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The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa • 1

Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


THIRTEENTH YE1R. nwsunAPicc. HlufWEiaTiTit INSURANCE HO. A3 1IIIAUT TIir-IZT. Itatuil BfneQt Lffe In.

Aeeeto, tl9.aott,0V0.OO. Coaiiaralal Tiro Ion. Aaaeis, lasoraDce Co. 8riSi imfrlri, Loriilard Fn Ins. (oaiij.

Setarlij Hre lenpnj, tilerpriie lire ini. touraa. Sorth American ire lot. Cvcp'r, Aooeto. tTSB Sro oo.

Ctmuerce lire lotaraDce Ce Aoeta, aso.ffOo OO. AMEBIOANTONTITv LIFK AM) S.UIX(iS INSULAME fit i asv, OF NEW YOltK. OCTOBER 9, 1868. EXTRACTS, Ac. asrcraCTSBsas er ruia A Stit 011' omadea.

Oolognee, Konges. aad evei' TOILET PERFUMERIES. uperlor inTortMc ExtTacu, Box and Utjmld Blm- KXOI'S COCO AN UT OIL Oaoof the Ptaest Hair Dreaaiaes ta th. I Aieo, oeaiere ia ana ota Fancy Toilet Boxes and Toilet Wholesale llralere npplled at lowest Jebblag I'rlceaa Perry Street, bet. Third A Fourth.

OATBSPORT REAL ESTATE. Residence Tor Male. IOPFKR FOR SALS MT RK8IDEKCEJON PERRY Sireet, a.r 14th The hoase contaias 11 rooms in good repair. Po.aes.ion siren at onoe. uct.

16. jAMkS T. LAKB. HOUSE FOR SALE. TBK OFFERS FOBSALI his residence oa Thirteenth, between Maia anauraaysts.

ag-atl) ALMBT eikKtiL. RESIDENCE FOR SALE By (he Subscriber. OON THK NORTH EAST CORNER OF tth aad Iowa streets. ODDosite the Burtis Honee. House haa 8 rooms, besides kitahen aad I cellar, water cistern and atabi.

Lot beaa-ttruliy ornamented with Ira it trees shtubbery and Bower. Boum aad ahrubbery are la a splendid wuuiuou. i wma eue-naii caan, oaiaace in years. aeSO-dom JOBM R. BOTLB, lVortheast corner of 0th and Iowa streets.

C1TI A SUBURBAN PROPERTY rpHB RBAL BSTATSJ OF TBTl LATK JTTDOB Mlteti.ll'. heir la now offer! far eomrl- mg vaiuabi bnsinese aud reideuce lot In thity proper. ISO lot In Mitchell' Sd. td and th addi tion. Beentlfsl traeu of a few acree oa the side or the Bluffs, with unsurpassed river view.

Tea acre eat lots Bear the cltv For Bricea. terse. appiy 9 KObB A. MITOBSLL. AdmlBistratrlx, Or JOHN L.

COFFIN, Kul Batata Agent. CHAIR BEDSTEAD FACTORY For Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE his Chair and Bedstead Factory and the good will of hia business. The Factory ia of I briok, three etori. high, forty-five (461 bv sev enty (70) feet on the ground, with boiler aad sngene room attached, and is located oa the earner of Third and Fernam atraau.

ia th eitv ef Davenport. Two lots of ground one hundred and twenty-eight (128) by one hundred aad fifty ee; lees, win no seia wita too iraetory. Tne ngine. Boiler and Machinery are all la good 'der. The basinsss Am nrofitable and well es tablished.

ALMET BaEEL. JOHN L. COFFIN, BiB I AI Iii AU Jul I I Davenport, Iowa. Has for sal. 161.000 seres choice Farmlsr Lauds ia lews, is 48 counties, selected I from 1ft to II at no.

Ktim.I1i...1i I from 10 to it years sinoe, by spsslal agents, and mostly ownea ey tne pstsntses. 11,000 sores ia Illinois. Wisconsin aad Mian sot a. Unimproved Lots ia Davenport, LeCiaire r-nacetoo. Waleott.

Unrant. Atalissa. ilowney Iowa City and Dss Moinas. Twsnty dwolliag ooaaeaaaa atree in uavenpow "evsati GROCERIES. Ij.

13. PAINE, Dealer in CHOICE TEAS, GROCERIES And Provisions, Corner ef Brady A Fifth Streets. Highest Prices always paid for Country Prodaca. All goode warranted as represented, sad dsllvsrsd Is sny pert of the city free of charge. H.

A. REGNIER, Dealer is Choice Family GEOOEETE8, Teas, DriedTVuit, wooden and Hollow "Wares, Cordage, Twine, Whips, Powder, Lead, Shot, Oape, Ac, is BRADY 8T DAVENPORT, Oldest Grocery House in Dsrenport. VAN TATTEN MARKS, Wholesale aad Retail ia CHOICE GROCERIES NaiU, Paints, Oils, tsy-Call and ass Goods snd learn the prices. BRADY ST DAVENPORT. JOSHUA tBURR.

DEALER IK GROCERIES 51 Bradv WHIRS HE WILL BE PLEASED TO MEET his old friesds aad all who want Choice Family Grroceries. At the Msrkst rates. Goods delirsrsdla the city wiiboot cbsrge. HAVENS A CLARK, DEALERS IN VEGETABLES, FRUITS, GAME, POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, And Provisions G-enerallv 98 Brady Btreet, DAVENPORT IOWA. DAVENPORT A Grocery Market.

It is no netc8 to those well im formed in the trade, that Davenport now ottering material advantages to buyers over Eastern Cities, BEIDERBECKE EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE GKRO OEES AND TEA DEAL EE Are Prepared to offer purchasers Low Prices and Liberal Terms. COAL. COALS COAL I Peru, Cleveland, Bloss-burg and Anthracite Coal, T7IOK BALE AT THE PERU COAL TARD, Cos nf mrth and Barriaon Street, bv der23-dlv 4. m. 1.1WB.IT STOVES.

Prepare for Cold Weather. DAVENPORT STOVE STORE JAMES DON, -pvrow OFFERS A LARGS AID WELL Xl selected stock of STO VIES Sc. House-keeping, Gooda at Low Prices. All kind of Job Work done to order with nest- nee and dispatch. Stove repairs always on nana.

No. 3. East ft'rent atreet, aep2 dBm Dsvenport, lows. JAS. H.

DUIYIONT, COPPERSMITH AND Ileary sjhee Iren VTerlter ABB BBALBB DT STOVES. House Furnishing (Seeds, EUREKA, GOOD SAMARITAN, MOK1TOR, AND BRILLIAH1 8lf feeding Btoves. Decidedly the meet popa- tar Steves use. treoia-aiy 15 Main St. Oavenport.

