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The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio • 1

The Marion Stari
Marion, Ohio
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TRICK TWO KN TH, KXCEPTUKJ HAUROAY. THRICE CK.YXB. Pages 1-14 GREAT BRITAIN'S ESTEEM FOR SIMS SHOWN AT PARTING. SHARP COMING HOME SHORTLY DIES BEFORE HE GREETS HIS HEROES BE BREAKERS ARE IN SIGHT GERNlflNY SAYS SHE IS AFRAID PHILIPPINE INDEPENDENCE Vile. ArU 4 AlevawW Kerr, jwtxt rraltlent of thla place, died heart failure while boarding a train, yc(er-daj, fur Younirstown, where he was to see his two sons, Jamea ami Howard Kerr, menibnw of the I3IU Beld artillery parade In the liomestHiTlng thnn-onslratlon.

FORMER AMERICAN WOMAN DECORATED a 1 I i 1 i -j- rj 1 After eighteen months of service In England, during which he has been a stellar factor in the improvement of every relation between the I'nited States and England, Vice Admiral recently sailed for home amid the plaudits and tributes of the entire British nation. receiving a costly silver service at London. TflflfilSPDRTS TO Five Are Due at New York Port with Soldiers. SEVERAL THOUSAND YANKEES ARE ABOARD Boston Turns Out in Clad Wel- come for Members of Twenty- Sixth Division Today. New York.

April 4 The follow' Ing s'r'ps bringing returning soldiers are duo here today: zonian, from Bordeaux. March with army personnel. Idpar A. Luckenbuch, from-Bor deaux; March 22, with 2.281 men. Frederick, from Brest, Mnrch 24 with 1,613 army personnel.

i Roma, from Marseilles, March 15. with 875 officers and men. Kl Oriente, from Bordeaux, March 24, with sixty-five men. Boston Greeting. Boston, April 4.

A heavy downpour of rain failed to dampen In the least the ardor of thousands who 'non, bringing Major General Henry; WIntbrop. Squantum and older headlaDdg of the harbor into beg Most of them curried American flags. Hundreds of (relatives and friends of the "-Van- kee djVjg)on men went down til Mcountr a.icourfc sn, ist'uuntnss liarcuurl, rflsimhtsr ot the lat Waller 11. Burns, of New York, photographed wearing (he Grand cross of the Order of the British Empire, awarded her for her efforts in wsr relief work. Vtscouni-ess Harcourt has In charge of" the Amrrsn Bad Cross huspital at t.snraster Gate.

England, In addition Italians Want Premier To Quit Peace Council. PRESSURE BROUGHT IN ITALIAN CIRCLES Is Made That the Cards Are Stacked. Premiers Lloyd George and Clemenceau Regarded as Unfriendly to Italy's Interests. Council Badly Disturbed. Paris, April 4 More- "breakers" are developing in the cr! conference situation as the suit of pressure from certain Italian circles demanding that Premier Orlando withdraw from the ltlg Four conference.

Tim Iialians who are making these demands declare in effect lliat tho "cards' are stacked by Premier 1-loj tieorgo and Premier lemenceau against Italian claims and lUlUu as. plrat ions. Thin pressure has been insistent although it baa not yet had any definite results. In view of the secrecy of the negotiations and the intense Interest felt in them, much attention was attracted to the interview wilh Premier I-loyd Georgtf prfnicil In the" Petti Pairisieii today. The premier admitted that there had been differences of opinion but no dissensions.

Lloyd George thought the Anglo-French relations would suffer bally if the opinion was allowed to go forth that anything had taken -place iwhlcli might affect the friendship of Knglmid and France. Discussions can not he avoided In the conference, tho premier pointed out. They arc useful and salutary In effect. Agreement always springs from frank and sincere Ideals he said. The English want to enjoy complete security In tho future ami everyone knows of the sacrifices Great Britain has made that.

