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The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa • 1

Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
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to-daysadvertisements all'." 8 till you know, Mr. intrant can JSnrressoi to IAX1KI ori-I THE llAIUSOK OK IttST. 1TII8 IS VBIEr. Persons leaving town for Vie season, and take his family to tho seashore in happy ST A KACTTj EH1? ASOHK.xl.FM IM MONEY rnnfMtmraL You can't tell how it is KorTOwers and 1" Ycntors. Ah1t to .1.

1.. Datmlpk, Sli Main ft. eel, laven-port, Iowa. iv mmer traveller can have the DEMOCRAT mailed to tltem, postpaid, fr 50e per menih, just now the mill men say the log mer IulyaieodAwiy FURNITURE, chants are gathering all the profits wis Ueath ffjnptala Itanert Hel HI Brief Illaeim-Hlai 'rMf on the iver-Mi 'l'on a cui-b am Bri- EDUCATIONAL. vpi.

and the loir merchants say the mm- CARPETS, bcrmcn arc reaping an unprecedented harvest. RACINE COLLEGE loths, Mats, linsSjWindow Curtaius, Ladies ot iuugemcnt, eultnre ana retine- torn. 11 nd lI4 Kit ment speak of Dtipree's Oil of Beauty for THE BEST SCHOOL I Oil BOYS. BOTH THE CUIXKtiS ASD SCHOOL Welcome rain. New potatoes are selling on tbe streets at 20 cents a peck.

Mrs. John Husscy presented her bus-oand with another tine son. Mrs. Wolf, lotmerly of this city, and sister ot Mrs. Jacob Cohn, died Chicago last Friday.

Tbe Sash Factory Hosa Company is duly organized, and constitutions and bylaws are being printed. James Murphy and Milan Cornish, the Milan rioters arrested recentlv.wcre before the county conrt on Wednesday and plead guilty. Joe Meehan, who had sworn out information against them, was sick and unable to be there. Judge Adams fined each $10 and costs, and sent them to jail in default of payment. I To-day we feel like rejoicing.

The the complexion as absolutely indispensa ble. WILL BKOrEN SEPT. 1st, 1881. Tho L. E.

C. Society will give an ice cream festival and choice literary program i ai FOB TERMS. ETC ADDHES5 at the 14th Street E. Church, to-mor- Dr. STEVKXS, THEHU'OK AMD TUB HARBHAl i There was a period ot silence in the City Council last evening.

It was after all the business on the docket had been disposed of. Mayor Henry remarked that he had a very unpleasant duty to perform, one that he shrank fromnevertheleas, it was his duty and it should be done. He announced that "Theodore Martens, City Marshal, having neglected to perform the duties of his office, in that be has failed fir two successive regular meetings ot tbe Board of Health to make any report as Health Inspector, and has failed to enforce the ordinances of said city, I therefore recommend that said Theodore Mar-dore Martens be removed from the office ot City Marshal, and ask that the Council consent thereto." 1 For a moment the Council Chamber was still as vacancy. The Marshal sat in his place at the north side of the clerk's desk and looked straight-tor ward, in amazement; the Aldermen concentrated their gaze upon tun Mayor for sometime after be had ceased reading his recommendation, and then looked at each other in silence, without a smile or a nod or a wtnk. At last Aid.

Cantwell moved that the May or's recommendation ba accepted. Aid. row (Friday) evening, Jnly.22J.r Admission free. Come all. dim Warden of Eatice Culli KacSr.c, is The case of George Leonard, charced with larceny, came tip ietore jnsnce Snvder this afternoon.

A change of venue clouds and brisk wind remind oneof other to Justice Finger was tanen, and the trial things besides the streaming perspiration, was postponed until to morrow afternoon, and the mind attempts already to philoso- Tl. in the It. I. I', rait- I vuii. Mr.

Thos. E. Gray is down with rheu 1 i matism, lie h3 been unable to be in the rcai shops, with their families, went down to Offermann's island this forenoon to en- BBTANT STRATTCN tore since Monday, and he is nlmost help tin address being rhangfed as often ot de-sireif. 1 A stagnant pond on Fulton street, one block east ot tne East Davenport school house, is a nuisance which ought to be abated. The millers of Davenport and Milan advanced Spring wheat flour forty cents per barrel to-day.

Poor crop prospects are at the bottom of this. In the City Council last evening, Aid. Whi taker of the street committee, reported that a total of 3,396 had been expended on le streets op to the 1st ot July under the supervision ot the Street Commissioner, and street contracts, by the present idministration. Yescerday the lumber men in Davenport, Moline and Rock Island advanced the prices of dimension lumber 50 cents per thousand through the entire list, and late ten cents per thousand. Vapor ga tamps are to be placed in froi it ot Hope Hose Company's house on Et Fifteenth street, corner of Farnam anc High streets, corner of Eleventn and Sc it streets, and on Scott street at the allt between Sixth and Seventh.

House-raised mocking birds and Spanish Cai ariea, cheap. For sale at Melchert's Ho 3 13 and 315 west Second street. St 1 letter from a Davenport party dated Nantucket, July 16th, says: "Weather cool and delightfuL So' cold on the boat yesterday that wa wore overcoats. Suppose yoo feilows are swetting." You are right, there, my boy. Mr.

