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The Marion Star from Marion, Ohio • 1

The Marion Stari
Marion, Ohio
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The Marion Daily Star "oL XIX. NO. 123. MARION, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1896. PRICE 3 CENTS.

M'BRYOt EXPLAiNS. FAVOR A MANSION. Highest of all in Power. Latest U. S.

Got! Report GETTING SERIOUS, WILLIAMS HAPPY. Elated Over the Fact That Lee ABSOLUTELY PURE TIME FOR ACTION. Oatrage Committed oa an American Schooner at Colon. Nr.w York, April IS. Copies of the protest made before United States Consul J.

L. Pearoey by Captain John Hendricks of the American schooner George W. Whitford, which was seized by the Colombian gunboat Cordova off Manza-nilla port on March 81, were received in this city and will be forwarded to the state department. According to the sworn statement made to the consnl at Colon by Captain Hendricks the schooner had complied with all the regulations of tho port from which she sailed, but nevertheless, he avers that the officer of the Cordova who boarded him threatened to sink his ship with the stars and stripes flying from the masthead unless she started to return to Colon within 15 minutes. Leopold SchenD.

a cocoaimt dealer nf tins city, wno owns the Whitford, says the trouble was caused by Spanish competitors for his trade who have political mnuence wun tne (joioinlnau govern ment. According to Mr. Schepp, his instruction to ms captains are to always comply with the laws of any port from which they sail, bnt he claims ves sels nying tne SSpanish, French. Enclish and German flajjs receive more favorable treatment in Central America than those under the stars and stripes. COTELL WAS EXCITED.

H(s Preliminary Hearing Has a Percepti ble Effect on Him. Akrox, April 15. The prelimi nary hearing of Romulus Cotell on the charge of having murdered Alvin N. Stone, his wife and Ira P. Stillsou was conducted before Justice A.

W. Hall. For the first time since his incarceration Cotell lost his self-possession and appeared nervous and excitable. The examination lasted only 35 min ntes and only one witness was introduced, Coroner A. K.

Fonse, who testi fied to the murder having been com mitted. He had been present at the confession oi Cotell and gave the de tails of what the prisoner had at that time acknowledged. Without waiting for argument bv eituor tne prosecution or defense Jus tice Hall announced that he would hold the prisoner to await the action of the grand jury, wmch meets April 27 I tie bumniit county bur met and adopted resolutions censuring Judge A. C. Voorhis, who Just week refused to allow Cotell to see the lawyer he asked tor, but instead assigned two attorneys, one of them bis son.

Cotell was not then nnder his jurisdiction. Break About Even. Louisville, April 15. The last of tho II district conventions iu this state were held Tuesday. Of tho aa district dele gates who will represent the state ut St.

Louis 10 from the Third, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Ninth are instructed for McKinley 10 from the First, Second, Fourth, Eighth and Eleventh received straight Bradley instructions, while the two from the Tenth were instructed for Bradley first and McKinley if the governor's name is dropped. Some Royal Hobnobbing. Vienna, April 15. A gala diunor was given at the Hofburg in honor of the visiting emperor and empress of Germany at which 110 royal, noble and other distinguished personages sat down. The dinner was marked by animated conversation between the two emperors and their guestg.

After the dinner had been concluded the imperial party was taken to the opera house. It Will lie a McKinley Convention. Faroo, N. April 15. Tho city is throngod with eager politicians and one of the bitterest fights in the history of the stute is expected at the Republican convention.

The main fight will be on the chairmanship of the convention. It will be a thorough McKinley convention and it is not thought silver will be an issue at all. Went by the Board. Boston, April 15. Spauldiug Tewksbury, wholesale dealers in straw and leather board, with branches in many of the principal cities of the Union, have assigned.

The liabilities are stated to be $100,000 and the nominal assets Tha Receivers Resign, Indianapolis, April 15. E. O. Hop kins and James H. Wilson have resigned as receivers of the east end of the Louisville, Evansnlle and bt.

Louis railroad, and the authority of Receiver Jarvis will be extended over the entire line. To Reorganize the Militia. Washington, April 15. Senator Hawley introduced a general bill for the reorganization of the militia, a he bill is a voluminous document and is a complete recodification of the existing laws. New Bank Authorized.

