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The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa • 1

Davenport, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


DA 18G7. LADIES' BRBSO TRIMMINGS, An EndSes Assortment ofimtious, I'lne Meal Laccf, Ail, RRon-, I Including the dir- fercnt ntul Colors of Velvet li.toli3a); Ladies' and Children's Hand Knit Hoods, Sacqurg and MittJ, ESIBROIDEIIRD SLIPPER .1 AND CUJSiaiOX PATTERXfe, CORSETS, HOOl HKIUTH. HQSIEH AI A VAST AriNCKr.tIi:'r or Atr 0r wlitch nt oe sold 'at rfi-ss tiea can roast bfr be bought elsewhere, as we make a SPECIALITY of this class of goods. nd see our goods before making your purchases and we will SAVE "YOU IVEOlNrE- 1 At No. 30 LeClaire Itow.


mall Hollcited. j4 Seasonable NO. 52 WEST SECOND STREET, DAVENPOUT. We invite the Trade to examine our Goods and l'rice. tar Orders ly norl-dAwtt Hevj, Choice tttCJI.R3f' rZJtlor Proprietor.

Dariv.dsSve-Unet'y, pe yi.r........ f'Sn rly. ddT'rarad Inrity, per Dally, fc mail pr y.jar. Stneieropr. I TaaeopJea, Ab fnpr eery pmrm t-rw n'itii if T-nr.

Kmiaco. for all lb BMrnbor of a Club moat be made tb miuE. J. nruuitot. Official Paparcf the City.

CITY XOTlCf-S. Twa hundred Wguo in Real EjUte. Bouse and Farm for sale. Start-room on Brady street to rent. El.DKISr.C j-Laal and Insurance Agents 40 iJr1 St, Tat magnificent weather of yesterday would not make one apprehend that winter was naar, bat the season so far advanced that it may some soon, and the sooner you nt P.rrv'a heat.

YOU will be prepared for it. Leave your orders early and avoid the rash. UcilarkT Htate lottery. The only legalized Drawings in the United States. The Grand IloiiJay Drawinz will take Slst bo distributed.

Capital prize .1 50, 000. iiamanications strictly confi lential. Cirea'arj aeut free, by addressing Eoor noTlt-13t-coJ. Covington, Ky. Tns Aoi'S.

Pill, cures tbo sure fur Ague," bare bean tested in thou sands of cass, auti bave never filled to tN frt a cure, ilesperUa Pills contains no poiaont or.tnjariotn may be given to old or young with confidence and safety. Price only 1 at the drug stores, Win. D'tKnch A proprietor, St. Louis. Ask for "Hesperian Suar Coated Pills," the sure euro fur Ague, and accept no in fori substitutes.

We Iteserd Tiro. WIIotvs SOOTHING SYF.UP as invaluable far the purposes for which it is designed, and would Lav it if its price were doable what it now is. We shall do all in our power to introduce it among our friend i and acnuaint-ancea. Jllenrj A. Hitchcock, Sturbridge, Mass.

It relieves the child from pain, softens the gums, reduces infliinmation, cures wind colic, and is sure to regulate the ho til gives rest and health to the child and comforts the mother. Davbspoht Learns Dsror. At the new store of Stuckrsth 81 Brady St, can be found the largesl and most complete stock of Frenob and American calfskins, kips and morocco, harness, solo, and upper leathers, shoemaker's tools.nndings.aod materials per tainingto the trade, west of Chicago. They manalactore their own American calf skins and oak-tanned harness leather, and procure all other kinds from ftrti hand. 0- to tm BaiT.

On to the Bryant 3s Stratum Itwa Htata Business Collects ti a thorough prac tlcal ba.tno. education, ur bvcurae a good operator. For circular, and papr. fearl.Min stamp) Tlie llryant Strattun UoiuoMrciai Coilc. l.vnprt, Iowa.

J.T. Texi-le, Uirioner and Florist, cor. 4th and Main fruit and ornaments! rees. mrSd-ly Apples. fcAA BBLS.

SUPKKIOK OEN'iTON AND jjJ Pippin Apples, at'Iruted fur family uae, and for aale by pots dim J. IAIZKLI, A BRO. AtiBSr Wanted "New Mp Wonder taafllintr fiori.u.y. Try it. "NKV ttNIAS MAP OF 1HKLA.N ail othsr charts Daw rea ty.

6.nnplna rmrnvt uar xtitue if Bat satisfactory. UtJOI-r-l'EEL A Lane Cbicagn. ocril-dlra Kuiae for ale. FtrTEE.v Horse power engine in fer- a. FEC ordf uood as new inch cylinder.

14 tacA stroke, fur sM low for cah. J. OOEIIRINO. aoTlVdtf lHrri. in ptr.

et, bt. Iih 4: 8th. Wanted. QALE354SN TO TRAVEL AND 8SLL GOODS Aysampla. Uood wi and steady employment.

A wit, lUimi, liAMlLTON, FKKK virruai.onti. octltd3m Isost. V-OVBHBKR sm. OS TflK ALLEN'S GROVK lv road, between l)k Croat and tha Scott Ilonsc. or dons np in brown papr.

tha ends Srin-j twisted. Tne Under will be liberally rewarded fcy che at tho DjnvKrat office, noa-iitf Kemoral. iaocii, i ri kkifii. UIIS REMOVED HIS HAT, CAP AND FITH 111 rORIL to Zo. a West Second street, between Hamsoo and Kiu'rT sts he win ttoar alaiwrand m.m- ompta ca stock of the latest styles and Uriest qualities of Lidirs' sad Mioses', tients and Hays Hats, l'p" and at prices thut defy romp DRESS CLOAK MAKING.

