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The Miami News from Miami, Florida • 8

The Miami Newsi
Miami, Florida
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THE MIAMI METROPOLIS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 19, 1910. PAGE EIGHT EIGHT PAGES drawal of tbe funds mentioned above, is a At any rate Basham left home "well heeled," for a trip of almost any length and left his family provided for. Another Chapter in Disappearance of Aaron K. Basham Several Good, Carefully Selected Bargains FALL SEASON School Days Was at Sanford. 1 Letters from Basham himself and i the investigation made by the officers I show that the missing man reached I banford all right.

And it is now WAS MAX OP VERY IKCIIED PECULIARITIES AX1 FOUR believed that despite his plans as an TEEN YEARS AGO HE LEFT HOME ASH Tl'HXED IP AGAIX W'HEX HE GOT READY. nounced he left Sanford on the same night he arrived for the West Coast. If he did leave for the West Coast he purposely misled bis relatives as to his movements. When he reached Sanford Basham went to the Sanford House. At the hotel he had dinner and after dinner he wrote three letters, one to his wife oneto Simon Higginbothem.

his fa 65 ACRES 4 MILES FROM MIAMI OVER 7 ACRES IN GROVE WITH OVER AAA TTT1TT fTX CinTTTm nv 4-uuu xi.ui. un in-rauj, TWO STORY HOUSE AND PACKING -1 The Times-Union of Sunday con- ther-in-law. both of South Jacksonville, and one to his nephew. W. Reams, of Winter Garden.

These! letters were written and mailed on tains another chapter in the Basham Hosiery, suggesting the theory that for some reason Basham may be i "playing possum," as he is alleged to have done on a previous occasion. Times-t'nion story follows: That Aaron K. Basham is alive and well and just "placing possum" 'to satisfy his own eccentricities is August 20, but they were dated August II. The letter to Mrs. Basham announced that her husband had reached Sanford All ripht that ha lia.1 the latest theory advanced in helmet men nn th ti-oi Come together and also the demand for heavy work shoes and children school shoe at the same season.

WE ARE PREPARED to give you what you want in either line, and can sell as cheap as any one and guarantee satisfaction on all we sell. Our Bargain Counters are full at greatly reduced prices. Our line of shirts, underwear, hosiery, suspenders, and belts, in fact most any thing men or boys need is most complete. A good line of ladies hosiery is ready for your inspection. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE.

Rodgers Wigginton 1206 Avenue disappearance mystery which has the intended leaving Sanford the nvt I keilt the oftif'ro mm (iae. .1 HOUSE. PRICE $5,500 EASY TERMS. 59 ACRES NEAR LARKIN ALL PRAIRIE LAND AT $10.00 PER ACRE NEAR ROCK ROAD AND STORE. 50 ACRES A LITTLE OVER 5 MILES FROM MIAMI AND 1 1-2 MILES TO COCOA-NUT GROVE ON ROCK ROAD, LOCATED IN FINE FRUIT SECTION.


LOTS 2 AND 3 FACE THE BAY-AND BISCAYNE AVENUE AND LOT 4 FACES BAY VIEW AVENUE. PRICE $300 FOR THE THREE LOTS. -'I'wi1 uiese i men ior a launen public of three countits guessine foritrin down tho river tr. the past two weeks. Lmo Tk IB aiiu me ineory.

Based upon the al- mon Higginbotham practically that Itnulmm A it-o that Basham disappeared in UUi ttlUU 11112). The letter written to W. H. Reams a similar mystifying manner some fourteen years ago, is regarded as not of Winter was to the effect that Basham would arrive at that aiiuftciuri in; in ouaoie, in tact is giv- en credance among a number of lo-j place on the following Wednesday to cal friends and acquaintances of th transact some business with a Mr. missing man.

Having marked peculiarities and being an extraordinary quietand secretive man Basham has always been somewhat of a riddle to his neighbors and to the people with whom Robertson and that after he had finished the business he would make a short fishing trip out of Winter Garden. These three letters were written on Saturday night. August 20, in the ne nas come in contact. He has taik i Sanford House at Sanford. Aft.

ed little of his public or personal af-i finishing the letters Basham hand- fairs and is alleged to have prosper-led them to the night clerk to mail for ed. him. Basham also paid up his hotel According to the statement of one! bill at this same time and left the 2 ACRES ON AVENUE EXTENSION WEST OF BISCAYNE AVENUE AND NEAR THE RAILWAY RIGHT OF WAY, FINE FOR SUBDIVISION. PRICE $1,000. 11 ACRES ON BLUFF OVERLOOKING BISCAYNE BAY WITH RIPARIAN RIGHTS CAN BE MADE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL HOME PLACE ON THE BAY.

