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Davenport Weekly Democrat and Leader from Davenport, Iowa • 10

Davenport, Iowa
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Thursday, July 11, 1907. i 13 DAVENPORT WEEKLY DEMOCRAT and LEADER MAN INJURED The World's Peanut Trade An I Ivan 9s Distinction rooms. No one ia afraid to use yeast in bread making, or to eat mushrooms, so no one should be afraid to drink milk simply because it contains similar vegetable forms. Sometimes poisonous bacteria get into milk, but the cases of poisoning resulting are, comparatively speaking, rare, and no one need give up- drinking milk on this account." North American Texas, Iowa, and Louisiana; while 18 is the age prescribed in Arkansas, California, Colorado, Dakota, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa (unless married Kansas, Maryland (unless married), Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska (unless married, when it is 16), Nevada, Ohio, Oregon (unless married), Vermont and Washington (unless married). Pictorial Review.

A NEW SCANDAL IN PITTSBURG Rapid Growth of the foreign Commerce of this Country in the Arctic. How a Country llditor Became President of a Leading Chicago Bank George Evan Roberts will be wide- ho has tte great merit, not sufflclent-ly congratulated on his new dlstinc- ly common, of advising a friend, or t'ion and nowhere will th( congratu- one glvli; him trust and confidence, lationstbe more hearty than, from his out of tie riches of counsel he ac-n'ative (state. Mr. RoburtsL'bas been jcepts for thluiself. director" of the mint siiret 1898.

He The lesion of the life of Mr. Rob-won that office on merit.ani in like ertH is a 'splendid lesson. It brings ON THE Ambulances Were Kept Busy in City of Chicago. Pittsburg, July 5. Pittsburg has broken all records for Independence day casualties.

Up to 6 this morning five persons have died and two score more were seriously hurt, many of them fatally. By 10 o'clock 15 violent deaths had been reported to the coroner's office, and the number of injured three score. The list of dead included two alleged murders and one Buicide. Chicago, July 5. The Tribune of this morning tabulates the results of yesterday's celebration throughout the country, so far eta reported, as follows: Dead 30 By fireworks 13 By cannon 4 By firearms 9 By explosives 1 By toy pistols 1 By runaways 2 Injured 1,468 By fireworks C84 By cannon 181 By firearms 101 By explosives 234 By Toy Pistols 157 By runaways 31 Fire loss $95,205 Seventy-five seriously Injured, with scores slightly hurt bringing the total far over the 200 mark, made up the toll of the city's patriotism and foolishness.

Several of those who were injured may die. Despite the unusual precautions taken by the health department in equipping every ambulance and patrol wagon with tetanus antitoxin, there is great danger that lockjaw will develop in many of the cases which were not reached by the city's physicians The reports of these will not be complete for several weeks, as the lockjaw germ often takes its time. The firemen had a busy time, especially in the evening. Seventy-one alarms were sent, in during the 24 hours ending at midnight. None of the blazes, however, inflicted serious loss.

DROVE PASTOR AND GIRL FROM HOTEL Fashionable Altoona, Church Without a Pastor Following Sen sational Scandal, Altoona, July 8. The pulpit of the Second United Brethren church, one of the most prominent congregations in the city, was unoccupied yesterday, and Rev. William N. Deiler, the pastor, was missing from the parsonage. Inquiry developed the fact that Rev.

Deiler had tendered his resignation to the trustees Friday night and had left the city last evening for parts unknown to all but a few of his confidants. Back of the resignation is a salacious scandal that has stirred the town of Martlnsburg, this county, as It never had been stirred before, and has staggered the Second United Brethren congregation. Ten days ago the Christian Endeavor societies of Blair county held a two days' rally at Martlnsburg. Rev. Deiler was a delegate and the principal speaker, delivering an address on the closing evening that was declared to be one of the most powerful ever made before a local countv convention.

On Thursday afternoon a young woman aged 19 years, registered at the Ha gey house, Martlnsburg, as Miss Margaret Guilliford. Later in the evening after delivering his address. Rev. Deiler also registered at the hotel, although he had been a guest at a friend's house for a couple of days, Landlord Mayne of the Hagey house then takes up the thread of the story "Shortly after midnight a servant informed my wife that Rev. Dellor had gone to Miss Guilllford's room.