UAUtJIIf STANDARD DKAKK, FROM DE-Jl TROIT, would annonrjj to the Ladies of Daven- port a iciur.y. tii.t sue opened a Dress anJ Cloak jlafciasr EstabiisJiaiBS, No. tie Bunt Staiirr, orer the City Market, where she is prepared to do ail work in her Un in the la- esi styie. s.uitacuoii goaraateed. aal-t-dSa MILLIJSrERY.

AIRS- M- L. CUKD, (Kormerij Kiss A. P. I'uu.) Ktill roaliaues bniilsrKK ut Ao. St rati Mreet, And kindly aolicita the Lilies patron aire.

We offer oar entire stock of goads at small profit for SO deye November i. 1SS7. Hoarding and Day School 1XK TOCNUI LADIES AND MISSE3. Apply at School Room lately occupied by Misa ill is, baa-gent Place, or at residsnc, onh Marent Row. laatructloa in Uosic St its.

iCUKAKD. nxay-Jd-dftin Ml F. K. UKARD. I'.

CilAltLivS IIUXEL. Corner Thirdaadllarrisea DAVENPORT. IOWA. fniSKKW AND WELL-FITR5ISHED HOCSK Is now open to tha public Chargea reasonable. Dinner hoar from 11 M.

t. 1 P. M. ajfiMily M.KKILLT.Pr'w.r'er.- AOENT3 WANTED 4U. i SdCTTLK MCWINO MACtlfNE.

STAR Patented March 1. liT. It ases two thread and makes tha renoine Lock Stitch alike on both sides. AU other low priced ssacaines make Chain Stitch. Ureal ta-doceamentaortered.

bead for Clrcolare and Sample of sewing. Evb Aent (firing copy of letter patent. P. O. LATHKOf A CO, 3 and 3 Reynolds' Block, tlucago.

ocUSkUm JC. II. Dale's Dining Kooms 77 Dearborn Chicago. SCCCESSOR3 TO 8. H.

THOMPSON. TOTJ CAS get here Jnst what yon want and pay for jnst what yon base. It is cheaper to patronise this boose than any hotel while stopping in the city. It is centralis evaded, convenient to aU parte of the city, aottl-dly AGENTS WANTED-lto-30 a day, to tntrtdoc oar new patent a TAR SUL'TTLS SBWI.N'U MA-C UlN a. Prtce -O.

It nan two threads, and makes the Kentiine Look Smrca. AU other low priced ma chinee nuktiheCaajit Srrroa. Kxlosire territory rtren. Send for circnrar. W.

O. WILSON Maaafaetarers. dereiand, Ohio. ISUSO WORKS. SESECA FILLS.fl.Y II.

V. MLJIIV, Exclusive mannfactnrer In the United State, Rotary Steam Fire Engines, (HOLLT-S PATENTL sd VIMMkITT "1 RTART-8 ENGINES ZHiMi 11and and power, of erery sixe, and adapted Xa every parjn-e. Addree Fresh Oysters DIRECT FROM BALTIMORE I The Best in the llarktt. RECEIVED SAIXT AT TBS UED SXAR SXOKE. Wtf F.

A. CRAMPTON. Xtae emly place to find RIDGE'S PAT. LIGHT HOUSE fiURSER T3 AT W. LISDSAY'S JEWELtRY a own, cor I Third and Brady air eels si so eitra Chimneys, Glass Cones, Lamps, Chimney Cleaner, A.

Lamp repaired: bILLON LLSfDdAY, Bole Owners wctao-dtf Coanty Right fer Hale TE.V DOLLARS. SL-SERIIG HlCffllLSIL Patented ISG3. It Is the L.v?3st. Bw. Strooeest, Cheapest, aad has greater capacity for nseful work than any other in ae.

Each machine is thoroughly warranted for rive Tear. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in ail cases. Samples sewed and returned for examination free. Responsible areata wanted fcr this perfect sewing Extra Inducements to Clereymen and Ladles. Single catnes shipped per express inimedi-on receipt ofrice.iia.

Tesiim-mials from families no manufacturers now nsim? them on view at the principal salesrooms. Address al! order Uf PRESS MACHINE w3ai V-JU Broadway, New York. THE GREATEST VENEORT, IOWA, Ladibs' II.tTs The Latest Sttlb. The latest number of the Bazar his the fu21qw? tng in regard to the latest style of hats Tbs round hat for this season is tbo meretit apology for a hat, but with the pres. ent style of wtaring the hair hats must be small in order to be becoming.

The Shape is as small as can be worn, and the light trimming does not detract from Its jiunty appearance. Low crowns and rolling brims prevail, shaped in a variety of ways. The brim may be depressed in front and back, or turned up at one side or behind, or reversed alike all round. High crowns, square and slanting, are displayed, bat one seiddm meets them on the street. Velvet, plush, and felt are the best A few black and bronzed straws are worn, but leghorn and ctinolioe are laid aside for the present.

4 Astrakhan, sealskln.and chinchilla hats are made to wear with paletots of those furs. Scarfs of velvet and salin, trimmed with narrow pipings or folds, and fringed at the ends, depend from the back. Black velvet is trimmed with white satin piping, and white with b'ack. In others there is a tendency to preserve one tone throughout the whole hat, all the materials velvets, feathers and lce agreeing in color. Skating toqueis ate made of -Astrakhan, otter, and chinchilla.

For toe promenade we have Hungarian bats of er mine and grebe. The turned-up brims of turbans are quite broad in front, sloping narrower toward the back, 'A pompon of leathers cr a gilt spray ia the only orna tnent. i It is the arrangement and variety of trimmings that produce the novelties of the season. There are new feathers, -new flowers, new laces and new ornamentsjof jet, gold and Roman pearl. Instead of willow feathers and long ostrich we have short ostrioh tufts, silver heron feathers, the Swiss bird grebe, pheasants' plumes, and, prettier than all others, the delicate marabouts in tufts and fringes tipped with gilt and jot.