JliZS. Jfl.Jj. CVRB, AFFERS GREAT BARGAINS IS MILLIKEHT OOOUS for twenrv dava. Hats and Boocetseold st reduced ratee. Also Swing snd making done a tae latest etjie.

fj Brsvar t-. Dbtcbbsh as TERMS SO.OO JEWELRY. GOLD SILVER WARE ANDREWStllARRAU Jobbers and ataauractarera'Ateataln GOLD 1XD SILVER WATCHES, Gold aTowclrv, And everv ettle aad of Mkeel Gold sad Uold Plated, J.t, ltMd and C.ral Ujou. ativeraad "illver llateI Ware Knives. Child Set.

Nsrkla nines, fans, Ujh'eta, Myrup Cups, oui Ladle, Sjroin Bolder. Card Hitler T. aad Ooilee Pol. Ptrki Csure, Cvlerv o.rry castor, ice riuh.r.

Vase. Urns, Wsll.r., Tea Ac, All gooj. oi in. heat BMnnfactare and Direct lrom tho Whole.ale and Retell, heretofore ankaowa la ike Wrat. forth.

ell ee the trede, le lavlted to our larg. auortasat at IraIy Htreet. eepe-dly DAVKNPQKT. IOWA. Baldwin Rlarston, WhoUssJ ad Btil BBALBSJ IB WATCHES, CLOCKS, iiiiPstMiiiann Jewelry, Speetaeles, COIN SILVER PLATED WARE, Oaera a aid Field sBlaeeee, Ueld "bs, e.

tM" Watcbss sad Jewelry repaired, sad Iaare- viag aeatly eiecated. MOORE'S BLOCK Betweea Brady aad Parry Str.sts, DATENPORT IOWA CLOTHING. HOLESALE HOUSE. 30 WE8T MECONDj DAVENPORT. R01SI.KT KKAi OQersto ths Trads a fresh Fall Stest of CLOTHING, CASSIMEKES, Cloths, Tweeds, Cottonades, Jeans Linens, Flannels, FUIt.VlSItl.VG GOODS, AKD TAILORS TRIMMINGS.

SOI.i: AtiK.1T DAVENPORT WOOLEN MILLS. MERCHANT; TAILORING 'tnd Ittnoratlng. JOHN C. MA HULK, AT NO. EAST THIRD BTREltT-TWO DOORS front th Davenport Watloaal bank, asteada proaaptiy io REPAIRING AND RIN0 TA TINO eats' clothing of all kinds catting for otk re te Bake; Second hand Clothing boBght and sold aad MERCaXaYIJT TAILOBLIQ generally.

Having a good stock of goods oa kaad, he eel lata orders in maaBiactartni to order. Batle- tactloa anaraatcad ta aver nartiralar. OIoUim elcoBod aad reaovated oa abort notice. taaTdtl TOBACCO CIGARS. XII CELEBRATED LONE JACK AND BROWN DICK Smoking Tobacco, JOHN W.

CARROLL. Msnnfsctnrer, Lynchburg, Va. Por sale bv tbe trade generally. The hrnd hsv been eopyrlghud. B.

gAOKSB. vnBBOBB. JACKER WINECKE, susreraevsaaas a Bsauas ds sevars: tobaccos: Pipes, Sec, SdlBBAUT tTBEET, Betwced Second and Third Btreet. PaTanport. Wholesale Hoas.

DAVOrORT.TOBACCO WORKS. Maanfactare Cigars aad Deal ia Leaf, Plug and Fine Cut fcTOBACCOS. The Trad supplied with snd "Ar MBaU" and other favorite brands. F. H.

ERAIHARD 00., front Bet. Perry A Iowa, Davenport, (Established NICHOLAS KUHNEN, slanafactarer of Cigars and dealer ia Leaf, Plug and Fino Cut TOBACCOS, PIPES ARTICLES. Keeps ob band the largest Stock aad Tsrtety of above goods of any boose it the state. Te baeeonisls and all dealers ia above goods are ia viied to examine n.y Sosk and Priess, and tbe fuaUtaof any gooa before purcbaio elsewhere Cor. Maia and 2d Btreets, DiTEirPOBT, a Official Paper of the City.

LOCAL ITE.V.8. Tot-oo tsousni roar honlred nd thir-t-eva aeres or lead in Guthrie, and Addair counties, and nearly ve-y county, in the State. Lots aid hooHi in tawa, cheap for cash. Iuiimi u9 aaa t.enraneo Xo. 40.

Brad 5 "1. ovrr-imov Wini" ia irtrtils ear. for Liaws, ud i uim ef the Sidney's. For by all Druggieta. OiUi from Arm-) the Blest, freights! with.

of oriental epic dowers, are no so entrancing as ta. perfume of "Baton's "FLOR HE 31 A TO. the new perforce for the handker chief. Sold by ail druggist. "XHHTooLiti to Ms." After nearly rasing oar hair It the of of lsrl end (raise, ef "oils," app'y Barrett.

V.get.ble Hair Restorative." which not onSf renews but resiors ta Its erigiaal softness vol luslr 1. Terrs Hints Express. Hiaieche Mix and half cf Roane's Mag lc Oil eol water, and a.turate the head with the mixture, then put a few drepe of the Oil el.r en and where the pain ia severest. swallow 3 or drops of the Oil, il nick the ftiiKii then finl Tonr pain if too Fob Coazhi aad Colli, Lang Difciultiss, fain in the Hide, aad Kiduev troubles, the Warm Pisa Coerjruo it unrivalled. It ia to the taste, ail at all tine perfectly safe.

Ceoice Iowa Catawba Wine, at 17.00 per dox-en bottle alsi a fall stock of other n.tiT. ad foreign wines at the wine boas of L.xuriLr, Tn3sa A BIWeetSscond Street. San Bern or Uutraa. Ia another elan, ef SPlRj STANDARD WISE BITTERS. It ia highly recommended by physicians for dyspeptics, on account cf it tome proprieties, its parity and it deliHone Harare J.n-ssS.

Kiaa A fine staple and f.usy Toilet Soap, comprising German Mettled, Olive Htar. Improved Chemical, Palm, A. Sold by all grocers and fancy good dealers, Hotxewar The hot months break down many ereteate that have been comparatively vigor, oa. daring the Viator aad Spring. Stlmaianta, mo otten resorted to, re-art aad increase the evil.

Keg-mat. the dialerd functions of the stomach aad lover, and partfy the animal ftaida with ltUs. and strength, station, energy, wlil oooa re tara. They restore the appetite, invigorate the di gestion, and are an abeolnte pecUlclbrlaitnde and debility. Sold by all DrnyrUte.

Jvvrra 1 Soap. I. a certa la ear for chapped hands and all rooghneee or irritation of the ekln. castas, ringworm, salt rheam, plmplee, and all olh er cattneoas eSjetioa. making the skin soft and smooth.

Maaafictared by Cuweli, Haaard KewTork. Bold by all drajxlats. ta-friAeow Oo wars Bate. Qo to too Bryant Btraltoa owa State Bxtnee Cotleire to get a thorough prac Itsal boalneee education. For circular.