DEEP WATER IN FRONT. TRACT RUNS FROM ROCK ROAD TO BAY SHORE. MANY LARGE OAKS AND OTHER TREES ON THE LAND. PRICE $4,000 well informed and one actively in-1 house saying he would be back on the terested in the present case, history following Tuesday. The letters were nas repeated itself with Basham.

mailed by the clerk and it is known Basham has been married several! that Basham was at the station in Sanford. with his luggage, that nigbt. times and it is stated that about four teen years ago he left home mysteriously leaving his wife and a young baby, that he remained away for Anu it is believed that Basham left Sanford that night on the southbound train. 520 ACRES GOOD PRAIRIE LAND WITHIN 3 MILES OF A STATION $15.00 PER some time and "turned up" all right. In other words, Basham told bis ACRE.

Circumstances surrounding Bash-1 wife that he would remain In Sanford am's present disappearance" are said over night and take the launch trip to be exactly similar to those under on the next day; told his nephew which he left his home fourteen that he was in Sanford and would be years ago and it is confidently believ-1 in Winter Garden on the following ed by some that Basham is off on an I Wednesday; gave the hotel clerk to If you are looking for Seeds That Crow True to Name They can be hadjfrorn I. N. Simon Son PHILADELPHIA, PA. Some of our specialties are Tomatoes, Egg Plants, Pappers, Beets, Cauliflowers, Cafibage Cucumbers, Musk Melons Send a postal tr descriptive catalogue exienaea trip to visit relatives, that understand that he was going to he has purposely cast off home and I leave town and would be back on the 640 ACRES OF GOOD TIMBER LAND CLOSE TO A MILL AT $15.00 PER ACRE. THIS LAND IS A BED SOIL AND WILL MAKE IDEAL FRUIT LAND.

EVERGLADE LAND AT $1.00 PER ACRE PER MONTH UNTIL PAID FOR. RICHARDSON-KELLETT CO. MIAMI, FLORIDA Business ties for the time to en joy following Tuesday, and himself untrammeled with reminders after writing all this, went to the I of little cares and worries at. home (depot and took a train for the West! and that he will return safe and Coast. sound to take up his local life where) The wife did not necessarily ex-1 it was broken ofT.

pect to hear from Basham for a week, Provided For Family. the nephew did not expect to hear I Despite the fact that Basham left from hl'm or see him for four da-vs his wife enough money to conduct the from tne day the was household for a week it is known lthe llerk at tIle Sanford House did that before he left home he visited 1 not kllow where Basllara was going! the grocery and market patronized and had no reason to expect to see by the family and left orders that asna" ror free days, his wife should have unlimited credii Basham wrote three let- ters to his relatives outlining his plans and then turned about within a few minutes and acted in a directly contradictory way. tor whatever supplies she needed. It is taken that Basham did this intend ins to remain away longer than he had announced and to insure his fam ily against embarrassment during his And Uasham gave himself at least absence at the same time keei.imr sec- as wway miring wnicn time STORY OF i AUTO RIDE FROM NEW YORK TO KEY WEST IN WINTER ret his intentions. I no ont culd expect to see or hear It is also known that Basham equip I from hin? ped IMmself with enough money to thls taken as leading to last him througli an extended trip theory that Basham is but "play-Bofoie Basham left home he took I and that he will be back.

soni siiu from. an vhinh I le3pite all of this there are many the roads, and go through woods and', prairies, where the dried palmetto leaves were higher than the tonneau. "For stretches of twenty-five miles not even a hut was to be seen. The worst stretches of the trip were from Jacksonville to St. Augustine, a Jour ney of 37 4 miles, for a long distance over heavy sand and slippery palmetto leaves.and from Fort Pierce to Palm Beach, a distance of 67.8 miles, where the deepest and longest stretches of sand of the entire trip were found.

"The most delightful part of the keeps in his residence and packed ho s.Uli aunfre to the theory that Auto touring in the South is gain- I iug every winter. Therefore the money in a Delt wtiich he wore about his waist. After this he drew an(1 $475 in bills of large denomination th I'11" thepuzzle is did from the Iniou Savings bank, his Basllam ave Sanford on the night balance in that (not it i August ana wnai airecuon aio following is interesting just now: A well known local physician and his wife winter made a tour from this city to Key West, and return, made in their National car, driven by C. S. Tate.

he take? stated. If this be true Basham left Jackflnn ville nith npnrlv tl I Tuscarora Fertilizers Before making any purchase of fertilizers, have a talk with oursales-agente J. J. Holly Son, Miami, fla. We have the finest line of fruit and vegetable fertilizers in Florida, and are prepared to furnish any formula you may want Tcscarora Fertilizer Company.

JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. his nerson. The physician believes that in the 10 io" ii mat Bill 1 iiv ur- 1 .4 touring in the south iore nis departure uasham closed a place the car sank three feet in the water, requiring the aid of a team of horses in hauling it out. While the water reached over the bonnet of the car, it caused us only a half hour's delay "To escape roads that resembled rivers a detour to Winston-Salem, N. C.

was made that brought us over roads that seemed The Rocky Road to Dublin. Then parts of the route of last year's New York-to-Atlanta tour were taken, leading over more deep roads with dangerous ruts fifteen to forty inches deep, and through fields and numerous fords, where bridges had been washed away. "From Columbia. S. C.

to Thomas-Tille, deep sand and clay roads were encountered. The run from mobilists. but before it does, he says. A deal on property which he owned on the southwest corner of Florida 1 Avenue and Ashley streets for a eon-1 you sidoration of $7,500. accented S3.000 uurs a curious empire going was from Ormond to Rock-ledge.

Here the beautiful Halifax river and Indian river are followed and for the first twenty-eight miles after Ormond was left behind the route was over a fine shell road. The. last 69.8 miles from Palm Beach to Miami was over the best stretches or hard road met in Florida. "There are no less than twenty-eight fords along the route from Fort Pierce to Palm Beach. It is better to drive through the middle of there, for while the bottom is slippery it is hard.

By driving to the ititMc: 13 intuit irau 1111 1 v. ciihtih. iu be made. The route he took led over a series of obstacles and hard going after leaving Washington that few-motorists would care to risk, not alone because of themselves, but out of regard for the car. When asked what to him was the most pleasant part of the trip he in cash and a mortgage for the remainder.

What became of this money is not known but it is not believed 'hat Basham w'd have carried the whele sum away. II is thought probable that he left the city with some-; thing over $1,000 in cash. can live here under a limited monarchy, or you can go to the Cocoa Islands and have yourself under a benevolent despotism there a Ross succeeds a Ross.) or you can go to Norfolk island in the Pacific and enjoy life as a British republican, Norfolk island is nominally a crown Savannah to Brunswick, offered fair going with the exception of some "Well, it ottered too many natures 7TT colony, but its inhabitants mostly for me to mention- But 1 may say stretches of deep mire. Twelve miles Before leaving home Basham gave his daughter a small check on the Atlantic National bank, practically the last of Irs deposits with that in- descendants of the mutineers of the foremost was to ride in a car that Bounty, rule themselves pretty much; never falters. Not once on the side the car is apt to sink into the mire.

This was the case that befell John C. Wetmove, W. .1. Morgan and William H. Harrison throe years ago.

They could not release the car, and were compelled to camp over night, aa they were many miles from a community where assistance could be obtained. I found their names rut south of Savannah the car sank to the hubs iu mire, requiring a team of oxen to get it out. From Brunswick to Jacksonville the roads were chiefly sand and more mire. "The expectations of the tourists Subscribe For Daily Metropolis stitntion. That Basham is wealthy 'n primitive patriarchal fashion.

journey did the car give any kind of is not known; that he is well off is i I-ondon Chronicle. mechanical trouble, and that is go- generally believed. Whatever mon- ing some. eys or securities the missing man has 1 OLD RAGS wantid at the Metrop-I "From Jacksonville to Miami, a in Jacksonville following the with- olis Office. were hei htttitf hofnrc the utart near Jupiter.

through Florida by the stories told of the Dark of tre where they spent the night. 4 -c distance of more than 370 miles, I put up direction signs. Few auto-mobilists have driven over this entire stretch, and this is no wondar after one has made the journey." Speaking of the roads, he said: "The going from Staunton Hot Springs, over the Hot Springs mountains, was for much of the way through deep puddles of water and over soft clay reads. Oil cloth was perils of the trip, the numerous snakes and polecats and hair-raising hazards. "While the route led over a course that offered almost every variety of obstacle, it nevertheless provided some stretches that average autonio-bilists would appreciate.

The car had "Going through the deep sand we averaged from fifteen to eighteen moles an hour on first speed and not once did the engine heat up. "We followed practically the same course on the homeward trip. C. Poertner, in New York Globe. to travel over miles and miles of deep sand, througli swamps and fords.

put about the engine for a protection sale at tbe Me- OLD PAPERS ror tropllis office. I from the splashing water. In one dangerous hidden stumps In Do You Realize the importance of impressive stationery in building your business? A well designed letter head conveys an atmosphere of dignity and prosperity commands the respect of men attracts their business to YOU. A i We Do All kinds of printing, andat prices that are consistent with good work. If you need letter heads, note heads, bill heads, booklets, cards, envelopes, be sure to consult us before placing jour order.


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