My wife acquainted me with the facts, and I started an Investigation. I went to Miss Guilllford's room and demanded entrance. This being denied, I threatened to batter down the door, and was carrying out the threat, when it was opened. "I was shocked at. what I behold Miss Guilliford was scantily attired, while Rev.

Mr. Deiler wore, his undershirt, and was drawing on his trousers as I entered. I ordered them from the hotel, in spite of their pleadings. 'Name your price to keep this said Rev. Mr.

Deiler. "I told him he must go. They obtained a livery team and drove to Hol- lidaysburg and then to Altoona. I still retain a portion of Rev. Mr.

Del-ler's clothes." The news or tne escapade was brought to the attention of tho trustees of the Second church on Friday, and a committee was appointed to investigate. Rev. Mr. Deiler was ciille. 1 before the committee, and confessed his guilt.

He said he was down an. I out. All he asked was that nothing be said until he got his family away from Altoona. Rev. Deiler confessed his Indiscretion to a fellow clergyman on Friday night, and restrained with difficulty from 'self-destruction.

After a dreadful night he was somewhat pacified. Miss Guilliford was recently a maid at the Deiler home, She was quite prominent, in church work. When a Girl Is of Age. In Nebraska she is of age at 1C. In the state of Washington she attains her majority at IS; but.

if her husband is of age she also is. no matter how young she may he. This is a strange law, allowing the husband to control the majority of his wife. But marriage also brings our inn to her majority, no matter what her may he. ia Orezcm.

FOURTH Peanuts are beginning to form an appreciable and rapidly growing Item in the foreign commerce of the United States, especially in the import trade. Despite the fact that the United States produces probably bushels of peanuts a year, her exportations have been lu such Inconsiderable quantities that tho bureau of statistics has only recently found it necessary to include peanuts in Its list of articles exported. Meantime the imports have also rap-Idly increased, and the total foreign commerce In the article in the year about to end will aggregate nearly $1,000,000, the imports have grown in value from less than 6,000 In 1900 to about $500,0,10 in the present year, while exports for the year will approximate $300,000. West Africa and the East Indies are the principal sources of supply of the peanuts entering the international markets of the world. The exports of peanuts from the French colony of Senegal, on the west coast of Africa, were In the latest available year over 300,000,000 pounds; those of British India a little less than Gambia, on the west coast of Africa, about the Dutch East Indies, about 50,000,000, while China, Japan, Argentine, Spain, and the United States also supply com- GIRL'S MIND INGED 8Y LOVE Attempts to Kill Man Who Slighted Her and Then Suicide.

Creston, July 7. Because a young man of this city with whom she was Infatuated refused to return her love and slighted her, Miss Lena Dowing, a Creston girl, only 16 years of age, attempted to end her life recently by swallowing a bottle of laudanum and had It not been for the prompt action of a number of local physicians who were called immediately by the horror stricken relatives of the girl, she would undoubtedly have accomplished her destruction. Miss Dowing has not been staying at home of her parents recently, but has been working at various homes In the city. The young man in the case is a youth prominent in the social circles of the city. Just before Miss Dowing attempted to commit her rash deed she went to the home of the young man and attempted to kill him, but was turned away without being able to see him.

Miss Dowtng's father has made arrangements for her to be taken to the asylum at Clarinda, as her mind is thought to be unbalanced, and she was yesterday taken to that place by Deputy Sheriff Evans. Mr. Dowing at first endeavored to have the girl return home with him, but she refused and threatened another attempt on her life and as a razor was found concealed In her baggage It was thought best for her to be sent to the asylum. POSSES HUNTING FOR HUMAN FIEND Relatives Likely to Lynch Assailant of 14-Year-Otd Child if They Capture Him. Pittsburg, July 8.

The police and three posses of citizens are searching the neighborhood of West Newton, a small place near this city, for a man who attacked Elizabeth Medsgar, the 14-year-old daughter of a wealthy resident. One of the posses, headed by relatives of the girl, is heavily armed, and a lynching is threatened. The girl Is under the care of physicians and her condition Is critical. The attack occurred at an old quarry in a wood near the girl's homo, where she was found almost dead several hours later by persons who chanced to pass the place. From the Medsgar girl's description of her assailant the authorities are said to be satisfied of bis identity, and are searching for an alleged dissolute character who has suddenly disappeared.

VICTORY FOR MRS. GOULD Motion to Strike Out Certain Scandalous Matters From Her Complaint Denied by the Court. New York, July 8. Supreme Judge McCall today denied the application of Delaney Nicolla, counsel for Howard Gould, whose wife is suing for separation, to strike from Mrs. Gould's conii-laint against her husband certain alleged scandalous matters.