France and the world at large might, be delivered from tyranny, continued Premier Lloyd George. "Who will ever know how many thousands of our soldiers fell on your soil?" asked (lie British statesman. "England, dor not regret theso MU-riflces, We would repeat them If necessary to guar, anlee France's peace and independence." PLAN TO OVERTHROW CARRANZA CONTROL General B'annuet Pints a Revo, Ueneral banquet Plots a RevO lution in Mexico. New York. April 4.

General Au- iTiCAltBIl HI jThe photograph shows Admiral Sims a farewell banquet In his honor In SOCIALISTS ASK MASS-MEETINGS Berlin, April 8 Through London, April 4. Tho Central committee of the Indepen-dent Socialist party, today, ad-, dressed an apeal to the Soclalist.i throughout the nation to hold mass-meetings to protest against the govern-ment's treatment of workmen, despite the order against meet- Ings which. was jnclttiemil when martial law was established. The government troops are charged with cruelty, murdering hundreds of workmen. REINDEER AHD- Being Used by British on Rus- sian Fronts.

FEATURE OF FIGHT AGAINST BOLSHEVIKI Needs a Navy To Protect from Russia. Her RUSS AGGRESSIONS IN BALTIC FEARED Hun nister of War Talks of the Situation. Noske Thinks Germany Has a Right to an Army as Large as That of Any of the Allies. Noske Fixes th B'ame. BY AM UF!) tl.

ANPFRSFV. I Copyright, 1919, by the I. 8 lU-rlin, April Through ltndoii, April 4, 1 -Oermsny la really In fear of Russia, especl. ally aa report are coming In that KtiHAia Is assembling a big fleet at Kronstadt, acrording to au interview given, today, by Oustate ke, minister of war In the, F.liert-Hcheidcmaiin got. rrnment.

Vpon being ake.l briber thought Germany would need a big navy after peace Is signed oske MtHrd: "The size of our future navy depends iiwm the peace terms. I believe that trermany ahould Ih given equal power with )in other nations that are signatory if. th league of nations liwomes real. By a big navy will be. untie, r.

ary. America and F.ngland are dictating tho peace terms to the rest of the world and I think It la not Justifiable. If Is a violation of the Entente's promises to Germany if this coiinlrr is not allowed to hare a navy, "America showed sha was Inconsistent by coloring tbe war for the ostensible purpom of wiping put militarism and then building up the biggm(, nary In the world. "At present, Germany lacks money to build a navy. All of our fleet Is now In Fugllsh wafers ami I do not know bow much of It we shall ever see again." GltAVK I F.AIW.

Noske professed the gravest fears of flussla, and declared that had Just that the HiihbIbiis are assembling a bi. fleet at Kronstadt, but he did not know for what "If Husslnn Hunt Is directed at us should have been allowed lo retain about four cruisers for our protection In the Baltic," said the war minister. laid down our arms trusting that our national rights would not be Interfered with, but we are disappointed. "It looks like England Is going to be our policeman in the Baltic after peace Is signed." Noske's appearance Justifies his reputation as "the strong man of Uermany. He is tall ana has a square Jaw, Ills eyes are deter mined and peer out through heavy glasses.

Noske only a few months ago was a fion-fommfsslonrd officer, hut It is significant nowwto note how old- school Prussian officers refer to him, Whan I was leaving the wsr minister laughed as he remarked; "I realize that I am not very pop ular In certain quarters, but I wish I could be popular with every one In Germany." TROOPS iTpARADE IN STEUBENVILLE! Members of Thirty-Seventh Ohio Division Get Welcome, Steuben vtlle, April 4 Fifteen, thousand persons today wildly: cheered the men of the 134th ma Asked by Mission Sent to the United States. PEOPLE GRATEFUL FOR PAST FAVORS) Desire a Government Their Own. ofi But Manuel Uuieson, rrtJ'ui v. Fhitippnes, Serves as Spokes- man for Delegation Carry- ing Appeal to Washington. Washington, April 4 President Wilson favors independence for Hie Philippine Wands.