Washington, April 15. The comp troller of the currency has authorized the organization of the Citizens Rational bauk of Tionesta, capital $50,000, They Have a Second Choice. Bradford, April 15. The Mo- Kean county Republican convention at Smithport indorsed Quay for presi dent, with McKinley as second cnoice. Loases of tha Treasnry.

Washington, April 15. The treasury lost 19.900 in gold coin and $5,000 in bars, which leaves the true amount of the gold reserve Bank Receiver Drops Dead. Elmira, N. April Jo. Charles Davis of Binghamton, receiver of the defunct Elmira National bank, dropped dead here from apoplexy.

mart n-iaaen. At Newport. Ky. Prince Imperial, Rubber Neck, Booze, liew (jaw, Temueata. At MemphisLord Stein, Ranjoaa, Urania, Presidio, Kan sen.

Sea Ho liber. GOOD Be Say the Officers Did All They Cenld For the Mlnera. Cou-MBt April is. The United Mine Workers of America met here in Wirthwein's hall. President Penna called the convention to order and read his report.

It was devoted to a review of the effort the national officers made during the year to get the Pittsburg op- rrators to make such rates for mining which, with a differential of about 9 cents in favor of Ohio, Indiana and Illi nois, would allow increased mining and better wages to miners in those states. Thus fur the work of these officials has not been successful. The situation was summed np iu the report of Secretary-Treasurer Patrick McBryde. He says the coal trado prior to 1B0O, whon the United Mine Workers' association was formed, was better than it is now. value of coal on board cars at the mines iu 1 W0 was $1 10,410,.

851, and in 1894 the value was $1,708,1100 less than in ikw, aitnougn me product 1. Il (Ul This was caused, he said, by the cursed system of the survival of the fittest, Central Pennsylvania was with ns in 1WK). Those men are not here today, Tho two Virginias and their cheap coal have had much to do with changing the conditions. Of the increase lit tho pro duction of coal since 1890, 5,000,000 of tho 7,000,000 tons are from the Vir ginias. Todav there is more West Vir ginia coal in Chicago than Ohio coal, though the former has to puss through Ohio.

As to the financial condition of the United Mino Workers, tho reports show a debt of with cash on hand. This debt they cxiHXit to wipe out at this convention. The reports claimed that the national officers did all that it was possible for men to no to better the conditions of the miners in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, but circumstances were against them. PUZZLED THE PHYSICIANS. After Walking In Her Sleep Three Weeks She Awakeus.

Chillicotiib, April 15. Phvsl- ciaus here are puzzled over the case of Mrs. Peter Bennett, 80, who was com pletely paralyzed three weeks ago. She was given np to die, but four days later got out of bed and walked around. She appeared perfectly rational but did not speak, and it was supposed her vocal organs were impaired.

Monday, how ever, she appeared to awaken from a long sleep and wanted to know what Una happened, islie had no recollection of anything that had taken place from the moment she was paralyzed, bhe had seemed awake but was asleep all the time, bhe has now completely re covered. Fatol Mistake. Alliance, April 15. Officer John Jones while searching for burglars ran across Conrad McCue of had just come in ou a freight. The of ficer, thinking McCue might bn a bunr- lar, called on him to halt, but the latter thinking he was going to be arrested lor tram jumping, started to ruu, when the officer tired.

The ball took effect in McCue's right side, inflicting a proba bly tutua wound. The Train Was Saved. Cleveland, April 15. A dastardly attempt to wreck the limited express train ou the Cleveland and Pittsburg road was made near the southern limits of tho city. A rolling mill employe on his way to work discovered and removed the obstruction just in time to avoid a terrible wreck.

Scarcely had the obstruction been removed when the limited thundered by at tho rate of 60 miles an nonr. Powder Kzploded. Fulton, April 15. At the quarry of J. B.

Rinehart, Frank Inscho was opening a can of blasting powder when it exploded. He was not killed outright, but his face and hands were terribly burned. Physicians pronounce his case critical. New Incorporation. Colcmbus, April 15.

The Cleve land Railway feupply company, Cleve land, capital stock the Cleve land Engineering company, Cleveland, capital stock $10,000 the Mahoning company, oaiem, capital stock: $10,000, Piano Healer Assign. Cleveland, April 15. Arthur D. Coe, one of the most extensive piano dealers in northern Ohio, has made an assign ment. The assets are estimated at about $78,000 and liabilities at $120,000.