L. Hibbard, of Rock Island, has leased the Davenport House, Front street, for five years, commencing Augusi 1st, iov their annual Dicnrc. There were lour BUSINESS COLLEGE less, phvsicallv. We none no win soon ise strong ag iin. hundred people in the party.

Biehl band D. R. LnjJBKIDGB W. D. n.

VAI.F.NTIN3 Thl inmilntion offers manv rwial artvaiitn? Countv Clerk Donaldson issued a mar- furnished the music, and they tire having our toodb men hodeslre to prepare themselvt a license to Mr. Charles Blootnquist a grand tims this afternoon. for onraneas puna ts. li uaa an excellent corp. in experienced and able Teachera ita room aro ad nd Miss Anna Oelson, both of Rock Isl- Farmer Huson, of Pleasant Valley, was nd.

miraor arranged ana auaptva me iiurpw i flj-nt-cfasa Business Collote. Uuod board in private Cf)P3" cog prostrated by tbe heat he entered Dr fatntlisa and in boarding club at very low ratr. The Josjohine arrived last evening with Hoyt secouded the motion, and the ques Emeis office vith his little son at noon to- excursion from tot. liOUis ro oc. i-aui Kind for tlrcnlar giving mil parttcniara LlLLllllUDms VALKNTlNti Dayknpowt and return.

Tlie Oquiffka band dis day. Uitctor ntienuea iu uuu, coursed some excellent music while the GEORGETOWN COLLEGE, he went out upon the sidewalk only to tail aain and this time ho nearly died, ne jat stopped at this place. Citv Marshal Miller received word fn was sent home out cf danger at three DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA the sheriff of Washington county, T. tion was put; and there was one ous "aye," or at least there was no "mi" when it was in ordr lor "those opposed" to vote. This action of the Mayor is the culmination ot a long list of complaints against tbe di posed marshal.

The board ot health has beeu finding fault with 'him JohrtHon. on Wednesday, offering t'JOO tor Founded in Four little Africans, who have been un tnecaptnreof a professional burgiar named Clnmical and Scientific fonrce $3(M iht annum. Charles Cook. For particulars apply to the KreKidcnt. der arrest several times, were taken no last evening, and to-day Justice Finger fimd them 13 each with cos's.

A. McMullen Tho ftLove cut is fac simile ot tho Upright Piano, made by Hallott, Davis Co. School of Medicine For the full course V.A Tiie barbecue on Black Hawk's Tower yesterday afternoon was well attended, and continually tor negligence in carrying out expressly for th( Ccntennwl Exhibition, at a ccst ot $3,500. Thcsa ce'ebratca 1 lanos csn be seen in great vsriety ot caos at the Apply to F. A.

Aohloril. M. D. D- an, 13.10 N. V.

Avenue, Washington. and the dinner, prepared oy i-nu. iiem, was enioved immensely. It was a very School of Law annum occasion, and the ruests, alout Apply to Frof. Dennis.

915 F. St Washington. 'CHICAGO MUSIC STORE, 70 in number, went home delighted with ItB P. I1KALY. S.

I. ITosmrm XL iheir experience. went to the stone pile five, Tim Driscoll three, and Ed May five, days, for disturbing the peac. There are eight prisoners making macadam at the city prison. Last night thieves stole a flat bolt Ic-longing to Schricker Mueller, and used for logging purposes by them at their saw mill, and went down the river with their instructions.

Tnere is one rule of the board which requires the marstal to report th notices served by him, with the names of the parties whom he his thus waited upon, with tbe kind of offense or nmsance which called for the service; and they say that the mirshal would report any number of notices thus served, bnt not the came of a single person. In fact, they On Tuesday little Frieda Kochler was Branch cf W. Kimball. D. ROY BuwLdi, manager, Immaculate Conception Academy 1881.

It will be newly furnished and repaired in all departments, and will stand 1726 SECOND ROCK ISLAND, ILL. second to no hotel of its class in the city. DAVENPORT, IOWA. hurt by some boards falling on her, but it was thought to be only a bruise until Wednesday, when Dr. liernhardi was sent for and discovered a fracture about six the name of the house will -be changed to Hmu-rverllr ixmular institution, nndor the RHTAKklHUKK KWT.K 1.1111 KU lpervision ol the Sietera of Charily of "he B.

the Lumberman's Exchange Hl.nrn ihfi knee. The doctor re- it. It was twenty ieet lone, was nuea I i i find I h.n ivfilteiincd elegantly fnrnifhed. 1 The caloric in the atmosphere didn't state that whenever the marshal had a duty NICHOLAS KUHNEN, With a crab, lines ana poles, me property uueeu it, uu she cn- Pleasure gronnd. have been enlafqed, and present ex every inducement to healthful and Invigorating; .41.

fll inn TCn trsr-P nf it has ureBR- re r- cool down much after dark last night. The afternoon was hot unto 00 in the shade, dures it nobly. Wholesale Tobacconist to perform which was unpleasant, or which was calculated to offend the subject of it, he would "shirk" it have it to others or neglect it. But the Kvery facility is afforded for acquiring aihorongli mental and moral education. An Important feature of interest is the new Chemical and Philosophical yet been found.