This assurance was conveyed, today, by Secretary of War baker in a letter from the president tu the members of the commission delegates by Hie legWaiure of the island to come to this country to voice their or self-determination. In hi letter which was written, March 3, the president expressed the hope that the Filipino mission will result in bringing about the desirable end set forth in the resolution of the. legislature approving; the sending of the commission to the I'nited ASK LIBERTY. Washington, April 4 Asserting that the I'nited States haa "truly treated us as no nation ha ever before treated another under Its guidance, Manuel Queetan, president of the Philippine today pi-csentcd to Secretary of War linker the formal request of the people of the hlsncTs for independence. How- ever, he added even tinder such conditions, "our stljl crave Independence that they, ton, nifty govern their own ties-linies." Independence is the great no-tiotial idea of the Philippine people, said Qiieeson, The mem hem of the Philippine mission here, representing all elements of Philippine life are, one and all ready to testify to the absolute truth of this assertion.

We believe that this Is (lie proper lme to present the question. looking to favor-We and decisive action because of the declared and uniform, of America to withdraw her sovereignty over the Philippine Islands and to recognize, tier independence as a stable government. That there is now a stable rtcrnment in the Phillipinc managed and supported by the lPle themselves and that It and will be maintained nn-an independent Pliilippinn Jwrnment, the testimony of nur own official reports, 'Pernor General Harrison and wing Governor General Veat-r will bear out. The fulfill-ment of this solemn promise Ju to yourselves to us and at large. MD INSPIRATION.

"TV tut aiso find Inspiration and Jus- fDr our d.ttEUn tune to the sovc-nment and of the United States for the "ing of our Independence In the ''infMB ihlg-' Amwlc fought i ibwty. the self-government and devalnmnpnt all iu ajjptrin the war for the of Peoples everywhere." a Ai'W-lcau people were willing J. kiile theJr lives and their for-vpmhing that they were goring to accomplish, that Jbm'i fW r'6ht 0f th0Se Wh0 to authority to have a voice we.r own government, for the liberties of small nation. 'r- Secretary, may I be permitted i of to to tfio the Flyrta, April 4, Former Ambassador William ti. hai-s to tbe French government, will hoarsl the tiwrge Washington lu-et.

April i hi lurn to this country, according to word received by hi" mother, Mrs. Mahalia Hurrell, hetr. He went to l-Yanee but recent- TO BUILD TUNNEL UNDER THE CHANNEL Sir TtwrLCia FoK, With the restoration of peace, both the British and French governments have revived (he Idea of building a tunnel under the English channel France and England. Sir Francis Fox. leading engineering authority or ETijflaliii ifei ChOSBil as designer and engineer to build the British end of the great tunnel, ac cording to a despatch from London.

Sir Francis is one af tbe most famous engineers In tbe world. He is well known for his connection with the great Slmplon channel through the Alps, Ens SENT TO RUSSIA To Re'nforce Allies Fighting the Bolsheviki. SITUATION GROWS EXTREMELY SERIOUS Bolsheviki Now Preparing for a Big Drive. More- British Troops Are Also Being Sent to Murmansk District, Where Allied Forces Are Now Under Pressure. london, April American reinforcement are helng sent into northern Russia to fight liiie Bolsheviks, it was learned today.

The troop are going to Murmansk where the situation la said to be critical. The llolslievlks are prepa rel for another drive on lite, Arcli-atigfi front it Is Mated. More British trMps are es-pm-tetl to arrive In Jlusl by the end of next month to relievo the force- now under pressure. DKMAIi KXTKKK1. April 4 -Reports from Rome that the dynasty the Karagoorge-ifrcbs baa ttfn depowml and that a republic haa been proclaimed in Rclgrade, the capitals of the kingdom of the He rim, Croats and Slovens were emphatically denied! here today by S.

V. Groultch, minister of that kingdom. OHBKK IV KGYPT. Cairo, April a Through Txmdon, April 4. Order.

Is being restored la Kgypt Mowing the arrival here of General Kir H. H. Allenby, the conqueror of the Turks. PREHIDE.VT IUa Washington, April 4 -President Wilson ha been foissed to take to his bed because of a serious cold, according to a cablegram received at the Woit House executive office from his personal physician. Knar Admiral Cary T.