A Coal Mina Kuspend. SaAWNEE, April 15. Pending set tlement of a claim for $25,000 in favor of the Franklin bank of Newark, the Card Upson Company's coal mine ueru nun BUKpeuueu operations. Fell Agalost a Saw. Salem.

April 15. S. J. Roller. one of the county infirmary directors, was killed at his son's sawmill.

He fell against tne saw una nis neaa was split Suicided by Drowning. Sandusky, April 15, Mrs. Wil liam H. Brehm, a widow, committed suicide by throwing herself into the bay trom one of the docks. Ha Made a Connection.

lOLEDO, April lit. While making a telephone wire connection Harry Stod dard struck a live electric wire and was instantly killed. Brother Cleveland Bounced. Watfrtown, N. April -The presbytery of the St.

Lawrence voted to dissolve the pastoral relation existing between Rev. William N. Cleveland of Chaumont, the brother of Presitk-nt Cleveland, and his church. Mr. Cleveland assented to the action of the com mittee, bnt entered a protest.

There lM" a is House Committee Favors a Res idence For the Governor. M0R0ANTHALEE LAW WILL STAND Only Two Members of tha Committee Favored the Bill Providing For the Repeal of the Tax Inquisitor Law No Action Taken on the Hill to Taz Drug gist Who Sell Whisky. Cou-MBUS, April 15. Tho house committee on taxation has decided to favorably report the bill providing for a governor mansion. Tho bill to repeal the Morgaiithuler tax inquisitor law is virtually dead, the committee having decided to reiiort it buck without recommendation.

No action was takeu on the bill liro- viding for a tax of on drug stores which sell whisky. i In the Senate. CoLrBr, April 16. Bills were Intro. dutxl in the nenati as follows: Mr.

dark, providing that cumulative sen tencng shall impost! upon parsonx repeated ly couvictttd of misdemeanors and erntonciHl to the Cleveland workhoune, the fact of previous conviction being stated in the complaint and order of commitment. Mr. Avery, placing the county ottleers of luvahoga county on a salary. run panned: Houe bill hy Mr. Ashford (substitute), to provide for the inspection of all privnto and public hospitals, reformatory hoilHee, house of detention, convent, private asylums, sec tarian seminaries, schools or institutions in the state of Ohio.

House bill by Mr. Ward To prevent the spread of yellows, black knot and other conta gious disease among fruit trees. Houhc joint resolution by Mr. Harris, to print copies of the report of the Torrens land transfer commission. House Joint resolution hy Mr.

Orlfllth, me morializing congress to pass the Hhermau bill to pension survivors of the Andrews raiders. House bill hy Mr. Laudis, providing for two examinations annually of graduate. of the oommon schools under the Boxwull law. Mr.

Clark, to provide for the registration of land titles in the state of Ohio, and to simplify and facilitate the transfer of real estate. Mr. Vogt. providing that the councils of vil lages, by three-fourth vote, may construct main or trunk line sewer. Mr.

Falloon, providing that fences or water gates across streams shall be regarded as par tition fence. House bill by Mr. Tissander, to permit the Incorporation of territory within a township. House bill bv Mr. McLAUKhun, to provide for the purformanoe of labor on street and nubile road.

House bill bv Mr. Landls, providing penal- tle for the removal or malicious injury of marker placed upon the grave of soldier or sailor. Mr. Palmer, providing a taz of 2ft cents per ton upon Lake Krie fishermen, and that no fishing can be done betweun Deo, 13 and March 15. 11 Wiley, prohibiting the transportation of hog infected with cholera.

Myer, amending tne election law ny providing that the township clerk shall care fur the booths. Mr. Lul. correcting the phraseology of the sheriff fee bill. Mr.

Schneider, providing that sheriffs shall receive the same pay for boarding insane per eons as for other prisoner. Mr. Ward, providing that all publio clocks shall be ruu by central atandard tune. In tho House. Coi.tTMHtts, April 16.

llesolutlon were offered a follows By Harris, providing for publishing 2,000 ooples of the iorreus land eomnilHslon. Adopted, by Orimth, memorializing congress to pen- ion the Andrew raulei-x. Adopted, By Moore, Instructing the judiciary commit tee to report a bill to abolish capital punlsh- m-nL Ijst. By Hutcheaou, authorizing the pnyment of claims out of the house contingent fund. Adopted.

