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The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio • 1

The Marion Stari
Marion, Ohio
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II WEATHER partly cloudy and colder tsnigbt Tuesday and considesably colder, by foae THE MARION STAR HOME EDITION V. L. LXXI, NO. 51 Tha Prsws latsraauonal Kaar Ssrilc nlt4 Pra MARION', OHIO, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1M3. IS PAGES Slr4 a4S.t.t nulls' Xiru.

rtirlu FIVE CENTS SS'liJSSSwift Moves Made To Uestore tor- Which Gainidho Peedl AGAINST U.S. SEES TAX VETO DEFEAT IF GOP DECREASES CUT Democratic Leader Declares Would Be Enough Votes To Override. Thr Arll Praaa WASHINGTON1, Feb. 2 Rep. jjwgi.ton (D-NC) tokl the house today if Republicans trim their 11 I a tAA flAA nnrt 4th Complaint in Less Than Week, Reported by Moscow Radio.

The SHwUiif4 Pra LONDON, Feb. Russia has filed two moie complaints against yjw -4fs. vjiji V--' 7a r4SQ or iy0 the United SUtes, the Moscow radio reported lody. That make four unless than a week. jXcJ.lriJf UiU 11UUI so 3.

jr.d $4,230,000,000 congress U1 i verride any veto. That was in effect, a promise ii i The latest protests, ihe broad L. L. DICKEY eeouah Democrats iwill join the Kepuolicans to make the tax cut casts said, concern the flights of American bombers over Soviet hipping in Japanese waters ana the activities of the American ia' even if fresiaeni irunan ais- ar.nrf.ves it. military min in Iran.

It takes a two-thirds vote to The bomber flights, the rau.o awtde a veto, Df'Ughton took the floor shortly a vote on the bill and parted ways with the President on the tar issue. The President wants to relieve individual tax burdens by NEW SCHOOL HEAD TAKES OVER DUTIES Supt. Dickey To Meet with Board Tonight. Lester L. Dickey, former superintendent of the public schools at Painesville, today took over jdo.OOO.OOO but make up the reve nue loss, by a new excess profits said, infringed upon the freedom -f merchant shipping, while the activities of the U.

military mission in Iran are called threats to the Soviet frontier. The Russians both activities stopped, the broadcast said. The first two protests, announced last week, complained about the projected reopening ot Mellaha airfield in North Africa and about the presence of U. S. warships in Italian ports.

The Russians said both those things were violations of the Italian peace treaty. (Washington dispatches last levy ot that size on corporations, Hants "Moderate Cut" Dcrughton, who managed tax leg NEHRU STAKES RULE ON END OF DISORDERS Says Government Will Stand or Fall on Issue of Peace. Mr Sssaelalsst rH NtW inUlt. I'eb, a Prim Minister Jnwahailal Nehru ta'M the survival of his government t-dy MS the Usue of restoring Pc, for which MuhaiuU K. tUmthl was killed.

In swtfl lmplemenUlin Nehtu' Und, the hunt ministry IssuKst a i-'immunlqiia bllnrtt ntva! arrotf and "any rgnu- Hon ptent-hing violence, or f.nn- immal Gandhi's hes were fur comrnUtrtl the Gatine. river hi Hindu followers mcrnd. His body was cie-mat! nit htica sandalwood iyf by the waters of the Jumna river Saturday. After hi ynuiigrst 'n, by Hindu rile, had lit the fire. Gandhi, wa anlnatef rn route ti prayer metina.

Hit assailant held inetwtimuiiW cad. Crowd ln Bombay, angereil bjr Gandhi' death, tried to burn th house ot a member if the tnllltant Mshaiabha (grsster Hindu oiganl- latinn They altempleit ta stop traffic nd chisa ahop. They kept all but few woikrr trotn their job, Marked hf Gunmen lfoina Minister Nanlar VU hhat Pal'! id he, Nehru Muulana Abul Kaluin Asa-t, th ednratlon minister, all had er markKKf for astMsinatUm tecau they advocatft peaa with th Moslem, as did Gandhi. Th gang acrusad of plutting the deatha was hunted- Tha hum sbM India islation when Democrats controlled congress, said he believes a "moderate" overall tax cut, excluding an excess profits levy, can be made iwvt, at this tme. Bat the veteran legislator bat his duties as head of the Marion public school system.