A paper, ad-4rse, stamp) "The Bryant btraltoa Commercial 0 Dan port. loa. Kroan' Hair Dye, N.taral, Durable. Batlfcl Ct and Cheapt ta te World. Doll by all Drog.

gitsndCoantry Slorip.r. JOH J. UttOMKU, Sol Choetaat 81., TUT GILT EDGE Fine Cat Caewin? Tobacco- The beat Tobacco ia America. AMERICAN WALTHJM WATCHES! The I3rt: The Cheapest! Keeommvndei by Eailroad Zciaeer and the meet exwting cIbm of watch a eiperior ta all other for eteadlnes. ar-araey and darabihty.

To avoid Imposition parchmre should Invariably d.mand a certiScate ol genalaaneee. OtXISTILLS AND CTIOA CEMENT, R. M. FRXTTTKAM. For by 8a.e Kse, RlarLbf rrifs iupberrlr very large quantity, can be fornihd at lew, by the hnadredor thatcd AdireM fpIS-tiJtwtl PAKSONSt Floshiog, N.T Ilejal Havana Lotterj ef Cuba.

Cor.dactd by the Spaalth Uoverament. ia Uiiu cr.wn a.y. Pri-ciki aad information fnrniahed. Tb. hlch.t eric paid for Ooubiaoc.

and kind, of Uold an l-''- 1 A I LOU f.Mt-dly B.nk.ra.lS Wui N.w York, W.F.EOSS. laderwrlier aista Adjastcr, METROPOLITAN BCILDISO. Je. II, Last Second Street. DATES PORT IOWA.

LoeM a.ja.ted: CUims for Lose Prepared: Policiae Wrut.a Application (or Ioiar-ance augliMlly Git APE VINES. Th. nbscrl bre offer their wel etock Crape Tlnee al very low ratee. Ire. SedBug.

Coacord, Delaware aad lor.a, can be lurniehed in Very large qaantitiee. Addrea PARSONS A K.T AGENTS WANTED TO TRAYIX And eell an artir! needed bv vvary bnsineu man in th. country. Agent can alix. a net pruftt of from 10 to fit) par day, cub In band.

Only a few dollar, necessary to trt the bo.i.e. AddreM with etamp. VVslSTSRN PUBLICATION Ceraer Sd and Perrv atreeta, Iavenprt.low. ST. ANCELA'S JiCADEMT, HI.

TT-ITH TBI BriLD3 AMPLT ENLARGED gronnd extensive and highly improved, aad thoroagn yMm of teaching, th abov iastituuen, thia yar. reaew it claim on public patronage. The cUcipllne Is id bat eSecliv, ant terma rea eoaable, vt. giM per aanam. For ail parucular addraaa Mother aayrler, a above, 3Iar1iars al.

031 SATTTROAT. TBX lOxa DAT OFOCTOBIB, lt. at IS 'clock A. I will tell oee Mare Colt, abont years old one b.v Colt aboot yeara eld. TSe above Colu we're taken ap by me la the etreeta, ia the City ef Davenport, oa the let day of October, JOHN KACTKANK.

wcte-dtnooAfrt city atarehal. rU(EI BILLIARD HALL! Cer. Sd atnd Hairrlsem BU Charles Hotel.) DAVsWPOHT. IOWA. Ceataialnc 4 or the bevt Bcbalenbarg Table.

All kUd Wmee and Liqaon, aad ktiLWirSEI LAOKR en ASTACKANT open Ml 1 o'clock every nght. Oyetere. Loaetera. c. Ac Ml' SIC IN AT-TBNDAJSCB mrj tVKNLNvi.

SXLaVKN A CO. J. S. SMITH, aa TXafas 11.. 3d deer teIeTr tbr I'Irat National Bamk, GIVB PARTI CVLAR ATTSNTIOS TO TH Sal of kind, of Personal Propetty aad K.A., Bouhold Furniture, i 1 new and old advance Honey on largi ior we ax aaccon. Will g-ve partica'ar attentma to the sale Hnr.M. "r-. oa SATrhDAS of each week.

Uber. aprtMtf A. L.yORTOy.Ayat. GENEVA NURSERY. 300 ACRES Ia DItrratt 8tats.

ot Urowtht rKTJIT A ORSAUKXTAL TnSK3, SsetaiirxK Stoolc, GrpT1 Standard and Dwarf APPLE; i.ada and rw.f PEAR: Btaadard and Darf CHKttRI rpleiwSi XaH.y RSehmond. PLCw i treee: APtliCOrS. NSCTTAR1NK9. i.e stock of Miaeoeri Mammoth. Wnil Itrlr.

Kitutinav aad other BMALL FRriT Bead Magp tor Trad Li. v. W.AT.SklTH, aeplXAw XCAUTIOX IN TIME Persona that deeire to see Da. Hrojcx" 0.t!o Km UniwtiBm Puma that cares oaln. weak and diatrvas ia ire boar, and that haa stood the test of lpertrac thirty year, ehonld not cob-foaaa them wita tae auwraele nnbleacned maeli a.

p.per. end ether wortbleee preparation called Plaster, offered for sal. at all store, and often gi v-a ta place of H.rrtck Da. UxamKa Put-nwm us 4rui Cairn Pus, are aesd ia the C. S.

Army and Navy, are introduced into awt lloJ-tal. A'ms Hoacea. and Prteooe, aad startle com- aoiiiee with their woaderlal cures Five then- etna pnysiciane ad nrgeon ns and endoree them vail ror ana eeeta.1 yoafget bob bat HsaaicK's Kis PusmsuB Scoaa Coaxaa Pnj. Sold by ouuinerjwMfs. je5-iwiy Public Auction.

ffTOIS 13 TO GIVE FOTI0E THAT I WILL- -a. aeu te the highest bidder for oash, rul IlBBidid ponnda or As sorted Castdy. Assat's of P. A. Crarapton, Bankrupt, at rret-tymaa'e Warshouae, itaxetort, Iowa, on mtvarday.

Oet. A. D. iCS. Sal to commence at 19 o'clock A.

M. of said day JOHN AC LET. etVdSt O. A. DRY GOODS.

ft- 0 CD CO CO CD CO CO anansl CO CO CO a. re 0 S3 I it) kW I asC a ia hss 55 rj 0 tt- 0 rt- re 9 3 0 3 03 0 re 31 CO Ma 2 3 3 so CO CO 03 Jl 0 CO 0 0 'Jl CO CO 05 CD CD CO 0 0 0 0 ST A 0 0 CP CO FALL GOODS. CAEPETS, CARPETS, A largs and Ins Steak of DRY GOODS FANCY GOODS, DOMEHTICS, SDIAIVLS, GLOVES, AND HOSIERY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. CARPETS! CARPETS I A large aad assorted stock, AT B. Do A US TIN'S.

leC'laJre Bew Hi. GA.2STS WHOLESALE SEALERS IN FURNISHING GOODS, UNDER GARMENTS. Hosiery, Gloves, Notions, And Taller Trf smmlnarB. METRO) POLITA!" SLOCK, DaTeaport Iowa, Exclusively Wholesale. DRY GOODS If you want FANCY GOODS, SO TO i STEWART'S If you lvant DOMESTICS, GO TO STEWART'S If you want SHAWLS, GOTO STEWART'S If you want GLOVES, GO TO STEWART'S 5 If you want HOSIERY, GOTO STEWART'S; Or In fact if you want any thing- kept In a a first-elata Store, SO to STEWART'S, SO BBADY ST Klindt, Irnst fcubrmeir, Fred Kruse, Jurgea Koch, Geo Lencfeldt.