Autoists Strike Telephone Pole. New York, July 8. Dr. Julian P. Thomas, Florence Hass, the actress, and Grace Rogers, ocupants of an automobile, were seriously injured last night when the machine struck a trolley pole while traveling at a high rate of speed.

Dr. Thomas and Miss Hass are In a critical condition. Miss Rogers, although seriously hurt, will probably recover. Lad Drowned at Burlington. Burlington.

July 7. While playing on a log raft Louis Countryman, aged 12 years, fell into the rlvor and was drowned. He had started to Sunday school. CASTOR I A for Infants indfJiildrafc Tha kind Toil Kavo A vavs Mm YOUNG I paratively small quantities. The growing of peanuts has been rapidly extending in this country, the acreage in 1889 being 204,000 acres, and in 1899 517,000 acres, an increase of over 150 per cent, while tho production has increased from 000 bushels to 11,905,000 bushels, or about 233 per cent.

The crop is concentrated in a few Southern states, Virginia supplying about one-third of it, and North Carolina about another third. France Is the most important purchaser cf peanuts. The Imports of the unshelled products into that country amount to about 10,000,000 to 14,000,000 bushels, and the imports of the shelled article, namely, from British India, have rapidly grown within the last six years from to 242,000,000 pounds, co that the total imports Lave increased from 350,000,000 pounds in 1900 to to 242,000,000 pounds, so that the the bushel) in 1906. These enormous quantities are used in France, principally in Marseilles, for the extraction of oil. This is the main use to which peanuts are put in Europe, where they are not considered an article of luxury, as in this country.

In fact, several countries class peanuts in their trade statistics with oil seed or raw products for use in manufac-trues. New York Times. AMERICAN GOLD FLOWS TO Bank of France Recouping Its Reserves from This Country. New York, July 8. The movement of gold from this country to France, which has been in progress since early in May, will be continued today by the engagement of $1,000,000 for shipment tomorrow.

The exportation of gold is attributed by exchange exports to attempt of the Bank of France to recuperate its gold reserve, which has been lessened by the withdrawal of Russian deposits from France. Since April France has taken about $22,800,000 from America, $3,000,000 has gone to London, and $1,000,000 to Holland. New York exchange houses express the opinion the movement of gold to France is likely to continue until the demands of the Bank of France are satisfied. THE "TEDDY BEAR" AND RACE SUICIDE St. Joe Priest Says the Popular Toy Destroys Instinct of Motherhood in Little Girls.

St. Joseph, July 8. "Roosevelt hoist with his own petard: 'Teddy bear' responsible for race wrote a St. Joseph reporter when he went to the newspaper office, after listening to Rev. Michael G.

Esper's sermon In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic church. For Father Esper declared that the "Teddy bear" was a national peril, threatening to result In race suicide to an unprecedented degree, in spite of all that the bear's distinguished namesake could do to make big families popular. Father Esper didn't call the president by name, or even hint reproachfully at him. But he did say that the "Teddy bear" was destroying all Instincts of motherhood in countless little girls, and in the future would be recognized as one of the most powerful factors In the race suicide danger.

IXjIIs, the priest said, were a good thing and helped to implant iu little girls the Instincts which some day would make them long for children of their own. But the "Teddy bear" "Discard it. forever," the priest urged his congregation at the close of 15 minutes' earnest talk. Father Esper spolte seriously and strove to impress upon his hearers that, he meant what he said, and saw a real danger In the toys. "There is something natural," said Father Esper, "in the care of a doll by a little girl It is the first manifestation of the feeling of motherhood.

In the development of those motherly Instincts Is the hope of nil nations. "It is a monstrous crime to do anything that will tend to destroy thes-i Instincts. That is what the 'Teddy bear' is doing, and that is why It Is going to be a factor in the race suicido problem if the custom is not suppressed. It is terrible enough that the present generation of parents in this country is leading us into grave danger by the practice of race suicide. If we cannot, awaken the present generation let us at least save the future ones." Monument to Hero Dead Unveiled.

Oskoah, July 8. Hick's memorial monument, dedicated to the soldiers of Wisconsin in the civil war, a gift to the city of Oskosh of Colonel John Hicks, the American minister to Chile, was unveiled this afternoon with appropriate ceremonies. Well Known Doctor Dead. Deseronto, July 8. Dr.

