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The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio • 2

The Marion Stari
Marion, Ohio
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to Sheriff of Ka- Die of Starvation. Cleveland, Aug. 22 Rather than see her baby boy, aged one week, die by atartstlon, Mrs Mary Boliis, twenty-six, told police this morning that she ended Its life by smother Paid Farm Hand Held for Murder of Negro Prisoner Seeks county, tot from tie Tributes by Professo Albert Einstein. Wife. Are Now Moving Upward, Lead' Inp Economist Declare.

gtruction by Fire. Olunitim, Aug. SI. Evidence of the European corn borer are being found in various place in Ohio by federal and sure agricultural officiate. Larvae of the pest ha been discovered on all the islands north ot Sandusky and Port Clinton and on Catawba island, which is portion of the mainland substantially.

A moth has been found on the mainland, Federal and slate authorities are cooperating In an effort to determine Ihe sccpe of Infestation and will rnoprate in plan for stamping the peat out of Ohio. V'lrk, Aug. iiii. The 'Hwkboners" part) edged Into the municipal political campaign lottay, vi Mil the roit platform rrr put up to the rlty rlfct'r-ate. Abraham Miction, who prmlnlmed himself a liberal fl well an a "baenbon er" anil who Is the candidal of the new party for ninyir, an.

noanred Ih following declaration of principles: (leisure of all food rrSf-rv'Si tliflf every person will bo guaranteed three mml days moratorium ao that people can live rent free In Ihelr present hmni fmir-hotir working SOAKS CLOTHING FINDS AMERICANS ALERT AND PROGRESSIVI r. ra ana s'iiot i.rtca oj fields, who bsr expressed the In- tentlos of msccblng to Mingo county a demonstration against martial law In fores there, are still In camp St Msrmet Sbsrlff fjoa Chafln of Logan eoun-ty, through wIim territory the SON OF PRISONER MAKES CONFESSION WITH KEROSENE ing It to death, fe'he I hld at On-trsl pflirs station on a charge of murder. Neighbors told police, yesterday, that shs bsd been trying to of the taby's body. A search revealed the little form hidden In a lunch bog la the basement of the LITTLE REDUCTION IN WAGES NOTED Einstein Says Scientific Men i United States Are Not Fettered by Prejudices. Father Tells Him of Murder.

Developments in Coney Island Bath-House Case. home. Applies Match and Is Quickly Mas of Flames Officers Attempt Rescue, WKh Mrs. Bolt! when she was ar Wages as a Whole In Country but Slightly Cut. rested were two other children, John mils roarth to Mingo ls, raid that 'no armed mob" will cross the Logan, county line.

He added that be was "little in the gathering of the miners, but that be was prepared to meat any emergency." B'S'a autbnrltea continued to keep in touch with the situation, bat re- ssvsn, and Mary, four, both crying with hunger. The only food in the Cranlte. City, Illinois. Aug. 22 WITNESSES ARE Berlin, Aug.

22. "American scientists lead in the fields of astro Ksw York, Aug S2. A human bonfire s-nt thrills of terror through With the arrest st Junction, Illinois house, which bsd bean stripped ot Its furniture lo buy necessities, were KNERS BEADY today, of Arthur Duncan, a farm nomy and experimental mineralogy as Iterated tbty would not lno-rtore un- a few crusts ot dry bread and some Economist Says Present De-pression It Financial and Not Industrial Return to Good Times Is Expected Soon. Ml the sheriff asked for aid. Kheriff scrap of spaghetti, NOT Of! HAND well as In certain branches of cx perimental physics," is the opinion Walker eald he had no reason yet to Her husband, John Boltls, left TO IMP home seversl wesks ego, searching interfere, Most of ths men, according to the Tombs pron today.