Adolph Lewis, Chas Leu, Christ Lau, joechioj Lohrenx, Henry Lege, Joachim Miller, Moll, John Hand, Wm Miller, Jamea Marx, Louis Mcintosh. Uobt Meehaa, Andrew Mew, John kUdiox, Geo JuoUun, A liey.r, Wm Miller, John McLaughlin, Jamea, Keeckel, Chas Stssen, Jno Ocbs, John Olkers, Theo Oliver, A Oliver, r.ters, Peter I'rostler, Joseph Pieniog, Peter Peters, Christian Plogmann, Hans Paulsea, Ms Bark, Jno Reimers, Mans Kodewig, erd Ritur, Wm Behwsrtx, JK rJtrohbesn, Fred Pchoenke, Stiebolt, bpink. Henry chribr, Julia Schluttr. Kmitb, Wm Beifert, Bunimers, Thos gtecder, Julias Stuhinar, Henry Btolienberg, A ritahmer, Wm gohlegel, Qustav Steehan, Jno Stacks, Ehiers ahrk, Btaehmer, Cbaa Dan'l Schmidt, Jno Solken, Theo Bohiek, Jehu Holl. Peter Bchrsipfer, Casper niroDbeen, Mats 8m.Un.ld.ChM..

Schumacher, Henry opestzen. John Hchumacher, HsrrmsB Sueoser, Hans John Sehroeoter. Jest btovens. Fred Btahmer, John Siahmer, Henry htahmeer, Jao 8iems, Jno Suhrk. Christ Burners, Frits Bwbens, Frans Bauer, Ignstx Thies, Hnry Timothy, Tim Tiedemann, Rnd Tiedemaao, John Thiesscn, Tieths.

Nielsns Vesti, Jseph Vogt, Henry Whit, Martin, Westphal, Louis Wssl, Witt, Haas Wider, 8 VuiB', Hnry Wiese Hans, Westphal, Wing.Ueorg Wsndt, Fred Zese, And Beblotfeldt, Ju bmsllfield, 8ch.nw.ber, A B.iken, Joachiml Utrohbeeo, Henry bebliting, Schlintx, Bmallfield, Wm Tiedemann, Thso Tiedenann HH Tiedemann, Thoring, Christ Thomson, Wm Teherry, Jerry vsgt, uans Tom. Hans Van Vliet, 8Uphen, Warneboldt, Aug Wiedemann, Weiss. Wulff, Claus Wulff, Henry Winter, Ernst, Wahle. Weiss, Aug Weiti. Nich Wildowt, Pat Wulff.

Joachim Zabel, Ch Zurk, Christ To-Day's Advertisements. City Debt Commissioners. HB COMMI38IONl'R8 TO COMPROMISE THK Bonded debt ef the Citr ef Dsrenport, Iowa, de- ire to ascertain tbe address of the owners of said Bonds. Address M. DONAHUE.


S. WATKJN8. Issignees JYotice. In Bankruptcy. In ths District Court of the United States for the Distriot of Iowa, sa In the matter of Kirkwoed Bro ilankrupt.

liotle is hereby given that I will ssll at Public Auction, at the Court House door, in the city of Dsrenport, Iowa, at 10 o'clsk A. on the 21st day of October, A. I). 1SBS, the remainder of the personal pr0prty acd efiects of Kirkweod Bre's, in my heads, consisting of a lot of Book accounts and aotee. Said property will be sold to ths highest bidder for cash.

JOHN ACKLET, octS-dJt-fri Assignee. AMUSEMENTS. C03iCBX. Complimentarv Benefit to MISS MAGGIE BOWSE, Burtis Opera House, Saturday Eve's, Oct. lOlli, '68.

TICKETS St) CTTB. Reervd Seat without extra charge, may be had at Laie A erigga' after A. M. on Thursday. Burtis Opera House DAVENPORT.

Grand Opening Night Weduesnaj, Octebsr 14th, '68, Gr jBRlsAlSr OPERA H. OBAUr. Th following Grsad Operas will be given, oa Wednesday Oct. 14, 1868, Will be presented Plotow's Charming Opera, "MARTHA," Tharnday ETeatlBttr, Oct. lAth, Aaber's Grand Comic Opera, 1st time In Dare port 'FRA DTAVOLO," Friday ETeamlsasr.

October ltla. Gounod's world-Beaowned Opera, "FAUST atardmy Krealsiir, Oet. lrtb. GKi.D axlAlV.UA NIsBBT. Morsrt's Immortal Master-Piece.

"Tv A fT-XCZJ ITL.TTTP, Th. Manseer hss the honor to annesnee that these Operas will given' in lull, and with the fall strength of the Company. Admission One Dollar. Beserrsd aeaUa, 95 Cent Extra. 9allery, SO Cents.

Private Boms, and The central sale of seats for single night wil? commence Ssturdsy morning st Lnse A Sriggs Bookstore. For fall particulars see Progrsmmes. POITPOIMEST Till TuesdaysEv'g, Oct. 13th, Burtis Opera House I C. II.

BlSVUlt the A TEEN Light Guard Band or csucAoe, assistsb bt vaa MENDELSSH0N QUAltTETTE, ALSO BT MISS BELLE SCOTT, The beautiful and accomplished Songstress iron vre.uT a vpera House, "Will give One GRAND CONCERT AT THK ABOVE PLACE, OK Taesdaj Erenixg, Oet, 13tb Admission, 50 Cents Reserved Seats, 75 at LCSS A QRIGOa1 Bookstore. fjir icketa sold for tbe will be good for tho SUBUEBAN RESORT. Gilberltowtt, Iowa. G. Ioa3iliMA3i3r, Preprleter.

Accommodations for Urge and small parties. Buaiairs ana Keiressuawu. Keasler, Frank Kormann, Heary Koectert, V. Koch, A Laverenz, Lutt, Wulff J-ynde. S.

A -mp, Jas Locht, Jorren Leibv, A BH toeller. Wot Bituibussher, Usury Uiar, Henry Moeller, Ch Mcliuire, James tiller. Jno Mesner, Marx Moeller, Kdward atessman, McCrack.n, Miller.tlenry McKay, Meuny, Andrew Aatpenin, Peter Sagle, Chas Nissen, A Ocas, Francis Oliver, A Ott, Wm Ockdorf, Henry Oliver, A Pelers, Kleik Plater, Frank Pechmer.Henry Peters, Uans Prieo, Frits Pihs, John Pstsrssn. Asmns Rueh, Henry Kamm, John Uefi, Daniel Kuck, Itodier, Raner, Peter 8ehuli, Peter -Hudlow, Bchaefer, Adas Stormer. Gottl.ib 1 ITEMH.

