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The Daily Times from Davenport, Iowa • 4

The Daily Timesi
Davenport, Iowa
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Furnace Heat Is Best and Cheapest Furnace heat is best, cheapest and most healthful -and we honestly believe the Round Oak the best furnace ever made. Everybody knows the famous Round Oak Stove- -the most popular in the world. This furnace is made by the same people--and it's just as good. There are all kinds of furnaces at all kinds of prices -but to save fuel-(important nowadays)the furnace must be air -tight and hold the fire. Cheap furnaces don't do this--so they're really the most expensive.

We furnish free a carefully prepared scientific WA plan for heating your home. Then we install a ROUND OAK FURNACE As Easily Regulated as a Lamp that saves fuel from the first day and burns any kind of hard or soft coal, coke or wood. A furnace should be properly installed--to fit the needs of the house it heats. You take no chances with the Round Oak--nor do we. TRI- -CITY HEATING SUPPLY Sole Agents, Davenport, Iowa.

REWARD FOR LOST APPENDIX A. W. GREGORY OF RHODE LAND LOSES WATCH CHARM Mother and Son Making Transcontinental Automobile Trip From Atlantic to Pacifio That an appendix is a valuable possession, even though it causes untold that A. W. demonstrated, Wickford, suffering, is by the fact Rhode Island, who with his mother, Mrs H.

Gregory, wife of late Gregory, of the state Rhode Island, Is making a transcontinental trip in a Stevens-Duryea automobile from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast, has sought to recover his appendix which he lost while en route on his extensive trip. Mrs Gregory and her son left Davenport yesterday morning Des Moines after spending four days in this city. Mr Gregory is the son of William Gregory, governor of Rhode Island, who died while in office on Dec. 16, 1901. Upon the death of his Cather, Mr Gregory, who is 23 years of age, was made manager of the Wickford Worsted Mills, 20 miles west of Providence, at the age of 19 years, and last fall in October he was taken sick with typhoid fever.

Partially recovering from the effects of this malady, he was seized with an attack of appendicitis, for which he was operated on March 16, 1905. The appendix was removed and Mr Gregory, after his recovery from the effects off the operation, had it placed in a silver receptacle by a eler and wore is as a watch charm. physician who MI Gregory prescribed thattended must abandon all business activities fo! several years and seek the open air Accordingly the home in Wickford was closed up and he and his mother started on a transcontinental tour in an automobile. Leaving Wickford, R. May 15, tour was commenced across the state to of Connecticut, New York, through Albany, Rochester, Syracuse and Buffalo.

Somewhere between the Iroquois hotel in Buffalo and the little town of Hamburg, Mr Gregory lost his watch charm containing his appendix. The receptacle was of no value to anyone except himself and he has advertised in nearly every town in Pennsylvania and New York for the recovery of his appendix. Journeying eastward, Mr Gregory and his mother have passed through the states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and reached Davenport last Thursday after traveling overland over 2.000 miles. Mr Gregory is making the trip for benefit of his health and he is aiming at no records, but rather, to see the country and regain health. Mrs Gregory enjoys the trip and wherever they find a town which appeals to them they make a few days' visit.

Davenport had little or NO attractions for him but he remained here expecting to be accompanied, westward San Francisco Gould, a graduate of Brown university, who IN COLONEL'S TOWN Things Happen From the home of the famous "Keyhnel Keeyartah of Cartersville" away down South, comes an enthusiastic letter about Postum. "I was in very delicate health, suffering from indigestion and a nervous trouble so severe that I could hardly sleep. The doctor ordered me to discontinue the use of the old kind of cof. fee, which was like poison to me, producing such extreme disturbance that I could not control myself. But such was my love for it that I could not get my own consent to give it up for some time, and continued to suffer, till my father one day brought home a packof Postum Food Coffee.

ass, had the new food drink carefully prepared according to directions, and gave 1t a fair trial. It proved to have a rich flavor and made a henlthy, wholesome and delightful drink. To my taste the addition of cream greatly improves "My it. health began to improve as as the drug effect of the old coffee was removed and the Postum Coffee had time to make its influence felt. My nervous troubles were speedily relieved and the sleep which the old coffee drove from my pillow always came to soothe and strengthen me after I had drunk Postum-in a very short time began to sleep better than I had for years before.