sylvetter Crockett, a negro, Intent on cheating the law and life and fling Sing, devised and psrtlslly carried one of the most grewsome schemes to end ft all, In a cell at the Tomb he first drsnched clothing and his of Professor Albert Einstein, knowr as ths father of the doctrine of rela- for work. He was last heard iherlff. who visited the camp, are hand, mystery surrounding tho murder of a woman whose body was found buried in a ahallow grave near here, June it, ha been solved. Chief of Police Roy Clark announced. John Borman, son of the man In custody, has confessed, Clark declared, that bia father told blm that he had slain his wits and burled the body in the corn field.

at Clarenden, Pennsylvania. Work of State Utilities tivity. "Optismlsm. energy and am- Delay Advance Toward Charleston To INSURANCE IN OHIO Commission Today. jrmed with shotguns, rifles and side.

trms. Probably half of them, be said, are negroes. They are subsist-IpC entirely upon beans, which are over opn In the hollow where they have assembled and stacked their arms. Be Met with Force. IS VAST BUSINESS WasMngRB.

Aug. 22 High prl-ees re to stay. 1 Jott, one of the leading economists of the country, made this statement today. The good old days when Mr. Common ('itlseti l- body from bsad to foot with kerosene, then wound a noose made out of a handkerchief and after tying It so tightly around his neck that It Million Ordinary Life Policies in TWO HOCKING VALLEY OFFICERS QUESTIONED The body of the slain womsn had previously been Identified as that of Mrs.

Serena Gilllland, who wan located seversl days ego In Cincinnati REiCN OF TERROR AROUND MARMET MISS BERNiCE PATTERSON Force in State. Columbus, Aug. tt. The annual stoppsd hi breath, applied a match to his oll-suturated clothing. Within second he was a human torch, the fiemea scorching the cell snd the fumes spreading throughout the WEDS MR.

HARRY PACE and returned here. Following tne iom met living coit without stretch of imagination ur strain nt pocketbook. are gone, never to return, he de fared. The return to normalcy menus ra- report by B. W.

Goarheart, state su return of Mrs. Cilliland, a charge bitloa are qualities ot the Americat, scientist which are bringing him to the fore," said Einstein. "Furthermore, the American students lack tht spirit of skepticism so predominant in Europe." Professor Einstein received ths correspondent in the library of hit Berlin apartment. "A long bras! telescope In tha corner of the room, several globes and astronomical Instruments were all that distinguished his simple library from that oi any of his neighbors. His favoriti violin and the piano in the adjoining room are equally prominent in indi-eating the trend of his tastes.

"I want to take this occasion to Miners' Encampment Receives a Testimony Taken Touching Lower Freight Rates in Ohio. Views Expressed. Ceremony Performed at Leb of murder against her husband was dismissed. Truckload of Hlgh-Powered Rifles and Ammunition. turn to condition of 1919-1920, not to thou of 1619-14, according to anon Future Home.

Glllllatid bad been taken Into cus tody at Terre Haute, Indiana. the economist, Mr, snd Mrs, William Pace, their perintendent of Insursnce, to Governor tHivis. abows 1,011,15 ordinary life policies In force In Ohio for an Increase of since a year ago. Premiums on this class of policies amounted to 172,260, 859, against losses of only While there are several times as many weekly rayment or Industrial nollcles, the aggregate ot the faces Jail, Me was horibljr burnsd before sltendant could extinguish the blssa and he will probably die. The negro was to have been taken to Blng Blng today, to begin a five-year sentence for tn attack on a policeman.

When deputy wardens, aided by "To expect return of the price Columbus, Aug. 22. Because of the absence of a number of wit nd of pre-war years fa Scouts Theory. Now York, Aug. 22.

While the daughter, Mrs, B. Harold Buettln, nd their son, Mr. Murel Psce, of this elly, attended the wedding Wed merely the blindness of men In el Charleston, W. Aug. delegation of miners from upper Coal River valley and Hoo coun police ware still searching for the nesses, a brief session was held this forenoon and a recess taken until ways looking tnlo the past for the nesday of Mr.

and Mrs. Psce son. body ot Mrs. E. 8.