People's Party County For Snor, ATI va-aney.) Ad til WINAN8, For Rueerder, M. 4. HOHLFa. ForO'erk Ditrlr Conrt, FKKD. VOUiSR.

For Coroner, DR. JAMK) MoCOU RTNB Uoop Skirt! made to order at J. smitb's. No. 7 West Second street.

To Doitslsgict assortment oTboota and boos ia ths city ars now offered cheap at Child 4 43 Brady. Accgrno ths Call. The Rst. Mr. Ss- ver, of Bostoa, has accepted call to ths pulpit of the Liberal Church ef this city.

Tag regular monthly meeting of the City Sabbath School Union, will bo bald at ths Christian Chapel this eveniuj. A general invitation ia extended. Bokstbino vtar Istibkstiho to Ladiss Kssp cotnfortable. To do so, go to J. GaManuth'e and ens of his ons dollar breakfast shawls.

Ha kssps them at No. 7 West Second street, opposite LeCiaire Hall, Compltd. Th temporaryj carriage bridge from the Illinois ahore to the Island ia completed, and is now being nsed in transporting the atone and timbers for the permanent bridge, as well as for wsgona and carriages Tiaiting the Island. Too Bab. We are desired to ask Demo crats to desist from speaking of the "Graat Radical Mass Meeting" at the German Ths while in the pr.aestoe of Republican.

a. l. uaaea aaua very u.r i I lufcfu ui. wueu i. wa.

ui iw i i couia oo. PsotsTBiAsisx roB $3,000 Capt. Burgh, of Rack Island, has aoceptsd a challenge to walk against John DeWitt for $3,000 or mere, as DeWitt may choose. Both parties ar to be attired as U. S.

ssldiers, iaolud ing Springfield rifles and forty pounds of ammunition, and are to walk 75 miles in 24 houra. x. A rom iue risw xiavea jicguicr TT I wo learn that Mr. L. C.

Maore, formerly a resident ef this city, of the agency of Moore Clinton, Universal Life Ins. died in New Ilever), en the 27th ult. He was favorably known in this city, acd among the Masonic Fraternity as a charter! member of the CoDsistcry. Peace to hit t.hcs. Msitiso or CexausxiONias.

The Board of Commissioners apppointed by the City Council to confer with holders of city bonds for the purpose of affecting a compromise, with a view of paying the Fame, held their first meeting at the City Hall this forenoon at ten o'clock end, after quali Bed, appointed Mayor Donahue Chairman, and Charles Watkins Secretary. The Board are now ready for business, and all holders of bonds had better call around and gat their stamps, or forever after hold tbjir peace. A Good Wobd to tbk Lambs. Go to J. Goldsmith's: and get ona of hie 75 cent hoop skirts, opposite LeCiaire Hall.

Tbb MnTBBiia or tbi 'Dare: Cibclb" Exposbd Tbc Obiat Hcvbco LIcbeiedlt LkVTBS ON THE MoRNISS TfiAIH. Fof EOmS time past a favored few from this city and Rock Island have bean admitted to the seanctt of II. Melville Fay and wife well known to the spiritual fraternity as one I of their most skillful r.arfjrmera a ner- I I I twnen wunin ms admittance fee wi chargsd.just to pay ex-1 penses; and many paid their little stamps. I Seme homed the delusion to their souls. I and were euthns.ast.c.

Skeptics were con- vincetl, lawyers, doctors, students, and I citizens tied anil.antied the neeromancer and I his wife, but tiie spirits were all powerful I and worked with a will for the lovely pair. I We will not dstail all tho wonderful par- I formances. One firm in the faith was to bo their aril genius. He watched and ds tocted the whele trickery, and threatened an expose. They begged of him to wait until they bad had two more dark aittings, and then they would submit to public tests.

One meeting was held, and the next morn ing xeunt tho great Fay and wife, on the early train for Geoeseo. We will not men tion the names of the young Divine, the Doctor, nor others who wsre so sweetly humbugged, and wo think tbey will help us keep the secret. Look out for the swin dlers. Gbaih Saippisa. We understand that there was a meeting of the grain shippers I or this city, at Lahrmann'a Hall, last even- 1 ing, to further consider the important order I issued a few weeks since by the 1.

1 A P. R. R. Co wherein they ware de-1 barred from shipping grain rrom this point I over.that line in any other wsy than through tba elevator. August Warnebold was I called to the Chair, and the natter was I sgaia canvassed in a quiet way.

Some I resolutions were adopted, and the commit- tee appointed at a former meeting was di I rected to make further application to the I Company, and see if order might not I bs rescinded. That committee waited upon I Asst. Supt. Kimball this morning, and after I talking the matter over in a friendly man- I ner, that gentleman have a little I te'egrspbic consultation with the Chicago I oee, and see what could done. As I iSAra.ranT.nfv nt tm amnlnv.rl rare in thia I -r mnra Ih.r.

n.e. n.VA I riblUIII SB) hUV HIViO IHHlf Hvav wrw bsen for a long time, it seams probable I a tnat tae company will what is ngni ana proper in the matter. In fact we understand tnat Mr. Btenen, one our operators, nas oeen permutea to leaaiwoi t.Hav. whirh sfems to indi- I eat.

that the folks are willing to "I s6cominuu.ii.uiH-.nH 1 ttey Have tbe spare ears to oo so. it ooes i oot seem to us at all probable or reasonable that the company would for a moment I think ef insisting on a measure tending to I divert grain from this market eiiher to force it down the liver or to any competing line. The effect that such a course would nave upon its own traffic and the trade of our merchanta would seem to utterly pre- elude any unusual restrictions upon the shiDDer. Our intenati rrtk.T.;i. road eomnanr.

tha I noiuer sua mi. generally, are identi- cal. Therefore do wo most hoartilv I rxost earnestly hope that thia small cloud over pas, ofT, and everythiDg move along aa ordmari- ly peace, prosperity, and harmony pro- w.ilinir. The cold weather Das cauea tne uu-1 ,1 buque Herald to call lor mcnarason ana his skating park. That means Orlo cf this -t t.

i city. Wonder if he has any money to lose tt ioeaqus um suwi I iuers. I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I to at tt i Adopted by a unanimous vote of all the Aldermen preoent. Alderman Bryant offered tbe following resolution. A'Wnei.

That the City Attorney be au thoried to sign tbe stipulation entered into between him and Grant brnim, in relation to the Mark Howard case. Adonted. am "T.ittiir offered the following: Buolted, That the City Clerk be and is hereby authorized to issue an order to the Judges and clerks oi tn iave civv, in relation the city indebtedness for tbe sum of $3.60 each. Aid. Runge mov.d to amend by insert ing the sum or $2 etca, piaceoi The resolution as amended was adopted, Th suecial committee, to whom was re ferred the petition of J.