Grayson. Admiral Grayson assured Secretary Tumulty, to whom the cablegram wa addressed that tbe presldenfa condition was not serious and that he would keep the White House advlsrjl. I I I 1 JJ I A I ed en the Wounded and Side Soldiers Are! sphered "long the harbor front to- ioiiy to give the first of New in Warm Bags and hand- welcome to returning lier? Get Good Attention. 'of th! Twenty-Sixth Yankee division. .1 While the transport, Mount Ver- Haleand 5,284 officers and men London April of Own" wa, cut- Canadian dog teams are used fc of by the British medic corps and chugettg bay thousandg of mo(herS, American soldiers fighting the Bol- (Weetheartlli fathpr9, brothers shevik.

This was in Colonel J. B. an(J. pther and of Mos- report from Murmansk 'to-jthe omeward.bour,d veteran of ih2 day. i world war.

transformed Cast'e is- Co one JHoss renortea mat tne reported inat tne placed in sheepskin lined sick are bags with hot water bottles so as-; signed as to attention of the patient without exposure. "Despite the extreme difficulties the weather and the great tances 'to be traversed, it has been on government and privatei" administration to her other war relief actlvlilei, IS Frankfort-on-Main Is the Scent of Carnage. GREAT PROPERTY DAMAGE IS DONE Twelve Pillagers Are Shot by Government Troops. Four Women Pay Penalty for Looting Mine Owners Flee from Ruhr District for Fear of Being Assassinated. Iterlln, April .1.

Through London, April -Hghtlng was still In progress at Frank-fortin-Main at last re porta from that illy. Twelve, pillagers were killed by the government troops, four 1 of them Itelng women. Knormoii pmnerty dnmagw has tteen dono Hii ro anil thn street are littered wild broken furniture and malerlaU carried from stores. Tlxre lias been further fighting In Westphalia, also, but the situation here Is quiet. Mine owners In the Ruhr district, fearing aaination at the lianils of tlo-lr workmen are In flight.

I5-lin newspapers declare that this country la "dashing headlong Into another revolution, Paul Klllscbocher, writing In the rnillcal newspaper, Bed Flag, ail vises (iemuiny to "em-braie Bolshevism rather than become a slave of the Entente." KILLED IN ACCIDENT Aeroplane Falls 250 Feet at Americus, Georgia. Amerlcus. April 4 Falling about 250 feet In an aeroplane In which they were about completing their afternoon practice, late r.lentanant Colonel Freder- In Cn field, and Major Jonn m. um twenty-eight, Held executive officer, died shortly after. Major Butts was a native of Cisco.

Texas, and Lieutenant Colo-net Dickraaa lived in Americus. Both were West Point men. Major Earl 8: Schofleld. today, assumed command of the post and established a strict censorship both as to visitors and discussion ot tha accident. TN innflBs found possible to establish medical- The b(g transport, which sailed lal "-ecently reported as hav-ald posts ten miles apart in farm from Bresti Trance, March 27.

was inR undertaken a revolutionary move-houses and tents," says Colonel due t0 dock at commonweaUh pier galnst President Carranza, has Moss. (south Boston, this afternoon. The rlvfi1 a'ely In Mexico "after a very These posts are fully competent aroraing to an an deal w-lth the sick and wounded Roa wiu not and, however until until they can be removed by rail tomorrow when they will again set the base hospital at Kem. on home soil and entrain at hospital trains are now running tor Camp Devins. tfcfs line and are so popular, owing; tt HnrA th inn limillll craft flentinK men aboard the Mount TO LOSE A CROWN of QeorssVitch Dynasty of Serbia.

Cleveland, April 4 Tbe GeorgV vitch dynasty of Serbia reported from many foreign 5B purees to h.vo by Republican ,8 Vicon nrofthrnwn of chine-gun battalion and detachments! of the llth, all of the Thlrty-8ev-jTW0 OFFICERS ARE tat Am mftans ir true, itinv s-VJcyBTiiiiv iiirfA innn wnmsn win iunc hci jcwcicu tru.u uv. She Is Princess Karageorgevitch, bite themselves, that they are apparently; nn Trains mat vaoo country without- obstruction. Both trains are very comfortable and well equippeu uu n.u tients spend as many as eight daysj making a single The British and American fighters are comfortable as to clothing. "There has been no case oi irosi I BPrioua enougn to require an rnpratlon, writes Oionci iiAn. (i hava' "Only forty-four mild cases snorted.