Ack-land Oronhytekha, son of the late supreme chief ranger of the Independent Order of Foresters, was found dead in bed yesterday, as the result of heart failure. the Signature SZJS JtUiSuM EUROPE DRIED BUTTERMILK FOOD FOR COWS Professor Establishes Endless Chain Arrangements With Millions In It. Manhattan. July 8. An endless chain arrangement that on its face appears to be five most economical scheme ever devised has been invented by Prof.

Oscar Erf of the Kansas State Agricultural college here. Prof, Erf takes the milk secured from the cows on the college farm, converts it into a powder and feeds It back to the cows, making what is declared to be the cheapest of all cow foods. The food Invented by Prof. Erf Is made of buttermilk. lie has perfected a system of drying buttermilk and then converting it into a powder.

This dried buttermilk contains about 70 per cent of protein, twice as much ns con-ton seed meal contains, and can bo manufactured for 1V4 cents a pound. Thus a food twice as rich as cotton seed can be manufactured as approxi mately the cost of the latter. One hundred pounds of buttermilk will make from nine to ten pounds of the finished product and as the estimated waist of buttermilk in the creameries of Kansas is 500,000 pounds daily, it is figured that by the adoption of this process a saving of $400,000 can be made yearly In Kansas alone, Prof. Erf left yesterday for the east. He will sail for Europe soon to at-ten the international dairymen's congress at The Hague, to which he Is a delegate.

SUICIDE OF ASH BURNER'S BACKER Ridiculing Letters Picturing Him as Dupe of Promoter Drove Dr. Hoy to Self-Destruction, Altoona, July 6. Dr. H. K.

Hoy, one of tne best known homeopathic physicians in Pennsylvania and the man who backed John Ell-moore, the Altoona cobbler, In his fish-burning Invention, committed suicide today by swallowing carbolic acid. The failure of the ash burning scheme was responsible for the suicide. Since it has been proved that Dr. Hoy was taen in by Ellmoore's alleged invention, he has worried constantly and could not stand the disgrace of the hundreds of letters he received ridiculing him. He was worth several hundred thousand dollars.

Ellmoore, the cobbler, was a life-long friend of Hoy's, and when the cobbler claimed to have found a process by which he could burn ashes Dr. Hoy agreed to finance the venture. "SOCIETY BULLFIGHT" IN TEXAS El Paso Elks Entertain Friends Before Going to Reunion 250 Pounder the Matador, El Paso, July 8 The El Paso Elks, who leave on Wednesday for the annual reunion at Philadelphia last night gave a "society bull fight" to their friends. Four bulls were killed and the Americans displayed much skill In handling the danderillos, swords and capes. W.

M. McCoy, a 250 pounder, acted as matador. This is said to be the first time an American amateur ever attempted the feat. Hundreds saw the fight, which wis held under electric light in the Mexican ring across the river. The bull fighters will be in Chicago on Friday morning.

HEAVY FIRE LOSS AT DECATUR CITY Decatur City, July 8 Fire which broke out Friday totally destroyed the business district on the north side of the square. The total loss is a little better than $20,000, with $0,500 insurance. The New Masonic building, which Is In course of construction, was damaged to such an extent that it will be necessary to take down the west wall and rebuild same. The fire originated in Walker Car-ringlon's restaurant, but the cause is unknown. Gray Horses In Maine.

After a disquisition on the value of gray horses, as compared with horses of other colors, the ParUhurst writer sagely notes: "You may change a farmer's religion or politics, make him think he is rich and handsome, coax his wife to run away with yon, or sell him a dog, but you will never make him think a gray horse ia not a jewel. I read somewhere recently that gray horses were not up to the standard, or words to that effect. I never was so astonished in my life. I have always thought, and do now, that gray and white horses were the handsomest, toughest breed on the planet. "The celebrated Arabian horses are white or dapple gray.

Famous generals In all wars have ridden white or iron gray chargers. Circus men select gray horses to draw the band wagons In street parades. A great parkin company always selects Percheron horses, net so much for the color, but because their feet will stand traveling on the pavements better than any draft breed. It is said that Joan of Arc rode a milk white horse, and St John, the revelator, saw a white horse In heaven (Rev. 2).

