will Entertain much slower press In use at present.

DISTRICT COURT PETITIONS Willi the inotallallon of Ihe new III iwirt i vua i New York, June 25. Tho wedding of Miss Marie Melville Truesdale and Kankakee, 111., June 25. Kankakee streets will be given up this week to press The Times will have another announcement to make that will show TENDER BY MR, -ZIMMERMAN Richard Bissell, of Chicago, took a carnival comrmnv. which has four- one more step forward In putting The place at the home of the Truesdales teen shows, a Ferris wheel, and oth- men Injunction Case of Claus Behrens Vs. Fritz Hamann Tho case over the estate of James at Greenwich this afternoon.

Wagon 1 er attractions. The. carnival is given GOVERNMENT SUES A SENATOR. limes equipment and office on a still higher plane of a strictly high class modern newspaper olilee. under the auspices of the Elks, and Son-in-Law's Creditors are Offered Twelve Shillings Sixpence.

London. June 25. -Eugene Zimmerman of Cincinnati has put his son-It) law, the duke of Manchester, in il position to offer bis creditors 12s (id on the pound. A mee ting will bo held Thursday to consider the proposal. loads of gifts hnve been received from 1,500 invited guests and two detectives are watching them day and night, the value of the gifts amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Mr. Bissell was recently elected EEHRING, CASE IS DISMISSED. thousands- of visitors are expected. I Many arrived today on excursions. Seeks to Set As'de Patents for Land The principal features are the train- Held by w- A- Clark.

ed wild animals, the same that were June 25. United exhibited at the World's Fair. Two sta'es District Attorney Rodgers he-lionesses gave birth to five cubs ves- Kan aetion ln the federal court IS. Burtisiilt; was renewed in the district court again today. It Is entitled ICIIzabetli II.

Jliirnslde, administratrix of the estate, vs. Rhoda A. Hair, a daughter of Mr. Burnslde. The plaintiff brings suit for tho recovery of Alleged Son-in-Law of Pullman Clear- by Jury, Chicago, June 25.

A police court $100 which, It Is claimed, Mr. Burn- president of the University club of terday, one being a single birth UPM. vmxen states senator w. a. Chicago and he lives at Lake Forest, There are a crystal maze, moving and lark ln which the government seeks vu Trnesdnie is Chicna-n livlug pictures.

German villages, elec- t0 nave 8et patents for about side gave to the defendant, jury tills morning dismissed the charge of disorderly conduct against Gus Behring, the alleged Ron of the 10,000 acres of valuable timber now girl whose parents removed to New trie theater, clog and monkey circus. Turkish theater, trip to the moon and other showsV, late George M. Pullman, arrested yesterday in the ollice of Frank (). HASTE MAIMED HIM FOR LIFE. to return upon demand.

A. P. Mc-Gulrk Is attorney for the plaintiff. A petition for Injunction, was filed today by Claus Behrens vs. Ha-matin.

Tho petition for the renewal of a gate used by the plaintiff, which the defendant baa nulled shut. Schmidt Vollmer ar attorneys for the plaintiff. The case Is set for hearing before Judge Bollinger Fii-day morning at 10 o'clock. Illinois Day Postponed. Buffalo, N.

June D. -This was to have been Illinois day at the Pan-American exposition, but the celebration by the visitors from the prairie state has been postponed until September, The change was made by Governor Yates for the. reason that it. Is believed that the slate will be able to make a better showing this fall than at the present time. The celebration in September will be not merely an Illinois day, but a Chicago day.

Lowden, riiiimans son-in-law, where be went to demand the return of papers alleged to have been taken from him whli relate to his birth. Kx- under control of the senator. The government claims that the lands were taken up within the last three years under the timber and stone act by persons who contrary to law filed on them for speculative purposes and knowing that they expected to dispose of them to Senator Clark or his agents. The lands involved are located principally in Missouri county and ail on the west side of the main range. York four years ago.

Two private cars carried to the wedding the Chicago guests. Among them were Marshall Field, Mrs. C. H. Richardson, Mrs.

Henry F. Hoyt, Miss Bertha DIbblee, Mrs. Preston Clbson, Mrs. Cobb, Miss Lucy Spraguo, Miss Edith Hoyt and Mrs. Garfield King.

The bridal party marched down the hall through a Gothic aisle of roses and foliage and entered the reception room, where, in a chancel of ferns Young Farmer Residing Near Burlington Loses a Leg in the Bumpers. Burlington, June 23. Leslie Brumm, a well known young man Judge Davis, administrator of the Pullman state, liehring claimed, placed a revolver at his breast and ordered him from the olilee. residing about eight miles north of the city, lost a leg in the bumpers be- GRESSSTRELLOW WEDDING PLAGUE APPEARS AT HONOLULU tween two freight cars here Saturday ST. LOUIS WANTS SAENGERFEST and palms, stood an altar decked with afttjnoon.