He succeeds Edward E. Holt, who left yesterday to become superintendent of the Springfield schools. Following association with the Painesville schools as athletic! night said those protests would! tied a tax cut as big as 000.000, He described the GOP measure as -too soon and too much," and be rejected sometime this week.) Protest Plane Flights Now the Russian ministry of declared a tax slash of propor coach, teacher, principal and for the fast four years as superin foreign affairs has demanded American bombers stop flying over and inspecting Soviet shipping in the Yellow sea and the Sea of Japan, the Moscow radio said. tendent, Mr. Dickey comes tc Marion under a four and one-half tions in the bill might run the risk of putting the treasury in the red.

Doughton said Republicans failed last year to cut government spending as much as they said they could and have again figured on spending cuts when framing year contract as superintendent- CAvmil I rROCKSSION, TK body of Mohandas K. He will meet with the board of education tonight at 7:30 in the Gandhi (center), covered with rose petals carried atop an mlo school administration building. MAPS STRONG mobile t-j the creiriulion scene in New Delhi, as groups of wot BLAME FIRES: While he and his family have many pleasant associations and shipiwii join the procession. (Associated Pre Wircphdlo vl radio from Iotuioti) The protest note said the bombers circled low and sometimes lived on Russian ships and such actions constituted "infringements upou the freedom of merchant shipping." The broadcast, quoting a Tass dispatch, said Russia sent a note to U. S.

Ambassador Walter B. Smith last Friday demandi warm friendships in Painesville U.S. DEFENSE ON WEATHER: they are anticipating their coming to Marion with a great deal of pleasure, Mr. Dickey said today. "We have heard a great deal about the fine schools, school pa Leaders in Many Fields Gather necessary instructions be issued to i Overheated Furnace Causes their tax Dili.

Republicans apparently were all set to ram their bill through the house without change. Republicans and Democrats alike, however, agree the bill up for passage today is unlikely to be the one that goes to the White House. Expect Cuts Both sides look for the senate to whittle down the amount of the cut in an effort to corral the Democratic votes needed to override an almost certain presidential veto. It takes a two-thirds majority in both house and senate to pass bill over a veto. Many Democrats want taxes cut.

For Tribute To Orville Wright stop the actions, which produced "legitimate resentment on tie trons and residents of Marion and are looking forward to meeting and cooperating with them in Forrcstal To Bare Protection Plan Against A-Bombs, Germ Warfare. part of crews and passengers of every way," he stated. nr Ts AMlt4 fress Loss of Home Near Iberia; Gas Supply Still Short. ooviet steamers. Magazine; Jlenry Furd president.

Ford Motor Co i It, Msi n. The broadcast called the flights DAYTON, Feb. 2Mcn ol war and of peace gathered today Allison division, Ontrsl Mutoi-s Mrs. Dickey and their two children, David Alan and Anne Louise, will join Mr. Dickey here as soon as housing facilities can be "rude attempts of the America authorities at establishing their Indianapolis; lr, J.

(-Hunwcker, chairman, NACA; 8 in the cradle of aviation to bur Itr Tas Pm WASfllNGTON, Feb. 8- control of shipping in. the Yellow sea and the Sea of Japan, far be arranged. Orville Wright, co-inventor of the Paul Johnston, director, liuldulr yond their territorial waters." It ibad, ruled by M'islem. had ret airplane.

plans to announce soon a plan for of Aeronautical Glenn L. Martin, president, Martin Aircraft F. said the flights could be regarded tu work tn closo harmony to ft- SALES INSTITUTE only as "manifestations" of their Funeral service fur the 79-year-old pioneer aviator were helu at 2:30 p. m. in the First Baptist utter unwillingness to reckon with With colder weather forecast for tonight following a brief rise from the zero sone, today's new included reports of three tires in Marion and vicinity over the weekend which were blamed on the continued cold weather.