It is liKeiy Geore Evan9, a workman emnloyed in tho thieves secret themseWes iiA iinnpr RAW- mill "docrcinsr'' logs, re- The business community was surprised and shocked this morula to learn of the death of the veteran steamboat man and aent, Captain Kobcrt Mc-lvilk-, which occurred at half pant four o'clock. On Saturday last Capt. Melville was overcome with tbe het while at wo.k in his warehouse, and was taken home. There inflammation of the lritiu, which had a marked tendency to paralysis of that organ, set in. and he continued to sink until paralysis of the neart brought death to his re net.

Tliu deceased is beeu so lon identified with tbe commerce of the udix Mississippi, and was so well known in one capacity and another as steam boat man, tbai his departure from the bu-y scenes of life deserves more tli iu formal notice. Robert Melville vnii born in Mass la June, IsUT, Hud so ho hid but just entered his 05. yeur when he died. His paruuU cwu to, III early in the 3D they- hud been thero several Tears in uoq iVut-iiiertU on aiding in Pavi iijMirt them there. The captain, the eldest of several brothers, remained in Now Euglaud to finish liis education, and so he did not come to Galena untd iu the c-trly 40's and then with the faithful wife who survives him.

He entered upon a mercantile career soon after arriving at Oalcna, and became interested in steamboat tralllc. (iuiend was then tbe largest bubinvbS point in the northwest, with one exception possibly, on -account of its lend mines and the commercial facilities afforded it by the Mississippi river and before many years Mr. Melville became engaged in steam toa ting himself. Ho was look-kceper fjr a packet company at Galena, became nrst clerk of one of the steamers engaged in the G-tlena and St. Paul trade and then for mi ay years he spent the seasons of navigation on the Mississippi.

He was clorlc of the steamer New Boston, which plied in the Davenport and Fort Madison trade for a number of years, and then Captain ot that steamer. During all this period his home was in Davenport. When thnt line banled off he wan appointed siren ol the Northern Lino at Dubuque, and then of the Dubujue Ss Minnesota packet rcmpany, remaining there several years. "When Mr. Robert Pretty-man died in 1973, Mr.

Melville became his successor In the old steamboat agency here remaining such until the Northern and Northwestern Union lines were consolidated under the Davidaou interest. Atte the latter event, Captain Melvilte became a prodnce and commission merchant, prosecuting tbe business until the day he was seized with the fatal disease. He engaged in the buying and shipment of potatoes and onions very extensively every tall season. Last spring he was appointed agent of the St. Louis and Dubuque line, in whose prosperity he took deep interest.

Besides bis wife, his two sons, Robert, who is a resident ot Davenport, but is away from homo as a commercial traveler, and (lis mother and two brothers are also living, one ot whom, George, is a wealthy resident of Galena, but is in the East at present. Capt. Mellville boro a high' character as man, and in business life, lie was in demeanor and very kind heart ed, while ho was prompt and upright in business affairs All who knew him respected him. His home was at 11 1 West Thirteenth street. The arrangements for the luneral have not been completed, nor will they be tjulil the elder sjn and the brother Gorgo are beard from.

It is probable that the re and the night was melting. Few persons in the city had comfortable sleep. It was ceived a tight squeeze between a couple of Apparatus possessed oy tne unuuuuu, menu in the Natural Sciences beins; penormed liy AND MANUFACTURER OF among the islands in the day time dop- ordinance bas been hischict aversion. a swelter. And this morning at 5 :30 o'clock halls are iurntshed with standard Kixoan oo worn.

log3 while rescuoinp; a drowning companion on Tuesday, and to-day he is confined to the house, suffering great pain where the mercury was 86 in the ihade There fie would not look to its enforcement; he Ecos-raphical historical and zoological charts. A Horary of choice scientific, poitlcal and mlscel left that duty to the police foice, or to was a slight rain-fall after, and there has We have received a report of the International Convention of the the loia struck htm. VV'e trust that his laneons works is open to tnc vouus uu v. hired assistants entirely. It is stated that been cloudy, sultry weather all day.

erveftu-t is made to reune mc niiuu iy a tuuiro heroic act will not cost him a sick spell Corner Second nntl 1'errv Street, navenporr, low a. We l-eep all the prominent Brands of Plug, Fine Cut and Smoking judicions reading. Young Men's Christian Associations, and At the meeting ot the City Council, last ot tbe rising of the five hundred dog li William Lnhcv. a Fourth Ward man, is vaiaiauues uiay .........6, the Year Book for 1881-'82. It is a book censes issued, not one has been taken out evening, Mr.

A. P. MuGuirk, in behall ol mum a disagreeable neighbor when he be Immacnlate Conception Academy, Davcnpoit. Iowa Tobaccos, and call special attention, to the following fine vranas through bis instrumentality. He had the Catholic congregations in Davenport, comes imbued with the "crayther." He jiieoeam CIGARS OF OUU VWJS mjljsuhautuuu: of 250 pages, and contains a report of the Convention held in Cleveland, with the address of Kev.