Half of the draft horses In Aroostook are white or gray, and another decade will see 9(1 per cent of them of that color." Lew- i iBton, Journal Telephone Qlrlt Strike. Butte. July 8. All telephone girls of the Rocky Mountain Hell Telephone company went out on a ptrtke yesterday in sympathy with the striking lineman of Utah, Wyom- tug ana Idaho e. Mrs.

Park Wood is Preparing to Sue Her Husband for a Divorce. Pittsburg, July 8. Another Pittsburg family's skeleton is to be dragged from the closet when Mrs. Park Wood of Pittsburg and New York brings suit against her husband for divorce. Mrs.

Wood already has made every preparation for commencing the suit, and, it would have been entered some time ago had not friends of both the young people persuaded her to delay for a short time. Every effort is now being made to patch up peace and bring about a reconciliation, but it is said that the breach Is so complete that there can never be harmony between the couple again. Young Wood is still under 30 years of age, while his wife, who Is a beautiful woman, Is several years his junior. Park Wood Is the son of the late Alan Wood, who created such a tremendous sensation a few years ago by marrying Miss Goldie Mohr, member of Weber and Fields chorus. Alan Wood was the son of the late W.

Pewess Wood, founder of the great Wood steel business, which was absorbed by the American Sheet and Tin Plate company, which made members of the Wood family millionaires many times over. HARD JOLT FOR HAWKEYE BANKS Supreme Court Holds Shares of National Banks Are Assessable on Market Value. Etherville, July 8. The supreme court has handed down a decision in the case of the First National Bank vs. the City of Esthervllle, holding thtt shares of national banks are assessable on their market value, instead of upon their book valtre, which is based upon the value of their assets after deducting the value of its real estate and liabilities to depositors.

This decision increases the taxes of practically every national bank in the state, as assessors have heretofore accepted the book value as handed in by the bank officials. In this particular case the bank gave in tho stock at $1.10, and the city equalization board raised it to $1.44, as the stock was selling on the market from CONTEST ENDS IN WELLS WILL CASE Each of the Contestants Paid Thelf Share of the Estate of Late Millionaire. Grundy Center, July 8. The contestants to the will of the lata George Wells have been paid off Id accordance with an agreement entered into a month ago. The amount paid in cash and securities was $75,000 of this sum went to George F.

Murray, nephew of Mrs. Wells; $75,000 to Mrs. George F. Wheelock, a niece of Mrs. Wells, and $50,000 to Mrs.

Martha Comstock, a sister of Mrs. Wells. The settlement ends the largest will case ever tried in Iowa, There was little actual cash transferred, the contestants accepting git-edged securities on their claims. "LOST AND FOUND." Hundreds of Watches, Pocketbooks, and Diamonds Come Under this Heading In New York. Among articles advertised within a few days as having been found on subway of elevated trains In this cUy are a bootblack's outfit, fishing tackle, a basket of clothes, some baby carriage handles, a doctor's outfit, a music stand, seventy-four umbrellas, four pairs of trousers, a few overcoats, and several pairs of overfills.

It. seems to be impossible to say what is the unexpected among things people loose. Of the expected there have been various efforts to make reasonably full records. Thus, somebody who once watched the "Lost and Found" advertisements for a year noted the loss in New York within that, period 915 watches, 873 pocket-books, 710 diamond pins, 485 bracelets and other hundreds of chains, necklaces, etc. How many things wont, without advertising there is no saying.

Paris had a partial count of things lost in 1903. The list and estimates totaled 65,000 umbrellas and walking-sticks, which Is believed to give the French capital a championship. Also lost and found in Paris that year were two artitlcial legs, one of them a woman's. There is always plenty of fresh evidence to support the proverbial claim that but for secure fastening many people would leave their heads behind them. New York World.

ASK TEDDY Why ilcii'S a Rnnse stand on one leg? Ask Teddy. How Ions should Bridget bo an egg? Ask Toddy. Whnt makes sui auto tire skid? I Win- will a man s.iy "done" for M'lH'n should a mother Bpank her kid? Ask Teddy. Whc-n may a son knoiik down his sire? A sit Toddy. Win li should man he called a Mar? Ask Teddy.

What kind of a w.irm Is best for halt? When may yooriR man slay out late? When should preacher speculate? Ask Teddy. h. life grows dull, what shall we do? Ask T-ddy. hen- shall we look for something new? Ask Teddy. To talk F.r.Kllsh.

which la wul.s -To be a common, ornery cuss, or try to he real strenuous? Ask Teddy. Harvey C. Dale In Chicago Record- into view the wealth of opportunity inviting i)Sse8slon at the hands of the American boy. Sioux City Journal. NINEflNJURED IN IOWA WRECK A Streets Car Accident at Council Bluff 'Which Might Have Been Worse.