He had brought a load of candlesticks and 1 rare embroideries. corn to town and had occasion to go Will Take Place This Evening In Charged With Abduction. Pana, June 25. W. Riehart of Moweaqtia was arrested at Taylor-vllle and taken to Shelbyville on the charge of abducting his two children Rev.

Thaddeus A. Snively, of Chicago, officiated. The bride was gowned In white across the track on foot. On his return to his wagon a freight train blocked his way and young Brumm Four Deaths Have Occurred Between May 29 and June 9. Washington, June 25.

General Shatter, ut San Francisco, wired the war department this morning that he Seven Hundred Delegates Whooping Things up at Buffalo. Buffalo, June 25. Seven hundred delegates from St. Louis are whoop while they were en route to Sunday school In Mowenipia on Sunday. A ing tilings in the hope of capturing ably never ill be known.

Reports from the several districts state teat the dead are us follows: Keystone, 30: North Fork, (1; between Vivian and Keystone, 40; on tug Guayandot and Big Sandy rivers. Hi. The nicire isolated district con not be communicated with, and the loss of life is conjectural. Some of the property losses have been estimated as follows 'Railroads, coal companies. lumber companies Individual losses, suit for divorce is now pending in had just received a report from Major Blair Taylor, the surgeon 'In charge the Shelby county court.

the, saengeifest for 1903. Mayor Wells anil President. Frauds of the Exposition company have sent hearty Invitations. satin, and the bridesmaids, Miss Hael attempted to cross between the cars. Martyn of Chicago, Miss Amy Jossnp, Just as he raised his knee between of Sera.nt.nn, Miss Nina Wil- the bumpers the push eiigino struck son.

of Minneapolis, and Miss Grace the train from the rear. Brumm's Hubbell, of Greenwich, In white lace, knee was crushed aud his leg had to Arthur Bissell, the bridegroom's I be amputated. brother was best man. Reception and! supper followed. I SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION.

New York and Chicago millionaires I Insane From Overstudy. of the boKpiml at Honolulu, in wbbh he says the plague again has broken out there. Four death occurred from it between May 20 and June The Alma, Wisconsin. Rurkard Cress of Harrison street went to Alma, Inst evening, where tonight he will be united in marriage to Miss Hilda Strellow of that place, formerly of this city. The romantic: feature of the marriage is that Miss Strellow, whose parents live In Alma, came here about one year ago and was eniployed as hook keeper in the Cress Bros, store.

An ncftiaintanee developed Into an attachment and tho wedding is the re-suit. Both young people arc. known i'lvorabiy by a large circle of friend here, They will make their home la ihU city. Boston, June 25. Richard Friedman, aged twenty-five years, a Another Trial Race.

student at Harvard dental ciillepo Glasgow. June 2G. Liptons new board of health has adopted strii measures of oiiaruiitine, and Is isolating and dislnfec ting. shot and killed his sister, Miss Rosa have contributed costly gifts to Miss. Royal Welcome Given to Delegates by challenger Shamrock II.

left Green- Friedman, aged twenty-oue, in ('ham Citizens of Clinton. tl.u mornlntr to nrenarci for her TruescKne. ine nnue record nooic 000. Food to prevent famine, troops to preserve order and protect life and property, are the greatest needs of the sufferers now. contains the following list uiinton, June z.i.

unmon to trial races whicti win tie neni on ST. PAUL PASSENGER WRECKED. tiers street, yesterday afternoon and then committed suicide. He was insane from overstudy. Diamond crescent, Mr.

and Mrs. II. day gave a royal welcome to the nun- lash, a small harbor on the south P. Watson; Dresden terrapin dreds of delegates and visitors who east side of the Isle of Arran. BOY WITH THE SMALLPOX Engineer Killed and Several Passengers Reported Hurt.

Milwaukee, June 25A southbound passenger train on the St. Paul railway was ditched this morning near Portatre. Wis. The engineer was killed and It is reported several pas-Kcngers were hurt. GEORGE K.

NASH RE-NOMINATED FOR SECOND TERM AS GOVERNOR. dishes, Miss Byram and Miss Burnes; arrived ln the city for the annual con-picture and frame. Miss Dana; dia- Vtntion of the State Sabbath School mond heart pendant, Mr. and Mrs. association.

Clinton is especially iu-Lane; silver bowl, Tony Peck; Inlaid terested in the association and its tea tray, Nina, Wilson; silver desk set, welfare, as it was In this city that the Joseph Kelly and Mrs. Kelly; silver organization was given birth thirty-j picture frame, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin six years ago. Many noted speakers, Odell; one dozen champagne goblets, have been engaged to address the dif-Mr.

and Mrs. Bissell; vase, Mr. ami ferent sessions of the present conven Mrs. Albeit Day; silver asparagus tion, which will continue three days. disk, James StiUman; clock and two' I candelabra, Mr.

and Mrs. William EXPLORER BALDWIN IN LONDON Rockefeller: Iamu and shade. Mr. and I ST, LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR. St.