Tie new velvet flowers are tastefully mingled with gilt Velvet leaves are, veined with gold, and of dowpy marabouts are covered with a filigree network. Scarlet berries with bronzed autumn leaves, make graceful diadems. Sprays of coral are ellectirely introduced into evening hats. Parma violets marguerites, and panaies and wreaths of hawthorn and clematis are exquisitely moulded.j' The attempt to have materials and trimmings of a uniform color has led to the introduction of lace of various colors. These laces have a tawdry appearance, and are as much to be deprecated as the profuse use of gilt.

One of our most reliable milliners boasts that not a spray of gilt appears on the bonnets made at bar establishment. Fastidious people' avoid it altogether. We advise that it be sparingly and judiciously A small gilt spray or leaf, a gilt- tipped marabout fringe, or pendants of gilt limes on a bonnet, are pretty and in good taste; but the broad bandeaux ef yellow gilt, the dusters of grapes and berries, and fringes of bullion, are coarse and objectionable. Jet is carved, and formed into bandeaux and pendants. The cetd jet is not used except on illusion.

Small ornaments of Roman pearl fasten white lace over-strings. A drop-trimming to correspond surrounds the edge of the bonnet. The Spanish veil is specially suited to tbe ftnehon, but is worn with bonnets of all shapes. It was originally a straight scarf falling over the chignon, and fastened at the throat with long flowing strings. Now several forms are given it.

Some are cut in a direct line from shoulder to shoulder, while others are pointed at the Tulle, dotted with chenille or embroidered with beads is used for square veils. Colored net and blonde veils are worn long. Guipure and chantilly are suitable laces for heavy fulls over tha chignon. The mantilla veil has Ion? tabs in front, hanging loose, or caught together by a spray or btuati bow or ribbon. Another style laps in front, like the Marie Antoinette fichu.

Round blonde veils, to match the color of the bonnet, are fastened near the front and thrown backward. These are graceful, and serve for drapery, which the new shapes require. The stiff brim and flat crown need not be softened and relieved by tulle and lace. Round veils, with long tabs fastened behind, are worn with bats. Of the colored lace veils the Bismarck is prettiest.

Puffed trimmings of tulle and blonde on round hats have long ends that serve for veils. Wonderful Indeed is the result of a single application of the Lone Star Liniment for cuts, bruises, sprains, rheumatism, swellings upon man, and for spavins, founders, ringbone, scratches, ic, upon horses, it acta like magic; indeed its equal is not to be found, and the price of it is lower than any other. Study your interests, then, and ask your druggists for the Lona Star Liniment. Fclleb, Fixch Fuller, Chicago, Agents for tha Great West. Sold by all Davenport Druggists.

oct23 lino In the New Jersey Senate, the Repub. licans claim a majority of one member. The House is Democratic by twenty five majority. The Massachusetts State Temperance Alliance keeps up its courage and has re solved in favor of the prohibition platform. A census of Washington City and Georgetown for school purposes, shows the population of the former to be one hundred thousand, and the latter fifteen thousand.

-Memphis boasts of rapidly reviving bnsiuess. There is the prospect of a larger cotton trade than during any year. since 1S60. The boiler of Lawrence dis tillery, at Elgin, exploded on the Hth, with terrific force, blowing the engine into atoms and carrying the boiler about twenty feet. Fortunately no one was hurt.

Sixty thousand dollars have been raised for the late Governor Andrew's family. It will probably be increased to $100,000. The Internal Revenue Department Lai announced that ''Tice Meters" will be at tached to the Western distilleries in about three weeks. They are already in operation in New York. Tho Alentian Islanders, who form a part of our new Russian American citizens, marry as many wives as they are able to suppoit.

i-1- --The body of Maximilian, baa been de livered to Admiral Tegethoff. It bad become badly decomposed. It was expected to arrive in Vera Cruz about the end of the The Treasurer's office in Gallatin, Da vis county, Missouri, was broken open, on Sunday night, and robbed of $4,000 in Davis county warrants, and $25,000 in greenbacks. No clue to the robbers. The town of Winchester, in Litchfield county, puts the poor whites of the town up by auction, once a year, to the man who will feed and keep them at the lowest price I and the way they are "kept," it is said, would breed a revolution on a Southern plantation in twenty-four hours.

Leon id as Moses, a mail carrier in Ar kansas, was assassinated recently, by some unknown person, while riding along a lone ly road. His body was not fonnd until eight days after tbe murder, and all this time his mule stood guard over the corpse. The faithful animal had to go a mile and a-balf for water, but invariably returned and re sumed its singular vigil. -The editor of the Albany A'nicivroocJter now in Europe, writes that Admiral Farra- gut was almost "smothered with kisses" by me ladies of the Court of the Queen of Swedet. Ilia officers seem to have been less lucky, as their hair is only "treasured as souvenirs and laid away in golds lockets by many of the most elegant ladies of Stockholm." in in Cast Erair, crar t'rent St; SHELF HEAVY Choice Cutlery, A'ails, And general atsortuivnt of the Staple article e.tho trada at greatly rediiwd pi lous.

it-uuiLiiiuL Or ALL KINDtt THK I.OWIKT t'WU I H.lao coaatant receipt of a erfullv s.Ue Moc. of everythltid tu th. 1m, Trade and Country Jlrrrhantf willeon.ult Interest hr ealllnR an x. mining good, befi.r. Iiu.ibk rrow a tUuionKli kajwluil of the, and sunerinr advantatfe.

ia hurinB, alt mu.t i. trt, lor Kf iia. Uullder tuiua spring stork. No, 13 llrudy Street, vsMdlproBl and quirk relnm. WHCLESILE RETAIL 1K Al.fcUS 1M HABD WAHE No.

