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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE.TWff BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS FEBRUARY 7, 1938 Social 'TUESDAY'S EVEffTS Mrs. Hlrain Wyllc and Mrs tangston the A. with luncheon at the Hotel Noble at 1.00 p. in. Young Matron's Bridge club meeting with Airs Rlley B.

JpneS Mrs. M. A. Isaacs having the Tuesday Luncheon civil). Golde'ti Hiile Sundtty scliol class of First Christian church having party at home of Mr.

and Mrh A. R. Welcnkmnb at 8:00 o'clock. WEDNESDAY'S EVENTS Mrs A. Leech having chapter P.

O. for luncheon meet- Ing at 1,63 o'clock Indies' Bible Study of church oC Ctytet meeting with Mrs W. Atistli! at 2.30 p. W. J.

Wundertich entertaining (he 'Wednesday Bridge club. N. B. Mehard having the Thursday Bridge club. THURSDAY'S Mid-Week bridge club meeting with Mrs A Falrfltld MK W.

McCutclicn enter killing the Thiusdny Contrac club Thursday AJtemoon club meet ing with Mrs P. C. Rolhrock Business -'Woman's Circle of Firs Bap'tlst cliii'rcli inciting at cluirc: at 30 p. 0. U.

O. meeting ulth Mrs J. Bader at 2 30 m. FKlUAVs EVENTS literary dcpartlnent of Womnti club meeting at cllib house at 2'3 rn. Thoroas Tip ton Weds Bl'rs Anita Jane Cravens Miss Anna Jari6 CtnVens, ter of Mr and Mrs Crayer dt New Madrid, Mo, became fl brsde of Thomas ton', son of Mr.

end Mrs. J. a mon'y p'erforrhea at the home ot tl Rev. Walter Risk, paslor of II CatHolle. -New Madfi Saturday night at 8 3ft o'clock FLAPPER Sylvia cOrfl.

NtABtfillCC. iJtt, I RCC rAT Off- Bits of News Mostly Personal been visiting them for several clays, are In Charleston, today. Miss Phoebe Enochs ol HorEe- tlioc Lake, who has been Ihe house- of Mr. and Mrs, Edberl. Hulf- awi Mr.

and Mrs, Edgar Skinner for two weeks, left, this morning for Osceola, where she will visit her aunt, Mrs. D. L. Gwallney before returning io her home. Mis, T.

Burke has gone Io 'Shaw, for a- month's visit. Mr. anil Mrs. W. 8.

Langdon Jmd their guests for the week end, Mr. ahd Mrs. John LcComple nnd daughters, Alma Jane and Johnnie Ann, and Mr. LcCompte's mother, atUlhe Methodist hospital. Later (hey Count Bern! Vlcl's "Spices of 1938" wiilch playliig at the Orphcum.

and Mrs. M. T. Moon spent Sunday In Joiner where they were the guests of the Rev. and Mrs.

W. F. Coolcy. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Durth and 'amily of Kelser, spent Sun- clay here ns the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Crawford mid family. Miss Mildred, Lou Hufoard, who is a student at Southwestern Uul- Mi 1 and Mrs. JariicS KioOhec and Mrs.

Bernard Jaggers spent Sal-1 htday Ih Memphis, Mrs. B. A. Bugg, Mis? Katheryii Oiegr, Mrs. lyenkft Morris, Mrs.

Fannie Alexander, Mrs, Lll- Ho Lutes ahd Mrs. W. S. Ijangcl In Poplar Bluff, Sun- Mrs. Gladys Molt of nassell is her father, J.

fi. Elkius ial Jane Horseiiiaii of Cardwell, Mo. lot, i u- was the guest of Miss Mildred Mr. and Mrs. Jack Apblebaum fnr ita week eiid are In Bt.

Louis doing spring M0or for IC lug for (he Applebaum store, they Mr and 1 Sam Miclnc of plan to return Tuesday or slccle ho lctl Slmda for Porl "The tailor says tlircc buttons on he cuilstt he's corischiilivc, Quick, an' lour if lie's snappy dresser," ncsdiiy. Mrs. Jo T. Trice, of was the guest Belle Whttsill and MlsS Alice WhKsltl Sunday. Among those In Merhphls for HIE opera "Faust" which, was p'rc- at the Ellis auditorium Sit- in -day afternoon were: Miss Aljyce HelGori, Miss Mary Bain, Miss Lena Mae Oliver, Miss Sllaz, Miss Efhc Lee Terrell, Miss Orace Phclps, Kirs.