Hy Boli.providingfor the state to purchase for tio.oou the patent right for Ohio of the Wat- Hon-Kobbin schoolroom equipment. Went over. The house agreed to the senate amendments to the appropriation bill fur vv. Hills passed: Henatc bill by Whittlcaay, providing that all fine and forfeiture in pare food law case shall be certified into the state treasury Heuate bill by Plenmor, providing that the report of county commissioners shall be pub lished in one Herman newspaper if there be one nubllshed in tiie oounty. lly Aker, providing mat nuke snops snail ne inspected by the inspector of workshop nd factories.

Bv Beattr. providing that municipalities can contract for electric lighting for a period not exceeding 10 years. Mr. Much, correcting a typographical error in section 87(7. Mr.

Boatty, providing that township trus tee shall erect signboard at cross roads. Mr. Broreln, authorizing villages of the first class to improve streets and sidewalks. Will Make Things Lively. CiiicaOO, April 15.

The interstate commerce commission is preparing to make things warm for the roads running east out of Chicago. It has, dur ing the last 10 days, issued 40 subpenas for simmers uua men connected wun the freight departments oi tue eastern roads. They are to appear before the federal grand jury. Resolutions Regret. New York, April 15.

The New York Press club at a special meeting adopted resolutions of regret at the death of John A. Cockenll. Ihe reso- lntiong that WM a trne friend warm-hearted companion, a generous employer, a puunc-spiniea. citizen, an enthusiastic patriot and a brave soldier. Mile Visit Vamagata.

New York, April 15. General Nel son A. Miles visited Marquis Yamagata last evening. The niarquis is suffering from a mild attack of influenza, which mav interfere with the plans or his en tertainment in this city. It is his in tention to visit West Point, if possible, before sailing for Havre on Saturday.

Why He la Missing. Cincinnati, April 15. Attorney Ed Hunti receiver the Cincinati Rubber company, is mysteriously missing, and short in his accounts about $6,000. Pepper Whisky Is a Loser. Lexington, April 15.

James E. Pftntwr thn well known distiller, haa assigned. Assets about $300,000 liubil- i A General Uprising Is Threat ened In the Transvaal. BUEGHEES GEEATLT ALARMED, Hniim.v Not Secore a Wa supposed Supplies May Be Cut Off by the Matabele Ammunition is nd Thl Will Probably Arrive Toe Ia' or CiFE Town, April 15. News has huii received here that the natives re prepiiniig to rise aiong me j.raiw--..i lmnler.

A rising in northern Transvaal itself is also said to be immi There is something or a panic manifest among he burghers, who have sppealed foruruis with which to protect themselves. The threatened spread of the disturb ance aloug the Transvaal border makes the situation ut Buluwuyo ana in jna- tabele much more serious. J. he authon have felt that Bnluwayo was rea sonably safe if the food supply should hold out, but the danger has been thut the JIatabele would stop the wagon roads through the Matoppo hills and to the south ana inus prevent supplies from Renin tlirough from Mafekiug. It is believed that the white settlers mattered through Matubeleland are in places of safety' by this time in Bulnwayo or Uwelo and the missionaries do not feel tliat iney run any ris.

lrum ine natives, to whom they are known, though there might be danger from stnuiije wandering bands. Only a part of the 600 reinforcements deeRued for Bulnwayo have been dispatched from Mafeking, the nearest mint available for that purpose. It taken four weeks' hard traveling by ox wapms to reach Bulnwayo from there and it is sail tuat tne journey can not be done in that time except with very light loads. Transportation of supplies of ammu union, which are needed at this time in Matabeleland, must therefore be slow and the uew developments in the situ ation threaten to cut off or at least to interrupt communication between Bn- lnwayo and the only source to which it can look for a renewal of its supplies. It has been discovered that some of the Matabeles who are employed as servants at rsuluwayo have been acting as spies and convoying information of the movements of expeditions to their mends in outlying districts.