John A. Broadus, D. been told bv the Mayor tnat he must do bas been on a glorious union ever omec nTMrl TT formally invited Mayor Henry to deliver PAPPOOSE. OLD TIMES, LA- tfcefiimmrCT Jjr the Fourth, and last evening the spirit of IVI A MALL hisduty-in carrying out the instructions the address of welcome to Bishop McMul- .1 ifo l.1ifrr-pnt. horns, and hp I its behfff rent horns, and he wnr showed ROSA.

BYROX, BEN FRANKLIN, FlnP on '-The study ot the Bible by books with of the Board of Health, and enforcing the len on the occasion of his reception and FA1RBAULT, MINN. attempted to illustrate pugilistic science ordinances, and given warning of the illustrations;" papers and addresses on an greeting, and requested appointment of a on his sister, William uas sncn insyir- consequences ot non-performance ot his Council Committee ot five to co-operate phasesol Christian Association work the I tlon8 gemi-penodicaliy, and he recently report of the International Committee and propelled his sister through a window to Itsv. II. I. IIIPriiK.

I. Hector Ht duty and at last the axe fell upon his of 31 lts K. Kl I rinr Ipal with the Citizen's Committees in the arrangements tor the welcome of tbe Bishop ri dptAiln ot WOTK kiuo ju miciw.u. ficial head. The Democrat knows noth its agents, giving I rawitiiam Ttovle.

a delaDidated deadbeat. I nnrfoT ihi. noroonal sunenition of the Bishop ing about the foundation ot the complaints, len, colleges, mcu, to the See City of his diocese. The idyi- among raiiroau iitti hnt pitrht. UU ii HUlB'Ua l- Germans, commercial travelers, colored but it fives them in justice to Mr.

Mar SDd eleven cxpeiiencedteuchers. It offers superior advantages for education, with a vigorous and healthy climate. The health of the school has been tations were accepted and Aldermen milpR north ot Davenport, came to town voung men. and at the west and south; the I Testerdav and after spending what money a marvel. tens, for the public ought to know as to the reasons of the action of the" Mayor ft.

Biin.nih Vfsrwillbesrln Sjr)tcmerir, Cantwell, Marvin, Schmidt, Wm. Clans-sen and F. Q. Claussen were appointed as the Committee, the Mayor also being a reports of seven hundred American Asso- he had was picked up by Officer McCabe ci'ations and eight hundred associations in too drunk for an inteligent utterance, lie 0 had been to the boarding honse of Mrs. and Council.

For registers with tall details, address Uishop Whipple, or Kev. iieo. Whipple. I IdSni Mr. Martens was serving his third term member.

Europe and other parts me wor u. wfaere he faad demeaned blmseis as City Marshal. Two years ago, he arose ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. S1CKELS PRESTON, HARDWARE AND METALS HLcfe OIL STOVES, SCREEN WIRE CLOTH, FARFI1KC TOOLS, LICENSED GARBED WIRE. (iAlimiX TOOLS, BUILDING l'APEU, TINWARE; RANITE IRON WARE, iti SB A SPECIALTT OF BELTING, The resignation of E.

G. D. yon Doebren a list ot secretaries, ouuuiug, dTacefully. and the officer took him to before tiie Mayor and Council and told as Ch ef Engineer of the Firs Department, the armory to sober on. in me morning Fall Terra begins September fi, 1S-1.

them distinctly that he would not, person he was taken before Police Magistrate For Circulars, address which was announced in yesterday's Democrat, was accepted by Council last evening. The City Clerk was instructed Cropper, who, alter reading Mm an account of the customs of the ancient Peru ally, enforce the dog ordinance, and from that time to this the ordinance has been SMITH, IX. DEAX, The Associations now own free of debt to the value ot and building funds and other property to the value of $053,460 additional, a large increase on last year. Two hundred and ten men arc now employed as secretaries or assistants, an increase of thirty- Albany, ji. i.

vians, fined him $2 and costs, which Boyle was unnlile to pay. The Squire suspended to notify the foremen of the fire companies collection till his financial condition was SPECIAL ttullCES only partially enforced. But it came to this, with Mayor Henry; he was determined that the Marshal must do his duty as long as the ordinance remained a city law, or else he would have a Marshal that improved. MOLINE MENTIONS. ROSY CHEEKSixn LIPS two during the year.

The Davenport Association is credite of the fact, with the request that the Department recommend a successor to Mr. Yon Drt hren. And until the new Engineer is elected, the First Assistant Engineer, Wa. Lutje, will have charge ot the operations of the department. S.

W. Wheelock is in Chicago attending with 1(K) members, 25 active members, the races. would enforce it impartially; he wouldn't put up with trifling in this matter one citizen cominc up and paying his dog tax, Beautiful Finger-Nails. 15 members on committees, and the sum of $1,333 as the current expenses last year. Louisa Sohrbeck yvas buried this after or LEATIl Bit.