Council Bluffs, July 5. Nine tipnnln. all at them women but two. (were injured In a street car accident here yesterday. A summer car with ja trailer was mounting the hill to Fair- mount park, bolh cars loaded to the limit, when the overhead switch blew out.

The front end of the car direct ly over the motorman was Instantly ablaze. The motorman leaped from the car after turning off in power but re- gained it before the train proceeded if aa far and succeeded In setting the brakes. The damage, however, had already been done. The passengers when they saw the flames sweeping back directly in the faces of those in the front car became panic stricken and a struggle began to escape. Some of the passengers sustained their injuries in the struggle, but the majority were caught and dragged over the street for some distance, a few at the same time being trampled upon.

The injured, none of whom is expected to die unless in one case, are: Mrs. Virginia Illson, 222 Frank street, city; unconscious when picked up; head injured. Mrs. Henry Peterson, same number, injury to top of head, serious. W.

H. Bourne, Modale, Ia slightly hurt. Mrs. Bourne, Modale, scalp wound, neck injured. Mrs.

C. H. Robertson, city, hurt on arm. Mrs. Andrew Sharkey, city, badly injured, scalp wound; two girls with her only slightly hurt.

J. N. Caesady, city, bruised about the abdomen. Mrs. J.

Y. Hopper, Omaha, injury to back and head and neck. The city ambulance was on the ground within a few minutes. All the injured living in the city are being cared for at their homes. The car was badly burned.

Many of the women either lost a portion of their garments or sustained damage to them. BIG SHORTAGE IN IOWA CORN CROP Prediction Made It Will Be 83,000,000 Bushels Below the Yield In 1906. Des Moines, July 8. Iowa's corn crop will fall Bhort of last year's stupendous yield fully 83,000,000 bushels. This is the prediction of George A.

Walls, secretary of the Iowa Grain Dealers' association. Mr. Wells has Issued his monthly crop report and gives the first tsstl-mates of the year as to what Iowa's fields will yield this fall. He places the corn crop total at 305,006,941 bushels, as against biiBhelH, the total yield last year. As If that isn't bad enough, Secretary Wells claims that the corn crop will be 39,000,000 bushels less now than It would have been if conditions bad been favorable from June 1.

"The estimate which I submit is based upon the supposition that the weather from now on will be as favorable for corn as it was from July 1 to the end of the season last year," said Mr. Wells. But although every crop output this season will be less than tho magnificent. Iowa yields all along the line last year, Mr. Wells shows by IiIb reports that with the exception of corn and spring wheat all of the crops are in a better condition today than they were the first of June.

Winter wheat is especially picking up and the outlook now Is that It will be only 9,000 bushels short of last year, Oats and rye, barley and flax are making decided gains. If they have any chance with the weather man at all they will make an average crop even at this late day. BACTERIA BY THE BILLION IN MILK But No One Need Give Up Drinking It, for They're the Kind That Are Beneficial. Doctor Henry Dwight Chapin gives some absorbingly interesting facts about milk, the article of diet with which everyone is so familiar, "and about which so little. Is generally kuown." To quote one passage: "Milk, as it leaves cow's udder.

contains bacttria. If the cow Is dirty or there Is loose hay around, dust from the cow's body and the hay Bet-ties in the milk-pail, and this dust is swarming with bacteria. As soon as they reach the warm milk they commence to multiply, and in a few hours they have increased until there are millions to the teaspoonful of milk. It is these bacteria that cause milk to Bour. but most of them are not only harmless but positively beneficial.

According to Prof. Conn, half a teaspoon-ful of cream which was sour enough to be enurnort tor hutter-makfng contain ea i.auu.uuu.uoo bacteria If bacterid were as harmful as some imairlne no one would be alive, for who has not drunk buttermilk or eaten cottage cheese made from sour milk which contains so many bacteria that few could grasp the numbers contained in a pint of it? "The bacteria arc plants belonging iv iuv eume ciass eb yeaspaaq musa- I manner trt preaiaency ui u. bank in Clfica-go has come to him. He has never bad to huurVajjob; he 1ms always had' the job hmnfang him. lie has been a worker from "bis youth up, always painstaking, alviays doing the best hot could, practicing honesty and exorcising Ills best JutUqnent.