I have now used Postum Coffee for several years and like It better and find it more beneficial than when I first began. It is an unspeakable, and joy to be relleved Name of the given old by Postum Company, Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, "The Road to Wellville," in each pkg. THE DAILY TIMES.

JULY 3. SHOULDER BONE BROKEN BY FALL NORMAN LA GRANGE OF PLEASANT VALLEY INJURED Thrown From High Seat on Wagon at Alley Between Third and Fourth Streets on Perry Norman La Grange, of Pleasant Valley, a man about 45 years of age, is lying at St. Luke's hospital as the result of a broken shoulder bone sustained by a fall from a high wagon Saturday afternoon at the alley on Perry street between Third and Fourth streets. Mr La Grange wag driving east through the alley near the Boles unCertaking rooms from the Smith Bros. and Burdick company's wholesale house where he had gone to secure a load of groceries for a store in Pleasant Valley and when the front wheels of his wagon on which he and his son were struck the gutter he was thrown ridine, his seat to the pavement.

He struck squarely on his head and shoulder. Neighbors and passersby rushed to his assistance and carried him into the Boles parlors where he was placed on a cot and Dr. A. W. Bowman summoned.

Upon examination the physician found that the man had sustained a bad fracture of the shoulder blade. He was removed to St. Luke's hospital yesterday morning where he is receiving the closest care from Bowman who reports that the break is a painful one. DAVENPORTERS AT EPWORTH LEAGUE LARGE DELEGATION WILL ATTEND BIENNIAL MEETING Session Opens in Denver Wednesday and Closes Sunday--Railroads Authorize Less Than One Fare Rate What promises to be one of the largest meetings of the Epworth league in the history of the organization will be held at Denver, this week when the international convention of the Epworth league will open Wednesday and close Sunday night. It is expected that between thirty and forty thousand people, representatives of Epworth league bodies from all over the country, will hee in attendance, among whom will a of Davenport ladies.

Miss Lillian Coleman, deaconess of St. John's Methodist church, and Miss Mary Grobe, left at noon today as delegates from the Epworth league of the Methodist church, accompanied by Miss Fannie Willitts of Bettendorf. Preparations have been made for the accommodation of about 3,000 delegates the state of Iowa alone, while from all other states and cities large delegations are expected. The railroads have offered a rate of less than one way fare for the round trip to Denver, so that many are taking advantage of the opportunity to see the country on account of this reduced rate. The rate was authorized on account of the biennial convention and have signified their intention of going for that purpose, but more are paying an extra fee to have the time limit extended with the aim and intention of remaining all summer.

LEESE IS HIGH MAN Sitz Rifle Club Has Regular Monthly Tourney B. H. Leese was high marksman at the tourney held by the Sitz Rifle club at Ed Brehmer's range in Bloody Hollow Sunday afternoon, Out of a possible 250 points in the -shot, he scored 239, and this mark stood the best of the day's meet. Others who were among the first in the scoring were Ed Brehmer, Max Hanley, Robert Westphal and Si Petersen. About 15 of the members were present to take part in the sport.

A Delightful Water Trip between Detrolt and Buffalo via the Detroit and Buffalo Steamboat Company without extra expense, (except for meals and, berth on steamer), is the privilege holders of tickets from the West reading via the Grand Trunk Railway System (double track from Chicago to Montreal and Niagara Falls) to or through Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Further particulars, including Illustrated descriptive literature, W. will Vaux, be mailed on application A. G.

P. T. Grand Trunk Railway System, 135 Adams Chicago. HOLD FIRST MEETING IN Bankruptcy Case of Frank Kleinschmidt The first meeting of the creditors of Frank Kleinschmidt took place this morning at Referee Helmick's office and as the creditors did not put in an appearance the matter was adjudicated by the referee. The bankrupt testifled that he turned over his business to his creditors some time ago and that he took this method of getting rid of his remaining debts.