The Russian troopa. afflicted with scurvy, but there (ew cases of it In the British forces." More Evidence. April 4. Further evl- nationalization of women document was found 1 llv aw a reo of nounrement made by Robert O. Gay- on, his secretary.

Purpose of General Blanquet's return, Mr, Gayon said, was to reorgan. lze the Pias forces, overthrow tha Carranza government, reestablish tbe constitution of 1857, which he said was repudiated by Carranza, and revoke alleged confiscatory decrees of the present government. Acting Secretary of Slate Frank Polk has been advised of Genera! Blanquef, g'afe arrival and the our- pose of his visit General Blanquet and tbe members hJs party West Indi. March and success- marcn 1, ana success- 1UB Mexican gUDOOftt snrs mua and two smaller patrol a-n tney. learned bad been sent out to apprehend them Mr Gar Mexico.

Of these he said. Including 1,800 were in Vera uju i tepatlaxco. Several office, is. f.Hr.i army are reported to have deserted to uiaz forces. Successful Operation.

Madrid, April 4 A successful operation for hysteresis was nerformed upon Queen Victoria today. at this Juncture that for 80 nfea and noble idee's) I. nave stood by you dur- 8 .2 fritieal .1. anJ. to a man, were ready, anxious, to shed their Mood '11 side with your own soldiers? Eco muepcu- granted ns the world are are wife of Prince Alexis Karageorge- on stated, vltch of the ruling house in Serbia, The party landed at a desolate The princess was formerly Miss point on the coast of Vera Cruz and Huger Pratt, of Cleveland.

After were met by the forces of General her husband's death In 1912 she jDiaz and escorted to his headquarters married Prince Alexis, becoming at Tepatlaxco. enth Ohio division, in a parade that was perhaps tbe most memorable and Imposing the city had ever wit nessed. Led by a band of 200 pieces, the troops marched under command of Major Wade C. Christy, of Youngs-town; Captains Roy Miller, of Cleveland, and' Percy Tetlow, of Salem. Business generally suspend throughout the city.

The major- inroustiuut mn mj, a of the troop. In the parade arej territory. After tie parade and a public reception the troopers left for L'hrlchs-vllle, where they will parade. Entered for Flight. London, April 4 Major J.

C. P. Wood-Plcolt and Captain C. Wy-He. both of Manchester, were today entered In the contest for the first transatlantic air flight, according to Manchester Guardian.

thereby a cousin of King Peter. General Diaz, acordlng to Gayon, The royal couple were visitors In jhas 40,000 troops scattered tbrough-tbis city In 1913. (out fifteen of the twenty-seven states 1 odeL AmeTl-'Z the Bolshewiki in Russia was re-thl tn1 arer" the dSwd by the intelligence department and th6 r'Chest of the war office today from Arch--ns of a l-berating rather thao 01 tlje. natloa "UV. Tint t--, tTlr.

nnt power, ou -tars Ho vnnr -u. VU-CI, Who was cap-gain you sought uon shtine on the or One Man snot. ST A nrfl A finm man -r- was shot and seriously wounded by) a deputy sheriff here today in a riot; which broke out at the Forstmann Hoffmann Woolen mills in Garfield where some of the workers are me Archangel front: 1 certify that the bearer, abance in the Philippines tu Rainbow Boys. AnrU 1 A salffn st of the entire ttainbow" in early convov Comrade F. Evdomikov, Is allowed on strike.

The deputy woo the shot alleged that his vic- nHvileee of one girl to himself tim which srtifV still fired land no one may oppose him In any i war deoart- other way. He is invested with full this sft 1UC attcked him with a blackjack, i power.

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