An overheated furnace started a fire which destroyed the home of Thatcher, a mile soutn of Iberia, Sunday afternoon with a loss estimated at $10,000. Two Reichelederefer, chiff United States weather bureau, Gordon S. Rentschler, chalr- the legitimate Interests of the TO OPEN TONIGHT a perrnanent civilian ttefrim system to protect the nation against atomic bombs, germ waifai and guided missiles, Forraital aide said th is the result of an exhstutlve study of civilian defense problem; by a boatd of tiva gi-iifuil head-! ed by Gen. ll-uold 11, Hull, Bull's report, riieived the clos merchant shipping of other countries." i Protest In Iran Saturday, a later Moscow tle problem which were assuming serious iiroportiim. Small bor'tr riots had broken out, Nuhru told the constituent as semhly lilt government would stand or fall un the Issue of ttv turlng iieat-e "If we don't do that not worth being in tin government; certainly not ot being fiia (Mohandas K.

Gandhi') fnltuweia but they insist the Republican bill sponsored by Rep. Knutson (Minn) cuts too deeply, especially for people in the higher income brackets. Twice last year President Truman vetoed Knutson-sponsored bills and twice congress failed to override. After a final round of debate beginning at 11 a. m.

(EST), the house was due to put first the Democratic substitute to a test and then the Knutson bill. That measure would: First of Six Sessions Set at: School Auditorium. fires resulting from weather con church. Rev. Dr.

Charles L. Seasholes officiated. Writilit died of a lung congestion and heart ailment Friday night. The tiny man, who his dream of Hying through the skies become a reality, was laid beside his older brother, Wilbur, in Woodland cemetery. The two brother founded a new era the air ageDec, 17, 1903, with a 12-second, 120 foot fligot over the sand dune of Kitiy Hawk, N.C.

ditions occurred in Marion with Opening sessions of the Institute "of Retail Training will begin to oniy siight damage. est scrutiny by ths Anny, Navy and Air Force, It wsi written with the sdviie of some of the The weather furnished good D. Foulois, foimer MiCouk field officer. Dr. Vannevar Bush, head the Carnegie lnslitute; Earl Find-ley, publiher, Air Servh en man of the txwrd, National City Hank, New York City; John F.

Victory, secretary NACA; Dr Alexander Wet more, director, Smithsonian Institute; John It. Allison, acting secretary of commerce for air; Dr. George lwi, research fiisulltuit, both of NACA. FALLING PLANE KILLS night at 7 p. m.

in Central Junior High auditorium with Miss Mar coasting conditions for youngsters nation' top Industrial, civic sun State leaden. 1. Raise individual exemptions by $100, from $500 to $600. 2. Apply the community prop and for that reason was responsible for the injury of William I'.

8, a Fsl T.rrt guerite Loos, state supervisor of distributive education, as guest speaker. Her topic, "Modern Methods To Tha United Statin, 'a the cen erty principle to all states instead of the dozen where husbands and wives now may divide the family broadcast said Soviet Ambassador Ivank Saduhikov handed to tht Iranian government in Tehran a note asserting activities of the American military mission in Iran constilnte a threat to the Russian frontier, which adjoins Iran to the north. The note, according to a Pravda dispatch from Tehran, said American officers were directing the erection of fortifications along the border and that American advisers were directing the building of airfields there. The dispatch declared that tours by American advisers of border districts, "ostensibly' for the purpose of inspecting Iranian army units, were "in actual fact for the purpose of making photo- Porter Lyons 14. son of Mr.