Cheatham, well- Mr. Harry Pace, of Dayton, snd Miss io-do widow whose abandoned cloth this afternoon, by the state utilities ty arrived at Msrraat, this morning ing ware found In a Coney island of the policies Is far less. eommissoln relative to Its inquiry in and Joined the 800 miners encamp to the Ohio railroad freight-rate alt bathhouse yesterday, her son-in-law, nation. M. A.

Kinney, superintendent of Roy Mayo, a Manhattan investment broker, took issue with authorities, this afternoon, by filing papers in motive power, Hocking Valley Bernlce PstteMon. of Lebanon. The cersmDny wfc performed at the home of tha bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.

C. Patterson, at noon that day by Rev. Charles 8. Williams, ot Norwood. Among the attendants were Mrs.

Buettln, formerly Mis Mildred Psce, and a recent bride, who was one of the bridesmaids. Tho grooei was attended by his ksepers, had put out the flames. Crocket was sight that mads evert the hardened Tombs gusrds sjiud-der. Except for (hred ot cost and trousers tint bad been pasted to ths body by tha liquid fire, there was not a bit ot clothing left on the man. Every bit ot hair had been burned.

Even his fscs seems to hsve been soaked In oil, for the sight of one eye was literally burned out and where the eyebrows had been there were holes from which hung green Way, and W. T. Morgan, of the en the supreme court challenging the glneerlng department of the same theory that tha woman is dead at ed there, the governor's office was advised this morning. Fifty men, most of them armed, left the mines of the Raleigh Wyoming Coal company at Edwlght, Raleigh county, this morning, to Join the Marmet "army," a telephone message from the sheriff office In Raleigh county stated. The sheriff also stated that with The report shows industrial policies in force for ITi an Increase of $72,160,361.

Premium totaled against losses of K5S2.722. Group Insurance, a system of employers paying life Insurance pre-mluma for employes, shows the biggest percentage of growth during tho year. The report ehowa 384 such policies for against only 2S5 policies for II25.S74.1S3 last year. Ohio fraternal association report road, were on the stand today. They all.

Were questioned toncerning the By comparison and Inference road's operating expenses. Mayo charged that the disappearance golden age," ho declared. According tc present lndlrlloni, prices here reached their lowest lev-el end are now moving upwards, the economist stated. "There can he no doubt that prices ere now advanced," the ssld, "Moreover, when fundamental Industrial eondltlon are examined, It la perfectly clear that such advance are Inevitable The price of ah article the combined reeult of actual production costs In which labor la tha chief Item end the profits of the producer, wholesaler and retailer end othere- through which It passes before reaching the consumer. During the war then profile were excessive and profiteering ran rampant.

Some Improvement In this particular have taken place end much greater Improvement could take place. Hut the cold, herd tact la that no important scaling brother, Mr. Murel Pace. The bride of his mother-in-law Is a second at The testimony ot these official was designed to support the claim by the rsilroads that their recent tempt by her and her daughter his wife Mrs. Charlotte Catherine a posse be was, today, engaged In ish shreds of skin.

was given in marriage by her father. She wore a dress of white Crepe de chine and her veil was caught with rounding up suspects in connection The negro bad been left in the cell Joint offer of reduced freight rates Mayo, whom he Is now suing for di ed 3M.159 certificates, segregating an Increase of tell America how thankful I am foi the hearty support, both in scientific and In offlcis! circles and the charming hospitality extended to me on my recent trip to America," said the professor. "Of course, I can not he held responsible for statements which appeared In certain newspapers. They put assertions Into my mouth which 1 never uttered. They made criticise where there was no critic-Ism.

It was very regretable. "American scientific laboratories are wonderfully well equipped and I have never seen anything so complete as the laboratory of Mllikin and Mlchaelson In Chicago. One of the most striking Impressions 1 received of America Is the degree to which the technical contrivances for everyday comfort are developed; everything in the house is practical and labor-saving; efficiency with a minimum of effort and movement, Of course, this, in a way, represents luxury "What do you thing of American universities; how do they compare with the shooting, rrioay, at b.o- pending arrangements for his being Involving the minimum rates now vorce, to exploit his pity and sen orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of bride roses. tW.