Clue of these traitorous natives was shot TueS' day. AMENDED BILL SATISFACTORY. Archbishop Laugevin Asks the Houte of Commons to Pan. Ottawa, April 15 The house of commons will sit right through to Thursday at least and probably until Saturday night. But even then it will not reach the end of the remedial bill, Sir MacKenzie Bowell has received the following telegram from Montreal In the Dame of Che Catholic minority which represent etnclally, I attic the house of ooni' mum to pass the whole remedial act as it is now tmended.

It will be satisfactory to said uunoiio minority, who will accept It as a final wiilewent or the whole school Question. Archbishop Lahoivis. Three Children Burned. Huxtinoton, W. April 15.

Last evening three vonnir children of Kheri. dan Moore were burned in a barn near their home 40 miles south of hem They went to the barn to play, and half an hour later the barn was wranned in flames and all entrance cut off. the mother was the only one near and assistance was impossible. It is supposed Vn.n nl III. 1 yiaymff wun maicnes.

Will (all ft Hon. Ilelav- Iwdon, April 15. Patrick O'Brien lias called the attention of the postmas ter to the delay and inconvenience wn are likely to be caused by the icgiuttuun 01 me wasningtou post' OltCe thill, nil nowcvtnrwiw, U11 1 4 npmnn BUIUl warded to Great Britain in American un umess specified otherwise. ilartuouT rramllL SEDAUA. Anril IS Tha Tlamn.

watic convention was called to order at aoon. ihe utmost harmony prevails. A Dlatflirm fuirnnm. V.n touted coiuago of silver at 16 to 1 will De lllnifui unanimously aaoptea. judge James Gibson is pushing his candidacy Litigation la Expensive.

TOLEniv ItwJI is "tes Marshal, Ford of Toledo was in "wiing Green levying on the property Moncing to the Ron- hoi iva jwuty to satisfy a judgment for $17,000 LUe jamous ease of tne liarr p' against the Price Hill estate in unemuati. American I i Uxcixxati, April 15. The American "way association wiU meet at the "wnet House today. Committees were we all yesterday preparing reports. U(y dub last night.

Remit of Elections. April 1S The elections are Wed to result in the return of 309 NPPorters of the government, 10 Dissi-J Conservatives, 98 Liberals. 10 Carl- ffite 3 RePubUcttns' The "Vets" Promoted. Wa ASIt.N(jTO,. mv ee oa military affairs authoring report upon a bill giv-tt" surKeons tho rank and 01 tecondlientenants of cavalry.

sai-1ig the Couipromiaa. CITaT- AprU ,5 Governor We em Arkaila8 appeared before the ttaderaCllttee on Publio lands the bill be-clhin hTv compromise of the Is to Succeed Him. A VEEY DUFICUIT CONSULATE. Former Spanish Subjects Who Are Now Citizens of the lulled States Have Claims Against the Country of Their Nativity In Which Many Complex Con- dltlona Are Found. Havana, April 15.

The United Statos consul general, Mr. Ramon I). Williams, said' regarding the appointment of his successor, that he was well satisfied to be released. "I feel proud," he added, "that General Fitzhugh Lee is to be my successor. 1 know him and esteem his high qualities, This consulate is one of the hardest to munage iu the service on account of the fact that the greatest part of the claims to be pushed are those of former tpuu-ish subjects who have become naturalized Americans.

"Add to this the fact of tho resold tions of congress pending for decision ticiore tne government at maitna and the resulting strain iu diplomatic relations, and we have a stute of affairs that does not occur in the case of other nations." WILL NEVER BE FOUND. Pearl Bryan's Head Was Thrown Into the Ohio Hirer. Cincinnati, April 15. At Newport, the attorneys for the commonwealth made an official announcement that they would prove that Jackson and Walling were together on the Covington suspension bridge soon after the murder of Pearl Bryan, and that they were seen throwing the head of the murdered girl into the Ohio. They state that this information is given out because of the continued demands from interested parties to know whether the prosecution has any evidence as to the disposition of Pearl Bryan's head.

The attorneys will not let anyone know who are the witnesses in this connecting link until the trial begins next Tuosduy. Steel Company Embarraeaed. Hammond, April 15. In the superior court Ed P. Ames was appointed receiver for the East Chicago Iron and Steel company of East Chicago.