Harry W. Haihss, Mrs. M. A. Lsnucs, nnd daughter, Betty Brooks, Mrs.

Hnrry arid Mrs. Farmer England. Mr. and Mrs. Karry Kirby had as iliuir sii-jsts Sunday Mrs.

Myers, were accompanied to Birmingham, by Mrs. M. 0. BVooks Flcwers all(1 falmly Mrs. Pe.rry and daughter, Jarbara Ahh, will leave tomorrow or Phoenix, where they will for nn extended time because met TliUrsday nfteriionn nl the clnlrch for Ihelr monthly business niul scclijl meeting.

nfefresmn'elits of popcorn, cookies, and hot-chocolate were served tlic concHislon of the business session. Executive Hoard of W. SI. V. Has Meeting Trie executive board the Woman's Missionary Union 'of the mother, Mrs.

J. E. Wlibcmrri, and brolher, W. M. Wllbourri, of- Paragould.

Ihe other Parent Teacher Silaz, of lias lions of the city Wednesday. Feb- 1 6 J'f Mfiss timry IB, for their animal Founder's Dny program, Marriage Licenses The county court clerk of the Blytheville office has isslicd.U marriage licenses in-the past week. Names of Ihe couples and tlie The bride ore a spring julUn I Mfs tail with and her shoulder corsage of mited flowers Mr and Mrs Tipton al- tcnded rjy Miss Mary Louise Cariia- han, of Portageville, and Bjron Ward, of Caratliertville Mrs. Tipton received her education at the New Madrid High schcol and Mr. Tipton, Upon graduation the Carutnersville high school, attended Arkansas Slate Jonesboro.

He came to Blytlievllle several neeks to te comic led wilh the Bljtheville Molor' coiri- psny. i The ample will make their home in the Hovey apartments on Yarbro road. the Marguerite, who teadies Jn the i)ul)llo schools here. Harry W. Haines returned Siln- riaj 1 froni Hot Springs where lie psiit two weeks.

Di 1 H. A. Taylor lias recovered ficin two weeks illness. Mr. and Mrs.

A. Conway a lit Aiine While, of Osceola, who has in Memphis Sunday to sec was dismissed from the Blylhe- tir, Jackson's brother, Rny Jack- On, who has been 111 SvltJi nrlli- Ills for some time. Mr. Jackson vas moved to a Memphis hospi- al where he underwent a lon- lleclomy, uut has since teen re- urncd to (lie Wiiilam Lcn Mr. and Mrs, Aaron nosenthal, ormcrly of here tjut now of Paia- gould, spent Sunday here.

Jack Bishop is ill from a cold at his homo. 017 Madison street. Her daiightcr, Mrs. and fiimlly. Halpli NiclioK vcrsity Memphis, spent, the week end with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. a. O. llubhard. White nnd Dun Millei Spent Sunday in Leachvllle.

Mrs. B. F. Gay ami Mrs. J.

White left this morning for Ho! Bplngs where they will yUit Mr and Mrs. Ben H. Green. Miss Medina Massey spent (he week eiid in Memphis. Mr, and Mrs.

Ellis G. Snipes, Memphis, were here for the end as the guesls of Mrs. Snipe' mother, Mrs. H. L.

chambers. Mrs Chambers accompanied Ihcni horn iii order to be wilh Mr. chamber I wlio Is ill at llic Baptist hospila Mrs. Eula Bishop lefl Sunday fc St. Louis where she will visit he sisters for two weeks.

Mi 1 and Mrs. N. B. Mcnard Sunday with their sou. N.

who Is a student at Arkansas Slate College at Jonesboro, Mr. and Mrs. 'loin W. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs.

C. Ganskc went an appendectomy days ago, ville hospital yesterday. Mrs. Albert Jolly, 315 South Seventh street, was admitted to the Blytheville hospllal yesterday. Mrs.