Losses paid by Ohio fraterna prevailing in lower Michigan eon timontalitr by a melodramtio coup wlghl, of State Trooper Lehman Martin, who I Still In a crltlcel eon finger-printed, photographed and measured. In his cell stood a can of associations amounted to tains tha lowest fates the Ohio roads Following a wedding breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Pace left for a short But to him, he declares, this Is "old stuff" and will not stop him from kerosene used to clean Ink from the ran. stand prior to next January, at dltlon.

About forty arrests nave been made. NEGRO PRISONER least. hands ot prisoners after being filing new and sensational charges It was reported here today that trip. The bride is a graduata of Lebanon hiyb school and the Northern university at Ada, where she MAKES ESCAPE Should the minors advance towards Charleston, they will be met asalnst his wife and mother-in-lnw a twenty-per-cent. reduction in prices in nrnnr whereof be did file his at the Kanawha bridge by city pa- met hor husband while they were charges this afternoon.

Walks Away During Rush at of their products haa been promised by officials ot road-bulldlng material lice and stole troops who are mobi both studying pharmacy, -Mr. Pace down ot profits is to be anticipated Once before, so he charged, his mother-in-law bad to throw a scare Crockett made not single outcry while he was burning. CBEATKllTOHD Middletown Jail. concerns as soon as freight rates lised for the contingency and will oppose their entry at all eoets. In the near future," According to Lauck.

who Is con Into htm by doing th "disappearing Middletown, Aug. 22. tletore Is also a pi actuate ot the Northern univefslty and Is now a pharmacist In a drug store in Duytoit, During tho he saw several months ser There was a reign of terror Inst night. In the territory Immediately act." On that occasion, he said, he police bad registered a negro arrest suiting economist to railroad unions PRESIDENT TAKES ed upon suspicion of theft, the prl waa notified had thrown herself into Lake Michigan in an attempt to vice In France. Mr.

and Mrs. Pace oner escaped by climbing through a HAND IN MATTERS TOIIOFIff surrounding the camp at Marmot, reports reaching hers today slate. Oftloers of the law have been held un. robbed and threatened with will be at home at No. 304 Jones drown herself, but had been rescued and taken to a hoapltal.

The next Street, Dayton, after September 1. with the German schools?" the correspondent asked. Would Have Congress Cooperate Continued from 1'mco One. MONUMENT. UNVEILED death, according to reports reaching the governor's office.

"An American university reminds he heard ot her, he ssys, was that she was serving a twenty-two-day sentence In the Bridewell prison for for this ennsolldstlon to President with Shipping Board. Washington Aug. 22 In a letter me of a large family," replied tha It Is said that only about 200 ot IN FRANCE YESTERDAY Harding before thay are put in et foct. shoplifting and after she got out and the t'nlted Mine Workers of America, neither can any Important reduction In the general wage level be anticipated. Kail I might.

Contrary to popular belief, wagei on the whole have fallen to a surprisingly smell extent. Here and there wages have fallen, he said, but the striking fact Is not that some wage rates hsve fallen, but wages on the whole have fallen so little, "This Is partly due to the growing strength of labor to resist wage euls. but primarily to a more alert the miners are visible, with the professor. "The relations of the students to one another and of tha window of the Jail, while officers were busy registering a rush of o'her prisoners. John Lltman, nineteen and Harry Matthews, nineteen, srrested in company with the unidentified negro, when the three were found driving a sport model Cadillac, refer to him as "Tate." Three officers were present while Tate stepped through a low window, and walked away, main body of 00 encamped further addressed to Benalor Wesley L.

Jones, Washington, chairman ot the senate committee on commerce, he had to pay a fine ot sji.60 tor her. la his petition, Mayo asks Hack from Crulsie. bavk In tho hills, assembling ammunition, for too proposed march. student lo the faculty certainly give one this complete impression. The American students do not take much Dedicated to Memory of Amerl Expeditionary Force.