The appointment was made on an application filed by attorneys who repre sent a number of labor creditors. The total amount of liabilities are unknown, but it is said that besides labor claims outstanding, amounting to $15,000, there are severs 1 other creditors. The plant is valued at $200,000. Amendments Favorably Recommended. Washington, April 15.

The senate commmittee on publio buildings and grounds has authorized favorable reports on amendments to the sundry civil bill increasing the limit of cost for publio buildings at Cheyenne, from $150,000 to Boise City, from $150,000 to $200,000 Helena, from $150,000 to $100,000. An appropriation of $100,000 was inudo available iu each case. To Wind Up Business. Boston, April 15. Proceedings for the winding up of the Standard Fire Insurance company were begun before Judge Allen in the supreme court on tho petition of the insurance commi-sioner for the appointment of a receiver.

It was stated to the court that the fire reserve of the company had become involved, and although he company was not insolvent it might become so if it continued in business. Tillman I on Hand. Dexver, April 15 Senator Tillman of South Carolina arrived in Denver and was met at the train by leading Democrats and escorted to the Brown Palace hotel, where he met the commit tee of reception as a body. At night a public reception was teuuorea the cub languished visitor at the hotel. He will address the state Democratic couven tion.

Import of Merchandise. Washington, April 15. The bureau of statistics, iu its monthly statement, shows that the imports of merchandise during March amounted to $06,883,988, of which abont $81,000,000 was free of duty. The loss for the mouth, as com pared with March, 1S05, was about $3,000,000. There was, however, a gain for the nine months of about 2,000,000.

Firebug Arrested. New York, April 15. As the result of investigations at the instance of sev eral insurance companies, Mrs. Mar-garette C. Lotruc, Louis Myers, her son, and Thomas McLaughlin, have boon ar retted at Youkers, charged with having started the tire which destroyed 4 buildings iu that city on April 0, entailing a loss of about $100,000.

Left For Washington. Atlanta, April 15. Secretary of the Interior Hoke Smith and ex-Speaker Charles F. Crisp left on the Southern vcstibuled train for Washington, their joint debating tour having been cut short by Crisp's announcement that his physicians had warned him against further speaking because of threatening heart failure. aiuraer ac UTaaiaaa's x-onr.

Willi amstown, April 15. The fifteenth murder ut what is called Headman's Bow, occurred Tuesday afternoon when Frank Musselmau, a farmer, was shot three times and mortally wounded by Robert Tully. Tully escaped, but was captured. For Protection and Bradley. Winchester, April 15.

The Republican convention of the Tenth congressional district elected delegates to the national convention at St. Louis. Resolutions were adopted against free silver, for protection and for Bradley. APPEARS TO BE A FAKE. The Holmes Confession Was Readable but Not llellnlile.

Hamilton, April 15. In the list if Holmes' victims prepared by him-silt appears tho mime of Mrs. Haver-cant ut Hamilton. No person of that name is living hero or ever known to have lived here. There is no such name nor anything like it iu tho directory.

Tho police suy they never heard of such person and don believe sho ever lived here. No Oa on the 1'remlsea. Toronto, April 15. Holmes In his confession says that he asphyxiated the Pietzel children in the house ou St. Vincent street in this city by turning gas through a tlexiblo tube uito tho trunk.

An inspection of tho house shows that (here is no gas on the prem ises. FIFTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. In the Heuate Washington, April 15. It was made appar ent, after a livtily colloquy in the senate, that-there was un disposition among the silver and Populist senator to allow the resolution for senate inquiry into recent lmnd issues to lapse. Hy unanimons consent it hnd boon not for 1:16, but at that time Mr- Chandler was proceeding with a speech on tho Dupont, Mr.

(tray wa waiting to follow and Mr. Culloin had uu appropriation iu reserve. This precipitattst a clash, In which PefTer, reinforced by Mr. Woleott of Colorado and Mr. ftcwnrt of Nevada asserted with em phasis that the bond resolution oould not be crowded out, either by dusigu or iuadvor fence.

An agreement wa tiunlly reached that the bond resolution would come up im mediately after Mr. ('handler and Mr. Uray concluded their speeches. Mr. Souiru Wash.) made an elaborate presentation of the pressing need of coast defenses, pointing out the defenseless condition of our great sea coast harbors.