and Mrs. P. Lyons of near Mt Gilead. He suffered a fractured ankle Sunday afternoon when he fell while sled-riding. He wag ter ot the world's Industrial power, would be the fattest target for Orville Wright lived, did most! Of his work: in aviutlun.

and itird! or even yiiig word ot praisw for this great soul," Nehru said, "I have a sense of utter sham a an individual and as the ha1 of the government that wa should have failed to protvt tha greatest treasure wa possess." On tha banks of tha Jumna, meanwhile, the ashes of tha a- sasalnated Gandhi were reverent collected and prepared tne datterlna" on wateia arr'l ta orthodox Hinduism. Offlrtola of the Indian lml'rt hunted for a gng accused of plotting to send three high, offi any aggressor fiallnii pent on income lor tax purposes. Range of Cuts world domination. Military lead admitted to City hospital for treat in this Ohio industrial city. After Wilbur' death in 1012, Orville lived here in virtual xe-tirement, er say the nation mutt be rite- ment and today his condition was reported to be "fairly good." i prei not only for atom bomb-.

3. Grant percentage cuts ranging from 30 per cent in the lowest taxable income group to, 10 per cent in upper brackets. Grant special exemptions for ings, but attempt to poison wa- Gas Situation Unchanged A Wright was laid to rest, giant A report received this pianes ot nearhy Wright and Pit ter, crop and the population wiui bk'teruiloglral weapon. Th report Is expected at Increase Sales Ability," will be the first lecture under the general subject "Psychology of Selling." Marshall Field's educational film "By Jupitor," which teaches a telling lesson on courtesy, will also be shown. Tonight's session will be the first of six to be held on consecutive Monday nights by the institute, under the direction of Miss Murl E.

Frye, coordinator of distributive education at Harding High. The institute is under the sponsorship of the Retail Board of Managers of the Chamber of Commerce and the Marion and terson fields, U. S. air force re search centers, droned through toe wieny persons and the blind, and sake adjustments in estate and pft levies. tack such knotty urooiem a cial of the dominion to their death with Gandhi.

sky in final tribute to the tiny little mart who had mad their, (Turn to MOSCOW, Page ') possible. Nehru Near Teara Nehru, who had Just returner! BOY ON SKATING POND Dr Ts Aisrlslr4 Prns KLI.EFONTAINE, Feb, 2 F.levn-yer-old Donald Penrod was dead today, victim of a rented, plans that crashed into sn Indian lake skating party yesterday. Donald was In a group of 14 children and three adult skaters when light monoplane ricocheted off high terimon wires, plungjf.f! into their midst. The others were unhurt. State Highway Patrolman R.

CJ Military men and civilians were ER MOVES BACK listed among the 50 honorary pall bearers. They included: BARBARA RECOVERING By Tke Assrlara Press BKRM SWITZERLAND, Feb. 2 The condition of Princess morning rrom Mansfield By E. Sechrist, Marion manager of the Ohio Fuel Gas Co, indicated no change in the gas situation to date. Housewives In gas heated homes were urged by the company to postpone today's washing.

House temperatures should not exceed 6ff degrees while business houses and bars are asked to con-tine at the "just above freezing" temperature as they did last week. Early closing of taverns and liquor stores is still essential in Marion, "(Turn to WEATH ERPagec7 from the services benida the, Jumna, had to pause at time a ha spoke to the assembly at memorial service fur Gandhi. Ifa wa barely able to control his state boards of education. whether American i 1 1 should be dispersed to reduce bomb damage In event of war Such a move would cost billions, the experts say. Other problem Involved include how to camouflage cities; effective use of radar counter-measures; prevention of industrial tuotsge; damage and fire control of industries; tvseuatlon of civilian Injured, and air alert.