6 West Ncooiut OAVKXPHKT, IOWA. WK ASK THK ATTE71 lion of tha Public to our Im aad Uam plet Ptock. ooiiiMum insert FKNCK MlltK, l'I Or FAKMIi TOOI AMI. I. A AMI TAKKKII KOPa, VMMItlVV til I'U'iTV, UASKKU OIL, TliKi'tKTIKH WHITK I.KAlS PIPE, ABLK AM) POCKKT tUTLhht, Mller lMitleil IVnre.

I I her n4 Itubber URPSHKS. COTTON AM) HEMP TYV1XFH HKOOM TW1NKS, IIKOOM V(kK PITCH, OAKLM, I I.KS, fit Al Nrt. 1IOUSH Hllol-S, llOilM-: PI' MPS, PISTOLS, KIIOT Ot THPH I'OWKKU II.ASKS, PoltCM.AM K1TTI.KS AM) 8.MICK I'ANS, llol'NK tiAK PKNTMtS', SHIP rAlll FNTHtS- MA-CIIIMST'S A eool'KKS' And a general aaanrtment (-oei. la nnrtiaa. arhioh w.

oUer at I'Ol L8 A l.K A HklAli at the 5 Lowe Jnrwrl EXntrit, Alit NlM pott FAIRBANK'S SCALES-And UuforJ'f Prrmlcm Vims Xonatry Merchants will find It tn to e.ll and prir our panda boloi tiuroltaaiiiK elaewherr, ran uilcr lui ei'ur Induprmonl to pn.mpt oash 'ivria. DAVID KKLLKV. Kt, K. WOOft 2 TOD AC A RS, A VEX It TOI5ACCO WOHKS. Fine Cut Tobaccos and SrgtM J.X "WllOlOJSiTVlO Tim tiiaiu: hi wtiri Tiin "isr.Asn Vt'tkKN," "Arsi'iial" and oiIi.t nr.nds, II.

IIU.M l(l Jt (i front perry and ln. orll-illy l'avenHirt. a. k. WiNM-aaT JACK1311 WINECKE, a Dan ins SEGAUS, TOBACCO, SI Ilmdjr Nlrert.

Ictpen Nereud A. 'l'lilnl Nt. INWA liAXzitJiJit tvrc6M TUAUK MnnuriKliiren of FINE TOILET SOAPS, AND 1' f'ti in i )T Walnut oeit dSin Inrinnatl. YT, a a f. 'J; ri a Jt I a IS And (tent-rial Wlaolcaitlc Accent tor V.

P. EMERSOH'S PIANOS AM) THE ESTEY ORGAN I Also D.alur from first hands In Chickeritig, Mittuhe, ilailet Havi; Empire City And all flut ttm Piano forte and II Itl I Ct MV81C PTOOI.ff, PIAKO AVnoTiOANBrRRAM AND Ml SICAL MKKl IIANUlMk renrrnlly. All order, will he prnmpHy attend tfl, and llie axaal dlacounl allowed the Trad, ''all and examine l.arei'.t Ktock of Moslem. Uood. and Instrument.

In the Htate I3Mllrnly Ht Onvespert THE GREATEST BEKEFACTCS. OF TitB Afl WA TUB MAS WIUl FIRST conceived lb Idea of tli SOllm STO.VE STOl'Et and manufactured It. Tb Be at tbe parti tkat ell them. T11I3 HTOYK 19 MOULT RECOMMKSD1D by the Editor of Hall' Journal of Braltha tivnc the Most Healthy Heat of ny yet to hi Th Stove baa ws tested, know It 1.

a decided and NO HUM IJUOl They are the cheapest stove in tbe market, oa'-' Count, of durability and eoon raiy of fuel It in( less to keep up fire In our room S4 boiira wiia wHid, than it dm-, to kerp firs In an iron ral tw It and keep Uie room of ajreat deal note even temperature. kerp a good atock of them oa band at No. tail Ilrndy Mlrect. Algo. tho SOAP STONE GRIDDLE to b.

used without greaae, aad leave tb roon fts from amok. fc't Testimonials: Mou, StSSIstovewllh lit nr a bt-r thai I have ever 1 1 rm.rt. Ih2.nrt.-t and iw.1 m. How km orMSd-'m yonrs. J.


RSISH. Yard lilt Ei Claire oetdAlm) DAVOPOBT Fjsa? Vrm WEDNESDAY, A photographer, named Gregory, and a girl, name unknown, were both found dead, in a room in Cleveland, the morniug of tbe 16 ib. inst. Til latter was shot and the former had wis throat ut. The cir- cumstances connected with the tragedy are not staled.

party of Second Adventuts at Lynn, have been holding meetings, day and night for the past two months, expect ing to effect an aseeBsion on Wednesday, which they diin't. One lady has become so convinced of the near end of all things that she deserted her home, and her husband has sold his furniture, and rented his hOUSe, A very gad and ktal accident occurred at the coal shaft of the Bloomington, (ill.) Coal Mining Compsny, oh Monday morning. A man named Augist Schmidt, one of the workmen at the mine, fell from the top of the shaft to the a distance over three hundred feet, and was literally crushed to a jelly, and ws taken up dead. Three mon at the bottom if the abaft were injured, one having a leg broken, and the ethers only slightly hurt by the unfortu nate man falling upon them. Tcaw'Advertisemanta.