Psrls. Aug. 22. Lorraine's monu for the custody ot the much-kidnap Washington, Aug. 23.

President President Harding goes to the de ed infant, Charlotte, on the ground and Mrs. Harding returned here No Information. Resident of Marmet refuse to practical interest in politics in tho that neither his wife nor his mother- shortly after 8 o'clock this morning ment to the American expeditionary fense of the shipping board. Ho said he deplored the reluctance of congress to make appropriations for the rontniued activities ot the board aggressive manner ot German stu in-law is fit to have the child In their give any Information In regard to forces, tho dedication ot which was on the Mayflower, having spent the week-end cruising with a party of dents, but that is perhaps in Germany the gathering or Its ptrposes. All care.

one of the principal objects ot the visit ot the American Legion delega ithout putting specific restraint friends an the Potomac river snd publie conscience which feels that the average wsge earner, for his concomitant of the revolution. "The International relations be BRYCE'S STATEMENT ON DISARMAMENT Inquiries are met with the response, "don't know anything. You'll have to get your Infornisttou somewhere Chesapeake bay. own sake and tor the sake of the upon th boards activities In employing agents of relief." He urged congress to co-operate, that the past The broker filed an affidavit by Chief ot Police J. M.

Daly, ot Pueblo, California, to the effect that one H. F. Mehr, arrested in that city, had confessed helping Mrs, Cheatham, Action Delaveil. community, must have a higher else." tween the word scientists are Improving, although, ot course, the scar of th World war have not yet been effaced. In both England and 'evils ot administration" be cured standard ot living than he has httd promptly.

In ihe past." Washington, Aug. 22 Action on the foreign-loan refunding bill which authorises the secretory of lbs treasury to refund war loans due Europe Must Disarm or Nations Will Fall. WWIamstowrj, Aug. 22 Europe faces the alternatives of reduc then known aa Mrs. Golden, and her nmiehter Mrs.

Mayo- blackmail We can not allow the discour- The preseut business depression, America I find a distinct desire to co he declared. Is primarily financial operate with the scientists of the tging thing which have gone before to prevent us facing the situation the president wrote. "The hipping board situation Is wholly an Central powers for the advancement the United States by foreign gov ernments, was postponed until nf tion ot armament or ruin, Viscount not Industrial. "There haa been no substantial change in the underlying industrial factors," he asld. "Ab of science." H.

Spurlock, Justice of the peace, driving up Lens creek road, yesterday, neeotnpanled by his eon, was held up scores of times, be sdv ed, today, hut wss not harmed. It took thret hours for Mm to cover a dlstsnce ot three miles. "I am not having anything to do with conditions at Marmet," said Frank Keeyey, president of district No. 17, United Mine Workers ot Jsmea Bryce asserted In a lecture at ter the proposed recess of congress, by ths house ways-and-meana com nherltance from the previous admin soon as the financial tangle Is un MPROVED LAND IN the institute ot politic her. "Ae the greater European countries are already beggared by the tion to Francs, was unveiled at Fll-rey by the legion's representatives, In the presence of the whole countryside.

Marshal Poch, I-ouia liartbou, minister tor the liberated regions, snd Ambassndor Derrick participated In ths ceremonl The people ot Fllrey were deeply affected by the memories ths unveiling brought up. The legionaries cam In automobiles from Major John O. Rmery, natlonsl commander of the American Legion received from M. Barthou the Insignia of commander of tha Legion ot Honor and from Marshsl Foch the war cross with ths palm. In recognition ot hie having beea wounded during the fighting in the Argonne and being cited In American army orders.

UPHEAVAfPREDlCTED IN "DRY" ORGANIZATION istration," declared ths president 'It would avail nothing to attempt THE UNITED STATES raveled, the way will be cleared for a revival ot business under conditions not very dissimilar to those at mittee today, FORMAL DENIAL 6f REPORTS IS MADE outline how the Intolerable state if affairs came about. Our problem curing the situation. It was no the close of the war. last war," he said, "it Is plain that they will ere long be ruined by the continuance of expenditures on tha present war scale. They ought, therefore, to welcome the Invitation America, this afternoon.