He scheduled no assets of any kind. START FOURTH EARLY Two Lads Held for Shooting Off Fire Arms Before Time Two lads giving the names of Ed Fabricius and Ed Staufenbell were arrested for carrying concealed weapons. It seems that the lads were firing off blank cartridges. The Judge told them to hold their enthuslasm another day them and costs as a reminder that they must not violate the rules of the chief. The boys paid up and were released.

$1.50 to Peoria and Return The Davenport Turner Singing Section have arranged for a Special Excursion from the Tri-Cities to Peoria return on Sunday, August 13th. Special attractions will be Saengerfest picnic and Base Ball Game of the Three Eye League, Davenport V9. Peoria. Train will leave Dav port at 7:45 m. Tickets to be had at any Rock Island ticket office or ac John wald's Office, 226 West STORM DRAIN FOR THIRD STREET OUTLET FOR THE BACK WATER HAS BEEN MADE Street Department Working Hard to Have the Hole on Lots of Mr Barr Filled The street department has provided an outlet for the back water which was thrown on East Third street near Farnam by the high water blocking the sewer.

A storm drain has been provided which will take away all of the surface water and the people who live and work in that vicinity will not have to be bothered with any stench. When the water backed up it threw great quantities of tar through the catch basin into the pavement and the city officials are now trying to find out where the tar came from. It is not yet known whether it came through the mouth of the sewer or came in through some drain above. The tar completely covers the street in places and it will be quite difficult to remove it. The street commissioner also states that he has a number of teams busy filling the hole on the Barr lots on West Fifteenth street.

Over 100 loads of dirt have already been hauled in and the commissioner has two syphons pumping out the water which filled the big ditch. Three trips to Muscatine, J. July 4th. QUARTERLY REPORT READ AT MEETING SUNDAY SCHOOL OF BETHLEHEM WILL BE REWARDED Banners Which Were to Have Been Presented Will Be Given at Services Next Sunday Morning The quarterly celebration of the Sunday schools of the Bethlehem Congregational church, Davenport, was partially interrupted by the slight rain storm evening, which kept some of the 'little folks from attending the services. The evening was given over to the Sunday school and the secretary of the schools, Miss Frenz, read a report of the conditions the last meeting three months ago.

Her report was all that could be desired, the figures showing that the Sunday school numbered one of the largestin the county. The financial standing was equally as favorable. An interesting little program was rendered in connection with the reports of the meeting, especially entertaining among which was a patriotic "The by Miss Icey Teel, and a song by little Miss Gadd. All the numbers of the program were carried out with the banners exception of the presentation of the and rewards the Sunday school. The infant class will receive two banners, one for the largest number of members taken, in during the quarter, the other for the largest collection, and Mrs O.

H. Barlow's class will -receive a prize for punctuality. On account of the rain of last evening, many of the children, especially of infant class, were unable to attend the exercises, so that the presentation of the banners will take place next Sunday morning. LEFT FOR CONVENTION Rabbi Fineshriber Attending Rabbi Meeting in Cleveland Davenport will represented at what promises to be a large and 1m- portant clerical gathering this week in Cleveland, when the national convention of the American rabbis opened this morning with a large delegation of Jewish divines from all over the United States in attendance. Rabbi William H.

Fineshriber of Temple Emanuel, Davenport, is the representative from this city. He left Saturday for the convention with the intention of being present at the opening session which was due to have been held this morning. The program for the national gathering of the Jewish clergy has not been received in Davenport, but papers will be read and discussiong taken up which Rabbi Fineshriber will participate. The hours of the convention will be devoted to the consideration of mutual benefit to the synagogues throughout the country. CHARLES GRILK SPEAKS Patriotic Services at Second Presbyterian Church The services last evening at the Second Presbyterian church patriotic nature.

Charles Grilk Chad been chosen to deliver the patriotic address and he chose for his tople "The Opportunities of the Nation," which he amplified in an able manner. It has been the custom to have patriotic services on the Sunday nearest the Fourth of July. Mott R. Sawyers, pastor of the church, will deliver the patriotic address in Centerville, his home town, tomorrow. BORN ON THE FOURTH J.

Stanton 83 Years Old Will Celebrate Birthday J. Stanton, who is making his home with his daughter, Mr9 S. J. Husted, 917 LeClaire street, Davenport, will celebrate his eighty-third birthday anniversary tomorrow, having been born on the Fourth of July. He has been in this vicinity since 1850 and 19 well known in Scott, Clinton and Rock Island counties.