The civil defenoa measures sr INTO DARKHORSE ROLE Br Tfce Associate Press uen. Cart Spiatz. AAr commander; Vice Adm. John D. Pfire.

deputy chief, naval operations for The course is open to anyone Troubetskoy, the former Barbara air; (Jen. H. H. (Hap) Arnold retired AAr wartime chief; Gen, "Gandhi' assassination I not the isolated act of a madman," hm who sells merchandise or service Hutton, continued to improve to-and enrollments may be made at day, her doctors reported. She is the Chamber of Commerce by pay-j suffering from an intestinal coming the registration fee of $1 for! plaint and has undergone two op-the six lesson course.

ierations. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2 Senator Bricker of Ohio moved back into J. McNamey, commander, air materiel command, Wright field; Wolfron Irlmtified the pilot Ned Borhenrot, 20, a student pilot told the bushed awembly, which Is jointly tha constitution-writing and legislative branch of th new ex oec led to be Integrated Into a Repulican darkhorse xole to- day, Reports are if backers of Senator Taft fail tn wm h.

mp r.r;. of nearby HunUville. Buchenrol'th(( llr.fl,y agisting pattorn of the suffered only minor bruise audi Guard and Organized Indian government, "ft Is tha result of certain at cuts on his neck and chin Reserve Corp I'll See You March 20," Says Groundhog As He Holes in After Brief Stay in Sunshine mosphere of violence and hatred that ha prevailed in the country Dr. A. J.

McCracken, Iigrm county recorder, pronounced Don ald dead of a blow behind hi right (Turn to India, I'uge 2) deatial nomination for their man wicker will be their second choice; As the vice presidential nominee 1944, Bricker has a wide acquaintance with party members. And a recent demonstration for at the GOP national commit- Patterned AfU-r British The counter-measure probably will be patterned afler those uwd by the British and Germans The program undoubtedly will Adm. Ernest King, retired wartime naval commander-in-chief Lt, Gen, Nathan F. Twining, commander of combined, ground, water, and air force in Alaska; Maj. Gen.

L. Craigie, AAf staff, Washington, D. Gen. Frank P. Lahm, retired of Mam-field, Gen.

Wiliiam E. Gili-more, retired, former Wright field officials: Rear Adm. F. W. I'en-noyr, Navy liason officer at Wright field; Rear Adm, C.

Lonnqueft, navy, member, national advisory commission on aeronautics; Gen. T. D. Milling, former air force officer and lifelong friend of Orville Wright; B. Marion Q.

Groundhog, grizzled weather prophet, emerged today from his subterranean suite 8t the ear," probably by the propellor." Wolfron quoted Box henrot as saying the right wing tip of his rented plane struck the wires, plunged to the ice and skidded into the' skaters, The skaters were on a 60-foot square of snow-cleared Ice. Wolfron said Bucbenrot rented the 65 horsepower ship 'from Mare-port, of Bellefontaln. The victim was the eon of Mr. (Turn to DEFENSE, Page 2 ARMSTRONG ENTERS STATE OFFICE RACE rceetmg here means anything, ne is popUiar organization wepub.icans who have a loud voice national conventions. Bncker has stepped aside this favor of Taft.

just as Taft out of his Ohio colleague's way 9H In addition, Bricker has je plans to campaign actively give groundhog day a complete brushoff. Groundhogs Inhabit North America from Hudson Bay to South Carolina and west to Nebraska. From the latter state westward you run into the pesky gopher, which also is a member of the woodchuck family" The gopher, however; raises long, ugly welts on beautiful California lawns, whereas his east-era counterpart digs straight up to keep his burrow from being flooded in rainy weather. Gets Hungry Hotel Cornfield, just outside Marion and rubbing his paws together in a speculative manner said, "To see or not to see, that is the question. By the way, what's the latest from Punxsutawney?" Punxsutawney, Pa, is the capital of the groundhog world.

Marion Q. then dropped down on all fours and in a very groundhog-like manner began his annual circle, which in the best groundhog society is performed in a clockwise direction. Custom Jias decreed this as traditional ever since the first groundhog took unto himself some ground. Mr. and Mrs.