C. Conklin, for aK lowing him part ol tne expense uo lotoneu in grading Perry street, and the sidewalk ou and near the corner of 11th and Perry streets, reports as follows Your committee recommend the payment ef $150, as the amount reported by the City Engineer. Re port adopted. Tbos. Dermody, O.

S. McNeil, Special Com G. M. Matthes, ALL Matthes offered the following Wbbssas. An appropriation of $600 Biased tho City Council, for the improve ment of Third street, and as the majority of the Street Committee are not in favor ef making any improvement on Third street, Tharafare.

be it Rtsolted, That the above $600, intended for Third street, be and is hereby trans ferred to the Marquette street fund, and the Street Commissioners shall at once commence work on said Marquette street, under the direction of the Aldermen of tbe First Ward. Aid. Dermody moved to amend by hav- ine tha work done under the direction of the Street Committee. The resolution as amended was carried hw tha follnwinc vote Yeas Bryant, Cunningham, Cooklin, Dermodv. Littie.

Matthes. McNeil 7. Nays Claussen, Kruse, Mueller, Runge 4. Aid. Matthes offered tbe following reso lution Eewlud by this Council, That tbe salary ef tha Citr Marshal be increased $00 per year additional, said increase of his salary shall commence at the time that he entered hia office previous of thia resolution, and moved the ad tion of the resolution, Aid.

Dermody moved to increase the salary of the City Attorney also. The resolution was referred to the ordinance committee to report at next meeting. Alderman Kruse offered the following resolutioa Letolvtd, That an order be drawn and isaoed in favor of U. O. Dries to pay the judgement of $250 with interest and costs recovered by him against the city of Davenport.

Keferred to tbe committee on claims to report next meeting. Alderman McNiel moved that His Ilonor the Mayor appoint a committee of three to canvass tbe votes cast at the late city election in relation to the oitv debt, the Mayor appointed Aids. Conklin, Bryant and Muel ler as said committee. And after canvassing the votes tbe committee reported that tbe vote stands as follows For Compromising. .305 votes were cast.

Against do ....200 do do do Leaving a msiority of 105 in favor of the eity compromising its indebtedness. On motion the report was received and ordered filed. Alderman Claussen offered the follow inrfi Wbebbas, The eity of Davenport baa elected to act uoder chapter 67 of the acts passed at the regular session of tbe Twelfth Uenejaj Assembly of tbe btate oi lows therefore be it lit solved. That this council now proceed to elect by ballot and by a majority of all votea cast four citizens ef tbe city of Dav en port, a board of commissioners to execute the powers and duties required by said act, together with His tion or tne Mayor of tbe city of Davenport, who is hereby appointed and who is ex-officie a member of said board. Alderman McNiel moved to amend by striking out tho word four and inserting three.

Tbe amendment was lost. Tbe original resolution was then adopted, Aid. Claussen moved that the Mayor appoint two tellers. The Mayor appointed Aid. Conklin and Bryant as said tellers.

Aid. Claussen moved that this Council now proceed to elect four Cemmisssioners. Carried on the first ballot. II. H.

Andresen rsceivedll votes. Charles Watkins 9 Edwin Smith 8 Acd on the third ballot, W. II. Decker re ceived 8 votes. LI.

H. Andresen, Charles Watkins, Edwin Smith acd W. IL Deeker, having received a majority of all the votea cast, were declared elected aa Commissioners by this Council, and the City Clerk was instrueted to notify them of the same. On motion of Aid. McNeil, the Council adjourned.

Attest Jobs Liixis, City Clerk. EEGISTEE OF V0TEKS OF Davenport Township. SECOND WABD, Aye, John Andresen, Arp, Henry Andersen, John Allen, Aaron Ahrmann, Albrscht.Otto Andresen, Armel, Brsden Arrison, Thomas Bentley, Frank Babls, John Bielenberg, Jacob Broders, Jacob Bruits, Adolph Bahr, Fred bielfeldt, Joachim Bredow, Franz Brandt, Wat Buck, Henry Ble.cklidger, Joseph Coek, OO Carsten, Thos Cooney, Jsmes Cook. Cowdry, Clauaseo, Beimer Davis, George Dorsch, Franeia Diederieh.Wm Dell Christian Durmund, Christian Ehiers, Anthoo Esberg. flica.

Eckmann, Claut Ehiers, Aug Flynn, Jno Francis, Jamea Forney, Jacob Fricker, Conrad. Goettch, Henry Goetze, Herrman Grevsmihl, Frits Gruehnwald, Godwin, Geory Godwin, Edmund Goetach. Henry GoettMh, Guth, Henry Horstmann, Hagebock, Gnstar Holling, John Hass, Frsd Haas, Hoyer, Ch -Hopper, Michael Harding, Homoth, Fred A Hilier, John 1 Hoffmann, Herling, Wm Hoff. b. K.

Halkens, John Bartm nn, Uaos Hastings, (Just A Arnfeldt, Armil, Jamsa Arp, Alex, August Baurose, Louis Burch, Henry Bluedorn, carl Bonner, Bald, ilichael Britt. Then Bloc km no, Hans Biller, Le- shard eehnko, trass Blockmann, Hans Baurose, Louis Jl Bereer, Fred Claussen, Fritz Carter, Th.s isussen, Lrrst Connelly. Job Corti, Fritx Cbristoffer, Haas Dott. John Dormann, Julius Dohrmann, Christ Usckmann, t. i linnn, 11 Uelffs.

Claus Egger, Matthies okers, Theo Larl, Bepj Eckhardt, CA Frahm, Jnrgen Flemming, htans Fischkoro, Chas Freeh. Jno Flanningan, Jas Orabe, Jacob Groth, Wm Ouldner, Jao Caeblen, Christ Glassman, Wm Gould. Daniel Goldschmidt. Hans Goldfen, John Giess, Gors, Hans Mucin, Unas Hosroer, Cbas Hartmann, Fred Horstasnn, John Hausmans, JQ Hagebook, Aug Herxog, Thies llass.HH Haak, 9 -Hardlich, Wm Haveck, Thos Heiser. Jno Hock, Hans norstmann, Hsns Hombrecht, Jobs Hausmann, Iversen, Thomas Jung, Ciena Jeusen, Wm -Jung, John acker, Herrman Jaeger, Henry Jones, OJ Koch, Arase, Christ Kech, Hsns Koener, Hsrrmaa -KaaffmanD, Fred Kortmn.

Christ King, Otto 4 Knhrruann, -Klsuer, Hick KUffel, Geo Jacobs, Juncke, A i Jipp, Christ Jeuks, Alonsa A Jungblu', John Jacebsea, Jorgen Kirk, Thos Koos, SK Koehn, -Krnse, John Koch, Peter I Kleme, CF Koenig. A Knappe, Kura, Annie, A SIPHEJIE COIBT. DiTnrroET, Oct. 9th, 1969. Present, the Hon.