Ada Todd was. dismissed front the Blytheville hospital Saturday. Mrs. W. E.

of Keiser, Is a patient at the St. Joseph's hospital, Memphis. O. R. Hqlbrooli was taken to the Memphis Baptist hospllal Saturday.

1 M. Swlehart, of Leachville, was Joe tews, who has been ill sscv-1 trarweeks. Is now much improved and will probably be out lortay or tomorrow. Hugh Iliirucrt, is III from Influenza ill Ills home. He has been rcnlincd to his bed fincc Friday.

Mrs. William Eiiaa. of Luxora, who has teen the guest ot Miss Nellie Johns a part of the past week, has returned to her home. Jiuncs Edwards was in Jonesboro Friday for the General Elec- Irle Household Appliance Irnlnlnt; i'Chool held llicre. At the Hospitals Charles Richard Haynes, year old son of Mrs.

Pauline Hnyncs, route cue, is ill colitis at the Bly- thevillo hospital. Miss Jewell Fcrrell, who iinclcr- Salve-Nose Drops SALVE for COLDS priw 10e 25c Everything for your enter tainmont and comfort. Admission lUaflnec lOc 2b'c Admission Nijlit 16c 36c ol Barbara Aim's health. Mr. Perry, who will so with them, ilaiis to return hdnic after a visit They will be accompanied Memphis by Mrs.

Glchda Lewis. Nelsdh Lloyd Fdi'esl lias gone to Klpley, where he will open an automobile accessories store. Bert Lynch, of St. Louis, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

B. A. Lynch. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Lowe and con, Jirnmle, were in Memphis yesterday to see Mr.

Lowe's nephew, Kbimld Sargcant, Who is ill Caught 3 Cold Hilp eiid it throat, cliest and lack with PROVED BY 2 GENERATIONS Enitrloin WiUi Pally in Ken Home Mr and Mrs. Aftllck had their first party in their new iiornf last night when they entertaumd ivith an Informal supper The gtiests, memters of the Thursday Luncheoh club, their husbands, Dr. ahd Mrs. Huri- ier C. Sims nnd Mr.

and Karry Kirby, enjojed seeing the 'house before they had supper. Viewing all of the four slories TOS the most Interesting part of the party and after supper (he 20 present were entertained in room. Here, bouquets; r.f ami Calls lilies were nl- tractlvely arranged and a vase of pink gladioli, on the entrance'hall table, the background of thj stairway, also made striking picture. Has Birthday Party. Moore entertained stven of her friends with a spaghetti Supper nkht because It-was Jier J41h birlhrljiy.

Following the party at the Moote home, the girls, attended the dancing party at Ihe Holel Noble given Maude P. Travis and Mrs. Arthur L. Webb, of Osceola. The guest list for the birthday supper included LaFclra May.

Toromie Deart Halcher, Sara Lou McCutchen, Patrlcli Wise, Peggy Juhe Workman arid Marilyn Jackson. Son Born. A son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nichols at ,10 clock thlr at the plytherllle hospital.

Tlie baby, who welglis siy pounds aKd seven ounces, liar been narnod Wiillam Ralph Nichols foi his father friendship Class Jlccta Plans for 'enlarging the Friendship Sunday school class of the First Baptist church were discussed wheil members of that group and Miss Effle 1 Lee teacher, First Baptist ctulrch met Friday nj nl or minister performing the Don nt the home Mrs. John Buchanan will) Mrs. Jess, vernon Poster ahd Miss Ruth Echhinri as co-hostess. Cooks, both of Mayor The meeting was opclicd liy re- j. L.

Hcedham; UrccU Webb and pealing llic watchword hurt sihginH Miss Olive Pennigtbh, both of the "Woman's Hyiiiii." Following Lcuchvlllc; Paul Bronom anti Miss the roll call, Ihe president rtis- Orii Hctlhi, bolh'pf Biyltievtlle, by trlbutcrt and cxplaiuwl the month- the Rev. T. R. ahepherd; Barton ly report to tlie i3 iiiembers pros- Bitrd Burrls find Miss tilccy Arnold shl nnd tolrt of awnrds Io ba given both of Blytheylllc, by Magistrate for ntleridance and new' mCinWrs. T.