"I have been Instrumental In turning the "We have been passing through a period of liquidation and depression, ssy thing to bring capable men to he solution ot this task." Indorsing Chairman Lasker's ef- due essentially to the over-expanlson miners back many times, but this time I will keep my hands off." AKmunlt'on from Chsrleston Is reaching the encsmped band, but Secretary Mellon Expresses No Desire To Resign. Washington, Aug. S3 vi creon, wmch, In turn, was orts to get "big" men to aid In get- brought about chiefly by the con which ha proceeded from the Tnit-ed State to a conference on the subject, as It ha already been welcomed by the people ot Britain and the British dominions everywhere." lng the board on its feet, the presl- tinuation ot artificially low interest teh source Is not known to the au traveling men. The chief ot police added he still hold two suit cases belonging to the women who, he says, ''got away." An affidavit by H. A.

Williams, formerly mayor of Memphis, Tennes-se, also was attached to the broker' petition. Williams tells ot going to California with his wife to bring back Mrs. Cheatham upon reports to her relatives In Memphis that she was leading a "reprehensible and evil life." Ex-Mayor Williams adds that arriving in the West, he found Mrs. Cheatham was "living tn such manner that she waa known as a police character." He prevailed on her to go back to Memphis with him, but later went to Colorado. Against his wife, Mayo charges specifically that she did not tell the truth when.

In applying for a marriage license In 1916, she affirmed she had never been married before. He avers she wss the wit ot John p. Archuleta, of Denver. Colorado, before she married him. further declares she gave her age as eighteen, while she actually was twenty-two.

denial of reports that Secretary of rstes after armistice. lent declared that it they could end losses their salaries would )e more than Justified, "These low interest rates led. thorities. A truck loaded with high-powered rifles and revolvers from After describing some of the obsta Acreage of Improved Lands Increased in Past Decade. Washington, Aug.

22. There were 606,982,301 acres of Improved land In the t'nlted States In 1920 and ot this, 316,431,438 acres were operated on farms operated by their owners, while 13,471,190 acres were operated by managers and acres by tenants, the census bureau announced today. The acreage of improved lands Increased 30,581 acres, or six per during the past decade. The average acreage of improved land per farm ir. 1920, was 78.JS, as compared with 75 9 rrs In 1 11 ft as always, to speculation.

The crash cles fo such an agreement, he de Ohio "Dry" Law Enforcement clared "no difficulties can be allowed Charleston was seen enterln? the encampment, this morning, officials de Quarterly Dividend. Findlay, Aug. 22. Regular qnar- lo deter the nations from grappling tame, ma price pendulum swung liownward. Liquidation Is apparently complete or will be shortly.

The rata of discount will drop, the prices with an enterprise ot such urgent the Treasury Mellon has resigned was made by the Whit House, today. "The president has not received any Intimation that Secretary Mellon intended resigning or had any desire to resign and published reports to the contrary ar Incorreo'," Secretary to the President George R. Christian said. clare. The robbery of a company store of the Marmet Coal company was re importance." erly dividend ot $1.25 a share was declared today by the board of directors of the Ohio Oil eompany, at ol stock will rise and theu wholesale prices will rise to be followed short meeting here, Ths dividend is WOMAN VICTIM OF ported here today, provisions end other articles were taken.

payable September 30, to stockholders of record August 29. CLEVELAND SHOOTING TWO AUTQMOBILES IN ly by retail prices. "War conditions accustomed business men to a higher level and there is absolutely no indication that the business world will go back to the pre-war rates of profit," To Have Been Killed by Said COLLISION ON SUNDAY Husband Last Night. Cleveland, Aug. 22.