J. F. Uiumx, C. 3. C.C.Colb.

G. G. Wbjght, Judges J. M. Been, H.

O'Coxtos, Atfy Gsn. C. LurDsaitAX, Clerk. 3,16. Bankhend A Co.

vs. D. L. itrowa at al. appellants: from JsSerson county; reversed Beck.

J. disseotios. 2.KOT. S. B.

brown, appellant, ts. Bebert tun irom county petition ter re near ins sustained caasefto bo argued at Dubuque term. 3.043. W. H.

H. Austin v. James Esaton, acpellant; from VVinneeheik county; petition tor le bearing overruled. 1,090. William F.Owen vs.

John 0. Perry ci aopenani irom iuouque couniT p.u tion ler re-bearinz everruled S.118. D.C.Foster, vs. James E. Marsh, ap pellant; from Henry county; petition for re nearing overroiea.

C.llanan A Icchim. annellants, Alexander Shaw; from Polk, county petition To, re-bearing overruled. 3.167. John D. Wincns.

vs. John McLeod appellant from Wapello county petition for re-hearinr overruled. 1.184. tftato of Iowa. vs.

D. 8. ThcrnWn.ap pell.nt; from Washington county; submitted on written argument. 3,185 Htate of vs. Charles You.g, et appellant from ashington couaty sub muted on written argument 3.186.

State ft Iowa, vs. Henry J. Brown, appellant; from Cedar ee an ty submitted on written argument Eenrr bmith. Patrick Murohv. Clans Jacobs, Marriner, William Speeker, John Uetl.f, Mhroeder si ax tjim.ns, rrank Bauer, Lewis Mailer and William Hagan, admitted as citizens.

RITER The daily packets of both lines from this point, connect with boata at Port Byron and 8aanna, for St. Paul. K0BTBIBH LIB'S. The Muscatine will leave Port Byron to morrow morning for St. Paul.

The Minnessotajwill leave (Port ff morninE c. ti. ir.i.v.i j. a.

v. Fort Madison, Keokuk and St. Louis wfliTe coll a a liks The Key City leaves Sayanna for Sk. Paul to-merrow morning, The Northern Belle leaves the same point for Et. Paul en Sunday morning, The Addie Johnson ia the regular packet for St.

Louis to-morrow morning at 7 To tdi Fobxib BiiibsmottbiTwiwtt- Foubth Iowa Ibsahtbt Volcntbkxs. At the request of many members of the 24th Regiment, I hereby announee that there will be a Barctio of that organization held at Cedar Rapids on Wednesday, Oct. 28th, 1SC8 at which every man who received an honorable discharge from the 24th Iowa, is invited and earnestly requested to be pre sent. A local committee appointed by a meeting held at Cedar Rapids on the 8d inst, will make all arrangements incident to the ocotsion. The exercises of the day will consist of a public address to the membership at 2 o'clock r.

and a supper and social re union in the evening Ed. Wright, Late Col. 24th Iowa Yol. Inf. Des Moinm, Oot.

5, 1368, The Press ef Iowa please copy, How Not to Do it. Our announcement in yesterday's issue of the arrival in the city of aome Eastern cspitalists matt be followed by the unpleasant denoumant of their departure for au up-river city in search of a location, because they could obtain no suitable buildings for their business. If this was an isolated instance we should hardly refer to it, but coming so closely upon the heels of quite a number of similar lately, we cannot forbear to ''point trie moral which it bears. are mur- dering our own interests when we suffer energetic business men to be driven away by such causes, while a large amount of capital is locked up in channels ef little utilit- to the e.Ber,I public. We must build.

Vacant lots must be filled. Busi nas blocks must arise where now gaping r41 eute nd d'1Ptd pioneer buildings confront the seeker after a location where in tQ dJ hjg or to e.fab )itrj 8h0p or manufactory. Burlington ttaicktije, The gentlemen alluded to art right wel coma to Davenport, and our citizens will take great pleasure in in trusting them rithia these corporation limits. STATE ITEJIS. The Fort Dadge district lands bava been withdrawn from market.

Grau's Opera Troupe are drawing crowded houses at Dubuque. In regard to tho railroad bridge at Du buque, the Herald says The three east tiers are completed, excepting the draw pier, which is nearly ready for the iron work. The fourth pier from the east end a almost finished and there are three to be buiit. Of the two unfinished abutments, one is nearly completed am me etoer is half done. A named Brown hired two boys drive off aome of the oowS of Des Moines, them instructions to sell them if tney nl(I a chance.

They did it but Brown didn't get the money. Tha owners gat tniir back, aDd the boys learned a lesson. A Mr. Mason hss sued and obtained judgement against Dr. Rogers of Toledo, Tama county, for $2,000, for malprae reducing a dislocation ef the ahoul der.

The following Iowa gentlemen were ad mitted to the Thirty-Third degree in Ma sonry during the recent Triennial Conclave St. Louis Col. J. M. Griffith, of Dss Moines R.

G. Bower, Keokuk W. Kidder, Davenport, and E. A. Guilbert, Dubuque, aTATircc 11" Royal BmklHjr, Powder, hl bttrtg Ro-i do it.

Ailt J0ut gj laj no dthef. It is a decided mprorement over any otntr. thm. Kern edy is a scientific preparation, reeeiTihg the sup- port of intelligent pnysieians. uarru burgh Ttkgrapb.

Coaiaicil Ix-ocelItssjr. BEOULAB MEETISS. Couxcil Chabbib, Oct. 7th, 1863. Concluded frwn yttterday.) Bill of tbe Gazette Company, and also a bm of Lischer, for printing, were refer- red to the Commitue on Printing, to report next meeting.

Rill of T. W. McClelland for putting a window in the rear of tbe uity nan ouuu- S1A KQ referred back Pnhlin Hraunda and 1U. vviauimow Buildings with power to aot. Aid.

McNeil offered the following reso- lution, and moved the adoption of the Th.t a specific tax of two mill. onStho dollar be and horebr ia leviod upon the assessment roll of the "year 1865 and tbe Clerk of the CitT Council is hereby di- rcieu to mase out ana aeiivor to mo ui- 8nai 0f taii cit 0f said aisesr- .1 mcnt, together with a warrant ior tne of the taxes so assessed, j'chhall be signed by the Mayor ana sealed wn tbe com2L of hereu.on aaarsnai aaall immediately proce" eei- tecs sua taxes pursuant to law- Ih.l.waof til kUt uf N.W Yolk.alla nolul paid np In fall. The Oflli-er. and Directors ar nf f-ni men of grv.1 anlri.d ia tekrrfty, haTewtabtliihed tl. i4 rta- uanvoutn smS OArt tMCta.