Full! Line of Paints, Varnish and Brushes, Cheap railroad tickets to Kansas City, WHOLESALE AND KETAIL. noon. The other Associations in Iowa are in Eur Dare Prinple is haonv. It's a bov, ami Leavenworth and Atchison at Blake's. and his neighbor owning, perhaps, a worse dog, paying no tax and allowing his dog Mr.

J. M. Eldndge tells that when he I lington, Cedar Falls, Cedar l.apids, ues Be ,9 pr0ud of it. MADE r.Y THE to run at large beside. was at Lake Mtnnetonka last wees, people I Moines, Dubuque, Fairfield, Independence, I c.

w1. Lobdell and family, ot this city, The new Marshal, Byron Kumsey, ap- Newton. Oskaluosa. rella, Port- are registered at the raimer Jiouse, ni- saby the fires in the stoves to keep warm nmnted bv the Mavor and Council last nm 1 1 a ami WooVunrrfnTi Wennehn was fined $3.20 for jump- The book gives in a very compact form on he ca yes.rdav. tetter keep evening, has Ocea on ttie poueo ioree bcv- and he took a dnve with Charley 1-erry-hill, in SU Paul, and suffered from the coldt Persian Sherbet At Harrison's Pharmacy ral years, and has acquitted himself a report of -what associations all over the oar h0vs; you will save money.

world are doiDK for young men. The price I Ti.e are taking down the bravely and honorably. It is quite cer of it is R0 cents postpaid, snd can be had I Fred Corns wall in order to make room lor tain that bo will carry out any instructions 5 and 10 cent store moved to 120 to 124 West Second street, under Newcomb Tt C. Morse. Twenty third street and toe i nnsiy uu- he may receive impartially and feaslesaly.

SAINT LOUIS STA-MPIWG COM PAN Y. Has a National Reputation And SHOULD I)B USED IN KVKFT HOUBg. HOLD. It never wear nut, and ia sold In Daren lrt. Kock Isianrt and Moline, by all dealer: and also by denlcrs IhruugLout the United States ana iurove.

iinf It may be remarked that the office 01 Two government tow boats tor the 1m- I Fourth avenue, New York. Art Kqual to mains will be taken to Gaiena lor inter ATURE Aldermen Woodward, Wessel and City Majsbal was taken from the elective C. O. Nason take a tour of some of the provementor tne upper ma rEKSOSlli. ment.

ASOTtaRR I riiKMTIAk VISITOR produces a harmlpa C03MET1C KOSALISE list, and made appointive, several years I are being constructed at the Eatjle Point I her rhildrcn lett prominent cities to gather views ia regard ropy blush, true to nature. ago, so that the occupant oi tue position varus, above Dubuque, and vill te I to a better water works system on chetkfl or Hps George Anthonv has sold the Gault TVna Tint hprnmp riisnlarpti hv frwpatln Or CCIUIC miKht not feel it more impot t.nt to aeek fini8he by the firat ot September. Three morning rni.nHntha iitiiRR.tN BATOiNa Prof. Swift director of the Warner Observatory, Rochester, New Yoik, has just verified the discovery of another comet, in House to Geotfrn Dodge, of Port Byrop, re-election by currying with voters flllts for the nsc of the government will wm Contains a perfectly harmless coloring matter I Mr. and Mrs.

G. S. Tilford lelt for Cen Mr. Dodsre is a verv pleasant gentleman The fine oils and wax, of which 1MB composed, pre his rtiities, Dut tbe thaa to perform also be built. ierre anrt ehlelrt the aoaoroent aain irora me jur and will undoubtedly succeed in his new the constellation ot Auriga, made July 14, ona effecta ot Face fowaers auu aqneone iiqaiue.

change seems not tral Illinois this morning, and will be alv sent two or three weeks. enterprise. to have made the ex-in the manner of per Kenders dry. roueh Btin, aoit, smoom nn vi i ti by Prot. J.

M. Scbaeberle, of Ann Arbor. Mich. This new comet is apparently like. Waves no greasy, aniny pected difl'erence tormance of the Miss Allie Dagner, of Tama City, is in L.

C. DESSAINT SONS Importer and Jobbers of; il uties of the office Miss M. Qnackenbush, formerly a teacher in onr high school, has been elected to a nosition as teacher ia the Omaha the city visiting friends. coming directly toward the earth, and, for and otten met SO Cents per Boi. DIAMOND NAIL ENAMEL which, by the wiy, are many Mr.

George Hetzel, of Grand Island, By Iowa law, a barbed wire fence may consist of three barbed wires, or tour wires, two of which shall be barbed; such fence, in either case, to have no less than 30 iron barbs ot two points each, or 26 iron barbs ot four points each to the rod on each wire; the wire to be firmly fastened to posts not more than two rods apart with two stays sr.hools at a salarv of 1900 a year. Her telescopic comet is very bright; indeed. disagreeable. is in the city for a week's visit with average on sixteen different examinations Polishes Finger Nalla brilliant as Diamonds. it can readily be seen with a good It is quite remarkable that it should was HI per cent, ner many irieuu ia HARDWARE Moline will be glad to hear ot her success, kruovki.