He is now totally blind. CA CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought the Signature of Chat Mitcher: DECIDED TO GET MARRIED MAGISTRATE PERFORMS THE WEDDING CEREMONY Two People Arrested Take an Easy Way Out of a Rather Bad Situation A happy ending to an unpleasant episode took place at the police station this morning when Chas. Klein and Frankie Hall were married by Magistrate Finger, The couple was arrested by Officer Feers last night and was discovered under compromising conditions. They were brought before the judge and both acknowledged their guilt and stated that they were willing to take the consequences. As they seemed to be a peacefully inclined couple, however, and have hitherto borne a good reputation the judge let them off with one and costs.

It seems, however, that they decided after the fine was assessed that they could travel better as man and wife than otherwise so they waited patiently until the judge had completed and then were quietly married in his office. Low Rate Excursions to the Seashore, via New York City with privilege of stopover on return trip. The Lake Shore Michigan Southern Ry. will sell round-trip tickets from Chicago to Asbury Park and return June 29, 30, July 1 and 2, at rate of $23.35, good returning not later than July 10, with privilege of extension until August 31 by deposit of ticket and payment of 50 cents. Stopover may be had at New York on the return trip.

miss this opportunity for spending your vacation at the seaside. If you are particular as to comfort and service, we offer something a little superior to any other line. See that your ticket reads via. the Lake ShoreThe route of the "20th Century Limited." Send for itinerary toGeneral Western Passenger Agent, L. F.

Vosburgh, 1 Chicago, Illinois. Special Rates to Spirit Lake Effective at once the R. I. P. will place on sale Week End rates to Spirit Lake and return at rate of $9.00.

Tickets on sale for train 19 leaving Davenport every Friday and for all trains Saturday, with final return limit the following Monday. The Times. 10 cents a week. Why Endure Pain the excruciating misery of blind, bleeding, itching piles, when there is an absolute cure? Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific is an internal remedy that painlessly produces a positive and lasting cure.

Pleasant to the taste, it is absolutely free, from opium, cocaine or pther injurious drugs. Simply take a spoonful three times daily. before each meal. Dr. Perrin's Pile Specific The Internal Remedy For dyspepsia, indigestion, constipation, biliousness, catarrh of the stomach and kindred ailments it is the greatest remedy that has ever yet benefited mankind.

Think what a relief it would be to you to be rid of these troubles and to avoid the almost certain consequence of Piles. Dr. Perrin Medical Helena. Mont. Our business is to transfer anything of any weight from anywhere to anywhere else.

We haul anything you want moved. Dally wagons to Moline. Wagons to East Moline on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. We also handle the best grades of hard and soft coal. Our prices are always satisfactory.

Tri-City Transfer Fuel Company 221-223 East Second Both Phones 130 CHAS. SCHICK Manufacturers' agent, wholesale and retail dealer in FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES Vault and Safe Deposit work. New and Second Hand. Safes always on hand from $5 upward. 304 Main Davenport, lowa.

Old 'Phone 855. New 'Phone 297. BEST OAK SOLES Nailed 50c Sewed 75c WHILE You WAIT Shoo Repair Works 124 Harrison Street I. I. Railway Company $1 Round Trip Davenport to Clinton Tickets purchased on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th are good for return until July 10th 50 Cents Round Trip to Mississippi Park Including Admission to the Park Spend the Glorious Fourth at "The Pretty Spot on the River' $500 Worth of Fine Fireworks at 9 p.

m. All Kinds of Amusements During the Day Fine Picnic Grounds on Every Mile of the I. I. Line. Take a Cool, Fast Ride LONG FALL AT MILLER HOTEL CHAS.

JOHNSON SUFFERS SEVERE INJURY IN ACCIDENT Ambulance Summoned and He Is Taken to Morbonia Hospital Where Fracture Is Reduced Chas. Johson, a workingman, who lives at the Miller hotel on West Second street, had an accident Sunday evening which resulted in a serious fracture of his right leg. Mr Johnson returned home about 7 o'clock in the evening and started to go to his room on the fourth floor of the hotel. He had climbed to the porch in the rear of the hotel and was just about to enter the building when he walked off the porch, the end of which he could not see in the darkness. The man fell to the ground below and his cries soon brought him aid.