James Penrod of near Huntsvillc. Marion County Man Candi Jaus his friends say he remains who will rmit him. Dr. McElroy, Retired O.W.U. Profeaor, Diet Br The AssariateS Pars DELAWARE, Feb.

2 Fu date for Treasurer, be trotted out on the track miy it sn BvnsvtfL4 The groundhog hibernates from! neral services will be held Wed- late September to early March, HE SAW IT 7 I yf'" 'v I e- I I I ar 5 I UJlU Harry V. Armstrong of LaRue announced today that ha is a candidate for nomination for state be.ween Taft and Gov. Thomas New York can't be rwen to Taft's advantage. Possibility may arise fee-ju aeither Taft nor Dewey is whenhicorne. o7t of hfs burr Dr.

ftV' in search for food. If it is tauht a good leilow by playing second treasurer on the Democratic tick Upon completion of his circle Marion, arose and in a sad and mournful voice proclaimed, "I Glasgow Cheer Arrival Of "Yankee Friend Ship" Kr The Aaeae4 Press GLASGOW, Feb. 2-Flags were flying, a pipe band playing, and Sir Harry Lauder sang today at the official reception for the "Yankee Friend Ship" and It cargo for the needy of Glasgow from the people of New England. The docks were crowded for the ceremony. W.

N. Bump, director el His declaration of candidacy were to filed today In Co rv ln 10 tne otner. 1S 6mxht wh the Dewey i would go in tnat event but politicians do not think ey would back Bricker. cold and there is heavy snow on unl esieyan university lor 1 the ground the groundhog tarves i He retired nine year ago. or freezes to death before it sinks A Methodist minister Dr.

into his tiny brain that he'd better Mc, roy held Ptontes in Alex-scoot for home. "ndria, Granville, Portsmouth. The animal is a vegetarian and'PeUwar Cfilumbus, and its own flesh is considered Atln Arbor, Mich, flavorful by many persons. i He died Saturday. lumbus.

Mr, Armstrong, a district cir culation manager for the Columbus Citizen, has been a resi dent of La Rue the last nine years fiddle to a lowly marmot of the woodchuck species, namely the groundhog. Weatherman Is Considerate Even if the meterologist is not amenable to the observance of groundhog day, he generally is content to keep his tongue in his cheek and allow other scientists as well as wags to disparage, if they wish, the peculiar genius of the woodchuck. It is noteworthy, however, that the weatherman at least acknowledges his one-day competition, whereas most of tne encyclopedias Befora that he wa a resident of Toledo and be served eight years saw that shadow again. There will be a slight pause for winter iden-Cfication until March 20." Then retracting his whiskers and checking his anti-freeze the veteran prognosticator returned to his sumptuous suite to await the balmy breezes which he guarantees will not arrive in the next six weeks. This is one day in the year when the weatherman has his choice of either going along with an old gag or staying in bed until tomorrow.

In most cases he proves himself Hull's Memoirs On Inside Page Today TEMPERATURES Today 27 8 ss. ximura 21 -imum 5 One Year Ars Tniti. in the office of the Luca county treasurer. He I a graduate of it is irom is to is incnes long, blackish or grizzly colored, with short, thick legs and a bushy tail. The hair is rather short and soft and the whiskers long and stout Not withstanding aU of the foregoing, the groundhog holds an unusual spot in American ammal- Denison university and a certi of the Boston Chamber ot Commerce, greeted officials on board the ship, Tom Johnston, chairman of the Scottish tourist board, accepted the gifts as the spontaneous offer from a "great American city to a temporarily embarrassed Scot land." Today's installment of The Memoirs of Cordell Hull is on Page 3 of today's Star.

fied public accountant He is a veteran ot World War I. He wa the Democratic nominee for state treasurer in 1044. 30 14 PRIME MINISTER NEHRU mum (Turn to GROUNDHOG, Page 8).

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