Dr E. F. Carmichael has removed his office to 1 13 West Third street, near Brady. Price 1.00 per Box. CREAM VAN-OLA his parents.

lie says that things are booming in hia region. Hon. John N. Rogers, and his be to just the spot where the present large as she is an excellent lady. comet was first seen by the naked eye in For Softening and Whitening the rtamls and Fnce, where their Feb.

2, 1880. i I crone to Mont Clair, inin. fair rn ntrn nrr n. ciinuwii itnu CUTLERY, FARMING TOOLS. dry, sore cntlealar folds about the Cugcr this latitude, and it shows that the two bodies must have crossed each other's one rod apart witnout sucn staia, xue Price Sweeata per Jr.

I know Hop Bitters will bear recommendation honestly. All who use them thorn thm hirrhpct pnrnmiilIT19. brother, Rer. Dr. E.

P. Rogers, is eufler-in from a recent stroke ot paralysis. paths. This makes the fourth cornet dis wire to be not more than 54 nor less than 48 inches in height, and the bottom, wire to be not more than 20 nor less than 1 iuvu PCKSIUT ttr THK HUBVBBH.y- With this morning' train, from Kansas City came President and General Manager Cable of the R. I.

who had been on an official trip la the south-wfwt with tic directors' car Columbia. A DR. J. PARKER PRAY They win oe aosenr ine remainoer oi lue gWg tnern credit for making cures-summer. I all the claim lor them.

I have covered within ten weeks, a circumstance heretofore unknown in history. Prof. Scbaeberle has duly filed his application (ASLEEICA'S FIRST StANICCKEI SOLE AGENTS FOR THE "ORIOraAL B. A. FAHESSTOCK.) STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD.

A'SD A COMPLETE LINE OF Mr. E. A. "Wright, for the past eight kept them since they wera first offered to ho T. irrin irnrba I niibHc.

Thev took hieh rsak troin the 4 Went Xwenty-tlilra trect. x- E3TABUSHED 18CS.J lor the Warner prize of 200, and as yet and are more tho i. a-, fi and maintained it, inches from the ground. the R. I.

P. express train from the west pulled up to Brooklyn last night, a fierce thunder storm was prevailing and aa brakeman Henry Croy stepped upon the Democrat reporter asked him it he bad anv Information concerning the pursuit or BY ALL DRUGGISTS ASD FANCT I SOLD GOODS DEALERS. ths ml he is tbe only claimant. Tails li. 11 A 'M cepted a very lucrative position in the of called for thai all others combined.

So long as they keep up t' eir high reputation for nuritv and usefulness. I shall continue I capture of the robberaand murderer who fice of the Moline Plow company. JSir. BOOK BINDERS. Paints, Oils, Yarnislies, and Brushes; Ready Mixed Paints, Tbe Clinton Herald says that oat weal went tbrougu tne amosing ana express depot platform he was prostrated by a Wright maintains his residence in Daven to recommend them something I have never before done with any other patent cars at AVinston.

lie replied "Nothing of J. GILLOOLY stroke of lightning. After some minutes any importance as yet. It takes time to ALSO A LAP.U8 STOCK OF mTKT i Of tho Terr best medicine. J.J.

uabcock, ju. u. port. The 3Iolme company are lorruncte in securing his services, for while he is the aoul of honor and integrity, he is a dnv- 4- Leather he came to his sens ee, and was assisted into the cars, when the train proceeded. work up clans tor the business in that I I .11 IXI I -T- It is simply marveious now quickly con- BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURES country, and ot course we have nothing to Knhber In an.

hour he was able to resume his du inr. uushing, thorouch business man who I stipation, biliousness, sick headache, tever say concerning oerfectlT understands the plow and culti- and ague, and malaria, are enrea Dy act- 121Wost Scond Street, DaTenport.Iowa. ties. He said that be felt at first as though one of his shoulders had been knocked to The reporter learned from another, offi lers' Liver Pills." BOOK BINDERS. vator trade.

cial source that a Sheriff and hia posse evervthiniT in the way of blank books I. all. El 1 It Mflil for the, office, coontlne room or bank. All work 1 FASCISATIIU HM fxiw rnrnirt liver I done with neatness and dispatch EGGERS KUNKEL, Wholeaale and Betall Dealere in who had been in pursuit of the tfang arrived at Libert? last eveninc, having given I A UCDD Oil JOJ.V.4VJ ninvs-'v To become the tortunate possessor of a I costive bowels; the skin, bowels and Koom 2T Sta Jr. u.

riltca, aoca asimuu an. pieces. He had almost entirely recoverea from the effects of tho stroke when the train arrived at Davenport. A gentleman who arrived from Wyo- up the chass. lie learned enough to satisfy clear and spotless complexion, fairer than kidneys failing in their proper work, an a poet's dream, ladies should use that beau- acrid poison is formed in the blood, which water has been used very successfully in the lumber yards ot that city for several years, and is being furnished during the present heated term generously by the manufacturers, who have half barrels placed conveniently about their mills and yards in which ice water well flavored with oat meal is kept constantly "on tap." Even on the warmest days tbe men can drink freely of this nutritious water without deleterious effect, the result being, in tact, beneficial.