A Nurse (liven a ltoyal Funeral. Athens, April 15. A nurse who had been one of the palace attendants since the birth of the crown prince in 1H1B died and the king and the princes at tended the funeral. They were deeply ail'ected. Tho king, tho crown prince unit Princes Ueorge aim Nicholas car ried the coilln and the hearse was fol- lowed on foot to the cemetery by the lutuc ana gumiomon oi the conn.

Murdered ills Family, CmCAoo, April 15. Whilo brooding over the idea that his family would suf fer from want John Lehman shot and killed his three children. After com mitting the terrible deed Lehman attempted to end his own life by hang ing, but falling in this he turned the re volver upon himself and sent a bullet tlirough his heart, killing himself in stautly. Very Destructive Flra. Pkoiiia, April 15.

Spontaneous combustion among the oils in the base ment of the Walton Brothers' brick block ut Fairbury cuused a $20,000 tire there. The lire spread rapidly and nothing wus saved, as tho occupants of the building hail to flee lor safety. The insurance will not amount to $100, 000. 1 iu t'lose. Indianapolis, April At a meet ing of the Pittsburg Wiinlowghiss asso ciation and tho Western Wimlowglusg ai-sociation held in this city it was de cided, owing to the glut in the glass market, to close down overy window- glass factory in the United Status ou May 21).

Cult Hula -eft Optional. Mkkckh, April 15. The Demo cratic county convention hero indorsed W. (.. Barker for national delegate.

Resolutions were adopted indorsing Put tisun for president and leaving the unit rule optional Not All of One Mind. IriiiPEiilN'j, April 15. The, miners meeting adjourned last evoniug until today without having taken action ou the eight hour question. Radical differences of opinion ou the, subject arc apparent ilaiig.d by a jlub. Abkhdbun, April 15.

John Jones, colored. III, who committed a criminal assault on a white girl last Sunday morning near Mormon sririiiKs. was hanged by a mob early Monday morning. Jouna confessed hi crime, Van to a Funeral, Wamiinoton, April 15. Vice Presi dent Stevenson left the city for Leroy to attend the funeral of Dr.

Join: McKenzie. a kinsman, who died Mon- (jay uiirht and is to be boned Thursday htandlng by Psttlson. Wehtchehtek, April 15. At the Democratic convention J. F.

Hit use of this place was elected national delegate. Ex-(jovrnor Pattisou wa il-dorsed for the presidency. jjleu In tne i-enicentiary. Columbus, April Jo. George Blackburn, 78, notorious burglar and robber, died in the penitentiary this morning.

Ho was stirring his sixth term. i- Willing to Accommodate 'Aw," said the tturist, "can yon put me iu a box, me good man?" "Sure Mike!" the treas urer of the Skeleton Gulch Opera House. 'Would the gent like a nice titsfc'm made mahogany caBket or jist plain piutr Cincinnati enquirer. A CHANGE OF SIGNALS. Bhatl tha Green Ha Placed Above tha Red on American Katlroadaf There is considerable discussion aiuoiift railroad men just now over a propost change in the signals generally in uso ou American railroads for the guidance of engineers.

At a recent meeting of engineers in Chicago it was determined to agitato for a change from the existing rules. Where a red light is displayed ou the line of an American railroad it means that there is danger ahead, and under tho regulations of most roads an engineer gutting this signal stops the train until either it is removed or another signal is displayed, or until the signal is given by tho train dispatcher to proceed. The green signal means caution, Tho white signal means all clear ahead. The objection to the use of white lights is double one first, that they are too common, and, second, that they are untrustworthy, for, as railroad men point out, if a rod lantern is broken tho light shown becomes a white one, and thus tho safety of tho train uud the passengers upon it may bo imperiled by the bxeukiug of a piece of glass. As railroad signals are not always distinguishable from ordinary lights, American engineers have come generally to disregard tho white signals entirely, aud to look out merely for a red signal, the absence of which they take to be proof of security.