It was seen immediately that Johnson was severely injured and the ambulance was called and he was taken to Morbonia hospital. Dr. C. L. Barewaid was there summoned and he found that man had suffered a severe injury, the right leg being fractured and splintered in a serious manner.

physician dressed the Injury and the man is resting easy but it will be weeks before he can walk again. received an appointment to the Melbourne hospital in Australia. Dr. Gould was to have met Mr Gregory and his mother in Davenport Saturday, but in the evening of that day word was received that the doctor would meet tourists in Des Moines Wednesday, whither Mr Gregory and his mother started yesterday. Omaha is the objective point west of Iowa, beyond which the itinerary has not been formed.

Mr Gregory is anxlous to see some of Wyoming, Colorado and Utah, and he 1g planning, if possible, to reach Portland, and travel thence along the Pacific coast to San Francisco. With the exception of a few punctures, a broken drive chain and several other little accidents, the of the trip has not been marred by pleasure is one undesirable incident. Mr Gregory receiving considerable notoriety about the appendix incident. ITCHING SKIN DISEASES Instantly relieved, permanently cured, by Dr. Hale's Household Ointment.

Reduces inflammation, cools burning At skin, all allays itching, heals eruptions. drug stores, 25c, or sent direct by Kenyon Thomas, Adams, N. Y. JUNE POLICE REPORT port arrests made: Under State Laws Assault and battery 14 The police report for the month of June has been compiled and shows the work of the department for the thirty days just closed. Following is the re- Larceny 19 Vagrancy 64 Fugitives from justice 4 Obtaining money under false pretenses Breaking and entering tO Assault with intent to commit felony 1 Threatening to commit a public offense 2 Total 107 Under City Ordinances Disturbing the peace 56 Vagrancy 10 Inmates 69 26 Gamblers 12 Drunk and disorderly 1 Obstructing sidewalk Resisting an officer 3 Carrying concealed Violating peddling Violating building Flipping Careless driving Total 188 Miscellaneous Electric lights reported 193 Light globes reported 179 Runs made by patrol 191 Miles made by patrol 226 Prisoners carried by patrol wagon 299 Runs made 26 Miles made by 44 Sick carried by 10 I Injured carried by 16 Defective sidewalks 83 Defective crossings 26 Red lights placed 88 Lost children found 5 Yards macadam furnished 57 Days worked by prisonera.

90 Arrests made 295 Tramps lodged at station. 291 Meals furnished station at 269 Meals furnished house of detention 151 I Total number meals 420 Summer Suggestions Ice Cream Freezers Refrigerator Baskets Water Coolers Lawn Mowers Garden Hose Window Screens Screen Doors Cherry Stoners, Gasoline and Oil Stoves We also save you money on Builders' Hardware Headquarters for Blanks Rascher, Schricker Rascher Hardware Co 224 West Second St. Both 'Phones WHOLESALE AND RETAIL cya Burlington Route Vacations Spend them in Colorado! No other place so good! No other place providing so much at such little cost. Lower rates this summer than in any previous or $22.40, or $16.70. Ask me for details.

M. J. YOUNG, Both Phones City Ticket Agent SLIP YOUR ANCHOR" of CARET Sail in sale delight the STEEL STEAMSHIP MANITOU Far from the "madding crowd" -not with it--away from city noise, host, smoke and dust--over breezs lake with comfort, rest and pleasure all the was--spend sour outing amid Northern Michigan Resorts or connect for more distant pointe by boat or rail. First Class Only-Passenger Service Exclusively Modern comforta, electric lighting; an elegant bout equipped for people who travel right. Three Mailings Veekly between Chiengo, Charle.

vols, Petoskey. Barber Springs and Mackinac Island connecting for Detroit, Buffalo, Duluth and all Eastern and Canadian Polats. Ask about one Week- end Trips for Business Men. For Terms, Booklets and Reservations, address JOS. BEROLZHEIM, G.

P. A. Manitou Steamship CHICAGO.

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