Enough meal ia used to impart a strong flavor and a yellowish or creamy look to tbe water, and those who desire it strong) stir up the meal from the bottom before drinking. At Cist, tome do not like the drink, and these are supplied with clear water, but gradually one acquires a rcli-h for the very healthful decoction after tasting or drinkins it him that the gang separated and scattered within two hottrs atter their murderous ming, on the Davenport Northwestern, MARTENS, tifymg marvel, Vupreesuu oj ieauiy Wort Broducea healthy action of this morning, says there was great excite work at Winston, and that they disguised Manv are astonished at the popular low tive orfrane and throws off the XA1T. CUTEIjIIV, LKATIIKR and RIRRKK BK.IllJlW nrir for which this delightful preparation I rhpnmatic poison. Equally efficient themselves with good clothes and other ritlMMi M1IKAKH, FAHTlKltN ana WWW nnwis. ni.rjKKniiONfr ment in that village yesterday over the mistake of a druggist.

The Methodist preacher from Oxford Junction stepped into the store and asked the druggist to Liquid or Dry form. Inter-Ocean. Strain ana tkerve. means so that their acquaintances would hardly know them. The Sheriff was satis 817 West Third Street, TAVEIJrORT Tnw Also a Full Lino ot Taints, Oils, Glass, Brushes, fied that certain farmers in the region had Wells' Health Renewer, greatest remedy purth tor impotence, leanness, sexual assisted the villians in the flight that in STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD, JIARIStiWATCHES St.

I'OnU A Oil antlBtouthrra C'. debility, etc. 1, at Mason's ana au oiner fact they stopped at one house not ten is offered. Why? Becaase many of the injurious, yes, poisonous liquid powders, (whitewashes) and other trashy cosmetics cost as much, and oftentimes more. Nearly all contain lead fflanewhite) bismuth, yet they are unblushingly advertised as "healthful to the skin," and "aids to beauty!" Ladies, avoid them, rbr they eventually make the skin coarse, rough, Defective Watch Cmcb are one of the chie druggists' and James B.

Mason. miles lrom Winston to divide the exnress causes of eo many watches not being good time nieces. The caeca oeing thin and not fitting well, The invalid finds in "Dr. Lindsey's awhile. It quenches thirst and furnishes monev changed their clothing, and scattered, three or lour going away cn horse prepare dose of Dandelion extract, and druggist prepared a concoction and gave it to him.

In less than two minutes the preacher was in the greatest distress and before long he went into a comatose condition. The druggist had given him a dose ot belladona instead of dandelion. A couple of doctors were called right away, and with a stomach Blood Searcher" Nature's great restorer. It is wonderlul. Sold by all druggists.

a sort of "lunch" at the same time, and it admit dnst and dirt to tne movement, uim interferes with the running parte or the watch neccssitatlnc dcanine. repairing, and tte back and the others on foot. It may be here stated that the general terrible disease. It de- rTiitnrrh is a la said tbe men who daily drink this oat meal beverage can do more work aid stand amount thna paid out if applied towam onying a allow and unsightly. Dcpbeb Oil of I t.

V. a aoorla 1 i 1.J hiv.Mml nil Sole Acents for STOB CITY BAEBSI WlKE and KESSEDT BARB 3, Cheaper than an RiriT-rv tor thn rnmnlpxiOE unlike now- I StrOJS couiiui. ouu ouws iuo I good case me iJEACTT tor tue complexion, unUKe pow i in time and I T. Wa have recently seen a Hardware Uoaaetn the city. more heat and feel in far better condition than those who drink clear cold water.

opinion is that the reward of $5,000 for tho capture of the roblrs, offered by the railroad company, is insufficient consider ders, paints, is applied at night when 1 fi in (jatarrhine a 8ure remedy. See ad- I that meeta all thee requirement, it having Cor. Heeond and ItioIeT St. M.KMfUKT.lA pump, injecting antidotes and ejecting the poison, they brought the preacher to atter retiring, ana alter Darning tne lace na I -prtigemcnt elsewhere this paper. I been carried for over twenty yeara and tun remain bands with water.

It wins the admiration I I nttri we refer to the Jas. boss' Patbxt JOHN: SON, ot the fair sex. crentine fascinatine beanty I T.i; T' Pmii.m'a Vewtable Com- I sttffxsd gold cas, which ha becomo one of The Fountain of Youth. Lablache Face Powder, prevents and takes away tan, two hours hard worK. ana commenced walking him about to keep him awake freckles, sunburn, blotches and all rough Iby making the skiu permanently clear and MUna -ls a positive cure for all those weak- ttc ttapie articles of the Jeweiery trade, poeKessins surpassingly lovely.

Price only one dollar. 80 comrnon to our best female pop- a. it does ao many advantageaovei waMi Try it. Pold by Jxs. E.Mason, 308 Braay CMes heme made of two heavy piaiwot solid gold and wo advt all onr They had to keep him moving and exer ing the risks involved.