THE WHEAT PREMIUM Broadcast Seeder and Cultirator fou isea. These machinss took the fikst premium at the Scott County Fair, also at the Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois State Fairs, and all the Coao-ty Fairs where tbey hare beentxhibited. These are the only Machines which overcome the great difficulty heretofore with all Broadcast Setders, Xlie Cracklus; of Grain. Th cap In the cylinder In these Machines Is pad Bed wita rubber, which prevents the cracking of Ursin entirely. The gearing is under "the feed box, and ie therefore protected from dirt falling into it, and shortens tho distance between tbe wheels, and cultivates the same width of gronn-1.

The amount of Wheat and Oats to bow is marked with distinct figures, separate. Tbe Lever is so aranged thnt the Cultivator can be raised or lowered with ease with one hand. Tbe very Important improvements on this year's Machines make It superior to any other In the market, and all farmer will find it to their Interest to see this machine before pnrcbaslng- 80HNITGEH VOIXSTED, Agents, Harrison atreet, near 8d. j. j.

mukpjiv at COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 84 Poydras street. NEW OKLEANS. DEALERS in Northern and Western Produce, Io) tatocs, Onions, Beans, Dried Apple, Cow-Pas, Ac Reference John Finn, Tuos.Bnrlte, Johns'. Daly, St.

Louis and 3. P. Pond A Keokuk. Anthracite Coal. ASD BLACKSMITH'S COAL.

novl4-dty For sale by J. M. DALZELL 4 BRO. Oilice l'ennsylraala Kailroad Co Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1SGT.

THE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD COMPANY hereby give notice, that they will receive proposals until the first day of January, 1808, for leaning separately or collectively the Union Depot Hotel at Pittsburgh, the Loean Home at Altoona, and the Dining Saloon In the Harrisburijli Depot, for a tenn of years, commencing on or before March 1, IStfS. The hotels at Pittsburgh and Altoona are furnished thioughont iu the best manner. It must be expressly understood that the Railroad Company will require that all of these shall be kept in a stri- tly first class manner for the convenience and comfort of passengers patronising its line. Proposals will be addressed to John M. Kennedy, Chairman of Special Committee.No.

SOS Arch atreet, Philadelphia. novl9-dtd 4l 8 A .2 0 CO i-4 Ed fed a. OS 3 t-6 CO .2 A. 5 3 a rT, -a .5 .5 -3 0. 9 t) fed 5 a 3 sis ft CD ft 1 13 .2 CO bis -s 0 aj 13 CD -a OS a Coo DAVENPORT Library Association.

DEL J. Will Lecture in Metropolitan Hall, Saturday EFe'ng Nor. 23, 'C7. SUBJECT Doors open at 7. Lecture to commence at 8 sharp.

Tickets, SO etw. Kewrved Seats, 75 cents. To be had of Lose Griggs. Melr of the Association will purchase their tickets of Mr. B.

A. Oliver, the Treasurer. Saturday evening, November 16th, at the Library novlS-dtd JACOB HAllN'S Union Bakery Restaurant ISo. 8 East 3d Street. THE SUBSCRIBER' HAS JVSt OPENED HIS New and Elegant Establishment, and would say to old cnstoaiors and new ones, that he is prepared to furnish them with the beet quality of choice Dread, Cakes, Pies and Confeo tionery.

Made from the beat material. A full stock al ways on hand, and families upplied at reasonable rate. Th tUnioii Restaurant Ha been fitted itted up in elegant style, where meals and i will be served in the beet style at al not Conee hnnrs. Parties supplied In the bet manner on abort notice. Satisfaction guaranteed in everything.

Bend in your order. oct29 dif JACOB JIAHN. GEO. CRAWFORD Commission Merchants, Importers and Dealers in Soda Ash, Sal Soda, Caustic Soda, FOl'XDRT FaCI-GS, PLASTER, LIME, CEMENT, SAXD, PDM MICE STONE, BOSIN, ETC. No.

209 Walnut street, Ohio. J. J. UUTXER'S Record, Mercantile and Copying EXCELSIOR WRITING FLUID, Carmine Ink aad Mncilage. Factory, 34 and 36 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Tbe sale of these Ink is the largest west of the mountains. They have given general satisfaction for many The quality is uniform and reliable. The Mercantile Fluid in pints and quarts, la adapted for all purposes. Blotter, Ledger and Copying and is a combined Writing and Copying Fluid, equal alt respects, to any Ink yet produced, combining fluidity with good copying properties. Thn most liberal discounts will at all times be made wholesale lots, that the current cash value of material will allow.


'X ItEGNIER DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY Teas, Dried Fruits, wooden Willow II arcs, i Whips, Powder, Load, Shot, Caps, tc, 41 Brady Davenport NE (tKQCEIIY STOKE r. KraKEu, m. Kaaxxa P. KEBSER SOX, HAVE OPENED A FINE STOCK OF Fresh Gx eries, TTHICH TriEY" WILL SELL AT THE VERY A4jesi rricea. Their motto will be Qaifk Sales and Small Profits.

CALL AND SEE. a Street bet. Main A Harrison. JMyenport, Sept. 9th, 188 dtf OLDEST GROCERY HOUSE IN DAVENPORT.

VA PATTEH I.URKS Successors to ALVORD jt VAN FATTEN, Wholesale Hetail Dealers in Cloice Groceries, NAILS' OIIjS, PAINTS, I-if Call and s.e Qoods and learn the prices el9-d MO. BRADV tT. STOVES, Prepare for Cold Weather. DAVENPORT STOVE STORE DOIV 1VJOW OFFER A 'LARGE AND WELL XI selected stock of STOVES AND House-kecpingGroods At Low l'rlcee. AU kinds of Job Work dons to order witk ne.tiiA..

and dispatch. store repairs always on band. No. 3 East Front Street, Davenport, Iowa. Davenport Coppersmith AND HEAVY SHEET IRON WORKER mtcraoTDBU or Smoke Stacks, Breeching, Sorghum PANS, FIRE SHUTTERS, WELL TUBBING, EXHAUST PIPE, AC, AC.