A woman They're Going Like Lightning was Instantly killed and a man may Body May Be Reorganized. Washington. Aug. 23 An upheaval In the Ohio prohibition enforcement organirstion may be the outcome ot conferences held at' the treasury department st which, It le said, evidence was brought out In regard to alleged conspiracies Of prohibition agents with bootleggers and distillers in Ohio Chief Inspector Irey ot the Internel revenue bureau wss is conference with Commissioner and later the Internal rvenne commissioner bad a conference with Prohibition Commissioner Hemes, it was announced that four prohibition agents at Voungitown have bees and that other sua peaslens may be ordered. The si combine of whisky handlers with lera! agents Is said to centet sat tronnd touegstown.

ormally llnivI. rr n. Aug. 22. The tax die as a result ot a shooting afiray at a rooming house at No.

6707 St. Body I Found. Erie. Aug. 23.

The body Of Arthur A. Woodbury, of Walton, Massachusetts, who disappeared from the LaFayette hotel In Buffalo, July Ou Tour of County. Members of the 6horthorn Breeders' sssoclatian this morning went on a tour of the county to Visit the fifteen herds. The trip is in preparation for the Shorthorn exhibit at the county fair. Clair avenue, last night.

The woman, Mrs. Anna Lukas, Is said to have quarreled with her husband a week Our Sixth Armive-rjflrjr Special Regular $1.50 Athletic Underwear ego, when she decided to keep room ers. The husband la reported to have left at that time, taking a 27, was found today at Harbor Creek, Pennsylvania, eight mile east of Erie. The man apparently had been murdered. A watch charm bearing his name was the means of Identification.

The body was found In an elderberry patch by a farmer who was hunting a stray cow. three-year-old son with him, but Is said to have returned last night and Genuine B. V. and Itil. IT 1 oilier mgii wrade Make Coldie Haine Carried into Home, Not Badly Hurt.

Two automobiles collided at the corner ot Olney avenue and Foster lane Sunday afternoon about o'clock, both machines being damaged. Miss Violet Egan. daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. J.

v. Kan, of Olney avenue, accompanied by little Miss Ooldie Haines, dss driving one car. Tha other was driven by William Wetterauer, of Blaine avenue. The Haines girl was carried Into a house near the secene of tha accident, but was not aeriously Injured. Card of Thanks.

We want to express our thanks to Rev. Joseph Denning and Mc-Olnnls Post. No. 163, American Legion for conducting the funeral our dear eon and brother who died overseas. Also thank all those sending the beautiful flowers.

Mrs. Minnie Miller and dsugbter. Adv. 1-p. quarreled with and shot his wife snd a roomer, John Remsie, who Don't confuse the new methods with the old -methods of making Corn Flakes.

Ask your grocer or- Post Toasties best cornflakes Jnst saying "con, flakM" niT not yon Poet Toarties. Take no chaneas. Say Poet Toaetlea. Buy now and will probably die. nivo 00c.

alses. Anniversary Aviation Dayton, Aug. 22. Jack Slinson, Special Matinee Price for HERBERT'S MINSTRELS at the Grand Wd Adults, 50c Children 25c. not reserved for matinee.

NIGHT PRICES: 2Sc to $1.00. Now on sale at box office. Special at, exhibition flyer whose aeroplane revision bill passed by the house was form ill; received by the senate today and seat to ths senate flnanca committee without debate. It la the Intention of the committee to begin consideration of the tag measure In a tew days, and to sidetrack the tariff bill for it. crashed into a store front near Buckeye Iske, a Dayton youth and your tomorrow of WEDXKSOAY MORMXtS We close Wed.

at noon. Sarvejor Killed. Akron, Aug. 2t. Edward Paul, forty-one, former county surveyor and later captain In the Hist regiment of engineers In the World war, is deal at hit horn here, as a result ot an automobile Accident late yesterday.

Paul was driving with his family near Twinsburg when the automobile overturned, pinning him beneath the wreckage. Mrs. Paul was also seriously Injured, brother of the famous Catharine and Marjorle Stinson. His mother runs a hotel here. Stinson Is ac DUGAN The first public announcement of prices on Vernon Heights home companied on his tour by Llile Johnson, local newspaper man, eon of sites, page 1J.

Adf. 1-c ithe city bui'din Inspector..

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