The eitorts to capture the gang "'who Tobbed the train on the main line near in this State, several years ago icost several lives; then the reward -was thieves were never -captured either, though it is believed soma ot them were concerned in enss from the stem, vox creating, restor cising until after midnight before he was street. over a plate of composition, readers to ask their Jeweler lor a card or catalog ing and preserving leauty, Lablache Face PLAIN I MODERN ART PAPER HANGINGS, HOUSE PAINTERS, GLAZIERS, GRAINERS, MARBLERS SIGN WRITERS. Worthy of Praise. Powder is without rival in the world, that will explain the manner in wnicn mey are a a ruio wo do not recommend Datcnt made. milirinna.

but when we know of one that considered safe. When our informant left this morning, the victim was pretty sick, though not considered as in danger. Col. Ed. Duxaat of Stillwater, was in the When TOu visit or leave New York City It Is the only Stifpenid Cask made with two make a SPECIALITY of PA PE IlATtorao tn ail Iti Branches Calaomlning ana wiuienirn 8IBAW HAT 8TOKE Kothinsc but Straw and bummer Hats, at the new hat store, two doors east of Ryan's where you can buy straw hats at prices is a nubhc benefactor, and doespos done womptiy on tue ahorleet notice.

i Ji the Northfield bank robbery afterwards, ana are now ia the Stillwater prison. 1 itivulv cure, then we consider it our duty Davenper plates of gold, acamlees pendants, and center, solid mta, crown pieces, AcaU of which are covered bv lettera patent Therefore bny no case before 512Brady Ktrevt. Smnorr triat infnrmHtinn to all. EleCtTlC dealers pay for them. Don't forget; 127 J.

Me truiy a moat valuable medicine, I city yesterday afternoon, though not to sell logs, mind you. He was en his way eoasnlting a Jeweler who keeps the JAS. DOSS' vrr Unnn BAA i 3 p.tiit STrmKKD Gold Cass, tnat you may jcarn and will surely cure Biliousness, Fever and Arrnp. Stomach. Liver and Kidney Com- the differance between it and all Imilations that ililDJlTjlHiKllloiilitl'lillililir: Tbe People' Wrid-Wile Verdict Burnett's Cocoaine has been sold in eve Hihter 's chaste, elegant fragrant, harmless cosmetic, speedily re inoves pimples, freckles, moth patches, and all complexional blemishes; 25 cents, by ali droggists.

Bent free, by mail se curey enclosed for SO -cents in postage stamps. Address R. t. Hunter, 83 North nlHints. even wuere uu oiucr icmcuira I to he eouaur aa gooa.

We know whereof we speni, and can freely I For Baje by all responsible Jewelers. Ask to sea to JNewliedlora and Nantucket to enjov sea breezes. "I thought I knew something of logging business," he said to a tnend "bnt I believe I am a blank fool. I have sold every log I owned that could ry civilized country, and the public have rendered the verdict that it is the cheapest recommend them to all. Exch.

Sold at I tne warrant that accompanies each case, and don save bagrrast: esoressacre and carnagt- hire, and atop at the Grand Union Hotel, nearly opposite the Grand Central Depot. 850 elegant rooms reduced to tl and upwards per day. Elevator. Restaurant supplied with the best Horse cars, stages ana elevated railroad to all depots. Wear clean clotnes Use only Lille Soap.

Best the i A i lit An experience of 26 years in compound in medicines has enabled Dr. T. W. Wood to put np Worm Destrojer so as to Rive ferfect satisfaction to all who have used it. is easy taken, requires no alter physic, ftu.d gives health to young and old.

fifty cents a bottle, by all druggists. I be persuaded that any oiner mau 7 Thnrty and best hair dressing in the world. Burnett's Flavoring Extracts are invari no lEooa he rafted thu and from it to t2 Mrs. 1 nomas roomau, so vimwu ably acknowledged the purest and Tho only exclusive Fruit House In Chicago. Largest Assortment, Fine Schenectaday, N.

gave Dr. Spiegel a nrm TrnrhM tn hpr children With rood 3 A torpirt liver and dvpepsta a canoe smoiweness and Irritability, and the mfnd becomes dnl elemdy. Pernors nlTerine th'a way are no lit lor tho ordinary pursuits and Pf" lt ALLES'8 IKON TONIC BITTEltS te the most powerful blood purifer and tonic known, tbe same time bnilds np and fortifies the system, invigorates the liver, aid d''I, vTcltrja sd -dyspepsia. It tones np and reinforce the whole stein and imparts the cheerfulness, by'j. p.

AIXEX. Druggists and Mtg. Pharmacist, St. ,1 James 14. Mason, Agent Davenport.

FRUIT Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer ia the 5th street, miiaaetpnia. Women with pale colorless laces who feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mt ntal and bodily -vigor try using Carter's Iron Pills, which are made for the blood, serves and complex tion. Z'. ZyZZl (ll I1IJI I eat Good urapea feaca a thousand feet less than they were actually worth at the time, while if we had held on to them till the 1st ot July the ad "il Orancea.

etc. marvel ot the age tor all nerve Diseases iKnaenestS bT the UM of only one box Of United sSteTAVLOR All fits stopped tree. Bend to 931 N. hf troches. I 8 South Clark atreet, Cbtcaoo, Jlu the troches.

vance would have made ns rich blank it Arch.

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