Also, dealer in Store and Tin Ware, itoolinS and all House Jobbing done neatly and promptly. The great fuel economiier, the Eureka and Uood Samaratan, Cook and Vonitor heating Stove are still in the market, alao many other kinds of store. Call and eza nine at Main street, Davenport, Iowa. ledtf AS H. DCMONT The Charter Oak Cookiag Stores As formerly matinfftctnred by GILES P.

FILLKY, anrl IrttelT by the EXCELSIOB MAM UFACTUlUNu COMPANY, Off ST LOUIS, obtained and main-tained an unparalleled reputation and sale, over being -old within I'i years. But, notwithstanding the excellence and increasing popularity of the old patterns, we have just completed a ISkw C'habtk Oak of superior construction with I.ono irk Box and High Ovkn. The pattern bave been nearly two years in active preparation, every real fm-provpraent that long experience and twenty years practical knowledge in the bunlnesn conld ButTp-ost has been adopted to bring thle Stove to perfection, retrardlesa alike of Tilk, La bob or Expknsr. We therefore offer our New Charter Oak AS THE Best Constructed, iel Operating and most Economical and Durable COOKING STOVE ETEEMADE. And are now making th Challenge Cook Store lor Coal Stove Dealers, House Keepers anda 11 lovers of (food Cooking are particularly reqneeted to examine the New Stove, a we are confident that It must supercede all others wherever and used.

Price List and Catalogue sent on application. Address, EXCELSIOR MANUFACT'G ST. LOUIS, MO. i. XV.

NMII.EY, jy24-dtlll janl Davenport, Sole Ajjeut. P. MEYER, ER CHANT TAILOR, NECOvn STKEHT. 1st door -west 1st National Bank, DAVENPORT, Ii in receipt of a large and well selected stock of Iieady-7Iatle CLOTHING, Gents Furnishing Goods, Ac. Everything in the Clothing Line always on band.

Orders promptly attended to. PRICES LOW. BAItGJWYS THE UNDERSIGNED WILL SELL OUT HI3 entire stock of Ready Sladc CLOTHING! Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, Hats and Trunks and Valises, REGARDLESS OF COST. Being determined to close ont bnsines. For ex amination and great Inducements, call on H.

LIVERIGHT, 3io. 10 L. Claire Row. nov7-d2n DAVENPORT. SEWINCr MACHINES.

SEWING MACHINES A BE XII ONlYr IWACIII: Xa. that can sew nil kinds ot Clotta fe with nil kinds of'thread. Davenport Oilice, Io. Jlrndy street. epl-dAwly 1LC0X 13BS SEWEHG ICliiL The Champion of 136 firnt premiums "Its seam ie strong In two suaaons er and let liable to rip than tbe Lock Stitch." Mnd(es' Report of the tirand Trial." Send for the "Report" and Simples of work, containing both kinds of tttiiUie on the same piece goods.

Agents wanted h. CORNELL GenT Agent, 133 Lake Chicago, M. Q. LEE, Agent, Davenport. OfBoe, North side Third et.

bet, uraoy as oiry. Mi (JIT I 33 S. Bct your Carpets at. Oil Cloths at Gould's and get thcui at Chicago prices. Boarders Waktbo at Mrs.

Drew', corner Main and Sixth with or without rooms. i V'--A Them are now 630 children at the Orphans Home, Bear this city, all enjoying good health. -i Tbs Mutual Life Insurance Company of Chicago, pays its losses promptly, as will be seen by reference to notice published in another place. Royal a kino Powdii is sold by all grocers in this city ererybody should try itbecause it is the cheapest and best ever offered the public. Omsaios.

The Gazette this morning neglected to tell iU readers that it is a "live, enterprising newspaper." We fear those dear readers will forget that fact unless continually, reminded. That they may not do so, we refrctb, in a purely kind spirit, their memories on the subject. Clotdes-lise Thmt. On Monday night, the prmUes of "Mr. C.V.'.

Strong, on Perry street, near Sixth, were visited by parties who carried off a'l the clothes that bad been le oa the line to dry. Commonly speaking such parties are called thieves. Who they wero his not transpired. It is not probable that Absalom was obliged to use any hair pteparation to force bis hair to grow to such an extreme length as it is said to have attained. In our day, however, people quite frequently find it necessary to call scientific skill to aid them in this respect.

Such will find their every wish supplied in "Barrett's Vegetsble Ilair Restorative." DATKNPokT IxpaovKXENTs. The two large extra editions of the Dssiocbat, containing the list of improvements in this city for the past year, having been exhausted, we have this day struck off another, so that the demands of all may be supplied. Our people do right to scatter these papers far and wide. Let the people know what Da venport is doing. Wc bare written of Webb's magnificent display of mirrors, his endless Yariety of crockery and table-ware, house-furnishing goods, fanoy articles, birth-day and bridal presents, but choicer and richer than these are hisyur solid silver goods carefully selected and presented to the public at the lowest market prices.

Nothing nicer or more appropriate for holiday presents. We advice all to see them, and examine closely. Qiieb Kijd or ScnBSNDBR. The Gazette claims that we surrender because we do not choose to fill np our paper with refutations of its many untruthful boasts. That reminds us of the way in which Johnson surrendered to Sherman at the close of the war.