CAkll rflKMU and CAHH UIVIUKNDS P.J- Kirs non fiirleitaliie akd iuioulr.ial'le, fw Thtnv d.e' era ailoarod. foltf le. hold good daring I ha perU'd- tint rlctt ott on Tt'artt. Th.

rate, of lli'a enmnaiiv are aa I a. throe et an, ether Mid mmpat'V, tn. Tontine rr.i.i we-lalii ounuueuuiig it to tii'tl. snu.ui.. Heltahi.

Akiu. wai.icl to int.s In aad u.iiuau ta la. i U-Berail Htai gvvat, ttre.v. Ipwa, ante (tAwif KING'S AOENOY, 8. E.

Corner of Brady aud S.eond streets. SAKCJAItlO Fire Marine Insarasce Cnj, Hpriagfl.M, Illinois. Paldnp Capital ever tVOO.OO. STATU Eire Insaranre Cempanj, Clsvstsnd Ohio. Inlilnp Capital E3OO.OA0.

I.arg. lines ef insurance nrontntir and ear. fully plaeed in reliable companies, at rates ad- equal lo th resp.rtiv riaka. TIIE CIIAUTEirOAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or llrtlerl, A.aata ovor O.iwa Inci-waao orrr )( UKMI 1iUl COMPACT ORIislNATBU IN TUB TBAB 1S the greet pupalar Bl.B of AIV-VJI'AI. DlIIE-IIa.

The, have paid lose to the Mni a. 4 anthi aid tho. lnauiad wltk, a.arly t.eMawa, a lthout a elogle caa. of Ittlf atlna Anneal 1M1. Uaar.t..a.

AllelaMe. pollrle. I.a.1. aa anoa favorable t.rm. a.

Ci.m mai lets, rac.luu esueueM steal rare ta Ik. salMtloa of rl.ks i arossnt oatm.Dt Imm. a.4 divuUad. It, eesmulng with tbe e4 pr. alaai.

ak th. Chartar oak th aausl popalar lif Cnsapaa, delag ba.iaee. ta at.a of geod charaaier en c.a owtela agraelM applyhig to BttBftllX ligai BB. otai aai, traveanort, leva. Ofleeover port K.tliraal Baaa.

HOME INSUKANCi: Opposition to Alonopolv. Pir Bernrlty, lnflamnltr and Prnteet'oa at fair rates, tsk out a pollry of lnsuranc lo ih XATIOXAL IVSIRWCE C0.1IT Of I'styemport, Iowa. CONTIX'KNTAI Life Inuranco Oom'y oi' vtiiiu. THE MOST eCCt'EISPl'L Lifelnmranre coin pa IN THE WORL'D! Polirlfs Issued to Sept, ii i. Amount Insured $25,003,000 Incomo, $2,000,000.

Declirrd Jan. 27, IHGH. 4U utr crat. retlta ef lite Contpnar Aaaa ally llvllr. Onr.tliircl ef Ibe prrmlnrat may rrnssti ss snpuiil is lean, ru oi hi i iici.i All l'etli'lrsi ri'ui li-Hulile, '1'lilrlT tlnva rrsie nllo.s rt In ptiyittentof Prewiuis.

tsta.l pwlirp tie-Id (tood. rea.rlrtIoa on Irittcl er ef rnpHllea. rj pollry or saeaical sre Itoetlra rate en lranlea. FROST CALVERT. Oeneral Maaarrr Nnrthoestern Uisnch, iowa N.bvs.ka and Mlnnnota.

Urrica ol rkx-und 1 M.ln Plrat National ll.nk Hnllrltt.f DavsKrowr. lew. Xt7-dod-ta Good A col IS Via. led. TOILET.

I. AVI ta mm a 3a0kl Hindtrt th Shtn $ft. tnt th, cUr nd UavHul Will rsaore Tan, J-rrckL, mnd eiktr discoloration. Svld mt all Drg titti mnd lane Geoit it Irrt rvfryvhrri. OlMVisi! to be BEAITIFCL, Uiso Otfcolla do IVrtsia Or JJcpia, 'er neaatirylatr CeaapleaJosi And Hreaervlng the Rkin.

Tak tavalaable toilet article wae leoeverod by oeUbratedcbMBi.1 la JTr.uee, and lite teat- tbe th. Lsdle of th Co.rt of Barop lblr euoty. With all it. aiaiplieltv aad partly tbr to bo article that will compare with It ae a baaBtlere swalon aad prarvrof Oikm at. O.

aJrCteaarr pwrrfttem th reeeiBtoThha sows tnve.r. ago; k. eaa aire, that time givea It a oa feet trial amm bis par.onal friends and the arloa tocratii-cirt-lMef York, Baltimore, Soatoa, haw Orleans, St. Lenta, isvBab, Chart, tnn, WIlmlnrtoB, Ae. They aaveceed It with aaeaallS.d admiration, and wnald rnn.lder lb toilet la per fact without this delightful acd pare), harm I Craparatioa.

Victoria he. ta and Karelia de ferola a. glvaa sacb entire satis faction in every iBeteero, compelled looflw it toihe pahltc Thai article I antlrelv different Irom anything of the kli.d ever ettenpted, aad I warranted FKSB rrtuM all ruisouts bi b-1 r.B. Aftr nstns Ose.ll le Feral ead Vkmrla Iievla for a abort time, the akin wtil hareaeoft eatlaiao texture; it ten parts a freshness smoothness and oaf aeee to in aaia taat can oaiv ae proaaceo mq this article.

1 bis article te ao valgar eas no. ad to tnjaro the ekln or compleslea, bet oaken cee aa a beaatlfler, aad lu nae cannot poeaibly a do tocted by tbe eloeeet ebeerver. For removing Tea, Frecklee, Sanbara, aad Cata Boees Dlseuee from th akin. It I tnvalashl. si.

u., bs vryaDBlenc la teean!eg ble Victoria Regie and Oscell. t'eratate la. Lad lee aa aelag tho oaly perfect aad rellaMa toilet article aow ia onln. praparcd oaly try M.O.McCLl'aKAT, And his Bsas etaaped on eerh label no other ta Is geaalne.

Depot, N. 10 North veaih Btreet. Bold by all urn crisis snd ferfaBora ta lb I alvaa State and Caaada. feb-eU PATENT MEDICINES ONLY D.O.ELDRIDQE Has opeBod a Store at si 1.9 Bra Htr tltlt. rrom wbtch be caa supply lbs public with anythlac a tb lino of TATIM MIL1C1M: at lb bweo vine prleoe.

WALL PiPERJlVALL PjrtB. JOHN CAMERON, IIouho and Painter. TLAIN AICD Df CORAT1VE Paper Bla.B-r, WMtrttrr, Ar. ii Ts ner. Birdere.Dwrstlois.Trf F.mre..Ac Ut and ot 1 P'errd to SiSmnt al" 'vrVTs tl tsted to e.

erW It arlrl ha worhmaallao B.nnr. C.U nd ThI Brad next door te th City kUlL a i.

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