Louis, June 25. The World's Fair Imiui-iI met. this morning to receive the report of the executive com Another Case Reported to the Health Officers. Another case of smallpox was reported to the city health oflleials t'-ilav by A. W.

Bowman, the pa- tient being Bert Black, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Gorg Black, 2701 Harrison street. The hoy is seven years of age, ami has a very marked caie of tho disease. Ills parents have not the least idea where he caught the disease.

He-will be cared for at his home. Foraker produced two minutes of en Mrs. Howard Carroll; silver coffee Arctic Expedition Will Leave Fran Josef Land About July 12. Columbus, June 25. Under the dominating influence" of Senators Hanna and Foraker, the Republicans of Ohio In convention today nonilnat- mittee on site, Forest, park, is tin place decided on.

The national commission tomorrow will meet to approve 1 lie action. Ijondon, June 25. Evelyn B. Baldwin and four members of the Baldwin- n.l.m iw tl hnt'n Ai'rtt'ftil For govern no prosperity if there were no Republican party; no gold standard and no Dingley tariff. Reciprocity is boomed.

A larger navy demanded; also such legislation 'as will restore our merchant murine to prominence." The Isthmus ship canal is demanded: the trust plank, recognizes 'be right both of lahor and capital to combine, "but roiiibinatioin which create monoiioiits to control prices or act, Grandma Truesdale; silver service, father and mother and Mrs. Bissell; 6llver tray, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peavey; diamond links and studs, Marshall Field; silver dish, Marie and Helen Wetmore; large silver dish. Mr.

and vMrs. Samuel Sloan; one dozen silver butler Mr nml Mrs Vaol in I The evne.litlnn will leave th! thusla-nlli. When the convention bepan business this morning Foraker introduced Mr. Banna as li-mpoiary chairman. "He known bis biudie'ss," said Foraker.

Mr. Hanna in an extempore speech of s4uut duration f.aid the Republican party is up i ayt that guarantees the future; will Mand by its recoid on tariff and will not allow It 4 1 lit. tarilf Franz Josef Land about July 12 on George K. Nash (second term); its voyage north. The three vessels lieutenant, governor, Carl Nippert KNIGHTS OF MACCABEES of the expedition the America, the (state senator from Hamilton); Judge President of Buchtel Resigns.

Akron, June 25. Dr. Ira A. Priest, president, of Buchtel college, has resigned. He refuses to giv the nuuns for bis action, but he is understood to be dissatisf-ed with the conditions generally at.

tie? college. He was elected four years a. production are an evil which must in he interfered with. Hanna llu-iv Morton; silver water pitcher and tray, Hetgica ami rue rritjoi win renuez-Allison Armour; Tiffany glass vase, vous there before that date. William Mrs.

Anson Prigetou; silver card tray, Zh'gler. the financial backer of the Maides and Mrs. Seeley; Kaiserin sil- expedition, has gone to the cemti-ver watering pot. Florence Sutherland neut- and Frances Thompson; silver trav-1 eline clock. Mrs.

Giannie: silver tea Woman Dies from Kicks and Blows. or supreme court, James L. Pin of Lima. Attorney General .1. M.

Sheets, second term. Clerk of the Supreme Court Law-son Kmerson. State Treasurer I. B. Cameron.

Member of Hoard of Public Works Held Successful Social In Wigwam Last Night In fhe wigwam was where one hun-ored Knights of the Maccabees met hint evening and enjoyed a social. A highly dramatic program had been promised as an attraction but tha 'I'liesiiiMiis to nmnr. so a gen Senator Kyle Has a Chance. Aberdeen, g. June 25.

Senator eafled for reports and the platform was presented ami declared a future. Nippeit for lieutenant Koverrmr received quiet a deal ft attention and we nt through with a rush. For s.u-liieme jndK'', three men were named. caddy and spoon. Calvin Truesdale: I Sioux City, June 25.

Mrs. Ben met liy vigorous legislation. a new-Chinese exclusion act Is demanded: also "a most libeial application of pension laws." The colonial policy i commended, and FoniUor praised for framing (lie fuel to Rican act. The success of American diplomacy In China and Cuba is praised, and tl-efforts to the negro in the south denounced. Mention of old silver mirror, Honore Palmer; cut McKnigbt.

aged 42. Is dead of, W. Johnson, rlsjss oitcher Mrs P. Rissell- cen- injuries received in kicks and blows 1 The convention adjourned at 1 ter niece Miss nissell- niiiintr lint. I Paid to have been administered on, o'clock Kyle passed a fairly comfortable night and is resting easier today.

While condition is still serious, bis physicians think ho has a fir chance of reeuvei unless there is a change for the worse. Price, W. B. Carew, Thaddeus Mar eiul good time was enjoyed instead. The evening was spent at cards, and light refreshments were served.

The Platform. The platform adopted out with the assertion that there would be tie; Potter Palmer, choeo- June 14 by her husband, a bricklayer late spoons, Mr. and Mrs. C. C.

Trues- nd plasterer. Mc-Knight now will be dale, charged with murder. shall, and Piicewon on the second ballot..

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