Surrender, eh There's no such word in our vocabulary. We rather gness it is not customary for ona who has pinned his an tagonist to tho wall to surrender, unless QazttU tactics are observed. Lira Insubamcb Paid. Received of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of Chicago, ninety days before due, the sum of two thousand dollars, $2,000 in full of amount insured upon the life of my late husband, Valentino Cramer, by its Policy numbered 2080, and dated Anguat 7tb, 1867. Maria Elizabeth Cbaukb.

Witness Otto Shith. Darerport, lows, Not. 18, 1867. S. -Mas as General Agents Geo, D.

Martin, Solicitor. Vert I.iDCSTRiocs. That lire and enter prising newspaper the Gazette, has been amusing itself counting the number of ems we publish in our reading columns. Una ble to tell the truth, as usual it cunningly puts down the figures at much less than they really are But that is characteristic of "the euterpriaicg journal," and we have no fault to find. By the way, neighbor, if you have so much leidure, there is a little job we can give you to do that will occupy some of your time.

Our boots need blacking bad. AVhat gsy you IiiLLiauD TotTBSAMiNT. We learn fro the Execotivo Committee of the Iowa Billiard Society that the time for holding the State Tournament has been fixed for the second week in January, commencing on Tuesday the 7th and continuing three days. Daring, the tournament the championship of the State will be played for, tho victor will take the Golden Cue, which it is estimated will cast about two hundred dollars. Other prizes amounting to several hundred dollars will also be played for.

The following noted players have signi fied their intention of beine present and giving an exhibition of their skill: J. W. Coon, formerly cf Davenport, the Great Western Billiardist; Henry Rbines, the Champion of Illinois, Tom Foley, the ex- Champion of Illinois Phil. Tieman, of Cin cinnati, who recently played for the Cham- pionship of America; and llyman Brans. wick of St.

Louis. Arrangements will be made for holding the tournament in Metropolitan Hall, go that all who may wish to attend can have an opportunity of witnessing the various games. The presence ef so many of the most skillful players in the country, will undoubtedly make the attendance unusually large, as the playing will be most interesting. Let the best players in the State prepare for the honors of the Golden Cue. Th Bcrli.ngtok Ssssatios.

We have just learned the following additional -partic ulars of the Moore vs. Smith alias Epstein hooting affair at Burlington. The woman's real name is Shafer. She kept a boar dine house in Kooxville, and Epstein bad a store in the same place. She learned that he bad made remarks derogatory to her character, and gave him to understand that her Southern chivalry would not stand it.

Ue made himself scarce in that vicinity and came to Rjck Island, where he had a broth er living, who has since been informed of the shooting aerape, and is now with him at Burlington. Her woman's vengeance was not appeased by his absence she longed for blood her's was a hatred that laughed at distance. She followed him, and with the duloet tones ef forgiveness, and tears of injured innocence, prevailed upon htm to return with her and mend matters. Arriving at Muscatine he "smelted woole and decamped for Washington. With cun ning philosophy she waited his return, and again they proceeded South, it undoubtedly being her object to get him as far South as possible, and then satisfy her thirst for blood.

Fearing her victim might escape, the deed was probably anticipated at Burlington, although she persistently denies all knowledge of the transaction, and by keep ing her own counsel, may, by the technical ities of the law, get clear, as the proof is "somewhat circumstantial," I DtsTticT Cocbt. The attention of the ourt is still occupied 'with the criminal docket. One case has been tried to-day, that of James King," indicted for selling a diseased horse! The verdict of the jury was "not guilty!" "1 The esse of John Bailey and Peler Ger-mond took up the balance of the day; The Grand Jury: indicted them "for breaking and entering," "for entering dwelling," and "for i i The case of Cyrus J. Briggs, for seduction, did not come to tril. Briggs settled with the prosecuting witness by- paying $250, and costs, also the prosecuting attorney's fee of 50, whereupon the ease was dismissed.

The case of David Auerock, "all about a rat-trap," was dismissed, not however until the grave barristers had extracted considerable amusement from It. It seems a woman, a neighbor of Auerock's, set a rat-trap ia her cibbage patch for dogs, and that Auerock's canine ra unfortunate enough to put bis foot into it and bring it home a clear case of larceny. Sho went for her trap and on being refused entered a complaint before the Justice against-Auerock for stealing the trap. The Justice found the party guilty and fined hiui Jl. The case was appealed and came up to-day.

Mr. Llubbell, counsel for defendant, offered to plead guilty provided the dog be substituted for Auerock. His honor thought that "eternal justice" hardly demanded of the court to incur a ten dollar attorney's fee and costs, for a one dollar rat-trap case, and ordered it dismissed. Irvisq Association. The young men comprising this Society, had a lively discussion last evening.

The question under consideration was "Jietolved, that the people of the United States owe as much to the settlers of Jamestown as to the Puritans." Messrs. Waterman, Thompson, Goode and J. R. Austin spoke in tho affirmative, while Messrs. F.

W. Austin, Young, Fenno and Lowry argued in the negative. The judges at the conclusion decided in favor of the negative. A large audienee was present, listening to the several arguments with considerable interest. That's Right.

'Squire Dittoa has bough a fine lot on Perry street, above Fifteenth at the edge of the old fair grounds. In the spring he contemplates erecting thereon a snug dwelling house for himself and Riveb. The St. Louis Republican reports a most disastrous conflagration in the town of Louisiana, Mo. One entire square, on which were located all of the tobacco factories, was destroyed.

The St Louis Democrat, of Saturday, says "The Northern Line is played oot for the season. The last packet arrival, laid up, and the company won't bind themselves to send hence one other packet this year, except to Alton slough." The New Boston left for Ft. Madison this afternoon. She look all the freight she could carry. The Savanna will be the paok-et fcr to-morrow morning.