Those who are agitating for a change desire to see introduced here the English system, which differs from the American in this, thut the English use an amber light for caution and a green light for "all clear." Tho proposition is to use a green light on American railroads to indicate that all is well, while a red signal light will continue to be a murk of danger. It is estimated that a complete change of tho signal service on American railroads would cost $1,000,000, and most of the railroad corporations, now cur tailing expenses, do not give very hearty approval to the engineers' plan at this time. New York Sun. OMALL BITS Or NtWSS. Flashe From tha Wire From All Quartan of tha Globe.

Joseph Zlarttfll was electrocuted at Danne- more for murder. The sultan of Turkey bag revoked the trade againt miaHlonane. lnuranoe inspector Uray of Pittaburg nay Holme' tory ia a myth. Kx- Mayor W. W.

Ollbretth of Hpartanburg, 8. auiclded by hootlug. Hpanlsh official declare they will fight tha United Htatea rather than lose Cuba. Nearly 1.6U0 Italian pauper have arrived at New York aud a many more are uonilng. The special board of Inspector found tha battleship Indiana to be perfect In every respect.

An Italian attempted to aasault Mr Martha Burt at Newcastle, when she shut and killed him. A train on the Quern and Crescent route plunged through a trestle at Vossburg. La aud several passengers were killed. Forcetf so ins Wail. PrrrflHURo, April 15.

The E. M. Me- Gillin Company, whose general store was closed by the sheriff, mudo a volun tary assignment. The assets are placed at $76,000 and the assets at Weahther indications. For Ohio Generally fair and wanner; frash and brisk southerly wind.

For West Virginia Fair i warmer; southerly wind. For Indiana Fair and warmer; southerly winds. WIAHHtr HtPUKIS. Grain and Stock Quotations For April 14. New York.

Reef Familv. 110 0OUI2 (XI: extra me. 7 00 fttsou; packed. III Hum, 11 Un. Cut meat e-leklrd bellies.

lilcltlud Mh'-lllders. se; pickled hams, WJtyki. Lard Western steam. If, ift. Pork Old mess, 0W(W fulie lly, 110 UUalO 74: short clear, 110 UU11 uu.

nutter western dairy, cream ery, do faotory, flctlJe: higins, Imitation creamery, JduWjHo. Htatu largo, small, part sknus, full skims, IWyi. fctat and Pennsylvania. we turn froh. (ffllUc wnent 7io.

tjorn bug. itve tvisiac. Oate-iiiXjcaJio. Chloago. Cattle Fair to bent beeves.

13 SO'iU iil- Stocker and feeders, to VMA 75; mixed cows and bulls, il tkxw 75; Texan, fi tkM Vo; western, ti 1IM1 fu. Hogs HHMIH: rougft pack nl anu snipping, wi auoja uu; mixea ana nu tetters sn n-vasf ni heavy packing and shinmnif. 11) 6it Ml: pigs, li WilA t.Y rlhecp Natives. U4 70: western. 13 til; Texans, II Lambs 1 UUa4 HA.

Wheat tU-itc Com OaLs Bye Pittsburg. Cattle Prime. 14 ZVdl :15: fair to irrvMl "in WW. WU.ln, .1.11 NN HIIFI. II 76liS US.

SM lUy.t.A Hogs Heavy, IB MX94 00; medium, 4 10 a 15: pigs. 14 UT4 lu. 8heeo and lamb Choice sheen. 19 CO OM 50; oommon, ss 404 60; choice lambs, IS 4U- uu; export. I.

Mi. Buffalo. Cattle Market dull and lower. Hogs Yorkers, 14 WaA IU: rouirh. common to g'sxi, 12 7.V1 aO: medium, and heavies, 14 uVl.4 06; pigs, 14 16T44 Ml.

Hheepand lamb Kxtra. 13 KtfM 66: good prime. IU 40; common, 12 OoaJ IU; cnoioe iamb, jo. eal calve, to tu0 4U, Clnelnnatl. Wheat No.

9 red. 74o. Corn No 9 mixed. Blue Uate No. i mixed, STJi-io.

Bye No 2, Lard 14 85. Bulk meats 14 7J. Baoon-16 lings 13 S6. Cattle-12 TV4 26. Sheep i 75(34 Oil.

Lamb IK uu Toledo. 7H'n Una. Oat No. i white tic Hya lisa. UUvr- 7 Of IJHUWHWI.

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