L. Cassldy; 'Andrew J. Harring- Kifs. -Epy' Jiqajd and Mrs. Wniler ton of bavciibort; Iowa, and Miss prayers.

Blanche Slbvens'evllle,'by bs' the Siln-' llic H. Lyhii vyadc; ''intermediate Girl's Hoirai'd ftioildox IIIKI Mrs. Agnes' Auxiliary werei- present at this Aycdck, both of Blytheville; Jack Mosley and Miss Lettle Johnson, dessert. tioUi of MHiiik, by.E. P.

Alslon, Willlnm E. Adams ol Mem-J lihis, and Mrs. Dnphuit Gra-ll ble of Lceclivllle; While SUduury and Miss Allii r3ayis, both of Sttele; ONLY 5285.00 A REAL BUY PLyMoidli Coach Body Gulniictai With Black lenders. A clean car and priced right, Only $08.00 down and per. month.

PHILLIPS MOTOR COMPANY Walniit Phone 810 YOU LADIES who fear to "trust" tho average dry cleaner with your most cherished fragile garments would lilce you to trust OUR modem dry-cleaning department wfth such a commission! We have a full and comprehensive knowledge of nie finer technique of our profession and have often accomplished the seemingly impossible. Moreover, we are fully RESPONSIBLE! HU-WA LAUN6RV-CLEANERS Phone 180 meeting. The hostess served a- Tli6 Cancelled, meeting the Parent Teacher association, sched- Charles E. Hirdin anU Miss Alvle till uled 7or WediiMtldJ' nl 3:00, Needham, both of Blyihevlllc; Burl been cancelled. White and Miss Arllne Port, both Tins organization will mcDl with Blytheville.

ONLY 2 MORE DAYS OF ALL MERCHANDISE Slightly Soiled By Smoke Must Go! HELP 15 MILES OF KIDNEY TUBES To fluih ouJ ond Other PaUohousWntlc DaclpniWiOirfadMn contain 15 Mita ol i whkn htlp to purify tlit neiUbj, peojile pisi L11O9 of COSTS $15 TO $90 IESS THAN ANY OTHER REMOTE CONTROL SHIFT OFFERED AS OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT So Bimptc ymi'll t.tcome cfl in fm Clears front floor eo ll nn fi ll! Infect comrort. drivirig cnsc. Try il tortsyl Frtqttcnt tf n-l 6 Yitfi I Mruelhir An ol aruUce fl.n Io Ianno6ii3l JU Ihe btpumng of lu rattjcpairn, nur hMUchd; thtu- ynM tiiersu; irfr T. NEW' TO LfAKN-NOmiNG TO JAM 6ft Gtt OUT OF ORDCR. BABCOCK MOTOR CO.

Broadway Walnut Vallies tip to $25 no Dresses Uft to $19.95 of DHESSES Silk and Wool, Houclc and Wash, Values to $12.00 ONE TABLE OF HATS MISS WHITS Last Times Today Jfijtri Crawford, Spencer Alin Curtis ami Ralph Morgan Admission Malince lOc 26c Admission Night 16c 36c TUESDAY You HIV. eligible to if you Hl- tcjicl the Alaliitcc. DAVID L. sclcclcd sliorls nialinc'c Adniiiinion Nig 111 and Soon: THE HURRIt'ANE HAPI'V LANDING FIGHT FOR YOUR THE BUCCANKER. HAl'i'i' LANDING One Group of DRESSES $16,01) Values AIL Sizes Values ROXY Admission Always lOc 26c ihovf every nigUl.

Matinees 'ay, Saluraiy Sunday 1 Friflay Sunday Matinees staH p.m. Saturday Co.ilinuoaa ig from 1 io p.m. Night shows start 6:45 p.m. Sunday Monday Evcri- rcfjionn.itrc aiM cx-servicc slioutd scf tills pictnrf. Also Fox'News A- Comcrly, Braddock-Farr FIGHT tults in slow anil atlilal tno- lion.

Set Brafltlock make a sensational comeback in lc Ipc 26u 16 Sic 1 AUulls Admitlpd for Price ot 1 ai Work' I with d'lciula Fiinell ton Also sclcclcil ih.

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