He lias never bqasteu' that lie ws a progressive, but he has always leen one. He has been, content tomaiU he has always gone his undertaking in a square (and ho has never soueht U) climb by some other way. Hisdlfe and What he has done have given him a "testimonial, and thus he ha come n.lturally and lecltimntolv into the confidence of men of affairs and tothe distinction of being called to office in front hankiuff house Mn'ithe great- cst city of the West. Mr. Kobfci'ts was.boratinDelaware county, vears of'age on tneJiatmet August, He received his early Jeducfttlon in the common schools of Iova and a country printing office.

After a year In Siosix City he became proprietor of the Dodge Mestteuger, where he had! learned the trade of printer. He wasUheu just a. man- in the law's sight In 1SS2 he' was made state printer, and three years later he was married. His successes in those years notable as any in his life. HeVkent.on with his studies, nnd he waslrtne for good work the perilous i campaign' i of 1896.

W. H. Harvey, author and agitator, had written a popular treatise called "Coin's School." That was In 1894. In JSfK he followed it with another, called! "Coin's Financial School Up to Difie." The free sllver-Ites made extraagant use of Mr. Harvey's elementaries.

Mr. Roberts; proved a good student, and he wrote a book himself. He called It "Coinj nt School in Finrfnce." It combat ted "Coin" with bis own weapons, and no more effeol toe document was used In the McKlnfcsr campaign. "Iowa and the Silver Question," Wages amrPrlcte," followed. He was at once recognized as the leading publicist of the-' West ton the sound money side of thattmomrtitous contest That was a distinction ft the modest country editor Fort' Bodge.

McKlnley called Mr. RwbertslHo Washington to take the office he is aiout to relln-tiuish to accept algreat-offlceHn civil life. In that same campaign another Iowa man an adopted son came into prominence. He a country tanker and lawyer at "iDenison. He had made a study off the primary principles of thp moneylquestlon, and It turned out no man in the country, East or West was able to reach the people Lesfle M.

Shaw was able to reach-them. The people of his state murie him governor; Roosevelt called him! to the office of secretary of the treasury, and now he is serving as the head of a great financial Institution fin the city of New York. Iowa has reason to be proud of the record of Geo. E. Egberts and of the record of Leslie Shaw.

The life story of each reads, like a romance the boy of Iowa nativity, and the Vermont boy who came hither to educate himself, and to do for him-Belt and to grow up': with the country. It is not, altogether pleasant to lose these men from. the activities of the state, and yet it is a distinction to the state to have raised them for their large responsibilities In the world of might andVffinance. Mr. Roberts Willi, succeed the late James H.

Eckels, ai man like him in some important respects. Mr. Eckels was a native of Illinois and a year younger than, Mr. Roberts. He was as Mr.

Roberts is, and not of robustiapeparance. But he was a worker, as Mr. Roberts is; he was studious, thoughtful, conservative. Mr. Cleveland in 1893 made him comptroller of the currency this high school graduate and country lawyer of Ottawa.

Through a time of panic and crashing banks he administered the office with singular tact and marked ability. McKlnley continued him in his place through 1897, and on the 1st of January, 1898, he became president of the Commercial National bank, Chicago. It is this man with this record whose vacant place Mr. Roberts will fill. Mr.

Roberts in 1902 made plans looking to the resumption of work In Iowa. It was in this state he expected to live and die, Under his negotiation: the Des( Moines Register Md the Des Moines 'Leader were consolidated, and he became the principal owner. When be had finished his work in Washington he expected to take personal charge of this newspaper property. But later the venture did not appeal to him and the property passed to other hands. He has found better and larger opportunity outside of Iowa.

Tho United States is a great country, and there Is always a good place waiting some-vbere for a good man. Those who know Mr. Roberts are satisfied that lie is abundantly qualified for the station to which he 'has been He is somewhat indebted to the printing business. His nine years as director of the mint have materially assisted to qualify him. During these years he has made careful study of finance.

Wth hia attainments he has embellished a mind having natural aptitude for economics and the problems of banking. He is of gentle manner, but he is positive and abiding in bis convictions. Rather than depart from what he believes' to be honest and true would undergo any hardship cad any humiliation. Those wbojbave been 'in his circle know liow'Btrucjj baU as an cdviser; ant.

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