The Reserve has passed the lower rapids and gone to St. where she will be laid up during the winter. The Minnesota is now at LeClaire. She will go upon the ways and undergo thorough repairs during the winter. The Dubuque and Muscatine are now up the river.

They are expected at our levee to-morrow morning. This is their last trin for the season. If they are able to pass the lower rapids, they will go into winter quarters at St. Louis, if not, they will select some point above the rapids. All other boats arj making their way down the river as fast as possible.

Those that are unable to pass the lower rapids are going into winter quarters at favorable points above. The only boats left will be the New Boston and Savanna, the regular packets between this point and Fort Maui son. They will run until the river closes The St. Paul Pioneer, speaking of the riv er says The oflicersof the different boats are eet ting their books in order and preparing to settle up, as tne close ot navigation may come any day. Business, however, will be pushed to tne utmost limit, and nothing but actual ice wilt stop the trado and travel by way of the river.

Stephen's Fobd Bkidgk. Speaking of this structure the Clinton Herald of Satur day says "The bridge over the Wapsie at Stephen's Ford, six miles from De owned by the tv spsipmecon Company (Neafie Ankeny, of the Clinton Bridge Company, builders,) ia going rapidly forward. The sub-contract for the mason-work has been let to Ed. Buell, of Walnut Jrove. The contract for building this bridge was let to Neafio Ankeny on the Slst ult.

On the same day, the sub contract for pawing the lumber as let to French Davieo, of Da venport, This contract, for 73,000 feet of dimension lumber, 80,000 feet of it over twenty feet long, was sawed and delivered on the grounds within six days from com- mencement of sawing. Ibe delivery of the lumber, and two hundred perch of stone was closed on Saturday, the foundations put in, and oue span of the bridge erected, which we consider remarkably quick work. The. directors of the bridge were on the grounds on Friday, gave a satisfactory estimate of material delivered and wotk per formed, and paid the estimate in cash. This is is to be a lattice bridge, two hundred feet long, seventeen feet roadway, and twenty feet high.

The contract calls for the com pletion of the bridge on the first of January. lobs but tne contractors expect to com plete it by the 8th of December. Real Estate Transfers. Filed in the Kecorder's office, Scott county, Iowa, to o'clock, Sov. JO, 1867 A.

C. Fulton, et nx to Kittie Carkeet, lot block 10, A. O. ulton's addition to East L'avenport. Consider- tton Elix A.

Bobbies to Wilfred V. Hail! lot block 1. J. M. F.

Hall's addi 835.00 tion to. Davenport. Consideration 1,050.00 "annie Jordan and hnsband to Lois and LippmanOchs, right of way over the east 8 feet of the north 20 feet, lot 1, block 44, Davenport. Consid eration. 100.00 Ths receipts and shipments per rail, for two weeks, ending Nov.

15th, were as follows: Shipments. 8,000 bush Corn, 2,800 bush; Onions, 1,600 bush Oats, Wheat. 8,500 bush Flour 2,600 bbls Mehl, 120,000 lbs Hogs, 440 w' 80hed; Lumber, 720 Mdse, 22a tons. Receipts. Barley, 2.800 bush: Wheat 10,000 bust, Oats.

800 bush 7obush; Coal, 600 tons Mdse, 525 tons. Uaoic Wonders Evert Yocth a Ma-iciam In their own parlors at borne may be produced a great number of Beautiful I Startling phenomenas by any young man, woman or child who pos-aess the wonderful Cabinet a collection of materials and directions for entertaining a company of young or old folks a whole evening. No apparatus required no danger whatever a child can perform with it Tho whole OaCinet complete for only one dollar, and will be sent by express for the price to any part of the United States. Address, enclosing the cash, Kiso A Caswell, 67 Lake Druggists seUlhem. Chicago, 111.

Us Lallemand's Specific for Rheumatism. Gout and Neuralgia. It effectually destroys all poison in the blood, and performs a radw oal cure. Read testimonials slmh.n DIXQM SONS CORNER OF SECOND AND MAIN STREETS, Respectfully announce thnt they bave just opened out a very large and choice assortment ot New Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Sillfs, Shawl. Trimmings, Clonks, uiovcs, ClOKlaliiffa, iflnnKcts, Hosiery, Our Stock this season will be found cliuiee.

varied and eomTileta and tirusanla attrartiona ta the public rarely met witb. uau and see our mammoth stock before making 8KJX OF XSIK I.IO.T. FaLL GO KD JLLi Illb J. 3STO. 50 BUADY All the netv and most desirable sf lea of miP IL SlPi VIM Cassimcres, Cloths, Notion), your purchaaea.

J. E. DIXON SONS. 4- Alpaccas, Cloths Cassimeres, AND PLAIN FLANNELS, aVe.e JtC. comcdlous rooms In Messrs.

BBIJ TIt1DE, W. C. WADSWORTII. Itnllihd SS. GOODS Merinos, Empress Cloths, Poplins, Glores and Hosiery, lioop Skirts, SHIRTINGS, TWILLED aVC.a WHOLESALE HOUSE, DRY 41 mirt 43 KIMUI SMEET.

Having leased the large and Seig Myers new brick block, I am now prepared, with one el the largest and best stocks erer oflered In the State, to an EX CE USE YE JO Kstabllshed ISS3. NICHOLAS KumsTEisr, 3IANUFACTURER OF CIGARS, AND DEALER IN LEAF. PLUG FINE CUT TOBACCO, Keeps on hand the largest Stook and Varioty ot oov goods of any boose in th Stat. Tobacconists and all deaiers in above (foods are invited to examine my atock and I tieta, ana in quality of my goods before purcursing elsewhere. Cor.

Main and 2d Streets, Davenport, Iowa..

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